Programs On Popular Programming Languages


jGRASP is a lightweight development environment, created specifically to provide automatic generation of software visualizations to improve the comprehensibility of software...


A Read-Eval-Print Loop (REPL) is the most common model for an interactive interpreter - it Reads input, Evaluates it, Prints it, and Loops back to the beginning...


The Accelerate.framework is a set of high-performance numerical libraries provided by Apple for iOS and OS X. It provides APIs for signal and image processing, linear algebra, and mathematical operations on vector data...


A parser combinator library for F#...


A tool used to create a quick graphical representation of a finished User Interface without the need to write any code. This tool will commonly have a drag and drop interface allowing a user to arrange UI elements easily...


An event to run scripts, macros or other actions before compilation...


The c# as operator is used to convert between compatible reference or nullable types. It is similar to a cast operation, except that it will set the result of the conversion to null for a failed conversion, rather than throwing an exception...


Version 4 of the Mozilla Firefox browser. Released on March 22, 2011. This version was supported until June 21, 2011...


An Android base class with code to manage the boring necessities of any activity that displays a MapView...


AVMutableComposition is a mutable subclass of AVComposition you use when you want to create a new composition from existing assets. You can add and remove tracks, and you can add, remove, and scale time ranges...


QueryOver is a strongly-typed fluent-like wrapper on top of NHibernate ICritieria, a database-agnostic query API that supports query composition...


Version 6 of the JBoss Application Server..


WebSphere MQ Advanced Message Security extends WebSphere MQ to provide end-to-end message signing and encryption, including encryption of messages at rest...


The WriteableBitmapEx library is a collection of extension methods for the WriteableBitmap. The WriteableBitmap class is available for Windows Phone, WPF, WinRT Metro Style XAML and Silverlight and allows the direct manipulation of a bitmap and could be used to generate fast procedural images by drawing directly to a bitmap...


The Hijiri calendar, also known as the Islamic or Muslim calendar, is a lunar calendar consisting of 354 (or 355) days divided among 12 months...


erlide is an Erlang IDE based on Eclipse...


The greatest common divisor (GCD) of two or more non-zero integers, is the largest positive integer that divides the numbers without a remainder...


Internet Explorer 5 (IE5) is a web browser released on March 18, 1999 by Microsoft. It was included in Windows 98 Second Edition. It was available for Windows and Mac OS...


Collection library for Scala Programming Language..


BCDEdit is a command-line tool for managing BCD stores. It can be used for a variety of purposes, including creating new stores, modifying existing stores, adding boot menu options, and so on...


Three.js is a lightweight cross-browser JavaScript library/API used to create and display animated 3D computer graphics on a Web browser. Three.js scripts may be used in conjunction with the HTML5 canvas element, SVG or WebGL...


Spring Social is an extension of the Spring Framework that enables applications to connect with Software-as-a-Service providers such as Twitter, Facebook and other OAuth authentication based APIs. Spring Social provides a ready to use OAuth authentication framework for web based applications...


CSS Friendly is a tool kit for ASP.Net that allows to modify the way that our server ASP.NET controls are shown on the browser...


django-unittest tag refers to writing unit tests in Django, tests that are expressed as methods on a Python class that subclasses unittest.TestCase or Django's customized TestCase...


Java unit tests with mocks (JMock or EasyMock) and dependency injection (Spring or Guice)..


LambdaJ is a library to manipulate a collections without any iterations...


MooTools More is the official plugin repository of the MooTools JavaScript Library. These plugins extend and build upon the MooTools Core...


Business Logic Toolkit for .NET...


PyroCMS is a lightweight, themeable open-source CMS built on top of the PHP framework Laravel, praised for its simplicity...


nm is GNU tool that list symbols from object files..


xsltc is short for the compiled working mode of (at least) the xalan xslt processor..


Modelling language for multi-domain physical and control systems...


A reference to the annual JavaScript online contest held at that consists of building a js app/game that's at most 1kb in size...


Another Map to Google Map and only used in Blackberry Device..


The structural similarity (SSIM) index is a method for measuring the similarity between two images (


The QMenuBar class, part of the Qt framework, provides a horizontal menu bar...


There are two versions of the libusb API: the current libusb-1.0 API, and its legacy predecessor libusb-0.1. libusb-1.0 is an almost-rewrite of the previous stable branch, libusb-0.1. It is a lightweight library that can be efficiently integrated into applications of any kind, with several new features. libusb-1.0 development is being lead by **Peter Stuge**. Contributions encouraged!..


Translation from one human language to another in coding that ultimately determines the language viewed and used by the user...


For issues relating to deployment using Windows Installer XML, version 3.6...


Automata theory studies classes of algorithms which can be defined using abstract machines (automata). Classes of automata differ in terms of restrictions to which they are subjected; for the most common classes, the primary difference concerns memory and how transitions between states may access it. More powerful classes can define more powerful algorithms; according to the Church-Turing thesis, no real machine is more powerful than Turing Machines...


Chirpy is a Visual Studio plug-in that can mash, minify, and validate JavaScript code, CSS, LESS files, and more. Chirpy can also auto-update T4MVC and other T4 templates...


Prism, formerly known as "Composite Application Guidance", provides guidance designed to help you more easily design and build rich, flexible, and easy-to-maintain Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) desktop applications, Silverlight Rich Internet Applications (RIAs), and Windows Phone 7 applications. Prism is currently at version 4 which was released on November 2010... is a file which holds references to project resources. It is automatically generated by the Android Development Toolkit during project compilation...


Adobe Source Libraries (ASL) are a set of libraries developed by Adobe initially for their own use in the applications they publish and which they made open source...


Google Apps Marketplace contains enterprise applications that can be added to a Google Apps domain...


CMS Made Simple is a Content Management System for small to mid sized websites...


This Haskell package contains the generics system described in the Scrap Your Boilerplate papers (see It defines the Data class of types permitting folding and unfolding of constructor applications, instances of this class for primitive types, and a variety of traversals...


Netduino is an open-source electronics platform using the .NET Micro Framework...

