Programs & Examples On #Computation

Computation is paramount to the discipline of computer science, and deals with the type and use of computing technology in information processing, in particular, in the context of an algorithm, or a protocol.

Tensorflow import error: No module named 'tensorflow'

for python 3.8 version go for anaconda navigator then go for environments --> then go for base(root)----> not installed from drop box--->then search for tensorflow then install it then run the program.......hope it may helpful

Why is "npm install" really slow?

I see from your screenshot that you are using WSL on Windows. And, with Windows, comes virus scanners, and virus scanning can make NPM install very slow!

Adding an exemption or disabling virus scanning during install can greatly speed it up, but potentially this is undesirable given the possibility of malicious NPM packages

One link suggests triple install time

I have not profiled extensively myself though

How to compile Tensorflow with SSE4.2 and AVX instructions?

I compiled a small Bash script for Mac (easily can be ported to Linux) to retrieve all CPU features and apply some of them to build TF. Im on TF master and use kinda often (couple times in a month).

Pandas - 'Series' object has no attribute 'colNames' when using apply()

When you use df.apply(), each row of your DataFrame will be passed to your lambda function as a pandas Series. The frame's columns will then be the index of the series and you can access values using series[label].

So this should work:

df['D'] = (df.apply(lambda x: myfunc(x[colNames[0]], x[colNames[1]]), axis=1)) 

PySpark 2.0 The size or shape of a DataFrame

Use df.count() to get the number of rows.

Importing Pandas gives error AttributeError: module 'pandas' has no attribute 'core' in iPython Notebook

Apparently the error I got when trying to import pandas for the first time was ValueError: unknown locale: UTF-8

Trying to import again afterwards, gave another error as described in my question above.

I found the solution to solve the ValueError on IPython Notebook locale error

After updating my bash profile, the error AttributeError: module 'pandas' has no attribute 'core' did not appear anymore.

How to prevent tensorflow from allocating the totality of a GPU memory?

config = tf.ConfigProto()
sess = tf.Session(config=config)

In Swift how to call method with parameters on GCD main thread?

Reload collectionView on Main Thread

DispatchQueue.main.async {

Using Java with Nvidia GPUs (CUDA)

I'd start by using one of the projects out there for Java and CUDA:

Exponentiation in Python - should I prefer ** operator instead of math.pow and math.sqrt?

Even in base Python you can do the computation in generic form

result = sum(x**2 for x in some_vector) ** 0.5

x ** 2 is surely not an hack and the computation performed is the same (I checked with cpython source code). I actually find it more readable (and readability counts).

Using instead x ** 0.5 to take the square root doesn't do the exact same computations as math.sqrt as the former (probably) is computed using logarithms and the latter (probably) using the specific numeric instruction of the math processor.

I often use x ** 0.5 simply because I don't want to add math just for that. I'd expect however a specific instruction for the square root to work better (more accurately) than a multi-step operation with logarithms.

Undefined Symbols for architecture x86_64: Compiling problems

There's no mystery here, the linker is telling you that you haven't defined the missing symbols, and you haven't.

Similarity::Similarity() or Similarity::~Similarity() are just missing and you have defined the others incorrectly,

void Similarity::readData(Scanner& inStream){


void readData(Scanner& inStream){

etc. etc.

The second one is a function called readData, only the first is the readData method of the Similarity class.

To be clear about this, in Similarity.h

void readData(Scanner& inStream);

but in Similarity.cpp

void Similarity::readData(Scanner& inStream){

Ways to iterate over a list in Java

Right, many alternatives are listed. The easiest and cleanest would be just using the enhanced for statement as below. The Expression is of some type that is iterable.

for ( FormalParameter : Expression ) Statement

For example, to iterate through, List<String> ids, we can simply so,

for (String str : ids) {
    // Do something

Converting Milliseconds to Minutes and Seconds?


Duration d = Duration.ofMillis( … ) ;
int minutes = d.toMinutesPart() ;
int seconds = d.toSecondsPart() ;

Java 9 and later

In Java 9 and later, create a Duration and call the to…Part methods. In this case: toMinutesPart and toSecondsPart.

Capture the start & stop of your stopwatch.

Instant start =; 
Instant stop =;

Represent elapsed time in a Duration object.

Duration d = Duration.between( start , stop );

Interrogate for each part, the minutes and the seconds.

int minutes = d.toMinutesPart();
int seconds = d.toSecondsPart();

You might also want to see if your stopwatch ran expectedly long.

Boolean ranTooLong = ( d.toDaysPart() > 0 ) || ( d.toHoursPart() > 0 ) ;

Java 8

In Java 8, the Duration class lacks to…Part methods. You will need to do math as shown in the other Answers.

long entireDurationAsSeconds = d.getSeconds();

Or let Duration do the math.

long minutesPart = d.toMinutes(); 
long secondsPart = d.minusMinutes( minutesPart ).getSeconds() ;

See live code in

Interval: 2016-12-18T08:39:34.099Z/2016-12-18T08:41:49.099Z

d.toString(): PT2M15S

d.getSeconds(): 135

Elapsed: 2M 15S


FYI, the resolution of now methods changed between Java 8 and Java 9. See this Question.

  • Java 9 captures the moment with a resolution as fine as nanoseconds. Resolution depends on capability of your computer’s hardware. I see microseconds (six digits of decimal fraction) on MacBook Pro Retina with macOS Sierra.
  • Java 8 captures the moment only up to milliseconds. The implementation of Clock is limited to a resolution of milliseconds. So you can store values in nanoseconds but only capture them in milliseconds.

About java.time

The java.time framework is built into Java 8 and later. These classes supplant the troublesome old legacy date-time classes such as java.util.Date, Calendar, & SimpleDateFormat.

To learn more, see the Oracle Tutorial. And search Stack Overflow for many examples and explanations. Specification is JSR 310.

The Joda-Time project, now in maintenance mode, advises migration to the java.time classes.

You may exchange java.time objects directly with your database. Use a JDBC driver compliant with JDBC 4.2 or later. No need for strings, no need for java.sql.* classes.

Where to obtain the java.time classes?

Table of which java.time library to use with which version of Java or Android

What is "Signal 15 received"

This indicates the linux has delivered a SIGTERM to your process. This is usually at the request of some other process (via kill()) but could also be sent by your process to itself (using raise()). This signal requests an orderly shutdown of your process.

If you need a quick cheatsheet of signal numbers, open a bash shell and:

$ kill -l
63) SIGRTMAX-1  64) SIGRTMAX    

You can determine the sender by using an appropriate signal handler like:

#include <signal.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void sigterm_handler(int signal, siginfo_t *info, void *_unused)
  fprintf(stderr, "Received SIGTERM from process with pid = %u\n",

int main (void)
  struct sigaction action = {
    .sa_handler = NULL,
    .sa_sigaction = sigterm_handler,
    .sa_mask = 0,
    .sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO,
    .sa_restorer = NULL

  sigaction(SIGTERM, &action, NULL);

  return 0;

Notice that the signal handler also includes a call to exit(). It's also possible for your program to continue to execute by ignoring the signal, but this isn't recommended in general (if it's a user doing it there's a good chance it will be followed by a SIGKILL if your process doesn't exit, and you lost your opportunity to do any cleanup then).

Auto-fit TextView for Android

Warning, bug in Android 3 (Honeycomb) and Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich)

Androids versions: 3.1 - 4.04 have a bug, that setTextSize() inside of TextView works only for the first time (first invocation).

The bug is described in Issue 22493: TextView height bug in Android 4.0 and Issue 17343: button's height and text does not return to its original state after increase and decrease the text size on HoneyComb.

The workaround is to add a newline character to text assigned to TextView before changing size:

final String DOUBLE_BYTE_SPACE = "\u3000";

I use it in my code as follow:

final String DOUBLE_BYTE_SPACE = "\u3000";
AutoResizeTextView textView = (AutoResizeTextView) view.findViewById(;
String fixString = "";
if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB_MR1
   && android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT <= android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH_MR1) {  
    fixString = DOUBLE_BYTE_SPACE;
textView.setText(fixString + "The text" + fixString);

I add this "\u3000" character on left and right of my text, to keep it centered. If you have it aligned to left then append to the right only. Of course it can be also embedded with AutoResizeTextView widget, but I wanted to keep fix code outside.

Combining node.js and Python

If you arrange to have your Python worker in a separate process (either long-running server-type process or a spawned child on demand), your communication with it will be asynchronous on the node.js side. UNIX/TCP sockets and stdin/out/err communication are inherently async in node.

Breaking up long strings on multiple lines in Ruby without stripping newlines

I had this problem when I try to write a very long url, the following works.

image_url = %w(

Note, there must not be any newlines, white spaces when the url string is formed. If you want newlines, then use HEREDOC.

Here you have indentation for readability, ease of modification, without the fiddly quotes and backslashes on every line. The cost of joining the strings should be negligible.

How to use the switch statement in R functions?

I hope this example helps. You ca use the curly braces to make sure you've got everything enclosed in the switcher changer guy (sorry don't know the technical term but the term that precedes the = sign that changes what happens). I think of switch as a more controlled bunch of if () {} else {} statements.

Each time the switch function is the same but the command we supply changes.

do.this <- "T1"

    T1={X <- t(mtcars)
    T2={X <- colMeans(mtcars)
        outer(X, X)
    stop("Enter something that switches me!")
do.this <- "T2"

    T1={X <- t(mtcars)
    T2={X <- colMeans(mtcars)
        outer(X, X)
    stop("Enter something that switches me!")
do.this <- "T3"

    T1={X <- t(mtcars)
    T2={X <- colMeans(mtcars)
        outer(X, X)
    stop("Enter something that switches me!")

Here it is inside a function:

FUN <- function(df, do.this){
        T1={X <- t(df)
            P <- colSums(df)%*%X
        T2={X <- colMeans(df)
            P <- outer(X, X)
        stop("Enter something that switches me!")

FUN(mtcars, "T1")
FUN(mtcars, "T2")
FUN(mtcars, "T3")

What is the best way to get the count/length/size of an iterator?

Using Guava library, another option is to convert the Iterable to a List.

List list = Lists.newArrayList(some_iterator);
int count = list.size();

Use this if you need also to access the elements of the iterator after getting its size. By using Iterators.size() you no longer can access the iterated elements.

How to see data from .RData file?

Look at the help page for load. What load returns is the names of the objects created, so you can look at the contents of isfar to see what objects were created. The fact that nothing else is showing up with ls() would indicate that maybe there was nothing stored in your file.

Also note that load will overwrite anything in your global environment that has the same name as something in the file being loaded when used with default behavior. If you mainly want to examine what is in the file, and possibly use something from that file along with other objects in your global environment then it may be better to use the attach function or create a new environment (new.env) and load the file into that environment using the envir argument to load.

Is unsigned integer subtraction defined behavior?

Well, the first interpretation is correct. However, your reasoning about the "signed semantics" in this context is wrong.

Again, your first interpretation is correct. Unsigned arithmetic follow the rules of modulo arithmetic, meaning that 0x0000 - 0x0001 evaluates to 0xFFFF for 32-bit unsigned types.

However, the second interpretation (the one based on "signed semantics") is also required to produce the same result. I.e. even if you evaluate 0 - 1 in the domain of signed type and obtain -1 as the intermediate result, this -1 is still required to produce 0xFFFF when later it gets converted to unsigned type. Even if some platform uses an exotic representation for signed integers (1's complement, signed magnitude), this platform is still required to apply rules of modulo arithmetic when converting signed integer values to unsigned ones.

For example, this evaluation

signed int a = 0, b = 1;
unsigned int c = a - b;

is still guaranteed to produce UINT_MAX in c, even if the platform is using an exotic representation for signed integers.

Convert varchar to float IF ISNUMERIC

You can't cast to float and keep the string in the same column. You can do like this to get null when isnumeric returns 0.


FFmpeg: How to split video efficiently?

Here is a perfect way to split the video. I have done it previously, and it's working well for me.

ffmpeg -i C:\xampp\htdocs\videoCutting\movie.mp4 -ss 00:00:00 -t 00:00:05 -async 1 C:\xampp\htdocs\videoCutting\SampleVideoNew.mp4 (For cmd). shell_exec('ffmpeg -i C:\xampp\htdocs\videoCutting\movie.mp4 -ss 00:00:00 -t 00:00:05 -async 1 C:\xampp\htdocs\videoCutting\SampleVideoNew.mp4') (for php).

Please follow this and I am sure it will work perfectly.

How to make inline functions in C#

You can use Func which encapsulates a method that has one parameter and returns a value of the type specified by the TResult parameter.

void Method()
    Func<string,string> inlineFunction = source => 
        // add your functionality here
        return source ;

    // call the inline function

In-place type conversion of a NumPy array

import numpy as np
arr_float = np.arange(10, dtype=np.float32)
arr_int = arr_float.view(np.float32)

use view() and parameter 'dtype' to change the array in place.

ExecutorService, how to wait for all tasks to finish

If you want to wait for all tasks to complete, use the shutdown method instead of wait. Then follow it with awaitTermination.

Also, you can use Runtime.availableProcessors to get the number of hardware threads so you can initialize your threadpool properly.

Asynchronous method call in Python?

Something like:

import threading

thr = threading.Thread(target=foo, args=(), kwargs={})
thr.start() # Will run "foo"
thr.is_alive() # Will return whether foo is running currently
thr.join() # Will wait till "foo" is done

See the documentation at for more details.

decimal vs double! - Which one should I use and when?

My question is when should a use a double and when should I use a decimal type?

decimal for when you work with values in the range of 10^(+/-28) and where you have expectations about the behaviour based on base 10 representations - basically money.

double for when you need relative accuracy (i.e. losing precision in the trailing digits on large values is not a problem) across wildly different magnitudes - double covers more than 10^(+/-300). Scientific calculations are the best example here.

which type is suitable for money computations?

decimal, decimal, decimal

Accept no substitutes.

The most important factor is that double, being implemented as a binary fraction, cannot accurately represent many decimal fractions (like 0.1) at all and its overall number of digits is smaller since it is 64-bit wide vs. 128-bit for decimal. Finally, financial applications often have to follow specific rounding modes (sometimes mandated by law). decimal supports these; double does not.

Getting list of pixel values from PIL

As I commented above, problem seems to be the conversion from PIL internal list format to a standard python list type. I've found that Image.tostring() is much faster, and depending on your needs it might be enough. In my case, I needed to calculate the CRC32 digest of image data, and it suited fine.

If you need to perform more complex calculations, tom10 response involving numpy might be what you need.

Viewing all defined variables

To get the names:

for name in vars().keys():

To get the values:

for value in vars().values():

vars() also takes an optional argument to find out which vars are defined within an object itself.

Performance of Java matrix math libraries?

We have used COLT for some pretty large serious financial calculations and have been very happy with it. In our heavily profiled code we have almost never had to replace a COLT implementation with one of our own.

In their own testing (obviously not independent) I think they claim within a factor of 2 of the Intel hand-optimised assembler routines. The trick to using it well is making sure that you understand their design philosophy, and avoid extraneous object allocation.

Is there a way to detach matplotlib plots so that the computation can continue?

While not directly answering OPs request, Im posting this workaround since it may help somebody in this situation:

  • Im creating an .exe with pyinstaller since I cannot install python where I need to generate the plots, so I need the python script to generate the plot, save it as .png, close it and continue with the next, implemented as several plots in a loop or using a function.

for this Im using:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#code generating the plot in a loop or function
#saving the plot
plt.savefig(var+'_plot.png',bbox_inches='tight', dpi=250) 
#you can allways reopen the plot using
os.system(var+'_plot.png') # unfortunately .png allows no interaction.
#the following avoids plot blocking the execution while in non-interactive mode 
#and the following closes the plot while next iteration will generate new instance.

Where "var" identifies the plot in the loop so it wont be overwritten.

Computational complexity of Fibonacci Sequence

There's a very nice discussion of this specific problem over at MIT. On page 5, they make the point that, if you assume that an addition takes one computational unit, the time required to compute Fib(N) is very closely related to the result of Fib(N).

As a result, you can skip directly to the very close approximation of the Fibonacci series:

Fib(N) = (1/sqrt(5)) * 1.618^(N+1) (approximately)

and say, therefore, that the worst case performance of the naive algorithm is

O((1/sqrt(5)) * 1.618^(N+1)) = O(1.618^(N+1))

PS: There is a discussion of the closed form expression of the Nth Fibonacci number over at Wikipedia if you'd like more information.

gcc error: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64

It looks like the object file was compiled on a 64-bit toolchain, and you're using a 32-bit toolchain. Have you tried recompiling the object file in 32-bit mode?

Protecting cells in Excel but allow these to be modified by VBA script

Try using

Worksheet.Protect "Password", UserInterfaceOnly := True

If the UserInterfaceOnly parameter is set to true, VBA code can modify protected cells.

How to detect when WIFI Connection has been established in Android?

For all those who enjoying CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE broadcast, please note this is no more fired when app is in background in Android O.

How to read numbers separated by space using scanf

scanf uses any whitespace as a delimiter, so if you just say scanf("%d", &var) it will skip any whitespace and then read an integer (digits up to the next non-digit) and nothing more.

Note that whitespace is any whitespace -- spaces, tabs, newlines, or carriage returns. Any of those are whitespace and any one or more of them will serve to delimit successive integers.

Generate 'n' unique random numbers within a range

Generate the range of data first and then shuffle it like this

import random
data = range(numLow, numHigh)
print data

By doing this way, you will get all the numbers in the particular range but in a random order.

But you can use random.sample to get the number of elements you need, from a range of numbers like this

print random.sample(range(numLow, numHigh), 3)

Can I get all methods of a class?

package tPoint;

import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;

import org.w3c.dom.Document;

public class ReadClasses {

public static void main(String[] args) {

    try {
        Class c = Class.forName("tPoint" + ".Sample");
        Object obj = c.newInstance();
        Document doc = 
                .parse(new File("src/datasource.xml"));

        Method[] m = c.getDeclaredMethods();

        for (Method e : m) {
            String mName = e.getName();
            if (mName.startsWith("set")) {
                e.invoke(obj, new 
    } catch (Exception e) {


Can the "IN" operator use LIKE-wildcards (%) in Oracle?

Somewhat convoluted, but:

Select * from myTable m
FROM   (TABLE(Sys.Dbms_Debug_Vc2coll('Done', 'Finished except', 'In Progress'))) a
JOIN (Select '%' COLUMN_VALUE from dual) b on 1=1) params
on params.status like m.status;

This was a solution for a very unique problem, but it might help someone. Essentially there is no "in like" statement and there was no way to get an index for the first variable_n characters of the column, so I made this to make a fast dynamic "in like" for use in SSRS.

The list content ('Done', 'Finished except', 'In Progress') can be variable.

Remove last commit from remote git repository

Be careful that this will create an "alternate reality" for people who have already fetch/pulled/cloned from the remote repository. But in fact, it's quite simple:

git reset HEAD^ # remove commit locally
git push origin +HEAD # force-push the new HEAD commit

If you want to still have it in your local repository and only remove it from the remote, then you can use:

git push origin +HEAD^:<name of your branch, most likely 'master'>

What are the Ruby modes and options?

opt is new for ruby 1.9. The various options are documented in :

Setting HttpContext.Current.Session in a unit test

Try this:

        // MockHttpSession Setup
        var session = new MockHttpSession();

        // MockHttpRequest Setup - mock AJAX request
        var httpRequest = new Mock<HttpRequestBase>();

        // Setup this part of the HTTP request for AJAX calls
        httpRequest.Setup(req => req["X-Requested-With"]).Returns("XMLHttpRequest");

        // MockHttpContextBase Setup - mock request, cache, and session
        var httpContext = new Mock<HttpContextBase>();
        httpContext.Setup(ctx => ctx.Request).Returns(httpRequest.Object);
        httpContext.Setup(ctx => ctx.Cache).Returns(HttpRuntime.Cache);
        httpContext.Setup(ctx => ctx.Session).Returns(session);

        // MockHttpContext for cache
        var contextRequest = new HttpRequest("", "http://localhost/", "");
        var contextResponse = new HttpResponse(new StringWriter());
        HttpContext.Current = new HttpContext(contextRequest, contextResponse);

        // MockControllerContext Setup
        var context = new Mock<ControllerContext>();
        context.Setup(ctx => ctx.HttpContext).Returns(httpContext.Object);

        //TODO: Create new controller here
        //      Set controller's ControllerContext to context.Object

And Add the class:

public class MockHttpSession : HttpSessionStateBase
    Dictionary<string, object> _sessionDictionary = new Dictionary<string, object>();
    public override object this[string name]
            return _sessionDictionary.ContainsKey(name) ? _sessionDictionary[name] : null;
            _sessionDictionary[name] = value;

    public override void Abandon()
        var keys = new List<string>();

        foreach (var kvp in _sessionDictionary)

        foreach (var key in keys)

    public override void Clear()
        var keys = new List<string>();

        foreach (var kvp in _sessionDictionary)

        foreach(var key in keys)

This will allow you to test with both session and cache.

Name [jdbc/mydb] is not bound in this Context

For those who use Tomcat with Bitronix, this will fix the problem:

The error indicates that no handler could be found for your datasource 'jdbc/mydb', so you'll need to make sure your tomcat server refers to your bitronix configuration files as needed.

In case you're using and files to configure the datasource, specify these two JVM arguments in tomcat:

(if you already used them, make sure your references are correct):

  • btm.root


-Dbtm.root="C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 7.0.59""C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 7.0.59\conf\" 

Now, restart your server and check the log.

How to compare dates in datetime fields in Postgresql?

Use Date convert to compare with date: Try This:

select * from table 
where TO_DATE(to_char(timespanColumn,'YYYY-MM-DD'),'YYYY-MM-DD') = to_timestamp('2018-03-26', 'YYYY-MM-DD')

Excel Looping through rows and copy cell values to another worksheet

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() 

Dim Z As Long 
Dim Cellidx As Range 
Dim NextRow As Long 
Dim Rng As Range 
Dim SrcWks As Worksheet 
Dim DataWks As Worksheet 
Z = 1 
Set SrcWks = Worksheets("Sheet1") 
Set DataWks = Worksheets("Sheet2") 
Set Rng = EntryWks.Range("B6:ad6") 

NextRow = DataWks.UsedRange.Rows.Count 
NextRow = IIf(NextRow = 1, 1, NextRow + 1) 

For Each RA In Rng.Areas 
    For Each Cellidx In RA 
        Z = Z + 1 
        DataWks.Cells(NextRow, Z) = Cellidx 
    Next Cellidx 
Next RA 
End Sub


Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("P2").Value = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("L10") 

This is a CopynPaste - Method

Sub CopyDataToPlan()

Dim LDate As String
Dim LColumn As Integer
Dim LFound As Boolean

On Error GoTo Err_Execute

'Retrieve date value to search for
LDate = Sheets("Rolling Plan").Range("B4").Value


'Start at column B
LColumn = 2
LFound = False

While LFound = False

  'Encountered blank cell in row 2, terminate search
  If Len(Cells(2, LColumn)) = 0 Then
     MsgBox "No matching date was found."
     Exit Sub

  'Found match in row 2
  ElseIf Cells(2, LColumn) = LDate Then

     'Select values to copy from "Rolling Plan" sheet
     Sheets("Rolling Plan").Select

     'Paste onto "Plan" sheet
     Cells(3, LColumn).Select
     Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:= _
     False, Transpose:=False

     LFound = True
     MsgBox "The data has been successfully copied."

     'Continue searching
         LColumn = LColumn + 1
      End If


   Exit Sub

  MsgBox "An error occurred."

End Sub

And there might be some methods doing that in Excel.

How to use the switch statement in R functions?

This is a more general answer to the missing "Select cond1, stmt1, ... else stmtelse" connstruction in R. It's a bit gassy, but it works an resembles the switch statement present in C

while (TRUE) {
  if ( {
    val <- "NULL"
  if (inherits(val, "POSIXct") || inherits(val, "POSIXt")) {
    val <- paste0("#",  format(val, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), "#")
  if (inherits(val, "Date")) {
    val <- paste0("#",  format(val, "%Y-%m-%d"), "#")
  if (is.numeric(val)) break
  val <- paste0("'", gsub("'", "''", val), "'")

Split string on whitespace in Python

The str.split() method without an argument splits on whitespace:

>>> "many   fancy word \nhello    \thi".split()
['many', 'fancy', 'word', 'hello', 'hi']

Best way to get hostname with php

I am running PHP version 5.4 on shared hosting and both of these both successfully return the same results:



How to get the filename without the extension from a path in Python?

import os
list = []
def getFileName( path ):
for file in os.listdir(path):
    #print file
        ext = os.path.splitext(base)[1]
            newpath = path+"/"+file
            #print path
return list

print list

Jenkins - Configure Jenkins to poll changes in SCM

I believe best practice these days is H/5 * * * *, which means every 5 minutes with a hashing factor to avoid all jobs starting at EXACTLY the same time.

"Invalid form control" only in Google Chrome

I was getting this error, and determined it was actually on a field that was not hidden.

In this case, it was a type="number" field, that is required. When no value has ever been entered into this field, the error message is shown in the console, and the form is not submitted. Entering a value, and then removing it means that the validation error is shown as expected.

I believe this is a bug in Chrome: my workaround for now was to come up with an initial/default value.

The authorization mechanism you have provided is not supported. Please use AWS4-HMAC-SHA256

You should set signatureVersion: 'v4' in config to use new sign version:

    signatureVersion: 'v4'

Works for JS sdk.

How do I make a composite key with SQL Server Management Studio?

create table myTable 
    Column1 int not null,
    Column2 int not null

    ADD  PRIMARY KEY (Column1,Column2)

How to make a list of n numbers in Python and randomly select any number?

Create the list (edited):

count_list = range(1, N+1)

Select random element:

import random

Remove the title bar in Windows Forms

You can set the Property FormBorderStyle to none in the designer, or in code:

this.FormBorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.None;

How to POST using HTTPclient content type = application/x-www-form-urlencoded

The best solution for me is:

// Add key/value
var dict = new Dictionary<string, string>();
dict.Add("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");

// Execute post method
using (var response = httpClient.PostAsync(path, new FormUrlEncodedContent(dict))){}

LDAP filter for blank (empty) attribute

This article led me to the solution. The only change is the placement of the exclamation mark.


It seems to be working just as wanted.

Python subprocess.Popen "OSError: [Errno 12] Cannot allocate memory"

Maybe you can simply

$ sudo bash -c "echo vm.overcommit_memory=1 >> /etc/sysctl.conf"
$ sudo sysctl -p

It works for my case.


How do you subtract Dates in Java?

It's indeed one of the biggest epic failures in the standard Java API. Have a bit of patience, then you'll get your solution in flavor of the new Date and Time API specified by JSR 310 / ThreeTen which is (most likely) going to be included in the upcoming Java 8.

Until then, you can get away with JodaTime.

DateTime dt1 = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
DateTime dt2 = new DateTime(2010, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
int days = Days.daysBetween(dt1, dt2).getDays();

Its creator, Stephen Colebourne, is by the way the guy behind JSR 310, so it'll look much similar.

Convert String with Dot or Comma as decimal separator to number in JavaScript

All the other solutions require you to know the format in advance. I needed to detect(!) the format in every case and this is what I end up with.

function detectFloat(source) {
    let float = accounting.unformat(source);
    let posComma = source.indexOf(',');
    if (posComma > -1) {
        let posDot = source.indexOf('.');
        if (posDot > -1 && posComma > posDot) {
            let germanFloat = accounting.unformat(source, ',');
            if (Math.abs(germanFloat) > Math.abs(float)) {
                float = germanFloat;
        } else {
            // source = source.replace(/,/g, '.');
            float = accounting.unformat(source, ',');
    return float;

This was tested with the following cases:

        const cases = {
            "0": 0,
            "10.12": 10.12,
            "222.20": 222.20,
            "-222.20": -222.20,
            "+222,20": 222.20,
            "-222,20": -222.20,
            "-2.222,20": -2222.20,
            "-11.111,20": -11111.20,

Suggestions welcome.

How to add a constant column in a Spark DataFrame?

In spark 2.2 there are two ways to add constant value in a column in DataFrame:

1) Using lit

2) Using typedLit.

The difference between the two is that typedLit can also handle parameterized scala types e.g. List, Seq, and Map

Sample DataFrame:

val df = spark.createDataFrame(Seq((0,"a"),(1,"b"),(2,"c"))).toDF("id", "col1")

| id|col1|
|  0|   a|
|  1|   b|

1) Using lit: Adding constant string value in new column named newcol:

import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.lit
val newdf = df.withColumn("newcol",lit("myval"))


| id|col1|newcol|
|  0|   a| myval|
|  1|   b| myval|

2) Using typedLit:

import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.typedLit
df.withColumn("newcol", typedLit(("sample", 10, .044)))


| id|col1|           newcol|
|  0|   a|[sample,10,0.044]|
|  1|   b|[sample,10,0.044]|
|  2|   c|[sample,10,0.044]|

Singletons vs. Application Context in Android?

From: Developer > reference - Application

There is normally no need to subclass Application. In most situation, static singletons can provide the same functionality in a more modular way. If your singleton needs a global context (for example to register broadcast receivers), the function to retrieve it can be given a Context which internally uses Context.getApplicationContext() when first constructing the singleton.

How to get the current user's Active Directory details in C#

The "pre Windows 2000" name i.e. DOMAIN\SomeBody, the Somebody portion is known as sAMAccountName.

So try:

using(DirectoryEntry de = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://MyDomainController"))
   using(DirectorySearcher adSearch = new DirectorySearcher(de))
     adSearch.Filter = "(sAMAccountName=someuser)";
     SearchResult adSearchResult = adSearch.FindOne();

[email protected] is the UserPrincipalName, but it isn't a required field.

An error occurred while signing: SignTool.exe not found

You can fix this by clicking on installation application of VS. Then click Modify > Mark ClickOnce App and then upgrade your VS. Also i think @Alex Erygin is right. It is a bad solution to Click Once application --> Properties --> Signing -> Uncheck Sign the ClickOnce manifests. This is not a solution. It only circumambulated the problem.

Init function in javascript and how it works

That pattern will create a new execution context (EC) in which any local variable objects (VO's) will live, and will likewise die when the EC exits. The only exception to this lifetime is for VO's which become part of a closure.

Please note that JavaScript has no magic "init" function. You might associate this pattern with such since most any self-respecting JS library (jQuery, YUI, etc.) will do this so that they don't pollute the global NS more than they need to.

A demonstration:

var x = 1; // global VO
    var x = 2; // local VO
x == 1; // global VO, unchanged by the local VO

The 2nd set of "brackets" (those are actually called parens, or a set of parentheses), are simply to invoke the function expression directly preceding it (as defined by the prior set of parenthesis).

matrix multiplication algorithm time complexity

The naive algorithm, which is what you've got once you correct it as noted in comments, is O(n^3).

There do exist algorithms that reduce this somewhat, but you're not likely to find an O(n^2) implementation. I believe the question of the most efficient implementation is still open.

See this wikipedia article on Matrix Multiplication for more information.

How to get just the responsive grid from Bootstrap 3?

I would suggest using MDO's instead. As of v2, preboot back ports the LESS mixins/variables used to create the Bootstrap 3.0 Grid System and is much more light weight than using the CSS generator. In fact, if you only include preboot.less there is NO overhead because the entire file is made up of mixins/variables and therefore are only used in pre-compilation and not the final output.

member names cannot be the same as their enclosing type C#

The problem is with the method:

private void Flow()
    X = x;
    Y = y;

Your class is named Flow so this method can't also be named Flow. You will have to change the name of the Flow method to something else to make this code compile.

Or did you mean to create a private constructor to initialize your class? If that's the case, you will have to remove the void keyword to let the compiler know that your declaring a constructor.

How to display hidden characters by default (ZERO WIDTH SPACE ie. &#8203)

Not sure what you meant, but you can permanently turn showing whitespaces on and off in Settings -> Editor -> General -> Appearance -> Show whitespaces.

Also, you can set it for a current file only in View -> Active Editor -> Show WhiteSpaces.


Had some free time since it looks like a popular issue, I had written a plugin to inspect the code for such abnormalities. It is called Zero Width Characters locator and you're welcome to give it a try.

Using SSIS BIDS with Visual Studio 2012 / 2013

Welcome to Microsoft Marketing Speak hell. With the 2012 release of SQL Server, the BIDS, Business Intelligence Designer Studio, plugin for Visual Studio was renamed to SSDT, SQL Server Data Tools. SSDT is available for 2010 and 2012. The problem is, there are two different products called SSDT.

There is SSDT which replaces the database designer thing which was called Data Dude in VS 2008 and in 2010 became database projects. That a free install and if you snag the web installer, that's what you get when you install SSDT. It puts the correct project templates and such into Visual Studio.

There's also the SSDT which is the "BIDS" replacement for developing SSIS, SSRS and SSAS stuff. As of March 2013, it is now available for the 2012 release of Visual Studio. The download is labeled SSDTBI_VS2012_X86.msi Perhaps that's a signal on how the product is going to be referred to in marketing materials. Download links are

None the less, we have Business Intelligence projects available to us in Visual Studio 2012. And the people did rejoice and did feast upon the lambs and toads and tree-sloths and fruit-bats and orangutans and breakfast cereals

enter image description here

How to ignore certain files in Git

I tried this -

  1. list files which we want to ignore

git status .idea/xyz.xml .idea/pqr.iml Output .DS_Store

  1. Copy the content of step#1 and append it into .gitignore file.

echo " .idea/xyz.xml .idea/pqr.iml Output .DS_Store" >> .gitignore

  1. Validate

git status .gitignore

likewise we can add directory and all of its sub dir/files which we want to ignore in git status using directoryname/* and I executed this command from src directory.

Regex to check with starts with http://, https:// or ftp://

You need a whole input match here.


Edit:(Based on @davidchambers's comment)


Using scp to copy a file to Amazon EC2 instance?

Your key must not be publicly viewable for SSH to work. Use this command if needed:

chmod 400 yourPublicKeyFile.pem

How to use Ajax.ActionLink?

For me this worked after I downloaded AJAX Unobtrusive library via NuGet :

 Search and install via NuGet Packages:   Microsoft.jQuery.Unobtrusive.Ajax

Than add in the view the references to jquery and AJAX Unobtrusive:

<script src="~/Scripts/jquery.unobtrusive-ajax.min.js"> </script>

Sockets: Discover port availability using Java

If you're not too concerned with performance, you could always try listening on a port using the ServerSocket class. If it throws an exception odds are it's being used.

public static boolean isAvailable(int portNr) {
  boolean portFree;
  try (var ignored = new ServerSocket(portNr)) {
      portFree = true;
  } catch (IOException e) {
      portFree = false;
  return portFree;

EDIT: If all you're trying to do is select a free port then new ServerSocket(0) will find one for you.

Assigning default values to shell variables with a single command in bash

To answer your question and on all variable substitutions

echo "$\{var}"
echo "Substitute the value of var."

echo "$\{var:-word}"
echo "If var is null or unset, word is substituted for var. The value of var does not change."

echo "$\{var:=word}"
echo "If var is null or unset, var is set to the value of word."

echo "$\{var:?message}"
echo "If var is null or unset, message is printed to standard error. This checks that variables are set correctly."

echo "$\{var:+word}"
echo "If var is set, word is substituted for var. The value of var does not change."

Formatting Numbers by padding with leading zeros in SQL Server

    cast(replace(str(EmployeeID,6),' ','0')as char(6)) 
FROM dbo.RequestItems

How to remove last n characters from every element in the R vector

Similar to @Matthew_Plourde using gsub

However, using a pattern that will trim to zero characters i.e. return "" if the original string is shorter than the number of characters to cut:

cs <- c("foo_bar","bar_foo","apple","beer","so","a")
gsub('.{0,3}$', '', cs)
# [1] "foo_" "bar_" "ap"   "b"    ""    ""

Difference is, {0,3} quantifier indicates 0 to 3 matches, whereas {3} requires exactly 3 matches otherwise no match is found in which case gsub returns the original, unmodified string.

N.B. using {,3} would be equivalent to {0,3}, I simply prefer the latter notation.

See here for more information on regex quantifiers:

ERROR 1044 (42000): Access denied for 'root' With All Privileges

First, Identify the user you are logged in as:

 select user();
 select current_user();

The result for the first command is what you attempted to login as, the second is what you actually connected as. Confirm that you are logged in as root@localhost in mysql.

Grant_priv to root@localhost. Here is how you can check.

mysql> SELECT host,user,password,Grant_priv,Super_priv FROM mysql.user;
| host      | user             | password                                  | Grant_priv | Super_priv |
| localhost | root             | ***************************************** | N          | Y          |
| localhost | debian-sys-maint | ***************************************** | Y          | Y          |
| localhost | staging          | ***************************************** | N          | N          |

You can see that the Grant_priv is set to N for root@localhost. This needs to be Y. Below is how to fixed this:

UPDATE mysql.user SET Grant_priv='Y', Super_priv='Y' WHERE User='root';
GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'root'@'localhost';

I logged back in, it was fine.

How to get element-wise matrix multiplication (Hadamard product) in numpy?

For elementwise multiplication of matrix objects, you can use numpy.multiply:

import numpy as np
a = np.array([[1,2],[3,4]])
b = np.array([[5,6],[7,8]])


array([[ 5, 12],
       [21, 32]])

However, you should really use array instead of matrix. matrix objects have all sorts of horrible incompatibilities with regular ndarrays. With ndarrays, you can just use * for elementwise multiplication:

a * b

If you're on Python 3.5+, you don't even lose the ability to perform matrix multiplication with an operator, because @ does matrix multiplication now:

a @ b  # matrix multiplication

Open a URL in a new tab (and not a new window)

Or you could just create a link element and click it...

var evLink = document.createElement('a');
evLink.href = 'http://' + strUrl; = '_blank';
// Now delete it

This shouldn't be blocked by any popup blockers... Hopefully.

How to launch jQuery Fancybox on page load?

For my case, the following can work successfully. When the page is loaded, the lightbox is pop-up immediately.

JQuery: 1.4.2

Fancybox: 1.3.1

<body onload="$('#aLink').trigger('click');">
<a id="aLink" href="" >Link</a></body>

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function() {

            'width'             : '75%',
            'height'            : '75%',
            'autoScale'         : false,
            'transitionIn'      : 'none',
            'transitionOut'     : 'none',
            'type'              : 'iframe'

How can I check if a key exists in a dictionary?

Another method is has_key() (if still using Python 2.X):

>>> a={"1":"one","2":"two"}
>>> a.has_key("1")

80-characters / right margin line in Sublime Text 3

Yes, it is possible both in Sublime Text 2 and 3 (which you should really upgrade to if you haven't already). Select View ? Ruler ? 80 (there are several other options there as well). If you like to actually wrap your text at 80 columns, select View ? Word Wrap Column ? 80. Make sure that View ? Word Wrap is selected.

To make your selections permanent (the default for all opened files or views), open Preferences ? Settings—User and use any of the following rules:

    // set vertical rulers in specified columns.
    // Use "rulers": [80] for just one ruler
    // default value is []
    "rulers": [80, 100, 120],

    // turn on word wrap for source and text
    // default value is "auto", which means off for source and on for text
    "word_wrap": true,

    // set word wrapping at this column
    // default value is 0, meaning wrapping occurs at window width
    "wrap_width": 80

These settings can also be used in a .sublime-project file to set defaults on a per-project basis, or in a syntax-specific .sublime-settings file if you only want them to apply to files written in a certain language (Python.sublime-settings vs. JavaScript.sublime-settings, for example). Access these settings files by opening a file with the desired syntax, then selecting Preferences ? Settings—More ? Syntax Specific—User.

As always, if you have multiple entries in your settings file, separate them with commas , except for after the last one. The entire content should be enclosed in curly braces { }. Basically, make sure it's valid JSON.

If you'd like a key combo to automatically set the ruler at 80 for a particular view/file, or you are interested in learning how to set the value without using the mouse, please see my answer here.

Finally, as mentioned in another answer, you really should be using a monospace font in order for your code to line up correctly. Other types of fonts have variable-width letters, which means one 80-character line may not appear to be the same length as another 80-character line with different content, and your indentations will look all messed up. Sublime has monospace fonts set by default, but you can of course choose any one you want. Personally, I really like Liberation Mono. It has glyphs to support many different languages and Unicode characters, looks good at a variety of different sizes, and (most importantly for a programming font) clearly differentiates between 0 and O (digit zero and capital letter oh) and 1 and l (digit one and lowercase letter ell), which not all monospace fonts do, unfortunately. Version 2.0 and later of the font are licensed under the open-source SIL Open Font License 1.1 (here is the FAQ).

How to count down in for loop?

In python, when you have an iterable, usually you iterate without an index:

letters = 'abcdef' # or a list, tupple or other iterable
for l in letters:

If you need to traverse the iterable in reverse order, you would do:

for l in letters[::-1]:

When for any reason you need the index, you can use enumerate:

for i, l in enumerate(letters, start=1): #start is 0 by default

You can enumerate in reverse order too...

for i, l in enumerate(letters[::-1])


Usually when we traverse an iterable we do it to apply the same procedure or function to each element. In these cases, it is better to use map:

If we need to capitilize each letter:

map(str.upper, letters)

Or get the Unicode code of each letter:

map(ord, letters)

How can I count the number of matches for a regex?

Use the below code to find the count of number of matches that the regex finds in your input

        Pattern p = Pattern.compile(regex, Pattern.MULTILINE | Pattern.DOTALL);// "regex" here indicates your predefined regex.
        Matcher m = p.matcher(pattern); // "pattern" indicates your string to match the pattern against with
        boolean b = m.matches();
        while (m.find())

This is a generalized code not specific one though, tailor it to suit your need

Please feel free to correct me if there is any mistake.

What tool can decompile a DLL into C++ source code?

The closest you will ever get to doing such thing is a dissasembler, or debug info (Log2Vis.pdb).

How do I get the difference between two Dates in JavaScript?

Below code will return the days left from today to futures date.

Dependencies: jQuery and MomentJs.

var getDaysLeft = function (date) {
  var today = new Date();
  var daysLeftInMilliSec = Math.abs(new Date(moment(today).format('YYYY-MM-DD')) - new Date(date));
  var daysLeft = daysLeftInMilliSec / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24);   
  return daysLeft;


Tomcat Server not starting with in 45 seconds

try clean Tomcat working directory,it works for me

How do I output an ISO 8601 formatted string in JavaScript?

Almost every to-ISO method on the web drops the timezone information by applying a convert to "Z"ulu time (UTC) before outputting the string. Browser's native .toISOString() also drops timezone information.

This discards valuable information, as the server, or recipient, can always convert a full ISO date to Zulu time or whichever timezone it requires, while still getting the timezone information of the sender.

The best solution I've come across is to use the Moment.js javascript library and use the following code:

To get the current ISO time with timezone information and milliseconds

now = moment().format("YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSSZZ")
// "2013-03-08T20:11:11.234+0100"

now = moment().utc().format("YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSSZZ")
// "2013-03-08T19:11:11.234+0000"

now = moment().utc().format("YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss") + "Z"
// "2013-03-08T19:11:11Z" <- better use the native .toISOString() 

To get the ISO time of a native JavaScript Date object with timezone information but without milliseconds

var current_time =;

This can be combined with Date.js to get functions like whose result can then be passed to moment.

A date string formatted like this is JSON compilant, and lends itself well to get stored into a database. Python and C# seem to like it.

Sending HTML Code Through JSON

You can send it as a String, why not. But you are probably missusing JSON here a bit since as far as I understand the point is to send just the data needed and wrap them into HTML on the client.

What is the maximum value for an int32?

max_signed_32_bit_num = 1 << 31 - 1;  // alternatively ~(1 << 31)

A compiler should optimize it anyway.

I prefer 1 << 31 - 1 over

0x7fffffff because you don't need count fs

unsigned( pow( 2, 31 ) ) - 1 because you don't need <math.h>

Plotting histograms from grouped data in a pandas DataFrame

With recent version of Pandas, you can do df.N.hist(by=df.Letter)

Just like with the solutions above, the axes will be different for each subplot. I have not solved that one yet.

Div width 100% minus fixed amount of pixels

We can achieve this using flex-box very easily.

If we have three elements like Header, MiddleContainer and Footer. And we want to give some fixed height to Header and Footer. then we can write like this:

For React/RN(defaults are 'display' as flex and 'flexDirection' as column), in web css we'll have to specify the body container or container containing these as display: 'flex', flex-direction: 'column' like below:

    container-containing-these-elements: {
     display: flex,
     flex-direction: column
    header: {
     height: 40,
    middle-container: {
     flex: 1, // this will take the rest of the space available.
    footer: {
     height: 100,

How to delay the .keyup() handler until the user stops typing?


var timeout = null;_x000D_
$('#input').keyup(function() {_x000D_
  timeout = setTimeout(() => {_x000D_
  }, 1000);_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<input type="text" id="input" placeholder="Type here..."/>

Pure Javascript:

let input = document.getElementById('input');_x000D_
let timeout = null;_x000D_
input.addEventListener('keyup', function (e) {_x000D_
    timeout = setTimeout(function () {_x000D_
        console.log('Value:', input.value);_x000D_
    }, 1000);_x000D_
<input type="text" id="input" placeholder="Type here..."/>

Mockito : how to verify method was called on an object created within a method?

Yes, if you really want / need to do it you can use PowerMock. This should be considered a last resort. With PowerMock you can cause it to return a mock from the call to the constructor. Then do the verify on the mock. That said, csturtz's is the "right" answer.

Here is the link to Mock construction of new objects

Javascript Array Alert

If you want to see the array as an array, you can say


instead of all those document.writes.

However, if you want to display them cleanly, one per line, in your popup, do this:


How to change href of <a> tag on button click through javascript

Exactly what Nick Carver did there but I think it would be best if used the DOM setAttribute method.

<script type="text/javascript">
   document.getElementById("myLink").onclick = function() {
   var link = document.getElementById("abc");
   link.setAttribute("href", "xyz.php");
   return false;

It's one extra line of code but find it better structure-wise.

Deploying Java webapp to Tomcat 8 running in Docker container

You are trying to copy the war file to a directory below webapps. The war file should be copied into the webapps directory.

Remove the mkdir command, and copy the war file like this:

COPY /1.0-SNAPSHOT/my-app-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/myapp.war

Tomcat will extract the war if autodeploy is turned on.

How to use android emulator for testing bluetooth application?

Download Androidx86 from this This is an iso file, so you'd
need something like VMWare or VirtualBox to run it When creating the virtual machine, you need to set the type of guest OS as Linux instead of Other.

After creating the virtual machine set the network adapter to 'Bridged'. · Start the VM and select 'Live CD VESA' at boot.

Now you need to find out the IP of this VM. Go to terminal in VM (use Alt+F1 & Alt+F7 to toggle) and use the netcfg command to find this.

Now you need open a command prompt and go to your android install folder (on host). This is usually C:\Program Files\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools>.

Type adb connect IP_ADDRESS. There done! Now you need to add Bluetooth. Plug in your USB Bluetooth dongle/Bluetooth device.

In VirtualBox screen, go to Devices>USB devices. Select your dongle.

Done! now your Android VM has Bluetooth. Try powering on Bluetooth and discovering/paring with other devices.

Now all that remains is to go to Eclipse and run your program. The Android AVD manager should show the VM as a device on the list.

Alternatively, Under settings of the virtual machine, Goto serialports -> Port 1 check Enable serial port select a port number then select port mode as disconnected click ok. now, start virtual machine. Under Devices -> USB Devices -> you can find your laptop bluetooth listed. You can simply check the option and start testing the android bluetooth application .


WCF ServiceHost access rights

If you are running via the IDE, running as administrator should help. To do this locate the Visual Studio 2008/10 application icon, right click it and select "Run as administrator"

How can I initialize an ArrayList with all zeroes in Java?

The 60 you're passing is just the initial capacity for internal storage. It's a hint on how big you think it might be, yet of course it's not limited by that. If you need to preset values you'll have to set them yourself, e.g.:

for (int i = 0; i < 60; i++) {

Changing ViewPager to enable infinite page scrolling

Its hacked by CustomPagerAdapter:

import android.content.Context;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.Parcelable;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.LayoutInflater;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.widget.LinearLayout;
import android.widget.TextView;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    private List<String> numberList = new ArrayList<String>();
    private CustomPagerAdapter mCustomPagerAdapter;
    private ViewPager mViewPager;
    private Handler handler;
    private Runnable runnable;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

        mViewPager = (ViewPager)findViewById(;
        mCustomPagerAdapter = new CustomPagerAdapter(MainActivity.this);
        EndlessPagerAdapter mAdapater = new EndlessPagerAdapter(mCustomPagerAdapter);

        mViewPager.addOnPageChangeListener(new ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener() {
            public void onPageScrolled(int position, float positionOffset, int positionOffsetPixels) {


            public void onPageSelected(int position) {
                int modulo = position%numberList.size();
                Log.i("Current ViewPager View's Position", ""+modulo);


            public void onPageScrollStateChanged(int state) {


        handler = new Handler();
        runnable = new Runnable() {
            public void run() {

                handler.postDelayed(runnable, 1000);


    protected void onDestroy() {

    private class CustomPagerAdapter extends PagerAdapter {

        Context mContext;
        LayoutInflater mLayoutInflater;

        public CustomPagerAdapter(Context context) {
            mContext = context;
            mLayoutInflater = (LayoutInflater) mContext.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);

        public int getCount() {
            return numberList.size();

        public boolean isViewFromObject(View view, Object object) {
            return view == ((LinearLayout) object);

        public Object instantiateItem(ViewGroup container, int position) {
            View itemView = mLayoutInflater.inflate(R.layout.row_item_viewpager, container, false);

            TextView textView = (TextView) itemView.findViewById(;
            return itemView;

        public void destroyItem(ViewGroup container, int position, Object object) {
            container.removeView((LinearLayout) object);

    private class EndlessPagerAdapter extends PagerAdapter {

        private static final String TAG = "EndlessPagerAdapter";
        private static final boolean DEBUG = false;

        private final PagerAdapter mPagerAdapter;

        EndlessPagerAdapter(PagerAdapter pagerAdapter) {
            if (pagerAdapter == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Did you forget initialize PagerAdapter?");
            if ((pagerAdapter instanceof FragmentPagerAdapter || pagerAdapter instanceof FragmentStatePagerAdapter) && pagerAdapter.getCount() < 3) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("When you use FragmentPagerAdapter or FragmentStatePagerAdapter, it only supports >= 3 pages.");
            mPagerAdapter = pagerAdapter;

        public void destroyItem(ViewGroup container, int position, Object object) {
            if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "Destroy: " + getVirtualPosition(position));
            mPagerAdapter.destroyItem(container, getVirtualPosition(position), object);

            if (mPagerAdapter.getCount() < 4) {
                mPagerAdapter.instantiateItem(container, getVirtualPosition(position));

        public void finishUpdate(ViewGroup container) {

        public int getCount() {
            return Integer.MAX_VALUE; // this is the magic that we can scroll infinitely.

        public CharSequence getPageTitle(int position) {
            return mPagerAdapter.getPageTitle(getVirtualPosition(position));

        public float getPageWidth(int position) {
            return mPagerAdapter.getPageWidth(getVirtualPosition(position));

        public boolean isViewFromObject(View view, Object o) {
            return mPagerAdapter.isViewFromObject(view, o);

        public Object instantiateItem(ViewGroup container, int position) {
            if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "Instantiate: " + getVirtualPosition(position));
            return mPagerAdapter.instantiateItem(container, getVirtualPosition(position));

        public Parcelable saveState() {
            return mPagerAdapter.saveState();

        public void restoreState(Parcelable state, ClassLoader loader) {
            mPagerAdapter.restoreState(state, loader);

        public void startUpdate(ViewGroup container) {

        int getVirtualPosition(int realPosition) {
            return realPosition % mPagerAdapter.getCount();

        PagerAdapter getPagerAdapter() {
            return mPagerAdapter;



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""
    xmlns:tools="" android:layout_width="match_parent"
    android:layout_height="match_parent" android:paddingLeft="@dimen/activity_horizontal_margin"
    android:paddingBottom="@dimen/activity_vertical_margin" tools:context=".MainActivity">

    < xmlns:android=""



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
    android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent"




How to use a wildcard in the classpath to add multiple jars?

Basename wild cards were introduced in Java 6; i.e. "foo/*" means all ".jar" files in the "foo" directory.

In earlier versions of Java that do not support wildcard classpaths, I have resorted to using a shell wrapper script to assemble a Classpath by 'globbing' a pattern and mangling the results to insert ':' characters at the appropriate points. This would be hard to do in a BAT file ...

Select dropdown with fixed width cutting off content in IE

I did Google about this issue but didn't find any best solution ,So Created a solution that works fine in all browsers.

just call badFixSelectBoxDataWidthIE() function on page load.

function badFixSelectBoxDataWidthIE(){
    if ($.browser.msie){
    if($(this).attr('multiple')== false){
               if($(this).css("width") != "auto") {
                   var width = $(this).width();
                   $(this).data("origWidth", $(this).css("width"))
                          .css("width", "auto");
                   /* if the width is now less than before then undo */
                   if($(this).width() < width) {
                       $(this).css("width", $(this).data("origWidth"));
           /* Handle blur if the user does not change the value */
               $(this).css("width", $(this).data("origWidth"));

           /* Handle change of the user does change the value */
               $(this).css("width", $(this).data("origWidth"));


Can vue-router open a link in a new tab?

In case that you define your route like the one asked in the question (path: '/link/to/page'):

import Vue from 'vue'
import Router from 'vue-router'
import MyComponent from '@/components/MyComponent.vue';


export default new Router({
  routes: [
      path: '/link/to/page',
      component: MyComponent

You can resolve the URL in your summary page and open your sub page as below:

export default {
  methods: {
    popup() {
      let route = this.$router.resolve({path: '/link/to/page'});
      // let route = this.$router.resolve('/link/to/page'); // This also works., '_blank');

Of course if you've given your route a name, you can resolve the URL by name:

routes: [
    path: '/link/to/page',
    component: MyComponent,
    name: 'subPage'


let route = this.$router.resolve({name: 'subPage'});


Gson - convert from Json to a typed ArrayList<T>

You may use TypeToken to load the json string into a custom object.

logs = gson.fromJson(br, new TypeToken<List<JsonLog>>(){}.getType());


Represents a generic type T.

Java doesn't yet provide a way to represent generic types, so this class does. Forces clients to create a subclass of this class which enables retrieval the type information even at runtime.

For example, to create a type literal for List<String>, you can create an empty anonymous inner class:

TypeToken<List<String>> list = new TypeToken<List<String>>() {};

This syntax cannot be used to create type literals that have wildcard parameters, such as Class<?> or List<? extends CharSequence>.


If you need to do it in Kotlin you can do it like this:

val myType = object : TypeToken<List<JsonLong>>() {}.type
val logs = gson.fromJson<List<JsonLong>>(br, myType)

Or you can see this answer for various alternatives.

Quickly reading very large tables as dataframes

Here is an example that utilizes fread from data.table 1.8.7

The examples come from the help page to fread, with the timings on my windows XP Core 2 duo E8400.

# Demo speedup
DT = data.table( a=sample(1:1000,n,replace=TRUE),
                 f=sample(1:1000,n,replace=TRUE) )

standard read.table

cat("File size (MB):",round("test.csv")$size/1024^2),"\n")    
## File size (MB): 51 

system.time(DF1 <- read.csv("test.csv",stringsAsFactors=FALSE))        
##    user  system elapsed 
##   24.71    0.15   25.42
# second run will be faster
system.time(DF1 <- read.csv("test.csv",stringsAsFactors=FALSE))        
##    user  system elapsed 
##   17.85    0.07   17.98

optimized read.table

system.time(DF2 <- read.table("test.csv",header=TRUE,sep=",",quote="",  

##    user  system elapsed 
##   10.20    0.03   10.32


system.time(DT <- fread("test.csv"))                                  
 ##    user  system elapsed 
##    3.12    0.01    3.22



system.time(SQLDF <- read.csv.sql("test.csv",dbname=NULL))             

##    user  system elapsed 
##   12.49    0.09   12.69

# sqldf as on SO

f <- file("test.csv")
system.time(SQLf <- sqldf("select * from f", dbname = tempfile(), file.format = list(header = T, row.names = F)))

##    user  system elapsed 
##   10.21    0.47   10.73

ff / ffdf


 system.time(FFDF <- read.csv.ffdf(file="test.csv",nrows=n))   
 ##    user  system elapsed 
 ##   10.85    0.10   10.99

In summary:

##    user  system elapsed  Method
##   24.71    0.15   25.42  read.csv (first time)
##   17.85    0.07   17.98  read.csv (second time)
##   10.20    0.03   10.32  Optimized read.table
##    3.12    0.01    3.22  fread
##   12.49    0.09   12.69  sqldf
##   10.21    0.47   10.73  sqldf on SO
##   10.85    0.10   10.99  ffdf

What is the difference between "expose" and "publish" in Docker?

Short answer:

  • EXPOSE is a way of documenting
  • --publish (or -p) is a way of mapping a host port to a running container port

Notice below that:

  • EXPOSE is related to Dockerfiles ( documenting )
  • --publish is related to docker run ... ( execution / run-time )

Exposing and publishing ports

In Docker networking, there are two different mechanisms that directly involve network ports: exposing and publishing ports. This applies to the default bridge network and user-defined bridge networks.

  • You expose ports using the EXPOSE keyword in the Dockerfile or the --expose flag to docker run. Exposing ports is a way of documenting which ports are used, but does not actually map or open any ports. Exposing ports is optional.

  • You publish ports using the --publish or --publish-all flag to docker run. This tells Docker which ports to open on the container’s network interface. When a port is published, it is mapped to an available high-order port (higher than 30000) on the host machine, unless you specify the port to map to on the host machine at runtime. You cannot specify the port to map to on the host machine when you build the image (in the Dockerfile), because there is no way to guarantee that the port will be available on the host machine where you run the image.

from: Docker container networking

Update October 2019: the above piece of text is no longer in the docs but an archived version is here:

Maybe the current documentation is the below:

Published ports

By default, when you create a container, it does not publish any of its ports to the outside world. To make a port available to services outside of Docker, or to Docker containers which are not connected to the container's network, use the --publish or -p flag. This creates a firewall rule which maps a container port to a port on the Docker host.

and can be found here:



...The EXPOSE instruction does not actually publish the port. It functions as a type of documentation between the person who builds the image and the person who runs the container, about which ports are intended to be published.

from: Dockerfile reference

Service access when EXPOSE / --publish are not defined:

At @Golo Roden's answer it is stated that::

"If you do not specify any of those, the service in the container will not be accessible from anywhere except from inside the container itself."

Maybe that was the case at the time the answer was being written, but now it seems that even if you do not use EXPOSE or --publish, the host and other containers of the same network will be able to access a service you may start inside that container.

How to test this:

I've used the following Dockerfile. Basically, I start with ubuntu and install a tiny web-server:

FROM ubuntu
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y mini-httpd

I build the image as "testexpose" and run a new container with:

docker run --rm -it testexpose bash

Inside the container, I launch a few instances of mini-httpd:

root@fb8f7dd1322d:/# mini_httpd -p 80
root@fb8f7dd1322d:/# mini_httpd -p 8080
root@fb8f7dd1322d:/# mini_httpd -p 8090

I am then able to use curl from the host or other containers to fetch the home page of mini-httpd.

Further reading

Very detailed articles on the subject by Ivan Pepelnjak:

Developing C# on Linux

You can also install it using conda (tested on Ubuntu):

conda create --name csharp
conda activate csharp
conda install -c conda-forge mono

How to install libusb in Ubuntu

Usually to use the library you need to install the dev version.


sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0-dev

How to Handle Button Click Events in jQuery?

Try This:

$(document).on('click', '#btnClick', function(){ _x000D_
    alert("button is clicked");_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
 <button id="btnClick">Click me</button> 

How can I remove the top and right axis in matplotlib?

If you need to remove it from all your plots, you can remove spines in style settings (style sheet or rcParams). E.g:

import matplotlib as mpl

mpl.rcParams['axes.spines.right'] = False
mpl.rcParams[''] = False

If you want to remove all spines:

mpl.rcParams['axes.spines.left'] = False
mpl.rcParams['axes.spines.right'] = False
mpl.rcParams[''] = False
mpl.rcParams['axes.spines.bottom'] = False

querying WHERE condition to character length?

Sorry, I wasn't sure which SQL platform you're talking about:


$query = ("SELECT * FROM $db WHERE conditions AND LENGTH(col_name) = 3");


$query = ("SELECT * FROM $db WHERE conditions AND LEN(col_name) = 3");

The LENGTH() (MySQL) or LEN() (MSSQL) function will return the length of a string in a column that you can use as a condition in your WHERE clause.


I know this is really old but thought I'd expand my answer because, as Paulo Bueno rightly pointed out, you're most likely wanting the number of characters as opposed to the number of bytes. Thanks Paulo.

So, for MySQL there's the CHAR_LENGTH(). The following example highlights the difference between LENGTH() an CHAR_LENGTH():

    word VARCHAR(100)
) ENGINE INNODB DEFAULT CHARSET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci;

INSERT INTO words(word) VALUES('??'), ('happy'), ('hayir');

SELECT word, LENGTH(word) as num_bytes, CHAR_LENGTH(word) AS num_characters FROM words;

| word   | num_bytes | num_characters |
| ??    |         6 |              2 |
| happy  |         5 |              5 |
| hayir  |         6 |              5 |

Be careful if you're dealing with multi-byte characters.

OpenCV Python rotate image by X degrees around specific point

You can easily rotate the images using opencv python-

def funcRotate(degree=0):
    degree = cv2.getTrackbarPos('degree','Frame')
    rotation_matrix = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((width / 2, height / 2), degree, 1)
    rotated_image = cv2.warpAffine(original, rotation_matrix, (width, height))
    cv2.imshow('Rotate', rotated_image)

If you are thinking of creating a trackbar, then simply create a trackbar using cv2.createTrackbar() and the call the funcRotate()fucntion from your main script. Then you can easily rotate it to any degree you want. Full details about the implementation can be found here as well- Rotate images at any degree using Trackbars in opencv

Check if character is number?

EDIT: Blender's updated answer is the right answer here if you're just checking a single character (namely !isNaN(parseInt(c, 10))). My answer below is a good solution if you want to test whole strings.

Here is jQuery's isNumeric implementation (in pure JavaScript), which works against full strings:

function isNumeric(s) {
    return !isNaN(s - parseFloat(s));

The comment for this function reads:

// parseFloat NaNs numeric-cast false positives (null|true|false|"")
// ...but misinterprets leading-number strings, particularly hex literals ("0x...")
// subtraction forces infinities to NaN

I think we can trust that these chaps have spent quite a bit of time on this!

Commented source here. Super geek discussion here.

How to differentiate single click event and double click event?

I know this is old, but below is a JS only example of a basic loop counter with a single timer to determine a single vs double click. Hopefully this helps someone.

var count = 0;
var ele = document.getElementById("my_id");
ele.addEventListener('click', handleSingleDoubleClick, false); 

function handleSingleDoubleClick()
  if(!count) setTimeout(TimerFcn, 400); // 400 ms click delay
  count += 1;
function TimerFcn() 
  if(count > 1) console.log('you double clicked!')
  else console.log('you single clicked')
  count = 0;

Insert default value when parameter is null

You can use the COALESCE function in MS SQL.

INSERT INTO t ( value ) VALUES( COALESCE(@value, 'something') )

Personally, I'm not crazy about this solution as it is a maintenance nightmare if you want to change the default value.

My preference would be Mitchel Sellers proposal, but that doesn't work in MS SQL. Can't speak to other SQL dbms.

Replacing all non-alphanumeric characters with empty strings

public static void main(String[] args) {
    String value = " Chlamydia_spp. IgG, IgM & IgA Abs (8006) ";

    System.out.println(value.replaceAll("[^A-Za-z0-9]", ""));


output: ChlamydiasppIgGIgMIgAAbs8006


What does the term "canonical form" or "canonical representation" in Java mean?

reduced to the simplest and most significant form without losing generality

Why do I get permission denied when I try use "make" to install something?

On many source packages (e.g. for most GNU software), the building system may know about the DESTDIR make variable, so you can often do:

 make install DESTDIR=/tmp/myinst/
 sudo cp -va /tmp/myinst/ /

The advantage of this approach is that make install don't need to run as root, so you cannot end up with files compiled as root (or root-owned files in your build tree).

How to animate a View with Translate Animation in Android

In order to move a View anywhere on the screen, I would recommend placing it in a full screen layout. By doing so, you won't have to worry about clippings or relative coordinates.

You can try this sample code:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""
    android:orientation="vertical" android:id="@+id/rootLayout">

        android:text="MOVE" android:layout_centerHorizontal="true"/>

        android:src="@drawable/ic_launcher" android:layout_marginLeft="10dip"/>
        android:src="@drawable/ic_launcher" android:layout_centerVertical="true" android:layout_alignParentRight="true"/>
        android:src="@drawable/ic_launcher" android:layout_marginLeft="60dip" android:layout_alignParentBottom="true" android:layout_marginBottom="100dip"/>

        android:orientation="vertical" android:clipChildren="false" android:clipToPadding="false">

            android:src="@drawable/ic_launcher" android:layout_marginLeft="60dip" android:layout_marginTop="150dip"/>


Your activity

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    ((Button) findViewById( )).setOnClickListener( new OnClickListener()
        public void onClick(View v)
            ImageView img = (ImageView) findViewById( );              
            moveViewToScreenCenter( img );
            img = (ImageView) findViewById( );
            moveViewToScreenCenter( img );
            img = (ImageView) findViewById( );                
            moveViewToScreenCenter( img );
            img = (ImageView) findViewById( );
            moveViewToScreenCenter( img );

private void moveViewToScreenCenter( View view )
    RelativeLayout root = (RelativeLayout) findViewById( );
    DisplayMetrics dm = new DisplayMetrics();
    this.getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay().getMetrics( dm );
    int statusBarOffset = dm.heightPixels - root.getMeasuredHeight();

    int originalPos[] = new int[2];
    view.getLocationOnScreen( originalPos );

    int xDest = dm.widthPixels/2;
    xDest -= (view.getMeasuredWidth()/2);
    int yDest = dm.heightPixels/2 - (view.getMeasuredHeight()/2) - statusBarOffset;

    TranslateAnimation anim = new TranslateAnimation( 0, xDest - originalPos[0] , 0, yDest - originalPos[1] );
    anim.setFillAfter( true );

The method moveViewToScreenCenter gets the View's absolute coordinates and calculates how much distance has to move from its current position to reach the center of the screen. The statusBarOffset variable measures the status bar height.

I hope you can keep going with this example. Remember that after the animation your view's position is still the initial one. If you tap the MOVE button again and again the same movement will repeat. If you want to change your view's position do it after the animation is finished.

Error: No default engine was specified and no extension was provided

I just got this error message, and the problem was that I was not setting up my middleware properly.

I am building a blog in the MEAN stack and needed body parsing for the .jade files that I was using on the front end side. Here is the snippet of code from my "/middleware/index.js" file, from my project.

var express = require('express');
var morgan = require('morgan');
var session = require('express-session');
var cookieParser = require('cookie-parser');
var bodyParser = require('body-parser');

module.exports = function (app) {

// Good for now
// In the future, use connect-mongo or similar
// for persistant sessions
    extended: true
app.use(session({secret: 'building a blog', saveUninitialized: true, resave: true}));

Also, here is my "package.json" file, you may be using different versions of technologies. Note: because I am not sure of the dependencies between them, I am including the whole file here:

"dependencies": {
    "body-parser": "1.12.3",
    "consolidate": "0.12.1",
    "cookie-parser": "1.3.4",
    "crypto": "0.0.3",
    "debug": "2.1.1",
    "express": "4.12.2",
    "express-mongoose": "0.1.0",
    "express-session": "1.11.1",
    "jade": "1.9.2",
    "method-override": "2.3.2",
    "mongodb": "2.0.28",
    "mongoose": "4.0.2",
    "morgan": "1.5.1",
    "request": "2.55.0",
    "serve-favicon": "2.2.0",
    "swig": "1.4.2"

Hope this helps someone! All the best!

How to Determine the Screen Height and Width in Flutter

Getting width is easy but height can be tricky, following are the ways to deal with height

// Full screen width and height
double width = MediaQuery.of(context).size.width;
double height = MediaQuery.of(context).size.height;

// Height (without SafeArea)
var padding = MediaQuery.of(context).padding;
double height1 = height - - padding.bottom;

// Height (without status bar)
double height2 = height -;

// Height (without status and toolbar)
double height3 = height - - kToolbarHeight;

How to add an object to an array

var years = [];
for (i= 2015;i<=2030;i=i+1)
years.push({operator : i})

here array years is having values like


it continues like this.

How to force reloading a page when using browser back button?

Use following meta tag in your html header file, This works for me.

<meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache">

How to completely uninstall Visual Studio 2010?

Download and install IOBIT uninstaller:, find the date in which you install Visual Studio and select all programas from that date r elated to VS. Then run de batch uninstaller. It is not a fully automated solution but it is a lot quicker than going one by one int he add / remove programs in Windows. It even has a power scan to clean the registry.

bootstrap button shows blue outline when clicked


.btn-primary:focus { 
  box-shadow: none !important; 

REST API Authentication

For e.g. when a user has login.Now lets say the user want to create a forum topic, How will I know that the user is already logged in?

Think about it - there must be some handshake that tells your "Create Forum" API that this current request is from an authenticated user. Since REST APIs are typically stateless, the state must be persisted somewhere. Your client consuming the REST APIs is responsible for maintaining that state. Usually, it is in the form of some token that gets passed around since the time the user was logged in. If the token is good, your request is good.

Check how Amazon AWS does authentications. That's a perfect example of "passing the buck" around from one API to another.

*I thought of adding some practical response to my previous answer. Try Apache Shiro (or any authentication/authorization library). Bottom line, try and avoid custom coding. Once you have integrated your favorite library (I use Apache Shiro, btw) you can then do the following:

  1. Create a Login/logout API like: /api/v1/login and api/v1/logout
  2. In these Login and Logout APIs, perform the authentication with your user store
  3. The outcome is a token (usually, JSESSIONID) that is sent back to the client (web, mobile, whatever)
  4. From this point onwards, all subsequent calls made by your client will include this token
  5. Let's say your next call is made to an API called /api/v1/findUser
  6. The first thing this API code will do is to check for the token ("is this user authenticated?")
  7. If the answer comes back as NO, then you throw a HTTP 401 Status back at the client. Let them handle it.
  8. If the answer is YES, then proceed to return the requested User

That's all. Hope this helps.

UICollectionView cell selection and cell reuse

Your observation is correct. This behavior is happening due to the reuse of cells. But you dont have to do any thing with the prepareForReuse. Instead do your check in cellForItem and set the properties accordingly. Some thing like..

 - (UICollectionViewCell *)collectionView:(UICollectionView *)collectionView cellForItemAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
UICollectionViewCell *cell = [collectionView dequeueReusableCellWithReuseIdentifier:@"cvCell" forIndexPath:indexPath];

if (cell.selected) {
     cell.backgroundColor = [UIColor blueColor]; // highlight selection 
     cell.backgroundColor = [UIColor redColor]; // Default color
return cell;

-(void)collectionView:(UICollectionView *)collectionView didSelectItemAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath  {

    UICollectionViewCell *datasetCell =[collectionView cellForItemAtIndexPath:indexPath];
    datasetCell.backgroundColor = [UIColor blueColor]; // highlight selection

 -(void)collectionView:(UICollectionView *)collectionView didDeselectItemAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {

UICollectionViewCell *datasetCell =[collectionView cellForItemAtIndexPath:indexPath]; 
datasetCell.backgroundColor = [UIColor redColor]; // Default color

Error: "an object reference is required for the non-static field, method or property..."

Simply add static in the declaration of these two methods and the compile time error will disappear!

By default in C# methods are instance methods, and they receive the implicit "self" argument. By making them static, no such argument is needed (nor available), and the method must then of course refrain from accessing any instance (non-static) objects or methods of the class.

More info on static methods
Provided the class and the method's access modifiers (public vs. private) are ok, a static method can then be called from anywhere without having to previously instantiate a instance of the class. In other words static methods are used with the following syntax:

rather than

A classical example of static methods are found in the System.Math class, whereby we can call a bunch of these methods like


without ever instantiating a "Math" class (in fact I don't even know if such an instance is possible)

How to start new line with space for next line in Html.fromHtml for text view in android

use <br/> tag


<string name="copyright"><b>@</b> 2014 <br/>
<i>All rights reserved.</i></string>

The import cannot be resolved

I too had the same issue. Got it resolved by compiling with the latest sdk tool versions.(Play services,build tools etc). Sample build.gradle is shown below for reference.

    apply plugin: ''

android {
    compileSdkVersion 23
    buildToolsVersion "23.0.1"

    defaultConfig {
        applicationId ""
        minSdkVersion 14
        targetSdkVersion 23
        versionCode 1
        versionName "1.0"
    buildTypes {
        release {
            minifyEnabled false
            proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''

dependencies {
    compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
    compile ''
    compile ''

Using Python's list index() method on a list of tuples or objects?

One possibility is to use the itemgetter function from the operator module:

import operator

f = operator.itemgetter(0)
print map(f, tuple_list).index("cherry") # yields 1

The call to itemgetter returns a function that will do the equivalent of foo[0] for anything passed to it. Using map, you then apply that function to each tuple, extracting the info into a new list, on which you then call index as normal.

map(f, tuple_list)

is equivalent to:

[f(tuple_list[0]), f(tuple_list[1]), ...etc]

which in turn is equivalent to:

[tuple_list[0][0], tuple_list[1][0], tuple_list[2][0]]

which gives:

["pineapple", "cherry", ...etc]

ADB Driver and Windows 8.1

I had the following problem:
I had a Android phone without drivers, and it could not be recognized by the Windows 8.1. Neither as phone, neither as USB storage device.

I searched Device manager.
I opened Device manager, I right click on Android Phone->Android Composite Interface.
I selected "Update Driver Software"
I choose "Browse My Computer for Driver Software"
Then I choose "Let me pick from a list of devices"
I selected "USB Composite Device"

A new USB device is added to the list, and I can connect to my phone using adb and Android SDK.

Also I can use the phone as storage device.
Good luck

How to write to a file without overwriting current contents?

Instead of "w" use "a" (append) mode with open function:

with open("games.txt", "a") as text_file:

Key error when selecting columns in pandas dataframe after read_csv

if you need to select multiple columns from dataframe use 2 pairs of square brackets eg.


LabelEncoder: TypeError: '>' not supported between instances of 'float' and 'str'

As string data types have variable length, it is by default stored as object type. I faced this problem after treating missing values too. Converting all those columns to type 'category' before label encoding worked in my case.


And then check df.dtypes and perform label encoding.

Android: I am unable to have ViewPager WRAP_CONTENT

Using Daniel López Localle answer, I created this class in Kotlin. Hope it save you more time

class DynamicHeightViewPager @JvmOverloads constructor(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet? = null) : ViewPager(context, attrs) {

override fun onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec: Int, heightMeasureSpec: Int) {
    var heightMeasureSpec = heightMeasureSpec

    var height = 0
    for (i in 0 until childCount) {
        val child = getChildAt(i)
        child.measure(widthMeasureSpec, View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(0, View.MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED))
        val h = child.measuredHeight
        if (h > height) height = h

    if (height != 0) {
        heightMeasureSpec = View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(height, View.MeasureSpec.EXACTLY)

    super.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec)

Check synchronously if file/directory exists in Node.js

Another Update

Needing an answer to this question myself I looked up the node docs, seems you should not be using fs.exists, instead use and use outputted error to detect if a file does not exist:

from the docs:

fs.exists() is an anachronism and exists only for historical reasons. There should almost never be a reason to use it in your own code.

In particular, checking if a file exists before opening it is an anti-pattern that leaves you vulnerable to race conditions: another process may remove the file between the calls to fs.exists() and Just open the file and handle the error when it's not there.

How to run multiple DOS commands in parallel?

I suggest you to see "How do I run a bat file in the background from another bat file?"

Also, good answer (of using start command) was given in "Parallel execution of shell processes" question page here;

But my recommendation is to use PowerShell. I believe it will perfectly suit your needs.

Center content in responsive bootstrap navbar

it because it apply flex. you can use this code

@media (min-width: 992px){
.navbar-expand-lg .navbar-collapse {
    display: -ms-flexbox!important;
    display: flex!important;
    -ms-flex-preferred-size: auto;
    flex-basis: auto;
    justify-content: center;

in my case it workded correctly.

How can I read and parse CSV files in C++?

If you don't care about escaping comma and newline,
AND you can't embed comma and newline in quotes (If you can't escape then...)
then its only about three lines of code (OK 14 ->But its only 15 to read the whole file).

std::vector<std::string> getNextLineAndSplitIntoTokens(std::istream& str)
    std::vector<std::string>   result;
    std::string                line;

    std::stringstream          lineStream(line);
    std::string                cell;

    while(std::getline(lineStream,cell, ','))
    // This checks for a trailing comma with no data after it.
    if (!lineStream && cell.empty())
        // If there was a trailing comma then add an empty element.
    return result;

I would just create a class representing a row.
Then stream into that object:

#include <iterator>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>

class CSVRow
        std::string_view operator[](std::size_t index) const
            return std::string_view(&m_line[m_data[index] + 1], m_data[index + 1] -  (m_data[index] + 1));
        std::size_t size() const
            return m_data.size() - 1;
        void readNextRow(std::istream& str)
            std::getline(str, m_line);

            std::string::size_type pos = 0;
            while((pos = m_line.find(',', pos)) != std::string::npos)
            // This checks for a trailing comma with no data after it.
            pos   = m_line.size();
        std::string         m_line;
        std::vector<int>    m_data;

std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& str, CSVRow& data)
    return str;
int main()
    std::ifstream       file("plop.csv");

    CSVRow              row;
    while(file >> row)
        std::cout << "4th Element(" << row[3] << ")\n";

But with a little work we could technically create an iterator:

class CSVIterator
        typedef std::input_iterator_tag     iterator_category;
        typedef CSVRow                      value_type;
        typedef std::size_t                 difference_type;
        typedef CSVRow*                     pointer;
        typedef CSVRow&                     reference;

        CSVIterator(std::istream& str)  :m_str(str.good()?&str:NULL) { ++(*this); }
        CSVIterator()                   :m_str(NULL) {}

        // Pre Increment
        CSVIterator& operator++()               {if (m_str) { if (!((*m_str) >> m_row)){m_str = NULL;}}return *this;}
        // Post increment
        CSVIterator operator++(int)             {CSVIterator    tmp(*this);++(*this);return tmp;}
        CSVRow const& operator*()   const       {return m_row;}
        CSVRow const* operator->()  const       {return &m_row;}

        bool operator==(CSVIterator const& rhs) {return ((this == &rhs) || ((this->m_str == NULL) && (rhs.m_str == NULL)));}
        bool operator!=(CSVIterator const& rhs) {return !((*this) == rhs);}
        std::istream*       m_str;
        CSVRow              m_row;

int main()
    std::ifstream       file("plop.csv");

    for(CSVIterator loop(file); loop != CSVIterator(); ++loop)
        std::cout << "4th Element(" << (*loop)[3] << ")\n";

Now that we are in 2020 lets add a CSVRange object:

class CSVRange
    std::istream&   stream;
        CSVRange(std::istream& str)
            : stream(str)
        CSVIterator begin() const {return CSVIterator{stream};}
        CSVIterator end()   const {return CSVIterator{};}

int main()
    std::ifstream       file("plop.csv");

    for(auto& row: CSVRange(file))
        std::cout << "4th Element(" << row[3] << ")\n";

Splitting a continuous variable into equal sized groups

You can also use the bin function with method = "content" from the OneR package for that:

das$wt_2 <- as.numeric(bin(das$wt, nbins = 3, method = "content"))
##    anim    wt wt_2
## 1     1 181.0    1
## 2     2 179.0    1
## 3     3 180.5    1
## 4     4 201.0    2
## 5     5 201.5    2
## 6     6 245.0    2
## 7     7 246.4    3
## 8     8 189.3    1
## 9     9 301.0    3
## 10   10 354.0    3
## 11   11 369.0    3
## 12   12 205.0    2
## 13   13 199.0    1
## 14   14 394.0    3
## 15   15 231.3    2

What is the difference between res.end() and res.send()?

res.send() implements res.write, res.setHeaders and res.end:

  1. It checks the data you send and sets the correct response headers.
  2. Then it streams the data with res.write.
  3. Finally, it uses res.end to set the end of the request.

There are some cases in which you will want to do this manually, for example, if you want to stream a file or a large data set. In these cases, you will want to set the headers yourself and use res.write to keep the stream flow.

How to delete or add column in SQLITE?

Implementation in Python based on information at

import sqlite3 as db
import random
import string

QUERY_TEMPLATE_GET_COLUMNS = "PRAGMA table_info(@table_name)"
  CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE @tmp_table(@columns_to_keep);
  INSERT INTO @tmp_table SELECT @columns_to_keep FROM @table_name;
  DROP TABLE @table_name;
  CREATE TABLE @table_name(@columns_to_keep);
  INSERT INTO @table_name SELECT @columns_to_keep FROM @tmp_table;
  DROP TABLE @tmp_table;

def drop_column(db_file, table_name, column_name):
    con = db.connect(db_file)
    QUERY_GET_COLUMNS = QUERY_TEMPLATE_GET_COLUMNS.replace("@table_name", table_name)
    query_res = con.execute(QUERY_GET_COLUMNS).fetchall()
    columns_list_to_keep = [i[1] for i in query_res if i[1] != column_name]
    columns_to_keep = ",".join(columns_list_to_keep)
    tmp_table = "tmp_%s" % "".join(random.sample(string.ascii_lowercase, 10))
    QUERY_DROP_COLUMN = QUERY_TEMPLATE_DROP_COLUMN.replace("@table_name", table_name)\
        .replace("@tmp_table", tmp_table).replace("@columns_to_keep", columns_to_keep)


This script first makes random temporary table and inserts data of only necessary columns except the one that will will be dropped. Then restores the original table based on the temporary table and drops the temporary table.

What are the date formats available in SimpleDateFormat class?



The other Questions are outmoded. The terrible legacy classes such as SimpleDateFormat were supplanted years ago by the modern java.time classes.


For defining your own custom formatting patterns, the codes in DateTimeFormatter are similar to but not exactly the same as the codes in SimpleDateFormat. Be sure to study the documentation. And search Stack Overflow for many examples.

DateTimeFormatter f = 
        "dd MMM uuuu" , 

Standard ISO 8601

The ISO 8601 standard defines formats for many types of date-time values. These formats are designed for data-exchange, being easily parsed by machine as well as easily read by humans across cultures.

The java.time classes use ISO 8601 formats by default when generating/parsing strings. Simply call the toString & parse methods. No need to specify a formatting pattern.


For a value in UTC, the Z on the end means UTC, and is pronounced “Zulu”.


Rather than specify a formatting pattern, you can let java.time automatically localize for you. Use the DateTimeFormatter.ofLocalized… methods.

Get current moment with the wall-clock time used by the people of a particular region (a time zone).

ZoneId z = ZoneId.of( "Africa/Tunis" );
ZonedDateTime zdt = z );

Generate text in standard ISO 8601 format wisely extended to append the name of the time zone in square brackets.

zdt.toString(): 2018-11-05T19:20:23.765293+01:00[Africa/Tunis]

Generate auto-localized text.

Locale locale = Locale.CANADA_FRENCH;
DateTimeFormatter f = DateTimeFormatter.ofLocalizedDateTime( FormatStyle.FULL ).withLocale( locale );

String output = zdt.format( f );

output: lundi 5 novembre 2018 à 19:20:23 heure normale d’Europe centrale

Generally a better practice to auto-localize rather than fret with hard-coded formatting patterns.

About java.time

The java.time framework is built into Java 8 and later. These classes supplant the troublesome old legacy date-time classes such as java.util.Date, Calendar, & SimpleDateFormat.

To learn more, see the Oracle Tutorial. And search Stack Overflow for many examples and explanations. Specification is JSR 310.

The Joda-Time project, now in maintenance mode, advises migration to the java.time classes.

You may exchange java.time objects directly with your database. Use a JDBC driver compliant with JDBC 4.2 or later. No need for strings, no need for java.sql.* classes. Hibernate 5 & JPA 2.2 support java.time.

Where to obtain the java.time classes?

Should you commit .gitignore into the Git repos?

You typically do commit .gitignore. In fact, I personally go as far as making sure my index is always clean when I'm not working on something. (git status should show nothing.)

There are cases where you want to ignore stuff that really isn't project specific. For example, your text editor may create automatic *~ backup files, or another example would be the .DS_Store files created by OS X.

I'd say, if others are complaining about those rules cluttering up your .gitignore, leave them out and instead put them in a global excludes file.

By default this file resides in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/git/ignore (defaults to ~/.config/git/ignore), but this location can be changed by setting the core.excludesfile option. For example:

git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore

Simply create and edit the global excludesfile to your heart's content; it'll apply to every git repository you work on on that machine.

Cannot make file No such file or directory

Be careful with permissions, it is problably you don't have some of them. You can see it in settings -> apps -> name of the application -> permissions -> active if not.

Permissions app

CSS hide scroll bar, but have element scrollable

work on all major browsers

html {
    overflow: scroll;
    overflow-x: hidden;
::-webkit-scrollbar {
    width: 0px;  /* Remove scrollbar space */
    background: transparent;  /* Optional: just make scrollbar invisible */

Base table or view not found: 1146 Table Laravel 5

This problem occur due to wrong spell or undefined database name. Make sure your database name, table name and all column name is same as from phpmyadmin.

Thank You

Getting GET "?" variable in laravel

In laravel 5.3

I want to show the get param in my view

Step 1 : my route

Route::get('my_route/{myvalue}', 'myController@myfunction');

Step 2 : Write a function inside your controller

public function myfunction($myvalue)
    return view('get')->with('myvalue', $myvalue);

Now you're returning the parameter that you passed to the view

Step 3 : Showing it in my View

Inside my view you i can simply echo it by using

{{ $myvalue }}

So If you have this in your url[email protected]

Then it will print [email protected] in you view file

hope this helps someone.

How do I create directory if it doesn't exist to create a file?

You can use following code

  DirectoryInfo di = Directory.CreateDirectory(path);

using if else with eval in aspx page

If you absolutely do not want to use code-behind, you can try conditional operator for this:

<%# ((int)Eval("Percentage") < 50) ? "0 %" : Eval("Percentage") %>

That is assuming field Percentage contains integer.

Update: Version for VB.NET, just in case, provided by tomasofen:

<%# If(Eval("Status") < 50, "0 %", Eval("Percentage")) %>

Make JQuery UI Dialog automatically grow or shrink to fit its contents

Update: As of jQuery UI 1.8, the working solution (as mentioned in the second comment) is to use:

width: 'auto'

Use the autoResize:true option. I'll illustrate:

  <div id="whatup">
    <div id="inside">Hi there.</div>
      "resize", "auto"
     setTimeout(function() {
        setTimeout(arguments.callee, 1000);
      }, 1000);

Here's a working example:

What is the purpose of Order By 1 in SQL select statement?


ORDER BY 1 known as an "Ordinal" - the number stands for the column based on the number of columns defined in the SELECT clause. In the query you provided, it means:


It's not a recommended practice, because:

  1. It's not obvious/explicit
  2. If the column order changes, the query is still valid so you risk ordering by something you didn't intend

ImportError: No module named _ssl

The underscore usually means a C module (i.e. DLL), and Python can't find it. Did you build python yourself? If so, you need to include SSL support.

Running ASP.Net on a Linux based server

You can use Mono to run ASP.NET applications on Apache/Linux, however it has a limited subset of what you can do under Windows. As for "they" saying Windows is more vulnerable to attack - it's not true. IIS has had less security problems over the last couple of years that Apache, but in either case it's all down to the administration of the boxes - both OSes can be easily secured. These days the attack points are not the OS or web server software, but the applications themselves.

PHP create key => value pairs within a foreach

Create key value pairs on the phpsh commandline like this:

php> $keyvalues = array();
php> $keyvalues['foo'] = "bar";
php> $keyvalues['pyramid'] = "power";
php> print_r($keyvalues);
    [foo] => bar
    [pyramid] => power

Get the count of key value pairs:

php> echo count($offerarray);

Get the keys as an array:

php> echo implode(array_keys($offerarray));

How can I find the dimensions of a matrix in Python?

The correct answer is the following:

import numpy 

Versioning SQL Server database

To make the dump to a source code control system that little bit faster, you can see which objects have changed since last time by using the version information in sysobjects.

Setup: Create a table in each database you want to check incrementally to hold the version information from the last time you checked it (empty on the first run). Clear this table if you want to re-scan your whole data structure.

IF ISNULL(OBJECT_ID('last_run_sysversions'), 0) <> 0 DROP TABLE last_run_sysversions
CREATE TABLE last_run_sysversions (
    name varchar(128), 
    id int, base_schema_ver int,
    schema_ver int,
    type char(2)

Normal running mode: You can take the results from this sql, and generate sql scripts for just the ones you're interested in, and put them into a source control of your choice.

IF ISNULL(OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#tmp'), 0) <> 0 DROP TABLE #tmp
    name varchar(128), 
    id int, base_schema_ver int,
    schema_ver int,
    type char(2)


-- Insert the values from the end of the last run into #tmp
INSERT #tmp (name, id, base_schema_ver, schema_ver, type) 
SELECT name, id, base_schema_ver, schema_ver, type FROM last_run_sysversions

DELETE last_run_sysversions
INSERT last_run_sysversions (name, id, base_schema_ver, schema_ver, type)
SELECT name, id, base_schema_ver, schema_ver, type FROM sysobjects

-- This next bit lists all differences to scripts.

SELECT 'renamed' AS ChangeType,, AS extra_info, 1 AS Priority
FROM sysobjects o INNER JOIN #tmp t ON =
AND o.type IN ('TR', 'P' ,'U' ,'V')

--Changed (using alter)
SELECT 'changed' AS ChangeType, /*COLLATE*/, 
       'altered' AS extra_info, 2 AS Priority
FROM sysobjects o INNER JOIN #tmp t ON = 
   o.base_schema_ver <> t.base_schema_ver
OR o.schema_ver      <> t.schema_ver
AND  o.type IN ('TR', 'P' ,'U' ,'V')
         FROM sysobjects oi INNER JOIN #tmp ti ON =
         WHERE <> /*COLLATE*/
         AND oi.type IN ('TR', 'P' ,'U' ,'V')) 

--Changed (actually dropped and recreated [but not renamed])
SELECT 'changed' AS ChangeType,, 'dropped' AS extra_info, 2 AS Priority
FROM #tmp t
         WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects oi
                           WHERE =
AND IN ( SELECT /*COLLATE*/ FROM sysobjects oi
         WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM #tmp ti
                           WHERE =
         AND   oi.type  IN ('TR', 'P' ,'U' ,'V'))

SELECT 'deleted' AS ChangeType,, '' AS extra_info, 0 AS Priority
FROM #tmp t
                  WHERE =
AND NOT IN (  SELECT /*COLLATE*/ FROM sysobjects oi
         WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM #tmp ti
                           WHERE =
         AND   oi.type  IN ('TR', 'P' ,'U' ,'V'))

SELECT 'added' AS ChangeType, /*COLLATE*/, '' AS extra_info, 4 AS Priority
FROM sysobjects o
                  WHERE =
AND      o.type  IN ('TR', 'P' ,'U' ,'V')
         WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects oi
                           WHERE =

Note: If you use a non-standard collation in any of your databases, you will need to replace /* COLLATE */ with your database collation. i.e. COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI

How to call a method with a separate thread in Java?

Create a class that implements the Runnable interface. Put the code you want to run in the run() method - that's the method that you must write to comply to the Runnable interface. In your "main" thread, create a new Thread class, passing the constructor an instance of your Runnable, then call start() on it. start tells the JVM to do the magic to create a new thread, and then call your run method in that new thread.

public class MyRunnable implements Runnable {

    private int var;

    public MyRunnable(int var) {
        this.var = var;

    public void run() {
        // code in the other thread, can reference "var" variable

public class MainThreadClass {
    public static void main(String args[]) {
        MyRunnable myRunnable = new MyRunnable(10);
        Thread t = new Thread(myRunnable)

Take a look at Java's concurrency tutorial to get started.

If your method is going to be called frequently, then it may not be worth creating a new thread each time, as this is an expensive operation. It would probably be best to use a thread pool of some sort. Have a look at Future, Callable, Executor classes in the java.util.concurrent package.

In Bootstrap 3,How to change the distance between rows in vertical?

There's a simply way of doing it. You define for all the rows, except the first one, the following class with properties:

   position: relative;
   top: -20px;

Then you apply the class to all non-first rows and adjust the negative top value to fit your desired row space. It's easy and works way better. :) Hope it helped.

Passing data into "router-outlet" child components

Yes, you can set inputs of components displayed via router outlets. Sadly, you have to do it programmatically, as mentioned in other answers. There's a big caveat to that when observables are involved (described below).

Here's how:

(1) Hook up to the router-outlet's activate event in the parent template:

<router-outlet (activate)="onOutletLoaded($event)"></router-outlet>

(2) Switch to the parent's typescript file and set the child component's inputs programmatically each time they are activated:

onOutletLoaded(component) {
    component.node = 'someValue';


However, the above version of onOutletLoaded is simplified for clarity. It only works if you can guarantee all child components have the exact same inputs you are assigning. If you have components with different inputs, use type guards:

onChildLoaded(component: MyComponent1 | MyComponent2) {
  if (component instanceof MyComponent1) {
    component.someInput = 123;
  } else if (component instanceof MyComponent2) {
    component.anotherInput = 456;

Why may this method be preferred over the service method?

Neither this method nor the service method are "the right way" to communicate with child components (both methods step away from pure template binding), so you just have to decide which way feels more appropriate for the project.

This method, however, avoids the tight coupling associated with the "create a service for communication" approach (i.e., the parent needs the service, and the children all need the service, making the children unusable elsewhere). Decoupling is usually preferred.

In many cases this method also feels closer to the "angular way" because you can continue passing data to your child components through @Inputs (thats the decoupling part - this enables re-use elsewhere). It's also a good fit for already existing or third-party components that you don't want to or can't tightly couple with your service.

On the other hand, it may feel less like the angular way when...


The caveat with this method is that since you are passing data in the typescript file, you no longer have the option of using the pipe-async pattern used in templates (e.g. {{ myObservable$ | async }}) to automagically use and pass on your observable data to child components.

Instead, you'll need to set up something to get the current observable values whenever the onChildLoaded function is called. This will likely also require some teardown in the parent component's onDestroy function. This is nothing too unusual, there are often cases where this needs to be done, such as when using an observable that doesn't even get to the template.

How can I change the thickness of my <hr> tag

I was looking for shortest way to draw an 1px line, as whole load of separated CSS is not the fastest or shortest solution.

Up to HTML5, the WAS a shorter way for 1px hr: <hr noshade> but.. The noshade attribute of <hr> is not supported in HTML5. Use CSS instead. (nor other attibutes used before, as size, width, align)...

Now, this one is quite tricky, but works well if most simple 1px hr needed:

Variation 1, BLACK hr: (best solution for black)

<hr style="border-bottom: 0px">

Output: FF, Opera - black / Safari - dark gray

Variation 2, GRAY hr (shortest!):

<hr style="border-top: 0px">

Output: Opera - dark gray / FF - gray / Safari - light gray

Variation 3, COLOR as desired:

<hr style="border: none; border-bottom: 1px solid red;">

Output: Opera / FF / Safari : 1px red.

How to get named excel sheets while exporting from SSRS

I was able to get this done following more complex instructions suggested by Valentino Vranken and rao , but here is a more simple approach , for a more simple report . This will put each table on a separate sheet and name them in Excel . It doesn't seem to have an effect on other exports like PDF and Word .

First in the Tablix Properties of of your tables under General , check either Add a page break before or after , this separates the report into sheets .

Then in each table , click the table , then in the Grouping view , on the Row Groups side , select the parent group or the default row group and then in the Properties view under Group -> PageBreak set BreakLocation to None and PageName to the sheet's name .

Get full URL and query string in Servlet for both HTTP and HTTPS requests

By design, getRequestURL() gives you the full URL, missing only the query string.

In HttpServletRequest, you can get individual parts of the URI using the methods below:

// Example: http://myhost:8080/people?lastname=Fox&age=30

String uri = request.getScheme() + "://" +   // "http" + "://
             request.getServerName() +       // "myhost"
             ":" +                           // ":"
             request.getServerPort() +       // "8080"
             request.getRequestURI() +       // "/people"
             "?" +                           // "?"
             request.getQueryString();       // "lastname=Fox&age=30"
  • .getScheme() will give you "https" if it was a https://domain request.
  • .getServerName() gives domain on http(s)://domain.
  • .getServerPort() will give you the port.

Use the snippet below:

String uri = request.getScheme() + "://" +
             request.getServerName() + 
             ("http".equals(request.getScheme()) && request.getServerPort() == 80 || "https".equals(request.getScheme()) && request.getServerPort() == 443 ? "" : ":" + request.getServerPort() ) +
             request.getRequestURI() +
            (request.getQueryString() != null ? "?" + request.getQueryString() : "");

This snippet above will get the full URI, hiding the port if the default one was used, and not adding the "?" and the query string if the latter was not provided.

Proxied requests

Note, that if your request passes through a proxy, you need to look at the X-Forwarded-Proto header since the scheme might be altered:


Also, a common header is X-Forwarded-For, which show the original request IP instead of the proxys IP.


If you are responsible for the configuration of the proxy/load balancer yourself, you need to ensure that these headers are set upon forwarding.

PHP case-insensitive in_array function

  • in_array accepts these parameters : in_array(search,array,type)
  • if the search parameter is a string and the type parameter is set to TRUE, the search is case-sensitive.
  • so in order to make the search ignore the case, it would be enough to use it like this :

$a = array( 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four' );

$b = in_array( 'ONE', $a, false );

Relative imports for the billionth time

@BrenBarn's answer says it all, but if you're like me it might take a while to understand. Here's my case and how @BrenBarn's answer applies to it, perhaps it will help you.

The case


Using our familiar example, and add to it that has a relative import to ..moduleA. Given that I tried writing a test script in the subpackage1 directory that imported moduleX, but then got the dreaded error described by the OP.


Move test script to the same level as package and import package.subpackage1.moduleX


As explained, relative imports are made relative to the current name. When my test script imports moduleX from the same directory, then module name inside moduleX is moduleX. When it encounters a relative import the interpreter can't back up the package hierarchy because it's already at the top

When I import moduleX from above, then name inside moduleX is package.subpackage1.moduleX and the relative import can be found

How to access command line arguments of the caller inside a function?

My reading of the Bash Reference Manual says this stuff is captured in BASH_ARGV, although it talks about "the stack" a lot.


function argv {
    for a in ${BASH_ARGV[*]} ; do
      echo -n "$a "

function f {
    echo f $1 $2 $3
    echo -n f ; argv

function g {
    echo g $1 $2 $3
    echo -n g; argv

f boo bar baz
g goo gar gaz

Save in

$ ./ arg0 arg1 arg2
f boo bar baz
farg2 arg1 arg0 
g goo gar gaz
garg2 arg1 arg0 
farg2 arg1 arg0 

MS SQL Date Only Without Time

The Date functions posted by others are the most correct way to handle this.

However, it's funny you mention the term "floor", because there's a little hack that will run somewhat faster:

CAST(FLOOR(CAST(@dateParam AS float)) AS DateTime)

Validate email with a regex in jQuery

You probably want to use a regex like the one described here to check the format. When the form's submitted, run the following test on each field:

var userinput = $(this).val();
var pattern = /^\b[A-Z0-9._%-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}\b$/i

  alert('not a valid e-mail address');

Is there a way to get element by XPath using JavaScript in Selenium WebDriver?

To identify a WebElement using and you have to use the evaluate() method which evaluates an xpath expression and returns a result.


document.evaluate() returns an XPathResult based on an XPath expression and other given parameters.

The syntax is:

var xpathResult = document.evaluate(


  • xpathExpression: The string representing the XPath to be evaluated.
  • contextNode: Specifies the context node for the query. Common practice is to pass document as the context node.
  • namespaceResolver: The function that will be passed any namespace prefixes and should return a string representing the namespace URI associated with that prefix. It will be used to resolve prefixes within the XPath itself, so that they can be matched with the document. null is common for HTML documents or when no namespace prefixes are used.
  • resultType: An integer that corresponds to the type of result XPathResult to return using named constant properties, such as XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, of the XPathResult constructor, which correspond to integers from 0 to 9.
  • result: An existing XPathResult to use for the results. null is the most common and will create a new XPathResult


As an example the Search Box within the Google Home Page which can be identified uniquely using the xpath as //*[@name='q'] can also be identified using the Console by the following command:




The same element can can also be identified using document.evaluate() and the xpath expression as follows:

document.evaluate("//*[@name='q']", document, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue;



How to apply font anti-alias effects in CSS?

here you go Sir :-)


    -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
    -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
    text-rendering: optimizeLegibility;


    text-shadow: rgba(0,0,0,.01) 0 0 1px;

Grunt watch error - Waiting...Fatal error: watch ENOSPC

In my case it was related to vs-code running on my Linux machine. I ignored a warning which popped up about file watcher bla bla. The solution is on the vs-code docs page for linux

The solution is almost same (if not same) as the accepted answers, just has more explanation for anyone who gets here after running into the issues from vs-code.

Select All as default value for Multivalue parameter

Does not work if you have nulls.

You can get around this by modifying your select statement to plop something into nulls:

phonenumber = CASE
  WHEN (isnull(phonenumber, '')='') THEN '(blank)'
  ELSE phonenumber

java comparator, how to sort by integer?

One simple way is

Comparator<Dog> ageAscendingComp = ...;
Comparator<Dog> ageDescendingComp = Collections.reverseOrder(ageAscendingComp);
// then call the sort method

On a side note, Dog should really not implement Comparator. It means you have to do strange things like

Collections.sort(myList, new Dog("Rex", 4));
// ^-- why is a new dog being made? What are we even sorting by?!
Collections.sort(myList, myList.get(0));
// ^-- or perhaps more confusingly

Rather you should make Compartors as separate classes.


public class DogAgeComparator implments Comparator<Dog> {
    public int compareTo(Dog d1, Dog d2) {
        return d1.getAge() - d2.getAge();

This has the added benefit that you can use the name of the class to say how the Comparator will sort the list. eg.

Collections.sort(someDogs, new DogNameComparator());
// now in name ascending order

Collections.sort(someDogs, Collections.reverseOrder(new DogAgeComparator()));
// now in age descending order

You should also not not have Dog implement Comparable. The Comparable interface is used to denote that there is some inherent and natural way to order these objects (such as for numbers and strings). Now this is not the case for Dog objects as sometimes you may wish to sort by age and sometimes you may wish to sort by name.

The most accurate way to check JS object's type?

Old question I know. You don't need to convert it. See this function:

function getType( oObj )
    if( typeof oObj === "object" )
          return ( oObj === null )?'Null':
          // Check if it is an alien object, for example created as {world:'hello'}
          ( typeof oObj.constructor !== "function" )?'Object':
          // else return object name (string)

    // Test simple types (not constructed types)
    return ( typeof oObj === "boolean")?'Boolean':
           ( typeof oObj === "number")?'Number':
           ( typeof oObj === "string")?'String':
           ( typeof oObj === "function")?'Function':false;



function MyObject() {}; // Just for example

console.log( getType( new String( "hello ") )); // String
console.log( getType( new Function() );         // Function
console.log( getType( {} ));                    // Object
console.log( getType( [] ));                    // Array
console.log( getType( new MyObject() ));        // MyObject

var bTest = false,
    uAny,  // Is undefined
    fTest  function() {};

 // Non constructed standard types
console.log( getType( bTest ));                 // Boolean
console.log( getType( 1.00 ));                  // Number
console.log( getType( 2000 ));                  // Number
console.log( getType( 'hello' ));               // String
console.log( getType( "hello" ));               // String
console.log( getType( fTest ));                 // Function
console.log( getType( uAny ));                  // false, cannot produce
                                                // a string

Low cost and simple.

extract part of a string using bash/cut/split

To extract joebloggs from this string in bash using parameter expansion without any extra processes...


NAME=${MYVAR%:*}  # retain the part before the colon
NAME=${NAME##*/}  # retain the part after the last slash
echo $NAME

Doesn't depend on joebloggs being at a particular depth in the path.


An overview of a few parameter expansion modes, for reference...

${MYVAR#pattern}     # delete shortest match of pattern from the beginning
${MYVAR##pattern}    # delete longest match of pattern from the beginning
${MYVAR%pattern}     # delete shortest match of pattern from the end
${MYVAR%%pattern}    # delete longest match of pattern from the end

So # means match from the beginning (think of a comment line) and % means from the end. One instance means shortest and two instances means longest.

You can get substrings based on position using numbers:

${MYVAR:3}   # Remove the first three chars (leaving 4..end)
${MYVAR::3}  # Return the first three characters
${MYVAR:3:5} # The next five characters after removing the first 3 (chars 4-9)

You can also replace particular strings or patterns using:


The pattern is in the same format as file-name matching, so * (any characters) is common, often followed by a particular symbol like / or .


Given a variable like


Remove the path leaving file name (all characters up to a slash):

echo ${MYVAR##*/}

Remove the file name, leaving the path (delete shortest match after last /):

echo ${MYVAR%/*}

Get just the file extension (remove all before last period):

echo ${MYVAR##*.}

NOTE: To do two operations, you can't combine them, but have to assign to an intermediate variable. So to get the file name without path or extension:

NAME=${MYVAR##*/}      # remove part before last slash
echo ${NAME%.*}        # from the new var remove the part after the last period

How do I create a constant in Python?

Unfortunately the Python has no constants so yet and it is shame. ES6 already added support constants to JavaScript ( since it is a very useful thing in any programming language. As answered in other answers in Python community use the convention - user uppercase variable as constants, but it does not protect against arbitrary errors in code. If you like, you may be found useful a single-file solution as next (see docstrings how use it).


import collections

__all__ = ('const', )

class Constant(object):
    Implementation strict constants in Python 3.

    A constant can be set up, but can not be changed or deleted.
    Value of constant may any immutable type, as well as list or set.
    Besides if value of a constant is list or set, it will be converted in an immutable type as next:
        list -> tuple
        set -> frozenset
    Dict as value of a constant has no support.

    >>> const = Constant()
    >>> del const.temp
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    NameError: name 'temp' is not defined
    >>> const.temp = 1
    >>> const.temp = 88
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    TypeError: Constanst can not be changed
    >>> del const.temp
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    TypeError: Constanst can not be deleted
    >>> const.I = ['a', 1, 1.2]
    >>> print(const.I)
    ('a', 1, 1.2)
    >>> const.F = {1.2}
    >>> print(const.F)
    >>> const.D = dict()
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    TypeError: dict can not be used as constant
    >>> del const.UNDEFINED
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    NameError: name 'UNDEFINED' is not defined
    >>> const()
    {'I': ('a', 1, 1.2), 'temp': 1, 'F': frozenset([1.2])}

    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
        """Declaration a constant with value. If mutable - it will be converted to immutable, if possible.
        If the constant already exists, then made prevent againt change it."""

        if name in self.__dict__:
            raise TypeError('Constanst can not be changed')

        if not isinstance(value, collections.Hashable):
            if isinstance(value, list):
                value = tuple(value)
            elif isinstance(value, set):
                value = frozenset(value)
            elif isinstance(value, dict):
                raise TypeError('dict can not be used as constant')
                raise ValueError('Muttable or custom type is not supported')
        self.__dict__[name] = value

    def __delattr__(self, name):
        """Deny against deleting a declared constant."""

        if name in self.__dict__:
            raise TypeError('Constanst can not be deleted')
        raise NameError("name '%s' is not defined" % name)

    def __call__(self):
        """Return all constans."""

        return self.__dict__

const = Constant()

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import doctest

If this is not enough, see full testcase for it.

import decimal
import uuid
import datetime
import unittest

from ..constants import Constant

class TestConstant(unittest.TestCase):
    Test for implementation constants in the Python

    def setUp(self):

        self.const = Constant()

    def tearDown(self):

        del self.const

    def test_create_constant_with_different_variants_of_name(self):

        self.const.CONSTANT = 1
        self.assertEqual(self.const.CONSTANT, 1)
        self.const.Constant = 2
        self.assertEqual(self.const.Constant, 2)
        self.const.ConStAnT = 3
        self.assertEqual(self.const.ConStAnT, 3)
        self.const.constant = 4
        self.assertEqual(self.const.constant, 4)
        self.const.co_ns_ta_nt = 5
        self.assertEqual(self.const.co_ns_ta_nt, 5)
        self.const.constant1111 = 6
        self.assertEqual(self.const.constant1111, 6)

    def test_create_and_change_integer_constant(self):

        self.const.INT = 1234
        self.assertEqual(self.const.INT, 1234)
        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(TypeError, 'Constanst can not be changed'):
            self.const.INT = .211

    def test_create_and_change_float_constant(self):

        self.const.FLOAT = .1234
        self.assertEqual(self.const.FLOAT, .1234)
        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(TypeError, 'Constanst can not be changed'):
            self.const.FLOAT = .211

    def test_create_and_change_list_constant_but_saved_as_tuple(self):

        self.const.LIST = [1, .2, None, True,, [], {}]
        self.assertEqual(self.const.LIST, (1, .2, None, True,, [], {}))

        self.assertTrue(isinstance(self.const.LIST, tuple))

        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(TypeError, 'Constanst can not be changed'):
            self.const.LIST = .211

    def test_create_and_change_none_constant(self):

        self.const.NONE = None
        self.assertEqual(self.const.NONE, None)
        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(TypeError, 'Constanst can not be changed'):
            self.const.NONE = .211

    def test_create_and_change_boolean_constant(self):

        self.const.BOOLEAN = True
        self.assertEqual(self.const.BOOLEAN, True)
        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(TypeError, 'Constanst can not be changed'):
            self.const.BOOLEAN = False

    def test_create_and_change_string_constant(self):

        self.const.STRING = "Text"
        self.assertEqual(self.const.STRING, "Text")

        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(TypeError, 'Constanst can not be changed'):
            self.const.STRING += '...'

        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(TypeError, 'Constanst can not be changed'):
            self.const.STRING = 'TEst1'

    def test_create_dict_constant(self):

        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(TypeError, 'dict can not be used as constant'):
            self.const.DICT = {}

    def test_create_and_change_tuple_constant(self):

        self.const.TUPLE = (1, .2, None, True,, [], {})
        self.assertEqual(self.const.TUPLE, (1, .2, None, True,, [], {}))

        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(TypeError, 'Constanst can not be changed'):
            self.const.TUPLE = 'TEst1'

    def test_create_and_change_set_constant(self):

        self.const.SET = {1, .2, None, True,}
        self.assertEqual(self.const.SET, {1, .2, None, True,})

        self.assertTrue(isinstance(self.const.SET, frozenset))

        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(TypeError, 'Constanst can not be changed'):
            self.const.SET = 3212

    def test_create_and_change_frozenset_constant(self):

        self.const.FROZENSET = frozenset({1, .2, None, True,})
        self.assertEqual(self.const.FROZENSET, frozenset({1, .2, None, True,}))

        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(TypeError, 'Constanst can not be changed'):
            self.const.FROZENSET = True

    def test_create_and_change_date_constant(self):

        self.const.DATE =, 11, 11)
        self.assertEqual(self.const.DATE,, 11, 11))

        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(TypeError, 'Constanst can not be changed'):
            self.const.DATE = True

    def test_create_and_change_datetime_constant(self):

        self.const.DATETIME = datetime.datetime(2000, 10, 10, 10, 10)
        self.assertEqual(self.const.DATETIME, datetime.datetime(2000, 10, 10, 10, 10))

        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(TypeError, 'Constanst can not be changed'):
            self.const.DATETIME = None

    def test_create_and_change_decimal_constant(self):

        self.const.DECIMAL = decimal.Decimal(13123.12312312321)
        self.assertEqual(self.const.DECIMAL, decimal.Decimal(13123.12312312321))

        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(TypeError, 'Constanst can not be changed'):
            self.const.DECIMAL = None

    def test_create_and_change_timedelta_constant(self):

        self.const.TIMEDELTA = datetime.timedelta(days=45)
        self.assertEqual(self.const.TIMEDELTA, datetime.timedelta(days=45))

        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(TypeError, 'Constanst can not be changed'):
            self.const.TIMEDELTA = 1

    def test_create_and_change_uuid_constant(self):

        value = uuid.uuid4()
        self.const.UUID = value
        self.assertEqual(self.const.UUID, value)

        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(TypeError, 'Constanst can not be changed'):
            self.const.UUID = []

    def test_try_delete_defined_const(self):

        self.const.VERSION = '0.0.1'
        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(TypeError, 'Constanst can not be deleted'):
            del self.const.VERSION

    def test_try_delete_undefined_const(self):

        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(NameError, "name 'UNDEFINED' is not defined"):
            del self.const.UNDEFINED

    def test_get_all_defined_constants(self):

        self.assertDictEqual(self.const(), {})

        self.const.A = 1
        self.assertDictEqual(self.const(), {'A': 1})

        self.const.B = "Text"
        self.assertDictEqual(self.const(), {'A': 1, 'B': "Text"})

Advantages: 1. Access to all constants for whole project 2. Strict control for values of constants

Lacks: 1. Not support for custom types and the type 'dict'


  1. Tested with Python3.4 and Python3.5 (I am use the 'tox' for it)

  2. Testing environment:


$ uname -a
Linux wlysenko-Aspire 3.13.0-37-generic #64-Ubuntu SMP Mon Sep 22 21:28:38 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Is there a splice method for strings?

I solved my problem using this code, is a somewhat replacement for the missing splice.

let str = "I need to remove a character from this";
let pos = str.indexOf("character")

  let result = str.slice(0, pos-2) + str.slice(pos, str.length);
  console.log(result) //I need to remove character from this 

I needed to remove a character before/after a certain word, after you get the position the string is split in two and then recomposed by flexibly removing characters using an offset along pos

Map with Key as String and Value as List in Groovy

One additional small piece that is helpful when dealing with maps/list as the value in a map is the withDefault(Closure) method on maps in groovy. Instead of doing the following code:

Map m = [:]
for(object in listOfObjects)
    m.put(object.myKey, [object.myValue]

You can do the following:

Map m = [:].withDefault{key -> return []}
for(object in listOfObjects)
  List valueList = m.get(object.myKey)
  m.put(object.myKey, valueList)

With default can be used for other things as well, but I find this the most common use case for me.


Map -> withDefault(Closure)

How to determine if .NET Core is installed

You can see which versions of the .NET Core SDK are currently installed with a terminal. Open a terminal and run the following command.

dotnet --list-sdks

Test for array of string type in TypeScript

Another option is Array.isArray()

if(! Array.isArray(classNames) ){
    classNames = [classNames]

How to use QTimer


    #ifndef MYTIMER_H
    #define MYTIMER_H

    #include <QTimer>

    class MyTimer : public QObject
        QTimer *timer;

    public slots:
        void MyTimerSlot();

    #endif // MYTIME


#include "mytimer.h"
#include <QDebug>

    // create a timer
    timer = new QTimer(this);

    // setup signal and slot
    connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()),
          this, SLOT(MyTimerSlot()));

    // msec

void MyTimer::MyTimerSlot()
    qDebug() << "Timer...";


#include <QCoreApplication>
#include "mytimer.h"

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);

    // Create MyTimer instance
    // QTimer object will be created in the MyTimer constructor
    MyTimer timer;

    return a.exec();

If we run the code:



How do I count a JavaScript object's attributes?

 var miobj = [
  {"padreid":"0", "sw":"0", "dtip":"UNO", "datos":[]},
  {"padreid":"1", "sw":"0", "dtip":"DOS", "datos":[]}
 alert(miobj.length) //=== 2


 alert(miobj[0].length) //=== undefined

this function is very good

Object.prototype.count = function () {
    var count = 0;
    for(var prop in this) {
            count = count + 1;
    return count;

alert(miobj.count()) // === 2
alert(miobj[0].count()) // === 4

Convert a SQL query result table to an HTML table for email

Following piece of code, I have prepared for generating the HTML file for documentation which includes Table Name and Purpose in each table and Table Metadata information. It might be helpful!

use Your_Database_Name;
print '<!DOCTYPE html>'
PRINT '<html><body>'
DECLARE @tableName VARCHAR(30)
    SELECT AS TableName 
      FROM sys.objects AS T
     WHERE T.type_desc = 'USER_TABLE'
OPEN tableCursor
FETCH NEXT FROM tableCursor INTO @tableName
    print '<table>'
    print '<tr><td><b>Table Name: <b></td><td>'+@tableName+'</td></tr>'
    print '<tr><td><b>Prupose: <b></td><td>????YOu can Fill later????</td></tr>'
    print '</table>'

    print '<table>'
    print '<tr><th>ColumnName</th><th>DataType</th><th>Size</th><th>PrecScale</th><th>Nullable</th><th>Default</th><th>Identity</th><th>Remarks</th></tr>'
    SELECT  concat('<tr><td>',
            LEFT(, 30) /*AS ColumnName*/,'</td><td>',
           LEFT(ISC.DATA_TYPE, 10) /*AS DataType*/,'</td><td>',
           C.max_length /*AS Size*/,'</td><td>',
           CAST(P.precision AS VARCHAR(4)) + '/' + CAST(P.scale AS VARCHAR(4)) /*AS PrecScale*/,'</td><td>',
           CASE WHEN C.is_nullable = 1 THEN 'Null' ELSE 'No Null' END /*AS [Nullable]*/,'</td><td>',
           LEFT(ISNULL(ISC.COLUMN_DEFAULT, ' '), 5)  /*AS [Default]*/,'</td><td>',
           CASE WHEN C.is_identity = 1 THEN 'Identity' ELSE '' END /*AS [Identity]*/,'</td><td></td></tr>')
    FROM   sys.objects AS T
           JOIN sys.columns AS C ON T.object_id = C.object_id
           JOIN sys.types AS P ON C.system_type_id = P.system_type_id and c.user_type_id = p.user_type_id
    WHERE  T.type_desc = 'USER_TABLE'
      AND = @tableName
    print '</table>'
    print '</br>'
    FETCH NEXT FROM tableCursor INTO @tableName


CLOSE tableCursor
DEALLOCATE tableCursor
PRINT '</body></html>'

How to register multiple servlets in web.xml in one Spring application

I know this is a bit old but the answer in short would be <load-on-startup> both occurrences have given the same id which is 1 twice. This may confuse loading sequence.

How to quietly remove a directory with content in PowerShell

This worked for me:

Remove-Item $folderPath -Force  -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

Thus the folder is removed with all files in there and it is not producing error if folder path doesn't exists.

How to get StackPanel's children to fill maximum space downward?

You can use SpicyTaco.AutoGrid - a modified version of StackPanel:

<st:StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" MarginBetweenChildren="10" Margin="10">
   <Button Content="Info" HorizontalAlignment="Left" st:StackPanel.Fill="Fill"/>
   <Button Content="Cancel"/>
   <Button Content="Save"/>

First button will be fill.

You can install it via NuGet:

Install-Package SpicyTaco.AutoGrid

I recommend taking a look at SpicyTaco.AutoGrid. It's very useful for forms in WPF instead of DockPanel, StackPanel and Grid and solve problem with stretching very easy and gracefully. Just look at readme on GitHub.

<st:AutoGrid Columns="160,*" ChildMargin="3">
    <Label Content="Name:"/>

    <Label Content="E-Mail:"/>

    <Label Content="Comment:"/>

When do you use Git rebase instead of Git merge?

Some practical examples, somewhat connected to large scale development where Gerrit is used for review and delivery integration:

I merge when I uplift my feature branch to a fresh remote master. This gives minimal uplift work and it's easy to follow the history of the feature development in for example gitk.

git fetch
git checkout origin/my_feature
git merge origin/master
git commit
git push origin HEAD:refs/for/my_feature

I merge when I prepare a delivery commit.

git fetch
git checkout origin/master
git merge --squash origin/my_feature
git commit
git push origin HEAD:refs/for/master

I rebase when my delivery commit fails integration for whatever reason, and I need to update it towards a fresh remote master.

git fetch
git fetch <gerrit link>
git checkout FETCH_HEAD
git rebase origin/master
git push origin HEAD:refs/for/master

How do I import a Swift file from another Swift file?

As of Swift 2.0, best practice is:

Add the line @testable import MyApp to the top of your tests file, where "MyApp" is the Product Module Name of your app target (viewable in your app target's build settings). That's it.

(Note that the product module name will be the same as your app target's name unless your app target's name contains spaces, which will be replaced with underscores. For example, if my app target was called "Fun Game" I'd write @testable import Fun_Game at the top of my tests.)

Python coding standards/best practices

Yes, I try to follow it as closely as possible.

I don't follow any other coding standards.

Format numbers in JavaScript similar to C#

I made a simple function, maybe someone can use it

function secsToTime(secs){
  function format(number){
      return '00';
    }else {
      if (number < 10) {
          return '0' + number
      } else{
          return ''+number;

  var minutes = Math.floor(secs/60)%60;
  var hours = Math.floor(secs/(60*60))%24;
  var days = Math.floor(secs/(60*60*24));
  var seconds = Math.floor(secs)%60;

  return (days>0? days+"d " : "")+format(hours)+':'+format(minutes)+':'+format(seconds);

this can generate the followings outputs:

  • 5d 02:53:39
  • 4d 22:15:16
  • 03:01:05
  • 00:00:00

send checkbox value in PHP form

try changing this part,

<input type="checkbox" name="newsletter[]" value="newsletter" checked>i want to sign up   for newsletter

for this

<input type="checkbox" name="newsletter" value="newsletter" checked>i want to sign up   for newsletter

'int' object has no attribute '__getitem__'

This error could be an indication that variable with the same name has been used in your code earlier, but for other purposes. Possibly, a variable has been given a name that coincides with the existing function used later in the code.

Getting HTTP headers with Node.js

Here is my contribution, that deals with any URL using http or https, and use Promises.

const http = require('http')
const https = require('https')
const url = require('url')

function getHeaders(myURL) {
  const parsedURL = url.parse(myURL)
  const options = {
    protocol: parsedURL.protocol,
    hostname: parsedURL.hostname,
    method: 'HEAD',
    path: parsedURL.path
  let protocolHandler = (parsedURL.protocol === 'https:' ? https : http)

  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    let req = protocolHandler.request(options, (res) => {
    req.on('error', (e) => {

getHeaders(myURL).then((headers) => {

How to add extra whitespace in PHP?

PHP is an easy language with multiple solutions. A Quick Solution would be using Double Quotes " ". Example Below.

$var1 = "Hello";
$var2 = "World";
$var3 = "How";
$var4 = "are";
$var5 = "you";
$var6 = "?";
$var7 = ",";

echo "$var1 $var2$var7 $var3 $var4 $var5$var6";

//Output: Hello World, How are you?

Copy all the lines to clipboard

:%y a Yanks all the content into vim's buffer, Pressing p in command mode will paste the yanked content after the line that your cursor is currently standing at. not found error

You are looking at sqljdbc4.2 version like :


but, for sqljdbc4 version statement should be:


I think if you change your first version to write the correct Class.forName , your application will run.

Split array into chunks

ES6 spreads functional #ohmy #ftw

const chunk =_x000D_
  (size, xs) => _x000D_
      (segments, _, index) =>_x000D_
        index % size === 0 _x000D_
          ? [...segments, xs.slice(index, index + size)] _x000D_
          : segments, _x000D_
console.log( chunk(3, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]) );

How can I create a dropdown menu from a List in Tkinter?

To create a "drop down menu" you can use OptionMenu in tkinter

Example of a basic OptionMenu:

from Tkinter import *

master = Tk()

variable = StringVar(master)
variable.set("one") # default value

w = OptionMenu(master, variable, "one", "two", "three")


More information (including the script above) can be found here.

Creating an OptionMenu of the months from a list would be as simple as:

from tkinter import *

] #etc

master = Tk()

variable = StringVar(master)
variable.set(OPTIONS[0]) # default value

w = OptionMenu(master, variable, *OPTIONS)


In order to retrieve the value the user has selected you can simply use a .get() on the variable that we assigned to the widget, in the below case this is variable:

from tkinter import *

] #etc

master = Tk()

variable = StringVar(master)
variable.set(OPTIONS[0]) # default value

w = OptionMenu(master, variable, *OPTIONS)

def ok():
    print ("value is:" + variable.get())

button = Button(master, text="OK", command=ok)


I would highly recommend reading through this site for further basic tkinter information as the above examples are modified from that site.

ListView with OnItemClickListener

Though a very old question, but I am still posting an answer to it so that it may help some one. If you are using any layout inside the list view then use ...


... on the first parent layout inside the list. This works as magic the click will not be consumed by any element inside the list but will directly go to the list item.

How can I echo the whole content of a .html file in PHP?

You should use readfile():


This will read the file and send it to the browser in one command. This is essentially the same as:

echo file_get_contents("/path/to/file");

except that file_get_contents() may cause the script to crash for large files, while readfile() won't.

Can I underline text in an Android layout?

The most recent approach of drawing underlined text is described by Romain Guy on medium with available source code on GitHub. This sample application exposes two possible implementations:

  • A Path-based implementation that requires API level 19
  • A Region-based implementation that requires API level 1

enter image description here

How can I get a specific parameter from

It took me a while to find the answer to this question. Most people seem to be suggesting regex solutions. I strongly prefer to use code that is tried and tested as opposed to regex that I or someone else thought up on the fly.

I use the parseUri library available here:

It allows you to do exactly what you are asking for:

var uri = 'http://localhost/search.php?year=2008';
var year = uri.queryKey['year'];
// year = '2008'

How to open a folder in Windows Explorer from VBA?

The easiest way is

Application.FollowHyperlink [path]

Which only takes one line!

How to place a file on classpath in Eclipse?

Just to add. If you right-click on an eclipse project and select Properties, select the Java Build Path link on the left. Then select the Source Tab. You'll see a list of all the java source folders. You can even add your own. By default the {project}/src folder is the classpath folder.

how to reference a YAML "setting" from elsewhere in the same YAML file?

Yes, using custom tags. Example in Python, making the !join tag join strings in an array:

import yaml

## define custom tag handler
def join(loader, node):
    seq = loader.construct_sequence(node)
    return ''.join([str(i) for i in seq])

## register the tag handler
yaml.add_constructor('!join', join)

## using your sample data
    root: &BASE /path/to/root/
    patha: !join [*BASE, a]
    pathb: !join [*BASE, b]
    pathc: !join [*BASE, c]

Which results in:

    'paths': {
        'patha': '/path/to/root/a',
        'pathb': '/path/to/root/b',
        'pathc': '/path/to/root/c',
        'root': '/path/to/root/'

The array of arguments to !join can have any number of elements of any data type, as long as they can be converted to string, so !join [*a, "/", *b, "/", *c] does what you would expect.

phpMyAdmin - can't connect - invalid setings - ever since I added a root password - locked out

For AMPPS, I have to add this is my phpMyAdmin/

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['user'] = 'root';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['password'] = '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowNoPassword'] = true;

Note: In Ubuntu, I had to locate where the file is and I used locate

This answer is only meant for local, development purposes :)

Batch files: List all files in a directory with relative paths

@echo on>out.txt
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set "parentfolder=%CD%"
for /r . %%g in (*.*) do (
  set "var=%%g"
  set var=!var:%parentfolder%=!
  echo !var! >> out.txt

Is it possible to CONTINUE a loop from an exception?

How about the ole goto statement (i know, i know, but it works just fine here ;)

   v_attr char(88);
    FOR user_rec IN SELECT_USERS LOOP    
            SELECT attr INTO v_attr 
            WHERE user_id =;            
               -- user does not have attribute, continue loop to next record.
               goto end_loop;


Just put end_loop at very end of loop of course. The null can be substituted with a commit maybe or a counter increment maybe, up to you.

Check if string ends with one of the strings from a list

I just came across this, while looking for something else.

I would recommend to go with the methods in the os package. This is because you can make it more general, compensating for any weird case.

You can do something like:

import os

the_file = 'aaaa/bbbb/ccc.ddd'

extensions_list = ['ddd', 'eee', 'fff']

if os.path.splitext(the_file)[-1] in extensions_list:
    # Do your thing.

How to pass a form input value into a JavaScript function

Use onclick="foo(document.getElementById('formValueId').value)"

How to convert string to double with proper cultureinfo

I have this function in my toolbelt since years ago (all the function and variable names are messy and mixing Spanish and English, sorry for that).

It lets the user use , and . to separate the decimals and will try to do the best if both symbols are used.

    Public Shared Function TryCDec(ByVal texto As String, Optional ByVal DefaultValue As Decimal = 0) As Decimal

        If String.IsNullOrEmpty(texto) Then
            Return DefaultValue
        End If

        Dim CurAsTexto As String = texto.Trim.Replace("$", "").Replace(" ", "")

        ''// You can probably use a more modern way to find out the
        ''// System current locale, this function was done long time ago
        Dim SepDecimal As String, SepMiles As String
        If CDbl("3,24") = 324 Then
            SepDecimal = "."
            SepMiles = ","
            SepDecimal = ","
            SepMiles = "."
        End If

        If InStr(CurAsTexto, SepDecimal) > 0 Then
            If InStr(CurAsTexto, SepMiles) > 0 Then
                ''//both symbols was used find out what was correct
                If InStr(CurAsTexto, SepDecimal) > InStr(CurAsTexto, SepMiles) Then
                    ''// The usage was correct, but get rid of thousand separator
                    CurAsTexto = Replace(CurAsTexto, SepMiles, "")
                    ''// The usage was incorrect, but get rid of decimal separator and then replace it
                    CurAsTexto = Replace(CurAsTexto, SepDecimal, "")
                    CurAsTexto = Replace(CurAsTexto, SepMiles, SepDecimal)
                End If
            End If
            CurAsTexto = Replace(CurAsTexto, SepMiles, SepDecimal)
        End If
        ''// At last we try to tryParse, just in case
        Dim retval As Decimal = DefaultValue
        Decimal.TryParse(CurAsTexto, retval)
        Return retval
    End Function

Is there an R function for finding the index of an element in a vector?

The function match works on vectors:

x <- sample(1:10)
# [1]  4  5  9  3  8  1  6 10  7  2
# [1] 1 5

match only returns the first encounter of a match, as you requested. It returns the position in the second argument of the values in the first argument.

For multiple matching, %in% is the way to go:

x <- sample(1:4,10,replace=TRUE)
# [1] 3 4 3 3 2 3 1 1 2 2
which(x %in% c(2,4))
# [1]  2  5  9 10

%in% returns a logical vector as long as the first argument, with a TRUE if that value can be found in the second argument and a FALSE otherwise.

CSS selectors ul li a {...} vs ul > li > a {...}

to answer to your second question - performance IS affected - if you are using those selectors with a single (no nested) ul:


the child selector ul > li is more performant than ul li because it is more specific. the browser traverse the dom "right to left", so when it finds a li it then looks for a any ul as a parent in the case of a child selector, while it has to traverse the whole dom tree to find any ul ancestors in case of the descendant selector

How do I implement charts in Bootstrap?

I would like to suggest you to use HighCharts. It's just awesome and easy to integrate.



<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

<div id="container" style="min-width: 310px; height: 400px; margin: 0 auto"></div>


$(function () {
            chart: {
                type: 'column'
            title: {
                text: 'Monthly Average Rainfall'
            subtitle: {
                text: 'Source:'
            xAxis: {
                categories: [
            yAxis: {
                min: 0,
                title: {
                    text: 'Rainfall (mm)'
            tooltip: {
                headerFormat: '<span style="font-size:10px">{point.key}</span><table>',
                pointFormat: '<tr><td style="color:{series.color};padding:0">{}: </td>' +
                    '<td style="padding:0"><b>{point.y:.1f} mm</b></td></tr>',
                footerFormat: '</table>',
                shared: true,
                useHTML: true
            plotOptions: {
                column: {
                    pointPadding: 0.2,
                    borderWidth: 0
            series: [{
                name: 'Tokyo',
                data: [49.9, 71.5, 106.4, 129.2, 144.0, 176.0, 135.6, 148.5, 216.4, 194.1, 95.6, 54.4]

            }, {
                name: 'New York',
                data: [83.6, 78.8, 98.5, 93.4, 106.0, 84.5, 105.0, 104.3, 91.2, 83.5, 106.6, 92.3]

            }, {
                name: 'London',
                data: [48.9, 38.8, 39.3, 41.4, 47.0, 48.3, 59.0, 59.6, 52.4, 65.2, 59.3, 51.2]

            }, {
                name: 'Berlin',
                data: [42.4, 33.2, 34.5, 39.7, 52.6, 75.5, 57.4, 60.4, 47.6, 39.1, 46.8, 51.1]


And here is the fiddle .

How to avoid installing "Unlimited Strength" JCE policy files when deploying an application?

As of JDK 8u102, the posted solutions relying on reflection will no longer work: the field that these solutions set is now final (

Looks like it's back to either (a) using Bouncy Castle, or (b) installing the JCE policy files.

Unclosed Character Literal error

Java uses double quotes for "String" and single quotes for 'C'haracters.

Bootstrap 3 offset on right not left

Bootstrap rows always contain their floats and create new lines. You don't need to worry about filling blank columns, just make sure they don't add up to more than 12.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="//">_x000D_
<div class="container">_x000D_
  <div class="row">_x000D_
    <div class="col-xs-3 col-xs-offset-9">_x000D_
      I'm a right column of 3_x000D_
  <div class="row">_x000D_
    <div class="col-xs-3">_x000D_
      I'm a left column of 3_x000D_
  <div class="panel panel-default">_x000D_
    <div class="panel-body">_x000D_
      And I'm some content below both columns_x000D_

Read XML file using javascript

You can use below script for reading child of the above xml. It will work with IE and Mozila Firefox both.

<script type="text/javascript">

function readXml(xmlFile){

var xmlDoc;

if(typeof window.DOMParser != "undefined") {
    xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();"GET",xmlFile,false);
    if (xmlhttp.overrideMimeType){
    xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
var tagObj=xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("marker");
var typeValue = tagObj[0].getElementsByTagName("type")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
var titleValue = tagObj[0].getElementsByTagName("title")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;

How to make a countdown timer in Android?

if you use the below code (as mentioned in accepted answer),

new CountDownTimer(30000, 1000) {

    public void onTick(long millisUntilFinished) {
        mTextField.setText("seconds remaining: " + millisUntilFinished / 1000);
       //here you can have your logic to set text to edittext

    public void onFinish() {


It will result in memory leak of the instance of the activity where you use this code, if you don't carefully clean up the references.

use the following code

//Declare timer
CountDownTimer cTimer = null;

//start timer function
void startTimer() {
    cTimer = new CountDownTimer(30000, 1000) {
        public void onTick(long millisUntilFinished) {
        public void onFinish() {

//cancel timer
void cancelTimer() {

You need to call cTtimer.cancel() whenever the onDestroy()/onDestroyView() in the owning Activity/Fragment is called.

add to array if it isn't there already

With array_flip() it could look like this:

$flipped = array_flip($opts);
$flipped[$newValue] = 1;
$opts = array_keys($flipped);

With array_unique() - like this:

$opts[] = $newValue;
$opts = array_values(array_unique($opts));

Notice that array_values(...) — you need it if you're exporting array to JavaScript in JSON form. array_unique() alone would simply unset duplicate keys, without rebuilding the remaining elements'. So, after converting to JSON this would produce object, instead of array.

>>> json_encode(array_unique(['a','b','b','c']))
=> "{"0":"a","1":"b","3":"c"}"

>>> json_encode(array_values(array_unique(['a','b','b','c'])))
=> "["a","b","c"]"

"This SqlTransaction has completed; it is no longer usable."... configuration error?

I believe this error message is due to a "zombie transaction".

Look for possible areas where the transacton is being committed twice (or rolled back twice, or rolled back and committed, etc.). Does the .Net code commit the transaction after the SP has already committed it? Does the .Net code roll it back on encountering an error, then attempt to roll it back again in a catch (or finally) clause?

It's possible an error condition was never being hit on the old server, and thus the faulty "double rollback" code was never hit. Maybe now you have a situation where there is some configuration error on the new server, and now the faulty code is getting hit via exception handling.

Can you debug into the error code? Do you have a stack trace?

Free Rest API to retrieve current datetime as string (timezone irrelevant)

This API gives you the current time and several formats in JSON - Here's a sample response:

  "time": {
    "daysInMonth": 31,
    "millisecond": 283,
    "second": 42,
    "minute": 55,
    "hour": 1,
    "date": 6,
    "day": 3,
    "week": 10,
    "month": 2,
    "year": 2013,
    "zone": "+0000"
  "formatted": {
    "weekday": "Wednesday",
    "month": "March",
    "ago": "a few seconds",
    "calendar": "Today at 1:55 AM",
    "generic": "2013-03-06T01:55:42+00:00",
    "time": "1:55 AM",
    "short": "03/06/2013",
    "slim": "3/6/2013",
    "hand": "Mar 6 2013",
    "handTime": "Mar 6 2013 1:55 AM",
    "longhand": "March 6 2013",
    "longhandTime": "March 6 2013 1:55 AM",
    "full": "Wednesday, March 6 2013 1:55 AM",
    "fullSlim": "Wed, Mar 6 2013 1:55 AM"
  "array": [
  "offset": 1362534942283,
  "unix": 1362534942,
  "utc": "2013-03-06T01:55:42.283Z",
  "valid": true,
  "integer": false,
  "zone": 0

Spring @Value is not resolving to value from property file

In my case I was missing the curly braces. I had @Value("") String value instead of the correct form @Value("${}") String value

How to change the color of an image on hover

Ok, try this:

Get the image with the transparent circle - Put that image in a html element and change that element's background color via css. This way you get the logo with the circle in the color defined in the stylesheet.

The html

<div class="badassColorChangingLogo">
    <img src="" /> 
    Or download the image and change the path to the downloaded image in your machine

The css


Keep in mind that this wont work on non-alpha capable browsers like ie6, and ie7. for ie you can use a js fix. Google ddbelated png fix and you can get the script.

How do I set the selenium webdriver get timeout?

The timeouts() methods are not implemented in some drivers and are very unreliable in general.
I use a separate thread for the timeouts (passing the url to access as the thread name):

Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() {
    public void run() {
}, url);
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) { // ignore
if (t.isAlive()) { // Thread still alive, we need to abort
    logger.warning("Timeout on loading page " + url);

This seems to work most of the time, however it might happen that the driver is really stuck and any subsequent call to driver will be blocked (I experience that with Chrome driver on Windows). Even something as innocuous as a driver.findElements() call could end up being blocked. Unfortunately I have no solutions for blocked drivers.

SVN Error: Commit blocked by pre-commit hook (exit code 1) with output: Error: n/a (6)

I got the error as, "svn: Commit blocked by pre-commit hook (exit code 1) with output: Failed with exception: Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communication packet', system error: 104."

I tried 'svn commit' after 'svn cleanup'. And It works fine!.

Reading CSV files using C#

CSV can get complicated real fast.

Use something robust and well-tested:

The FileHelpers are a free and easy to use .NET library to import/export data from fixed length or delimited records in files, strings or streams.