Programs & Examples On #Mxml

MXML is an XML-based declarative language similar to CFML

strange error in my Animation Drawable

Looks like whatever is in your Animation Drawable definition is too much memory to decode and sequence. The idea is that it loads up all the items and make them in an array and swaps them in and out of the scene according to the timing specified for each frame.

If this all can't fit into memory, it's probably better to either do this on your own with some sort of handler or better yet just encode a movie with the specified frames at the corresponding images and play the animation through a video codec.

UnexpectedRollbackException: Transaction rolled back because it has been marked as rollback-only

This is the normal behavior and the reason is that your sqlCommandHandlerService.persist method needs a TX when being executed (because it is marked with @Transactional annotation). But when it is called inside processNextRegistrationMessage, because there is a TX available, the container doesn't create a new one and uses existing TX. So if any exception occurs in sqlCommandHandlerService.persist method, it causes TX to be set to rollBackOnly (even if you catch the exception in the caller and ignore it).

To overcome this you can use propagation levels for transactions. Have a look at this to find out which propagation best suits your requirements.

Update; Read this!

Well after a colleague came to me with a couple of questions about a similar situation, I feel this needs a bit of clarification.
Although propagations solve such issues, you should be VERY careful about using them and do not use them unless you ABSOLUTELY understand what they mean and how they work. You may end up persisting some data and rolling back some others where you don't expect them to work that way and things can go horribly wrong.

EDIT Link to current version of the documentation

Why "Data at the root level is invalid. Line 1, position 1." for XML Document?

I can give you two advices:

  1. It seems you are using "LoadXml" instead of "Load" method. In some cases, it helps me.
  2. You have an encoding problem. Could you check the encoding of the XML file and write it?

Cannot find the declaration of element 'beans'

Try this, assuming you're on Spring 3.1:

<beans xmlns="" 

Replace 3.1 on the last line with whatever major Spring version you use. Meaning: there is no 3.1.1 XSD even though there is a Spring version 3.1.1.

how to show progress bar(circle) in an activity having a listview before loading the listview with data

Are you extending ListActivity?

If so, put a circular progress dialog with the following line in your xml

...other stuff...

Now, the progress indicator will show up till you have all your listview information, and set the Adapter. At which point, it will go back to the listview, and the progress bar will go away.

There is an error in XML document (1, 41)

Agreed with the answer from sll, but experienced another hurdle which was having specified a namespace in the attributes, when receiving the return xml that namespace wasn't included and thus failed finding the class.

i had to find a workaround to specifying the namespace in the attribute and it worked.


    [XmlRoot("Patient", Namespace = "")]
    public class Patient


<Patient xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns="">

but I had to change it to

public class Patient

which generated to

<Patient xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">

This solved my problem, hope it helps someone else.

Xcode error - Thread 1: signal SIGABRT

You are trying to load a XIB named DetailViewController, but no such XIB exists or it's not member of your current target.

Animate the transition between fragments

Nurik's answer was very helpful, but I couldn't get it to work until I found this. In short, if you're using the compatibility library (eg SupportFragmentManager instead of FragmentManager), the syntax of the XML animation files will be different.

How to convert XML to java.util.Map and vice versa


Updated: I added unmarshal part as requested in comments..

import com.thoughtworks.xstream.XStream;
import com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.Converter;
import com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.MarshallingContext;
import com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.UnmarshallingContext;

import java.util.AbstractMap;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

public class Test {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Map<String,String> map = new HashMap<String,String>();

        XStream magicApi = new XStream();
        magicApi.registerConverter(new MapEntryConverter());
        magicApi.alias("root", Map.class);

        String xml = magicApi.toXML(map);
        System.out.println("Result of tweaked XStream toXml()");

        Map<String, String> extractedMap = (Map<String, String>) magicApi.fromXML(xml);
        assert extractedMap.get("name").equals("chris");
        assert extractedMap.get("island").equals("faranga");


    public static class MapEntryConverter implements Converter {

        public boolean canConvert(Class clazz) {
            return AbstractMap.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz);

        public void marshal(Object value, HierarchicalStreamWriter writer, MarshallingContext context) {

            AbstractMap map = (AbstractMap) value;
            for (Object obj : map.entrySet()) {
                Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) obj;
                Object val = entry.getValue();
                if ( null != val ) {


        public Object unmarshal(HierarchicalStreamReader reader, UnmarshallingContext context) {

            Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();

            while(reader.hasMoreChildren()) {

                String key = reader.getNodeName(); // nodeName aka element's name
                String value = reader.getValue();
                map.put(key, value);


            return map;



How to Generate Unique Public and Private Key via RSA

What I ended up doing is create a new KeyContainer name based off of the current DateTime (DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString()) whenever I need to create a new key and save the container name and public key to the database. Also, whenever I create a new key I would do the following:

public static string ConvertToNewKey(string oldPrivateKey)

    // get the current container name from the database...

    rsa.PersistKeyInCsp = false;
    rsa = null;

    string privateKey = AssignNewKey(true); // create the new public key and container name and write them to the database...

       // re-encrypt existing data to use the new keys and write to database...

    return privateKey;
public static string AssignNewKey(bool ReturnPrivateKey){
     string containerName = DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString();
     // create the new key...
     // saves container name and public key to database...
     // and returns Private Key XML.

before creating the new key.

How do I solve this error, "error while trying to deserialize parameter"

In my case; my WCF service function was using List<byte> Types parameter and i was getting this exception in the client side. Then i changed it to byte[] Types, updated service reference and problem is solved.

Why can't I define a static method in a Java interface?

  • "Is there a particular reason that static methods cannot be overridden".

Let me re-word that question for your by filling in the definitions.

  • "Is there a particular reason that methods resolved at compile time cannot be resolved at runtime."

Or, to put in more completely, If I want to call a method without an instance, but knowing the class, how can I have it resolved based upon the instance that I don't have.

Using SimpleXML to create an XML object from scratch

Sure you can. Eg.

$newsXML = new SimpleXMLElement("<news></news>");
$newsXML->addAttribute('newsPagePrefix', 'value goes here');
$newsIntro = $newsXML->addChild('content');
$newsIntro->addAttribute('type', 'latest');
Header('Content-type: text/xml');
echo $newsXML->asXML();


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<news newsPagePrefix="value goes here">
    <content type="latest"/>

Have fun.

Why do I get the error "Unsafe code may only appear if compiling with /unsafe"?

To use unsafe code blocks, open the properties for the project, go to the Build tab and check the Allow unsafe code checkbox, then compile and run.

class myclass
     public static void Main(string[] args)
             int iData = 10;
             int* pData = &iData;
             Console.WriteLine("Data is " + iData);
             Console.WriteLine("Address is " + (int)pData);


Data is 10
Address is 1831848

Remove/ truncate leading zeros by javascript/jquery

const input = '0093';
const match = input.match(/^(0+)(\d+)$/);
const result = match && match[2] || input;

The imported project "C:\Microsoft.CSharp.targets" was not found

If you are to encounter the error that says Microsoft.CSharp.Core.targets not found, these are the steps I took to correct mine:

  1. Open any previous working projects folder and navigate to the link showed in the error, that is Projects/(working project name)/packages/Microsoft.Net.Compilers.1.3.2/tools/ and search for Microsoft.CSharp.Core.targets file.

  2. Copy this file and put it in the non-working project tools folder (that is, navigating to the tools folder in the non-working project as shown above)

  3. Now close your project (if it was open) and reopen it.

It should be working now.

Also, to make sure everything is working properly in your now open Visual Studio Project, Go to Tools > NuGetPackage Manager > Manage NuGet Packages For Solution. Here, you might find an error that says, CodeAnalysis.dll is being used by another application.

Again, go to the tools folder, find the specified file and delete it. Come back to Manage NuGet Packages For Solution. You will find a link that will ask you to Reload, click it and everything gets re-installed.

Your project should be working properly now.

Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string in SQL SERVER 2008

If you're trying to insert in to last_accessed_on, which is a DateTime2, then your issue is with the fact that you are converting it to a varchar in a format that SQL doesn't understand.

If you modify your code to this, it should work, note the format of your date has been changed to: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss:

UPDATE  student_queues 
SET  Deleted=0, 
     last_accessed_on=CONVERT(datetime2,'2014-07-23 09:37:00')
WHERE std_id IN ('2144-384-11564') AND reject_details='REJECT'

Or if you want to use CAST, replace with:

CAST('2014-07-23 09:37:00.000' AS datetime2)

This is using the SQL ISO Date Format.

bash, extract string before a colon

Another pure BASH way:

> s='/some/random/file.csv:some string'
> echo "${s%%:*}"

AJAX POST and Plus Sign ( + ) -- How to Encode?

In JavaScript try:


and in PHP:


Why do I need to explicitly push a new branch?

HEAD is short for current branch so git push -u origin HEAD works. Now to avoid this typing everytime I use alias:

git config --global alias.pp 'push -u origin HEAD'

After this, everytime I want to push branch created via git -b branch I can push it using:

git pp

Hope this saves time for someone!

Calling a Javascript Function from Console

I just discovered this issue. I was able to get around it by using indirection. In each module define a function, lets call it indirect:

function indirect(js) { return eval(js); }

With that function in each module, you can then execute any code in the context of it.

E.g. if you had this import in your module:

import { imported_fn } from "./import.js";

You could then get the results of calling imported_fn from the console by doing this:


Using eval was my first thought, but it doesn't work. My hypothesis is that calling eval from the console remains in the context of console, and we need to execute in the context of the module.

How to name Dockerfiles

I know this is an old question, with quite a few answers, but I was surprised to find that no one was suggesting the naming convention used in the official documentation:

$ docker build -f dockerfiles/Dockerfile.debug -t myapp_debug .
$ docker build -f dockerfiles/  -t myapp_prod .

The above commands will build the current build context (as specified by the .) twice, once using a debug version of a Dockerfile and once using a production version.

In summary, if you have a file called Dockerfile in the root of your build context it will be automatically picked up. If you need more than one Dockerfile for the same build context, the suggested naming convention is:


These dockerfiles could be in the root of your build context or in a subdirectory to keep your root directory more tidy.

How to access to a child method from the parent in vue.js

Parent-Child communication in VueJS

Given a root Vue instance is accessible by all descendants via this.$root, a parent component can access child components via the this.$children array, and a child component can access it's parent via this.$parent, your first instinct might be to access these components directly.

The VueJS documentation warns against this specifically for two very good reasons:

  • It tightly couples the parent to the child (and vice versa)
  • You can't rely on the parent's state, given that it can be modified by a child component.

The solution is to use Vue's custom event interface

The event interface implemented by Vue allows you to communicate up and down the component tree. Leveraging the custom event interface gives you access to four methods:

  1. $on() - allows you to declare a listener on your Vue instance with which to listen to events
  2. $emit() - allows you to trigger events on the same instance (self)

Example using $on() and $emit():

const events = new Vue({}),_x000D_
    parentComponent = new Vue({_x000D_
      el: '#parent',_x000D_
      ready() {_x000D_
        events.$on('eventGreet', () => {_x000D_
          this.parentMsg = `I heard the greeting event from Child component ${++this.counter} times..`;_x000D_
      data: {_x000D_
        parentMsg: 'I am listening for an event..',_x000D_
        counter: 0_x000D_
    childComponent = new Vue({_x000D_
      el: '#child',_x000D_
      methods: {_x000D_
      greet: function () {_x000D_
        this.childMsg = `I am firing greeting event ${++this.counter} times..`;_x000D_
    data: {_x000D_
      childMsg: 'I am getting ready to fire an event.',_x000D_
      counter: 0_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div id="parent">_x000D_
  <h2>Parent Component</h2>_x000D_
<div id="child">_x000D_
  <h2>Child Component</h2>_x000D_
  <button v-on:click="greet">Greet</button>_x000D_

Answer taken from the original post: Communicating between components in VueJS

OOP vs Functional Programming vs Procedural

These paradigms don't have to be mutually exclusive. If you look at python, it supports functions and classes, but at the same time, everything is an object, including functions. You can mix and match functional/oop/procedural style all in one piece of code.

What I mean is, in functional languages (at least in Haskell, the only one I studied) there are no statements! functions are only allowed one expression inside them!! BUT, functions are first-class citizens, you can pass them around as parameters, along with a bunch of other abilities. They can do powerful things with few lines of code.

While in a procedural language like C, the only way you can pass functions around is by using function pointers, and that alone doesn't enable many powerful tasks.

In python, a function is a first-class citizen, but it can contain arbitrary number of statements. So you can have a function that contains procedural code, but you can pass it around just like functional languages.

Same goes for OOP. A language like Java doesn't allow you to write procedures/functions outside of a class. The only way to pass a function around is to wrap it in an object that implements that function, and then pass that object around.

In Python, you don't have this restriction.

Calculate Age in MySQL (InnoDb)

Try this:

SET @birthday = CAST('1980-05-01' AS DATE);
SET @today = CURRENT_DATE();

SELECT YEAR(@today) - YEAR(@birthday) - 
    MONTH(@birthday) > MONTH(@today) OR 
    (MONTH(@birthday) = MONTH(@today) AND DAY(@birthday) > DAY(@today)) 
      THEN 1 
      ELSE 0 

It returns this year - birth year (how old the person will be this year after the birthday) and adjusts based on whether the person has had the birthday yet this year.

It doesn't suffer from the rounding errors of other methods presented here.

Freely adapted from here

LINQ with groupby and count

Assuming userInfoList is a List<UserInfo>:

        var groups = userInfoList
            .GroupBy(n => n.metric)
            .Select(n => new
                MetricName = n.Key,
                MetricCount = n.Count()
            .OrderBy(n => n.MetricName);

The lambda function for GroupBy(), n => n.metric means that it will get field metric from every UserInfo object encountered. The type of n is depending on the context, in the first occurrence it's of type UserInfo, because the list contains UserInfo objects. In the second occurrence n is of type Grouping, because now it's a list of Grouping objects.

Groupings have extension methods like .Count(), .Key() and pretty much anything else you would expect. Just as you would check .Lenght on a string, you can check .Count() on a group.

grep a file, but show several surrounding lines?

Use grep

$ grep --help | grep -i context
Context control:
  -B, --before-context=NUM  print NUM lines of leading context
  -A, --after-context=NUM   print NUM lines of trailing context
  -C, --context=NUM         print NUM lines of output context
  -NUM                      same as --context=NUM

How can I display a list view in an Android Alert Dialog?

Use the "import;" import and then you write

    String[] items = {"...","...."};             
    AlertDialog.Builder build = new AlertDialog.Builder(context);
    build.setItems(items, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
            //do stuff....

typeof !== "undefined" vs. != null

If you are really worried about undefined being redefined, you can protect against this with some helper method like this:

function is_undefined(value) {
   var undefined_check; // instantiate a new variable which gets initialized to the real undefined value
   return value === undefined_check;

This works because when someone writes undefined = "foo" he only lets the name undefined reference to a new value, but he doesn't change the actual value of undefined.

W3WP.EXE using 100% CPU - where to start?

It's not much of an answer, but you might need to go old school and capture an image snapshot of the IIS process and debug it. You might also want to check out Tess Ferrandez's blog - she is a kick a** microsoft escalation engineer and her blog focuses on debugging windows ASP.NET, but the blog is relevant to windows debugging in general. If you select the ASP.NET tag (which is what I've linked to) then you'll see several items that are similar.

Java - Check if JTextField is empty or not

The following will return true if the JTextField "name" does not contain text:


Installing MySQL in Docker fails with error message "Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket"

Remember that you will need to connect to running docker container. So you probably want to use tcp instead of unix socket. Check output of docker ps command and look for running mysql containers. If you find one then use mysql command like this: mysql -h -P <mysql_port> (you will find port in docker ps output). If you can't find any running mysql container in docker ps output then try docker images to find mysql image name and try something like this to run it: docker run -d -p 3306:3306 tutum/mysql where "tutum/mysql" is image name found in docker images.

Is it safe to shallow clone with --depth 1, create commits, and pull updates again?

See some of the answers to my similar question why-cant-i-push-from-a-shallow-clone and the link to the recent thread on the git list.

Ultimately, the 'depth' measurement isn't consistent between repos, because they measure from their individual HEADs, rather than (a) your Head, or (b) the commit(s) you cloned/fetched, or (c) something else you had in mind.

The hard bit is getting one's Use Case right (i.e. self-consistent), so that distributed, and therefore probably divergent repos will still work happily together.

It does look like the checkout --orphan is the right 'set-up' stage, but still lacks clean (i.e. a simple understandable one line command) guidance on the "clone" step. Rather it looks like you have to init a repo, set up a remote tracking branch (you do want the one branch only?), and then fetch that single branch, which feels long winded with more opportunity for mistakes.

Edit: For the 'clone' step see this answer

Creating a button in Android Toolbar

You could use actionLayout from the support library.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<menu xmlns:android=""



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>



public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
    getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu);
    MenuItem item = menu.findItem(;
    Button btn = item.getActionView().findViewById(;
    btn.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View view) {
            Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Toolbar Button Clicked!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
    return true;

How to show loading spinner in jQuery?

Variant: I have an icon with id="logo" at the top left of the main page; a spinner gif is then overlaid on top (with transparency) when ajax is working.

  beforeSend: function() {
     $('#logo').css('background', 'url(images/ajax-loader.gif) no-repeat')
  complete: function(){
     $('#logo').css('background', 'none')
  success: function() {}

Create Test Class in IntelliJ

With the cursor on the class name declaration I do ALT + Return and my Intellij 14.1.4 offers me a popup with the option to 'Create Test'.

Create a Bitmap/Drawable from file path

Well, using the static Drawable.createFromPath(String pathName) seems a bit more straightforward to me than decoding it yourself... :-)

If your mImg is a simple ImageView, you don't even need it, use mImg.setImageUri(Uri uri) directly.

Pandas: rolling mean by time interval

I just had the same question but with irregularly spaced datapoints. Resample is not really an option here. So I created my own function. Maybe it will be useful for others too:

from pandas import Series, DataFrame
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import numpy as np

def rolling_mean(data, window, min_periods=1, center=False):
    ''' Function that computes a rolling mean

    data : DataFrame or Series
           If a DataFrame is passed, the rolling_mean is computed for all columns.
    window : int or string
             If int is passed, window is the number of observations used for calculating 
             the statistic, as defined by the function pd.rolling_mean()
             If a string is passed, it must be a frequency string, e.g. '90S'. This is
             internally converted into a DateOffset object, representing the window size.
    min_periods : int
                  Minimum number of observations in window required to have a value.

    Series or DataFrame, if more than one column    
    def f(x):
        '''Function to apply that actually computes the rolling mean'''
        if center == False:
            dslice = col[x-pd.datetools.to_offset(window).delta+timedelta(0,0,1):x]
                # adding a microsecond because when slicing with labels start and endpoint
                # are inclusive
            dslice = col[x-pd.datetools.to_offset(window).delta/2+timedelta(0,0,1):
        if dslice.size < min_periods:
            return np.nan
            return dslice.mean()

    data = DataFrame(data.copy())
    dfout = DataFrame()
    if isinstance(window, int):
        dfout = pd.rolling_mean(data, window, min_periods=min_periods, center=center)
    elif isinstance(window, basestring):
        idx = Series(data.index.to_pydatetime(), index=data.index)
        for colname, col in data.iterkv():
            result = idx.apply(f)
   = colname
            dfout = dfout.join(result, how='outer')
    if dfout.columns.size == 1:
        dfout = dfout.ix[:,0]
    return dfout

# Example
idx = [datetime(2011, 2, 7, 0, 0),
       datetime(2011, 2, 7, 0, 1),
       datetime(2011, 2, 7, 0, 1, 30),
       datetime(2011, 2, 7, 0, 2),
       datetime(2011, 2, 7, 0, 4),
       datetime(2011, 2, 7, 0, 5),
       datetime(2011, 2, 7, 0, 5, 10),
       datetime(2011, 2, 7, 0, 6),
       datetime(2011, 2, 7, 0, 8),
       datetime(2011, 2, 7, 0, 9)]
idx = pd.Index(idx)
vals = np.arange(len(idx)).astype(float)
s = Series(vals, index=idx)
rm = rolling_mean(s, window='2min')

How to make an installer for my C# application?

There are several methods, two of which are as follows. Provide a custom installer or a setup project.

Here is how to create a custom installer

public class MyInstaller : Installer
    public HelloInstaller()
        : base()

    public override void Commit(IDictionary mySavedState)

    public override void Install(IDictionary stateSaver)

    public override void Uninstall(IDictionary savedState)

    public override void Rollback(IDictionary savedState)

To add a setup project

  • Menu file -> New -> Project --> Other Projects Types --> Setup and Deployment

  • Set properties of the project, using the properties window

The article How to create a Setup package by using Visual Studio .NET provides the details.

Only using @JsonIgnore during serialization, but not deserialization

In my case, I have Jackson automatically (de)serializing objects that I return from a Spring MVC controller (I am using @RestController with Spring 4.1.6). I had to use com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore instead of org.codehaus.jackson.annotate.JsonIgnore, as otherwise, it simply did nothing.

automatically execute an Excel macro on a cell change

I prefer this way, not using a cell but a range

    Dim cell_to_test As Range, cells_changed As Range

    Set cells_changed = Target(1, 1)
    Set cell_to_test = Range( RANGE_OF_CELLS_TO_DETECT )

    If Not Intersect(cells_changed, cell_to_test) Is Nothing Then 
    End If

Simple java program of pyramid

A better pyramid can be printed this way:

The Pattern is
public static void main(String agrs[]) {
    System.out.println("The Pattern is");
    int size = 11; //use only odd numbers here
    for (int i = 1; i <= size; i=i+2) {
        int spaceCount = (size - i)/2;
        for(int j = 0; j< size; j++) {
            if(j < spaceCount || j >= (size - spaceCount)) {
                System.out.print(" ");
            } else {

Update query using Subquery in Sql Server

Here in my sample I find out the solution of this, because I had the same problem with updates and subquerys:

    A.ValueToChange = B.NewValue
        Select * From C
    ) B
    A.Id = B.Id

What causes the Broken Pipe Error?

Maybe the 40 bytes fits into the pipe buffer, and the 40000 bytes doesn't?


The sending process is sent a SIGPIPE signal when you try to write to a closed pipe. I don't know exactly when the signal is sent, or what effect the pipe buffer has on this. You may be able to recover by trapping the signal with the sigaction call.

Decode UTF-8 with Javascript

To answer the original question: here is how you decode utf-8 in javascript:


function encode_utf8(s) {
  return unescape(encodeURIComponent(s));

function decode_utf8(s) {
  return decodeURIComponent(escape(s));

We have been using this in our production code for 6 years, and it has worked flawlessly.

Note, however, that escape() and unescape() are deprecated. See this.

What do these operators mean (** , ^ , %, //)?

You can find all of those operators in the Python language reference, though you'll have to scroll around a bit to find them all. As other answers have said:

  • The ** operator does exponentiation. a ** b is a raised to the b power. The same ** symbol is also used in function argument and calling notations, with a different meaning (passing and receiving arbitrary keyword arguments).
  • The ^ operator does a binary xor. a ^ b will return a value with only the bits set in a or in b but not both. This one is simple!
  • The % operator is mostly to find the modulus of two integers. a % b returns the remainder after dividing a by b. Unlike the modulus operators in some other programming languages (such as C), in Python a modulus it will have the same sign as b, rather than the same sign as a. The same operator is also used for the "old" style of string formatting, so a % b can return a string if a is a format string and b is a value (or tuple of values) which can be inserted into a.
  • The // operator does Python's version of integer division. Python's integer division is not exactly the same as the integer division offered by some other languages (like C), since it rounds towards negative infinity, rather than towards zero. Together with the modulus operator, you can say that a == (a // b)*b + (a % b). In Python 2, floor division is the default behavior when you divide two integers (using the normal division operator /). Since this can be unexpected (especially when you're not picky about what types of numbers you get as arguments to a function), Python 3 has changed to make "true" (floating point) division the norm for division that would be rounded off otherwise, and it will do "floor" division only when explicitly requested. (You can also get the new behavior in Python 2 by putting from __future__ import division at the top of your files. I strongly recommend it!)

MySQL SELECT last few days?


use quotes on the -3 value

Get all unique values in a JavaScript array (remove duplicates)

This is an ES6 function which removes duplicates from an array of objects, filtering by the specified object property

function dedupe(arr = [], fnCheck = _ => _) {
  const set = new Set();
  let len = arr.length;

  for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    const primitive = fnCheck(arr[i]);
    if (set.has(primitive)) {
      // duplicate, cut it
      arr.splice(i, 1);
    } else {
      // new item, add it

  return arr;

const test = [
    {video:{slug: "a"}},
    {video:{slug: "a"}},
    {video:{slug: "b"}},
    {video:{slug: "c"}},
    {video:{slug: "c"}}
console.log(dedupe(test, x =>;

// [{video:{slug: "a"}}, {video:{slug: "b"}}, {video:{slug: "c"}}]

Get keys from HashMap in Java

Try this simple program:

public class HashMapGetKey {

public static void main(String args[]) {

      // create hash map

       HashMap map = new HashMap();

      // populate hash map

      map.put(1, "one");
      map.put(2, "two");
      map.put(3, "three");
      map.put(4, "four");

      // get keyset value from map

Set keyset=map.keySet();

      // check key set values

      System.out.println("Key set values are: " + keyset);

C++ Error 'nullptr was not declared in this scope' in Eclipse IDE

You are using g++ 4.6 version you must invoke the flag -std=c++0x to compile

g++ -std=c++0x *.cpp -o output

How to set the "Content-Type ... charset" in the request header using a HTML link

This is not possible from HTML on. The closest what you can get is the accept-charset attribute of the <form>. Only MSIE browser adheres that, but even then it is doing it wrong (e.g. CP1252 is actually been used when it says that it has sent ISO-8859-1). Other browsers are fully ignoring it and they are using the charset as specified in the Content-Type header of the response. Setting the character encoding right is basically fully the responsiblity of the server side. The client side should just send it back in the same charset as the server has sent the response in.

To the point, you should really configure the character encoding stuff entirely from the server side on. To overcome the inability to edit URIEncoding attribute, someone here on SO wrote a (complex) filter: Detect the URI encoding automatically in Tomcat. You may find it useful as well (note: I haven't tested it).

Update: Noted should be that the meta tag as given in your question is ignored when the content is been transferred over HTTP. Instead, the HTTP response Content-Type header will be used to determine the content type and character encoding. You can determine the HTTP header with for example Firebug, in the Net panel.

alt text

What are your favorite extension methods for C#? (

ASP.NET HTML Encode - short and sweet:

public static string ToHtmlEncodedString(this string s)
    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(s))
        return s;
    return HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(s);

How to return first 5 objects of Array in Swift?

The Prefix function is definitely the most efficient way of solving this problem, but you can also use for-in loops like the following:

let array = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
let maxNum = 5
var iterationNumber = 0
var firstNumbers = [Int()]
if array.count > maxNum{
  for i in array{
    iterationNumber += 1
    if iterationNumber <= maxNum{
  firstNumbers.remove(at: 0)
} else {
  print("There were not \(maxNum) items in the array.")

This solution takes up many lines of code but checks to see if there are enough items in the array to carry out the program, then continues and solves the problem. This solution uses many basic functions including array.count, which returns the amount of items in the array, not the position of last item in the array. It also uses array.append, which adds things onto the end of the array. Lastly, it uses array.remove, which removes the array's item that has a specified position.

I have tested it it and it works for at least swift 5.

HTML-5 date field shows as "mm/dd/yyyy" in Chrome, even when valid date is set

I have same problem and i found solution which is given below with full datepicker using simple HTML,Javascript and CSS. In this code i prepare formate like dd/mm/yyyy but you can work any.

HTML Code:

<input type="date" id="dt" onchange="mydate1();" hidden/>
<input type="text" id="ndt"  onclick="mydate();" hidden />
<input type="button" Value="Date" onclick="mydate();" />

CSS Code:

#dt{text-indent: -500px;height:25px; width:200px;}

Javascript Code :

function mydate()
function mydate1()
 d=new Date(document.getElementById("dt").value);


enter image description here

How do I handle the window close event in Tkinter?

Matt has shown one classic modification of the close button.
The other is to have the close button minimize the window.
You can reproduced this behavior by having the iconify method
be the protocol method's second argument.

Here's a working example, tested on Windows 7 & 10:

# Python 3
import tkinter
import tkinter.scrolledtext as scrolledtext

root = tkinter.Tk()
# make the top right close button minimize (iconify) the main window
root.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", root.iconify)
# make Esc exit the program
root.bind('<Escape>', lambda e: root.destroy())

# create a menu bar with an Exit command
menubar = tkinter.Menu(root)
filemenu = tkinter.Menu(menubar, tearoff=0)
filemenu.add_command(label="Exit", command=root.destroy)
menubar.add_cascade(label="File", menu=filemenu)

# create a Text widget with a Scrollbar attached
txt = scrolledtext.ScrolledText(root, undo=True)
txt['font'] = ('consolas', '12')
txt.pack(expand=True, fill='both')


In this example we give the user two new exit options:
the classic File ? Exit, and also the Esc button.

How to set component default props on React component

class Example extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return <h1>{this.props.text}</h1>;

Example.defaultProps = { text: 'yo' }; 

How to apply filters to *ngFor?

Basically, you write a pipe which you can then use in the *ngFor directive.

In your component:

filterargs = {title: 'hello'};
items = [{title: 'hello world'}, {title: 'hello kitty'}, {title: 'foo bar'}];

In your template, you can pass string, number or object to your pipe to use to filter on:

<li *ngFor="let item of items | myfilter:filterargs">

In your pipe:

import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';

    name: 'myfilter',
    pure: false
export class MyFilterPipe implements PipeTransform {
    transform(items: any[], filter: Object): any {
        if (!items || !filter) {
            return items;
        // filter items array, items which match and return true will be
        // kept, false will be filtered out
        return items.filter(item => item.title.indexOf(filter.title) !== -1);

Remember to register your pipe in app.module.ts; you no longer need to register the pipes in your @Component

import { MyFilterPipe } from './shared/pipes/my-filter.pipe';

    imports: [
    declarations: [
    providers: [
    bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }

Here's a Plunker which demos the use of a custom filter pipe and the built-in slice pipe to limit results.

Please note (as several commentators have pointed out) that there is a reason why there are no built-in filter pipes in Angular.

How can I "disable" zoom on a mobile web page?

Possible Solution for Web Apps: While zooming can not be disabled in iOS Safari anymore, it will be disabled when opening the site from a home screen shortcut.

Add these meta tags to declare your App as "Web App capable":

    <meta content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" name="viewport" >
    <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes" >

However only use this feature if your app is self sustaining, as the forward/backward buttons and URL bar as well as the sharing options are disabled. (You can still swipe left and right though) This approach however enables quite the app like ux. The fullscreen browser only starts when the site is loaded from the homescreen. I also only got it to work after I included an apple-touch-icon-180x180.png in my root folder.

As a bonus, you probably also want to include a variant of this as well:

<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" content="black-translucent">

Can you detect "dragging" in jQuery?

On mousedown, start set the state, if the mousemove event is fired record it, finally on mouseup, check if the mouse moved. If it moved, we've been dragging. If we've not moved, it's a click.

var isDragging = false;
.mousedown(function() {
    isDragging = false;
.mousemove(function() {
    isDragging = true;
.mouseup(function() {
    var wasDragging = isDragging;
    isDragging = false;
    if (!wasDragging) {

Here's a demo:

Find in Files: Search all code in Team Foundation Server

In my case, writing a small utility in C# helped. Links that helped me -

How to list files of a team project using tfs api?

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Client;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Framework.Client;
using System.IO;

namespace TFSSearch
class Program
    static string[] textPatterns = new[] { "void main(", "exception", "RegisterScript" };  //Text to search
    static string[] filePatterns = new[] { "*.cs", "*.xml", "*.config", "*.asp", "*.aspx", "*.js", "*.htm", "*.html", 
                                           "*.vb", "*.asax", "*.ashx", "*.asmx", "*.ascx", "*.master", "*.svc"}; //file extensions

    static void Main(string[] args)
            var tfs = TfsTeamProjectCollectionFactory
             .GetTeamProjectCollection(new Uri("http://{tfsserver}:8080/tfs/}")); // one some servers you also need to add collection path (if it not the default collection)


            var versionControl = tfs.GetService<VersionControlServer>();

            StreamWriter outputFile = new StreamWriter(@"C:\Find.txt");
            var allProjs = versionControl.GetAllTeamProjects(true);
            foreach (var teamProj in allProjs)
                foreach (var filePattern in filePatterns)
                    var items = versionControl.GetItems(teamProj.ServerItem + "/" + filePattern, RecursionType.Full).Items
                                .Where(i => !i.ServerItem.Contains("_ReSharper"));  //skipping resharper stuff
                    foreach (var item in items)
                        List<string> lines = SearchInFile(item);
                        if (lines.Count > 0)
                            outputFile.WriteLine("FILE:" + item.ServerItem);
                            outputFile.WriteLine(lines.Count.ToString() + " occurence(s) found.");
                        foreach (string line in lines)
                        if (lines.Count > 0)
        catch (Exception e)
            string ex = e.Message;
            Console.WriteLine("!!EXCEPTION: " + e.Message);
            Console.WriteLine("Continuing... ");

    // Define other methods and classes here
    private static List<string> SearchInFile(Item file)
        var result = new List<string>();

            var stream = new StreamReader(file.DownloadFile(), Encoding.Default);

            var line = stream.ReadLine();
            var lineIndex = 0;

            while (!stream.EndOfStream)
                if (textPatterns.Any(p => line.IndexOf(p, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0))
                    result.Add("=== Line " + lineIndex + ": " + line.Trim());

                line = stream.ReadLine();
        catch (Exception e)
            string ex = e.Message;
            Console.WriteLine("!!EXCEPTION: " + e.Message);
            Console.WriteLine("Continuing... ");

        return result;

CSS: how do I create a gap between rows in a table?

All you need:

table {
    border-collapse: separate;
    border-spacing: 0 1em;

That assumes you want a 1em vertical gap, and no horizontal gap. If you're doing this, you should probably also look at controlling your line-height.

Sort of weird that some of the answers people gave involve border-collapse: collapse, whose effect is the exact opposite of what the question asked for.

Hibernate Group by Criteria Object

GroupBy using in Hibernate

This is the resulting code

public Map getStateCounts(final Collection ids) {
    HibernateSession hibernateSession = new HibernateSession();
    Session session = hibernateSession.getSession();
    Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(DownloadRequestEntity.class)
            .add("id", ids));
    ProjectionList projectionList = Projections.projectionList();
    List results = criteria.list();
    Map stateMap = new HashMap();
    for (Object[] obj : results) {
        DownloadState downloadState = (DownloadState) obj[0];
        stateMap.put(downloadState.getDescription().toLowerCase() (Integer) obj[1]);
    return stateMap;

Convert Java string to Time, NOT Date

try {

    SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("hh:mm a"); //if 24 hour format
    // or
    SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm"); // 12 hour format

    java.util.Date d1 =(java.util.Date)format.parse(your_Time);

    java.sql.Time ppstime = new java.sql.Time(d1.getTime());

} catch(Exception e) {

    Log.e("Exception is ", e.toString());

Cannot push to Git repository on Bitbucket

If you are using SourceTree (I'm using 2.4.1), I found a simpler way to generate an SSH key and add it to my Bitbucket settings. This solved the problem for me.

  1. In SourceTree, go to Preferences.
  2. Go to the Accounts tab and select your account.
  3. There should be an option to generate and copy an SSH key to clipboard.
  4. Once you have copied that, go to Bitbucket in your browser. Go to [avatar] -> Bitbucket settings.
  5. Go to SSH keys.
  6. Click Add key
  7. Paste in the key you copied.

I received a confirmation email from Bitbucket that an SSH key had been added to my account.

For reference, on macOS, using Terminal, you can use the following command to see the keys generated for your device. This is where the key you generated is stored.

ls -la ~/.ssh

As others have stated, this documentation helped me: Use the SSH protocol with Bitbucket Cloud

How to get current location in Android

You need to write code in the OnLocationChanged method, because this method is called when the location has changed. I.e. you need to save the new location to return it if getLocation is called.

If you don't use the onLocationChanged it always will be the old location.

Android ImageView's onClickListener does not work

Add android:onClick="clickEvent" to your image view.

<ImageView android:id="@+id/favorite_icon" 
    android:layout_gravity="top|right" android:paddingTop="63sp"
    android:onClick="clickEvent"  />

In your activity you can create a method with the same name (clickEvent(View v)), and that's it! You can see the log and the toast text too.

public void clickEvent(View v)
    Log.i(SystemSettings.APP_TAG + " : " + HomeActivity.class.getName(), "Entered onClick method");
            "The favorite list would appear on clicking this icon",

Concatenating string and integer in python

Modern string formatting:

"{} and {}".format("string", 1)

Can a class member function template be virtual?

The following code can be compiled and runs properly, using MinGW G++ 3.4.5 on Window 7:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

template <typename T>
class A{
    virtual void func1(const T& p)

template <typename T>
class B
: public A<T>
    virtual void func1(const T& p)

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    A<string> a;
    B<int> b;
    B<string> c;

    A<string>* p = &a;
    p->func1("A<string> a");
    p = dynamic_cast<A<string>*>(&c);
    p->func1("B<string> c");
    B<int>* q = &b;

and the output is:

A:A<string> a
A<--B:B<string> c

And later I added a new class X:

class X
    template <typename T>
    virtual void func2(const T& p)

When I tried to use class X in main() like this:

X x;
x.func2<string>("X x");

g++ report the following error:

vtempl.cpp:34: error: invalid use of `virtual' in template declaration of `virtu
al void X::func2(const T&)'

So it is obvious that:

  • virtual member function can be used in a class template. It is easy for compiler to construct vtable
  • It is impossible to define a class template member function as virtual, as you can see, it hard to determine function signature and allocate vtable entries.

Powershell: Get FQDN Hostname

A cleaner format FQDN remotely


How to remove duplicates from a list?

The "contains" method searched for whether the list contains an entry that returns true from Customer.equals(Object o). If you have not overridden equals(Object) in Customer or one of its parents then it will only search for an existing occurrence of the same object. It may be this was what you wanted, in which case your code should work. But if you were looking for not having two objects both representing the same customer, then you need to override equals(Object) to return true when that is the case.

It is also true that using one of the implementations of Set instead of List would give you duplicate removal automatically, and faster (for anything other than very small Lists). You will still need to provide code for equals.

You should also override hashCode() when you override equals().

TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str' when writing to a file in Python3

for this small example:

import socket

mysock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
mysock.connect(('', 80))
mysock.send(**b**'GET HTTP/1.0\n\n')

while True:
    data = mysock.recv(512)
    if ( len(data) < 1 ) :
    print (data);


adding the "b" before 'GET HTTP/1.0\n\n' solved my problem

Arduino COM port doesn't work

unplug not necessary,just uninstall your port,restart and install driver will see arduino COM port under the LPT & PORT section.

What’s the difference between Response.Write() andResponse.Output.Write()?

See this:

The difference between Response.Write() and Response.Output.Write() in ASP.NET. The short answer is that the latter gives you String.Format-style output and the former doesn't. The long answer follows.

In ASP.NET the Response object is of type HttpResponse and when you say Response.Write you're really saying (basically) HttpContext.Current.Response.Write and calling one of the many overloaded Write methods of HttpResponse.

Response.Write then calls .Write() on it's internal TextWriter object:

public void Write(object obj){ this._writer.Write(obj);} 

HttpResponse also has a Property called Output that is of type, yes, TextWriter, so:

public TextWriter get_Output(){ return this._writer; } 

Which means you can do the Response whatever a TextWriter will let you. Now, TextWriters support a Write() method aka String.Format, so you can do this:

Response.Output.Write("Scott is {0} at {1:d}", "cool",DateTime.Now);

But internally, of course, this is happening:

public virtual void Write(string format, params object[] arg)
this.Write(string.Format(format, arg)); 

Listing all permutations of a string/integer

It's just two lines of code if LINQ is allowed to use. Please see my answer here.


Here is my generic function which can return all the permutations (not combinations) from a list of T:

static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>>
    GetPermutations<T>(IEnumerable<T> list, int length)
    if (length == 1) return list.Select(t => new T[] { t });

    return GetPermutations(list, length - 1)
        .SelectMany(t => list.Where(e => !t.Contains(e)),
            (t1, t2) => t1.Concat(new T[] { t2 }));


IEnumerable<IEnumerable<int>> result =
    GetPermutations(Enumerable.Range(1, 3), 3);

Output - a list of integer-lists:

{1,2,3} {1,3,2} {2,1,3} {2,3,1} {3,1,2} {3,2,1}

As this function uses LINQ so it requires .net 3.5 or higher.

How can strings be concatenated?

The easiest way would be

Section = 'Sec_' + Section

But for efficiency, see:

After submitting a POST form open a new window showing the result

If you want to create and submit your form from Javascript as is in your question and you want to create popup window with custom features I propose this solution (I put comments above the lines i added):

var form = document.createElement("form");
form.setAttribute("method", "post");
form.setAttribute("action", "test.jsp");

// setting form target to a window named 'formresult'
form.setAttribute("target", "formresult");

var hiddenField = document.createElement("input");              
hiddenField.setAttribute("name", "id");
hiddenField.setAttribute("value", "bob");

// creating the 'formresult' window with custom features prior to submitting the form'test.html', 'formresult', 'scrollbars=no,menubar=no,height=600,width=800,resizable=yes,toolbar=no,status=no');


Elasticsearch difference between MUST and SHOULD bool query

As said in the documentation:

Must: The clause (query) must appear in matching documents.

Should: The clause (query) should appear in the matching document. In a boolean query with no must clauses, one or more should clauses must match a document. The minimum number of should clauses to match can be set using the minimum_should_match parameter.

In other words, results will have to be matched by all the queries present in the must clause ( or match at least one of the should clauses if there is no must clause.

Since you want your results to satisfy all the queries, you should use must.

You can indeed use filters inside a boolean query.

MySQL error #1054 - Unknown column in 'Field List'

I had this error aswell.

I am working in mysql workbench. When giving the values they have to be inside "". That solved it for me.

"SMTP Error: Could not authenticate" in PHPMailer

  1. first go to
  2. Select Security tab
  3. Scroll down and select 'Less secure app access'
  4. Turn on access

This will solve my “SMTP Error: Could not authenticate” in PHPMailer error.

How to convert an int value to string in Go?

In this case both strconv and fmt.Sprintf do the same job but using the strconv package's Itoa function is the best choice, because fmt.Sprintf allocate one more object during conversion.

check the nenchmark result of both check the benchmark here:

see for example.

How to activate JMX on my JVM for access with jconsole?

I'm using WAS ND 7.0

My JVM need all the following arguments to be monitored in JConsole

What does a just-in-time (JIT) compiler do?

JIT compiler only compiles the byte-code to equivalent native code at first execution. Upon every successive execution, the JVM merely uses the already compiled native code to optimize performance.

enter image description here

Without JIT compiler, the JVM interpreter translates the byte-code line-by-line to make it appear as if a native application is being executed.

enter image description here


Remove a git commit which has not been pushed

I just had the same problem and ended up doing:

git rebase -i HEAD~N

(N is the number of commits git will show you)

That prompts your text editor and then you can remove the commit you want by deleting the line associated with it.

Could not connect to SMTP host:, port: 465, response: -1

You need to tell it that you are using SSL:

props.put("mail.smtp.socketFactory.class", "");

In case you miss anything, here is working code:

String  d_email = "[email protected]",
            d_uname = "Name",
            d_password = "urpassword",
            d_host = "",
            d_port  = "465",
            m_to = "[email protected]",
            m_subject = "Indoors Readable File: " + params[0].getName(),
            m_text = "This message is from Indoor Positioning App. Required file(s) are attached.";
    Properties props = new Properties();
    props.put("mail.smtp.user", d_email);
    props.put("", d_host);
    props.put("mail.smtp.port", d_port);
    props.put("mail.smtp.debug", "true");
    props.put("mail.smtp.auth", "true");
    props.put("mail.smtp.socketFactory.port", d_port);
    props.put("mail.smtp.socketFactory.class", "");
    props.put("mail.smtp.socketFactory.fallback", "false");

    SMTPAuthenticator auth = new SMTPAuthenticator();
    Session session = Session.getInstance(props, auth);

    MimeMessage msg = new MimeMessage(session);
    try {
        msg.setFrom(new InternetAddress(d_email));
        msg.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.TO, new InternetAddress(m_to));

Transport transport = session.getTransport("smtps");
            transport.connect(d_host, Integer.valueOf(d_port), d_uname, d_password);
            transport.sendMessage(msg, msg.getAllRecipients());

        } catch (AddressException e) {
            return false;
        } catch (MessagingException e) {
            return false;

Out-File -append in Powershell does not produce a new line and breaks string into characters

Out-File defaults to unicode encoding which is why you are seeing the behavior you are. Use -Encoding Ascii to change this behavior. In your case

Out-File -Encoding Ascii -append textfile.txt. 

Add-Content uses Ascii and also appends by default.

"This is a test" | Add-Content textfile.txt.

As for the lack of newline: You did not send a newline so it will not write one to file.

How to decode Unicode escape sequences like "\u00ed" to proper UTF-8 encoded characters?

fix json values, it's add \ before u{xxx} to all +" "

  $item = preg_replace_callback('/"(.+?)":"(u.+?)",/', function ($matches) {
        $matches[2] = preg_replace('/(u)/', '\u', $matches[2]);
            $matches[2] = preg_replace('/(")/', '&quot;', $matches[2]); 
            $matches[2] = json_decode('"' . $matches[2] . '"'); 
            return '"' . $matches[1] . '":"' . $matches[2] . '",';
        }, $item);

How do you create a REST client for Java?

Examples of jersey Rest client :
Adding dependency :

         <!-- jersey -->



ForGetMethod and passing two parameter :

          Client client = Client.create();
           WebResource webResource1 = client
                                + userN + "/" + groupName);

                ClientResponse response1 = webResource1.get(ClientResponse.class);
                System.out.println("responser is" + response1);

GetMethod passing one parameter and Getting a Respone of List :

       Client client = Client.create();

        WebResource webResource1 = client
    //value changed
    String response1 = webResource1.type(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).get(String.class);

    List <String > Assignedlist =new ArrayList<String>();
     JSONArray jsonArr2 =new JSONArray(response1);
    for (int i =0;i<jsonArr2.length();i++){


In Above It Returns a List which we are accepting as a List and then converting it to Json Array and then Json Array to List .

If Post Request passing Json Object as Parameter :

   Client client = Client.create();
    WebResource webResource = client
    // value added

    ClientResponse response = webResource.type(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).post(ClientResponse.class,mapper.writeValueAsString(user));

    if (response.getStatus() == 500) {

        context.addMessage(null, new FacesMessage("User already exist "));

How to run functions in parallel?

Seems like you have a single function that you need to call on two different parameters. This can be elegantly done using a combination of concurrent.futures and map with Python 3.2+

import time
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, ProcessPoolExecutor

def sleep_secs(seconds):
  print(f'{seconds} has been processed')

secs_list = [2,4, 6, 8, 10, 12]

Now, if your operation is IO bound, then you can use the ThreadPoolExecutor as such:

with ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:
  results =, secs_list)

Note how map is used here to map your function to the list of arguments.

Now, If your function is CPU bound, then you can use ProcessPoolExecutor

with ProcessPoolExecutor() as executor:
  results =, secs_list)

If you are not sure, you can simply try both and see which one gives you better results.

Finally, if you are looking to print out your results, you can simply do this:

with ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:
  results =, secs_list)
  for result in results:

Git's famous "ERROR: Permission to .git denied to user"

I recently ran into this issue for on old repo on my machine that had been pushed up using https. steps 5 and 6 solved my issue by re-setting the remote url for my repo from using the https url to the ssh url

checking the remote is using the https url

> git remote -v
origin (fetch)
origin (push)

then re-setting the origin to use the ssh url

> git remote set-url origin [email protected]:ExampleUser/ExampleRepo.git

verifying new remote

> git remote -v
origin  [email protected]:ExampleUser/ExampleRepo.git (fetch)
origin  [email protected]:ExampleUser/ExampleRepo.git (push)

could now successfully git push -u origin

i'm still not sure what setting i would have changed that might have caused the push to fail when the remote is https but this was the solution to my issue

How to make an HTTP POST web request

There are several ways to perform HTTP GET and POST requests:

Method A: HttpClient (Preferred)

Available in: .NET Framework 4.5+, .NET Standard 1.1+, .NET Core 1.0+ .

It is currently the preferred approach, and is asynchronous and high performance. Use the built-in version in most cases, but for very old platforms there is a NuGet package.

using System.Net.Http;


It is recommended to instantiate one HttpClient for your application's lifetime and share it unless you have a specific reason not to.

private static readonly HttpClient client = new HttpClient();

See HttpClientFactory for a dependency injection solution.

  • POST

    var values = new Dictionary<string, string>
        { "thing1", "hello" },
        { "thing2", "world" }
    var content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(values);
    var response = await client.PostAsync("", content);
    var responseString = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
  • GET

    var responseString = await client.GetStringAsync("");

Method B: Third-Party Libraries


  • POST

     var client = new RestClient("");
     // client.Authenticator = new HttpBasicAuthenticator(username, password);
     var request = new RestRequest("resource/{id}");
     request.AddParameter("thing1", "Hello");
     request.AddParameter("thing2", "world");
     request.AddHeader("header", "value");
     request.AddFile("file", path);
     var response = client.Post(request);
     var content = response.Content; // Raw content as string
     var response2 = client.Post<Person>(request);
     var name = response2.Data.Name;


It is a newer library sporting a fluent API, testing helpers, uses HttpClient under the hood, and is portable. It is available via NuGet.

    using Flurl.Http;

  • POST

    var responseString = await ""
        .PostUrlEncodedAsync(new { thing1 = "hello", thing2 = "world" })
  • GET

    var responseString = await ""

Method C: HttpWebRequest (not recommended for new work)

Available in: .NET Framework 1.1+, .NET Standard 2.0+, .NET Core 1.0+. In .NET Core, it is mostly for compatibility -- it wraps HttpClient, is less performant, and won't get new features.

using System.Net;
using System.Text;  // For class Encoding
using System.IO;    // For StreamReader

  • POST

    var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
    var postData = "thing1=" + Uri.EscapeDataString("hello");
        postData += "&thing2=" + Uri.EscapeDataString("world");
    var data = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(postData);
    request.Method = "POST";
    request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
    request.ContentLength = data.Length;
    using (var stream = request.GetRequestStream())
        stream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
    var responseString = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd();
  • GET

    var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
    var responseString = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd();

Method D: WebClient (Not recommended for new work)

This is a wrapper around HttpWebRequest. Compare with HttpClient.

Available in: .NET Framework 1.1+, NET Standard 2.0+, .NET Core 2.0+

using System.Net;
using System.Collections.Specialized;

  • POST

    using (var client = new WebClient())
        var values = new NameValueCollection();
        values["thing1"] = "hello";
        values["thing2"] = "world";
        var response = client.UploadValues("", values);
        var responseString = Encoding.Default.GetString(response);
  • GET

    using (var client = new WebClient())
        var responseString = client.DownloadString("");

Passing variables through handlebars partial

Not sure if this is helpful but here's an example of Handlebars template with dynamic parameters passed to an inline RadioButtons partial and the client(browser) rendering the radio buttons in the container.

For my use it's rendered with Handlebars on the server and lets the client finish it up. With it a forms tool can provide inline data within Handlebars without helpers.

Note : This example requires jQuery

{{#*inline "RadioButtons"}}
{{name}} Buttons<hr>
<div id="key-{{{name}}}"></div>
      +'<button class="checkbox">'
      +'<input name="{{{name}}}" type="radio" value="'+o.value+'" />'+o.text
  // A little test script
  $("#key-{{{name}}} .checkbox").on("click",function(){
{{>RadioButtons name="Radio" buttons='[

How do I install PHP cURL on Linux Debian?

Type in console as root:

apt-get update && apt-get install php5-curl

or with sudo:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install php5-curl

Sorry I missread.

1st, check your DNS config and if you can ping any host at all,


If it does not work, check /etc/resolv.conf or /etc/network/resolv.conf, if not, change your apt-source to a different one.



You should not use Ubuntu sources on Debian and vice versa.

Android: Quit application when press back button

Instead of finish() call super.onBackPressed()

HTML5 phone number validation with pattern

enter image description here


  • Minimum digits 10
  • Maximum digits 10
  • number starts with 7,8,9

Exception.Message vs Exception.ToString()

Well, I'd say it depends what you want to see in the logs, doesn't it? If you're happy with what ex.Message provides, use that. Otherwise, use ex.toString() or even log the stack trace.

What is PECS (Producer Extends Consumer Super)?

Covariance: accept subtypes
Contravariance: accept supertypes

Covariant types are read-only, while contravariant types are write-only.

Does Python have “private” variables in classes?

Sorry guys for "resurrecting" the thread, but, I hope this will help someone:

In Python3 if you just want to "encapsulate" the class attributes, like in Java, you can just do the same thing like this:

class Simple:
    def __init__(self, str):
        print("inside the simple constructor")
        self.__s = str

    def show(self):

    def showMsg(self, msg):
        print(msg + ':',

To instantiate this do:

ss = Simple("lol")

Note that: print(ss.__s) will throw an error.

In practice, Python3 will obfuscate the global attribute name. Turning this like a "private" attribute, like in Java. The attribute's name is still global, but in an inaccessible way, like a private attribute in other languages.

But don't be afraid of it. It doesn't matter. It does the job too. ;)

How to display activity indicator in middle of the iphone screen?

import UIKit

class ViewController: UIViewController {

    @IBOutlet weak var textLbl: UILabel!

    var containerView = UIView()
    var loadingView = UIView()
    var activityIndicator = UIActivityIndicatorView()

    override func viewDidLoad() {

        let _  = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 10, repeats: false) { (_) in
            self.textLbl.text = "Stop ActivitiIndicator"

    override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {

    @IBAction func palyClicked(sender: AnyObject){

        containerView.frame = self.view.frame
        containerView.backgroundColor = UIColor(red: 0/255, green: 0/255, blue: 0/255, alpha: 0.3)

        loadingView.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 80, height: 80) =
        loadingView.backgroundColor = UIColor(red: 0/255, green: 0/255, blue: 0/255, alpha: 0.5)
        loadingView.clipsToBounds = true
        loadingView.layer.cornerRadius = 10

        activityIndicator.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 40, height: 40)
        activityIndicator.activityIndicatorViewStyle = UIActivityIndicatorViewStyle.whiteLarge = CGPoint(x:loadingView.frame.size.width / 2, y:loadingView.frame.size.height / 2);


Is it safe to clean docker/overlay2/

I had this issue... It was the log that was huge. Logs are here :

/var/lib/docker/containers/<container id>/<container id>-json.log

You can manage this in the run command line or in the compose file. See there : Configure logging drivers

I personally added these 3 lines to my docker-compose.yml file :

      max-size: 10m

Redirect non-www to www in .htaccess

The following example works on both ssl and non-ssl and is much faster as you use just one rule to manage http and https

RewriteEngine on

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\.
RewriteCond %{HTTPS}s on(s)|offs()
RewriteRule ^ http%1://www.%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [NE,L,R]


This will redirect





Set selected option of select box

I know this has an accepted answer, but in reading the replies on the answer, I see some things that I can clear up that might help other people having issues with events not triggering after a value change.

This will select the value in the drop-down:


If this select element is using JQueryUI or other JQuery wrapper, use the refresh method of the wrapper to update the UI to show that the value has been selected. The below example is for JQueryUI, but you will have to look at the documentation for the wrapper you are using to determine the correct method for the refresh:


If there is an event that needs to be triggered such as a change event, you will have to trigger that manually as changing the value does not fire the event. The event you need to fire depends on how the event was created:

If the event was created with JQuery i.e. $("#gate").on("change",function(){}) then trigger the event using the below method:


If the event was created using a standard JavaScript event i.e. then trigger the event using the below method:

var JSElem = $("#gate")[0];
if ("createEvent" in document) {
    var evt = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents");
    evt.initEvent("change", false, true);
} else {

What is the difference between absolute and relative xpaths? Which is preferred in Selenium automation testing?

An absolute xpath in HTML DOM starts with /html e.g.


and a relative xpath finds the closed id to the dom element and generates xpath starting from that element e.g.


You can use firepath (firebug) for generating both types of xpaths

It won't make any difference which xpath you use in selenium, the former may be faster than the later one (but it won't be observable)

Absolute xpaths are prone to more regression as slight change in DOM makes them invalid or refer to a wrong element

Gson: How to exclude specific fields from Serialization without annotations

You can explore the json tree with gson.

Try something like this :


You can add some properties also :

gson.toJsonTree(student).getAsJsonObject().addProperty("isGoodStudent", false);

Tested with gson 2.2.4.

How to import a csv file into MySQL workbench?

If the server resides on a remote machine, make sure the file in in the remote machine and not in your local machine.

If the file is in the same machine where the mysql server is, make sure the mysql user has permissions to read/write the file, or copy teh file into the mysql schema directory:

In my case in ubuntu it was: /var/lib/mysql/db_myschema/myfile.csv

Also, not relative to this problem, but if you have problems with the new lines, use sublimeTEXT to change the line endings to WINDOWS format, save the file and retry.

ImportError: cannot import name

Instead of using local imports, you may import the entire module instead of the particular object. Then, in your app module, call mod_login.mod_login

from flask import Flask
import mod_login

# ...


from app import app

mod_login = something

Command line to remove an environment variable from the OS level configuration

To remove the variable from the current environment (not permanently):


To permanently remove the variable from the user environment (which is the default place setx puts it):

REG delete HKCU\Environment /F /V FOOBAR

If the variable is set in the system environment (e.g. if you originally set it with setx /M), as an administrator run:

REG delete "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /F /V FOOBAR

Note: The REG commands above won't affect any existing processes (and some new processes that are forked from existing processes), so if it's important for the change to take effect immediately, the easiest and surest thing to do is log out and back in or reboot. If this isn't an option or you want to dig deeper, some of the other answers here have some great suggestions that may suit your use case.

How to properly overload the << operator for an ostream?

Just telling you about one other possibility: I like using friend definitions for that:

namespace Math
    class Matrix


        friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& stream, const Matrix& matrix) {

The function will be automatically targeted into the surrounding namespace Math (even though its definition appears within the scope of that class) but will not be visible unless you call operator<< with a Matrix object which will make argument dependent lookup find that operator definition. That can sometimes help with ambiguous calls, since it's invisible for argument types other than Matrix. When writing its definition, you can also refer directly to names defined in Matrix and to Matrix itself, without qualifying the name with some possibly long prefix and providing template parameters like Math::Matrix<TypeA, N>.

pandas read_csv and filter columns with usecols

This code achieves what you want --- also its weird and certainly buggy:

I observed that it works when:

a) you specify the index_col rel. to the number of columns you really use -- so its three columns in this example, not four (you drop dummy and start counting from then onwards)

b) same for parse_dates

c) not so for usecols ;) for obvious reasons

d) here I adapted the names to mirror this behaviour

import pandas as pd
from StringIO import StringIO

csv = """dummy,date,loc,x

df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(csv),
        names=["date", "loc", "", "x"])

print df

which prints

date       loc   
2009-01-01 a    1
2009-01-02 a    3
2009-01-03 a    5
2009-01-01 b    1
2009-01-02 b    3
2009-01-03 b    5

How do I prompt for Yes/No/Cancel input in a Linux shell script?

In my case I needed to read from a downloaded script i.e. curl -Ss | sh

The line read yesno < /dev/tty made it

echo -n "These files will be uploaded. Is this ok? (y/n) "
read yesno < /dev/tty

if [ "x$yesno" = "xy" ];then
   # Yes

   # No

Bootstrap modal - close modal when "call to action" button is clicked

Remove your script, and change the HTML:

<a id="closemodal" href="" class="btn btn-primary close" data-dismiss="modal" target="_blank">Launch</a>

EDIT: Please note that currently this will not work as this functionality does not yet exist in bootstrap. See issue here.

Reading binary file and looping over each byte

If you have a lot of binary data to read, you might want to consider the struct module. It is documented as converting "between C and Python types", but of course, bytes are bytes, and whether those were created as C types does not matter. For example, if your binary data contains two 2-byte integers and one 4-byte integer, you can read them as follows (example taken from struct documentation):

>>> struct.unpack('hhl', b'\x00\x01\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x03')
(1, 2, 3)

You might find this more convenient, faster, or both, than explicitly looping over the content of a file.

Bypass popup blocker on when JQuery event.preventDefault() is set

The observation that the event had to be initiated by the user helped me to figure out the first part of this, but even after that Chrome and Firefox still blocked the new window. The second part was adding target="_blank" to the link, which was mentioned in one comment.

In summary: you need to call from an event initiated by the user, in this case clicking on a link, and that link needs to have target="_blank".

In the example below the link is using class="button-twitter".

$('.button-twitter').click(function(e) {
  var href = $(this).attr('href');
  var tweet_popup =, 'tweet_popup', 'width=500,height=300');

Loop Through All Subfolders Using VBA

Just a simple folder drill down.

sub sample()
    Dim FileSystem As Object
    Dim HostFolder As String

    HostFolder = "C:\"

    Set FileSystem = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    DoFolder FileSystem.GetFolder(HostFolder)
end  sub

Sub DoFolder(Folder)
    Dim SubFolder
    For Each SubFolder In Folder.SubFolders
        DoFolder SubFolder
    Dim File
    For Each File In Folder.Files
        ' Operate on each file
End Sub

A Space between Inline-Block List Items

Even if its not inline-block based, this solution might worth consideration (allows nearly same formatting control from upper levels).

ul {
  display: table;
ul li {
  display: table-cell;

What's the equivalent of Java's Thread.sleep() in JavaScript?

Try with this code. I hope it's useful for you.

function sleep(seconds) 
  var e = new Date().getTime() + (seconds * 1000);
  while (new Date().getTime() <= e) {}

How to use "raise" keyword in Python

raise causes an exception to be raised. Some other languages use the verb 'throw' instead.

It's intended to signal an error situation; it flags that the situation is exceptional to the normal flow.

Raised exceptions can be caught again by code 'upstream' (a surrounding block, or a function earlier on the stack) to handle it, using a try, except combination.

How to delete file from public folder in laravel 5.1

public function destroy($id) {
    $news = News::findOrFail($id);
    $image_path = app_path("images/news/".$news->photo);

        File::delete( $image_path);
    return redirect('admin/dashboard')->with('message','??? ??????? ???  ??');

Contain form within a bootstrap popover?

A complete solution for anyone that might need it, I've used this with good results so far


$(".btn-popover-container").each(function() {
    var btn = $(this).children(".popover-btn");
    var titleContainer = $(this).children(".btn-popover-title");
    var contentContainer = $(this).children(".btn-popover-content");

    var title = $(titleContainer).html();
    var content = $(contentContainer).html();

        html: true,
        title: title,
        content: content,
        placement: 'right'


<div class="btn-popover-container">
    <button type="button" class="btn btn-link popover-btn">Button Name</button>
    <div class="btn-popover-title">
        Popover Title
    <div class="btn-popover-content">
          Or Other content..


.btn-popover-container {
    display: inline-block;

.btn-popover-container .btn-popover-title, .btn-popover-container .btn-popover-content {
    display: none;

Pretty-Print JSON in Java

Now this can be achieved with the JSONLib library:

If (and only if) you use the overloaded toString(int indentationFactor) method and not the standard toString() method.

I have verified this on the following version of the API:


Java String split removed empty values

From the documentation of String.split(String regex):

This method works as if by invoking the two-argument split method with the given expression and a limit argument of zero. Trailing empty strings are therefore not included in the resulting array.

So you will have to use the two argument version String.split(String regex, int limit) with a negative value:

String[] split = data.split("\\|",-1);


If the limit n is greater than zero then the pattern will be applied at most n - 1 times, the array's length will be no greater than n, and the array's last entry will contain all input beyond the last matched delimiter. If n is non-positive then the pattern will be applied as many times as possible and the array can have any length. If n is zero then the pattern will be applied as many times as possible, the array can have any length, and trailing empty strings will be discarded.

This will not leave out any empty elements, including the trailing ones.

Order of items in classes: Fields, Properties, Constructors, Methods

Rather than grouping by visibility or by type of item (field, property, method, etc.), how about grouping by functionality?

Tar a directory, but don't store full absolute paths in the archive

Using the "point" leads to the creation of a folder named "point" (on Ubuntu 16).

tar -tf site1.bz2 -C /var/www/site1/ .

I dealt with this in more detail and prepared an example. Multi-line recording, plus an exception.

tar -tf site1.bz2\
    -C /var/www/site1/ style.css\
    -C /var/www/site1/ index.html\
    -C /var/www/site1/ page2.html\
    -C /var/www/site1/ page3.html\
    -C /var/www/site1/ images/
    -C /var/www/site1/ subdir/

jQuery: how to get which button was clicked upon form submission?

When the form is submitted:

  • document.activeElement will give you the submit button that was clicked.

  • document.activeElement.getAttribute('value') will give you that button's value.

Note that if the form is submitted by hitting the Enter key, then document.activeElement will be whichever form input that was focused at the time. If this wasn't a submit button then in this case it may be that there is no "button that was clicked."

How can I resolve "Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages" error?

Run this command:

composer install --ignore-platform-reqs


composer update --ignore-platform-reqs

Filter df when values matches part of a string in pyspark

Spark 2.2 onwards


Spark 2.2 documentation link

Spark 2.1 and before

You can use plain SQL in filter

df.filter("location like ''")

or with DataFrame column methods


Spark 2.1 documentation link

Python: How to remove empty lists from a list?

I found this question because I wanted to do the same as the OP. I would like to add the following observation:

The iterative way (user225312, Sven Marnach):

list2 = [x for x in list1 if x]

Will return a list object in python3 and python2 . Instead the filter way (lunaryorn, Imran) will differently behave over versions:

list2 = filter(None, list1)

It will return a filter object in python3 and a list in python2 (see this question found at the same time). This is a slight difference but it must be take in account when developing compatible scripts.

This does not make any assumption about performances of those solutions. Anyway the filter object can be reverted to a list using:

list3 = list(list2)

How can I connect to MySQL on a WAMP server?

Just Change the Connection mysql string to and it will work

Convert string to float?

Try this:

String numberStr = "3.5";
Float number = null;
try {
   number = Float.parseFloat(numberStr);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
    System.out.println("numberStr is not a number");

Writing a Python list of lists to a csv file

You could use pandas:

In [1]: import pandas as pd

In [2]: a = [[1.2,'abc',3],[1.2,'werew',4],[1.4,'qew',2]]

In [3]: my_df = pd.DataFrame(a)

In [4]: my_df.to_csv('my_csv.csv', index=False, header=False)

What is the difference between readonly="true" & readonly="readonly"?

I'm not sure how they're functionally different. My current batch of OS X browsers don't show any difference.

I would assume they are all functionally the same due to legacy HTML attribute handling. Back in the day, any flag (Boolean) attribute need only be present, sans value, eg

<input readonly>
<option selected>

When XHTML came along, this syntax wasn't valid and values were required. Whilst the W3 specified using the attribute name as the value, I'm guessing most browser vendors decided to simply check for attribute existence.

How to match "any character" in regular expression?

Try the regex .{3,}. This will match all characters except a new line.

How to wrap text of HTML button with fixed width?

Multi-line buttons like that are not really trivial to implement. This page has an interesting (though somewhat dated) discussion on the subject. Your best bet would probably be to either drop the multi-line requirement or to create a custom button using e.g. divs and CSS, and adding some JavaScript to make it work as a button.

window.location.reload with clear cache

i had this problem and i solved it using javascript


you may also use


to stop the browser back button after user logs out of the application.

How do I look inside a Python object?

Others have already mentioned the dir() built-in which sounds like what you're looking for, but here's another good tip. Many libraries -- including most of the standard library -- are distributed in source form. Meaning you can pretty easily read the source code directly. The trick is in finding it; for example:

>>> import string
>>> string.__file__

The *.pyc file is compiled, so remove the trailing 'c' and open up the uncompiled *.py file in your favorite editor or file viewer:


I've found this incredibly useful for discovering things like which exceptions are raised from a given API. This kind of detail is rarely well-documented in the Python world.

Importing a csv into mysql via command line

You could do a

mysqlimport --columns='head -n 1 $yourfile' --ignore-lines=1 dbname $yourfile`

That is, if your file is comma separated and is not semi-colon separated. Else you might need to sed through it too.

How to change value of a request parameter in laravel

It work for me

$request = new Request();
$request->headers->set('content-type', 'application/json');     
$request->initialize(['yourParam' => 2]);

check output

$queryParams = $request->query();
dd($queryParams['yourParam']); // 2

MsgBox "" vs MsgBox() in VBScript

To my knowledge these are the rules for calling subroutines and functions in VBScript:

  • When calling a subroutine or a function where you discard the return value don't use parenthesis
  • When calling a function where you assign or use the return value enclose the arguments in parenthesis
  • When calling a subroutine using the Call keyword enclose the arguments in parenthesis

Since you probably wont be using the Call keyword you only need to learn the rule that if you call a function and want to assign or use the return value you need to enclose the arguments in parenthesis. Otherwise, don't use parenthesis.

Here are some examples:

  • WScript.Echo 1, "two", 3.3 - calling a subroutine

  • WScript.Echo(1, "two", 3.3) - syntax error

  • Call WScript.Echo(1, "two", 3.3) - keyword Call requires parenthesis

  • MsgBox "Error" - calling a function "like" a subroutine

  • result = MsgBox("Continue?", 4) - calling a function where the return value is used

  • WScript.Echo (1 + 2)*3, ("two"), (((3.3))) - calling a subroutine where the arguments are computed by expressions involving parenthesis (note that if you surround a variable by parenthesis in an argument list it changes the behavior from call by reference to call by value)

  • WScript.Echo(1) - apparently this is a subroutine call using parenthesis but in reality the argument is simply the expression (1) and that is what tends to confuse people that are used to other programming languages where you have to specify parenthesis when calling subroutines

  • I'm not sure how to interpret your example, Randomize(). Randomize is a subroutine that accepts a single optional argument but even if the subroutine didn't have any arguments it is acceptable to call it with an empty pair of parenthesis. It seems that the VBScript parser has a special rule for an empty argument list. However, my advice is to avoid this special construct and simply call any subroutine without using parenthesis.

I'm quite sure that these syntactic rules applies across different versions of operating systems.

iFrame src change event detection?

If you have no control over the page and wish to watch for some kind of change then the modern method is to use MutationObserver

An example of its use, watching for the src attribute to change of an iframe

new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {_x000D_
  mutations.some(function(mutation) {_x000D_
    if (mutation.type === 'attributes' && mutation.attributeName === 'src') {_x000D_
      console.log('Old src: ', mutation.oldValue);_x000D_
      console.log('New src: ',;_x000D_
      return true;_x000D_
    return false;_x000D_
}).observe(document.body, {_x000D_
  attributes: true,_x000D_
  attributeFilter: ['src'],_x000D_
  attributeOldValue: true,_x000D_
  characterData: false,_x000D_
  characterDataOldValue: false,_x000D_
  childList: false,_x000D_
  subtree: true_x000D_
setTimeout(function() {_x000D_
  document.getElementsByTagName('iframe')[0].src = '';_x000D_
}, 3000);
<iframe src=""></iframe>

Output after 3 seconds

MutationRecord {oldValue: "", attributeNamespace: null, attributeName: "src", nextSibling: null, previousSibling: null…}
Old src:
New src: 

On jsFiddle

Posted answer here as original question was closed as a duplicate of this one.

How does Python return multiple values from a function?

Whenever multiple values are returned from a function in python, does it always convert the multiple values to a list of multiple values and then returns it from the function??

I'm just adding a name and print the result that returns from the function. the type of result is 'tuple'.

  class FigureOut:
   first_name = None
   last_name = None
   def setName(self, name):
      fullname = name.split()
      self.first_name = fullname[0]
      self.last_name = fullname[1]
      self.special_name = fullname[2]
   def getName(self):
      return self.first_name, self.last_name, self.special_name

f = FigureOut()
f.setName("Allen Solly Jun")
name = f.getName()
print type(name)

I don't know whether you have heard about 'first class function'. Python is the language that has 'first class function'

I hope my answer could help you. Happy coding.

How to stop event bubbling on checkbox click

In angularjs this should works:


Removing items from a ListBox in

If you only want to clear the list box, you should use the Clear (winforms | wpf | method:


Running a shell script through Cygwin on Windows

If you don't mind always including .sh on the script file name, then you can keep the same script for Cygwin and Unix (Macbook).

To illustrate:
1. Always include .sh to your script file name, e.g.,
2. looks like the following as an example:
#!/bin/bash echo '$0 = ' $0 echo '$1 = ' $1 filepath=$1 3. On Windows with Cygwin, you type "" to run
4. On a Unix, you also type "" to run

Note: On Windows, you need to use the file explorer to do following once:
1. Open the file explorer
2. Right-click on a file with .sh extension, like
3. Open with... -> Select sh.exe
After this, your Windows 10 remembers to execute all .sh files with sh.exe.

Note: Using this method, you do not need to prepend your script file name with bash to run

What is a typedef enum in Objective-C?

You can use in the below format, Raw default value starting from 0, so

  • kCircle is 0,
  • kRectangle is 1,
  • kOblateSpheroid is 2.

You can assign your own specific start value.

typedef enum : NSUInteger {
    kCircle, // for your value; kCircle = 5, ...
} ShapeType;

ShapeType circleShape = kCircle;
NSLog(@"%lu", (unsigned long) circleShape); // prints: 0

EXEC sp_executesql with multiple parameters

Here is a simple example:

EXEC sp_executesql @sql, N'@p1 INT, @p2 INT, @p3 INT', @p1, @p2, @p3;

Your call will be something like this

EXEC sp_executesql @statement, N'@LabID int, @BeginDate date, @EndDate date, @RequestTypeID varchar', @LabID, @BeginDate, @EndDate, @RequestTypeID

READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission for Android

Step1: add permission on android manifest.xml

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>

Step2: onCreate() method

int permissionCheck = ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE);

    if (permissionCheck != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
        ActivityCompat.requestPermissions(this, new String[]{Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE}, MY_PERMISSIONS_REQUEST_READ_MEDIA);
    } else {

Step3: override onRequestPermissionsResult method to get callback

public void onRequestPermissionsResult(int requestCode, String permissions[], int[] grantResults) {
    switch (requestCode) {
            if ((grantResults.length > 0) && (grantResults[0] == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED)) {


Note: readDataExternal() is method to get data from external storage.


Intel HAXM installation error - This computer does not support Intel Virtualization Technology (VT-x)

If you have an AMD Ryzen processor in your computer you need the following setup requirements to be in place:

  1. AMD Processor - Recommended: AMD® Ryzen™ processors
  2. Android Studio 3.2 Beta or higher - download via Android Studio Preview page
  3. Android Emulator v27.3.8+ - download via Android Studio SDK Manager
  4. x86 Android Virtual Device (AVD) - Create AVD
  5. Windows 10 with April 2018 Update
  6. Enable via Windows Features: "Windows Hypervisor Platform"

Note:There is Hyper-V features... You should enable Windows Hypervisor Platform not Hyper-V. Windows Hypervisor Platform is at the bottom

After conditions done avd x86 work without haxm install


H2 database error: Database may be already in use: "Locked by another process"

answer for this question => Exception in thread "main" org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException: Database may be already in use: "Locked by another process". Possible solutions: close all other connection(s); use the server mode [90020-161]

close all tab from your browser where open h2 database also Exit h2 engine from your pc

MongoDB: Combine data from multiple collections into

Starting Mongo 4.4, we can achieve this join within an aggregation pipeline by coupling the new $unionWith aggregation stage with $group's new $accumulator operator:

// > db.users.find()
//   [{ user: 1, name: "x" }, { user: 2, name: "y" }]
// > db.books.find()
//   [{ user: 1, book: "a" }, { user: 1, book: "b" }, { user: 2, book: "c" }]
// > db.movies.find()
//   [{ user: 1, movie: "g" }, { user: 2, movie: "h" }, { user: 2, movie: "i" }]
  { $unionWith: "books"  },
  { $unionWith: "movies" },
  { $group: {
    _id: "$user",
    user: {
      $accumulator: {
        accumulateArgs: ["$name", "$book", "$movie"],
        init: function() { return { books: [], movies: [] } },
        accumulate: function(user, name, book, movie) {
          if (name) = name;
          if (book) user.books.push(book);
          if (movie) user.movies.push(movie);
          return user;
        merge: function(userV1, userV2) {
          if ( =;
          return userV1;
        lang: "js"
// { _id: 1, user: { books: ["a", "b"], movies: ["g"], name: "x" } }
// { _id: 2, user: { books: ["c"], movies: ["h", "i"], name: "y" } }
  • $unionWith combines records from the given collection within documents already in the aggregation pipeline. After the 2 union stages, we thus have all users, books and movies records within the pipeline.

  • We then $group records by $user and accumulate items using the $accumulator operator allowing custom accumulations of documents as they get grouped:

    • the fields we're interested in accumulating are defined with accumulateArgs.
    • init defines the state that will be accumulated as we group elements.
    • the accumulate function allows performing a custom action with a record being grouped in order to build the accumulated state. For instance, if the item being grouped has the book field defined, then we update the books part of the state.
    • merge is used to merge two internal states. It's only used for aggregations running on sharded clusters or when the operation exceeds memory limits.

Cannot drop database because it is currently in use

select * from sys.sysprocesses where dbid = DB_ID('Test')

(Replace 'Test' with the name of the database you are trying to drop) This will tell you which processes are using it.

If you still want to force drop then, the ultimate approach is:

USE master;

Hope this helps !

How to access array elements in a Django template?

when you render a request tou coctext some information: for exampel:

return render(request, 'path to template',{'username' :username , 'email'.email})

you can acces to it on template like this : for variabels :

{% if username %}{{ username }}{% endif %}

for array :

{% if username %}{{ username.1 }}{% endif %}
{% if username %}{{ username.2 }}{% endif %}

you can also name array objects in and ten use it like:

{% if username %}{{ username.first }}{% endif %}

if there is other problem i wish to help you

find filenames NOT ending in specific extensions on Unix?

Or without ( and the need to escape it:

find . -not -name "*.exe" -not -name "*.dll"

and to also exclude the listing of directories

find . -not -name "*.exe" -not -name "*.dll" -not -type d

or in positive logic ;-)

find . -not -name "*.exe" -not -name "*.dll" -type f

How to access site running apache server over lan without internet connection

  1. navigate to C:\wamp\alias.
  2. make file with project name and like phpmyadmin.conf
  3. add the following section and change :

    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews AllowOverride all Order Deny,Allow Allow from all

change directory to your directory path like c:\wamp\www\projectfolder

  1. make sure you make the same in httpd.conf for all directory like first directory:

    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks AllowOverride All Order allow,deny Allow from all

second directory:

<Directory "c:/wamp/www/">

# Possible values for the Options directive are "None", "All",
# or any combination of:
#   Indexes Includes FollowSymLinks SymLinksifOwnerMatch ExecCGI MultiViews
# Note that "MultiViews" must be named *explicitly* --- "Options All"
# doesn't give it to you.
# The Options directive is both complicated and important.  Please see
# for more information.
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks

# AllowOverride controls what directives may be placed in .htaccess files.
# It can be "All", "None", or any combination of the keywords:
#   Options FileInfo AuthConfig Limit
    AllowOverride all

# Controls who can get stuff from this server.

#   onlineoffline tag - don't remove
    Order Deny,Allow
    Allow from all


<Directory "icons">
    Options Indexes MultiViews
    AllowOverride None
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all

How to sort in mongoose?

As of Mongoose 3.8.x:

model.find({ ... }).sort({ field : criteria}).exec(function(err, model){ ... });


criteria can be asc, desc, ascending, descending, 1, or -1

Note: Use quotation marks or double quote

use "asc", "desc", "ascending", "descending", 1, or -1

How to reload/refresh an element(image) in jQuery

I simply do this in html:

    $(document).load(function () {
        d = new Date();
        $('#<%= imgpreview.ClientID %>').attr('src','');

And reload the image in code behind like this:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (!IsPostBack)
        image.Src = "/image.jpg"; //url caming from database


Asp.Net WebApi2 Enable CORS not working with AspNet.WebApi.Cors 5.2.3

In case of CORS request all modern browsers respond with an OPTION verb, and then the actual request follows through. This is supposed to be used to prompt the user for confirmation in case of a CORS request. But in case of an API if you would want to skip this verification process add the following snippet to Global.asax

        protected void Application_BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
            HttpContext.Current.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
            if (HttpContext.Current.Request.HttpMethod == "OPTIONS")
                HttpContext.Current.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "POST, PUT, DELETE");

                HttpContext.Current.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Content-Type, Accept");
                HttpContext.Current.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Max-Age", "1728000");

Here we are just by passing the check by checking for OPTIONS verb.

Modify the legend of pandas bar plot

This is slightly an edge case but I think it can add some value to the other answers.

If you add more details to the graph (say an annotation or a line) you'll soon discover that it is relevant when you call legend on the axis: if you call it at the bottom of the script it will capture different handles for the legend elements, messing everything.

For instance the following script:

df = pd.DataFrame({'A':26, 'B':20}, index=['N'])
ax = df.plot(kind='bar')
ax.hlines(23, -.5,.5, linestyles='dashed')

ax.legend(["AAA", "BBB"]); #quickfix: move this at the third line

Will give you this figure, which is wrong: enter image description here

While this a toy example which can be easily fixed by changing the order of the commands, sometimes you'll need to modify the legend after several operations and hence the next method will give you more flexibility. Here for instance I've also changed the fontsize and position of the legend:

df = pd.DataFrame({'A':26, 'B':20}, index=['N'])
ax = df.plot(kind='bar')
ax.hlines(23, -.5,.5, linestyles='dashed')
ax.legend(["AAA", "BBB"]);

# do potentially more stuff here

h,l = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
ax.legend(h[:2],["AAA", "BBB"], loc=3, fontsize=12)

This is what you'll get:

enter image description here

Is there an addHeaderView equivalent for RecyclerView?

here some itemdecoration for recyclerview

public class HeaderItemDecoration extends RecyclerView.ItemDecoration {

private View customView;

public HeaderItemDecoration(View view) {
    this.customView = view;

public void onDraw(Canvas c, RecyclerView parent, RecyclerView.State state) {
    super.onDraw(c, parent, state);
    customView.layout(parent.getLeft(), 0, parent.getRight(), customView.getMeasuredHeight());
    for (int i = 0; i < parent.getChildCount(); i++) {
        View view = parent.getChildAt(i);
        if (parent.getChildAdapterPosition(view) == 0) {
            final int height = customView.getMeasuredHeight();
            final int top = view.getTop() - height;
            c.translate(0, top);

public void getItemOffsets(Rect outRect, View view, RecyclerView parent, RecyclerView.State state) {
    if (parent.getChildAdapterPosition(view) == 0) {
        customView.measure(View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(parent.getMeasuredWidth(), View.MeasureSpec.AT_MOST),
                View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(parent.getMeasuredHeight(), View.MeasureSpec.AT_MOST));
        outRect.set(0, customView.getMeasuredHeight(), 0, 0);
    } else {

Creating a data frame from two vectors using cbind

Vectors and matrices can only be of a single type and cbind and rbind on vectors will give matrices. In these cases, the numeric values will be promoted to character values since that type will hold all the values.

(Note that in your rbind example, the promotion happens within the c call:

> c(10, "[]", "[[1,2]]")
[1] "10"      "[]"      "[[1,2]]"

If you want a rectangular structure where the columns can be different types, you want a data.frame. Any of the following should get you what you want:

> x = data.frame(v1=c(10, 20), v2=c("[]", "[]"), v3=c("[[1,2]]","[[1,3]]"))
> x
  v1 v2      v3
1 10 [] [[1,2]]
2 20 [] [[1,3]]
> str(x)
'data.frame':   2 obs. of  3 variables:
 $ v1: num  10 20
 $ v2: Factor w/ 1 level "[]": 1 1
 $ v3: Factor w/ 2 levels "[[1,2]]","[[1,3]]": 1 2

or (using specifically the data.frame version of cbind)

> x =, 20), c("[]", "[]"), c("[[1,2]]","[[1,3]]"))
> x
  c(10, 20) c("[]", "[]") c("[[1,2]]", "[[1,3]]")
1        10            []                 [[1,2]]
2        20            []                 [[1,3]]
> str(x)
'data.frame':   2 obs. of  3 variables:
 $ c(10, 20)              : num  10 20
 $ c("[]", "[]")          : Factor w/ 1 level "[]": 1 1
 $ c("[[1,2]]", "[[1,3]]"): Factor w/ 2 levels "[[1,2]]","[[1,3]]": 1 2

or (using cbind, but making the first a data.frame so that it combines as data.frames do):

> x = cbind(data.frame(c(10, 20)), c("[]", "[]"), c("[[1,2]]","[[1,3]]"))
> x
  c.10..20. c("[]", "[]") c("[[1,2]]", "[[1,3]]")
1        10            []                 [[1,2]]
2        20            []                 [[1,3]]
> str(x)
'data.frame':   2 obs. of  3 variables:
 $ c.10..20.              : num  10 20
 $ c("[]", "[]")          : Factor w/ 1 level "[]": 1 1
 $ c("[[1,2]]", "[[1,3]]"): Factor w/ 2 levels "[[1,2]]","[[1,3]]": 1 2

C# Lambda expressions: Why should I use them?

Lambda expressions are a simpler syntax for anonymous delegates and can be used everywhere an anonymous delegate can be used. However, the opposite is not true; lambda expressions can be converted to expression trees which allows for a lot of the magic like LINQ to SQL.

The following is an example of a LINQ to Objects expression using anonymous delegates then lambda expressions to show how much easier on the eye they are:

// anonymous delegate
var evens = Enumerable
                .Range(1, 100)
                .Where(delegate(int x) { return (x % 2) == 0; })

// lambda expression
var evens = Enumerable
                .Range(1, 100)
                .Where(x => (x % 2) == 0)

Lambda expressions and anonymous delegates have an advantage over writing a separate function: they implement closures which can allow you to pass local state to the function without adding parameters to the function or creating one-time-use objects.

Expression trees are a very powerful new feature of C# 3.0 that allow an API to look at the structure of an expression instead of just getting a reference to a method that can be executed. An API just has to make a delegate parameter into an Expression<T> parameter and the compiler will generate an expression tree from a lambda instead of an anonymous delegate:

void Example(Predicate<int> aDelegate);

called like:

Example(x => x > 5);


void Example(Expression<Predicate<int>> expressionTree);

The latter will get passed a representation of the abstract syntax tree that describes the expression x > 5. LINQ to SQL relies on this behavior to be able to turn C# expressions in to the SQL expressions desired for filtering / ordering / etc. on the server side.

How to check if "Radiobutton" is checked?

Just as you would with a CheckBox

RadioButton rb;

rb = (RadioButton) findViewById(;


Converting camel case to underscore case in ruby

Rails' ActiveSupport adds underscore to the String using the following:

class String
  def underscore
    self.gsub(/::/, '/').
    tr("-", "_").

Then you can do fun stuff:

=> "camel_case"

Invalid postback or callback argument. Event validation is enabled using '<pages enableEventValidation="true"/>'

I worked around this exact error by not adding the ListBox to a parent Page/Control Controls collection. Because I really didn't need any server-side functionality out of it. I just wanted to use it to output the HTML for a custom server control, which I did in the OnRender event handler myself. I hoped that using the control would save me from writing to the response my own html.

This solution probably won't work for most, but it keeps ASP.NET from performing the ValidateEvent against the control, because the control doesn't retain in memory between postbacks.

Also, my error was specifically caused by the selected list item being an item that wasn't in the listbox the previous postback. Incase that helps anyone.

What is the best way to use a HashMap in C++?

For those of us trying to figure out how to hash our own classes whilst still using the standard template, there is a simple solution:

  1. In your class you need to define an equality operator overload ==. If you don't know how to do this, GeeksforGeeks has a great tutorial

  2. Under the standard namespace, declare a template struct called hash with your classname as the type (see below). I found a great blogpost that also shows an example of calculating hashes using XOR and bitshifting, but that's outside the scope of this question, but it also includes detailed instructions on how to accomplish using hash functions as well

namespace std {

  struct hash<my_type> {
    size_t operator()(const my_type& k) {
      // Do your hash function here

  1. So then to implement a hashtable using your new hash function, you just have to create a std::map or std::unordered_map just like you would normally do and use my_type as the key, the standard library will automatically use the hash function you defined before (in step 2) to hash your keys.
#include <unordered_map>

int main() {
  std::unordered_map<my_type, other_type> my_map;

Why is SQL server throwing this error: Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'id'?

@curt is correct, but I've noticed that sometimes even this fails with NULL disallowed errors, and it seems to be intermittent. I avoided the error at all times, by also setting the Indenty Seed to 1 and IDENTITY(1, 1) NOT FOR REPLICATION.

Haskell: Converting Int to String

An example based on Chuck's answer:

myIntToStr :: Int -> String
myIntToStr x
    | x < 3     = show x ++ " is less than three"
    | otherwise = "normal"

Note that without the show the third line will not compile.

Can I have multiple background images using CSS?

You could have a div for the top with one background and another for the main page, and seperate the page content between them or put the content in a floating div on another z-level. The way you are doing it may work but I doubt it will work across every browser you encounter.

How to configure PostgreSQL to accept all incoming connections

Add this line to pg_hba.conf of postgres folder

host    all    all    all    trust

"trust" allows all users to connect without any password.

MySQL Workbench not opening on Windows

I found I needed more than just the Visual C++ Redistributable 2015.

I also needed what's at this page. It's confusing because the titles make it ambiguous as to whether you're downloading the (very heavy) Visual Studio or just Visual C++. In this case it only upgrades Visual C++, and MySQL Workbench launched after this install.

Why SQL Server throws Arithmetic overflow error converting int to data type numeric?

NUMERIC(3,2) means: 3 digits in total, 2 after the decimal point. So you only have a single decimal before the decimal point.

Try NUMERIC(5,2) - three before, two after the decimal point.

How to create a custom scrollbar on a div (Facebook style)

This link should get you started. Long story short, a div that has been styled to look like a scrollbar is used to catch click-and-drag events. Wired up to these events are methods that scroll the contents of another div which is set to an arbitrary height and typically has a css rule of overflow:scroll (there are variants on the css rules but you get the idea).

I'm all about the learning experience -- but after you've learned how it works, I recommend using a library (of which there are many) to do it. It's one of those "don't reinvent" things...


When i try create another package under the Java folder this error will happen

But When i moved this special package under the main package of my project , everything will be ok .

I'm testing on real android device .(Sumsung J2)

How to generate the whole database script in MySQL Workbench?

I found this question by searching Google for "mysql workbench export database sql file". The answers here did not help me, but I eventually did find the answer, so I am posting it here for future generations to find:


In MySQLWorkbench 6.0, do the following:

  1. Select the appropriate database under MySQL Connections
  2. On the top-left hand side of screen, under the MANAGEMENT heading, select "Data Export".

Here is a screenshot for reference:

enter image description here

iOS: Modal ViewController with transparent background

A complete method tested on iOS 7 and iOS 8.

@interface UIViewController (MBOverCurrentContextModalPresenting)

/// @warning Some method of viewControllerToPresent will called twice before iOS 8, e.g. viewWillAppear:.
- (void)MBOverCurrentContextPresentViewController:(UIViewController *)viewControllerToPresent animated:(BOOL)flag completion:(void (^)(void))completion;


@implementation UIViewController (MBOverCurrentContextModalPresenting)

- (void)MBOverCurrentContextPresentViewController:(UIViewController *)viewControllerToPresent animated:(BOOL)flag completion:(void (^)(void))completion {
    UIViewController *presentingVC = self;

    // iOS 8 before
    if (floor(NSFoundationVersionNumber) <= NSFoundationVersionNumber_iOS_7_1) {
        UIViewController *root = presentingVC;
        while (root.parentViewController) {
            root = root.parentViewController;

        [presentingVC presentViewController:viewControllerToPresent animated:YES completion:^{
            [viewControllerToPresent dismissViewControllerAnimated:NO completion:^{
                UIModalPresentationStyle orginalStyle = root.modalPresentationStyle;
                if (orginalStyle != UIModalPresentationCurrentContext) {
                    root.modalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationCurrentContext;
                [presentingVC presentViewController:viewControllerToPresent animated:NO completion:completion];
                if (orginalStyle != UIModalPresentationCurrentContext) {
                    root.modalPresentationStyle = orginalStyle;

    UIModalPresentationStyle orginalStyle = viewControllerToPresent.modalPresentationStyle;
    if (orginalStyle != UIModalPresentationOverCurrentContext) {
        viewControllerToPresent.modalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationOverCurrentContext;
    [presentingVC presentViewController:viewControllerToPresent animated:YES completion:completion];
    if (orginalStyle != UIModalPresentationOverCurrentContext) {
        viewControllerToPresent.modalPresentationStyle = orginalStyle;


How can I do string interpolation in JavaScript?

Try kiwi, a light-weight JavaScript module for string interpolation.

You can do

Kiwi.compose("I'm % years old!", [age]);


Kiwi.compose("I'm %{age} years old!", {"age" : age});

Apache won't run in xampp

Do you have Bitnami installed? If so it is most likely one of those installations check by opening command prompt as admin or terminal in linux, enter this...

netstat -b

This will give an application name to those processes and ports in use. Look for :80 or :443

How to get first and last day of week in Oracle?

SELECT NEXT_DAY (TO_DATE ('01/01/'||SUBSTR('201118',1,4),'MM/DD/YYYY')+(TO_NUMBER(SUBSTR('201118',5,2))*7)-3,'SUNDAY')-7 first_day_wk,
    NEXT_DAY (TO_DATE ('01/01/'||SUBSTR('201118',1,4),'MM/DD/YYYY')+(TO_NUMBER(SUBSTR('201118',5,2))*7)-3,'SATURDAY') last_day_wk FROM dual

Tools to search for strings inside files without indexing

Original Answer

Windows Grep does this really well.

Edit: Windows Grep is no longer being maintained or made available by the developer. An alternate download link is here: Windows Grep - alternate

Current Answer

Visual Studio Code has excellent search and replace capabilities across files. It is extremely fast, supports regex and live preview before replacement.

enter image description here

Is there a way to "limit" the result with ELOQUENT ORM of Laravel?

If you're looking to paginate results, use the integrated paginator, it works great!

$games = Game::paginate(30);
// $games->results = the 30 you asked for
// $games->links() = the links to next, previous, etc pages

In Python, what is the difference between ".append()" and "+= []"?

let's take an example first

list2=list1     (that means they points to same object)

if we do 
list1=list1+[5]    it will create a new object of list
print(list1)       output [1,2,3,4,5] 
print(list2)       output [1,2,3,4]

but if we append  then 
list1.append(5)     no new object of list created
print(list1)       output [1,2,3,4,5] 
print(list2)       output [1,2,3,4,5]

extend(list) also do the same work as append it just append a list instead of a 
single variable 

BASH Syntax error near unexpected token 'done'

Sometimes this error happens because of unexpected CR characters in file, usually because the file was generated on a Windows system which uses CR line endings. You can fix this by running os2unix or tr, for example:

tr -d '\015' < >

This removes any CR characters from the file.

How to pass data to view in Laravel?

You can also pass an array as the second argument after the view template name, instead of stringing together a bunch of ->with() methods.

return View::make('blog', array('posts' => $posts));

Or, if you're using PHP 5.4 or better you can use the much nicer "short" array syntax:

return View::make('blog', ['posts' => $posts]);

This is useful if you want to compute the array elsewhere. For instance if you have a bunch of variables that every controller needs to pass to the view, and you want to combine this with an array of variables that is unique to each particular controller (using array_merge, for instance), you might compute $variables (which contains an array!):

return View::make('blog', $variables);

(I did this off the top of my head: let me know if a syntax error slipped in...)

How to use environment variables in docker compose

Since 1.25.4, docker-compose supports the option --env-file that enables you to specify a file containing variables.

Yours should look like this:


And the command:

docker-compose --env-file /path/to/my-env-file config

What is the default stack size, can it grow, how does it work with garbage collection?

As you say, local variables and references are stored on the stack. When a method returns, the stack pointer is simply moved back to where it was before the method started, that is, all local data is "removed from the stack". Therefore, there is no garbage collection needed on the stack, that only happens in the heap.

To answer your specific questions:

  • See this question on how to increase the stack size.
  • You can limit the stack growth by:
    • grouping many local variables in an object: that object will be stored in the heap and only the reference is stored on the stack
    • limit the number of nested function calls (typically by not using recursion)
  • For windows, the default stack size is 320k for 32bit and 1024k for 64bit, see this link.

Printing hexadecimal characters in C

Indeed, there is type conversion to int. Also you can force type to char by using %hhx specifier.

printf("%hhX", a);

In most cases you will want to set the minimum length as well to fill the second character with zeroes:

printf("%02hhX", a);

ISO/IEC 9899:201x says:

7 The length modifiers and their meanings are: hh Specifies that a following d, i, o, u, x, or X conversion specifier applies to a signed char or unsigned char argument (the argument will have been promoted according to the integer promotions, but its value shall be converted to signed char or unsigned char before printing); or that a following

Returning JSON object from an ASP.NET page

With ASP.NET Web Pages you can do this on a single page as a basic GET example (the simplest possible thing that can work.

var json = Json.Encode(new {
    orientation = Cache["orientation"],
    alerted = Cache["alerted"] as bool?,
    since = Cache["since"] as DateTime?

Checkout subdirectories in Git?

You can revert uncommitted changes only to particular file or directory:

git checkout [some_dir|file.txt]

Return JSON for ResponseEntity<String>

@RequestMapping(value = "so", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
public @ResponseBody String so() {
    return "This is a String";

How to debug "ImagePullBackOff"?

You can use the 'describe pod' syntax

For OpenShift use:

oc describe pod <pod-id>  

For vanilla Kubernetes:

kubectl describe pod <pod-id>  

Examine the events of the output. In my case it shows Back-off pulling image coredns/coredns:latest

In this case the image coredns/coredns:latest can not be pulled from the Internet.

  FirstSeen LastSeen    Count   From                SubObjectPath           Type        Reason      Message
  --------- --------    -----   ----                -------------           --------    ------      -------
  5m        5m      1   {default-scheduler }                        Normal      Scheduled   Successfully assigned coredns-4224169331-9nhxj to
  5m        1m      4   {kubelet}   spec.containers{coredns}    Normal      Pulling     pulling image "coredns/coredns:latest"
  4m        26s     4   {kubelet}   spec.containers{coredns}    Warning     Failed      Failed to pull image "coredns/coredns:latest": Network timed out while trying to connect to You may want to check your internet connection or if you are behind a proxy.
  4m        26s     4   {kubelet}                   Warning     FailedSync  Error syncing pod, skipping: failed to "StartContainer" for "coredns" with ErrImagePull: "Network timed out while trying to connect to You may want to check your Internet connection or if you are behind a proxy."

  4m    2s  7   {kubelet}   spec.containers{coredns}    Normal  BackOff     Back-off pulling image "coredns/coredns:latest"
  4m    2s  7   {kubelet}                   Warning FailedSync  Error syncing pod, skipping: failed to "StartContainer" for "coredns" with ImagePullBackOff: "Back-off pulling image \"coredns/coredns:latest\""

Additional debuging steps

  1. try to pull the docker image and tag manually on your computer
  2. Identify the node by doing a 'kubectl/oc get pods -o wide'
  3. ssh into the node (if you can) that can not pull the docker image
  4. check that the node can resolve the DNS of the docker registry by performing a ping.
  5. try to pull the docker image manually on the node
  6. If you are using a private registry, check that your secret exists and the secret is correct. Your secret should also be in the same namespace. Thanks swenzel
  7. Some registries have firewalls that limit ip address access. The firewall may block the pull
  8. Some CIs create deployments with temporary docker secrets. So the secret expires after a few days (You are asking for production failures...)

Print the data in ResultSet along with column names

use further as


1, 2 is the column number of table and set int or string as per data-type of coloumn

Detect if a page has a vertical scrollbar?

Other solutions didn't work in one of my projects and I've ending up checking overflow css property

function haveScrollbar() {
    var style = window.getComputedStyle(document.body);
    return style["overflow-y"] != "hidden";

but it will only work if scrollbar appear disappear by changing the prop it will not work if the content is equal or smaller than the window.

Bulk Record Update with SQL

Your approach is OK

Maybe slightly clearer (to me anyway!)

  [Description] = t2.[Description]
   Table1 T1
   [Table2] t2 ON t2.[ID] = t1.DescriptionID

Both this and your query should run the same performance wise because it is the same query, just laid out differently.

Apache Server (xampp) doesn't run on Windows 10 (Port 80)

In my case I need both XAMPP for Apache development & IIS Express for .Net 2013 development; so I do the following:

  1. In Command Prompt typed services.msc, this loads "Windows Services" where I located "World Wide Web Publishing Service" and stop it. World Wide Web Publishing Service STOP

  2. The I start XAMPP Control Panel click on "Config", then choose "Apache httpd.conf". Search for "80" then change that to "8080" in both "Listen 80" and "ServerName localhost:80". Save the file from "Save As" & choose "All files" to not save it as text from "Save As Type" & the "Encoding" should be "UTF-8". Apache httpd.conf

  3. Quit XAMPP Control Panel, then start it again and from "Action" start Apache & MySQL. Now you will see the port changed. As you know now you have to get to your Apache server by using "localhost:8080" instead of "localhost". Also you have both Apache & IIS Express running in the same Windows 10 PC.

I read a post some where were the writer suggested to use port "9080" but it did not work for me.

How to clear browser cache with php?

It seams you need to versionate, so when some change happens browser will catch something new and user won't need to clear browser's cache.

You can do it by subfolders (example /css/v1/style.css) or by filename (example: css/style_v1.css) or even by setting different folders for your website, example:

And use a .htaccess or even change httpd.conf to redirect to your current application.

If's about one image or page:

    <?$time = date("H:i:s");?>
    <img src="myfile.jpg?time=<?$time;?>">

You can use $time on parts when you don't wanna cache. So it will always pull a new image. Versionate it seams a better approach, otherwise it can overload your server. Remember, browser's cache it's not only good to user experience, but also for your server.

How to use (install) dblink in PostgreSQL?

I am using DBLINK to connect internal database for cross database queries.

Reference taken from this article.

Install DbLink extension.


Verify DbLink:

SELECT pg_namespace.nspname, pg_proc.proname 
FROM pg_proc, pg_namespace 
WHERE pg_proc.pronamespace=pg_namespace.oid 
   AND pg_proc.proname LIKE '%dblink%';

Test connection of database:

SELECT dblink_connect('host=localhost user=postgres password=enjoy dbname=postgres');

How to make remote REST call inside Node.js? any CURL?

Look at http.request

var options = {
  host: url,
  port: 80,
  path: '/resource?id=foo&bar=baz',
  method: 'POST'

http.request(options, function(res) {
  console.log('STATUS: ' + res.statusCode);
  console.log('HEADERS: ' + JSON.stringify(res.headers));
  res.on('data', function (chunk) {
    console.log('BODY: ' + chunk);

Git cli: get user info from username

git config --list

git config -l

will display your username and email together, along with other info

How to retrieve the last autoincremented ID from a SQLite table?

According to Android Sqlite get last insert row id there is another query:

SELECT rowid from your_table_name order by ROWID DESC limit 1

Removing elements from an array in C

Interestingly array is randomly accessible by the index. And removing randomly an element may impact the indexes of other elements as well.

    int remove_element(int*from, int total, int index) {
            if((total - index - 1) > 0) {
                      memmove(from+i, from+i+1, sizeof(int)*(total-index-1));
            return total-1; // return the new array size

Note that memcpy will not work in this case because of the overlapping memory.

One of the efficient way (better than memory move) to remove one random element is swapping with the last element.

    int remove_element(int*from, int total, int index) {
            if(index != (total-1))
                    from[index] = from[total-1];
            return total; // **DO NOT DECREASE** the total here

But the order is changed after the removal.

Again if the removal is done in loop operation then the reordering may impact processing. Memory move is one expensive alternative to keep the order while removing an array element. Another of the way to keep the order while in a loop is to defer the removal. It can be done by validity array of the same size.

    int remove_element(int*from, int total, int*is_valid, int index) {
            is_valid[index] = 0;
            return total-1; // return the number of elements

It will create a sparse array. Finally, the sparse array can be made compact(that contains no two valid elements that contain invalid element between them) by doing some reordering.

    int sparse_to_compact(int*arr, int total, int*is_valid) {
            int i = 0;
            int last = total - 1;
            // trim the last invalid elements
            for(; last >= 0 && !is_valid[last]; last--); // trim invalid elements from last

            // now we keep swapping the invalid with last valid element
            for(i=0; i < last; i++) {
                    arr[i] = arr[last]; // swap invalid with the last valid
                    for(; last >= 0 && !is_valid[last]; last--); // trim invalid elements
            return last+1; // return the compact length of the array

Calling Javascript function from server side

This works for me. Hope it will work for you too.

ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "isActive", "Test();", true);

I have edited the html page which you have provided. The updated page is as below

    <html xmlns="">
    <head id="Head1" runat="server">
        <title>My Page</title>
        <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript">
            function Test() {
                alert("Hello Test!!!!");
                $('#ButtonRow').css("display", "block");
        <form id="form1" runat="server">
                    <asp:RadioButtonList ID="SearchCategory" runat="server" RepeatDirection="Horizontal"
            <tr id="ButtonRow" style="display: none">
                    <asp:Button ID="MyButton" runat="server" Text="Click Here" OnClick="MyButton_Click" />

    <script type="text/javascript">

        $("#<%=SearchCategory.ClientID%> input").change(function () {

Can't check signature: public key not found

There is a similar is a tomcat digital signature.

$ gpg --verify apache-tomcat-9.0.16-windows-
gpg: Signature made 2019?02? 5?  0:32:50
gpg:                using RSA key A9C5DF4D22E99998D9875A5110C01C5A2F6059E7
gpg: Can't check signature: No public key

but then I use the RSA key it provided to receive the public key to verify.

$ gpg --receive-keys A9C5DF4D22E99998D9875A5110C01C5A2F6059E7
gpg: key 10C01C5A2F6059E7: 38 signatures not checked due to missing keys
gpg: key 10C01C5A2F6059E7: public key "Mark E D Thomas <[email protected]>" imported
gpg: no ultimately trusted keys found
gpg: Total number processed: 1
gpg:               imported: 1

Then successfully.

$ gpg --verify
gpg: assuming signed data in ''
gpg: Signature made 2019?02? 5?  0:32:50
gpg:                using RSA key A9C5DF4D22E99998D9875A5110C01C5A2F6059E7
gpg: Good signature from "Mark E D Thomas <[email protected]>" [unknown]
gpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!
gpg:          There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner.
Primary key fingerprint: A9C5 DF4D 22E9 9998 D987  5A51 10C0 1C5A 2F60 59E7

MySQL select rows where left join is null

You could use the following query:

FROM    table1 
        LEFT JOIN table2 
            ON IN (table2.user_one, table2.user_two)
WHERE   table2.user_one IS NULL;

Although, depending on your indexes on table2 you may find that two joins performs better:

FROM    table1 
        LEFT JOIN table2 AS t1
            ON = t1.user_one
        LEFT JOIN table2 AS t2
            ON = t2.user_two
WHERE   t1.user_one IS NULL
AND     t2.user_two IS NULL;

How to detect running app using ADB command

No need to use grep. ps in Android can filter by COMM value (last 15 characters of the package name in case of java app)

Let's say we want to check if is running:

adb shell ps
USER     PID   PPID  VSIZE  RSS     WCHAN    PC         NAME
radio     1389  277   515960 33964 ffffffff 4024c270 S

Filtering by COMM value option has been removed from ps in Android 7.0. To check for a running process by name in Android 7.0 you can use pidof command:

adb shell pidof

It returns the PID if such process was found or an empty string otherwise.

Replace forward slash "/ " character in JavaScript string?

Try escaping the slash: someString.replace(/\//g, "-");

By the way - / is a (forward-)slash; \ is a backslash.

How to implement WiX installer upgrade?

One important thing I missed from the tutorials for a while (stolen from which resulted in the "Another version of this product is already installed" errors:

*Small updates mean small changes to one or a few files where the change doesn't warrant changing the product version ( You don't have to change the Product GUID, either. Note that you always have to change the Package GUID when you create a new .msi file that is different from the previous ones in any respect. The Installer keeps track of your installed programs and finds them when the user wants to change or remove the installation using these GUIDs. Using the same GUID for different packages will confuse the Installer.

Minor upgrades denote changes where the product version will already change. Modify the Version attribute of the Product tag. The product will remain the same, so you don't need to change the Product GUID but, of course, get a new Package GUID.

Major upgrades denote significant changes like going from one full version to another. Change everything: Version attribute, Product and Package GUIDs.

How to get the primary IP address of the local machine on Linux and OS X?

This works on Linux and OSX

This will get the interface associated to the default route

NET_IF=`netstat -rn | awk '/^ {thif=substr($0,74,10); print thif;} /^default.*UG/ {thif=substr($0,65,10); print thif;}'`

Using the interface discovered above, get the ip address.

NET_IP=`ifconfig ${NET_IF} | grep -Eo 'inet (addr:)?([0-9]*\.){3}[0-9]*' | grep -Eo '([0-9]*\.){3}[0-9]*' | grep -v ''`


uname -a

Darwin laptop 14.4.0 Darwin Kernel Version 14.4.0: Thu May 28 11:35:04 PDT 2015; root:xnu-2782.30.5~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64

echo $NET_IF


echo $NET_IP

CentOS Linux

uname -a

Linux dev-cil.medfx.local 2.6.18-164.el5xen 1 SMP Thu Sep 3 04:03:03 EDT 2009 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

echo $NET_IF


echo $NET_IP

How to get the IP address of the server on which my C# application is running on?

Cleaner and an all in one solution :D

//This returns the first IP4 address or null
return Dns.GetHostEntry(Dns.GetHostName()).AddressList.FirstOrDefault(ip => ip.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork);