Programs & Examples On #Rights management

Granting Rights on Stored Procedure to another user of Oracle

Packages and stored procedures in Oracle execute by default using the rights of the package/procedure OWNER, not the currently logged on user.

So if you call a package that creates a user for example, its the package owner, not the calling user that needs create user privilege. The caller just needs to have execute permission on the package.

If you would prefer that the package should be run using the calling user's permissions, then when creating the package you need to specify AUTHID CURRENT_USER

Oracle documentation "Invoker Rights vs Definer Rights" has more information

Hope this helps.

Printing PDFs from Windows Command Line

First response - wanted to finally give back to a helpful community...

Wanted to add this to the responses for people still looking for simple a solution. I'm using a free product by Foxit Software - FoxItReader.
Here is the link to the version that works with the silent print - newer versions the silent print feature is still not working. FoxitReader623.815_Setup

FOR %%f IN (*.pdf) DO ("C:\Program Files (x86)\Foxit Software\Foxit Reader\FoxitReader.exe" /t %%f "SPST-SMPICK" %%f & del %%f) 

I simply created a command to loop through the directory and for each pdf file (FOR %%f IN *.pdf) open the reader silently (/t) get the next PDF (%%f) and send it to the print queue (SPST-SMPICK), then delete each PDF after I send it to the print queue (del%%f). Shashank showed an example of moving the files to another directory if that what you need to do

FOR %%X in ("%dir1%*.pdf") DO (move "%%~dpnX.pdf" p/)

Using jQuery to see if a div has a child with a certain class

Simple Way

if ($('#text-field > p.filled-text').length != 0)

Git: How to remove file from index without deleting files from any repository

  1. git rm --cached remove_file
  2. add file to gitignore
  3. git add .gitignore
  4. git commit -m "Excluding"
  5. Have fun ;)

MySQL error #1054 - Unknown column in 'Field List'

I had this error aswell.

I am working in mysql workbench. When giving the values they have to be inside "". That solved it for me.

How to solve error message: "Failed to map the path '/'."

I had this issue with a specific application and not the entire IIS site. In my case, access to the application directory was not the problem. Instead, I needed to give the application pool a recycle.

I think this was related to how the application was deployed and the IIS settings were set (done via scripts and a deployment agent).

How to modify the nodejs request default timeout time?

For specific request one can set timeOut to 0 which is no timeout till we get reply from DB or other server


Check object empty

You should check it against null.

If you want to check if object x is null or not, you can do:

    if(x != null)

But if it is not null, it can have properties which are null or empty. You will check those explicitly:

    if(x.getProperty() != null)

For "empty" check, it depends on what type is involved. For a Java String, you usually do:

    if(str != null && !str.isEmpty())

As you haven't mentioned about any specific problem with this, difficult to tell.

Is there a command to refresh environment variables from the command prompt in Windows?

Environment variables are kept in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment.

Many of the useful env vars, such as Path, are stored as REG_SZ. There are several ways to access the registry including REGEDIT:

REGEDIT /E <filename> "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Session Manager\Environment"

The output starts with magic numbers. So to search it with the find command it needs to be typed and redirected: type <filename> | findstr -c:\"Path\"

So, if you just want to refresh the path variable in your current command session with what's in system properties the following batch script works fine:


    @echo off

    REM This solution requests elevation in order to read from the registry.

    if exist %temp%\env.reg del %temp%\env.reg /q /f

    REGEDIT /E %temp%\env.reg "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Session Manager\Environment"

    if not exist %temp%\env.reg (
       echo "Unable to write registry to temp location"
       exit 1

    SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion

    for /f "tokens=1,2* delims==" %%i in ('type %temp%\env.reg ^| findstr -c:\"Path\"=') do (
       set upath=%%~j
       echo !upath:\\=\! >%temp%\newpath


     for /f "tokens=*" %%i in (%temp%\newpath) do set path=%%i

How to get current user in core

If you are using the scafolded Identity and using Core 2.2+ you can access the current user from a view like this:

@using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity
@inject SignInManager<IdentityUser> SignInManager
@inject UserManager<IdentityUser> UserManager

 @if (SignInManager.IsSignedIn(User))
        <p>Hello @User.Identity.Name!</p>
        <p>You're not signed in!</p>

Hide particular div onload and then show div after click

$(document).ready(function() {
    $('#preview').on('click', function() {
        $('#div1').hide(300, function() { // first hide div1
            // then show div2

You missed # before div2

Working Sample

What is the easiest way to install BLAS and LAPACK for scipy?

For windows: Best is to use pre-compiled package available from this site:

How to detect if a stored procedure already exists

The cleanest way is to test for it's existence, drop it if it exists, and then recreate it. You can't embed a "create proc" statement inside an IF statement. This should do nicely:



Best way to iterate through a Perl array

1 is substantially different from 2 and 3, since it leaves the array in tact, whereas the other two leave it empty.

I'd say #3 is pretty wacky and probably less efficient, so forget that.

Which leaves you with #1 and #2, and they do not do the same thing, so one cannot be "better" than the other. If the array is large and you don't need to keep it, generally scope will deal with it (but see NOTE), so generally, #1 is still the clearest and simplest method. Shifting each element off will not speed anything up. Even if there is a need to free the array from the reference, I'd just go:

undef @Array;

when done.

  • NOTE: The subroutine containing the scope of the array actually keeps the array and re-uses the space next time. Generally, that should be fine (see comments).

.htaccess - how to force "www." in a generic way?

This won't work with subdomains. correctly gets redirected to

but gets redirected to

Instead of checking if the subdomain is "not www", check if there are two dots:

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(.*)$ [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^(.*)\.(.*)\. [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTPS}s ^on(s)|
RewriteRule ^ HTTP%1://www.%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [R=301,L]

HTTP Status 405 - Method Not Allowed Error for Rest API

You might be doing a PUT call for GET operation Please check once

How to configure PHP to send e-mail?

Use PHPMailer instead:

How to use it:

$mail=new PHPMailer();
$mail->CharSet = 'UTF-8';

$body = 'This is the message';

$mail->Host       = '';

$mail->SMTPSecure = 'tls';
$mail->Port       = 587;
$mail->SMTPDebug  = 1;
$mail->SMTPAuth   = true;

$mail->Username   = '[email protected]';
$mail->Password   = '123!@#';

$mail->SetFrom('[email protected]', $name);
$mail->AddReplyTo('[email protected]','no-reply');
$mail->Subject    = 'subject';

$mail->AddAddress('[email protected]', 'title1');
$mail->AddAddress('[email protected]', 'title2'); /* ... */


Python: How to get stdout after running os.system?

import subprocess
string="echo Hello world"
print("result::: ",result)

How to measure time taken between lines of code in python?

If you want to measure CPU time, can use time.process_time() for Python 3.3 and above:

import time
start = time.process_time()
# your code here    
print(time.process_time() - start)

First call turns the timer on, and second call tells you how many seconds have elapsed.

There is also a function time.clock(), but it is deprecated since Python 3.3 and will be removed in Python 3.8.

There are better profiling tools like timeit and profile, however time.process_time() will measure the CPU time and this is what you're are asking about.

If you want to measure wall clock time instead, use time.time().

How to force table cell <td> content to wrap?

td {
overflow: hidden;
max-width: 400px;
word-wrap: break-word;

How to change dot size in gnuplot

Use the pointtype and pointsize options, e.g.

plot "./points.dat" using 1:2 pt 7 ps 10  

where pt 7 gives you a filled circle and ps 10 is the size.

See: Plotting data.

Is background-color:none valid CSS?

The answer is no.


.class {
    background-color: none; /* do not do this */


.class {
    background-color: transparent;

background-color: transparent accomplishes the same thing what you wanted to do with background-color: none.

Hidden property of a button in HTML

<script src=""></script>

function showButtons () { $('#b1, #b2, #b3').show(); }

<style type="text/css">
#b1, #b2, #b3 {
display: none;


<a href="#" onclick="showButtons();">Show me the money!</a>

<input type="submit" id="b1" value="B1" />
<input type="submit" id="b2" value="B2"/>
<input type="submit" id="b3" value="B3" />


What is the difference between git pull and git fetch + git rebase?

It should be pretty obvious from your question that you're actually just asking about the difference between git merge and git rebase.

So let's suppose you're in the common case - you've done some work on your master branch, and you pull from origin's, which also has done some work. After the fetch, things look like this:

- o - o - o - H - A - B - C (master)
                P - Q - R (origin/master)

If you merge at this point (the default behavior of git pull), assuming there aren't any conflicts, you end up with this:

- o - o - o - H - A - B - C - X (master)
               \             /
                P - Q - R --- (origin/master)

If on the other hand you did the appropriate rebase, you'd end up with this:

- o - o - o - H - P - Q - R - A' - B' - C' (master)

The content of your work tree should end up the same in both cases; you've just created a different history leading up to it. The rebase rewrites your history, making it look as if you had committed on top of origin's new master branch (R), instead of where you originally committed (H). You should never use the rebase approach if someone else has already pulled from your master branch.

Finally, note that you can actually set up git pull for a given branch to use rebase instead of merge by setting the config parameter branch.<name>.rebase to true. You can also do this for a single pull using git pull --rebase.

How do I access properties of a javascript object if I don't know the names?

You can use Object.keys(), "which returns an array of a given object's own enumerable property names, in the same order as we get with a normal loop."

You can use any object in place of stats:

var stats = {_x000D_
  a: 3,_x000D_
  b: 6,_x000D_
  d: 7,_x000D_
  erijgolekngo: 35_x000D_
/*  this is the answer here  */_x000D_
for (var key in Object.keys(stats)) {_x000D_
  var t = Object.keys(stats)[key];_x000D_
  console.log(t + " value =: " + stats[t]);_x000D_

ArrayList or List declaration in Java

List<String> arrayList = new ArrayList<String>();

Is generic where you want to hide implementation details while returning it to client, at later point of time you may change implementation from ArrayList to LinkedList transparently.

This mechanism is useful in cases where you design libraries etc., which may change their implementation details at some point of time with minimal changes on client side.

ArrayList<String> arrayList = new ArrayList<String>();

This mandates you always need to return ArrayList. At some point of time if you would like to change implementation details to LinkedList, there should be changes on client side also to use LinkedList instead of ArrayList.

Could not create work tree dir ''.: Permission denied

Change ownership and permissions folder

sudo chown -R username.www-data /var/www

sudo chmod -R +rwx /var/www

Increase distance between text and title on the y-axis

Based on this forum post:!topic/ggplot2/mK9DR3dKIBU

Sounds like the easiest thing to do is to add a line break (\n) before your x axis, and after your y axis labels. Seems a lot easier (although dumber) than the solutions posted above.

ggplot(mpg, aes(cty, hwy)) + 
    geom_point() + 
    xlab("\nYour_x_Label") + ylab("Your_y_Label\n")

Hope that helps!

Plotting using a CSV file

You can also plot to a png file using gnuplot (which is free):

terminal commands

gnuplot> set title '<title>'
gnuplot> set ylabel '<yLabel>'
gnuplot> set xlabel '<xLabel>'
gnuplot> set grid
gnuplot> set term png
gnuplot> set output '<Output file name>.png'
gnuplot> plot '<fromfile.csv>'

note: you always need to give the right extension (.png here) at set output

Then it is also possible that the ouput is not lines, because your data is not continues. To fix this simply change the 'plot' line to:

plot '<Fromfile.csv>' with line lt -1 lw 2

More line editing options (dashes and line color ect.) at:

  • gnuplot is available in most linux distros via the package manager (e.g. on an apt based distro, run apt-get install gnuplot)
  • gnuplot is available in windows via Cygwin
  • gnuplot is available on macOS via homebrew (run brew install gnuplot)

Python - How to concatenate to a string in a for loop?

This should work:

endstring = ''.join(list)

How to create .pfx file from certificate and private key?

In most of the cases, if you are unable to export the certificate as a PFX (including the private key) is because MMC/IIS cannot find/don't have access to the private key (used to generate the CSR). These are the steps I followed to fix this issue:

  • Run MMC as Admin
    • Generate the CSR using MMC. Follow this instructions to make the certificate exportable.
  • Once you get the certificate from the CA (crt + p7b), import them (Personal\Certificates, and Intermediate Certification Authority\Certificates)
  • IMPORTANT: Right-click your new certificate (Personal\Certificates) All Tasks..Manage Private Key, and assign permissions to your account or Everyone (risky!). You can go back to previous permissions once you have finished.
  • Now, right-click the certificate and select All Tasks..Export, and you should be able to export the certificate including the private key as a PFX file, and you can upload it to Azure!

Hope this helps!

C# compiler error: "not all code paths return a value"

You're missing a return statement.

When the compiler looks at your code, it's sees a third path (the else you didn't code for) that could occur but doesn't return a value. Hence not all code paths return a value.

For my suggested fix, I put a return after your loop ends. The other obvious spot - adding an else that had a return value to the if-else-if - would break the for loop.

public static bool isTwenty(int num)
    for(int j = 1; j <= 20; j++)
        if(num % j != 0)
            return false;
        else if(num % j == 0 && num == 20)
            return true;
    return false;  //This is your missing statement

What is the maximum possible length of a query string?

Although officially there is no limit specified by RFC 2616, many security protocols and recommendations state that maxQueryStrings on a server should be set to a maximum character limit of 1024. While the entire URL, including the querystring, should be set to a max of 2048 characters. This is to prevent the Slow HTTP Request DDOS vulnerability on a web server. This typically shows up as a vulnerability on the Qualys Web Application Scanner and other security scanners.

Please see the below example code for Windows IIS Servers with Web.config:

        <requestLimits maxQueryString="1024" maxUrl="2048">
              <add header="Content-type" sizeLimit="100" />

This would also work on a server level using machine.config.

Note: Limiting query string and URL length may not completely prevent Slow HTTP Requests DDOS attack but it is one step you can take to prevent it.

Sql Server equivalent of a COUNTIF aggregate function

I had to use COUNTIF() in my case as part of my SELECT columns AND to mimic a % of the number of times each item appeared in my results.

So I used this...

       (1 / SELECT a.vcount 
            FROM (SELECT vm2.visit_id, count(*) AS vcount 
                  FROM dbo.visitmanifests AS vm2 
                  WHERE vm2.inactive = 0 AND vm2.visit_id = vm.Visit_ID 
                  GROUP BY vm2.visit_id) AS a)) AS [No of Visits],
       COL xyz
FROM etc etc

Of course you will need to format the result according to your display requirements.

Java program to get the current date without timestamp

You can get by this date:

DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
print(dateFormat.format(new Date());

What is a callback function?

Opaque Definition

A callback function is a function you provide to another piece of code, allowing it to be called by that code.

Contrived example

Why would you want to do this? Let's say there is a service you need to invoke. If the service returns immediately, you just:

  1. Call it
  2. Wait for the result
  3. Continue once the result comes in

For example, suppose the service were the factorial function. When you want the value of 5!, you would invoke factorial(5), and the following steps would occur:

  1. Your current execution location is saved (on the stack, but that's not important)

  2. Execution is handed over to factorial

  3. When factorial completes, it puts the result somewhere you can get to it

  4. Execution comes back to where it was in [1]

Now suppose factorial took a really long time, because you're giving it huge numbers and it needs to run on some supercomputing cluster somwhere. Let's say you expect it to take 5 minutes to return your result. You could:

  1. Keep your design and run your program at night when you're asleep, so that you're not staring at the screen half the time

  2. Design your program to do other things while factorial is doing its thing

If you choose the second option, then callbacks might work for you.

End-to-end design

In order to exploit a callback pattern, what you want is to be able to call factorial in the following way:

factorial(really_big_number, what_to_do_with_the_result)

The second parameter, what_to_do_with_the_result, is a function you send along to factorial, in the hope that factorial will call it on its result before returning.

Yes, this means that factorial needs to have been written to support callbacks.

Now suppose that you want to be able to pass a parameter to your callback. Now you can't, because you're not going to be calling it, factorial is. So factorial needs to be written to allow you to pass your parameters in, and it will just hand them over to your callback when it invokes it. It might look like this:

factorial (number, callback, params)
    result = number!   // i can make up operators in my pseudocode
    callback (result, params)

Now that factorial allows this pattern, your callback might look like this:

logIt (number, logger)

and your call to factorial would be

factorial(42, logIt, logger)

What if you want to return something from logIt? Well, you can't, because factorial isn't paying attention to it.

Well, why can't factorial just return what your callback returns?

Making it non-blocking

Since execution is meant to be handed over to the callback when factorial is finished, it really shouldn't return anything to its caller. And ideally, it would somehow launch its work in another thread / process / machine and return immediately so that you can continue, maybe something like this:

factorial(param_1, param_2, ...)
    new factorial_worker_task(param_1, param_2, ...);

This is now an "asynchronous call", meaning that when you call it, it returns immediately but hasn't really done its job yet. So you do need mechanisms to check on it, and to obtain its result when its finished, and your program has gotten more complex in the process.

And by the way, using this pattern the factorial_worker_task can launch your callback asynchronously and return immediately.

So what do you do?

The answer is to stay within the callback pattern. Whenever you want to write

a = f()

and f is to be called asynchronously, you will instead write


where g is passed as a callback.

This fundamentally changes the flow-topology of your program, and takes some getting used to.

Your programming language could help you a lot by giving you a way to create functions on-the-fly. In the code immediately above, the function g might be as small as print (2*a+1). If your language requires that you define this as a separate function, with an entirely unnecessary name and signature, then your life is going to get unpleasant if you use this pattern a lot.

If, on the other hand, you language allows you to create lambdas, then you are in much better shape. You will then end up writing something like

f( func(a) { print(2*a+1); })

which is so much nicer.

How to pass the callback

How would you pass the callback function to factorial? Well, you could do it in a number of ways.

  1. If the called function is running in the same process, you could pass a function pointer

  2. Or maybe you want to maintain a dictionary of fn name --> fn ptr in your program, in which case you could pass the name

  3. Maybe your language allows you to define the function in-place, possible as a lambda! Internally it is creating some kind of object and passing a pointer, but you don't have to worry about that.

  4. Perhaps the function you are calling is running on an entirely separate machine, and you are calling it using a network protocol like HTTP. You could expose your callback as an HTTP-callable function, and pass its URL.

You get the idea.

The recent rise of callbacks

In this web era we have entered, the services we invoke are often over the network. We often do not have any control over those services i.e. we didn't write them, we don't maintain them, we can't ensure they're up or how they're performing.

But we can't expect our programs to block while we're waiting for these services to respond. Being aware of this, the service providers often design APIs using the callback pattern.

JavaScript supports callbacks very nicely e.g. with lambdas and closures. And there is a lot of activity in the JavaScript world, both on the browser as well as on the server. There are even JavaScript platforms being developed for mobile.

As we move forward, more and more of us will be writing asynchronous code, for which this understanding will be essential.

Highest Salary in each department

WITH cteRowNum AS (
    SELECT DeptID, EmpName, Salary,
        FROM EmpDetails
SELECT DeptID, EmpName, Salary,Rownum
    FROM cteRowNum
    WHERE RowNum in(1,2);

How to detect the device orientation using CSS media queries?

I think we need to write more specific media query. Make sure if you write one media query it should be not effect to other view (Mob,Tab,Desk) otherwise it can be trouble. I would like suggest to write one basic media query for respective device which cover both view and one orientation media query that you can specific code more about orientation view its for good practice. we Don't need to write both media orientation query at same time. You can refer My below example. I am sorry if my English writing is not much good. Ex:

For Mobile

@media screen and (max-width:767px) {

..This is basic media query for respective device.In to this media query  CSS code cover the both view landscape and portrait view.


@media screen and (min-width:320px) and (max-width:767px) and (orientation:landscape) {

..This orientation media query. In to this orientation media query you can specify more about CSS code for landscape view.


For Tablet

@media screen and (max-width:1024px){
..This is basic media query for respective device.In to this media query  CSS code cover the both view landscape and portrait view.
@media screen and (min-width:768px) and (max-width:1024px) and (orientation:landscape){

..This orientation media query. In to this orientation media query you can specify more about CSS code for landscape view.



make as per your design requirement enjoy...(:

Thanks, Jitu

Bootstrap 3 .col-xs-offset-* doesn't work?

Just in case someone makes the same error I did before stumbling on this page, that is, adding CSS reset rules (like the very popular reset by Eric Meyer used on millions of websites) after including bootstrap.

Also, perhaps I should point out that such reset won't be necessary with bootstrap given bootsrap actually implements the normalize.css v3.0.2 reset.

Can't drop table: A foreign key constraint fails

I realize this is stale for a while and an answer had been selected, but how about the alternative to allow the foreign key to be NULL and then choose ON DELETE SET NULL.

Basically, your table should be changed like so:

ALTER TABLE 'bericht' DROP FOREIGN KEY 'your_foreign_key';

ALTER TABLE 'bericht' ADD CONSTRAINT 'your_foreign_key' FOREIGN KEY ('column_foreign_key') REFERENCES 'other_table' ('column_parent_key') ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE SET NULL;

Personally I would recommend using both "ON UPDATE CASCADE" as well as "ON DELETE SET NULL" to avoid unnecessary complications, however your set up may dictate a different approach.

Hope this helps.

What are the differences between json and simplejson Python modules?

simplejson module is simply 1,5 times faster than json (On my computer, with simplejson 2.1.1 and Python 2.7 x86).

If you want, you can try the benchmark: On my PC simplejson is faster than cPickle. I would like to know also your benchmarks!

Probably, as said Coady, the difference between simplejson and json is that simplejson includes _speedups.c. So, why don't python developers use simplejson?

MVC Razor Hidden input and passing values

If you are using Razor, you cannot access the field directly, but you can manage its value.

The idea is that the first Microsoft approach drive the developers away from Web Development and make it easy for Desktop programmers (for example) to make web applications.

Meanwhile, the web developers, did not understand this tricky strange way of ASP.NET.

Actually this hidden input is rendered on client-side, and the ASP has no access to it (it never had). However, in time you will see its a piratical way and you may rely on it, when you get use with it. The web development differs from the Desktop or Mobile.

The model is your logical unit, and the hidden field (and the whole view page) is just a representative view of the data. So you can dedicate your work on the application or domain logic and the view simply just serves it to the consumer - which means you need no detailed access and "brainstorming" functionality in the view.

The controller actually does work you need for manage the hidden or general setup. The model serves specific logical unit properties and functionality and the view just renders it to the end user, simply said. Read more about MVC.


public class MyClassModel
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string MyPropertyForHidden { get; set; }

This is the controller aciton

public ActionResult MyPageView()
    MyClassModel model = new MyClassModel(); // Single entity, strongly-typed
    // IList model = new List<MyClassModel>(); // or List, strongly-typed
    // ViewBag.MyHiddenInputValue = "Something to pass"; // ...or using ViewBag

    return View(model);

The view is below

//This will make a Model property of the View to be of MyClassModel
@model MyNamespace.Models.MyClassModel // strongly-typed view
// @model IList<MyNamespace.Models.MyClassModel> // list, strongly-typed view

// ... Some Other Code ...

@using(Html.BeginForm()) // Creates <form>
    // Renders hidden field for your model property (strongly-typed)
    // The field rendered to server your model property (Address, Phone, etc.)
    Html.HiddenFor(model => Model.MyPropertyForHidden); 

    // For list you may use foreach on Model
    // foreach(var item in Model) or foreach(MyClassModel item in Model)

// ... Some Other Code ...

The view with ViewBag:

// ... Some Other Code ...

@using(Html.BeginForm()) // Creates <form>
        new { @class = "hiddencss", maxlength = 255 /*, etc... */ }

// ... Some Other Code ...

We are using Html Helper to render the Hidden field or we could write it by hand - <input name=".." id=".." value="ViewBag.MyHiddenInputValue"> also.

The ViewBag is some sort of data carrier to the view. It does not restrict you with model - you can place whatever you like.

Can't bind to 'routerLink' since it isn't a known property

In the current component's module import RouterModule.


import {RouterModule} from '@angular/router';


It helped me.

Android Studio - Emulator - eglSurfaceAttrib not implemented

Fix: Unlock your device before running it.

Hi Guys: Think I may have a fix for this:

Sounds ridiculous but try unlocking your Virtual Device; i.e. use your mouse to swipe and open. Your app should then work!!

In-place type conversion of a NumPy array

Update: This function only avoids copy if it can, hence this is not the correct answer for this question. unutbu's answer is the right one.

a = a.astype(numpy.float32, copy=False)

numpy astype has a copy flag. Why shouldn't we use it ?

How can I format DateTime to web UTC format?

This code is working for me:

var datetime = new DateTime(2017, 10, 27, 14, 45, 53, 175, DateTimeKind.Local);
var text = datetime.ToString("o");
--  2017-10-27T14:45:53.1750000+03:00

// datetime from string
var newDate = DateTime.ParseExact(text, "o", null);

Get time difference between two dates in seconds

Define two dates using new Date(). Calculate the time difference of two dates using date2. getTime() – date1. getTime(); Calculate the no. of days between two dates, divide the time difference of both the dates by no. of milliseconds in a day (10006060*24)

jquery change button color onclick


Use class, Demo:-


if you want to toggle the color each click, you can try this:-



Updated answer for your comment.


Real escape string and PDO

PDO offers an alternative designed to replace mysql_escape_string() with the PDO::quote() method.

Here is an excerpt from the PHP website:

    $conn = new PDO('sqlite:/home/lynn/music.sql3');

    /* Simple string */
    $string = 'Nice';
    print "Unquoted string: $string\n";
    print "Quoted string: " . $conn->quote($string) . "\n";

The above code will output:

Unquoted string: Nice
Quoted string: 'Nice'

How to get the data-id attribute?

If we want to retrieve or update these attributes using existing, native JavaScript, then we can do so using the getAttribute and setAttribute methods as shown below:

Through JavaScript

<div id='strawberry-plant' data-fruit='12'></div>

// 'Getting' data-attributes using getAttribute
var plant = document.getElementById('strawberry-plant');
var fruitCount = plant.getAttribute('data-fruit'); // fruitCount = '12'

// 'Setting' data-attributes using setAttribute
plant.setAttribute('data-fruit','7'); // Pesky birds

Through jQuery

// Fetching data
var fruitCount = $(this).data('fruit');
// If you updated the value, you will need to use below code to fetch new value 
// otherwise above gives the old value which is intially set.
// And also above does not work in ***Firefox***, so use below code to fetch value
var fruitCount = $(this).attr('data-fruit');

// Assigning data

Read this documentation

Centering text in a table in Twitter Bootstrap

just give the surrounding <tr> a custom class like:

<tr class="custom_centered">

and have the css only select <td>s that are inside an <tr> with your custom class.

tr.custom_centered td {
  text-align: center;

like this you don't risk to override other tables or even override a bootstrap base class (like some of my predecessors suggested).

Are lists thread-safe?

I recently had this case where I needed to append to a list continuously in one thread, loop through the items and check if the item was ready, it was an AsyncResult in my case and remove it from the list only if it was ready. I could not find any examples that demonstrated my problem clearly Here is an example demonstrating adding to list in one thread continuously and removing from the same list in another thread continuously The flawed version runs easily on smaller numbers but keep the numbers big enough and run a few times and you will see the error

The FLAWED version

import threading
import time

# Change this number as you please, bigger numbers will get the error quickly
count = 1000
l = []

def add():
    for i in range(count):

def remove():
    for i in range(count):

t1 = threading.Thread(target=add)
t2 = threading.Thread(target=remove)


Output when ERROR

Exception in thread Thread-63:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/zup/.pyenv/versions/3.6.8/lib/python3.6/", line 916, in _bootstrap_inner
  File "/Users/zup/.pyenv/versions/3.6.8/lib/python3.6/", line 864, in run
    self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
  File "<ipython-input-30-ecfbac1c776f>", line 13, in remove
ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list

Version that uses locks

import threading
import time
count = 1000
l = []
lock = threading.RLock()
def add():
    with lock:
        for i in range(count):

def remove():
    with lock:
        for i in range(count):

t1 = threading.Thread(target=add)
t2 = threading.Thread(target=remove)



[] # Empty list


As mentioned in the earlier answers while the act of appending or popping elements from the list itself is thread safe, what is not thread safe is when you append in one thread and pop in another

Get user's non-truncated Active Directory groups from command line

GPRESULT is the right command, but it cannot be run without parameters. /v or verbose option is difficult to manage without also outputting to a text file. E.G. I recommend using

gpresult /user myAccount /v > C:\dev\me.txt--Ensure C:\Dev\me.txt exists

Another option is to display summary information only which may be entirely visible in the command window:

gpresult /user myAccount /r

The accounts are listed under the heading:

The user is a part of the following security groups

Could not resolve placeholder in string value

My solution was to add a space between the $ and the {.

For example:



@Value("$ {project.ftp.adresse}")

PersistenceContext EntityManager injection NullPointerException

If the component is an EJB, then, there shouldn't be a problem injecting an EM.

But....In JBoss 5, the JAX-RS integration isn't great. If you have an EJB, you cannot use scanning and you must manually list in the context-param resteasy.jndi.resource. If you still have scanning on, Resteasy will scan for the resource class and register it as a vanilla JAX-RS service and handle the lifecycle.

This is probably the problem.

Google maps responsive resize

Move your map variable into a scope where the event listener can use it. You are creating the map inside your initialize() function and nothing else can use it when created that way.

var map; //<-- This is now available to both event listeners and the initialize() function
function initialize() {
  var mapOptions = {
   center: new google.maps.LatLng(40.5472,12.282715),
   zoom: 6,
   mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP
  map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map-canvas"),
google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize);
google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, "resize", function() {
 var center = map.getCenter();
 google.maps.event.trigger(map, "resize");

toBe(true) vs toBeTruthy() vs toBeTrue()

What I do when I wonder something like the question asked here is go to the source.


expect().toBe() is defined as:

function toBe() {
  return {
    compare: function(actual, expected) {
      return {
        pass: actual === expected

It performs its test with === which means that when used as expect(foo).toBe(true), it will pass only if foo actually has the value true. Truthy values won't make the test pass.


expect().toBeTruthy() is defined as:

function toBeTruthy() {
  return {
    compare: function(actual) {
      return {
        pass: !!actual

Type coercion

A value is truthy if the coercion of this value to a boolean yields the value true. The operation !! tests for truthiness by coercing the value passed to expect to a boolean. Note that contrarily to what the currently accepted answer implies, == true is not a correct test for truthiness. You'll get funny things like

> "hello" == true
> "" == true
> [] == true
> [1, 2, 3] == true

Whereas using !! yields:

> !!"hello"
> !!""
> !![1, 2, 3]
> !![] 

(Yes, empty or not, an array is truthy.)


expect().toBeTrue() is part of Jasmine-Matchers (which is registered on npm as jasmine-expect after a later project registered jasmine-matchers first).

expect().toBeTrue() is defined as:

function toBeTrue(actual) {
  return actual === true ||
    is(actual, 'Boolean') &&

The difference with expect().toBeTrue() and expect().toBe(true) is that expect().toBeTrue() tests whether it is dealing with a Boolean object. expect(new Boolean(true)).toBe(true) would fail whereas expect(new Boolean(true)).toBeTrue() would pass. This is because of this funny thing:

> new Boolean(true) === true
> new Boolean(true) === false

At least it is truthy:

> !!new Boolean(true)

Which is best suited for use with elem.isDisplayed()?

Ultimately Protractor hands off this request to Selenium. The documentation states that the value produced by .isDisplayed() is a promise that resolves to a boolean. I would take it at face value and use .toBeTrue() or .toBe(true). If I found a case where the implementation returns truthy/falsy values, I would file a bug report.

jQuery UI accordion that keeps multiple sections open?

Without jQuery-UI accordion, one can simply do this:

<div class="section">
  <div class="section-title">
    Section 1
  <div class="section-content">
    Section 1 Content: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

<div class="section">
  <div class="section-title">
    Section 2
  <div class="section-content">
    Section 2 Content: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

And js

$( ".section-title" ).click(function() {
    $(this).parent().find( ".section-content" ).slideToggle();

How to play a notification sound on websites?

We can just use Audio and an object together like:

var audio = {};
audio['ubuntu'] = new Audio();

and even adding addEventListener for play and ended

How to redirect to another page in node.js

In another way you can use window.location.href="your URL"


res.send('<script>window.location.href="your URL";</script>');


return res.redirect("your url");

Bootstrap: change background color

You could hard code it.

<div class="col-md-6" style="background-color:blue;">

<div class="col-md-6" style="background-color:white;">

Installing R with Homebrew

You can also install R from this page:

It works out of the box

How can I read the client's machine/computer name from the browser?

It is not possible to get the users computer name with Javascript. You can get all details about the browser and network. But not more than that.

Like some one answered in one of the previous question today.

I already did a favor of visiting your website, May be I will return or refer other friends.. I also told you where I am and what OS, Browser and screen resolution I use Why do you want to know the color of my underwear? ;-)

You cannot do it using as well.

How to check user is "logged in"?

Easiest way to check if they are authenticated is Request.User.IsAuthenticated I think (from memory)

Where to find 64 bit version of chromedriver.exe for Selenium WebDriver?

There is no separate chromedriver binary for Windows 64 bit. Chromedriver 32 bit binary works for both 32 as well as 64 bit versions of Windows. As of today, you can find the latest version of chromedriver Windows binary at

What is an Android PendingIntent?

A PendingIntent is a token that you give to another application (e.g. Notification Manager, Alarm Manager or other 3rd party applications), which allows this other application to use the permissions of your application to execute a predefined piece of code. To perform a broadcast via a pending intent so get a PendingIntent via PendingIntent.getBroadcast(). To perform an activity via an pending intent you receive the activity via PendingIntent.getActivity().

How to send json data in POST request using C#

You can use either HttpClient or RestSharp. Since I do not know what your code is, here is an example using HttpClient:

using (var client = new HttpClient())
    // This would be the like
    client.BaseAddress = new Uri("Base Address/URL Address");

    // serialize your json using newtonsoft json serializer then add it to the StringContent
    var content = new StringContent(YourJson, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json") 

    // method address would be like api/callUber:SomePort for example
    var result = await client.PostAsync("Method Address", content);
    string resultContent = await result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();   

Bootstrap 3, 4 and 5 .container-fluid with grid adding unwanted padding

I think no one has given the correct answer to the question. My working solution is : 1. Just declare another class along with container-fluid class example(.maxx):

 <div class="container-fluid maxx">_x000D_
   <div class="row">_x000D_
     <div class="col-sm-12">_x000D_

  1. Then using specificity in the css part do this:

.container-fluid.maxx {_x000D_
  padding-left: 0px;_x000D_
  padding-right: 0px; }

This will work 100% and will remove the padding from left and right. I hope this helps.

phpMyAdmin is throwing a #2002 cannot log in to the mysql server phpmyadmin

Had this problem a number of times on our setup, so I've made a check list.

This assumes you want phpMyAdmin connecting locally to MySQL using a UNIX socket rather than TCP/IP.

UNIX sockets should be slightly faster as they have less overhead and can be more secure as they can only be accessed locally.


  • Is the mysqld service running? service mysqld status
  • .. If not service mysqld start
  • Has config has changed since service started? service mysqld restart

MySQL Config (my.cnf)

  • Check that there isn't a non-socket client protocol set, e.g. protocol=tcp
  • Check that the socket location is accessible and has the right permissions

PHP Config (php.ini)

If you can connect locally from the command line, but not from phpMyAdmin, and the socket file is not in the default location:

  • Set the mysqli default sockets to the new location: mysqli.default_socket = *location*
  • ... I also set the pdo_myql.default_socket and mysql.default_socket just to be sure
  • Restart your web service (httpd in my case) service httpd restart

phpMyAdmin Config (

  • Check that the host is set to localhost: $cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] = 'localhost';
  • The socket location can also be set here: $cfg['Servers'][$i]['socket'] = '*location*';


As pointed out by @chk; Setting the $cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] from localhost to just causes the connection to use TCP/IP rather than using the socket and is more of a workaround than a solution.

The MySQL config setting bind-address= also only affects TCP/IP connections.

If you don't need remote connections, it is recommended to turn off TCP/IP listening with skip-networking.

A formula to copy the values from a formula to another column

Copy the cell. Paste special as link. Will update with original. No formula though.

Select SQL results grouped by weeks

Declare @DatePeriod datetime
Set @DatePeriod = '2011-05-30'

Select  ProductName,
        IsNull([1],0) as 'Week 1',
        IsNull([2],0) as 'Week 2',
        IsNull([3],0) as 'Week 3',
        IsNull([4],0) as 'Week 4',
        IsNull([5], 0) as 'Week 5'
Select  ProductName,
        DATEDIFF(week, DATEADD(MONTH, DATEDIFF(MONTH, 0, '2011-05-30'), 0), '2011-05-30') +1 as [Weeks],
        Sale as 'Sale'
From dbo.WeekReport

-- Only get rows where the date is the same as the DatePeriod
-- i.e DatePeriod is 30th May 2011 then only the weeks of May will be calculated
Where DatePart(Month, '2011-05-30')= DatePart(Month, @DatePeriod)
Pivot (Sum(Sale) for Weeks in ([1],[2],[3],[4],[5])) as pv


a   0   0   0   0   20
b   0   0   0   0   4
c   0   0   0   0   3

SQL Server: How to use UNION with two queries that BOTH have a WHERE clause?

Create views on two first "selects" and "union" them.

Get value from hashmap based on key to JSTL

I had issue with the solutions mentioned above as specifying the string key would give me javax.el.PropertyNotFoundException. The code shown below worked for me. In this I used status to count the index of for each loop and displayed the value of index I am interested on

<c:forEach items="${requestScope.key}"  var="map" varStatus="status" >
    <c:if test="${status.index eq 1}">
        <option><c:out value=${map.value}/></option>

Squash the first two commits in Git?

This will squash second commit into the first one:

A-B-C-... -> AB-C-...

git filter-branch --commit-filter '
    if [ "$GIT_COMMIT" = <sha1ofA> ];
        skip_commit "$@";
        git commit-tree "$@";

Commit message for AB will be taken from B (although I'd prefer from A).

Has the same effect as Uwe Kleine-König's answer, but works for non-initial A as well.

What is the right way to debug in iPython notebook?

The %pdb magic command is good to use as well. Just say %pdb on and subsequently the pdb debugger will run on all exceptions, no matter how deep in the call stack. Very handy.

If you have a particular line that you want to debug, just raise an exception there (often you already are!) or use the %debug magic command that other folks have been suggesting.


This problem happened with me and sovled by just add

 respond_to :html, :json

to ApplicationController file

You can Check Devise issues on Github:

jQuery - Call ajax every 10 seconds

          //do something with response data
}, 10000);//time in milliseconds 

lists and arrays in VBA

You will have to change some of your data types but the basics of what you just posted could be converted to something similar to this given the data types I used may not be accurate.

Dim DateToday As String: DateToday = Format(Date, "yyyy/MM/dd")
Dim Computers As New Collection
Dim disabledList As New Collection
Dim compArray(1 To 1) As String

'Assign data to first item in array
compArray(1) = "asdf"

'Format = Item, Key
Computers.Add "ErrorState", "Computer Name"

'Prints "ErrorState"
Debug.Print Computers("Computer Name")

Collections cannot be sorted so if you need to sort data you will probably want to use an array.

Here is a link to the outlook developer reference.

Another great site to help you get started is

Moving everything over to VBA from VB.Net is not going to be simple since not all the data types are the same and you do not have the .Net framework. If you get stuck just post the code you're stuck converting and you will surely get some help!


Sub ArrayExample()
    Dim subject As String
    Dim TestArray() As String
    Dim counter As Long

    subject = "Example"
    counter = Len(subject)

    ReDim TestArray(1 To counter) As String

    For counter = 1 To Len(subject)
        TestArray(counter) = Right(Left(subject, counter), 1)
End Sub

How to get relative path of a file in visual studio?

In Visual Studio please click 'Folder.ico' file in the Solution Explorer pane. Then you will see Properties pane. Change 'Copy to Output Directory' behavior to 'Copy if newer'. This will make Visual Studio copy the file to the output bin directory.

Now to get the file path using relative path just type:

string pathToIcoFile = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "//FolderIcon//Folder.ico";

Hope that helped.

Windows batch script to move files

move c:\Sourcefoldernam\*.* e:\destinationFolder

^ This did not work for me for some reason

But when I tried using quotation marks, it suddenly worked:

move "c:\Sourcefoldernam\*.*" "e:\destinationFolder"

I think its because my directory had spaces in one of the folders. So if it doesn't work for you, try with quotation marks!

Explanation on Integer.MAX_VALUE and Integer.MIN_VALUE to find min and max value in an array

but as for this method, I don't understand the purpose of Integer.MAX_VALUE and Integer.MIN_VALUE.

By starting out with smallest set to Integer.MAX_VALUE and largest set to Integer.MIN_VALUE, they don't have to worry later about the special case where smallest and largest don't have a value yet. If the data I'm looking through has a 10 as the first value, then numbers[i]<smallest will be true (because 10 is < Integer.MAX_VALUE) and we'll update smallest to be 10. Similarly, numbers[i]>largest will be true because 10 is > Integer.MIN_VALUE and we'll update largest. And so on.

Of course, when doing this, you must ensure that you have at least one value in the data you're looking at. Otherwise, you end up with apocryphal numbers in smallest and largest.

Note the point Onome Sotu makes in the comments:

...if the first item in the array is larger than the rest, then the largest item will always be Integer.MIN_VALUE because of the else-if statement.

Which is true; here's a simpler example demonstrating the problem (live copy):

public class Example
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        int[] values = {5, 1, 2};
        int smallest = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        int largest  = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
        for (int value : values) {
            if (value < smallest) {
                smallest = value;
            } else if (value > largest) {
                largest = value;
        System.out.println(smallest + ", " + largest); // 1, 2 -- WRONG

To fix it, either:

  1. Don't use else, or

  2. Start with smallest and largest equal to the first element, and then loop the remaining elements, keeping the else if.

Here's an example of that second one (live copy):

public class Example
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        int[] values = {5, 1, 2};
        int smallest = values[0];
        int largest  = values[0];
        for (int n = 1; n < values.length; ++n) {
            int value = values[n];
            if (value < smallest) {
                smallest = value;
            } else if (value > largest) {
                largest = value;
        System.out.println(smallest + ", " + largest); // 1, 5

How to Automatically Close Alerts using Twitter Bootstrap

With delay and fade :


jQuery Datepicker close datepicker after selected date

This is my edited version : you just need to add an extra argument "autoClose".

example :

 $('input[name="fieldName"]').datepicker({ autoClose: true});

also you can specify a close callback if you want. :)

replace datepicker.js with this:

!function( $ ) {

// Picker object

var Datepicker = function(element, options , closeCallBack){
    this.element = $(element);
    this.format = DPGlobal.parseFormat(options.format||'date-format')||'dd/mm/yyyy');
    this.autoClose = options.autoClose||'date-autoClose')|| true;
    this.closeCallback = closeCallBack || function(){};
    this.picker = $(DPGlobal.template)
                            click: $.proxy(, this)//,
                            //mousedown: $.proxy(this.mousedown, this)
    this.isInput ='input');
    this.component ='.date') ? this.element.find('.add-on') : false;

    if (this.isInput) {
            focus: $.proxy(, this),
            //blur: $.proxy(this.hide, this),
            keyup: $.proxy(this.update, this)
    } else {
        if (this.component){
            this.component.on('click', $.proxy(, this));
        } else {
            this.element.on('click', $.proxy(, this));

    this.minViewMode = options.minViewMode||'date-minviewmode')||0;
    if (typeof this.minViewMode === 'string') {
        switch (this.minViewMode) {
            case 'months':
                this.minViewMode = 1;
            case 'years':
                this.minViewMode = 2;
                this.minViewMode = 0;
    this.viewMode = options.viewMode||'date-viewmode')||0;
    if (typeof this.viewMode === 'string') {
        switch (this.viewMode) {
            case 'months':
                this.viewMode = 1;
            case 'years':
                this.viewMode = 2;
                this.viewMode = 0;
    this.startViewMode = this.viewMode;
    this.weekStart = options.weekStart||'date-weekstart')||0;
    this.weekEnd = this.weekStart === 0 ? 6 : this.weekStart - 1;
    this.onRender = options.onRender;

Datepicker.prototype = {
    constructor: Datepicker,

    show: function(e) {;
        this.height = this.component ? this.component.outerHeight() : this.element.outerHeight();;
        $(window).on('resize', $.proxy(, this));
        if (e ) {
        if (!this.isInput) {
        var that = this;
        $(document).on('mousedown', function(ev){
            if ($('.datepicker').length == 0) {
            type: 'show',

    hide: function(){
        this.viewMode = this.startViewMode;
        if (!this.isInput) {
            $(document).off('mousedown', this.hide);
            type: 'hide',

    set: function() {
        var formated = DPGlobal.formatDate(, this.format);
        if (!this.isInput) {
            if (this.component){
                this.element.find('input').prop('value', formated);
  'date', formated);
        } else {
            this.element.prop('value', formated);

    setValue: function(newDate) {
        if (typeof newDate === 'string') {
   = DPGlobal.parseDate(newDate, this.format);
        } else {
   = new Date(newDate);
        this.viewDate = new Date(,, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);

    place: function(){
        var offset = this.component ? this.component.offset() : this.element.offset();
            top: + this.height,
            left: offset.left

    update: function(newDate){ = DPGlobal.parseDate(
            typeof newDate === 'string' ? newDate : (this.isInput ? this.element.prop('value') :'date')),
        this.viewDate = new Date(,, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);

    fillDow: function(){
        var dowCnt = this.weekStart;
        var html = '<tr>';
        while (dowCnt < this.weekStart + 7) {
            html += '<th class="dow">'+DPGlobal.dates.daysMin[(dowCnt++)%7]+'</th>';
        html += '</tr>';
        this.picker.find('.datepicker-days thead').append(html);

    fillMonths: function(){
        var html = '';
        var i = 0
        while (i < 12) {
            html += '<span class="month">'+DPGlobal.dates.monthsShort[i++]+'</span>';
        this.picker.find('.datepicker-months td').append(html);

    fill: function() {
        var d = new Date(this.viewDate),
            year = d.getFullYear(),
            month = d.getMonth(),
            currentDate =;
        this.picker.find('.datepicker-days th:eq(1)')
                    .text(DPGlobal.dates.months[month]+' '+year);
        var prevMonth = new Date(year, month-1, 28,0,0,0,0),
            day = DPGlobal.getDaysInMonth(prevMonth.getFullYear(), prevMonth.getMonth());
        prevMonth.setDate(day - (prevMonth.getDay() - this.weekStart + 7)%7);
        var nextMonth = new Date(prevMonth);
        nextMonth.setDate(nextMonth.getDate() + 42);
        nextMonth = nextMonth.valueOf();
        var html = [];
        var clsName,
        while(prevMonth.valueOf() < nextMonth) {zs
            if (prevMonth.getDay() === this.weekStart) {
            clsName = this.onRender(prevMonth);
            prevY = prevMonth.getFullYear();
            prevM = prevMonth.getMonth();
            if ((prevM < month &&  prevY === year) ||  prevY < year) {
                clsName += ' old';
            } else if ((prevM > month && prevY === year) || prevY > year) {
                clsName += ' new';
            if (prevMonth.valueOf() === currentDate) {
                clsName += ' active';
            html.push('<td class="day '+clsName+'">'+prevMonth.getDate() + '</td>');
            if (prevMonth.getDay() === this.weekEnd) {
        this.picker.find('.datepicker-days tbody').empty().append(html.join(''));
        var currentYear =;

        var months = this.picker.find('.datepicker-months')
        if (currentYear === year) {

        html = '';
        year = parseInt(year/10, 10) * 10;
        var yearCont = this.picker.find('.datepicker-years')
                                .text(year + '-' + (year + 9))
        year -= 1;
        for (var i = -1; i < 11; i++) {
            html += '<span class="year'+(i === -1 || i === 10 ? ' old' : '')+(currentYear === year ? ' active' : '')+'">'+year+'</span>';
            year += 1;

    click: function(e) {
        var target = $('span, td, th');
        if (target.length === 1) {
            switch(target[0].nodeName.toLowerCase()) {
                case 'th':
                    switch(target[0].className) {
                        case 'switch':
                        case 'prev':
                        case 'next':
                                this.viewDate['get'+DPGlobal.modes[this.viewMode].navFnc].call(this.viewDate) + 
                                DPGlobal.modes[this.viewMode].navStep * (target[0].className === 'prev' ? -1 : 1)
                case 'span':
                    if ('.month')) {
                        var month = target.parent().find('span').index(target);
                    } else {
                        var year = parseInt(target.text(), 10)||0;
                    if (this.viewMode !== 0) {
               = new Date(this.viewDate);
                            type: 'changeDate',
                            viewMode: DPGlobal.modes[this.viewMode].clsName
                case 'td':
                    if ('.day') && !'.disabled')){
                        var day = parseInt(target.text(), 10)||1;
                        var month = this.viewDate.getMonth();
                        if ('.old')) {
                            month -= 1;
                        } else if ('.new')) {
                            month += 1;
                        var year = this.viewDate.getFullYear();
               = new Date(year, month, day,0,0,0,0);
                        this.viewDate = new Date(year, month, Math.min(28, day),0,0,0,0);
                            type: 'changeDate',
                            viewMode: DPGlobal.modes[this.viewMode].clsName
                        if(this.autoClose === true){


    mousedown: function(e){

    showMode: function(dir) {
        if (dir) {
            this.viewMode = Math.max(this.minViewMode, Math.min(2, this.viewMode + dir));

$.fn.datepicker = function ( option, val ) {
    return this.each(function () {
        var $this = $(this);
        var datePicker = $'datepicker');
        var options = typeof option === 'object' && option;
        if (!datePicker) {
            if (typeof val === 'function')
                $'datepicker', (datePicker = new Datepicker(this, $.extend({}, $.fn.datepicker.defaults,options),val)));
                $'datepicker', (datePicker = new Datepicker(this, $.extend({}, $.fn.datepicker.defaults,options))));
        if (typeof option === 'string') datePicker[option](val);


$.fn.datepicker.defaults = {
    onRender: function(date) {
        return '';
$.fn.datepicker.Constructor = Datepicker;

var DPGlobal = {
    modes: [
            clsName: 'days',
            navFnc: 'Month',
            navStep: 1
            clsName: 'months',
            navFnc: 'FullYear',
            navStep: 1
            clsName: 'years',
            navFnc: 'FullYear',
            navStep: 10
        days: ["Dimanche", "Lundi", "Mardi", "Mercredi", "Jeudi", "Vendredi", "Samedi", "Dimanche"],
                    daysShort: ["Dim", "Lun", "Mar", "Mer", "Jeu", "Ven", "Sam", "Dim"],
                    daysMin: ["D", "L", "Ma", "Me", "J", "V", "S", "D"],
                    months: ["Janvier", "Février", "Mars", "Avril", "Mai", "Juin", "Juillet", "Août", "Septembre", "Octobre", "Novembre", "Décembre"],
                    monthsShort: ["Jan", "Fév", "Mar", "Avr", "Mai", "Jui", "Jul", "Aou", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Déc"],
                    today: "Aujourd'hui",
                    clear: "Effacer",
                    weekStart: 1,
                    format: "dd/mm/yyyy"
    isLeapYear: function (year) {
        return (((year % 4 === 0) && (year % 100 !== 0)) || (year % 400 === 0))
    getDaysInMonth: function (year, month) {
        return [31, (DPGlobal.isLeapYear(year) ? 29 : 28), 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31][month]
    parseFormat: function(format){
        var separator = format.match(/[.\/\-\s].*?/),
            parts = format.split(/\W+/);
        if (!separator || !parts || parts.length === 0){
            throw new Error("Invalid date format.");
        return {separator: separator, parts: parts};
    parseDate: function(date, format) {
        var parts = date.split(format.separator),
            date = new Date(),
        if (parts.length === {
            var year = date.getFullYear(), day = date.getDate(), month = date.getMonth();
            for (var i=0, cnt =; i < cnt; i++) {
                val = parseInt(parts[i], 10)||1;
                switch([i]) {
                    case 'dd':
                    case 'd':
                        day = val;
                    case 'mm':
                    case 'm':
                        month = val - 1;
                        date.setMonth(val - 1);
                    case 'yy':
                        year = 2000 + val;
                        date.setFullYear(2000 + val);
                    case 'yyyy':
                        year = val;
            date = new Date(year, month, day, 0 ,0 ,0);
        return date;
    formatDate: function(date, format){
        var val = {
            d: date.getDate(),
            m: date.getMonth() + 1,
            yy: date.getFullYear().toString().substring(2),
            yyyy: date.getFullYear()
        val.dd = (val.d < 10 ? '0' : '') + val.d; = (val.m < 10 ? '0' : '') + val.m;
        var date = [];
        for (var i=0, cnt =; i < cnt; i++) {
        return date.join(format.separator);
    headTemplate: '<thead>'+
                            '<th class="prev">&lsaquo;</th>'+
                            '<th colspan="5" class="switch"></th>'+
                            '<th class="next">&rsaquo;</th>'+
    contTemplate: '<tbody><tr><td colspan="7"></td></tr></tbody>'
DPGlobal.template = '<div class="datepicker dropdown-menu">'+
                        '<div class="datepicker-days">'+
                            '<table class=" table-condensed">'+
                        '<div class="datepicker-months">'+
                            '<table class="table-condensed">'+
                        '<div class="datepicker-years">'+
                            '<table class="table-condensed">'+

}( window.jQuery );

grep without showing path/file:line

From the man page:

-h, --no-filename
    Suppress the prefixing of file names on output. This is the default when there
    is only one file (or only standard input) to search.


The default date format depends on the language setting for the database server. You can also change it per session, like:

set language french
select cast(getdate() as varchar(50))
févr 8 2013 9:45AM

How to disable a link using only CSS?

The pointer-events property allows for control over how HTML elements respond to mouse/touch events – including CSS hover/active states, click/tap events in Javascript, and whether or not the cursor is visible.

That's not the only way you disable a Link, but a good CSS way which work in IE10+ and all new browsers:

.current-page {_x000D_
  pointer-events: none;_x000D_
  color: grey;_x000D_
<a href="#" class="current-page">This link is disabled</a>

implement time delay in c

For delays as large as one minute, sleep() is a nice choice.

If someday, you want to pause on delays smaller than one second, you may want to consider poll() with a timeout.

Both are POSIX.

How do I release memory used by a pandas dataframe?

As noted in the comments, there are some things to try: gc.collect (@EdChum) may clear stuff, for example. At least from my experience, these things sometimes work and often don't.

There is one thing that always works, however, because it is done at the OS, not language, level.

Suppose you have a function that creates an intermediate huge DataFrame, and returns a smaller result (which might also be a DataFrame):

def huge_intermediate_calc(something):
    huge_df = pd.DataFrame(...)
    return some_aggregate

Then if you do something like

import multiprocessing

result = multiprocessing.Pool(1).map(huge_intermediate_calc, [something_])[0]

Then the function is executed at a different process. When that process completes, the OS retakes all the resources it used. There's really nothing Python, pandas, the garbage collector, could do to stop that.

MySQL connection not working: 2002 No such file or directory

First, ensure MySQL is running. Command: mysqld start

If you still cannot connect then: What does your /etc/my.cnf look like? (or /etc/msyql/my.cnf)

The other 2 posts are correct in that you need to check your socket because 2002 is a socket error.

A great tutorial on setting up LAMP is:

Can I call a base class's virtual function if I'm overriding it?

Sometimes you need to call the base class' implementation, when you aren't in the derived function...It still works:

struct Base
    virtual int Foo()
        return -1;

struct Derived : public Base
    virtual int Foo()
        return -2;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    Base *x = new Derived;

    ASSERT(-2 == x->Foo());

    //syntax is trippy but it works
    ASSERT(-1 == x->Base::Foo());

    return 0;

Clear variable in python

Actually, that does not delete the variable/property. All it will do is set its value to None, therefore the variable will still take up space in memory. If you want to completely wipe all existence of the variable from memory, you can just type:

del self.left

How do I center an SVG in a div?

Above answers did not work for me. Adding the attribute preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMin" to the <svg> tag did the trick though. The viewBox attribute needs to be specified for this to work as well. Source: Mozilla developer network

How to get the list of all database users

EXEC sp_helpuser


SELECT * FROM sysusers

Both of these select all the users of the current database (not the server).

Spring RestTemplate GET with parameters

Converting of a hash map to a string of query parameters:

Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<>();
params.put("msisdn", msisdn);
params.put("email", email);
params.put("clientVersion", clientVersion);
params.put("clientType", clientType);
params.put("issuerName", issuerName);
params.put("applicationName", applicationName);

UriComponentsBuilder builder = UriComponentsBuilder.fromHttpUrl(url);
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : params.entrySet()) {
    builder.queryParam(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());

HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
headers.set("Accept", "application/json");

HttpEntity<String> response =, HttpMethod.GET, new HttpEntity(headers), String.class);

Calculate mean across dimension in a 2D array

Here is a non-numpy solution:

>>> a = [[40, 10], [50, 11]]
>>> [float(sum(l))/len(l) for l in zip(*a)]
[45.0, 10.5]

How to Customize the time format for Python logging?

From the official documentation regarding the Formatter class:

The constructor takes two optional arguments: a message format string and a date format string.

So change

# create formatter
formatter = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s;%(levelname)s;%(message)s")


# create formatter
formatter = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s;%(levelname)s;%(message)s",
                              "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")

Android ADB stop application command like "force-stop" for non rooted device

If you want to kill the Sticky Service,the following command NOT WORKING:

adb shell am force-stop <PACKAGE>
adb shell kill <PID>

The following command is WORKING:

adb shell pm disable <PACKAGE>

If you want to restart the app,you must run command below first:

adb shell pm enable <PACKAGE>

Change directory command in Docker?

To change into another directory use WORKDIR. All the RUN, CMD and ENTRYPOINT commands after WORKDIR will be executed from that directory.

RUN git clone XYZ 
RUN make

How do I convert a PDF document to a preview image in PHP?

You need ImageMagick and GhostScript

$im = new imagick('file.pdf[0]');
header('Content-Type: image/jpeg');
echo $im;

The [0] means page 1.

maven... Failed to clean project: Failed to delete ..\org.ow2.util.asm-asm-tree-3.1.jar

I had similar issue. Earlier I was using Maven 3 to build the project. After switching to maven 2 , I had the above error.

Solved it by switching to Maven 3.

Dynamically set value of a file input

I am working on an angular js app, andhavecome across a similar issue. What i did was display the image from the db, then created a button to remove or keep the current image. If the user decided to keep the current image, i changed the ng-submit attribute to another function whihc doesnt require image validation, and updated the record in the db without touching the original image path name. The remove image function also changed the ng-submit attribute value back to a function that submits the form and includes image validation and upload. Also a bit of javascript to slide the into view to upload a new image.

How do I connect to a specific Wi-Fi network in Android programmatically?

You need to create WifiConfiguration instance like this:

String networkSSID = "test";
String networkPass = "pass";

WifiConfiguration conf = new WifiConfiguration();
conf.SSID = "\"" + networkSSID + "\"";   // Please note the quotes. String should contain ssid in quotes

Then, for WEP network you need to do this:

conf.wepKeys[0] = "\"" + networkPass + "\""; 
conf.wepTxKeyIndex = 0;

For WPA network you need to add passphrase like this:

conf.preSharedKey = "\""+ networkPass +"\"";

For Open network you need to do this:


Then, you need to add it to Android wifi manager settings:

WifiManager wifiManager = (WifiManager)context.getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE); 

And finally, you might need to enable it, so Android connects to it:

List<WifiConfiguration> list = wifiManager.getConfiguredNetworks();
for( WifiConfiguration i : list ) {
    if(i.SSID != null && i.SSID.equals("\"" + networkSSID + "\"")) {
         wifiManager.enableNetwork(i.networkId, true);


UPD: In case of WEP, if your password is in hex, you do not need to surround it with quotes.

TSQL Default Minimum DateTime

I think your only option here is a constant. With that said - don't use it - stick with nulls instead of bogus dates.

create table atable
  Modified datetime DEFAULT '1/1/1753'

List of IP addresses/hostnames from local network in Python

Here is a small tool scanip that will help you to get all ip addresses and their corresponding mac addresses in the network (Works on Linux).

How to get bean using application context in spring boot

Even after adding @Autowire if your class is not a RestController or Configuration Class, the applicationContext object was coming as null. Tried Creating new class with below and it is working fine:

public class SpringContext implements ApplicationContextAware{

   private static ApplicationContext applicationContext;

    public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext) throws 
     BeansException {

you can then implement a getter method in the same class as per your need to get the bean. Like:

    applicationContext.getBean(String serviceName,Interface.Class)

Python: Get HTTP headers from urllib2.urlopen call?

Actually, it appears that urllib2 can do an HTTP HEAD request.

The question that @reto linked to, above, shows how to get urllib2 to do a HEAD request.

Here's my take on it:

import urllib2

# Derive from Request class and override get_method to allow a HEAD request.
class HeadRequest(urllib2.Request):
    def get_method(self):
        return "HEAD"

myurl = ''
request = HeadRequest(myurl)

    response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
    response_headers =

    # This will just display all the dictionary key-value pairs.  Replace this
    # line with something useful.

except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
    # Prints the HTTP Status code of the response but only if there was a 
    # problem.
    print ("Error code: %s" % e.code)

If you check this with something like the Wireshark network protocol analazer, you can see that it is actually sending out a HEAD request, rather than a GET.

This is the HTTP request and response from the code above, as captured by Wireshark:

HEAD /doFeT HTTP/1.1
Accept-Encoding: identity
Connection: close
User-Agent: Python-urllib/2.7

HTTP/1.1 301 Moved
Server: nginx
Date: Sun, 19 Feb 2012 13:20:56 GMT
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Cache-control: private; max-age=90
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Length: 127
Connection: close
Set-Cookie: _bit=4f40f738-00153-02ed0-421cf10a;;expires=Fri Aug 17 13:20:56 2012;path=/; HttpOnly

However, as mentioned in one of the comments in the other question, if the URL in question includes a redirect then urllib2 will do a GET request to the destination, not a HEAD. This could be a major shortcoming, if you really wanted to only make HEAD requests.

The request above involves a redirect. Here is request to the destination, as captured by Wireshark:

GET /2009/05/come-and-draw-the-circle-of-unity-with-us/ HTTP/1.1
Accept-Encoding: identity
Connection: close
User-Agent: Python-urllib/2.7

An alternative to using urllib2 is to use Joe Gregorio's httplib2 library:

import httplib2

url = ""
http_interface = httplib2.Http()

    response, content = http_interface.request(url, method="HEAD")
    print ("Response status: %d - %s" % (response.status, response.reason))

    # This will just display all the dictionary key-value pairs.  Replace this
    # line with something useful.

except httplib2.ServerNotFoundError, e:
    print (e.message)

This has the advantage of using HEAD requests for both the initial HTTP request and the redirected request to the destination URL.

Here's the first request:

HEAD /doFeT HTTP/1.1
accept-encoding: gzip, deflate
user-agent: Python-httplib2/0.7.2 (gzip)

Here's the second request, to the destination:

HEAD /2009/05/come-and-draw-the-circle-of-unity-with-us/ HTTP/1.1
accept-encoding: gzip, deflate
user-agent: Python-httplib2/0.7.2 (gzip)

Run text file as commands in Bash

You can use something like this:

for i in `cat foo.txt`
    sudo $i

Though if the commands have arguments (i.e. there is whitespace in the lines) you may have to monkey around with that a bit to protect the whitepace so that the whole string is seen by sudo as a command. But it gives you an idea on how to start.

String concatenation in MySQL

MySQL is different from most DBMSs use of + or || for concatenation. It uses the CONCAT function:

SELECT CONCAT(first_name, " ", last_name) AS Name FROM test.student

As @eggyal pointed out in comments, you can enable string concatenation with the || operator in MySQL by setting the PIPES_AS_CONCAT SQL mode.

How do I detect what .NET Framework versions and service packs are installed?

The registry is the official way to detect if a specific version of the Framework is installed.

enter image description here

Which registry keys are needed change depending on the Framework version you are looking for:

Framework Version  Registry Key
1.0                HKLM\Software\Microsoft\.NETFramework\Policy\v1.0\3705 
1.1                HKLM\Software\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v1.1.4322\Install 
2.0                HKLM\Software\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v2.0.50727\Install 
3.0                HKLM\Software\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.0\Setup\InstallSuccess 
3.5                HKLM\Software\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\Install 
4.0 Client Profile HKLM\Software\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Client\Install
4.0 Full Profile   HKLM\Software\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\Install

Generally you are looking for:


except for .NET 1.0, where the value is a string (REG_SZ) rather than a number (REG_DWORD).

Determining the service pack level follows a similar pattern:

Framework Version  Registry Key
1.0                HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{78705f0d-e8db-4b2d-8193-982bdda15ecd}\Version 
1.0[1]             HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{FDC11A6F-17D1-48f9-9EA3-9051954BAA24}\Version 
1.1                HKLM\Software\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v1.1.4322\SP 
2.0                HKLM\Software\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v2.0.50727\SP 
3.0                HKLM\Software\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.0\SP 
3.5                HKLM\Software\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\SP 
4.0 Client Profile HKLM\Software\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Client\Servicing
4.0 Full Profile   HKLM\Software\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\Servicing

[1] Windows Media Center or Windows XP Tablet Edition

As you can see, determining the SP level for .NET 1.0 changes if you are running on Windows Media Center or Windows XP Tablet Edition. Again, .NET 1.0 uses a string value while all of the others use a DWORD.

For .NET 1.0 the string value at either of these keys has a format of #,#,####,#. The last # is the Service Pack level.

While I didn't explicitly ask for this, if you want to know the exact version number of the Framework you would use these registry keys:

Framework Version  Registry Key
1.0                HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{78705f0d-e8db-4b2d-8193-982bdda15ecd}\Version 
1.0[1]             HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{FDC11A6F-17D1-48f9-9EA3-9051954BAA24}\Version 
1.1                HKLM\Software\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v1.1.4322 
2.0[2]             HKLM\Software\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v2.0.50727\Version 
2.0[3]             HKLM\Software\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v2.0.50727\Increment
3.0                HKLM\Software\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.0\Version 
3.5                HKLM\Software\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\Version 
4.0 Client Profile HKLM\Software\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Version 
4.0 Full Profile   HKLM\Software\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Version 

[1] Windows Media Center or Windows XP Tablet Edition
[2] .NET 2.0 SP1
[3] .NET 2.0 Original Release (RTM)

Again, .NET 1.0 uses a string value while all of the others use a DWORD.

Additional Notes

  • for .NET 1.0 the string value at either of these keys has a format of #,#,####,#. The #,#,#### portion of the string is the Framework version.

  • for .NET 1.1, we use the name of the registry key itself, which represents the version number.

  • Finally, if you look at dependencies, .NET 3.0 adds additional functionality to .NET 2.0 so both .NET 2.0 and .NET 3.0 must both evaulate as being installed to correctly say that .NET 3.0 is installed. Likewise, .NET 3.5 adds additional functionality to .NET 2.0 and .NET 3.0, so .NET 2.0, .NET 3.0, and .NET 3. should all evaluate to being installed to correctly say that .NET 3.5 is installed.

  • .NET 4.0 installs a new version of the CLR (CLR version 4.0) which can run side-by-side with CLR 2.0.

Update for .NET 4.5

There won't be a v4.5 key in the registry if .NET 4.5 is installed. Instead you have to check if the HKLM\Software\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full key contains a value called Release. If this value is present, .NET 4.5 is installed, otherwise it is not. More details can be found here and here.

How to post a file from a form with Axios

Add the file to a formData object, and set the Content-Type header to multipart/form-data.

var formData = new FormData();
var imagefile = document.querySelector('#file');
formData.append("image", imagefile.files[0]);'upload_file', formData, {
    headers: {
      'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data'

Please initialize the log4j system properly warning

The fix for me was to put "" into the "src" folder. It did not work in my package folder it has to be one up at the very root of source. Adding it to the build path which then moves it to the "Reference Libraries" also did not work.

To repeat: put at the root of your src folder.

my files has the following content which works on the latest version of Spring Tool Suite which is based on Eclipse.

# Configure logging for testing: optionally with log file
#log4j.rootLogger=INFO, stdout
log4j.rootLogger=WARN, stdout, logfile

log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=%d %p [%c] - %m%n

log4j.appender.logfile.layout.ConversionPattern=%d %p [%c] - %m%

Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 provider is not registered

I'm having same problem. I try to install office 2010 64bit on windows 7 64 bit and then install 2007 Office System Driver : Data Connectivity Components.

after that, visual studio 2008 can opens a connection to an MS-Access 2007 database file.

How to generate .NET 4.0 classes from xsd?

If you want to generate the class with auto properties, convert the XSD to XML using this then convert the XML to JSON using this and copy to clipboard the result. Then in VS, inside the file where your class will be created, go to Edit>Paste Special>Paste JSON as classes.

Declare multiple module.exports in Node.js

There are multiple ways to do this, one way is mentioned below. Just assume you have .js file like this.

let add = function (a, b) {
   console.log(a + b);

let sub = function (a, b) {
   console.log(a - b);

You can export these functions using the following code snippet,

 module.exports.add = add;
 module.exports.sub = sub;

And you can use the exported functions using this code snippet,

var add = require('./counter').add;
var sub = require('./counter').sub;


I know this is a late reply, but hope this helps!

How to open a Bootstrap modal window using jQuery?

Try This

myModal1 is the id of modal

$('#myModal1').modal({ show: true });

LINQ: combining join and group by

I met the same problem as you.

I push two tables result into t1 object and group t1.

 from p in Products                         
  join bp in BaseProducts on p.BaseProductId equals bp.Id
  select new {
  } into t1
 group t1 by t1.p.SomeId into g
 select new ProductPriceMinMax { 
  SomeId = g.FirstOrDefault().p.SomeId, 
  CountryCode = g.FirstOrDefault().p.CountryCode, 
  MinPrice = g.Min(m => m.bp.Price), 
  MaxPrice = g.Max(m => m.bp.Price),
  BaseProductName = g.FirstOrDefault().bp.Name

Difference between webdriver.Dispose(), .Close() and .Quit()

Close() - It is used to close the browser or page currently which is having the focus.

Quit() - It is used to shut down the web driver instance or destroy the web driver instance(Close all the windows).

Dispose() - I am not aware of this method.

SmartGit Installation and Usage on Ubuntu

What it correct way of installing SmartGit on Ubuntu? Thus I can have normal icon

In smartgit/bin folder, there's a shell script waiting for you: It does just that.

How can I set the background color of <option> in a <select> element?

Just like normal background-color: #f0f

You just need a way to target it, eg: <option id="myPinkOption">blah</option>

Choosing the default value of an Enum type without having to change values

enum Orientations
    None, North, East, South, West
private Orientations? _orientation { get; set; }

public Orientations? Orientation
        return _orientation ?? Orientations.None;
        _orientation = value;

If you set the property to null will return Orientations.None on get. The property _orientation is null by default.

Insert ellipsis (...) into HTML tag if content too wide

Here is a nice widget/plugin library which has ellipsis built in: All you need to do it reference the library and call the following:

<script type="text/javascript"> 
   $(document).ready(function () { 
         numberOfCharacters: 10, 
         showLessText: "less", 
         showMoreText: "more" 
<div class="ellipsis_10"> 
   Some text here that's longer than 10 characters. 

Changing button text onclick

If not opposed to or may already be using jQuery, you could do this without the approach of having to use obtrusive js. Hope it helps. Also like to reference, for a discussion on this.


    <input type="button" value="Open Curtain" id=myButton1"></input>


          $('#myButton1').click(function() {
            var self = this;

          function change( el ) {
           if ( el.value === "Open Curtain" )
           el.value = "Close Curtain";
           el.value = "Open Curtain";

Rails params explained?

As others have pointed out, params values can come from the query string of a GET request, or the form data of a POST request, but there's also a third place they can come from: The path of the URL.

As you might know, Rails uses something called routes to direct requests to their corresponding controller actions. These routes may contain segments that are extracted from the URL and put into params. For example, if you have a route like this:

match 'products/:id', ...

Then a request to a URL like will set params[:id] to 42.

<DIV> inside link (<a href="">) tag

I think you should do it the other way round. Define your Divs and have your a href within each Div, pointing to different links

How do you remove all the options of a select box and then add one option and select it with jQuery?

This will replace your existing mySelect with a new mySelect.

$('#mySelect').replaceWith('<Select id="mySelect" size="9">
   <option value="whatever" selected="selected" >text</option>

What is the difference between java and core java?

Java has mainly three sub categories :

  1. Java Standard Edition (JSE) or Core Java
  2. Java Enterprise Edition (JEE)
  3. Java Mobile Edition (JME)

where core java is the first and basic step of all to start or learn java from beginning.

How to insert an image in python

Install PIL(Python Image Library) :


from PIL import Image
myImage ="your_image_here");;

How to trim a string after a specific character in java

Try this:

String result = "34.1 -118.33\n<!--ABCDEFG-->";
result = result.substring(0, result.indexOf("\n"));

keytool error bash: keytool: command not found

You could also put this on one line like so:

/path/to/jre/bin/keytool -genkey -alias [mypassword] -keyalg [RSA]

Wanted to include this as a comment on piet.t answer but I don't have enough rep to comment.

See the "signing" section of this article that describes how to access the keytool.exe without changing your working directory to the path:

Note that they say you can type in space separated folder names like /"Program Files"/ with quotes but I found in bash i had to separate with back slashes like /Program\ Files/.

Shorthand if/else statement Javascript

Appears you are having 'y' default to 1: An arrow function would be useful in 2020:

let x = (y = 1) => //insert operation with y here

Let 'x' be a function where 'y' is a parameter which would be assigned a default to '1' if it is some null or undefined value, then return some operation with y.

How to add the JDBC mysql driver to an Eclipse project?

you haven't loaded driver into memory. use this following in init()


Also, you missed a colon (:) in url, use this

String mySqlUrl = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mysql";

What is the proof of of (N–1) + (N–2) + (N–3) + ... + 1= N*(N–1)/2

I know that we are (n-1) * (n times), but why the division by 2?

It's only (n - 1) * n if you use a naive bubblesort. You can get a significant savings if you notice the following:

  • After each compare-and-swap, the largest element you've encountered will be in the last spot you were at.

  • After the first pass, the largest element will be in the last position; after the kth pass, the kth largest element will be in the kth last position.

Thus you don't have to sort the whole thing every time: you only need to sort n - 2 elements the second time through, n - 3 elements the third time, and so on. That means that the total number of compare/swaps you have to do is (n - 1) + (n - 2) + .... This is an arithmetic series, and the equation for the total number of times is (n - 1)*n / 2.

Example: if the size of the list is N = 5, then you do 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 10 swaps -- and notice that 10 is the same as 4 * 5 / 2.

HTML - how can I show tooltip ONLY when ellipsis is activated

Here is my jQuery plugin:

(function($) {
    'use strict';
    $.fn.tooltipOnOverflow = function() {
        $(this).on("mouseenter", function() {
            if (this.offsetWidth < this.scrollWidth) {
                $(this).attr('title', $(this).text());
            } else {


$("td, th").tooltipOnOverflow();


I have made a gist for this plugin.

Ripple effect on Android Lollipop CardView

Use Material Cardview instead, it extends Cardview and provides multiple new features including default clickable effect :




Dependency (It can be used up to API 14 to support older device):

implementation ''

AngularJS passing data to $http.get request

You can pass params directly to $http.get() The following works fine

$http.get(user.details_path, {
    params: { user_id: }

How to center a (background) image within a div?

This works for me for aligning the image to center of div.

.yourclass {
  background-image: url(image.png);
  background-position: center;
  background-size: cover;
  background-repeat: no-repeat;

Determine if a cell (value) is used in any formula

On Excel 2010 try this:

  1. select the cell you want to check if is used somewhere in a formula;
  2. Formulas -> Trace Dependents (on Formula Auditing menu)

Comments in .gitignore?

Yes, you may put comments in there. They however must start at the beginning of a line.


The rules for the patterns you can put in the .gitignore file are as follows:
- Blank lines or lines starting with # are ignored.

The comment character is #, example:

# no .a files

SQL to search objects, including stored procedures, in Oracle

I'm not sure I quite understand the question but if you want to search objects on the database for a particular search string try:

SELECT owner, name, type, line, text 
FROM dba_source
WHERE instr(UPPER(text), UPPER(:srch_str)) > 0;

From there if you need any more info you can just look up the object / line number.

jQuery Ajax Request inside Ajax Request

This is just an example. You may like to customize it as per your requirement.

      url: 'ajax/test1.html',
      success: function(data1) {
        alert('Request 1 was performed.');
            type: 'POST',
            url: url,
            data: data1, //pass data1 to second request
            success: successHandler, // handler if second request succeeds 
            dataType: dataType

For more details : see this

Creating a random string with A-Z and 0-9 in Java

Three steps to implement your function:

Step#1 You can specify a string, including the chars A-Z and 0-9.


 String candidateChars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890";

Step#2 Then if you would like to generate a random char from this candidate string. You can use


Step#3 At last, specify the length of random string to be generated (in your description, it is 17). Writer a for-loop and append the random chars generated in step#2 to StringBuilder object.

Based on this, here is an example public class RandomTest {

public static void main(String[] args) {

            "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890", 17));

 * @param candidateChars
 *            the candidate chars
 * @param length
 *            the number of random chars to be generated
 * @return
public static String generateRandomChars(String candidateChars, int length) {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    Random random = new Random();
    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {

    return sb.toString();


Initialize a vector array of strings

Sort of:

class some_class {
    static std::vector<std::string> v; // declaration

const char *vinit[] = {"one", "two", "three"};

std::vector<std::string> some_class::v(vinit, end(vinit)); // definition

end is just so I don't have to write vinit+3 and keep it up to date if the length changes later. Define it as:

template<typename T, size_t N>
T * end(T (&ra)[N]) {
    return ra + N;

Python decorators in classes

Declare in inner class. This solution is pretty solid and recommended.

class Test(object):
    class Decorators(object):
    def decorator(foo):
        def magic(self, *args, **kwargs) :
            print("start magic")
            foo(self, *args, **kwargs)
            print("end magic")
        return magic

    def bar( self ) :
        print("normal call")

test = Test()

The result:

>>> test = Test()
start magic
normal call
end magic

How to open/run .jar file (double-click not working)?

An easy way to execute .jar files is to create a batch file.

Let's say you placed your jar file on your Desktop;

@echo OFF
java -jar C:\Users\YourName\Desktop\myjar.jar

Copy this code to a .txt file, modify "YourName" and save as "myjar.bat". Then whenever you double click, the jar file will be executed. Hope this helps.

Converting list to *args when calling function

*args just means that the function takes a number of arguments, generally of the same type.

Check out this section in the Python tutorial for more info.

Difference between Spring MVC and Struts MVC

The main difference between struts & spring MVC is about the difference between Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) & Object oriented programming (OOP).

Spring makes application loosely coupled by using Dependency Injection.The core of the Spring Framework is the IoC container.

OOP can do everything that AOP does but different approach. In other word, AOP complements OOP by providing another way of thinking about program structure.

Practically, when you want to apply same changes for many files. It should be exhausted work with Struts to add same code for tons of files. Instead Spring write new changes somewhere else and inject to the files.

Some related terminologies of AOP is cross-cutting concerns, Aspect, Dependency Injection...

Angularjs ng-model doesn't work inside ng-if

We had this in many other cases, what we decided internally is to always have a wrapper for the controller/directive so that we don't need to think about it. Here is you example with our wrapper.

<script src=""></script>

    function main($scope) {
        $scope.thisScope = $scope;
        $scope.testa = false;
        $scope.testb = false;
        $scope.testc = false;
        $scope.testd = false;

<div ng-app >
    <div ng-controller="main">

        Test A: {{testa}}<br />
        Test B: {{testb}}<br />
        Test C: {{testc}}<br />
        Test D: {{testd}}<br />

            testa (without ng-if): <input type="checkbox" ng-model="thisScope.testa" />
        <div ng-if="!testa">
            testb (with ng-if): <input type="checkbox" ng-model="thisScope.testb" />
        <div ng-show="!testa">
            testc (with ng-show): <input type="checkbox" ng-model="thisScope.testc" />
        <div ng-hide="testa">
            testd (with ng-hide): <input type="checkbox" ng-model="thisScope.testd" />


Hopes this helps, Yishay

Check if element at position [x] exists in the list

if (list.Count > desiredIndex && list[desiredIndex] != null)
    // logic

How to find/identify large commits in git history?

How can I track down the large files in the git history?

Start by analyzing, validating and selecting the root cause. Use git-repo-analysis to help.

You may also find some value in the detailed reports generated by BFG Repo-Cleaner, which can be run very quickly by cloning to a Digital Ocean droplet using their 10MiB/s network throughput.

What does \u003C mean?

It's a unicode character. In this case \u003C and \u003E mean :

U+003C < Less-than sign

U+003E > Greater-than sign

See a list here

Style input type file?

Follow these steps then you can create custom styles for your file upload form:

1.) This is the simple HTML form(please read the HTML comments I have written here bellow)

    <form action="#type your action here" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <div id="yourBtn" style="height: 50px; width: 100px;border: 1px dashed #BBB; cursor:pointer;" onclick="getFile()">Click to upload!</div>
    <!-- this is your file input tag, so i hide it!-->
    <div style='height: 0px;width: 0px; overflow:hidden;'><input id="upfile" type="file" value="upload"/></div>
    <!-- here you can have file submit button or you can write a simple script to upload the file automatically-->
    <input type="submit" value='submit' >

2.) Then use this simple script to pass the click event to file input tag.

    function getFile(){

Now you can use any type of a styling without worrying how to change default styles. I know this very well, because I have been trying to change the default styles for month and a half. believe me it's very hard because different browsers have different upload input tag. So use this one to build your custom file upload forms.Here is the full AUTOMATED UPLOAD code.

   position: relative;
   top: 150px;
   font-family: calibri;
   width: 150px;
   padding: 10px;
   -webkit-border-radius: 5px;
   -moz-border-radius: 5px;
   border: 1px dashed #BBB; 
   text-align: center;
   background-color: #DDD;
<script type="text/javascript">
 function getFile(){
 function sub(obj){
    var file = obj.value;
    var fileName = file.split("\\");
    document.getElementById("yourBtn").innerHTML = fileName[fileName.length-1];
<form action="#type your action here" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="myForm">
<div id="yourBtn" onclick="getFile()">click to upload a file</div>
<!-- this is your file input tag, so i hide it!-->
<!-- i used the onchange event to fire the form submission-->
<div style='height: 0px; width: 0px;overflow:hidden;'><input id="upfile" type="file" value="upload" onchange="sub(this)"/></div>
<!-- here you can have file submit button or you can write a simple script to upload the file automatically-->
<!-- <input type="submit" value='submit' > -->

What languages are Windows, Mac OS X and Linux written in?

  • Windows: C++, kernel is in C
  • Mac: Objective C, kernel is in C (IO PnP subsystem is Embedded C++)
  • Linux: Most things are in C, many userland apps are in Python, KDE is all C++

All kernels will use some assembly code as well.

What is the difference between Sublime text and Github's Atom

  1. How is Atom different from Sublime?
    • Atom is an open source text editor/IDE, built on JavaScript/HTML/CSS.
    • Sublime Text is a commercial product, built on C/C++ and Python.
    • Comparable to Atom is Adobe Brackets, another open source text editor/IDE built on JavaScript/HTML/CSS. Be minded that this makes Brackets more oriented towards Web development, specially in the front end.
    • Advantages of open source projects are faster rate of development and, of course, price.
  2. Does it include IDE features like build tools, function definition jumps, documentations, etc.?
    • The short answer is yes, yes, and yes. The app is completely modular. Open source will give people the freedom to fill the gaps on several of these features.
  3. Has anyone using Sublime got a Beta invitation to point out the differences?
    • Advantages of Atom is entry-level hackability, since it's built on the same code that powers Web sites.
    • Advantages of Sublime Text is performance, as it doesn't need to run on top of Node.js, and it's a more mature product, about to reach a stable version 3.
    • There are a long list of minor differences that can be included in the comments (I wish this markdown could be able to draw a table for comparisons, but that's another issue).
    • Because of Atom's rapid turnout, I am afraid some of differences I list here will become outdated over time. Per example, at the time of this writing, Atom is only available on the Macintosh while Sublime Text is already multiplatform.
  4. Can I use the themes, schemes and packages from Sublime as is, like Sublime could do with text mate.
    • The short answer is no, but because of Atom's hackability, it will be easy to retool packages from other editors to Atom.

How to allow only numbers in textbox in mvc4 razor

Use this function in your script and put a span near textbox to show the error message

$(document).ready(function () {
    $(".digit").keypress(function (e) {
        if (e.which != 8 && e.which != 0 && (e.which < 48 || e.which > 57)) {
            $("#errormsg").html("Digits Only").show().fadeOut("slow");
            return false;

@Html.TextBoxFor(x =>, new { @class = "digit" })
<span id="errormsg"></span>

Replace only text inside a div using jquery

Another approach is keep that element, change the text, then append that element back

const star_icon = $(li).find('.stars svg')

How to open Emacs inside Bash

Emacs takes many launch options. The one that you are looking for is emacs -nw. This will open Emacs inside the terminal disregarding the DISPLAY environment variable even if it is set. The long form of this flag is emacs --no-window-system.

More information about Emacs launch options can be found in the manual.

How to write data to a JSON file using Javascript

Unfortunatelly, today (September 2018) you can not find cross-browser solution for client side file writing.

For example: in some browser like a Chrome we have today this possibility and we can write with FileSystemFileEntry.createWriter() with client side call, but according to the docu:

This feature is obsolete. Although it may still work in some browsers, its use is discouraged since it could be removed at any time. Try to avoid using it.

For IE (but not MS Edge) we could use ActiveX too, but this is only for this client.

If you want update your JSON file cross-browser you have to use server and client side together.

The client side script

On client side you can make a request to the server and then you have to read the response from server. Or you could read a file with FileReader too. For the cross-browser writing to the file you have to have some server (see below on server part).

var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(),
    method = "GET",
    jsonRequestURL = "SOME_PATH/jsonFile/";, jsonRequestURL, true);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function()
    if(xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200)
        // we convert your JSON into JavaScript object
        jsonArr = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);

        // we add new value:
        jsonArr.push({"nissan": "sentra", "color": "green"});

        // we send with new request the updated JSON file to the server:"POST", jsonRequestURL, true);
        xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
        // if you want to handle the POST response write (in this case you do not need it):
        // xhr.onreadystatechange = function(){ /* handle POST response */ };
        // but on this place you have to have a server for write updated JSON to the file

Server side scripts

You can use a lot of different servers, but I would like to write about PHP and Node.js servers.

By using searching machine you could find "free PHP Web Hosting*" or "free Node.js Web Hosting". For PHP server I would recommend and for Node.js I would recommend to see and to read this list.

PHP server side script solution

The PHP script for reading and writing from JSON file:


// This PHP script must be in "SOME_PATH/jsonFile/index.php"

$file = 'jsonFile.txt';

// or if(!empty($_POST))
    file_put_contents($file, $_POST["jsonTxt"]);
    //may be some error handeling if you want
else if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'GET')
// or else if(!empty($_GET))
    echo file_get_contents($file);
    //may be some error handeling if you want

Node.js server side script solution

I think that Node.js is a little bit complex for beginner. This is not normal JavaScript like in browser. Before you start with Node.js I would recommend to read one from two books:

The Node.js script for reading and writing from JSON file:

var http = require("http"),
    fs = require("fs"),
    port = 8080,
    pathToJSONFile = '/SOME_PATH/jsonFile.txt';

http.createServer(function(request, response)
    if(request.method == 'GET')
        response.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type": "application/json"});
        response.write(fs.readFile(pathToJSONFile, 'utf8'));
    else if(request.method == 'POST')
        var body = [];

        request.on('data', function(chunk)

        request.on('end', function()
            body = Buffer.concat(body).toString();
            var myJSONdata = body.split("=")[1];
            fs.writeFileSync(pathToJSONFile, myJSONdata); //default: 'utf8'

Related links for Node.js:

Getting "method not valid without suitable object" error when trying to make a HTTP request in VBA?

I had to use Debug.print instead of Print, which works in the Immediate window.

Sub SendEmail()
    'Dim objHTTP As New MSXML2.XMLHTTP
    'Set objHTTP = New MSXML2.XMLHTTP60
    'Dim objHTTP As New MSXML2.XMLHTTP60
    Dim objHTTP As New WinHttp.WinHttpRequest
    'Set objHTTP = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
    'Set objHTTP = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
    URL = "http://localhost:8888/rest/mail/send"
    objHTTP.Open "POST", URL, False
    objHTTP.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/json"
    objHTTP.send ("{""key"":null,""from"":""[email protected]"",""to"":null,""cc"":null,""bcc"":null,""date"":null,""subject"":""My Subject"",""body"":null,""attachments"":null}")
    Debug.Print objHTTP.Status
    Debug.Print objHTTP.ResponseText

End Sub

Loop through an array php

Using foreach loop without key

foreach($array as $item) {
    echo $item['filename'];
    echo $item['filepath'];

    // to know what's in $item
    echo '<pre>'; var_dump($item);

Using foreach loop with key

foreach($array as $i => $item) {
    echo $item[$i]['filename'];
    echo $item[$i]['filepath'];

    // $array[$i] is same as $item

Using for loop

for ($i = 0; $i < count($array); $i++) {
    echo $array[$i]['filename'];
    echo $array[$i]['filepath'];

var_dump is a really useful function to get a snapshot of an array or object.

PDO support for multiple queries (PDO_MYSQL, PDO_MYSQLND)

After half a day of fiddling with this, found out that PDO had a bug where...


//This would run as expected:
$pdo->exec("valid-stmt1; valid-stmt2;");


//This would error out, as expected:
$pdo->exec("non-sense; valid-stmt1;");


//Here is the bug:
$pdo->exec("valid-stmt1; non-sense; valid-stmt3;");

It would execute the "valid-stmt1;", stop on "non-sense;" and never throw an error. Will not run the "valid-stmt3;", return true and lie that everything ran good.

I would expect it to error out on the "non-sense;" but it doesn't.

Here is where I found this info: Invalid PDO query does not return an error

Here is the bug:

So, I tried doing this with mysqli and haven't really found any solid answer on how it works so I thought I's just leave it here for those who want to use it..

    // db connection
    $mysqli = new mysqli("host", "user" , "password", "database");
        throw new Exception("Connection Failed: [".$mysqli->connect_errno. "] : ".$mysqli->connect_error );

    // read file.
    // This file has multiple sql statements.
    $file_sql = file_get_contents("filename.sql");

    if($file_sql == "null" || empty($file_sql) || strlen($file_sql) <= 0){
        throw new Exception("File is empty. I wont run it..");

    //run the sql file contents through the mysqli's multi_query function.
    // here is where it gets complicated...
    // if the first query has errors, here is where you get it.
    $sqlFileResult = $mysqli->multi_query($file_sql);
    // this returns false only if there are errros on first sql statement, it doesn't care about the rest of the sql statements.

    $sqlCount = 1;
    if( $sqlFileResult == false ){
        throw new Exception("File: '".$fullpath."' , Query#[".$sqlCount."], [".$mysqli->errno."]: '".$mysqli->error."' }");

    // so handle the errors on the subsequent statements like this.
    // while I have more results. This will start from the second sql statement. The first statement errors are thrown above on the $mysqli->multi_query("SQL"); line
        // load the next result set into mysqli's active buffer. if this fails the $mysqli->error, $mysqli->errno will have appropriate error info.
        if($mysqli->next_result() == false){
            throw new Exception("File: '".$fullpath."' , Query#[".$sqlCount."], Error No: [".$mysqli->errno."]: '".$mysqli->error."' }");
catch(Exception $e){
    echo $e->getMessage(). " <pre>".$e->getTraceAsString()."</pre>";

How to make div background color transparent in CSS

The problem with opacity is that it will also affect the content, when often you do not want this to happen.

If you just want your element to be transparent, it's really as easy as :

background-color: transparent;

But if you want it to be in colors, you can use:

background-color: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.4);

Or define a background image (1px by 1px) saved with the right alpha.
(To do so, use Gimp, Paint.Net or any other image software that allows you to do that.
Just create a new image, delete the background and put a semi-transparent color in it, then save it in png.)

As said by René, the best thing to do would be to mix both, with the rgba first and the 1px by 1px image as a fallback if the browser doesn't support alpha :

background: url('img/red_transparent_background.png');
background: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.4);

See also :

Demo : My JSFiddle

Error importing Seaborn module in Python

I have the same problem and I solved it and the explanation is as follow:

If the Seaborn package is not installed in anaconda, you will not be able to update it, namely, if in the Terminal we type: conda update seaborn

it will fail showing: "PackageNotFoundError: Package not found: 'seaborn' Package 'seaborn' is not installed in /Users/yifan/anaconda"

Thus we need to install seaborn in anaconda first by typing in Terminal: conda install -c seaborn

Then the seaborn will be fetched and installed in the environment of anaconda, namely in my case, /Users/yifan/anaconda

Once this installation is done, we will be able to import seaborn in python.

Side note, to check and list all discoverable environments where python is installed in anaconda, type in Terminal: conda info --envs

ContractFilter mismatch at the EndpointDispatcher exception

I got this after i copied the svc file and renamed it. Although the file name and the svc.cs file were correctly renamed, the markup still referenced the original file.

To fix this, right click on the copied svc file and choose View Markup and change the service reference.

Replace Fragment inside a ViewPager

To replace a fragment inside a ViewPager you can move source codes of ViewPager, PagerAdapter and FragmentStatePagerAdapter classes into your project and add following code.

into ViewPager:

public void notifyItemChanged(Object oldItem, Object newItem) {
    if (mItems != null) {
            for (ItemInfo itemInfo : mItems) {
                        if (itemInfo.object.equals(oldItem)) {
                                itemInfo.object = newItem;

into FragmentStatePagerAdapter:

public void replaceFragmetns(ViewPager container, Fragment oldFragment, Fragment newFragment) {

       // remove old fragment

       if (mCurTransaction == null) {
            mCurTransaction = mFragmentManager.beginTransaction();
       int position = getFragmentPosition(oldFragment);
        while (mSavedState.size() <= position) {
        mSavedState.set(position, null);
        mFragments.set(position, null);


        // add new fragment

        while (mFragments.size() <= position) {
        mFragments.set(position, newFragment);
        mCurTransaction.add(container.getId(), newFragment);


       // ensure getItem returns newFragemtn after calling handleGetItemInbalidated()
       handleGetItemInbalidated(container, oldFragment, newFragment);

       container.notifyItemChanged(oldFragment, newFragment);

protected abstract void handleGetItemInbalidated(View container, Fragment oldFragment, Fragment newFragment);
protected abstract int  getFragmentPosition(Fragment fragment);

handleGetItemInvalidated() ensures that after next call of getItem() it return newFragment getFragmentPosition() returns position of the fragment in your adapter.

Now, to replace fragments call

mAdapter.replaceFragmetns(mViewPager, oldFragment, newFragment);

If you interested in an example project ask me for the sources.

How do I increase the RAM and set up host-only networking in Vagrant?

You can modify various VM properties by adding the following configuration (see the Vagrant docs for a bit more info):

  # Configure VM Ram usage
  config.vm.customize [
                        "modifyvm", :id,
                        "--name", "Test_Environment",
                        "--memory", "1024"

You can obtain the properties that you want to change from the documents for VirtualBox command-line options:

The vagrant documentation has the section on how to change IP address: do |config| :hostonly, ""

Also you can restructure the configuration like this, ending is do with end without nesting it. This is simpler.

config.vm.define :web do |web_config| = "lucid32"
    web_config.vm.forward_port 80, 8080
web_config.vm.provision :puppet do |puppet|
    puppet.manifests_path = "manifests"
    puppet.manifest_file = "lucid32.pp"

Work with a time span in Javascript

a simple timestamp formatter in pure JS with custom patterns support and locale-aware, using Intl.RelativeTimeFormat

some formatting examples

/** delta: 1234567890, @locale: 'en-US', @style: 'long' */

/* D~ h~ m~ s~ */
14 days 6 hours 56 minutes 7 seconds

/* D~ h~ m~ s~ f~ */
14 days 6 hours 56 minutes 7 seconds 890

/* D#"d" h#"h" m#"m" s#"s" f#"ms" */
14d 6h 56m 7s 890ms

/* D,h:m:s.f */

/* D~, h:m:s.f */
14 days, 06:56:07.890

/* h~ m~ s~ */
342 hours 56 minutes 7 seconds

/* s~ m~ h~ D~ */
7 seconds 56 minutes 6 hours 14 days

/* up D~, h:m */
up 14 days, 06:56

the code & test

    Init locale formatter:
        timespan.locale(@locale, @style)

        timespan.locale('en-US', 'long');
        timespan.locale('es', 'narrow');

    Format time delta:
        timespan.format(@pattern, @milliseconds)

        @pattern tokens:
            D: days, h: hours, m: minutes, s: seconds, f: millis

        @pattern token extension:
            h  => '0'-padded value, 
            h# => raw value,
            h~ => locale formatted value


        timespan.format('D~ h~ m~ s~ f "millis"', 1234567890);
        output: 14 days 6 hours 56 minutes 7 seconds 890 millis


    * milliseconds unit have no locale translation
    * may encounter declension issues for some locales
    * use quoted text for raw inserts

const timespan = (() => {
    let rtf, tokensRtf;
    tokens = /[Dhmsf][#~]?|"[^"]*"|'[^']*'/g,
    map = [
        {t: [['D', 1], ['D#'], ['D~', 'day']], u: 86400000},
        {t: [['h', 2], ['h#'], ['h~', 'hour']], u: 3600000},
        {t: [['m', 2], ['m#'], ['m~', 'minute']], u: 60000},
        {t: [['s', 2], ['s#'], ['s~', 'second']], u: 1000},
        {t: [['f', 3], ['f#'], ['f~']], u: 1}
    locale = (value, style = 'long') => {
        try {
            rtf = new Intl.RelativeTimeFormat(value, {style});
        } catch (e) {
            if (rtf) throw e;
        const h = rtf.format(1, 'hour').split(' ');
        tokensRtf = new Set(rtf.format(1, 'day').split(' ')
            .filter(t => t != 1 && h.indexOf(t) > -1));
        return true;
    fallback = (t, u) => u + ' ' + t.fmt + (u == 1 ? '' : 's'),
    mapper = {
        number: (t, u) => (u + '').padStart(t.fmt, '0'),
        string: (t, u) => rtf ? rtf.format(u, t.fmt).split(' ')
            .filter(t => !tokensRtf.has(t)).join(' ')
            .trim().replace(/[+-]/g, '') : fallback(t, u),
    replace = (out, t) => out[t] || t.slice(1, t.length - 1),
    format = (pattern, value) => {
        if (typeof pattern !== 'string')
            throw Error('invalid pattern');
        if (!Number.isFinite(value))
            throw Error('invalid value');
        if (!pattern)
            return '';
        const out = {};
        value = Math.abs(value);
        pattern.match(tokens)?.forEach(t => out[t] = null);
        map.forEach(m => {
            let u = null;
            m.t.forEach(t => {
                if (out[t.token] !== null)
                if (u === null) {
                    u = Math.floor(value / m.u);
                    value %= m.u;
                out[t.token] = '' + (t.fn ? t.fn(t, u) : u);
        return pattern.replace(tokens, replace.bind(null, out));
    map.forEach(m => m.t = => ({
        token: t[0], fmt: t[1], fn: mapper[typeof t[1]]
    return {format, locale};

/************************** test below *************************/

cfg = {
  locale: 'en,de,nl,fr,it,es,pt,ro,ru,ja,kor,zh,th,hi',
  style: 'long,narrow'
el = id => document.getElementById(id),
locale = el('locale'), loc = el('loc'), style = el('style'),
fd = new Date(), td = el('td'), fmt = el('fmt'),
run = el('run'), out = el('out'),
test = () => {
  try {
      const tv = new Date(td.value);
      if (isNaN(tv)) throw Error('invalid "datetime2" value');
      timespan.locale(loc.value || locale.value, style.value);
      const delta = fd.getTime() - tv.getTime();
      out.innerHTML = timespan.format(fmt.value, delta);
  } catch (e) { out.innerHTML = e.message; }
el('fd').innerText = el('td').value = fd.toISOString();
el('fmt').value = 'D~ h~ m~ s~ f~ "ms"';
for (const [id, value] of Object.entries(cfg)) {
  const elm = el(id);
  value.split(',').forEach(i => elm.innerHTML += `<option>${i}</option>`);
i {color:green}
locale: <select id="locale"></select>
custom: <input id="loc" style="width:8em"><br>
style: <select id="style"></select><br>
datetime1: <i id="fd"></i><br>
datetime2: <input id="td"><br>
pattern: <input id="fmt">
<button id="run" onclick="test()">test</button><br><br>
<i id="out"></i>

SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module

According to the official doc (

import statements are permitted only in ES modules. For similar functionality in CommonJS, see import().

To make Node treat your file as a ES module you need to (

  • add "type": "module" to package.json
  • add "--experimental-modules" flag to the node call

import sun.misc.BASE64Encoder results in error compiled in Eclipse

This error (or warning in later versions) occurs because you are compiling against a Java Execution Environment. This shows up as JRE System library [CDC-1.0/Foundation-1.0] in the Build path of your Eclipse Java project. Such environments only expose the Java standard API instead of all the classes within the runtime. This means that the classes used to implement the Java standard API are not exposed.

You can allow access to these particular classes using access rules, you could configure Eclipse to use the JDK directly or you could disable the error. You would however be hiding a serious error as Sun internal classes shouldn't be used (see below for a short explanation).

Java contains a Base64 class in the standard API since Java 1.8. See below for an example how to use it:

Java 8 import statement:

import java.util.Base64;

Java 8 example code:

// create a byte array containing data (test)
byte[] binaryData = new byte[] { 0x64, 0x61, 0x74, 0x61 };
// create and configure encoder (using method chaining) 
Base64.Encoder base64Encoder = Base64.getEncoder().withoutPadding();
// encode to string (instead of a byte array containing ASCII)
String base64EncodedData = base64Encoder.encodeToString(binaryData);

// decode using a single statement (no reuse of decoder)
// NOTE the decoder won't fail because the padding is missing
byte[] base64DecodedData = Base64.getDecoder().decode(base64EncodedData);

If Java 8 is not available a library such as Apache Commons Codec or Guava should be used.

Sun internal classes shouldn't be used. Those classes are used to implement Java. They have got public methods to allow instantiation from other packages. A good build environment however should protect you from using them.

Using internal classes may break compatibility with future Java SE runtimes; the implementation and location of these classes can change at any time. It should be strongly discouraged to disable the error or warning (but the disabling of the error is suggested in previous answers, including the two top voted ones).

Fetch: reject promise and catch the error if status is not OK?

Thanks for the help everyone, rejecting the promise in .catch() solved my issue:

export function fetchVehicle(id) {
    return dispatch => {
        return dispatch({
            type: 'FETCH_VEHICLE',
            payload: fetch(`${id}/`)
                .then(res => res.json())    
                .catch(error => {
                    return Promise.reject()

function status(res) {
    if (!res.ok) {
        throw new Error(res.statusText);
    return res;

How to change navigation bar color in iOS 7 or 6?

    you can add bellow code in appdelegate.m .if your app is navigation based

    // for background color
   [nav.navigationBar setBarTintColor:[UIColor blueColor]];

    // for change navigation title and button color
    [[UINavigationBar appearance] setTitleTextAttributes:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:[UIColor whiteColor],
    [UIFont fontWithName:@"FontNAme" size:20],
    NSFontAttributeName, nil]];
    [[UINavigationBar appearance] setTintColor:[UIColor whiteColor]];

Hide axis and gridlines Highcharts

you can also hide the gridline on yAxis as:

  gridLineWidth: 0,
  minorGridLineWidth: 0

Android textview usage as label and value

You can use <LinearLayout> to group elements horizontaly. Also you should use style to set margins, background and other properties. This will allow you not to repeat code for every label you use. Here is an example:



Also you can create a custom view base on the layout above. Have you looked at Creating custom view ?

ServletException, HttpServletResponse and HttpServletRequest cannot be resolved to a type

Are the classes imported? Try pressing CTRL + SHIFT + O to resolve the imports. If this does not work you need to include the application servers runtime libraries.

  1. Windows > Preferences
  2. Server > Runtime Environment
  3. Add
  4. Select your appropriate environment, click Next
  5. Point to the install directory and click Finish.

enter image description here

enter image description here

How to change port number for apache in WAMP

In lieu of changing the port, I reclaimed port 80 as being used by IIS.

So I went to services, and stopped the following:

  1. World Wide Web Publishing Services.
  2. Web Management Service
  3. Web Deployment Agent Service.

set them to manual so that it will not start on dev environment restart.

Get battery level and state in Android

Based on official android docs, you can use this method in a Helper or Util class to get current battery percentage:

Java version:

public static int getBatteryPercentage(Context context) {

    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 21) {

         BatteryManager bm = (BatteryManager) context.getSystemService(BATTERY_SERVICE);
         return bm.getIntProperty(BatteryManager.BATTERY_PROPERTY_CAPACITY);

    } else {

         IntentFilter iFilter = new IntentFilter(Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED);
         Intent batteryStatus = context.registerReceiver(null, iFilter);

         int level = batteryStatus != null ? batteryStatus.getIntExtra(BatteryManager.EXTRA_LEVEL, -1) : -1;
         int scale = batteryStatus != null ? batteryStatus.getIntExtra(BatteryManager.EXTRA_SCALE, -1) : -1;

         double batteryPct = level / (double) scale;

         return (int) (batteryPct * 100);

Kotlin version:

fun getBatteryPercentage(context: Context): Int {
    return if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 21) {
        val bm = context.getSystemService(BATTERY_SERVICE) as BatteryManager
    } else {
        val iFilter = IntentFilter(Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED)
        val batteryStatus: Intent = context.registerReceiver(null, iFilter)
        val level = batteryStatus?.getIntExtra(BatteryManager.EXTRA_LEVEL, -1)
        val scale = batteryStatus?.getIntExtra(BatteryManager.EXTRA_SCALE, -1)
        val batteryPct = level / scale.toDouble()
        (batteryPct * 100).toInt()

Using fonts with Rails asset pipeline

I'm using Rails 4.2, and could not get the footable icons to show up. Little boxes were showing, instead of the (+) on collapsed rows and the little sorting arrows I expected. After studying the information here, I made one simple change to my code: remove the font directory in css. That is, change all the css entries like this:


to look like this:


It worked. I think Rails 4.2 already assumes the font directory, so specifying it again in the css code makes the font files not get found. Hope this helps.

How do I format a date in Jinja2?

in flask, with babel, I like to do this :

def _jinja2_filter_datetime(date, fmt=None):
    if fmt:
        return date.strftime(fmt)
        return date.strftime(gettext('%%m/%%d/%%Y'))

used in the template with {{mydatetimeobject|dt}}

so no with babel you can specify your various format in messages.po like this for instance :

#: app/
#, python-format
msgid "%%m/%%d/%%Y"
msgstr "%%d/%%m/%%Y"

Home does not contain an export named Home

put export { Home }; at the end of the Home.js file

C++ where to initialize static const

Static members need to be initialized in a .cpp translation unit at file scope or in the appropriate namespace:

const string foo::s( "my foo");

Click toggle with jQuery

I have a single checkbox named chkDueDate and an HTML object with a click event as follows:

$('#chkDueDate').attr('checked', !$('#chkDueDate').is(':checked'));

Clicking the HTML object (in this case a <span>) toggles the checked property of the checkbox.

How to input a regex in string.replace?

I would go like this (regex explained in comments):

import re

# If you need to use the regex more than once it is suggested to compile it.
pattern = re.compile(r"</{0,}\[\d+>")

# <\/{0,}\[\d+>
# Match the character “<” literally «<»
# Match the character “/” literally «\/{0,}»
#    Between zero and unlimited times, as many times as possible, giving back as needed (greedy) «{0,}»
# Match the character “[” literally «\[»
# Match a single digit 0..9 «\d+»
#    Between one and unlimited times, as many times as possible, giving back as needed (greedy) «+»
# Match the character “>” literally «>»

subject = """this is a paragraph with<[1> in between</[1> and then there are cases ... where the<[99> number ranges from 1-100</[99>. 
and there are many other lines in the txt files
with<[3> such tags </[3>"""

result = pattern.sub("", subject)


If you want to learn more about regex I recomend to read Regular Expressions Cookbook by Jan Goyvaerts and Steven Levithan.

Calling Member Functions within Main C++

Declare an instance of MyClass, and then call the member function on that instance:

MyClass m;


SQL: sum 3 columns when one column has a null value?

You can use ISNULL:


Wait until an HTML5 video loads

you can use preload="none" in the attribute of video tag so the video will be displayed only when user clicks on play button.

<video preload="none">

How to change CSS using jQuery?

You can do either:

$("h1").css("background-color", "yellow");


$("h1").css({backgroundColor: "yellow"});

The required anti-forgery form field "__RequestVerificationToken" is not present Error in user Registration

All the other answers in here are also valid, but if none of them solve the issue it is also worth checking that the actual headers are being passed to the server.

For example, in a load balanced environment behind nginx, the default configuration is to strip out the __RequestVerificationToken header before passing the request on to the server, see: simple nginx reverse proxy seems to strip some headers

Convert NSDate to NSString

Define your own utility for format your date required date format for eg.

NSString * stringFromDate(NSDate *date)  
 {   NSDateFormatter *formatter
    [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];  
    [formatter setDateFormat:@"MM / dd / yyyy, hh?mm a"];    
    return [formatter stringFromDate:date]; 

How can I send a Firebase Cloud Messaging notification without use the Firebase Console?

Works in 2020

$response = Http::withHeaders([
            'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
            'Authorization'=> 'key='. $token,
        ])->post($url, [
            'notification' => [
                'body' => $request->summary,
                'title' => $request->title,
                'image' => 'http://'.request()->getHttpHost().$path,
            'priority'=> 'high',
            'data' => [
                'click_action'=> 'FLUTTER_NOTIFICATION_CLICK',
                'status'=> 'done',
            'to' => '/topics/all'

Monitoring the Full Disclosure mailinglist

Two generic ways to do the same thing... I'm not aware of any specific open solutions to do this, but it'd be rather trivial to do.

You could write a daily or weekly cron/jenkins job to scrape the previous time period's email from the archive looking for your keyworkds/combinations. Sending a batch digest with what it finds, if anything.

But personally, I'd Setup a specific email account to subscribe to the various security lists you're interested in. Add a simple automated script to parse the new emails for various keywords or combinations of keywords, when it finds a match forward that email on to you/your team. Just be sure to keep the keywords list updated with new products you're using.

You could even do this with a gmail account and custom rules, which is what I currently do, but I have setup an internal inbox in the past with a simple python script to forward emails that were of interest.

How to retrieve the dimensions of a view?

I tried to use onGlobalLayout() to do some custom formatting of a TextView, but as @George Bailey noticed, onGlobalLayout() is indeed called twice: once on the initial layout path, and second time after modifying the text.

View.onSizeChanged() works better for me because if I modify the text there, the method is called only once (during the layout pass). This required sub-classing of TextView, but on API Level 11+ View. addOnLayoutChangeListener() can be used to avoid sub-classing.

One more thing, in order to get correct width of the view in View.onSizeChanged(), the layout_width should be set to match_parent, not wrap_content.

A non-blocking read on a subprocess.PIPE in Python

Things are a lot better in modern Python.

Here's a simple child program, "":

#!/usr/bin/env python3

while True:
    i = input()
    if i == "quit":
    print(f"hello {i}")

And a program to interact with it:

import asyncio

async def main():
    proc = await asyncio.subprocess.create_subprocess_exec(
        "./", stdin=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE
    await proc.wait()

That prints out:

b'hello bob\n'
b'hello alice\n'

Note that the actual pattern, which is also by almost all of the previous answers, both here and in related questions, is to set the child's stdout file descriptor to non-blocking and then poll it in some sort of select loop. These days, of course, that loop is provided by asyncio.

Iterate through 2 dimensional array

 //This is The easiest I can Imagine . 
 // You need to just change the order of Columns and rows , Yours is printing columns X rows and the solution is printing them rows X columns 
for(int rows=0;rows<array.length;rows++){
    for(int columns=0;columns <array[rows].length;columns++){
        System.out.print(array[rows][columns] + "\t" );}

What is the difference between an IntentService and a Service?

In short, a Service is a broader implementation for the developer to set up background operations, while an IntentService is useful for "fire and forget" operations, taking care of background Thread creation and cleanup.

From the docs:

Service A Service is an application component representing either an application's desire to perform a longer-running operation while not interacting with the user or to supply functionality for other applications to use.

IntentService Service is a base class for IntentService Services that handle asynchronous requests (expressed as Intents) on demand. Clients send requests through startService(Intent) calls; the service is started as needed, handles each Intent in turn using a worker thread, and stops itself when it runs out of work.

Refer this doc -

Could not load file or assembly 'Newtonsoft.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=30ad4fe6b2a6aeed'

This is very old, seems still many people having issues with the same thing. So I would like to share my experience that it might help someone.

I had the same issue in two places. In one project users and in different project use

1- This work for me. In bin folder I have Newtonsoft.Json.dll and symbolic link to dlls

<assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">
<probing privatePath="bin\4.5dlls-path;" />
<assemblyIdentity name="Newtonsoft.Json" publicKeyToken="30ad4fe6b2a6aeed" 
culture="neutral" />
<bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />

If you don't know how to create symbolic link here.

mklink /D "name of the folder" "Path to the dll"

2- In this case when I remove the secion from Web config file it worked. Remember I have reference to and in different projects. In symbolic link I had dll and bin

<assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">
<probing privatePath="bin\12.0.1dlls-path;" />

3- I have one more solution. If you have different versions of Newtonsoft.Json.dll in different projects try to upgrade all into one version or to the latest version, But in some case it might not work. Ex: System.Net.Http.Formatting.dll might need the version of Nettonsoft.Json.dll In this case you need the vision, so try to make all into same version. Hope this might help some one.

How do I 'git diff' on a certain directory?

What I was looking for was this:

git diff <ref1>..<ref2> <dirname>

jQuery: How to get the HTTP status code from within the $.ajax.error method?

An other solution is to use the response.status function. This will give you the http status wich is returned by the ajax call.

function checkHttpStatus(url) {     
        type: "GET",
        data: {},
        url: url,
        error: function(response) {
            alert(url + " returns a " + response.status);
        }, success() {
            alert(url + " Good link");

Prevent linebreak after </div>

<span class="label">My Label:</span>
<span class="text">My text</span>