Programs & Examples On #Composition

Composition is the process of combining, or composing, parts of a program into a larger program.

What is the difference between association, aggregation and composition?

Composition: This is where once you destroy an object (School), another object (Classrooms) which is bound to it would get destroyed too. Both of them can't exist independently.

Aggregation: This is sorta the exact opposite of the above (Composition) association where once you kill an object (Company), the other object (Employees) which is bound to it can exist on its own.

Composition and Aggregation are the two forms of association.

React.js: Wrapping one component into another


var Wrapper = React.createClass({
  render: function() {
    return (
      <div className="wrapper">

See Multiple Components: Children and Type of the Children props in the docs for more info.

Implementation difference between Aggregation and Composition in Java

A simple Composition program

public class Person {
    private double salary;
    private String name;
    private Birthday bday;

    public Person(int y,int m,int d,String name){
        bday=new Birthday(y, m, d);;

    public double getSalary() {
        return salary;

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public Birthday getBday() {
        return bday;

    ///////////////////////////////inner class///////////////////////
    private class Birthday{
        int year,month,day;

        public Birthday(int y,int m,int d){

        public String toString(){
           return String.format("%s-%s-%s", year,month,day);



public class CompositionTst {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // TODO code application logic here
        Person person=new Person(2001, 11, 29, "Thilina");
        System.out.println("Name : "+person.getName());
        System.out.println("Birthday : "+person.getBday());

        //The below object cannot be created. A bithday cannot exixts without a Person 
        //Birthday bday=new Birthday(1988,11,10);


Prefer composition over inheritance?

You need to have a look at The Liskov Substitution Principle in Uncle Bob's SOLID principles of class design. :)

Difference between Inheritance and Composition

Composition means creating an object to a class which has relation with that particular class. Suppose Student has relation with Accounts;

An Inheritance is, this is the previous class with the extended feature. That means this new class is the Old class with some extended feature. Suppose Student is Student but All Students are Human. So there is a relationship with student and human. This is Inheritance.

AutoComplete TextBox in WPF

If you have a small number of values to auto complete, you can simply add them in xaml. Typing will invoke auto-complete, plus you have dropdowns too.

<ComboBox Text="{Binding CheckSeconds, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}"
    <ComboBoxItem Content="60"/>
    <ComboBoxItem Content="120"/>
    <ComboBoxItem Content="180"/>
    <ComboBoxItem Content="300"/>
    <ComboBoxItem Content="900"/>

What's is the difference between include and extend in use case diagram?

Use cases are used to document behavior, e.g. answer this question.

answer the question use case

A behavior extends another if it is in addition to but not necessarily part of the behavior, e.g. research the answer.

Also note that researching the answer doesn't make much sense if you are not trying to answer the question.

research the answer extend

A behavior is included in another if it is part of the including behavior, e.g. login to stack exchange.

login to stack exchange include

To clarify, the illustration is only true if you want to answer here in stack overflow :).

These are the technical definitions from UML 2.5 pages 671-672.

I highlighted what I think are important points.


An Extend is a relationship from an extending UseCase (the extension) to an extended UseCase (the extendedCase) that specifies how and when the behavior defined in the extending UseCase can be inserted into the behavior defined in the extended UseCase. The extension takes place at one or more specific extension points defined in the extended UseCase.

Extend is intended to be used when there is some additional behavior that should be added, possibly conditionally, to the behavior defined in one or more UseCases.

The extended UseCase is defined independently of the extending UseCase and is meaningful independently of the extending UseCase. On the other hand, the extending UseCase typically defines behavior that may not necessarily be meaningful by itself. Instead, the extending UseCase defines a set of modular behavior increments that augment an execution of the extended UseCase under specific conditions.



Include is a DirectedRelationship between two UseCases, indicating that the behavior of the included UseCase (the addition) is inserted into the behavior of the including UseCase (the includingCase). It is also a kind of NamedElement so that it can have a name in the context of its owning UseCase (the includingCase). The including UseCase may depend on the changes produced by executing the included UseCase. The included UseCase must be available for the behavior of the including UseCase to be completely described.

The Include relationship is intended to be used when there are common parts of the behavior of two or more UseCases. This common part is then extracted to a separate UseCase, to be included by all the base UseCases having this part in common. As the primary use of the Include relationship is for reuse of common parts, what is left in a base UseCase is usually not complete in itself but dependent on the included parts to be meaningful. This is reflected in the direction of the relationship, indicating that the base UseCase depends on the addition but not vice versa.


Unix epoch time to Java Date object

Better yet, use JodaTime. Much easier to parse strings and into strings. Is thread safe as well. Worth the time it will take you to implement it.

How do I use Join-Path to combine more than two strings into a file path?

Since PowerShell 6.0, Join-Path has a new parameter called -AdditionalChildPath and can combine multiple parts of a path out-of-the-box. Either by providing the extra parameter or by just supplying a list of elements.

Example from the documentation:

Join-Path a b c d e f g

So in PowerShell 6.0 and above your variant

$path = Join-Path C: "Program Files" "Microsoft Office"

works as expected!

jQuery scroll() detect when user stops scrolling

Ok this is something that I've used before. Basically you look a hold a ref to the last scrollTop(). Once your timeout clears, you check the current scrollTop() and if they are the same, you are done scrolling.

$(window).scroll((e) ->

  scrollTimer = setTimeout((() ->
    if $(this).scrollTop() is currentScrollTop
  ), animationDuration)

  currentScrollTop = $(this).scrollTop()

PHP Check for NULL

Make sure that the value of the column is really NULL and not an empty string or 0.

git: can't push (unpacker error) related to permission issues

In case anyone else is stuck with this: it just means the write permissions are wrong in the repo that you’re pushing to. Go and chmod -R it so that the user you’re accessing the git server with has write access.

It just works.

How to remove all options from a dropdown using jQuery / JavaScript

function removeElements(){

if A vs if A is not None:

It depends on the context.

I use if A: when I'm expecting A to be some sort of collection, and I only want to execute the block if the collection isn't empty. This allows the caller to pass any well-behaved collection, empty or not, and have it do what I expect. It also allows None and False to suppress execution of the block, which is occasionally convenient to calling code.

OTOH, if I expect A to be some completely arbitrary object but it could have been defaulted to None, then I always use if A is not None, as calling code could have deliberately passed a reference to an empty collection, empty string, or a 0-valued numeric type, or boolean False, or some class instance that happens to be false in boolean context.

And on the other other hand, if I expect A to be some more-specific thing (e.g. instance of a class I'm going to call methods of), but it could have been defaulted to None, and I consider default boolean conversion to be a property of the class I don't mind enforcing on all subclasses, then I'll just use if A: to save my fingers the terrible burden of typing an extra 12 characters.

What is the difference between #import and #include in Objective-C?

In may case I had a global variable in one of my .h files that was causing the problem, and I solved it by adding extern in front of it.

Is there any way to prevent input type="number" getting negative values?

If Number is Negative or Positive Using ES6’s Math.Sign_x000D_
const num = -8;_x000D_
// Old Way_x000D_
num === 0 ? num : (num > 0 ? 1 : -1); // -1_x000D_
// ES6 Way_x000D_
Math.sign(num); // -1

How can I add a Google search box to my website?

This is one of the way to add google site search to websites:

<form action="" class="searchform" method="get" name="searchform" target="_blank">_x000D_
<input name="sitesearch" type="hidden" value="">_x000D_
<input autocomplete="on" class="form-control search" name="q" placeholder="Search in" required="required"  type="text">_x000D_
<button class="button" type="submit">Search</button>_x000D_

PHP: How can I determine if a variable has a value that is between two distinct constant values?

if (($value >= 1 && $value <= 10) || ($value >= 20 && $value <= 40)) {
   // A value between 1 to 10, or 20 to 40.

Load More Posts Ajax Button in WordPress

UPDATE 24.04.2016.

I've created tutorial on my page about implementing this on Twenty Sixteen theme, so feel free to check it out :)


I've tested this on Twenty Fifteen and it's working, so it should be working for you.

In index.php (assuming that you want to show the posts on the main page, but this should work even if you put it in a page template) I put:

    <div id="ajax-posts" class="row">
            $postsPerPage = 3;
            $args = array(
                    'post_type' => 'post',
                    'posts_per_page' => $postsPerPage,
                    'cat' => 8

            $loop = new WP_Query($args);

            while ($loop->have_posts()) : $loop->the_post();

         <div class="small-12 large-4 columns">
                <h1><?php the_title(); ?></h1>
                <p><?php the_content(); ?></p>

    <div id="more_posts">Load More</div>

This will output 3 posts from category 8 (I had posts in that category, so I used it, you can use whatever you want to). You can even query the category you're in with

$cat_id = get_query_var('cat');

This will give you the category id to use in your query. You could put this in your loader (load more div), and pull with jQuery like

<div id="more_posts" data-category="<?php echo $cat_id; ?>">>Load More</div>

And pull the category with

var cat = $('#more_posts').data('category');

But for now, you can leave this out.

Next in functions.php I added

wp_localize_script( 'twentyfifteen-script', 'ajax_posts', array(
    'ajaxurl' => admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' ),
    'noposts' => __('No older posts found', 'twentyfifteen'),

Right after the existing wp_localize_script. This will load WordPress own admin-ajax.php so that we can use it when we call it in our ajax call.

At the end of the functions.php file I added the function that will load your posts:

function more_post_ajax(){

    $ppp = (isset($_POST["ppp"])) ? $_POST["ppp"] : 3;
    $page = (isset($_POST['pageNumber'])) ? $_POST['pageNumber'] : 0;

    header("Content-Type: text/html");

    $args = array(
        'suppress_filters' => true,
        'post_type' => 'post',
        'posts_per_page' => $ppp,
        'cat' => 8,
        'paged'    => $page,

    $loop = new WP_Query($args);

    $out = '';

    if ($loop -> have_posts()) :  while ($loop -> have_posts()) : $loop -> the_post();
        $out .= '<div class="small-12 large-4 columns">


add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_more_post_ajax', 'more_post_ajax');
add_action('wp_ajax_more_post_ajax', 'more_post_ajax');

Here I've added paged key in the array, so that the loop can keep track on what page you are when you load your posts.

If you've added your category in the loader, you'd add:

$cat = (isset($_POST['cat'])) ? $_POST['cat'] : '';

And instead of 8, you'd put $cat. This will be in the $_POST array, and you'll be able to use it in ajax.

Last part is the ajax itself. In functions.js I put inside the $(document).ready(); enviroment

var ppp = 3; // Post per page
var cat = 8;
var pageNumber = 1;

function load_posts(){
    var str = '&cat=' + cat + '&pageNumber=' + pageNumber + '&ppp=' + ppp + '&action=more_post_ajax';
        type: "POST",
        dataType: "html",
        url: ajax_posts.ajaxurl,
        data: str,
        success: function(data){
            var $data = $(data);
            } else{
        error : function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
            $loader.html(jqXHR + " :: " + textStatus + " :: " + errorThrown);

    return false;

$("#more_posts").on("click",function(){ // When btn is pressed.
    $("#more_posts").attr("disabled",true); // Disable the button, temp.

Saved it, tested it, and it works :)

Images as proof (don't mind the shoddy styling, it was done quickly). Also post content is gibberish xD

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here


For 'infinite load' instead on click event on the button (just make it invisible, with visibility: hidden;) you can try with

$(window).on('scroll', function () {
    if ($(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height()  >= $(document).height() - 100) {

This should run the load_posts() function when you're 100px from the bottom of the page. In the case of the tutorial on my site you can add a check to see if the posts are loading (to prevent firing of the ajax twice), and you can fire it when the scroll reaches the top of the footer

$(window).on('scroll', function(){
    if($('body').scrollTop()+$(window).height() > $('footer').offset().top){
        if(!($loader.hasClass('post_loading_loader') || $loader.hasClass('post_no_more_posts'))){

Now the only drawback in these cases is that you could never scroll to the value of $(document).height() - 100 or $('footer').offset().top for some reason. If that should happen, just increase the number where the scroll goes to.

You can easily check it by putting console.logs in your code and see in the inspector what they throw out

$(window).on('scroll', function () {
    console.log($(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height());
    console.log($(document).height() - 100);
    if ($(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height()  >= $(document).height() - 100) {

And just adjust accordingly ;)

Hope this helps :) If you have any questions just ask.

Android Studio doesn't see device

It works for me by following steps below:-

If you using Windows, the device won't show up because of driver issue.

Go to device manager (just search it using Start) and look for any devices showing an error. Many androids will show as an unknown USB device and comes with exclamation mark. Select that device and try to update the drivers for it. for update part follow the link:universal adb

But before that, you have to update your sdk manager and make sure Google USB Driver package is installed.

When done, the driver files are downloaded into the \extras\google\usb_driver\ directory. Hints: Search "android_winusb.inf" under Windows Start and Open File Location to get the directory mentioned.

Open up your device manager, navigate to your android device, right click on it and select Update Driver Software then select Browse driver software. Follow the file location path previously to install Google USB Driver.

Restart Android Studio and Developer Options in your android device and reconnect USB.

Cheers !

SQL Server Group By Month

I prefer combining DATEADD and DATEDIFF functions like this:


Together, these two functions zero-out the date component smaller than the specified datepart (i.e. MONTH in this example).

You can change the datepart bit to YEAR, WEEK, DAY, etc... which is super handy.

Your original SQL query would then look something like this (I can't test it as I don't have your data set, but it should put you on the right track).

DECLARE @start [datetime] = '2010-04-01';

    DATEADD(MONTH, DATEDIFF(MONTH, 0, Created),0) [Month],
WHERE UserID = 16178
AND PaymentDate > @start

One more thing: the Month column is typed as a DateTime which is also a nice advantage if you need to further process that data or map it .NET object for example.

regular expression for Indian mobile numbers

Here you go :)


Bootstrap Carousel : Remove auto slide

From the official docs:

interval The amount of time to delay between automatically cycling an item. If false, carousel will not automatically cycle.

You can either pass this value with javascript or using a data-interval="false" attribute.

How do you access the matched groups in a JavaScript regular expression?

Terminology used in this answer:

  • Match indicates the result of running your RegEx pattern against your string like so: someString.match(regexPattern).
  • Matched patterns indicate all matched portions of the input string, which all reside inside the match array. These are all instances of your pattern inside the input string.
  • Matched groups indicate all groups to catch, defined in the RegEx pattern. (The patterns inside parentheses, like so: /format_(.*?)/g, where (.*?) would be a matched group.) These reside within matched patterns.


To get access to the matched groups, in each of the matched patterns, you need a function or something similar to iterate over the match. There are a number of ways you can do this, as many of the other answers show. Most other answers use a while loop to iterate over all matched patterns, but I think we all know the potential dangers with that approach. It is necessary to match against a new RegExp() instead of just the pattern itself, which only got mentioned in a comment. This is because the .exec() method behaves similar to a generator functionit stops every time there is a match, but keeps its .lastIndex to continue from there on the next .exec() call.

Code examples

Below is an example of a function searchString which returns an Array of all matched patterns, where each match is an Array with all the containing matched groups. Instead of using a while loop, I have provided examples using both the function as well as a more performant way – using a plain for-loop.

Concise versions (less code, more syntactic sugar)

These are less performant since they basically implement a forEach-loop instead of the faster for-loop.

// Concise ES6/ES2015 syntax
const searchString = 
    (string, pattern) => 
        .match(new RegExp(pattern.source, pattern.flags))
        .map(match => 
            new RegExp(pattern.source, pattern.flags)

// Or if you will, with ES5 syntax
function searchString(string, pattern) {
    return string
        .match(new RegExp(pattern.source, pattern.flags))
        .map(match =>
            new RegExp(pattern.source, pattern.flags)

let string = "something format_abc",
    pattern = /(?:^|\s)format_(.*?)(?:\s|$)/;

let result = searchString(string, pattern);
// [[" format_abc", "abc"], null]
// The trailing `null` disappears if you add the `global` flag

Performant versions (more code, less syntactic sugar)

// Performant ES6/ES2015 syntax
const searchString = (string, pattern) => {
    let result = [];

    const matches = string.match(new RegExp(pattern.source, pattern.flags));

    for (let i = 0; i < matches.length; i++) {
        result.push(new RegExp(pattern.source, pattern.flags).exec(matches[i]));

    return result;

// Same thing, but with ES5 syntax
function searchString(string, pattern) {
    var result = [];

    var matches = string.match(new RegExp(pattern.source, pattern.flags));

    for (var i = 0; i < matches.length; i++) {
        result.push(new RegExp(pattern.source, pattern.flags).exec(matches[i]));

    return result;

let string = "something format_abc",
    pattern = /(?:^|\s)format_(.*?)(?:\s|$)/;

let result = searchString(string, pattern);
// [[" format_abc", "abc"], null]
// The trailing `null` disappears if you add the `global` flag

I have yet to compare these alternatives to the ones previously mentioned in the other answers, but I doubt this approach is less performant and less fail-safe than the others.

How do I add a bullet symbol in TextView?

This is how i ended up doing it.


                android:drawableStart="@drawable/ic_bullet_point" />

                android:text="Your text"
                android:textSize="14sp" />

and the code for drawbale/circle.xml is

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<shape xmlns:android=""

 <solid android:color="@color/black1" />


How to include jQuery in ASP.Net project?

There are actually a few ways this can be done:

1: Download

You can download the latest version of jQuery and then include it in your page with a standard HTML script tag. This can be done within the master or an individual page.


<script src="/scripts/jquery-2.1.0.min.js"></script>


<script src="/scripts/jquery-2.1.0.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

2: Content Delivery Network

You can include jQuery to your site using a CDN (Content Delivery Network) such as Google's. This should help reduce page load times if the user has already visited a site using the same version from the same CDN.

<script src="//"></script>

3: NuGet Package Manager

Lastly, (my preferred) use NuGet which is shipped with Visual Studio and Visual Studio Express. This is accessed from right-clicking on your project and clicking Manage NuGet Packages.

NuGet is an open source Library Package Manager that comes as a Visual Studio extension and that makes it very easy to add, remove, and update external libraries in your Visual Studio projects and websites. Beginning ASP.NET 4.5 in C# and VB.NET, WROX, 2013

enter image description here

Once installed, a new Folder group will appear in your Solution Explorer called Scripts. Simply drag and drop the file you wish to include onto your page of choice.

This method is ideal for larger projects because if you choose to remove the files, or change versions later (though the package manager) if will automatically remove/update any reference to that file within your project.

The only downside to this approach is it does not use a CDN to host the file so page load time may be slightly slower the first time the user visits your site.

Set transparent background using ImageMagick and commandline prompt


color=$( convert filename.png -format "%[pixel:p{0,0}]" info:- )
convert filename.png -alpha off -bordercolor $color -border 1 \
    \( +clone -fuzz 30% -fill none -floodfill +0+0 $color \
       -alpha extract -geometry 200% -blur 0x0.5 \
       -morphology erode square:1 -geometry 50% \) \
    -compose CopyOpacity -composite -shave 1 outputfilename.png


This is rather a bit longer than the simple answers previously given, but it gives much better results: (1) The quality is superior due to antialiased alpha, and (2) only the background is removed as opposed to a single color. ("Background" is defined as approximately the same color as the top left pixel, using a floodfill from the picture edges.)

Additionally, the alpha channel is also eroded by half a pixel to avoid halos. Of course, ImageMagick's morphological operations don't (yet?) work at the subpixel level, so you can see I am blowing up the alpha channel to 200% before eroding.

Comparison of results

Here is a comparison of the simple approach ("-fuzz 2% -transparent white") versus my solution, when run on the ImageMagick logo. I've flattened both transparent images onto a saddle brown background to make the differences apparent (click for originals).

The simple replacement of white as transparent doesn't always work Antialiased alphachannel and floodfill looks much better

Notice how the Wizard's beard has disappeared in the simple approach. Compare the edges of the Wizard to see how antialiased alpha helps the figure blend smoothly into the background.

Of course, I completely admit there are times when you may wish to use the simpler solution. (For example: It's a heck of a lot easier to remember and if you're converting to GIF, you're limited to 1-bit alpha anyhow.)

mktrans shell script

Since it's unlikely you'll want to type this command repeatedly, I recommend wrapping it in a script. You can download a BASH shell script from github which performs my suggested solution. It can be run on multiple files in a directory and includes helpful comments in case you want to tweak things.

bg_removal script

By the way, ImageMagick actually comes with a script called "bg_removal" which uses floodfill in a similar manner as my solution. However, the results are not great because it still uses 1-bit alpha. Also, the bg_removal script runs slower and is a little bit trickier to use (it requires you to specify two different fuzz values). Here's an example of the output from bg_removal.

The bg_removal script: has beard, but lacks antialiasing

How to update json file with python

The issue here is that you've opened a file and read its contents so the cursor is at the end of the file. By writing to the same file handle, you're essentially appending to the file.

The easiest solution would be to close the file after you've read it in, then reopen it for writing.

with open("replayScript.json", "r") as jsonFile:
    data = json.load(jsonFile)

data["location"] = "NewPath"

with open("replayScript.json", "w") as jsonFile:
    json.dump(data, jsonFile)

Alternatively, you can use seek() to move the cursor back to the beginning of the file then start writing, followed by a truncate() to deal with the case where the new data is smaller than the previous.

with open("replayScript.json", "r+") as jsonFile:
    data = json.load(jsonFile)

    data["location"] = "NewPath"  # rewind
    json.dump(data, jsonFile)

Sending email with attachments from C#, attachments arrive as Part 1.2 in Thunderbird

Here is a simple mail sending code with attachment

    SmtpClient mailServer = new SmtpClient("", 587);  
    mailServer.EnableSsl = true;  

    mailServer.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("[email protected]", "mypassword");  

    string from = "[email protected]";  
    string to = "[email protected]";  
    MailMessage msg = new MailMessage(from, to);  
    msg.Subject = "Enter the subject here";  
    msg.Body = "The message goes here.";
    msg.Attachments.Add(new Attachment("D:\\myfile.txt"));
catch (Exception ex)  
    Console.WriteLine("Unable to send email. Error : " + ex);  

Read more Sending emails with attachment in C#

Find the nth occurrence of substring in a string

The replace one liner is great but only works because XX and bar have the same lentgh

A good and general def would be:

def findN(s,sub,N,replaceString="XXX"):
    return s.replace(sub,replaceString,N-1).find(sub) - (len(replaceString)-len(sub))*(N-1)

How to apply a function to two columns of Pandas dataframe

There is a clean, one-line way of doing this in Pandas:

df['col_3'] = df.apply(lambda x: f(x.col_1, x.col_2), axis=1)

This allows f to be a user-defined function with multiple input values, and uses (safe) column names rather than (unsafe) numeric indices to access the columns.

Example with data (based on original question):

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({'ID':['1', '2', '3'], 'col_1': [0, 2, 3], 'col_2':[1, 4, 5]})
mylist = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f']

def get_sublist(sta,end):
    return mylist[sta:end+1]

df['col_3'] = df.apply(lambda x: get_sublist(x.col_1, x.col_2), axis=1)

Output of print(df):

  ID  col_1  col_2      col_3
0  1      0      1     [a, b]
1  2      2      4  [c, d, e]
2  3      3      5  [d, e, f]

If your column names contain spaces or share a name with an existing dataframe attribute, you can index with square brackets:

df['col_3'] = df.apply(lambda x: f(x['col 1'], x['col 2']), axis=1)

Adding an image to a project in Visual Studio

Click on the Project in Visual Studio and then click on the button titled "Show all files" on the Solution Explorer toolbar. That will show files that aren't in the project. Now you'll see that image, right click in it, and select "Include in project" and that will add the image to the project!

JavaFX and OpenJDK

Try obuildfactory.

There is need to modify these scripts (contains error and don't exactly do the "thing" required), i will upload mine scripts forked from obuildfactory in next few days. and so i will also update my answer accordingly.

Until then enjoy, sir :)

Shell script to set environment variables

Run the script as source= to run in debug mode as well.

source= ./

No suitable records were found verify your bundle identifier is correct

In my case I was using a different account, I created an app on Itunes but selected different account on Xcode. So just Selected the right account on Xcode and it worked for me.

Determine what attributes were changed in Rails after_save callback?

To anyone seeing this later on, as it currently (Aug. 2017) tops google: It is worth mentioning, that this behavior will be altered in Rails 5.2, and has deprecation warnings as of Rails 5.1, as ActiveModel::Dirty changed a bit.

What do I change?

If you're using attribute_changed? method in the after_*-callbacks, you'll see a warning like:

DEPRECATION WARNING: The behavior of attribute_changed? inside of after callbacks will be changing in the next version of Rails. The new return value will reflect the behavior of calling the method after save returned (e.g. the opposite of what it returns now). To maintain the current behavior, use saved_change_to_attribute? instead. (called from some_callback at /PATH_TO/app/models/user.rb:15)

As it mentions, you could fix this easily by replacing the function with saved_change_to_attribute?. So for example, name_changed? becomes saved_change_to_name?.

Likewise, if you're using the attribute_change to get the before-after values, this changes as well and throws the following:

DEPRECATION WARNING: The behavior of attribute_change inside of after callbacks will be changing in the next version of Rails. The new return value will reflect the behavior of calling the method after save returned (e.g. the opposite of what it returns now). To maintain the current behavior, use saved_change_to_attribute instead. (called from some_callback at /PATH_TO/app/models/user.rb:20)

Again, as it mentions, the method changes name to saved_change_to_attribute which returns ["old", "new"]. or use saved_changes, which returns all the changes, and these can be accessed as saved_changes['attribute'].

How to implement a material design circular progress bar in android

Nice implementation for material design circular progress bar (from rahatarmanahmed/CircularProgressView),


enter image description here

Truncating Text in PHP?

The obvious thing to do is read the documentation.

But to help: substr($str, $start, $end);

$str is your text

$start is the character index to begin at. In your case, it is likely 0 which means the very beginning.

$end is where to truncate at. Suppose you wanted to end at 15 characters, for example. You would write it like this:


$text = "long text that should be truncated";
echo substr($text, 0, 15);


and you would get this:

long text that 

makes sense?


The link you gave is a function to find the last white space after chopping text to a desired length so you don't cut off in the middle of a word. However, it is missing one important thing - the desired length to be passed to the function instead of always assuming you want it to be 25 characters. So here's the updated version:

function truncate($text, $chars = 25) {
    if (strlen($text) <= $chars) {
        return $text;
    $text = $text." ";
    $text = substr($text,0,$chars);
    $text = substr($text,0,strrpos($text,' '));
    $text = $text."...";
    return $text;

So in your case you would paste this function into the functions.php file and call it like this in your page:

$post = the_post();
echo truncate($post, 100);

This will chop your post down to the last occurrence of a white space before or equal to 100 characters. Obviously you can pass any number instead of 100. Whatever you need.

Simple C example of doing an HTTP POST and consuming the response

Handle added.
Added Host header.
Added linux / windows support, tested (XP,WIN7).
WARNING: ERROR : "segmentation fault" if no host,path or port as argument.

#include <stdio.h> /* printf, sprintf */
#include <stdlib.h> /* exit, atoi, malloc, free */
#include <unistd.h> /* read, write, close */
#include <string.h> /* memcpy, memset */
#ifdef __linux__ 
    #include <sys/socket.h> /* socket, connect */
    #include <netdb.h> /* struct hostent, gethostbyname */
    #include <netinet/in.h> /* struct sockaddr_in, struct sockaddr */
#elif _WIN32
    #include <winsock2.h>
    #include <ws2tcpip.h>
    #include <windows.h>
    #pragma comment(lib,"ws2_32.lib") //Winsock Library



void error(const char *msg) { perror(msg); exit(0); }

int main(int argc,char *argv[])

    int i;
    struct hostent *server;
    struct sockaddr_in serv_addr;
    int bytes, sent, received, total, message_size;
    char *message, response[4096];
    int portno = atoi(argv[2])>0?atoi(argv[2]):80;
    char *host = strlen(argv[1])>0?argv[1]:"localhost";
    char *path = strlen(argv[4])>0?argv[4]:"/";
    if (argc < 5) { puts("Parameters: <host> <port> <method> <path> [<data> [<headers>]]"); exit(0); }
    /* How big is the message? */
                printf("Process 1\n");
        message_size+=strlen("%s %s%s%s HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: %s\r\n");        /* method         */
        message_size+=strlen(argv[3]);                         /* path           */
        message_size+=strlen(path);                         /* headers        */
            message_size+=strlen(argv[5]);                     /* query string   */
        for(i=6;i<argc;i++)                                    /* headers        */
        message_size+=strlen("\r\n");                          /* blank line     */
                printf("Process 2\n");
        message_size+=strlen("%s %s HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: %s\r\n");
        message_size+=strlen(argv[3]);                         /* method         */
        message_size+=strlen(path);                            /* path           */
        for(i=6;i<argc;i++)                                    /* headers        */
            message_size+=strlen("Content-Length: %d\r\n")+10; /* content length */
        message_size+=strlen("\r\n");                          /* blank line     */
            message_size+=strlen(argv[5]);                     /* body           */
    /* allocate space for the message */

    /* fill in the parameters */
            sprintf(message,"%s %s%s%s HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: %s\r\n",
                strlen(argv[3])>0?argv[3]:"GET",               /* method         */
                path,                                          /* path           */
                strlen(argv[5])>0?"?":"",                      /* ?              */
                strlen(argv[5])>0?argv[5]:"",host);            /* query string   */
            sprintf(message,"%s %s HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: %s\r\n",
                strlen(argv[3])>0?argv[3]:"GET",               /* method         */
                path,host);                                    /* path           */
        for(i=6;i<argc;i++)                                    /* headers        */
        strcat(message,"\r\n");                                /* blank line     */
        sprintf(message,"%s %s HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: %s\r\n",
            strlen(argv[3])>0?argv[3]:"POST",                  /* method         */
            path,host);                                        /* path           */
        for(i=6;i<argc;i++)                                    /* headers        */
            sprintf(message+strlen(message),"Content-Length: %d\r\n",(int)strlen(argv[5]));
        strcat(message,"\r\n");                                /* blank line     */
            strcat(message,argv[5]);                           /* body           */
    /* What are we going to send? */
        /* lookup the ip address */

    total = strlen(message);
    /* create the socket */
    #ifdef _WIN32

printf("\nInitialising Winsock...");
if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2),&wsa) != 0)
    printf("Failed. Error Code : %d",WSAGetLastError());
    return 1;


//Create a socket
if((s = socket(AF_INET , SOCK_STREAM , 0 )) == INVALID_SOCKET)
    printf("Could not create socket : %d" , WSAGetLastError());

printf("Socket created.\n");

server = gethostbyname(host);
serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(server->h_addr);
serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
serv_addr.sin_port = htons(portno);
serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
serv_addr.sin_port = htons(portno);
//Connect to remote server
if (connect(s , (struct sockaddr *)&serv_addr , sizeof(serv_addr)) < 0)
    printf("connect failed with error code : %d" , WSAGetLastError());
    return 1;

if( send(s , message , strlen(message) , 0) < 0)
    printf("Send failed with error code : %d" , WSAGetLastError());
    return 1;
puts("Data Send\n");

//Receive a reply from the server
if((received = recv(s , response , 2000 , 0)) == SOCKET_ERROR)
    printf("recv failed with error code : %d" , WSAGetLastError());

puts("Reply received\n");

//Add a NULL terminating character to make it a proper string before printing
response[received] = '\0';

    #ifdef __linux__ 
    int sockfd;
    server = gethostbyname(host);
    if (server == NULL) error("ERROR, no such host");
        sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
        if (sockfd < 0) error("ERROR opening socket");
        /* fill in the structure */
        serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
        serv_addr.sin_port = htons(portno);
                /* connect the socket */
        if (connect(sockfd,(struct sockaddr *)&serv_addr,sizeof(serv_addr)) < 0)
            error("ERROR connecting");
                /* send the request */

    sent = 0;
    do {
        bytes = write(sockfd,message+sent,total-sent);
        if (bytes < 0)
            error("ERROR writing message to socket");
        if (bytes == 0)
    } while (sent < total);
    /* receive the response */
    memset(response, 0, sizeof(response));
    total = sizeof(response)-1;
    received = 0;
    printf("Response: \n");
    do {
       printf("%s", response);
       memset(response, 0, sizeof(response));
       bytes = recv(sockfd, response, 1024, 0);
        if (bytes < 0)
           printf("ERROR reading response from socket");
       if (bytes == 0)
    } while (1);

    if (received == total)
        error("ERROR storing complete response from socket");

    /* close the socket */


    return 0;

Converting from longitude\latitude to Cartesian coordinates

Theory for convert GPS(WGS84) to Cartesian coordinates

The following is what I am using:

  • Longitude in GPS(WGS84) and Cartesian coordinates are the same.
  • Latitude need be converted by WGS 84 ellipsoid parameters semi-major axis is 6378137 m, and
  • Reciprocal of flattening is 298.257223563.

I attached a VB code I wrote:

Imports System.Math

'Input GPSLatitude is WGS84 Latitude,h is altitude above the WGS 84 ellipsoid

Public Function GetSphericalLatitude(ByVal GPSLatitude As Double, ByVal h As Double) As Double

        Dim A As Double = 6378137 'semi-major axis 
        Dim f As Double = 1 / 298.257223563  '1/f Reciprocal of flattening
        Dim e2 As Double = f * (2 - f)
        Dim Rc As Double = A / (Sqrt(1 - e2 * (Sin(GPSLatitude * PI / 180) ^ 2)))
        Dim p As Double = (Rc + h) * Cos(GPSLatitude * PI / 180)
        Dim z As Double = (Rc * (1 - e2) + h) * Sin(GPSLatitude * PI / 180)
        Dim r As Double = Sqrt(p ^ 2 + z ^ 2)
        Dim SphericalLatitude As Double =  Asin(z / r) * 180 / PI
        Return SphericalLatitude
End Function

Please notice that the h is altitude above the WGS 84 ellipsoid.

Usually GPS will give us H of above MSL height. The MSL height has to be converted to height h above the WGS 84 ellipsoid by using the geopotential model EGM96 (Lemoine et al, 1998).
This is done by interpolating a grid of the geoid height file with a spatial resolution of 15 arc-minutes.

Or if you have some level professional GPS has Altitude H (msl,heigh above mean sea level) and UNDULATION,the relationship between the geoid and the ellipsoid (m) of the chosen datum output from internal table. you can get h = H(msl) + undulation

To XYZ by Cartesian coordinates:

x = R * cos(lat) * cos(lon)

y = R * cos(lat) * sin(lon)

z = R *sin(lat)

How can I extract a number from a string in JavaScript?

function justNumbers(string) 
   var numsStr = string.replace(/[^0-9]/g,'');
   return parseInt(numsStr);

You can do a function like this

function justNumbers(string) 
        var numsStr = string.replace(/[^0-9]/g,'');
        return parseInt(numsStr);

remember: if the number has a zero in front of it, the int wont have it

Changing user agent on urllib2.urlopen

Try this :

html_source_code = requests.get("",
                   headers={'User-Agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/44.0.2403.107 Safari/537.36',
                            'Upgrade-Insecure-Requests': '1',
                            'x-runtime': '148ms'}, 

Lodash - difference between .extend() / .assign() and .merge()

It might be also helpful to consider what they do from a semantic point of view:


   will assign the values of the properties of its second parameter and so on,
   as properties with the same name of the first parameter. (shallow copy & override)


   merge is like assign but does not assign objects but replicates them instead.
  (deep copy)


   provides default values for missing values.
   so will assign only values for keys that do not exist yet in the source.


   works like _defaults but like merge will not simply copy objects
   and will use recursion instead.

I believe that learning to think of those methods from the semantic point of view would let you better "guess" what would be the behavior for all the different scenarios of existing and non existing values.

How to sort a HashSet?

You can use a TreeSet instead.

Chrome:The website uses HSTS. Network errors...this page will probably work later

When you visited https://localhost previously at some point it not only visited this over a secure channel (https rather than http), it also told your browser, using a special HTTP header: Strict-Transport-Security (often abbreviated to HSTS), that it should ONLY use https for all future visits.

This is a security feature web servers can use to prevent people being downgraded to http (either intentionally or by some evil party).

However if you then then turn off your https server, and just want to browse http you can't (by design - that's the point of this security feature).

HSTS also does prevents you from accepting and skipping past certificate errors.

To reset this, so HSTS is no longer set for localhost, type the following in your Chrome address bar:


Where you will be able to delete this setting for "localhost".

You might also want to find out what was setting this to avoid this problem in future!

Note that for other sites (e.g. these are "preloaded" into the Chrome code and so cannot be removed. When you query them at chrome://net-internals/#hsts you will see them listed as static HSTS entries.

And finally note that Google has started preloading HSTS for the entire .dev domain:

What is the meaning of "Failed building wheel for X" in pip install?

On Ubuntu 18.04, I ran into this issue because the apt package for wheel does not include the wheel command. I think pip tries to import the wheel python package, and if that succeeds assumes that the wheel command is also available. Ubuntu breaks that assumption.

The apt python3 code package is named python3-wheel. This is installed automatically because python3-pip recommends it.

The apt python3 wheel command package is named python-wheel-common. Installing this too fixes the "failed building wheel" errors for me.

PL/SQL print out ref cursor returned by a stored procedure

You can use a bind variable at the SQLPlus level to do this. Of course you have little control over the formatting of the output.

EXEC GetGrantListByPI(args, :x);

How to format x-axis time scale values in Chart.js v2

as per the Chart js documentation page tick configuration section. you can format the value of each tick using the callback function. for example I wanted to change locale of displayed dates to be always German. in the ticks parts of the axis options

ticks: {
    callback: function(value) { 
        return new Date(value).toLocaleDateString('de-DE', {month:'short', year:'numeric'}); 

Pandas groupby month and year

Why not keep it simple?!


giving you,

        abc  xyz
2013 6   80  250
     8   40   -5
2014 1   25   15
     2   60   80

and then you can plot like asked using,


Git Commit Messages: 50/72 Formatting

Regarding “thought leaders”: Linus emphatically advocates line wrapping for the full commit message:

[…] we use 72-character columns for word-wrapping, except for quoted material that has a specific line format.

The exceptions refers mainly to “non-prose” text, that is, text that was not typed by a human for the commit — for example, compiler error messages.

What's the difference between <b> and <strong>, <i> and <em>?

b or i means you want the text to be rendered as bold or italics. strong or em means you want the text to be rendered in a way that the user understands as "important". The default is to render strong as bold and em as italics, but some other cultures might use a different mapping.

Like strings in a program, b and i would be "hard coded" while strong and em would be "localized".

what is the use of "response.setContentType("text/html")" in servlet

Content types are included in HTTP responses because the same, byte for byte sequence of values in the content could be interpreted in more than one way.(*)

Remember that http can transport more than just HTML (js, css and images are obvious examples), and in some cases, the receiver will not know what type of object it's going to receive.

(*) the obvious one here is XHTML - which is XML. If it's served with a content type of application/xml, the receiver ought to just treat it as XML. If it's served up as application/xhtml+xml, then it ought to be treated as XHTML.

How can I check if PostgreSQL is installed or not via Linux script?

You may also check in /opt mount in following path /opt/PostgresPlus/9.5AS/bin/

C# LINQ find duplicates in List

Find out if an enumerable contains any duplicate :

var anyDuplicate = enumerable.GroupBy(x => x.Key).Any(g => g.Count() > 1);

Find out if all values in an enumerable are unique :

var allUnique = enumerable.GroupBy(x => x.Key).All(g => g.Count() == 1);

jQuery selector for inputs with square brackets in the name attribute

If the selector is contained within a variable, the code below may be helpful:

selector_name = $this.attr('name');
//selector_name = users[0][first:name]

escaped_selector_name = selector_name.replace(/(:|\.|\[|\])/g,'\\$1');
//escaped_selector_name = users\\[0\\]\\[first\\:name\\]

In this case we prefix all special characters with double backslash.

How to monitor network calls made from iOS Simulator

A free and open source proxy tool that runs easily on a Mac is mitmproxy.

The website includes links to a Mac binary, as well as the source code on Github.

The docs contain a very helpful intro to loading a cert into your test device to view HTTPS traffic.

Not quite as GUI-tastic as Charles, but it does everything I need and its free and maintained. Good stuff, and pretty straightforward if you've used some command line tools before.

UPDATE: I just noticed on the website that mitmproxy is available as a homebrew install. Couldn't be easier.

Upload folder with subfolders using S3 and the AWS console

Consider using CloudBerry Explorer freeware to upload the full folder structure to Amazon S3.

How to import a jar in Eclipse

Two choices:

1/ From the project:

alt text

2/ If you have already other jar imported, from the directory "References Libraries":

alt text

Both will lead you to this screen where you can mange your libraries:

alt text

Could not load dynamic library 'cudart64_101.dll' on tensorflow CPU-only installation

I solved this another way. First of all I installed cuda 10.1 toolkit from this link

Where i selected installer type(exe(local)) and installed 10.1 in custom mode means (without visual studio integration, NVIDIA PhysX because previously I installed CUDA 10.2 so required dependencies were installed automatically)

After installation, From the Following Path (C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v10.1\bin) , in my case, I copied 'cudart64_101.dll' file and pasted in (C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v10.2\bin).

Then importing Tensorflow worked smoothly.

N.B. Sorry for Bad English

Is there a decorator to simply cache function return values?

Ah, just needed to find the right name for this: "Lazy property evaluation".

I do this a lot too; maybe I'll use that recipe in my code sometime.

Convert datetime value into string

Try this:

  • 10 char on date field based on full date yyyy-MM-dd.

  • 8 char on time field based on full time hh:mm:ss.

It depends on the format you want it. normally you can use script above and you can concat another field or string as you want it.

Because actually date and time field tread as string if you read it. But of course you will got error while update or insert it.

Getting all documents from one collection in Firestore

I prefer to hide all code complexity in my services... so, I generally use something like this:

In my events.service.ts

    async getEvents() {
        const snapchot = await this.db.collection('events').ref.get();
        return new Promise <Event[]> (resolve => {
            const v = => {
                const obj =;
                return obj as Event;

In my

   myList: Event[];

   construct(private service: EventsService){}

   async ngOnInit() {
      this.myList = await this.service.getEvents();

Enjoy :)

How to force two figures to stay on the same page in LaTeX?

Try using the float package and then the [H] option for your figure.



\caption{Write some caption here}\label{fig1}

as already suggested by this insightful answer!

Twitter Bootstrap 3: How to center a block

It works far better this way (preserving responsiveness):

  <!-- somewhere deep start -->
  <div class="row">
    <div class="center-block col-md-4" style="float: none; background-color: grey">
      Hi there!
  <!-- somewhere deep end -->

Extract specific columns from delimited file using Awk

As mentioned by @Tom, the cut and awk approaches actually don't work for CSVs with quoted strings. An alternative is a module for python that provides the command line tool csvfilter. It works like cut, but properly handles CSV column quoting:

csvfilter -f 1,3,5 in.csv > out.csv

If you have python (and you should), you can install it simply like this:

pip install csvfilter

Please take note that the column indexing in csvfilter starts with 0 (unlike awk, which starts with $1). More info at

How to connect to local instance of SQL Server 2008 Express

Please check the ServerName which you provided. It should match with the below shown Name in the UserName textbox, and that name should followed with \SQLEXPRESS:

Connect dialog

Responsive image map

The following method works perfectly for me, so here's my full implementation:

<img id="my_image" style="display: none;" src="my.png" width="924" height="330" border="0" usemap="#map" />

<map name="map" id="map">
    <area shape="poly" coords="774,49,810,21,922,130,920,222,894,212,885,156,874,146" href="#mylink" />
    <area shape="poly" coords="649,20,791,157,805,160,809,217,851,214,847,135,709,1,666,3" href="#myotherlink" />

    var image_is_loaded = false;
    $("#my_image").on('load',function() {
        $(this).data('width', $(this).attr('width')).data('height', $(this).attr('height'));
        $($(this).attr('usemap')+" area").each(function(){
            $(this).data('coords', $(this).attr('coords'));

        $(this).css('width', '100%').css('height','auto').show();

        image_is_loaded = true;

    function ratioCoords (coords, ratio) {
        coord_arr = coords.split(",");

        for(i=0; i < coord_arr.length; i++) {
            coord_arr[i] = Math.round(ratio * coord_arr[i]);

        return coord_arr.join(',');
    $(window).on('resize', function(){
        if (image_is_loaded) {
            var img = $("#my_image");
            var ratio = img.width()/'width');

            $(img.attr('usemap')+" area").each(function(){
                console.log('1: '+$(this).attr('coords'));
                $(this).attr('coords', ratioCoords($(this).data('coords'), ratio));

How do I create test and train samples from one dataframe with pandas?

shuffle = np.random.permutation(len(df))
test_size = int(len(df) * 0.2)
test_aux = shuffle[:test_size]
train_aux = shuffle[test_size:]
TRAIN_DF =df.iloc[train_aux]
TEST_DF = df.iloc[test_aux]

Peak-finding algorithm for Python/SciPy

There are standard statistical functions and methods for finding outliers to data, which is probably what you need in the first case. Using derivatives would solve your second. I'm not sure for a method which solves both continuous functions and sampled data, however.

Prevent screen rotation on Android

You can try This way

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android=""

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"/>
    <activity android:name=".Login_Activity"
            <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />

            <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />

Get most recent file in a directory on Linux

If you want to get the most recent changed file also including any subdirectories you can do it with this little oneliner:

find . -type f -exec stat -c '%Y %n' {} \; | sort -nr | awk -v var="1" 'NR==1,NR==var {print $0}' | while read t f; do d=$(date -d @$t "+%b %d %T %Y"); echo "$d -- $f"; done

If you want to do the same not for changed files, but for accessed files you simple have to change the

%Y parameter from the stat command to %X. And your command for most recent accessed files looks like this:

find . -type f -exec stat -c '%X %n' {} \; | sort -nr | awk -v var="1" 'NR==1,NR==var {print $0}' | while read t f; do d=$(date -d @$t "+%b %d %T %Y"); echo "$d -- $f"; done

For both commands you also can change the var="1" parameter if you want to list more than just one file.

How to delete object from array inside foreach loop?

Be careful with the main answer.



and calling the function

foreach($array as $elementKey => $element) {
    foreach($element as $valueKey => $value) {
        if($valueKey == 'cat' && $value == 'vip'){
            //delete this particular object from the $array

it returns


instead of


It is because unset does not re-index the array.

It reindexes. (if we need it)

foreach($array as $elementKey => $element) {
    foreach($element as $valueKey => $value) {
        if($valueKey === 'cat' && $value === 'vip'){
        if(!$found) {

Error 0x80005000 and DirectoryServices

It's a permission problem.

When you run the console app, that app runs with your credentials, e.g. as "you".

The WCF service runs where? In IIS? Most likely, it runs under a separate account, which is not permissioned to query Active Directory.

You can either try to get the WCF impersonation thingie working, so that your own credentials get passed on, or you can specify a username/password on creating your DirectoryEntry:

DirectoryEntry directoryEntry = 
    new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://,DC=com", 
                       userName, password);

OK, so it might not be the credentials after all (that's usually the case in over 80% of the cases I see).

What about changing your code a little bit?

DirectorySearcher directorySearcher = new DirectorySearcher(directoryEntry);
directorySearcher.Filter = string.Format("(&(objectClass=user)(objectCategory=user) (sAMAccountName={0}))", username);


var result = directorySearcher.FindOne();

if(result != null)
   if(result.Properties["msRTCSIP-PrimaryUserAddress"] != null)
      var resultValue = result.Properties["msRTCSIP-PrimaryUserAddress"][0];

My idea is: why not tell the DirectorySearcher right off the bat what attribute you're interested in? Then you don't need to do another extra step to get the full DirectoryEntry from the search result (should be faster), and since you told the directory searcher to find that property, it's certainly going to be loaded in the search result - so unless it's null (no value set), then you should be able to retrieve it easily.


SSL error : routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed

Got this issue today and after wandering for several hours just came to know that my server datetime was wrong.

So first please check your server datetime before going so deep in this issue.

also try doing

>> sudo update-ca-certificates

How to get a index value from foreach loop in jstl

<a onclick="getCategoryIndex(${myIndex.index})" href="#">${categoryName}</a>

above line was giving me an error. So I wrote down in below way which is working fine for me.

<a onclick="getCategoryIndex('<c:out value="${myIndex.index}"/>')" href="#">${categoryName}</a>

Maybe someone else might get same error. Look at this guys!

How to delete a file via PHP?

I know this question is a bit old, but this is something simple that works for me very well to delete images off my project I'm working on.

unlink(dirname(__FILE__) . "/img/tasks/" . 'image.jpg');

The dirname(__FILE__) section prints out the base path to your project. The /img/tasks/ are two folders down from my base path. And finally, there's my image I want to delete which you can make into anything you need to.

With this I have not had any problem getting to my files on my server and deleting them.

Change mysql user password using command line

Before MySQL 5.7.6 this works from the command line:

mysql -e "SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('$w0rdf1sh');"

I don't have a mysql install to test on but I think in your case it would be

mysql -e "UPDATE mysql.user SET Password=PASSWORD('$w0rdf1sh') WHERE User='tate256';"

What is copy-on-write?

I was going to write up my own explanation but this Wikipedia article pretty much sums it up.

Here is the basic concept:

Copy-on-write (sometimes referred to as "COW") is an optimization strategy used in computer programming. The fundamental idea is that if multiple callers ask for resources which are initially indistinguishable, you can give them pointers to the same resource. This function can be maintained until a caller tries to modify its "copy" of the resource, at which point a true private copy is created to prevent the changes becoming visible to everyone else. All of this happens transparently to the callers. The primary advantage is that if a caller never makes any modifications, no private copy need ever be created.

Also here is an application of a common use of COW:

The COW concept is also used in maintenance of instant snapshot on database servers like Microsoft SQL Server 2005. Instant snapshots preserve a static view of a database by storing a pre-modification copy of data when underlaying data are updated. Instant snapshots are used for testing uses or moment-dependent reports and should not be used to replace backups.

How do you grep a file and get the next 5 lines

You want:

grep -A 5 '19:55' file

From man grep:

Context Line Control

-A NUM, --after-context=NUM

Print NUM lines of trailing context after matching lines.  
Places a line containing a gup separator (described under --group-separator) 
between contiguous groups of matches.  With the -o or --only-matching
option, this has no effect and a warning is given.

-B NUM, --before-context=NUM

Print NUM lines of leading context before matching lines.  
Places a line containing a group separator (described under --group-separator) 
between contiguous groups of matches.  With the -o or --only-matching
option, this has no effect and a warning is given.

-C NUM, -NUM, --context=NUM

Print NUM lines of output context.  Places a line containing a group separator
(described under --group-separator) between contiguous groups of matches.  
With the -o or --only-matching option,  this  has  no effect and a warning
is given.


Use SEP as a group separator. By default SEP is double hyphen (--).


Use empty string as a group separator.

Programmatically change the src of an img tag

if you use the JQuery library use this instruction:

$("#imageID").attr('src', 'srcImage.jpg');

Why do I have to run "composer dump-autoload" command to make migrations work in laravel?

OK so I think i know the issue you're having.

Basically, because Composer can't see the migration files you are creating, you are having to run the dump-autoload command which won't download anything new, but looks for all of the classes it needs to include again. It just regenerates the list of all classes that need to be included in the project (autoload_classmap.php), and this is why your migration is working after you run that command.

How to fix it (possibly) You need to add some extra information to your composer.json file.

"autoload": {
    "classmap": [

You need to add the path to your migrations folder to the classmap array. Then run the following three commands...

php artisan clear-compiled 
composer dump-autoload
php artisan optimize

This will clear the current compiled files, update the classes it needs and then write them back out so you don't have to do it again.

Ideally, you execute composer dump-autoload -o , for a faster load of your webpages. The only reason it is not default, is because it takes a bit longer to generate (but is only slightly noticable).

Hope you can manage to get this sorted, as its very annoying indeed :(

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

enter image description here -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -Xms512m

Add this parameter as argument in your server params

How to print a certain line of a file with PowerShell?

Here's a function that uses .NET's System.IO classes directly:

function GetLineAt([String] $path, [Int32] $index)
    [System.IO.FileMode] $mode = [System.IO.FileMode]::Open;
    [System.IO.FileAccess] $access = [System.IO.FileAccess]::Read;
    [System.IO.FileShare] $share = [System.IO.FileShare]::Read;
    [Int32] $bufferSize = 16 * 1024;
    [System.IO.FileOptions] $options = [System.IO.FileOptions]::SequentialScan;
    [System.Text.Encoding] $defaultEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8;
    # FileStream(String, FileMode, FileAccess, FileShare, Int32, FileOptions) constructor
    [System.IO.FileStream] $input = New-Object `
        -TypeName 'System.IO.FileStream' `
        -ArgumentList ($path, $mode, $access, $share, $bufferSize, $options);
    # StreamReader(Stream, Encoding, Boolean, Int32) constructor
    [System.IO.StreamReader] $reader = New-Object `
        -TypeName 'System.IO.StreamReader' `
        -ArgumentList ($input, $defaultEncoding, $true, $bufferSize);
    [String] $line = $null;
    [Int32] $currentIndex = 0;

        while (($line = $reader.ReadLine()) -ne $null)
            if ($currentIndex++ -eq $index)
                return $line;
        # Close $reader and $input

    # There are less than ($index + 1) lines in the file
    return $null;

GetLineAt 'file.txt' 9;

Tweaking the $bufferSize variable might affect performance. A more concise version that uses default buffer sizes and doesn't provide optimization hints could look like this:

function GetLineAt([String] $path, [Int32] $index)
    # StreamReader(String, Boolean) constructor
    [System.IO.StreamReader] $reader = New-Object `
        -TypeName 'System.IO.StreamReader' `
        -ArgumentList ($path, $true);
    [String] $line = $null;
    [Int32] $currentIndex = 0;

        while (($line = $reader.ReadLine()) -ne $null)
            if ($currentIndex++ -eq $index)
                return $line;

    # There are less than ($index + 1) lines in the file
    return $null;

GetLineAt 'file.txt' 9;

Passing a variable from node.js to html

I have achieved this by a http API node request which returns required object from node object for HTML page at client ,

for eg: API: localhost:3000/username

returns logged in user from cache by node App object .

node route file,

app.get('/username', function(req, res) {
    res.json({ udata: req.session.user });

Folder structure for a Node.js project

More example from my project architecture you can see here:

+-- Dockerfile
+-- config
¦   +-- production.json
+-- package.json
+-- schema
¦   +--
¦   +-- db.sql
+-- scripts
¦   +-- 
+-- src
¦   +-- app -> Containes API routes
¦   +-- db -> DB Models (ORM)
¦   +-- server.js -> the Server initlializer.
+-- test

Basically, the logical app separated to DB and APP folders inside the SRC dir.

Map isn't showing on Google Maps JavaScript API v3 when nested in a div tag

I just want to add what worked for me, I added height and width to both divs and used bootstrap to make it responsive

   <div class="col-lg-1 mapContainer">
       <div id="map"></div>

        height: 100%;

in order for col-lg-1 to work add bootstrap reference located Here

Merge two Excel tables Based on matching data in Columns

Teylyn's answer worked great for me, but I had to modify it a bit to get proper results. I want to provide an extended explanation for whoever would need it.

My setup was as follows:

  • Sheet1: full data of 2014
  • Sheet2: updated rows for 2015 in A1:D50, sorted by first column
  • Sheet3: merged rows
  • My data does not have a header row

I put the following formula in cell A1 of Sheet3:


Read this as follows: Take the value of the first column in Sheet1 (old data). Look up in Sheet2 (updated rows). If present, output the value from the indicated column in Sheet2. On error, output the value for the current column of Sheet1.


  • In my version of the formula, ";" is used as parameter separator instead of ",". That is because I am located in Europe and we use the "," as decimal separator. Change ";" back to "," if you live in a country where "." is the decimal separator.

  • A$1: means always take column 1 when copying the formula to a cell in a different column. $A$1 means: always take the exact cell A1, even when copying the formula to a different row or column.

After pasting the formula in A1, I extended the range to columns B, C, etc., until the full width of my table was reached. Because of the $-signs used, this gives the following formula's in cells B1, C1, etc.:


and so forth. Note that the lookup is still done in the first column. This is because VLOOKUP needs the lookup data to be sorted on the column where the lookup is done. The output column is however the column where the formula is pasted.

Next, select a rectangle in Sheet 3 starting at A1 and having the size of the data in Sheet1 (same number of rows and columns). Press Ctrl-D to copy the formulas of the first row to all selected cells.

Cells A2, A3, etc. will get these formulas:


Because of the use of $-signs, the lookup area is constant, but input data is used from the current row.

How do I make the scrollbar on a div only visible when necessary?

I found that there is height of div still showing, when it have text or not. So you can use this for best results.

<div style=" overflow:auto;max-height:300px; max-width:300px;"></div>

Getting the 'external' IP address in Java

As @Donal Fellows wrote, you have to query the network interface instead of the machine. This code from the javadocs worked for me:

The following example program lists all the network interfaces and their addresses on a machine:

import java.util.*;
import static java.lang.System.out;

public class ListNets {

    public static void main(String args[]) throws SocketException {
        Enumeration<NetworkInterface> nets = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces();
        for (NetworkInterface netint : Collections.list(nets))

    static void displayInterfaceInformation(NetworkInterface netint) throws SocketException {
        out.printf("Display name: %s\n", netint.getDisplayName());
        out.printf("Name: %s\n", netint.getName());
        Enumeration<InetAddress> inetAddresses = netint.getInetAddresses();
        for (InetAddress inetAddress : Collections.list(inetAddresses)) {
            out.printf("InetAddress: %s\n", inetAddress);

The following is sample output from the example program:

Display name: TCP Loopback interface
Name: lo
InetAddress: /

Display name: Wireless Network Connection
Name: eth0
InetAddress: /


HTML for the Pause symbol in audio and video control

There is no character encoded for use as a pause symbol, though various characters or combinations of characters may look more or less like a pause symbol, depending on font.

In a discussion in the public Unicode mailing list in 2005, a suggestion was made to use two copies of the U+275A HEAVY VERTICAL BAR character: ??. But the adequacy of the result depends on font; for example, the glyph might have been designed so that the bars are too much apart. – The list discussion explains why a pause symbol had not been encoded, and this has not changed.

Thus, the best option is to use an image. If you need to use the symbol in text, it is best to create it in a suitably large size (say 60 by 60 pixels) and scale it down to text size with CSS (e.g., setting height: 0.8em on the img element).

How to correctly save instance state of Fragments in back stack?

I just want to give the solution that I came up with that handles all cases presented in this post that I derived from Vasek and devconsole. This solution also handles the special case when the phone is rotated more than once while fragments aren't visible.

Here is were I store the bundle for later use since onCreate and onSaveInstanceState are the only calls that are made when the fragment isn't visible

MyObject myObject;
private Bundle savedState = null;
private boolean createdStateInDestroyView;
private static final String SAVED_BUNDLE_TAG = "saved_bundle";

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    if (savedInstanceState != null) {
        savedState = savedInstanceState.getBundle(SAVED_BUNDLE_TAG);

Since destroyView isn't called in the special rotation situation we can be certain that if it creates the state we should use it.

public void onDestroyView() {
    savedState = saveState();
    createdStateInDestroyView = true;
    myObject = null;

This part would be the same.

private Bundle saveState() { 
    Bundle state = new Bundle();
    state.putSerializable(SAVED_BUNDLE_TAG, myObject);
    return state;

Now here is the tricky part. In my onActivityCreated method I instantiate the "myObject" variable but the rotation happens onActivity and onCreateView don't get called. Therefor, myObject will be null in this situation when the orientation rotates more than once. I get around this by reusing the same bundle that was saved in onCreate as the out going bundle.

public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {

    if (myObject == null) {
        outState.putBundle(SAVED_BUNDLE_TAG, savedState);
    } else {
        outState.putBundle(SAVED_BUNDLE_TAG, createdStateInDestroyView ? savedState : saveState());
    createdStateInDestroyView = false;

Now wherever you want to restore the state just use the savedState bundle

public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    if(savedState != null) {
        myObject = (MyObject) savedState.getSerializable(SAVED_BUNDLE_TAG);

Java Long primitive type maximum limit

Long.MAX_VALUE is 9,223,372,036,854,775,807.

If you were executing your function once per nanosecond, it would still take over 292 years to encounter this situation according to this source.

When that happens, it'll just wrap around to Long.MIN_VALUE, or -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 as others have said.

Composer killed while updating

Solved on Laravel/Homestead (Vagrant Windows)

  1. Edit Homestead.yaml and increase memory from 2048 to 4096

  2. vagrant up

  3. vagrant ssh

  4. Install Symfony with this line on the folder you choose (must be without files)

    COMPOSER_MEMORY_LIMIT=-1 composer create-project symfony/website-skeleton . -s dev

Django - how to create a file and save it to a model's FileField?

You want to have a look at FileField and FieldFile in the Django docs, and especially

Basically, a field declared as a FileField, when accessed, gives you an instance of class FieldFile, which gives you several methods to interact with the underlying file. So, what you need to do is:, new_contents)

where new_name is the filename you wish assigned and new_contents is the content of the file. Note that new_contents must be an instance of either django.core.files.File or django.core.files.base.ContentFile (see given links to manual for the details).

The two choices boil down to:

from django.core.files.base import ContentFile, File

# Using File
with open('/path/to/file') as f:, File(f))

# Using ContentFile, ContentFile('A string with the file content'))

How to open a PDF file in an <iframe>?

This is the code to link an HTTP(S) accessible PDF from an <iframe>:

<iframe src=""
   width="800" height="600">


EDIT: and you can use Javascript, from the <a> tag (onclick event) to set iFrame' SRC attribute at run-time...

EDIT 2: Apparently, it is a bug (but there are workarounds):

PDF files do not open in Internet Explorer with Adobe Reader 10.0 - users get an empty gray screen. How can I fix this for my users?

Using JavaMail with TLS

We actually have some notification code in our product that uses TLS to send mail if it is available.

You will need to set the Java Mail properties. You only need the TLS one but you might need SSL if your SMTP server uses SSL.

Properties props = new Properties();
props.put("mail.smtp.auth", "true");  // If you need to authenticate
// Use the following if you need SSL
props.put("mail.smtp.socketFactory.port", d_port);
props.put("mail.smtp.socketFactory.class", "");
props.put("mail.smtp.socketFactory.fallback", "false");

You can then either pass this to a JavaMail Session or any other session instantiator like Session.getDefaultInstance(props).

How to comment multiple lines in Visual Studio Code?

  1. Select all line you want comments

  2. CTRL + /

How can I check if string contains characters & whitespace, not just whitespace?

This can be fast solution

return input < "\u0020" + 1;

Detect if HTML5 Video element is playing

This is my code - by calling the function play() the video plays or pauses and the button image is changed.

By calling the function volume() the volume is turned on/off and the button image also changes.

function play() { 
  var video = document.getElementById('slidevideo'); 
  if (video.paused) {
    play_img.src = 'img/pause.png'; 
  else {
    play_img.src = 'img/play.png';

function volume() { 
  var video = document.getElementById('slidevideo');
  var img = document.getElementById('volume_img');
  if (video.volume > 0) {
    video.volume = 0
    volume_img.src = 'img/volume_off.png';  
  else {
    video.volume = 1
    volume_img.src = 'img/volume_on.png';

How to add parameters to a HTTP GET request in Android?

As of HttpComponents 4.2+ there is a new class URIBuilder, which provides convenient way for generating URIs.

You can use either create URI directly from String URL:

List<NameValuePair> listOfParameters = ...;

URI uri = new URIBuilder("")
    .addParameter("firstParam", firstVal)
    .addParameter("secondParam", secondVal)

Otherwise, you can specify all parameters explicitly:

URI uri = new URIBuilder()
    .addParameter("mandatoryParam", "someValue")
    .addParameter("firstParam", firstVal)
    .addParameter("secondParam", secondVal)

Once you have created URI object, then you just simply need to create HttpGet object and perform it:

//create GET request
HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet(uri);
//perform request
httpClient.execute(httpGet ...//additional parameters, handle response etc.

Communication between tabs or windows

I've created a library sysend.js, it's very small, you can check its source code. The library don't have any external dependencies.

You can use it for communication between tabs/windows in same browser and domain. The library use BroadcastChannel, if supported, or storage event from localStorage.

API is very simple:

sysend.on('foo', function(message) {
sysend.broadcast('foo', {message: 'Hello'});
sysend.broadcast('foo', "hello");
sysend.broadcast('foo'); // empty notification

when your brower support BroadcastChannel it sent literal object (but it's in fact auto-serialized by browser) and if not it's serialized to JSON first and deserialized on other end.

Recent version also have helper API to create proxy for Cross-Domain communication. (it require single html file on target domain).

Here is demo.


New version also support Cross-Domain communication, if you include special proxy.html file on target domain and call proxy function from source domain:


(proxy.html it's very simple html file, that only have one script tag with the library).

If you want two way communication you need to do the same on other domain.

NOTE: If you will implement same functionality using localStorage, there is issue in IE. Storage event is sent to the same window, which triggered the event and for other browsers it's only invoked for other tabs/windows.

What is the right way to write my script 'src' url for a local development environment?

This is an old post but...

You can reference the working directory (the folder the .html file is located in) with ./, and the directory above that with ../

Example directory structure:

- index.html
- script2.js
- js/
   - script.js

To load script.js from inside index.html:

<script type="text/javascript" src="./js/script.js">

This goes to the current working directory (location of index.html) and then to the js folder, and then finds the script.

You could also specify ../ to go one directory above the working directory, to load things from there. But that is unusual.

How to source virtualenv activate in a Bash script

You should call the bash script using source.

Here is an example:

# Let's call this script
source "<absolute_path_recommended_here>/.env/bin/activate"

On your shell just call it like that:

> source

Or as @outmind suggested: (Note that this does not work with zsh)

> .

There you go, the shell indication will be placed on your prompt.

Deleting records before a certain date

This helped me delete data based on different attributes. This is dangerous so make sure you back up database or the table before doing it:

mysqldump -h hotsname -u username -p password database_name > backup_folder/backup_filename.txt

Now you can perform the delete operation:

delete from table_name where column_name < DATE_SUB(NOW() , INTERVAL 1 DAY)

This will remove all the data from before one day. For deleting data from before 6 months:

delete from table_name where column_name < DATE_SUB(NOW() , INTERVAL 6 MONTH)

Passing headers with axios POST request

To set headers in an Axios POST request, pass the third object to the call.

const token = '..your token..', {
}, {
  headers: {
    'Authorization': `Basic ${token}` 

To set headers in an Axios GET request, pass a second object to the axios.get() call.

const token = '..your token..' 

axios.get(url, {
  headers: {
    'Authorization': `Basic ${token}`

Cheers!! Read Simple Write Simple

Git diff says subproject is dirty

A submodule may be marked as dirty if filemode settings is enabled and you changed file permissions in submodule subtree.

To disable filemode in a submodule, you can edit /.git/modules/path/to/your/submodule/config and add

  filemode = false

If you want to ignore all dirty states, you can either set ignore = dirty property in /.gitmodules file, but I think it's better to only disable filemode.

How to add an image to a JPanel?

Fred Haslam's way works fine. I had trouble with the filepath though, since I want to reference an image within my jar. To do this, I used:

BufferedImage wPic ="snow.png"));
JLabel wIcon = new JLabel(new ImageIcon(wPic));

Since I only have a finite number (about 10) images that I need to load using this method, it works quite well. It gets file without having to have the correct relative filepath.

TypeScript and field initializers

Here's a solution that:

  • doesn't force you to make all fields optional (unlike Partial<...>)
  • differentiates between class methods and fields of function type (unlike the OnlyData<...> solution)
  • provides a nice structure by defining a Params interface
  • doesn't need to repeat variable names & types more than once

The only drawback is that it looks more complicated at first.

// Define all fields here
interface PersonParams {
  id: string
  name?: string
  coolCallback: () => string

// extend the params interface with an interface that has
// the same class name as the target class
// (if you omit the Params interface, you will have to redeclare
// all variables in the Person class)
interface Person extends PersonParams { }

// merge the Person interface with Person class (no need to repeat params)
// person will have all fields of PersonParams
// (yes, this is valid TS)
class Person {
  constructor(params: PersonParams) {
    // could also do Object.assign(this, params); =; =;

    // intellisence will expect params
    // to have `coolCallback` but not `sayHello`
    this.coolCallback = params.coolCallback;

  // compatible with functions
  sayHello() {
    console.log(`Hi ${}!`);

// you can only export on another line (not `export default class...`)
export default Person;

DateTime and CultureInfo

Use CultureInfo class to change your culture info.

var dutchCultureInfo = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("nl-NL");
var date1 = DateTime.ParseExact(date, "dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss", dutchCultureInfo);

What does status=canceled for a resource mean in Chrome Developer Tools?

Another thing to look out for could be the AdBlock extension, or extensions in general.

But "a lot" of people have AdBlock....

To rule out extension(s) open a new tab in incognito making sure that "allow in incognito is off" for the extention(s) you want to test.

How do I navigate to a parent route from a child route?

None of this worked for me ... Here is my code with the back function :

import { Router } from '@angular/router';
constructor(private router: Router) {}
back() {
   this.router.navigate([this.router.url.substring(0, this.router.url.lastIndexOf('/'))]);

this.router.url.substring(0, this.router.url.lastIndexOf('/') --> get the last part of the current url after the "/" --> get the current route.

JQuery add class to parent element


What would be the Unicode character for big bullet in the middle of the character? is the place to look for symbol names.

? BLACK CIRCLE        25CF

or even:


Good luck finding a font that supports them all. Only one shows up in Windows 7 with Chrome.

HTTP Error 404 when running Tomcat from Eclipse

It is because there is no default ROOT web application. When you create some web app and deploy it to Tomcat using Eclipse, then you will be able to access it with the URL in the form of


where YourWebAppName is some name you give to your web app (the so called application context path).

Quote from Jetty Documentation Wiki (emphasis mine):

The context path is the prefix of a URL path that is used to select the web application to which an incoming request is routed. Typically a URL in a Java servlet server is of the format, where each of the path elements may be zero or more / separated elements. If there is no context path, the context is referred to as the root context.

If you still want the default app which is accessed with the URL of the form


or if you change the default 8080 port to 80, then just


i.e. without application context path read the following (quote from Tutorial: Installing Tomcat 7 and Using it with Eclipse, emphasis mine):

Copy the ROOT (default) Web app into Eclipse. Eclipse forgets to copy the default apps (ROOT, examples, docs, etc.) when it creates a Tomcat folder inside the Eclipse workspace. Go to C:\apache-tomcat-7.0.34\webapps and copy the ROOT folder. Then go to your Eclipse workspace, go to the .metadata folder, and search for "wtpwebapps". You should find something like C:\your-eclipse-workspace-location\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.wst.server.core\tmp0\wtpwebapps (or .../tmp1/wtpwebapps if you already had another server registered in Eclipse). Go to the wtpwebapps folder and paste ROOT (say "yes" if asked if you want to merge/replace folders/files). Then reload http://localhost/ to see the Tomcat welcome page.

What's the most efficient way to check if a record exists in Oracle?

SELECT 'Y' REC_EXISTS             
FROM SALES                       
WHERE SALES_TYPE = 'Accessories'

The result will either be 'Y' or NULL. Simply test against 'Y'

How to find all the subclasses of a class given its name?

Note: I see that someone (not @unutbu) changed the referenced answer so that it no longer uses vars()['Foo'] — so the primary point of my post no longer applies.

FWIW, here's what I meant about @unutbu's answer only working with locally defined classes — and that using eval() instead of vars() would make it work with any accessible class, not only those defined in the current scope.

For those who dislike using eval(), a way is also shown to avoid it.

First here's a concrete example demonstrating the potential problem with using vars():

class Foo(object): pass
class Bar(Foo): pass
class Baz(Foo): pass
class Bing(Bar): pass

# unutbu's approach
def all_subclasses(cls):
    return cls.__subclasses__() + [g for s in cls.__subclasses__()
                                       for g in all_subclasses(s)]

print(all_subclasses(vars()['Foo']))  # Fine because  Foo is in scope
# -> [<class '__main__.Bar'>, <class '__main__.Baz'>, <class '__main__.Bing'>]

def func():  # won't work because Foo class is not locally defined

    func()  # not OK because Foo is not local to func()
except Exception as e:
    print('calling func() raised exception: {!r}'.format(e))
    # -> calling func() raised exception: KeyError('Foo',)

print(all_subclasses(eval('Foo')))  # OK
# -> [<class '__main__.Bar'>, <class '__main__.Baz'>, <class '__main__.Bing'>]

# using eval('xxx') instead of vars()['xxx']
def func2():

func2()  # Works
# -> [<class '__main__.Bar'>, <class '__main__.Baz'>, <class '__main__.Bing'>]

This could be improved by moving the eval('ClassName') down into the function defined, which makes using it easier without loss of the additional generality gained by using eval() which unlike vars() is not context-sensitive:

# easier to use version
def all_subclasses2(classname):
    direct_subclasses = eval(classname).__subclasses__()
    return direct_subclasses + [g for s in direct_subclasses
                                    for g in all_subclasses2(s.__name__)]

# pass 'xxx' instead of eval('xxx')
def func_ez():
    print(all_subclasses2('Foo'))  # simpler

# -> [<class '__main__.Bar'>, <class '__main__.Baz'>, <class '__main__.Bing'>]

Lastly, it's possible, and perhaps even important in some cases, to avoid using eval() for security reasons, so here's a version without it:

def get_all_subclasses(cls):
    """ Generator of all a class's subclasses. """
        for subclass in cls.__subclasses__():
            yield subclass
            for subclass in get_all_subclasses(subclass):
                yield subclass
    except TypeError:

def all_subclasses3(classname):
    for cls in get_all_subclasses(object):  # object is base of all new-style classes.
        if cls.__name__.split('.')[-1] == classname:
        raise ValueError('class %s not found' % classname)
    direct_subclasses = cls.__subclasses__()
    return direct_subclasses + [g for s in direct_subclasses
                                    for g in all_subclasses3(s.__name__)]

# no eval('xxx')
def func3():

func3()  # Also works
# -> [<class '__main__.Bar'>, <class '__main__.Baz'>, <class '__main__.Bing'>]

Self Join to get employee manager name

select E1.EmpId,E1.Name,E2.Name as Manager from Employee E1 left join Employee E2 on  E1.ManagerID = E2.EmpId

error_log per Virtual Host?

To set the Apache (not the PHP) log, the easiest way to do this would be to do:

<VirtualHost IP:Port>
   # Stuff,
   # More Stuff,
   ErrorLog /path/where/you/want/the/error.log

If there is no leading "/" it is assumed to be relative.

Apache Error Log Page

copy from one database to another using oracle sql developer - connection failed

The copy command is a SQL*Plus command (not a SQL Developer command). If you have your tnsname entries setup for SID1 and SID2 (e.g. try a tnsping), you should be able to execute your command.

Another assumption is that table1 has the same columns as the message_table (and the columns have only the following data types: CHAR, DATE, LONG, NUMBER or VARCHAR2). Also, with an insert command, you would need to be concerned about primary keys (e.g. that you are not inserting duplicate records).

I tried a variation of your command as follows in SQL*Plus (with no errors):

copy from scott/tiger@db1 to scott/tiger@db2 create new_emp using select * from emp;

After I executed the above statement, I also truncate the new_emp table and executed this command:

copy from scott/tiger@db1 to scott/tiger@db2 insert new_emp using select * from emp;

With SQL Developer, you could do the following to perform a similar approach to copying objects:

  1. On the tool bar, select Tools>Database copy.

  2. Identify source and destination connections with the copy options you would like. enter image description here

  3. For object type, select table(s). enter image description here

  4. Specify the specific table(s) (e.g. table1). enter image description here

The copy command approach is old and its features are not being updated with the release of new data types. There are a number of more current approaches to this like Oracle's data pump (even for tables).

HTML5 Video Autoplay not working correctly

Chrome does not allow autoplay if the video is not muted. Try using this:

<video width="440px" loop="true" autoplay="autoplay" controls muted>
  <source src="" type="video/mp4" />
  <source src="" type="video/ogv" />
  <source src="" type="video/webm" />

How to create a connection string in c#

Demo :

<add name="myConnectionString" connectionString="server=localhost;database=myDb;uid=myUser;password=myPass;" />

Based on your question:

    <add name="itmall" connectionString="Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=D:\19-02\ABCC\App_Data\abcc.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True" />

Refer links:

Retrive connection string from web.config file:

write the below code in your file where you want;

string connstring=ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["itmall"].ConnectionString;

SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(connstring);

or you can go in your way like

SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["itmall"].ConnectionString);


The "name" which you gave in web.config file and name which you used in connection string must be same(like "itmall" in this solution.)

How can I check out a GitHub pull request with git?

Get the remote PR branch into local branch:

git fetch origin ‘remote_branch’:‘local_branch_name’

Set the upstream of local branch to remote branch.

git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/PR_Branch_Name local_branch

When you want to push the local changes to PR branch again

git push origin HEAD:remote_PR_Branch_name

Convert String[] to comma separated string in java

You can do this with one line of code:

Arrays.toString(strings).replaceAll("[\\[.\\].\\s+]", "");

PySpark 2.0 The size or shape of a DataFrame

Use df.count() to get the number of rows.

How can I get a first element from a sorted list?

Matthew's answer is correct:


To do what you tried:


you'll have to wait until Java 7 is released:

devoxx conference

Here's an interesting presentation by Mark Reinhold about Java 7

It looks like parleys site is currently down, try later :(

How do I use Assert.Throws to assert the type of the exception?

A solution that actually works:

public void Test() {
    throw new MyCustomException("You can't do that!");

public void ThisWillPassIfExceptionThrown()
    var exception = Assert.ThrowsException<MyCustomException>(
        () => Test(),
        "This should have thrown!");
    Assert.AreEqual("You can't do that!", exception.Message);

This works with using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;.

C# Equivalent of SQL Server DataTypes

This is for SQL Server 2005. There are updated versions of the table for SQL Server 2008, SQL Server 2008 R2, SQL Server 2012 and SQL Server 2014.

SQL Server Data Types and Their .NET Framework Equivalents

The following table lists Microsoft SQL Server data types, their equivalents in the common language runtime (CLR) for SQL Server in the System.Data.SqlTypes namespace, and their native CLR equivalents in the Microsoft .NET Framework.

SQL Server data type          CLR data type (SQL Server)    CLR data type (.NET Framework)  
varbinary                     SqlBytes, SqlBinary           Byte[]  
binary                        SqlBytes, SqlBinary           Byte[]  
varbinary(1), binary(1)       SqlBytes, SqlBinary           byte, Byte[] 
image                         None                          None

varchar                       None                          None
char                          None                          None
nvarchar(1), nchar(1)         SqlChars, SqlString           Char, String, Char[]     
nvarchar                      SqlChars, SqlString           String, Char[] 
nchar                         SqlChars, SqlString           String, Char[] 
text                          None                          None
ntext                         None                          None

uniqueidentifier              SqlGuid                       Guid 
rowversion                    None                          Byte[]  
bit                           SqlBoolean                    Boolean 
tinyint                       SqlByte                       Byte 
smallint                      SqlInt16                      Int16  
int                           SqlInt32                      Int32  
bigint                        SqlInt64                      Int64 

smallmoney                    SqlMoney                      Decimal  
money                         SqlMoney                      Decimal  
numeric                       SqlDecimal                    Decimal  
decimal                       SqlDecimal                    Decimal  
real                          SqlSingle                     Single  
float                         SqlDouble                     Double  

smalldatetime                 SqlDateTime                   DateTime  
datetime                      SqlDateTime                   DateTime 

sql_variant                   None                          Object  
User-defined type(UDT)        None                          user-defined type     
table                         None                          None 
cursor                        None                          None
timestamp                     None                          None 
xml                           SqlXml                        None

Delete default value of an input text on click

Enter the following inside the tag, just add onFocus="value=''" so that your final code looks like this:

<input type="email" id="Email" onFocus="value=''"> 

This makes use of the javascript onFocus() event holder.

Multiple WHERE clause in Linq

Also, you can use bool method(s)

Query :

DataTable tempData = (DataTable)grdUsageRecords.DataSource;
var query = from r in tempData.AsEnumerable()
            where isValid(Field<string>("UserName"))// && otherMethod() && otherMethod2()                           
            select r;   

        DataTable newDT = query.CopyToDataTable();


bool isValid(string userName)
    if(userName == "XXXX" || userName == "YYYY")
        return false;
    else return true;

Ignore <br> with CSS?

While this question appears to already have been solved, the accepted answer didn't solve the problem for me on Firefox. Firefox (and possibly IE, though I haven't tried it) skip whitespaces while reading the contents of the "content" tag. While I completely understand why Mozilla would do that, it does bring its share of problems. The easiest workaround I found was to use non-breakable spaces instead of regular ones as shown below.

.noLineBreaks br:before{
content: '\a0'

Have a look.

How to run php files on my computer

You have to run a web server (e.g. Apache) and browse to your localhost, mostly likely on port 80.

What you really ought to do is install an all-in-one package like XAMPP, it bundles Apache, MySQL PHP, and Perl (if you were so inclined) as well as a few other tools that work with Apache and MySQL - plus it's cross platform (that's what the 'X' in 'XAMPP' stands for).

Once you install XAMPP (and there is an installer, so it shouldn't be hard) open up the control panel for XAMPP and then click the "Start" button next to Apache - note that on applications that require a database, you'll also need to start MySQL (and you'll be able to interface with it through phpMyAdmin). Once you've started Apache, you can browse to http://localhost.

Again, regardless of whether or not you choose XAMPP (which I would recommend), you should just have to start Apache.

What is for Python what 'explode' is for PHP?

The alternative for explode in php is split.

The first parameter is the delimiter, the second parameter the maximum number splits. The parts are returned without the delimiter present (except possibly the last part). When the delimiter is None, all whitespace is matched. This is the default.

>>> "Rajasekar SP".split()
['Rajasekar', 'SP']

>>> "Rajasekar SP".split('a',2)
['R','j','sekar SP']

How to copy folders to docker image from Dockerfile?

COPY . <destination>

Which would be in your case:

COPY . /

Insert some string into given string at given index in Python

I had a similar problem for my DNA assignment and I used bgporter's advice to answer it. Here is my function which creates a new string...

def insert_sequence(str1, str2, int):
    """ (str1, str2, int) -> str

    Return the DNA sequence obtained by inserting the 
    second DNA sequence into the first DNA sequence 
    at the given index.

    >>> insert_sequence('CCGG', 'AT', 2)
    >>> insert_sequence('CCGG', 'AT', 3)
    >>> insert_sequence('CCGG', 'AT', 4)
    >>> insert_sequence('CCGG', 'AT', 0)
    >>> insert_sequence('CCGGAATTGG', 'AT', 6)


    str1_split1 = str1[:int]
    str1_split2 = str1[int:]
    new_string = str1_split1 + str2 + str1_split2
    return new_string

java.math.BigInteger cannot be cast to java.lang.Integer

As we see from the javaDoc, BigInteger is not a subclass of Integer:

java.lang.Object                      java.lang.Object
   java.lang.Number                       java.lang.Number
      java.math.BigInteger                    java.lang.Integer

And that's the reason why casting from BigInteger to Integer is impossible.

Casting of java primitives will do some conversion (like casting from double to int) while casting of types will never transform classes.

How to calculate the number of occurrence of a given character in each row of a column of strings?

You could just use string division

my_strings <- c('apple', banana', 'pear', 'melon')
my_strings %s/% 'a'

Which will give you 1, 3, 1, 0. You can also use string division with regular expressions and whole words.

how to convert `content://media/external/images/media/Y` to `file:///storage/sdcard0/Pictures/X.jpg` in android?

Will something like this work for you? What this does is query the content resolver to find the file path data that is stored for that content entry

public static String getRealPathFromUri(Context context, Uri contentUri) {
    Cursor cursor = null;
    try {
        String[] proj = { MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA };
        cursor = context.getContentResolver().query(contentUri, proj, null, null, null);
        int column_index = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA);
        return cursor.getString(column_index);
    } finally {
        if (cursor != null) {

This will end up giving you an absolute file path that you can construct a file uri from

SQL Error with Order By in Subquery

If building a temp table, move the ORDER BY clause from inside the temp table code block to the outside.

Not allowed:

) X;


) X

How to use log4net in core 2.0

I was able to respond with the following methods:

1-Install-Package log4net
2-Install-Package MicroKnights.Log4NetAdoNetAppender
3-Install-Package System.Data.SqlClient

First,I Create Database and Table with this Code:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Log] (
    [Id] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL,
    [Date] [datetime] NOT NULL,
    [Thread] [varchar] (255) NOT NULL,
    [Level] [varchar] (50) NOT NULL,
    [Logger] [varchar] (255) NOT NULL,
    [Message] [varchar] (4000) NOT NULL,
    [Exception] [varchar] (2000) NULL

Second, I Create log4net.config File in program . This is a simple configuration with no customization on the log message:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<log4net debug="true">
  <!-- definition of the RollingLogFileAppender goes here -->
  <appender name="RollingLogFileAppender" type="log4net.Appender.RollingFileAppender">
    <file value="Logs/WebApp.log" />
    <appendToFile value="true" />
    <rollingStyle value="Size" />
    <maxSizeRollBackups value="10" />
    <maximumFileSize value="10MB" />
    <staticLogFileName value="true" />
    <lockingModel type="log4net.Appender.FileAppender+MinimalLock" />
    <layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout">
      <!-- Format is [date/time] [log level] [thread] message-->
      <conversionPattern value="[%date] [%level] [%thread] %m%n" />
  <appender name="AdoNetAppender" type="MicroKnights.Logging.AdoNetAppender, MicroKnights.Log4NetAdoNetAppender">
    <bufferSize value="1" />
    <connectionType value="System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection, System.Data" />
    <connectionStringName value="log4net" />
    <connectionStringFile value="appsettings.json" />
    <commandText value="INSERT INTO Log ([Date],[Thread],[Level],[Logger],[Message]) VALUES (@log_date, @thread, @log_level, @logger, @message)" />
      <parameterName value="@log_date" />
      <dbType value="DateTime" />
      <layout type="log4net.Layout.RawTimeStampLayout" />
      <parameterName value="@thread" />
      <dbType value="String" />
      <size value="255" />
      <layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout">
        <conversionPattern value="%thread" />
      <parameterName value="@log_level" />
      <dbType value="String" />
      <size value="50" />
      <layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout">
        <conversionPattern value="%level" />
      <parameterName value="@logger" />
      <dbType value="String" />
      <size value="255" />
      <layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout">
        <conversionPattern value="%logger" />
      <parameterName value="@message" />
      <dbType value="String" />
      <size value="4000" />
      <layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout">
        <conversionPattern value="%message" />
      <parameterName value="@exception" />
      <dbType value="String" />
      <size value="2000" />
      <layout type="log4net.Layout.ExceptionLayout" />
    <level value="ALL" />
    <appender-ref ref="RollingLogFileAppender" />
    <appender-ref ref="AdoNetAppender" />

Third, Replace code below with 'IHostBuilder' :

public static IWebHostBuilder CreateWebHostBuilder(string[] args) =>
    .ConfigureLogging(logging =>
        // clear default logging providers
        // add more providers here

Fourth, in appsettings.json insert this code:

  "connectionStrings": {
    "log4net": "Server=MICKO-PC;Database=Log4netDb;Trusted_Connection=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=true"

At the end, Use these commands to enjoy logging in

public class ValuesController : Controller
    private static readonly ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(ValuesController));
    public async Task<IActionResult> Login(string userName, string password)
        log.Info("Action start");
        // More code here ...
        log.Info("Action end");
    // More code here...

Good luck.

How do I get first element rather than using [0] in jQuery?

You can use the first selector.

var header = $('.header:first')

How to display the current time and date in C#

If you want to do it in XAML,

<TextBlock Text="{Binding Source={x:Static sys:DateTime.Now}}"

With some formatting,

<TextBlock Text="{Binding Source={x:Static sys:DateTime.Now},
                  StringFormat='{}{0:dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm:ss}'}"

Getting text from td cells with jQuery

First of all, your selector is overkill. I suggest using a class or ID selector like my example below. Once you've corrected your selector, simply use jQuery's .each() to iterate through the collection:

ID Selector:

$('#mytable td').each(function() {
    var cellText = $(this).html();    

Class Selector:

$('.myTableClass td').each(function() {
    var cellText = $(this).html();    

Additional Information:

Take a look at jQuery's selector docs.

Angular ng-repeat Error "Duplicates in a repeater are not allowed."

I was having an issue in my project where I was using ng-repeat track by $index but the products were not getting reflecting when data comes from database. My code is as below:

<div ng-repeat="product in productList.productList track by $index">
  <product info="product"></product>

In the above code, product is a separate directive to display the product.But i came to know that $index causes issue when we pass data out from the scope. So the data losses and DOM can not be updated.

I found the solution by using as a key in ng-repeat like below:

<div ng-repeat="product in productList.productList track by">
  <product info="product"></product>

But the above code again fails and throws the below error when more than one product comes with same id:

angular.js:11706 Error: [ngRepeat:dupes] Duplicates in a repeater are not allowed. Use 'track by' expression to specify unique keys. Repeater

So finally i solved the problem by making dynamic unique key of ng-repeat like below:

<div ng-repeat="product in productList.productList track by ( + $index)">
  <product info="product"></product>

This solved my problem and hope this will help you in future.

Caused by: org.flywaydb.core.api.FlywayException: Validate failed. Migration Checksum mismatch for migration 2

The best solution would be to do these steps :

  1. Delete the file called - V2__create_shipwreck.sql, clean and build the project again.
  2. Run the project again, login into h2 and delete the table called "schema_version".

    drop table schema_version;

  3. Now make V2__create_shipwreck.sql file with ddl and rerun the project again.

  4. Do remember this, add version 4.1.2 for flyway-core in pom.xml like


It should work now. Hope this will help.

What are good examples of genetic algorithms/genetic programming solutions?

In 2007-9 I developed some software for reading datamatrix patterns. Often these patterns were difficult to read, being indented into scratched surfaces with all kinds of reflectance properties, fuzzy chemically etched markings and so on. I used a GA to fine tune various parameters of the vision algorithms to give the best results on a database of 300 images having known properties. Parameters were things like downsampling resolution, RANSAC parameters, amount of erosion and dilation, low pass filtering radius, and a few others. Running the optimisation over several days this produced results which were about 20% better than naive values on a test set of images unseen during the optimisation phase.

This system was completely written from scratch, and I didn't use any other libraries. I'm not opposed to using such things, provided that they give a reliable result, but you have to be careful about license compatibility and code portability issues.

How can I check if a string is a number?

Try This

here i perform addition of no and concatenation of string

 private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            bool chk,chk1;
            int chkq;
            chk = int.TryParse(textBox1.Text, out chkq);
            chk1 = int.TryParse(textBox2.Text, out chkq);
            if (chk1 && chk)
                double a = Convert.ToDouble(textBox1.Text);
                double b = Convert.ToDouble(textBox2.Text);
                double c = a + b;
                textBox3.Text = Convert.ToString(c);
                string f, d,s;
                f = textBox1.Text;
                d = textBox2.Text;
                s = f + d;
                textBox3.Text = s;

How can I represent an 'Enum' in Python?

Use the following.

TYPE = {'EAN13':   u'EAN-13',
        'CODE39':  u'Code 39',
        'CODE128': u'Code 128',
        'i25':     u'Interleaved 2 of 5',}

>>> TYPE.items()
[('EAN13', u'EAN-13'), ('i25', u'Interleaved 2 of 5'), ('CODE39', u'Code 39'), ('CODE128', u'Code 128')]
>>> TYPE.keys()
['EAN13', 'i25', 'CODE39', 'CODE128']
>>> TYPE.values()
[u'EAN-13', u'Interleaved 2 of 5', u'Code 39', u'Code 128']

I used that for Django model choices, and it looks very pythonic. It is not really an Enum, but it does the job.

super() in Java

In a constructor, you can use it without a dot to call another constructor. super calls a constructor in the superclass; this calls a constructor in this class :

public MyClass(int a) {
  this(a, 5);  // Here, I call another one of this class's constructors.

public MyClass(int a, int b) {
  super(a, b);  // Then, I call one of the superclass's constructors.

super is useful if the superclass needs to initialize itself. this is useful to allow you to write all the hard initialization code only once in one of the constructors and to call it from all the other, much easier-to-write constructors.

In any method, you can use it with a dot to call another method. super.method() calls a method in the superclass; this.method() calls a method in this class :

public String toString() {
  int    hp   = this.hitpoints();  // Calls the hitpoints method in this class
                                   //   for this object.
  String name =;      // Calls the name method in the superclass
                                   //   for this object.

  return "[" + name + ": " + hp + " HP]";

super is useful in a certain scenario: if your class has the same method as your superclass, Java will assume you want the one in your class; super allows you to ask for the superclass's method instead. this is useful only as a way to make your code more readable.

LaTeX: Multiple authors in a two-column article

What about using a tabular inside \author{}, just like in IEEE macros:

\title{Hello, World}
I. M. Author  & M. Y. Coauthor \\
My Department & Coauthor Department \\ 
My Institute & Coauthor Institute \\
email, address & email, address

This will produce two columns authors with any documentclass.


enter image description here

AngularJS: ng-show / ng-hide not working with `{{ }}` interpolation

If you want to show/hide an element based on the status of one {{expression}} you can use ng-switch:

<p ng-switch="">I could be shown, or I could be hidden</p>

The paragraph will be displayed when is true, hidden when false.

SQL Server 2008 Connection Error "No process is on the other end of the pipe"

To force TCP/IP being used replace localhost with in your connection string.

As you are using a username and password make sure SQL authentication is enabled. By default only Windows integrated is enabled on sqlserver 2008.

With SqlServer authentication keep in mind that a password policy is in place to enforce security.

Return Max Value of range that is determined by an Index & Match lookup

You can easily change the match-type to 1 when you are looking for the greatest value or to -1 when looking for the smallest value.

sql server #region

(I am developer of SSMSBoost add-in for SSMS)

We have recently added support for this syntax into our SSMSBoost add-in.

--#region [Optional Name]

It has also an option to automatically "recognize" regions when opening scripts.

Setting up JUnit with IntelliJ IDEA

I needed to enable the JUnit plugin, after I linked my project with the jar files.

To enable the JUnit plugin, go to File->Settings, type "JUnit" in the search bar, and under "Plugins," check "JUnit.

vikingsteve's advice above will probably get the libraries linked right. Otherwise, open File->Project Structure, go to Libraries, hit the plus, and then browse to

C:\Program Files (x86)\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition 14.1.1\lib\

and add these jar files:


Get resultset from oracle stored procedure

In SQL Plus:

SQL> var r refcursor
SQL> set autoprint on
SQL> exec :r := function_returning_refcursor();

Replace the last line with a call to your procedure / function and the contents of the refcursor will be displayed

Generate a dummy-variable

The ifelse function is best for simple logic like this.

> x <- seq(1950, 1960, 1)

    ifelse(x == 1957, 1, 0)
    ifelse(x <= 1957, 1, 0)

>  [1] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
>  [1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0

Also, if you want it to return character data then you can do so.

> x <- seq(1950, 1960, 1)

    ifelse(x == 1957, "foo", "bar")
    ifelse(x <= 1957, "foo", "bar")

>  [1] "bar" "bar" "bar" "bar" "bar" "bar" "bar" "foo" "bar" "bar" "bar"
>  [1] "foo" "foo" "foo" "foo" "foo" "foo" "foo" "foo" "bar" "bar" "bar"

Categorical variables with nesting...

> x <- seq(1950, 1960, 1)

    ifelse(x == 1957, "foo", ifelse(x == 1958, "bar","baz"))

>  [1] "baz" "baz" "baz" "baz" "baz" "baz" "baz" "foo" "bar" "baz" "baz"

This is the most straightforward option.

Run .jar from batch-file

inside .bat file format


-------set java classpath and give jar location-------- set classpath=%CLASSPATH%;../lib/MoveFiles.jar;

---------mention your fully classified name of java class to run, which was given in jar------ Java com.mits.MoveFiles pause

Sql Server return the value of identity column after insert statement

Insert into TBL (Name, UserName, Password) Output Inserted.IdentityColumnName
 Values ('example', 'example', 'example')

Type converting slices of interfaces

In case you need more shorting your code, you can creating new type for helper

type Strings []string

func (ss Strings) ToInterfaceSlice() []interface{} {
    iface := make([]interface{}, len(ss))
    for i := range ss {
        iface[i] = ss[i]
    return iface


a := []strings{"a", "b", "c", "d"}
sliceIFace := Strings(a).ToInterfaceSlice()

afxwin.h file is missing in VC++ Express Edition

I see the question is about Express Edition, but this topic is easy to pop up in Google Search, and doesn't have a solution for other editions.

So. If you run into this problem with any VS Edition except Express, you can rerun installation and include MFC files.

How to display hexadecimal numbers in C?

Your code has no problem. It does print the way you want. Alternatively, you can do this:


What is the '.well' equivalent class in Bootstrap 4

Sure officially version says the cards are the new replacements for Bootstrap wells. But Cards are a quite broad Bootstrap components now. In simple terms, you can also use Bootstrap Jumbotron too.

LEFT JOIN in LINQ to entities?

You can read an article i have written for joins in LINQ here

var query = 
from  u in Repo.T_Benutzer
join bg in Repo.T_Benutzer_Benutzergruppen
    on u.BE_ID equals bg.BEBG_BE
into temp
from j in temp.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new
    BE_User = u.BE_User,
    BEBG_BG = (int?)j.BEBG_BG// == null ? -1 : j.BEBG_BG
            //, bg.Name 

The following is the equivalent using extension methods:

var query = 
    (o,i)=>new {o,i}
    x => x.i.DefaultIfEmpty(),
    (o,i) => new
        BE_User = o.o.BE_User,
        BEBG_BG = (int?)i.BEBG_BG

Download image with JavaScript

As @Ian explained, the problem is that jQuery's click() is not the same as the native one.

Therefore, consider using vanilla-js instead of jQuery:

var a = document.createElement('a');
a.href = "img.png"; = "output.png";


make an html svg object also a clickable link

To accomplish this in all browsers you need to use a combination of @energee, @Richard and @Feuermurmel methods.

<a href="" style="display: block; z-index: 1;">
    <object data="" style="z-index: -1; pointer-events: none;" />


  • pointer-events: none; makes it work in Firefox.
  • display: block; gets it working in Chrome, and Safari.
  • z-index: 1; z-index: -1; makes it work in IE as well.

How to change a text with jQuery


Try this for a clean approach.

var $toptitle = $('#toptitle');

if ( $toptitle.text() == 'Profile' ) // No {} brackets necessary if it's just one line.  
  $toptitle.text('New Word');         

Hibernate Group by Criteria Object

GroupBy using in Hibernate

This is the resulting code

public Map getStateCounts(final Collection ids) {
    HibernateSession hibernateSession = new HibernateSession();
    Session session = hibernateSession.getSession();
    Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(DownloadRequestEntity.class)
            .add("id", ids));
    ProjectionList projectionList = Projections.projectionList();
    List results = criteria.list();
    Map stateMap = new HashMap();
    for (Object[] obj : results) {
        DownloadState downloadState = (DownloadState) obj[0];
        stateMap.put(downloadState.getDescription().toLowerCase() (Integer) obj[1]);
    return stateMap;

Create PDF with Java

Following are few libraries to create PDF with Java:

  1. iText
  2. Apache PDFBox
  3. BFO

I have used iText for genarating PDF's with a little bit of pain in the past.

Or you can try using FOP: FOP is an XSL formatter written in Java. It is used in conjunction with an XSLT transformation engine to format XML documents into PDF.

git - remote add origin vs remote set-url origin

Try this:

git init  
git remote add origin your_repo.git  
git remote -v  
git status  

'dispatch' is not a function when argument to mapToDispatchToProps() in Redux

Sometime this error also occur when you change the order of Component Function while passing to connect.

Incorrect Order:

export default connect(mapDispatchToProps, mapStateToProps)(TodoList);

Correct Order:

export default connect(mapStateToProps,mapDispatchToProps)(TodoList);

Can't execute jar- file: "no main manifest attribute"

Create the folder META-INF and the file MANIFEST.MF in that folder with this content:

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Class-Path: .

Then compile including that manifest file.

Inserting data into a temporary table

SELECT  ID , Date , Name into #temp from [TableName]

Play an audio file using jQuery when a button is clicked


It doesn't work with $("#myAudioElement").play() like you would expect. The official reason is that incorporating it into jQuery would add a play() method to every single element, which would cause unnecessary overhead. So instead you have to refer to it by its position in the array of DOM elements that you're retrieving with $("#myAudioElement"), aka 0.

This quote is from a bug that was submitted about it, which was closed as "feature/wontfix":

To do that we'd need to add a jQuery method name for each DOM element method name. And of course that method would do nothing for non-media elements so it doesn't seem like it would be worth the extra bytes it would take.

Why am I getting an Exception with the message "Invalid setup on a non-virtual (overridable in VB) member..."?

Instead of mocking concrete class you should mock that class interface. Extract interface from XmlCupboardAccess class

public interface IXmlCupboardAccess
    bool IsDataEntityInXmlCupboard(string dataId, out string nameInCupboard, out string refTypeInCupboard, string nameTemplate = null);

And instead of

private Mock<XmlCupboardAccess> _xmlCupboardAccess = new Mock<XmlCupboardAccess>();

change to

private Mock<IXmlCupboardAccess> _xmlCupboardAccess = new Mock<IXmlCupboardAccess>();

Target elements with multiple classes, within one rule

.border-blue.background { ... } is for one item with multiple classes.
.border-blue, .background { ... } is for multiple items each with their own class.
.border-blue .background { ... } is for one item where '.background' is the child of '.border-blue'.

See Chris' answer for a more thorough explanation.

using batch echo with special characters

One easy solution is to use delayed expansion, as this doesn't change any special characters.

set "line=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
  echo !line!
) > myfile.xml

EDIT : Another solution is to use a disappearing quote.

This technic uses a quotation mark to quote the special characters

@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set ""="
echo !"!<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

The trick works, as in the special characters phase the leading quotation mark in !"! will preserve the rest of the line (if there aren't other quotes).
And in the delayed expansion phase the !"! will replaced with the content of the variable " (a single quote is a legal name!).

If you are working with disabled delayed expansion, you could use a FOR /F loop instead.

for /f %%^" in ("""") do echo(%%~" <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

But as the seems to be a bit annoying you could also build a macro.

set "print=for /f %%^" in ("""") do echo(%%~""

%print%<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
%print% Special characters like &|<>^ works now without escaping

Meaning of "referencing" and "dereferencing" in C

I've always heard them used in the opposite sense:

  • & is the reference operator -- it gives you a reference (pointer) to some object

  • * is the dereference operator -- it takes a reference (pointer) and gives you back the referred to object;

Repository Pattern Step by Step Explanation

As a summary, I would describe the wider impact of the repository pattern. It allows all of your code to use objects without having to know how the objects are persisted. All of the knowledge of persistence, including mapping from tables to objects, is safely contained in the repository.

Very often, you will find SQL queries scattered in the codebase and when you come to add a column to a table you have to search code files to try and find usages of a table. The impact of the change is far-reaching.

With the repository pattern, you would only need to change one object and one repository. The impact is very small.

Perhaps it would help to think about why you would use the repository pattern. Here are some reasons:

  • You have a single place to make changes to your data access

  • You have a single place responsible for a set of tables (usually)

  • It is easy to replace a repository with a fake implementation for testing - so you don't need to have a database available to your unit tests

There are other benefits too, for example, if you were using MySQL and wanted to switch to SQL Server - but I have never actually seen this in practice!

How to list all the files in a commit?

List all files in a commit tree:

git ls-tree --name-only --full-tree a21e610

Error: "dictionary update sequence element #0 has length 1; 2 is required" on Django 1.4

I too had a similar type of problem . The solution is simple . just dont try to enter NULL or None value in values or u might have to use Something like this

How to set Navigation Drawer to be opened from right to left

the main issue with the following error:

no drawer view found with absolute gravity LEFT

is that, you defined the


for list-view in right, but try to open the drawer from left, by calling this function:


and clicking on hamburger icon!

just comment the above function and try to handle open/close of menu like @Rudi said!

Java equivalent of unsigned long long?

I don't believe so. Once you want to go bigger than a signed long, I think BigInteger is the only (out of the box) way to go.

How do I type a TAB character in PowerShell?

If it helps you can embed a tab character in a double quoted string:

PS> "`t hello"

Why is division in Ruby returning an integer instead of decimal value?

Fixnum#to_r is not mentioned here, it was introduced since ruby 1.9. It converts Fixnum into rational form. Below are examples of its uses. This also can give exact division as long as all the numbers used are Fixnum.

 a = 1.to_r  #=> (1/1) 
 a = 10.to_r #=> (10/1) 
 a = a / 3   #=> (10/3) 
 a = a * 3   #=> (10/1) 
 a.to_f      #=> 10.0

Example where a float operated on a rational number coverts the result to float.

a = 5.to_r   #=> (5/1) 
a = a * 5.0  #=> 25.0 

How to set host_key_checking=false in ansible inventory file?

You set these configs either in the /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg or ~/.ansible.cfg or ansible.cfg(in your current directory) file

ssh_args = -C -o ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPersist=60s -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no

tested with ansible 2.9.6 in ubuntu 20.04

How to develop a soft keyboard for Android?

first of all you should define an .xml file and make keyboard UI in it:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Keyboard xmlns:android=""
NOTE When we add a horizontalGap in pixels, this interferes with keyWidth in percentages adding up to 100%
NOTE When we have a horizontalGap (on Keyboard level) of 0, this make the horizontalGap (on Key level) to move from after the key to before the key... (I consider this a bug) 
    <Key android:codes="-5" android:keyLabel="remove"  android:keyEdgeFlags="left" />
    <Key android:codes="48"    android:keyLabel="0" />
    <Key android:codes="55006" android:keyLabel="clear" />
    <Key android:codes="49"    android:keyLabel="1"  android:keyEdgeFlags="left" />
    <Key android:codes="50"    android:keyLabel="2" />
    <Key android:codes="51"    android:keyLabel="3" />
    <Key android:codes="52"    android:keyLabel="4"  android:keyEdgeFlags="left" />
    <Key android:codes="53"    android:keyLabel="5" />
    <Key android:codes="54"    android:keyLabel="6" />

    <Key android:codes="55"    android:keyLabel="7"  android:keyEdgeFlags="left" />
    <Key android:codes="56"    android:keyLabel="8" />
    <Key android:codes="57"    android:keyLabel="9" />

In this example you have 4 rows and in each row you have 3 keys. also you can put an icon in each key you want.

Then you should add xml tag in your activity UI like this:

        android:visibility="visible" />

Also in your .java activity file you should define the keyboard and assign it to a EditText:

CustomKeyboard mCustomKeyboard1 = new CustomKeyboard(this,
  , R.xml.horizontal_keyboard);

This code asign inputSearch (which is a EditText) to your keyboard.

import android.inputmethodservice.Keyboard;
import android.inputmethodservice.KeyboardView;
import android.inputmethodservice.KeyboardView.OnKeyboardActionListener;
import android.text.Editable;
import android.text.InputType;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.View.OnClickListener;
import android.view.View.OnFocusChangeListener;
import android.view.View.OnTouchListener;
import android.view.WindowManager;
import android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager;
import android.widget.EditText;

public class CustomKeyboard {

/** A link to the KeyboardView that is used to render this CustomKeyboard. */
private KeyboardView mKeyboardView;
/** A link to the activity that hosts the {@link #mKeyboardView}. */
private Activity mHostActivity;

/** The key (code) handler. */
private OnKeyboardActionListener mOnKeyboardActionListener = new OnKeyboardActionListener() {

    public final static int CodeDelete = -5; // Keyboard.KEYCODE_DELETE
    public final static int CodeCancel = -3; // Keyboard.KEYCODE_CANCEL
    public final static int CodePrev = 55000;
    public final static int CodeAllLeft = 55001;
    public final static int CodeLeft = 55002;
    public final static int CodeRight = 55003;
    public final static int CodeAllRight = 55004;
    public final static int CodeNext = 55005;
    public final static int CodeClear = 55006;

    public void onKey(int primaryCode, int[] keyCodes) {
        // NOTE We can say '<Key android:codes="49,50" ... >' in the xml
        // file; all codes come in keyCodes, the first in this list in
        // primaryCode
        // Get the EditText and its Editable
        View focusCurrent = mHostActivity.getWindow().getCurrentFocus();
        if (focusCurrent == null
                || focusCurrent.getClass() != EditText.class)
        EditText edittext = (EditText) focusCurrent;
        Editable editable = edittext.getText();
        int start = edittext.getSelectionStart();
        // Apply the key to the edittext
        if (primaryCode == CodeCancel) {
        } else if (primaryCode == CodeDelete) {
            if (editable != null && start > 0)
                editable.delete(start - 1, start);
        } else if (primaryCode == CodeClear) {
            if (editable != null)
        } else if (primaryCode == CodeLeft) {
            if (start > 0)
                edittext.setSelection(start - 1);
        } else if (primaryCode == CodeRight) {
            if (start < edittext.length())
                edittext.setSelection(start + 1);
        } else if (primaryCode == CodeAllLeft) {
        } else if (primaryCode == CodeAllRight) {
        } else if (primaryCode == CodePrev) {
            View focusNew = edittext.focusSearch(View.FOCUS_BACKWARD);
            if (focusNew != null)
        } else if (primaryCode == CodeNext) {
            View focusNew = edittext.focusSearch(View.FOCUS_FORWARD);
            if (focusNew != null)
        } else { // insert character
            editable.insert(start, Character.toString((char) primaryCode));

    public void onPress(int arg0) {

    public void onRelease(int primaryCode) {

    public void onText(CharSequence text) {

    public void swipeDown() {

    public void swipeLeft() {

    public void swipeRight() {

    public void swipeUp() {

 * Create a custom keyboard, that uses the KeyboardView (with resource id
 * <var>viewid</var>) of the <var>host</var> activity, and load the keyboard
 * layout from xml file <var>layoutid</var> (see {@link Keyboard} for
 * description). Note that the <var>host</var> activity must have a
 * <var>KeyboardView</var> in its layout (typically aligned with the bottom
 * of the activity). Note that the keyboard layout xml file may include key
 * codes for navigation; see the constants in this class for their values.
 * Note that to enable EditText's to use this custom keyboard, call the
 * {@link #registerEditText(int)}.
 * @param host
 *            The hosting activity.
 * @param viewid
 *            The id of the KeyboardView.
 * @param layoutid
 *            The id of the xml file containing the keyboard layout.
public CustomKeyboard(Activity host, int viewid, int layoutid) {
    mHostActivity = host;
    mKeyboardView = (KeyboardView) mHostActivity.findViewById(viewid);
    mKeyboardView.setKeyboard(new Keyboard(mHostActivity, layoutid));
    mKeyboardView.setPreviewEnabled(false); // NOTE Do not show the preview
                                            // balloons
    // Hide the standard keyboard initially

/** Returns whether the CustomKeyboard is visible. */
public boolean isCustomKeyboardVisible() {
    return mKeyboardView.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE;

 * Make the CustomKeyboard visible, and hide the system keyboard for view v.
public void showCustomKeyboard(View v) {
    if (v != null)
        ((InputMethodManager) mHostActivity
                .hideSoftInputFromWindow(v.getWindowToken(), 0);

/** Make the CustomKeyboard invisible. */
public void hideCustomKeyboard() {

 * Register <var>EditText<var> with resource id <var>resid</var> (on the
 * hosting activity) for using this custom keyboard.
 * @param resid
 *            The resource id of the EditText that registers to the custom
 *            keyboard.
public void registerEditText(int resid) {
    // Find the EditText 'resid'
    EditText edittext = (EditText) mHostActivity.findViewById(resid);
    // Make the custom keyboard appear
    edittext.setOnFocusChangeListener(new OnFocusChangeListener() {
        // NOTE By setting the on focus listener, we can show the custom
        // keyboard when the edit box gets focus, but also hide it when the
        // edit box loses focus
        public void onFocusChange(View v, boolean hasFocus) {
            if (hasFocus)
    edittext.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
        // NOTE By setting the on click listener, we can show the custom
        // keyboard again, by tapping on an edit box that already had focus
        // (but that had the keyboard hidden).
        public void onClick(View v) {
    // Disable standard keyboard hard way
    // NOTE There is also an easy way:
    // 'edittext.setInputType(InputType.TYPE_NULL)' (but you will not have a
    // cursor, and no 'edittext.setCursorVisible(true)' doesn't work )
    edittext.setOnTouchListener(new OnTouchListener() {
        public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
            EditText edittext = (EditText) v;
            int inType = edittext.getInputType(); // Backup the input type
            edittext.setInputType(InputType.TYPE_NULL); // Disable standard
                                                        // keyboard
            edittext.onTouchEvent(event); // Call native handler
            edittext.setInputType(inType); // Restore input type
            return true; // Consume touch event
    // Disable spell check (hex strings look like words to Android)
            | InputType.TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_NO_SUGGESTIONS);


// NOTE How can we change the background color of some keys (like the
// shift/ctrl/alt)?
// NOTE What does android:keyEdgeFlags do/mean

Using SQL LIKE and IN together

substr([column name],
       [desired starting position (numeric)],
       [# characters to include (numeric)]) in ([complete as usual])


substr([column name],1,4) in ('M510','M615', 'M515', 'M612')

Remove an onclick listener

Note that if a view is non-clickable (a TextView for example), setting setOnClickListener(null) will mean the view is clickable. Use mMyView.setClickable(false) if you don't want your view to be clickable. For example, if you use a xml drawable for the background, which shows different colours for different states, if your view is still clickable, users can click on it and the different background colour will show, which may look weird.

DateTime.TryParse issue with dates of yyyy-dd-MM format

DateTime dt = DateTime.ParseExact("11-22-2012 12:00 am", "MM-dd-yyyy hh:mm tt", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

Assigning a function to a variable

I don't know what is the value/usefulness of renaming a function and call it with the new name. But using a string as function name, e.g. obtained from the command line, has some value/usefulness:

import sys
fun = eval(sys.argv[1])

In the present case, fun = x.

How to implement a property in an interface

You should use abstract class to initialize a property. You can't inititalize in Inteface .

What are the differences between Pandas and NumPy+SciPy in Python?

Pandas offer a great way to manipulate tables, as you can make binning easy (binning a dataframe in pandas in Python) and calculate statistics. Other thing that is great in pandas is the Panel class that you can join series of layers with different properties and combine it using groupby function.

Laravel - display a PDF file in storage without forcing download?

Laravel 5.6.*

$name = 'file.jpg';

store on image or pdf

$file->storeAs('public/', $name );

download image or pdf

return response()->download($name);

view image or pdf

return response()->file($name);

Disable firefox same origin policy

There's a Firefox extension that adds the CORS headers to any HTTP response working on the latest Firefox (build 36.0.1) released March 5, 2015. I tested it and it's working on both Windows 7 and Mavericks. I'll guide you throught the steps to get it working.

1) Getting the extension

You can either download the xpi from here (author builds) or from here (mirror, may not be updated).

Or download the files from GitHub. Now it's also on Firefox Marketplace: Download here. In this case, the addon is installed after you click install and you can skip to step 4.

If you downloaded the xpi you can jump to step 3. If you downloaded the zip from GitHub, go to step 2.

2) Building the xpi

You need to extract the zip, get inside the "cors-everywhere-firefox-addon-master" folder, select all the items and zip them. Then, rename the created zip as *.xpi

Note: If you are using the OS X gui, it may create some hidden files, so you 'd be better using the command line.

3) Installing the xpi

You can just drag and drop the xpi to firefox, or go to: "about:addons", click on the cog on the top right corner and select "install add on from file", then select you .xpi file. Now, restart firefox.

4) Getting it to work

Now, the extension won't be working by default. You need to drag the extension icon to the extension bar, but don't worry. There are pictures!

  • Click on the Firefox Menu
  • Click on Customise


  • Drag CorsE to the bar
  • Now, click on the icon, when it's green the CORS headers will be added to any HTTP response


5) Testing if it's working


$.get( "", function( data ) {
  console.log (data);


xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();

xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
    if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4) {

6) Final considerations

Note that https to http is not allowed.

There may be a way around it, but it's behind the scope of the question.

Simplest Way to Test ODBC on WIndows

You can use the "Test Connection" feature after creating the ODBC connection through Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Data Sources.

To test a SQL command itself you could try:

Or (perhaps easier and more useful in the long run) you can make a test ASP.NET or PHP page in a couple minutes to run SQL statement yourself through IIS.

Save base64 string as PDF at client side with JavaScript

You will do not need any library for this. JavaScript support this already. Here is my end-to-end solution.

const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', 'your-end-point', true);
xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8');
xhr.responseType = 'blob';
xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {
    if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
       if (window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob) {
           window.navigator.msSaveBlob(this.response, "fileName.pdf");
        } else {
           const downloadLink = window.document.createElement('a');
           const contentTypeHeader = xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Type");
           downloadLink.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([this.response], { type: contentTypeHeader }));
  = "fileName.pdf";

This also work for .xls or .zip file. You just need to change file name to fileName.xls or This depends on your case.

How do I cancel a build that is in progress in Visual Studio?

I'm using Visual Studio 2015. To stop build you can follow:

  1. Ctrl + Pause
  2. Ctrl + Break