[javascript] Getting all documents from one collection in Firestore

Hi I'm starting with javascript and react-native and I'm trying to figure out this problem for hours now. Can someone explain me how to get all the documents from firestore collection ?

I have been trying this:

async getMarkers() {
  const events = await firebase.firestore().collection('events').get()
    .then(querySnapshot => {
      querySnapshot.docs.map(doc => {
        console.log('LOG 1', doc.data());
        return doc.data();
  console.log('LOG 2', events);
  return events;

Log 1 prints all the objects(one by one) but log 2 is undefined, why ?

The answer is

Try following LOCs

    let query = firestore.collection('events');
    let response = [];
    await query.get().then(querySnapshot => {
          let docs = querySnapshot.docs;
          for (let doc of docs) {
              const selectedEvent = {
                     id: doc.id,
                     item: doc.data().event
   return response;

Here's a simple version of the top answer, but going into an object with the document ids:

async getMarker() {
    const snapshot = await firebase.firestore().collection('events').get()
    return snapshot.docs.reduce(function (acc, doc, i) {
              acc[doc.id] = doc.data();
              return acc;
            }, {});

I made it work this way:

async getMarkers() {
  const markers = [];
  await firebase.firestore().collection('events').get()
    .then(querySnapshot => {
      querySnapshot.docs.forEach(doc => {
  return markers;

if you need to include the key of the document in the response, another alternative is:

async getMarker() {
    const snapshot = await firebase.firestore().collection('events').get()
    const documents = [];
    snapshot.forEach(doc => {
       documents[doc.id] = doc.data();
    return documents;

I prefer to hide all code complexity in my services... so, I generally use something like this:

In my events.service.ts

    async getEvents() {
        const snapchot = await this.db.collection('events').ref.get();
        return new Promise <Event[]> (resolve => {
            const v = snapchot.docs.map(x => {
                const obj = x.data();
                obj.id = x.id;
                return obj as Event;

In my sth.page.ts

   myList: Event[];

   construct(private service: EventsService){}

   async ngOnInit() {
      this.myList = await this.service.getEvents();

Enjoy :)

Two years late but I just began reading the Firestore documentation recently cover to cover for fun and found withConverter which I saw wasn't posted in any of the above answers. Thus:

If you want to include ids and also use withConverter (Firestore's version of ORMs, like ActiveRecord for Ruby on Rails, Entity Framework for .NET, etc), then this might be useful for you:

Somewhere in your project, you probably have your Event model properly defined. For example, something like:

Your model (in TypeScript): ./models/Event.js

export class Event {
  constructor (
    public id: string,
    public title: string,
    public datetime: Date

export const eventConverter = {
  toFirestore: function (event: Event) {
    return {
      // id: event.id,  // Note! Not in ".data()" of the model!
      title: event.title,
      datetime: event.datetime
  fromFirestore: function (snapshot: any, options: any) {
    const data = snapshot.data(options)
    const id = snapshot.id
    return new Event(id, data.title, data.datetime)

And then your client-side TypeScript code:

import { eventConverter } from './models/Event.js'


async function loadEvents () {
  const qs = await firebase.firestore().collection('events')
    .orderBy('datetime').limit(3)  // Remember to limit return sizes!

  const events = qs.docs.map((doc: any) => doc.data())


Two interesting quirks of Firestore to notice (or at least, I thought were interesting):

  1. Your event.id is actually stored "one-level-up" in snapshot.id and not snapshot.data().

  2. If you're using TypeScript, the TS linter (or whatever it's called) sadly isn't smart enough to understand:

const events = qs.docs.map((doc: Event) => doc.data())

even though right above it you explicitly stated: .withConverter(eventConverter)

Which is why it needs to be doc: any.

(But! You will actually get Array<Event> back! (Not Array<Map> back.) That's the entire point of withConverter... That way if you have any object methods (not shown here in this example), you can immediately use them.)

It makes sense to me but I guess I've gotten so greedy/spoiled that I just kinda expect my VS Code, ESLint, and the TS Watcher to literally do everything for me. Oh well.

Formal docs (about withConverter and more) here: https://firebase.google.com/docs/firestore/query-data/get-data#custom_objects

if you want include Id

async getMarkers() {
  const events = await firebase.firestore().collection('events')
  events.get().then((querySnapshot) => {
      const tempDoc = querySnapshot.docs.map((doc) => {
        return { id: doc.id, ...doc.data() }

Same way with array

async getMarkers() {
  const events = await firebase.firestore().collection('events')
  events.get().then((querySnapshot) => {
      const tempDoc = []
      querySnapshot.forEach((doc) => {
         tempDoc.push({ id: doc.id, ...doc.data() })

You could get the whole collection as an object, rather than array like this:

async getMarker() {
    const snapshot = await firebase.firestore().collection('events').get()
    const collection = {};
    snapshot.forEach(doc => {
        collection[doc.id] = doc.data();
    return collection;

That would give you a better representation of what's in firestore. Nothing wrong with an array, just another option.

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