Programs & Examples On #Parallel python

Parallel Python provides mechanism for parallel execution of python code on SMP (systems with multiple processors or cores) and clusters (computers connected via network)

How to add certificate chain to keystore?

I solved the problem by cat'ing all the pems together:

cat cert.pem chain.pem fullchain.pem >all.pem
openssl pkcs12 -export -in all.pem -inkey privkey.pem -out cert_and_key.p12 -name tomcat -CAfile chain.pem -caname root -password MYPASSWORD
keytool -importkeystore -deststorepass MYPASSWORD -destkeypass MYPASSWORD -destkeystore MyDSKeyStore.jks -srckeystore cert_and_key.p12 -srcstoretype PKCS12 -srcstorepass MYPASSWORD -alias tomcat
keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias root -file chain.pem -keystore MyDSKeyStore.jks -storepass MYPASSWORD

(keytool didn't know what to do with a PKCS7 formatted key)

I got all the pems from letsencrypt

Convert command line arguments into an array in Bash

The importance of the double quotes is worth emphasizing. Suppose an argument contains whitespace.


printf 'arguments:%s\n' "$@"
declare -a arrayGOOD=( "$@" )
declare -a arrayBAAD=(  $@  )

printf '\n%s:\n' arrayGOOD
declare -p arrayGOOD
for (( i=1; i<${arrayGOODlength}+1; i++ ));
   echo "${arrayGOOD[$i-1]}"

printf '\n%s:\n' arrayBAAD
declare -p arrayBAAD
for (( i=1; i<${arrayBAADlength}+1; i++ ));
   echo "${arrayBAAD[$i-1]}"


> ./ 'The dog ate the "flea" -- and ' the mouse.
arguments:The dog ate the "flea" -- and 

declare -a arrayGOOD='([0]="The dog ate the \"flea\" -- and " [1]="the" [2]="mouse.")'
The dog ate the "flea" -- and 

declare -a arrayBAAD='([0]="The" [1]="dog" [2]="ate" [3]="the" [4]="\"flea\"" [5]="--" [6]="and" [7]="the" [8]="mouse.")'

Difference between Spring MVC and Spring Boot

To add my once cent, Java Spring is a framework while Java Spring Boot is addon to accelerate it by providing pre-configurations and or easy to use components. It is always recommended to have fundamental concepts of Java Spring before jumping to Java Spring Boot.

Can you 'exit' a loop in PHP?

As stated in other posts, you can use the break keyword. One thing that was hinted at but not explained is that the keyword can take a numeric value to tell PHP how many levels to break from.

For example, if you have three foreach loops nested in each other trying to find a piece of information, you could do 'break 3' to get out of all three nested loops. This will work for the 'for', 'foreach', 'while', 'do-while', or 'switch' structures.

$person = "Rasmus Lerdorf";
$found = false;

foreach($organization as $oKey=>$department)
   foreach($department as $dKey=>$group)
      foreach($group as $gKey=>$employee)
         if ($employee['fullname'] == $person)
            $found = true;
            break 3;
      } // group
   } // department
} // organization

Java SecurityException: signer information does not match

In my case, I had duplicated JAR version of BouncyCastle in my library path :S

How to check if a string array contains one string in JavaScript?

There is an indexOf method that all arrays have (except Internet Explorer 8 and below) that will return the index of an element in the array, or -1 if it's not in the array:

if (yourArray.indexOf("someString") > -1) {
    //In the array!
} else {
    //Not in the array

If you need to support old IE browsers, you can polyfill this method using the code in the MDN article.

How to serve .html files with Spring

I faced the same issue and tried various solutions to load the html page from Spring MVC, following solution worked for me

Step-1 in server's web.xml comment these two lines

<!--     <mime-mapping>
<!--     <mime-mapping>

Step-2 enter following code in application's web xml


Step-3 create a static controller class

public class FrontController {
    public String getIndexPage() { 
    return "CompanyInfo"; 



Step-4 in the Spring configuration file change the suffix to .htm .htm

Step-5 Rename page as .htm file and store it in WEB-INF and build/start the server


mysql query result into php array

What about this:

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) 
    $new_array[$row['id']]['id'] = $row['id'];
    $new_array[$row['id']]['link'] = $row['link'];

To retrieve link and id:

foreach($new_array as $array)
   echo $array['id'].'<br />';
   echo $array['link'].'<br />';

Android Debug Bridge (adb) device - no permissions

I had the same situation where three devices connected to one same host but only one had 'no permissions' others were online.

Adding SUID or SGID on adb was another issue for me. Devices seen offline every time adb restarts - until you acknowledge on the devices every time.

I solved this 'no permissions' issue by adding 'o+w' permission for a device file.

chmod o+w /dev/bus/usb/00n/xxx

Stop a youtube video with jquery?


<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

2.add your youtube iframe.

<iframe id="player" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe>

3.magic time.

            var player;
            function onYouTubePlayerAPIReady() {player = new YT.Player('player');}
            //so on jquery event or whatever call the play or stop on the video.
            //to play player.playVideo();
            //to stop player.stopVideo();

How to push local changes to a remote git repository on bitbucket

I'm with Git downloaded from and set up ssh follow to the answer for instructions

Once the generated public key is verified in my Bitbucket account, and by referring to the steps as explaned on I found that just 'git push' is working:

git clone https://[email protected]/me/test.git
cd test
cp -R ../dummy/* .
git add .
git pull origin master 
git commit . -m "my first git commit" 
git config --global push.default simple
git push

Shell respond are as below:

$ git push
Counting objects: 39, done.
Delta compression using up to 2 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (39/39), done.
Writing objects: 100% (39/39), 2.23 MiB | 5.00 KiB/s, done.
Total 39 (delta 1), reused 0 (delta 0)
To https://[email protected]/me/test.git 992b294..93835ca  master -> master

It even works for to push on merging master to gh-pages in GitHub

git checkout gh-pages
git merge master
git push

Does VBA contain a comment block syntax?

prefix the comment with a single-quote. there is no need for an "end" tag.

'this is a comment

Extend to multiple lines using the line-continuation character, _:

'this is a multi-line _

This is an option in the toolbar to select a line(s) of code and comment/uncomment:

enter image description here

Can't get Gulp to run: cannot find module 'gulp-util'

In most of the cases, deleting all the node packages and then installing them again, solve the problem.

But In my case node_modules folder has not write permission.

Configuring Log4j Loggers Programmatically

If someone comes looking for configuring log4j2 programmatically in Java, then this link could help: (

Here is the basic code for configuring a Console Appender:

ConfigurationBuilder<BuiltConfiguration> builder = ConfigurationBuilderFactory.newConfigurationBuilder();

// naming the logger configuration

// create a console appender
AppenderComponentBuilder appenderBuilder = builder.newAppender("Console", "CONSOLE")
                .addAttribute("target", ConsoleAppender.Target.SYSTEM_OUT);
// add a layout like pattern, json etc
                .addAttribute("pattern", "%d %p %c [%t] %m%n"));
RootLoggerComponentBuilder rootLogger = builder.newRootLogger(Level.DEBUG);


This will reconfigure the default rootLogger and will also create a new appender.

HashMap: One Key, multiple Values

It sounds like you're looking for a multimap. Guava has various Multimap implementations, usually created via the Multimaps class.

I would suggest that using that implementation is likely to be simpler than rolling your own, working out what the API should look like, carefully checking for an existing list when adding a value etc. If your situation has a particular aversion to third party libraries it may be worth doing that, but otherwise Guava is a fabulous library which will probably help you with other code too :)

How do I clear my Jenkins/Hudson build history?

Go to the %HUDSON_HOME%\jobs\<projectname> remove builds dir and remove lastStable, lastSuccessful links, and remove nextBuildNumber file.

After doing above steps go to below link from UI
Jenkins-> Manage Jenkins -> Reload Configuration from Disk

It will do as you need

How to increase number of threads in tomcat thread pool?

Sounds like you should stay with the defaults ;-)

Seriously: The number of maximum parallel connections you should set depends on your expected tomcat usage and also on the number of cores on your server. More cores on your processor => more parallel threads that can be executed.

See here how to configure...

Tomcat 9:

Tomcat 8:

Tomcat 7:

Tomcat 6:

How to Identify Microsoft Edge browser via CSS?

/* Microsoft Edge Browser 12-18 (All versions before Chromium) - one-liner method */

_:-ms-lang(x), _:-webkit-full-screen, .selector { property:value; }

That works great!

// for instance:
_:-ms-lang(x), _:-webkit-full-screen, .headerClass 
  border: 1px solid brown;

TortoiseSVN icons overlay not showing after updating to Windows 10

Windows explorer allots 15 custom overlay icons (Windows reserves 4, so effectively only 11 overlay icons) - they are shared between multiple applications (Google drive, One drive, Tortoise SVN). If you have multiple applications installed - the first ones in list will display their icons, rest of applications won’t.

Problem is described deeper in:

Open registry editor in:


Rename icons which are not important to you to start from ‘z_’ prefix (will be last in list, will not be used after that).

regedit snapshoot

Windows restart might be needed, as just restart explorer does not work. But in my case icons appeared to be correct after some time. (10-20 minutes ?).

Errors in SQL Server while importing CSV file despite varchar(MAX) being used for each column

Goto Advanced tab----> data type of column---> Here change data type from DT_STR to DT_TEXT and column width 255. Now you can check it will work perfectly.

Restart android machine

adb reboot should not reboot your linux box.

But in any case, you can redirect the command to a specific adb device using adb -s <device_id> command , where

Device ID can be obtained from the command adb devices
command in this case is reboot

How to set focus on a view when a layout is created and displayed?

Set focus: The framework will handled moving focus in response to user input. To force focus to a specific view, call requestFocus()

How to solve privileges issues when restore PostgreSQL Database

For people using Google Cloud Platform, any error will stop the import process. Personally I encountered two different errors depending on the pg_dump command I issued :

1- The input is a PostgreSQL custom-format dump. Use the pg_restore command-line client to restore this dump to a database.

Occurs when you've tried to dump your DB in a non plain text format. I.e when the command lacks the -Fp or --format=plain parameter. However, if you add it to your command, you may then encounter the following error :

2- SET SET SET SET SET SET CREATE EXTENSION ERROR: must be owner of extension plpgsql

This is a permission issue I have been unable to fix using the command provided in the GCP docs, the tips from this current thread, or following advice from Google Postgres team here. Which recommended to issue the following command :

pg_dump -Fp --no-acl --no-owner -U myusername myDBName > mydump.sql

The only thing that did the trick in my case was manually editing the dump file and commenting out all commands relating to plpgsql.

I hope this helps GCP-reliant souls.

Update :

It's easier to dump the file commenting out extensions, especially since some dumps can be huge : pg_dump ... | grep -v -E '(CREATE\ EXTENSION|COMMENT\ ON)' > mydump.sql

Which can be narrowed down to plpgsql : pg_dump ... | grep -v -E '(CREATE\ EXTENSION\ IF\ NOT\ EXISTS\ plpgsql|COMMENT\ ON\ EXTENSION\ plpgsql)' > mydump.sql

Graphical DIFF programs for linux

Subclipse for Eclipse has an excellent graphical diff plugin if you are using SVN (subversion) source control.

How to cast int to enum in C++?

Spinning off the closing question, "how do I convert a to type Test::A" rather than being rigid about the requirement to have a cast in there, and answering several years late only because this seems to be a popular question and nobody else has mentioned the alternative, per the C++11 standard:

5.2.9 Static cast

... an expression e can be explicitly converted to a type T using a static_cast of the form static_cast<T>(e) if the declaration T t(e); is well-formed, for some invented temporary variable t (8.5). The effect of such an explicit conversion is the same as performing the declaration and initialization and then using the temporary variable as the result of the conversion.

Therefore directly using the form t(e) will also work, and you might prefer it for neatness:

auto result = Test(a);

104, 'Connection reset by peer' socket error, or When does closing a socket result in a RST rather than FIN?

Don't use wsgiref for production. Use Apache and mod_wsgi, or something else.

We continue to see these connection resets, sometimes frequently, with wsgiref (the backend used by the werkzeug test server, and possibly others like the Django test server). Our solution was to log the error, retry the call in a loop, and give up after ten failures. httplib2 tries twice, but we needed a few more. They seem to come in bunches as well - adding a 1 second sleep might clear the issue.

We've never seen a connection reset when running through Apache and mod_wsgi. I don't know what they do differently, (maybe they just mask them), but they don't appear.

When we asked the local dev community for help, someone confirmed that they see a lot of connection resets with wsgiref that go away on the production server. There's a bug there, but it is going to be hard to find it. mvc @Html.CheckBoxFor

Use this code:

@for (int i = 0; i < Model.EmploymentType.Count; i++)
    @Html.HiddenFor(m => m.EmploymentType[i].Text)
    @Html.CheckBoxFor(m => m.EmploymentType[i].Checked, new { id = "YourId" })

Mysql adding user for remote access

In order to connect remotely you have to have MySQL bind port 3306 to your machine's IP address in my.cnf. Then you have to have created the user in both localhost and '%' wildcard and grant permissions on all DB's as such . See below:

my.cnf (my.ini on windows)

#Replace xxx with your IP Address 
bind-address        =


CREATE USER 'myuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'mypass';
CREATE USER 'myuser'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'mypass';


GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'myuser'@'localhost';
GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'myuser'@'%';
flush privileges;

Depending on your OS you may have to open port 3306 to allow remote connections.

ASP.NET MVC 3 - redirect to another action

You will need to return the result of RedirectToAction.

Returning binary file from controller in ASP.NET Web API

You could try

httpResponseMessage.Content.Headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream");

Error:java: invalid source release: 8 in Intellij. What does it mean?

It can be simply overcome by setting on Project Structure. You just need to select the right path for related version of JDK. Select new on dependencies tab, and choose the path. It's done!

enter image description here

JavaScript: remove event listener

Try this, it worked for me.

<button id="btn">Click</button>
 let f;
 btn.addEventListener('click', f=function(event) {
 console.log('Event removed')

Get rid of "The value for annotation attribute must be a constant expression" message

This is what a constant expression in Java looks like:

package com.mycompany.mypackage;

public class MyLinks {
  // constant expression
  public static final String GUESTBOOK_URL = "/guestbook";

You can use it with annotations as following:

import com.mycompany.mypackage.MyLinks;

@WebServlet(urlPatterns = {MyLinks.GUESTBOOK_URL})
public class GuestbookServlet extends HttpServlet {
  // ...

What is the difference between utf8mb4 and utf8 charsets in MySQL?

MySQL added this utf8mb4 code after 5.5.3, Mb4 is the most bytes 4 meaning, specifically designed to be compatible with four-byte Unicode. Fortunately, UTF8MB4 is a superset of UTF8, except that there is no need to convert the encoding to UTF8MB4. Of course, in order to save space, the general use of UTF8 is enough.

The original UTF-8 format uses one to six bytes and can encode 31 characters maximum. The latest UTF-8 specification uses only one to four bytes and can encode up to 21 bits, just to represent all 17 Unicode planes. UTF8 is a character set in Mysql that supports only a maximum of three bytes of UTF-8 characters, which is the basic multi-text plane in Unicode.

To save 4-byte-long UTF-8 characters in Mysql, you need to use the UTF8MB4 character set, but only 5.5. After 3 versions are supported (View version: Select version ();). I think that in order to get better compatibility, you should always use UTF8MB4 instead of UTF8. For char type data, UTF8MB4 consumes more space and, according to Mysql's official recommendation, uses VARCHAR instead of char.

In MariaDB utf8mb4 as the default CHARSET when it not set explicitly in the server config, hence COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci is used.


CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci;

Error: Expression must have integral or unscoped enum type

Your variable size is declared as: float size;

You can't use a floating point variable as the size of an array - it needs to be an integer value.

You could cast it to convert to an integer:

float *temp = new float[(int)size];

Your other problem is likely because you're writing outside of the bounds of the array:

   float *temp = new float[size];

    //Getting input from the user
    for (int x = 1; x <= size; x++){
        cout << "Enter temperature " << x << ": ";

        // cin >> temp[x];
        // This should be:
        cin >> temp[x - 1];

Arrays are zero based in C++, so this is going to write beyond the end and never write the first element in your original code.

What is FCM token in Firebase?

FirebaseInstanceIdService is now deprecated. you should get the Token in the onNewToken method in the FirebaseMessagingService.

Check out the docs

Add a default value to a column through a migration

Using def change means you should write migrations that are reversible. And change_column is not reversible. You can go up but you cannot go down, since change_column is irreversible.

Instead, though it may be a couple extra lines, you should use def up and def down

So if you have a column with no default value, then you should do this to add a default value.

def up
  change_column :users, :admin, :boolean, default: false

def down
  change_column :users, :admin, :boolean, default: nil

Or if you want to change the default value for an existing column.

def up
  change_column :users, :admin, :boolean, default: false

def down
  change_column :users, :admin, :boolean, default: true

How to count instances of character in SQL Column

for example to calculate the count instances of character (a) in SQL Column ->name is column name '' ( and in doblequote's is empty i am replace a with nocharecter @'')

select len(name)- len(replace(name,'a','')) from TESTING

select len('YYNYNYYNNNYYNY')- len(replace('YYNYNYYNNNYYNY','y',''))

How can I rebuild indexes and update stats in MySQL innoDB?

Why? One almost never needs to update the statistics. Rebuilding an index is even more rarely needed.

OPTIMIZE TABLE tbl; will rebuild the indexes and do ANALYZE; it takes time.

ANALYZE TABLE tbl; is fast for InnoDB to rebuild the stats. With 5.6.6 it is even less needed.

Can I do Model->where('id', ARRAY) multiple where conditions?

You can use whereIn which accepts an array as second paramter.

   ->whereIn('column', [value, value, value])

You can chain where multiple times.

DB:table('table')->where('column', 'operator', 'value')
    ->where('column', 'operator', 'value')
    ->where('column', 'operator', 'value')

This will use AND operator. if you need OR you can use orWhere method.

For advanced where statements

    ->where('column', 'operator', 'value')
        $query->where('column', 'operator', 'value')
            ->where('column', 'operator', 'value');

Clearing NSUserDefaults

Here is the answer in Swift:

let appDomain = NSBundle.mainBundle().bundleIdentifier!

How do I close a tkinter window?

Illumination in case of confusion...

def quit(self):

A) destroy() stops the mainloop and kills the window, but leaves python running

B) exit() stops the whole process

Just to clarify in case someone missed what destroy() was doing, and the OP also asked how to "end" a tkinter program.

Edit In Place Content Editing

Since this is a common piece of functionality it's a good idea to write a directive for this. In fact, someone already did that and open sourced it. I used editablespan library in one of my projects and it worked perfectly, highly recommended.

How to initailize byte array of 100 bytes in java with all 0's

Simply create it as new byte[100] it will be initialized with 0 by default

Cannot truncate table because it is being referenced by a FOREIGN KEY constraint?

truncate did not work for me, delete + reseed is the best way out. In case there are some of you out there who need to iterate over huge number of tables to perform delete + reseed, you might run into issues with some tables which does not have an identity column, the following code checks if identity column exist before attempting to reseed

    EXEC ('DELETE FROM [schemaName].[tableName]')
    IF EXISTS (Select * from sys.identity_columns where object_name(object_id) = 'tableName')
        EXEC ('DBCC CHECKIDENT ([schemaName.tableName], RESEED, 0)')

How to fix Invalid byte 1 of 1-byte UTF-8 sequence

  1. Open the xml in notepad
  2. Make sure you dont have extra space at the beginning and end of the document.
  3. Select File -> Save As
  4. select save as type -> All files
  5. Enter file name as abcd.xml
  6. select Encoding - UTF-8 -> Click Save

Add timestamp column with default NOW() for new rows only

For example, I will create a table called users as below and give a column named date a default value NOW()

create table users_parent (
    user_id     varchar(50),
    full_name   varchar(240),
    login_id_1  varchar(50),
    date        timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW()


Stack Memory vs Heap Memory

It's a language abstraction - some languages have both, some one, some neither.

In the case of C++, the code is not run in either the stack or the heap. You can test what happens if you run out of heap memory by repeatingly calling new to allocate memory in a loop without calling delete to free it it. But make a system backup before doing this.

How to remove carriage returns and new lines in Postgresql?

OP asked specifically about regexes since it would appear there's concern for a number of other characters as well as newlines, but for those just wanting strip out newlines, you don't even need to go to a regex. You can simply do:

select replace(field,E'\n','');

I think this is an SQL-standard behavior, so it should extend back to all but perhaps the very earliest versions of Postgres. The above tested fine for me in 9.4 and 9.2

How can I style the border and title bar of a window in WPF?

Those are "non-client" areas and are controlled by Windows. Here is the MSDN docs on the subject (the pertinent info is at the top).

Basically, you set your Window's WindowStyle="None", then build your own window interface. (similar question on SO)

The 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header contains multiple values

I added

config.EnableCors(new EnableCorsAttribute(Properties.Settings.Default.Cors, "", ""))

as well as


on the server. This results in two header entries. Just use the latter one and it works.

How to read appSettings section in the web.config file?

Add namespace

using System.Configuration;

and in place of


you should use


String path = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["configFile"];

Bash integer comparison

This script works!

if [[ ( "$#" < 1 ) || ( !( "$1" == 1 ) && !( "$1" == 0 ) ) ]] ; then
    echo this script requires a 1 or 0 as first parameter.
    echo "first parameter is $1"
    xinput set-prop 12 "Device Enabled" $0

But this also works, and in addition keeps the logic of the OP, since the question is about calculations. Here it is with only arithmetic expressions:

if (( $# )) && (( $1 == 0 || $1 == 1 )); then
    echo "first parameter is $1"
    xinput set-prop 12 "Device Enabled" $0
    echo this script requires a 1 or 0 as first parameter.

The output is the same1:

$ ./ 
this script requires a 1 or 0 as first parameter.

$ ./ 0
first parameter is 0

$ ./ 1
first parameter is 1

$ ./ 2
this script requires a 1 or 0 as first parameter.

[1] the second fails if the first argument is a string

How do you rename a MongoDB database?

Although Mongodb does not provide the rename Database command, it provides the rename Collection command, which not only modifies the collection name, but also modifies the database name.

{ renameCollection: "<source_namespace>", to: "<target_namespace>", dropTarget: <true|false>  writeConcern: <document> }
db.adminCommand({renameCollection: "db1.test1", to: "db2.test2"})

This command only modifies the metadata, the cost is very small, we only need to traverse all the collections under db1, renamed to db2 to achieve rename Database name.
you can do it in this Js script

var source = "source";
var dest = "dest";
var colls = db.getSiblingDB(source).getCollectionNames();
for (var i = 0; i < colls.length; i++) {
var from = source + "." + colls[i];
var to = dest + "." + colls[i];
db.adminCommand({renameCollection: from, to: to});

Be careful when you use this command

renameCollection has different performance implications depending on the target namespace.

If the target database is the same as the source database, renameCollection simply changes the namespace. This is a quick operation.

If the target database differs from the source database, renameCollection copies all documents from the source collection to the target collection. Depending on the size of the collection, this may take longer to complete.

Static method in a generic class?

It is possible to do what you want by using the syntax for generic methods when declaring your doIt() method (notice the addition of <T> between static and void in the method signature of doIt()):

class Clazz<T> {
  static <T> void doIt(T object) {
    // shake that booty

I got Eclipse editor to accept the above code without the Cannot make a static reference to the non-static type T error and then expanded it to the following working program (complete with somewhat age-appropriate cultural reference):

public class Clazz<T> {
  static <T> void doIt(T object) {
    System.out.println("shake that booty '" + object.getClass().toString()
                       + "' !!!");

  private static class KC {

  private static class SunshineBand {

  public static void main(String args[]) {
    KC kc = new KC();
    SunshineBand sunshineBand = new SunshineBand();

Which prints these lines to the console when I run it:

shake that booty 'class com.eclipseoptions.datamanager.Clazz$KC' !!!
shake that booty 'class com.eclipseoptions.datamanager.Clazz$SunshineBand' !!!

How to add data to DataGridView

My favorite way to do this is with an extension function called 'Map':

public static void Map<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source, Action<T> func)
    foreach (T i in source)

Then you can add all the rows like so:

X.Map(item => this.dataGridView1.Rows.Add(item.ID, item.Name));

How can I force clients to refresh JavaScript files?

Use a version GET variable to prevent browser caching.

Appending ?v=AUTO_INCREMENT_VERSION to the end of your url prevents browser caching - avoiding any and all cached scripts.

What is the color code for transparency in CSS?

jus add two zeroes (00) before your color code you will get the transparent of that color

Excel how to fill all selected blank cells with text

OK, what you can try is

Cntrl+H (Find and Replace), leave Find What blank and change Replace With to NULL.

That should replace all blank cells in the USED range with NULL

CSS get height of screen resolution

You can get the window height quite easily in pure CSS, using the units "vh", each corresponding to 1% of the window height. On the example below, let's begin to centralize by adding a margin-top half the size of the screen.

    margin-top: 50vh;

But that only works for 'window' size. With a dab of javascript, you could make it more versatile.

$(':root').css("--windowHeight", $( window ).height() );

That code will create a CSS variable named "--windowHeight" that carries the height of the window. To use it, just add the rule:

    margin-top: calc( var(--windowHeight) / 2 );

And why is it more versatile than simply using "vh" units? Because you can get the height of any element. Now if you want to centralize a in any, you could:

$(':root').css("--containerHeight", $( .bar ).height() );
$(':root').css("--blockHeight", $( .foo ).height() );

    margin-top: calc( var(--containerHeight) / 2 - var(--blockHeight) / 2);

And finally, for it to respond to changes on the window size, you could use (in this example, the container is 50% the window height):

$( window ).resize(function() {
    $(':root').css("--containerHeight", $( .bar ).height()*0.5 );

How do I analyze a .hprof file?

You can also use HeapWalker from the Netbeans Profiler or the Visual VM stand-alone tool. Visual VM is a good alternative to JHAT as it is stand alone, but is much easier to use than JHAT.

You need Java 6+ to fully use Visual VM.

Query to check index on a table

On Oracle:

  • Determine all indexes on table:

    SELECT index_name 
     FROM user_indexes
     WHERE table_name = :table
  • Determine columns indexes and columns on index:

    SELECT index_name
         , column_position
         , column_name
      FROM user_ind_columns
     WHERE table_name = :table
     ORDER BY index_name, column_order


Increasing the maximum post size

There are 2 different places you can set it:



.htaccess / httpd.conf / virtualhost include

php_value post_max_size 20M
php_value upload_max_filesize 20M

Which one to use depends on what you have access to.

.htaccess will not require a server restart, but php.ini and the other apache conf files will.

Android M Permissions: onRequestPermissionsResult() not being called

I have found out that is important where you call

If you do it in onCreate(), onRequestPermissionsResult() is never called.

Solution: Call it in onActivityCreated();

public void onActivityCreated(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


    if (ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(context, Manifest.permission.READ_CONTACTS) == PackageManager.PERMISSION_DENIED) 
        requestPermissions(new String[]{Manifest.permission.READ_CONTACTS}, 0);


Dynamically load JS inside JS

The jQuery.getScript() method is a shorthand of the Ajax function (with the dataType attribute: $.ajax({ url: url,dataType: "script"}))

If you want the scripts to be cachable, either use RequireJS or follow jQuery's example on extending the jQuery.getScript method similar to the following.

jQuery.cachedScript = function( url, options ) {

  // Allow user to set any option except for dataType, cache, and url
  options = $.extend( options || {}, {
    dataType: "script",
    cache: true,
    url: url

  // Use $.ajax() since it is more flexible than $.getScript
  // Return the jqXHR object so we can chain callbacks
  return jQuery.ajax( options );

// Usage
$.cachedScript( "ajax/test.js" ).done(function( script, textStatus ) {
  console.log( textStatus );

Reference: jQuery.getScript() | jQuery API Documentation

In Node.js, how do I turn a string to a json?

use the JSON function >


When do Java generics require <? extends T> instead of <T> and is there any downside of switching?

First - I have to direct you to -- she does an amazing job.

The basic idea is that you use

<T extends SomeClass>

when the actual parameter can be SomeClass or any subtype of it.

In your example,

Map<String, Class<? extends Serializable>> expected = null;
Map<String, Class<java.util.Date>> result = null;
assertThat(result, is(expected));

You're saying that expected can contain Class objects that represent any class that implements Serializable. Your result map says it can only hold Date class objects.

When you pass in result, you're setting T to exactly Map of String to Date class objects, which doesn't match Map of String to anything that's Serializable.

One thing to check -- are you sure you want Class<Date> and not Date? A map of String to Class<Date> doesn't sound terribly useful in general (all it can hold is Date.class as values rather than instances of Date)

As for genericizing assertThat, the idea is that the method can ensure that a Matcher that fits the result type is passed in.

Parse json string using JSON.NET

If your keys are dynamic I would suggest deserializing directly into a DataTable:

    class SampleData
        [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "items")]
        public System.Data.DataTable Items { get; set; }

    public void DerializeTable()
        const string json = @"{items:["
            + @"{""Name"":""AAA"",""Age"":""22"",""Job"":""PPP""},"
            + @"{""Name"":""BBB"",""Age"":""25"",""Job"":""QQQ""},"
            + @"{""Name"":""CCC"",""Age"":""38"",""Job"":""RRR""}]}";
        var sampleData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<SampleData>(json);
        var table = sampleData.Items;

        // write tab delimited table without knowing column names
        var line = string.Empty;
        foreach (DataColumn column in table.Columns)            
            line += column.ColumnName + "\t";                       

        foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
            line = string.Empty;
            foreach (DataColumn column in table.Columns)                
                line += row[column] + "\t";                                   

        // Name   Age   Job    
        // AAA    22    PPP    
        // BBB    25    QQQ    
        // CCC    38    RRR    

You can determine the DataTable column names and types dynamically once deserialized.

Easiest way to split a string on newlines in .NET?

Examples here are great and helped me with a current "challenge" to split RSA-keys to be presented in a more readable way. Based on Steve Coopers solution:

    string Splitstring(string txt, int n = 120, string AddBefore = "", string AddAfterExtra = "")
        //Spit each string into a n-line length list of strings
        var Lines = Enumerable.Range(0, txt.Length / n).Select(i => txt.Substring(i * n, n)).ToList();
        //Check if there are any characters left after split, if so add the rest
        if(txt.Length > ((txt.Length / n)*n) )

        //Create return text, with extras
        string txtReturn = "";
        foreach (string Line in Lines)
            txtReturn += AddBefore + Line + AddAfterExtra +  Environment.NewLine;
        return txtReturn;

Presenting a RSA-key with 33 chars width and quotes are then simply

Console.WriteLine(Splitstring(RSAPubKey, 33, "\"", "\""));


Output of Splitstring();

Hopefully someone find it usefull...

How to remove the focus from a TextBox in WinForms?

Try this one:

First set up tab order.

Then in form load event we can send a tab key press programmatically to application. So that application will give focus to 1st contol in the tab order.

in form load even write this line.


This did work for me.

Jenkins pipeline if else not working

your first try is using declarative pipelines, and the second working one is using scripted pipelines. you need to enclose steps in a steps declaration, and you can't use if as a top-level step in declarative, so you need to wrap it in a script step. here's a working declarative version:

pipeline {
    agent any

    stages {
        stage('test') {
            steps {
                sh 'echo hello'
        stage('test1') {
            steps {
                sh 'echo $TEST'
        stage('test3') {
            steps {
                script {
                    if (env.BRANCH_NAME == 'master') {
                        echo 'I only execute on the master branch'
                    } else {
                        echo 'I execute elsewhere'

you can simplify this and potentially avoid the if statement (as long as you don't need the else) by using "when". See "when directive" at you can also validate jenkinsfiles using the jenkins rest api. it's super sweet. have fun with declarative pipelines in jenkins!

How can I update the current line in a C# Windows Console App?

You can use Console.SetCursorPosition to set the position of the cursor and then write at the current position.

Here is an example showing a simple "spinner":

static void Main(string[] args)
    var spin = new ConsoleSpinner();
    while (true) 

public class ConsoleSpinner
    int counter;

    public void Turn()
        switch (counter % 4)
            case 0: Console.Write("/"); counter = 0; break;
            case 1: Console.Write("-"); break;
            case 2: Console.Write("\\"); break;
            case 3: Console.Write("|"); break;
        Console.SetCursorPosition(Console.CursorLeft - 1, Console.CursorTop);

Note that you will have to make sure to overwrite any existing output with new output or blanks.

Update: As it has been criticized that the example moves the cursor only back by one character, I will add this for clarification: Using SetCursorPosition you may set the cursor to any position in the console window.

Console.SetCursorPosition(0, Console.CursorTop);

will set the cursor to the beginning of the current line (or you can use Console.CursorLeft = 0 directly).

Error: "setFile(null,false) call failed" when using log4j

I had the exact same problem. Here is the solution that worked for me: simply put your properties file path in the cmd line this way :

-Dlog4j.configuration=<FILE_PATH>  (ex:

Hope this will help you

Check if an element contains a class in JavaScript?

In modern browsers, you can just use the contains method of Element.classList :



var testElement = document.getElementById('test');

    'main' : testElement.classList.contains('main'),
    'cont' : testElement.classList.contains('cont'),
    'content' : testElement.classList.contains('content'),
    'main-cont' : testElement.classList.contains('main-cont'),
    'main-content' : testElement.classList.contains('main-content')
<div id="test" class="main main-content content"></div>

Supported browsers

enter image description here



If you want to use Element.classList but you also want to support older browsers, consider using this polyfill by Eli Grey.

Right mime type for SVG images with fonts embedded

There's only one registered mediatype for SVG, and that's the one you listed, image/svg+xml. You can of course serve SVG as XML too, though browsers tend to behave differently in some scenarios if you do, for example I've seen cases where SVG used in CSS backgrounds fail to display unless served with the image/svg+xml mediatype.

How to scroll up or down the page to an anchor using jQuery?

You should also consider that the target has a padding and thus use position instead of offset. You can also account for a potential nav bar you don't want to be overlapping the target.

const $navbar = $('.navbar');

$('a[href^="#"]').on('click', function(e) {

    const scrollTop =
        $($(this).attr('href')).position().top -

    $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop });

How to make spring inject value into a static field

As these answers are old, I found this alternative. It is very clean and works with just java annotations:

To fix it, create a “none static setter” to assign the injected value for the static variable. For example :

import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

public class GlobalValue {

public static String DATABASE;

public void setDatabase(String db) {
    DATABASE = db;

jQuery show/hide not working

if (grid.selectedKeyNames().length > 0) {
        } else {


() - calls the method

no parentheses - returns the property

How to read all rows from huge table?

The short version is, call stmt.setFetchSize(50); and conn.setAutoCommit(false); to avoid reading the entire ResultSet into memory.

Here's what the docs say:

Getting results based on a cursor

By default the driver collects all the results for the query at once. This can be inconvenient for large data sets so the JDBC driver provides a means of basing a ResultSet on a database cursor and only fetching a small number of rows.

A small number of rows are cached on the client side of the connection and when exhausted the next block of rows is retrieved by repositioning the cursor.


  • Cursor based ResultSets cannot be used in all situations. There a number of restrictions which will make the driver silently fall back to fetching the whole ResultSet at once.

  • The connection to the server must be using the V3 protocol. This is the default for (and is only supported by) server versions 7.4 and later.-

  • The Connection must not be in autocommit mode. The backend closes cursors at the end of transactions, so in autocommit mode the backend will have closed the cursor before anything can be fetched from it.-

  • The Statement must be created with a ResultSet type of ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY. This is the default, so no code will need to be rewritten to take advantage of this, but it also means that you cannot scroll backwards or otherwise jump around in the ResultSet.-

  • The query given must be a single statement, not multiple statements strung together with semicolons.

Example 5.2. Setting fetch size to turn cursors on and off.

Changing code to cursor mode is as simple as setting the fetch size of the Statement to the appropriate size. Setting the fetch size back to 0 will cause all rows to be cached (the default behaviour).

// make sure autocommit is off
Statement st = conn.createStatement();

// Turn use of the cursor on.
ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM mytable");
while ( {
   System.out.print("a row was returned.");

// Turn the cursor off.
rs = st.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM mytable");
while ( {
   System.out.print("many rows were returned.");

// Close the statement.

How to mount the android img file under linux?

See the answer at:

First you need to "uncompress" userdata.img with simg2img, then you can mount it via the loop device.

convert double to int

I think the best way is Convert.ToInt32.

How to change Format of a Cell to Text using VBA

To answer your direct question, it is:

Range("A1").NumberFormat = "@"


Cells(1,1).NumberFormat = "@"

However, I suggest making changing the format to what you actually want displayed. This allows you to retain the data type in the cell and easily use cell formulas to manipulate the data.

Insert Picture into SQL Server 2005 Image Field using only SQL

    Id int,
    Name varchar(50) not null,
    Photo varbinary(max) not null

INSERT INTO Employees (Id, Name, Photo) 
SELECT 10, 'John', BulkColumn 
FROM Openrowset( Bulk 'C:\photo.bmp', Single_Blob) as EmployeePicture

Insert NULL value into INT column

Just use the insert query and put the NULL keyword without quotes. That will work-

INSERT INTO `myDatabase`.`myTable` (`myColumn`) VALUES (NULL);

Reverting to a specific commit based on commit id with Git?

Do you want to roll back your repo to that state, or you just want your local repo to look like that?

If you reset --hard, it will make your local code and local history be just like it was at that commit. But if you wanted to push this to someone else who has the new history, it would fail:

git reset --hard c14809fa

And if you reset --soft, it will move your HEAD to where they were , but leave your local files etc. the same:

git reset --soft c14809fa

So what exactly do you want to do with this reset?

Edit -

You can add "tags" to your repo.. and then go back to a tag. But a tag is really just a shortcut to the sha1.

You can tag this as TAG1.. then a git reset --soft c14809fa, git reset --soft TAG1, or git reset --soft c14809fafb08b9e96ff2879999ba8c807d10fb07 would all do the same thing.

JavaScript/jQuery - How to check if a string contain specific words

If you are looking for exact words and don't want it to match things like "nightmare" (which is probably what you need), you can use a regex:


\b = word boundary
g = global
i = case insensitive (if needed)

If you just want to find the characters "are", then use indexOf.

If you want to match arbitrary words, you have to programatically construct a RegExp (regular expression) object itself based on the word string and use test.

How to get the latest file in a folder?

(Edited to improve answer)

First define a function get_latest_file

def get_latest_file(path, *paths):
    fullpath = os.path.join(path, paths)
get_latest_file('example', 'files','randomtext011.*.txt')

You may also use a docstring !

def get_latest_file(path, *paths):
    """Returns the name of the latest (most recent) file 
    of the joined path(s)"""
    fullpath = os.path.join(path, *paths)

If you use Python 3, you can use iglob instead.

Complete code to return the name of latest file:

def get_latest_file(path, *paths):
    """Returns the name of the latest (most recent) file 
    of the joined path(s)"""
    fullpath = os.path.join(path, *paths)
    files = glob.glob(fullpath)  # You may use iglob in Python3
    if not files:                # I prefer using the negation
        return None                      # because it behaves like a shortcut
    latest_file = max(files, key=os.path.getctime)
    _, filename = os.path.split(latest_file)
    return filename

how to pass value from one php page to another using session

Use something like this:


$_SESSION['myValue']=3; // You can set the value however you like.

Any other PHP page:

echo $_SESSION['myValue'];

A few notes to keep in mind though: You need to call session_start() BEFORE any output, HTML, echos - even whitespace.

You can keep changing the value in the session - but it will only be able to be used after the first page - meaning if you set it in page 1, you will not be able to use it until you get to another page or refresh the page.

The setting of the variable itself can be done in one of a number of ways:


And if you want to check if the variable is set before getting a potential error, use something like this:

    echo $_SESSION['myValue'];
    echo "Session not set yet.";

Typescript: How to extend two classes?

I think there is a much better approach, that allows for solid type-safety and scalability.

First declare interfaces that you want to implement on your target class:

interface IBar {
  doBarThings(): void;

interface IBazz {
  doBazzThings(): void;

class Foo implements IBar, IBazz {}

Now we have to add the implementation to the Foo class. We can use class mixins that also implements these interfaces:

class Base {}

type Constructor<I = Base> = new (...args: any[]) => I;

function Bar<T extends Constructor>(constructor: T = Base as any) {
  return class extends constructor implements IBar {
    public doBarThings() {
      console.log("Do bar!");

function Bazz<T extends Constructor>(constructor: T = Base as any) {
  return class extends constructor implements IBazz {
    public doBazzThings() {
      console.log("Do bazz!");

Extend the Foo class with the class mixins:

class Foo extends Bar(Bazz()) implements IBar, IBazz {
  public doBarThings() {
    console.log("Override mixin");

const foo = new Foo();
foo.doBazzThings(); // Do bazz!
foo.doBarThings(); // Do bar! // Override mixin

Upload file to SFTP using PowerShell

I am able to sftp using PowerShell as below:

PS C:\Users\user\Desktop> sftp [email protected]                                                     
[email protected]'s password:
Connected to [email protected].
sftp> ls
sftp> cd testFolder
sftp> ls
sftp> put taj_mahal_1.jpeg
Uploading taj_mahal_1.jpeg to /home/user/testFolder/taj_mahal_1.jpeg
taj_mahal_1.jpeg                                                                      100%   11KB  35.6KB/s   00:00
sftp> ls
taj_mahal.jpeg      taj_mahal_1.jpeg

I do not have installed Posh-SSH or anything like that. I am using Windows 10 Pro PowerShell. No additional modules installed.

Is there any way to have a fieldset width only be as wide as the controls in them?

You could float it, then it will only be as wide as its contents, but you'll have to make sure you clear those floats.

HTTP Request in Swift with POST method

let session = URLSession.shared
        let url = "http://...."
        let request = NSMutableURLRequest(url: NSURL(string: url)! as URL)
        request.httpMethod = "POST"
        request.addValue("application/json", forHTTPHeaderField: "Content-Type")
        var params :[String: Any]?
        params = ["Some_ID" : "111", "REQUEST" : "SOME_API_NAME"]
            request.httpBody = try params, options: JSONSerialization.WritingOptions())
            let task = session.dataTask(with: request as URLRequest as URLRequest, completionHandler: {(data, response, error) in
                if let response = response {
                    let nsHTTPResponse = response as! HTTPURLResponse
                    let statusCode = nsHTTPResponse.statusCode
                    print ("status code = \(statusCode)")
                if let error = error {
                    print ("\(error)")
                if let data = data {
                        let jsonResponse = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: JSONSerialization.ReadingOptions())
                        print ("data = \(jsonResponse)")
                    }catch _ {
                        print ("OOps not good JSON formatted response")
        }catch _ {
            print ("Oops something happened buddy")

UIView frame, bounds and center

There are very good answers with detailed explanation to this post. I just would like to refer that there is another explanation with visual representation for the meaning of Frame, Bounds, Center, Transform, Bounds Origin in WWDC 2011 video Understanding UIKit Rendering starting from @4:22 till 20:10

How can I insert values into a table, using a subquery with more than one result?

INSERT INTO prices(group, id, price)
SELECT 7, articleId, 1.50
FROM article where name like 'ABC%';

Are there best practices for (Java) package organization?

I organize packages by feature, not by patterns or implementation roles. I think packages like:

  • beans
  • factories
  • collections

are wrong.

I prefer, for example:

  • orders
  • store
  • reports

so I can hide implementation details through package visibility. Factory of orders should be in the orders package so details about how to create an order are hidden.

/bin/sh: pushd: not found


SHELL := /bin/bash

at the top of your makefile I have found it on another question How can I use Bash syntax in Makefile targets?

Add multiple items to a list

Thanks to AddRange:


public class Person
    private string Name;
    private string FirstName;

    public Person(string name, string firstname) => (Name, FirstName) = (name, firstname);

To add multiple Person to a List<>:

List<Person> listofPersons = new List<Person>();
listofPersons.AddRange(new List<Person>
    new Person("John1", "Doe" ),
    new Person("John2", "Doe" ),
    new Person("John3", "Doe" ),

How can I access getSupportFragmentManager() in a fragment?

Kotlin users try this answer

(activity as AppCompatActivity).supportFragmentManager

VBScript -- Using error handling

VBScript has no notion of throwing or catching exceptions, but the runtime provides a global Err object that contains the results of the last operation performed. You have to explicitly check whether the Err.Number property is non-zero after each operation.

On Error Resume Next


If Err.Number <> 0 Then
  WScript.Echo "Error in DoStep1: " & Err.Description
End If


If Err.Number <> 0 Then
  WScript.Echo "Error in DoStop2:" & Err.Description
End If

'If you no longer want to continue following an error after that block's completed,
'call this.
On Error Goto 0

The "On Error Goto [label]" syntax is supported by Visual Basic and Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), but VBScript doesn't support this language feature so you have to use On Error Resume Next as described above.

Select query with date condition

Be careful, you're unwittingly asking "where the date is greater than one divided by nine, divided by two thousand and eight".

Put # signs around the date, like this #1/09/2008#

How do I do a not equal in Django queryset filtering?

Using exclude and filter

results = Model.objects.filter(x=5).exclude(a=true)

Compare two data.frames to find the rows in data.frame 1 that are not present in data.frame 2

Really fast comparison, to get count of differences. Using specific column name.

colname = "CreatedDate" # specify column name
index <- match(colname, names(source_df)) # get index name for column name
sel <- source_df[, index] == target_df[, index] # get differences, gives you dataframe with TRUE and FALSE values
table(sel)["FALSE"] # count of differences
table(sel)["TRUE"] # count of matches

For complete dataframe, do not provide column or index name

sel <- source_df[, ] == target_df[, ] # gives you dataframe with TRUE and FALSE values
table(sel)["FALSE"] # count of differences
table(sel)["TRUE"] # count of matches

How does one extract each folder name from a path?

Or, if you need to do something with each folder, have a look at the System.IO.DirectoryInfo class. It also has a Parent property that allows you to navigate to the parent directory.

Body of Http.DELETE request in Angular2

deleteInsurance(insuranceId: any) {
    const insuranceData = {
      id : insuranceId
    var reqHeader = new HttpHeaders({
            "Content-Type": "application/json",
        const httpOptions = {
            headers: reqHeader,
            body: insuranceData,
    return this.http.delete<any>(this.url + "users/insurance", httpOptions);

How to do a SOAP Web Service call from Java class?

I understand your problem boils down to how to call a SOAP (JAX-WS) web service from Java and get its returning object. In that case, you have two possible approaches:

  1. Generate the Java classes through wsimport and use them; or
  2. Create a SOAP client that:
    1. Serializes the service's parameters to XML;
    2. Calls the web method through HTTP manipulation; and
    3. Parse the returning XML response back into an object.

About the first approach (using wsimport):

I see you already have the services' (entities or other) business classes, and it's a fact that the wsimport generates a whole new set of classes (that are somehow duplicates of the classes you already have).

I'm afraid, though, in this scenario, you can only either:

  • Adapt (edit) the wsimport generated code to make it use your business classes (this is difficult and somehow not worth it - bear in mind everytime the WSDL changes, you'll have to regenerate and readapt the code); or
  • Give up and use the wsimport generated classes. (In this solution, you business code could "use" the generated classes as a service from another architectural layer.)

About the second approach (create your custom SOAP client):

In order to implement the second approach, you'll have to:

  1. Make the call:
    • Use the SAAJ (SOAP with Attachments API for Java) framework (see below, it's shipped with Java SE 1.6 or above) to make the calls; or
    • You can also do it through (and some handling).
  2. Turn the objects into and back from XML:
    • Use an OXM (Object to XML Mapping) framework such as JAXB to serialize/deserialize the XML from/into objects
    • Or, if you must, manually create/parse the XML (this can be the best solution if the received object is only a little bit differente from the sent one).

Creating a SOAP client using classic is not that hard (but not that simple either), and you can find in this link a very good starting code.

I recommend you use the SAAJ framework:

SOAP with Attachments API for Java (SAAJ) is mainly used for dealing directly with SOAP Request/Response messages which happens behind the scenes in any Web Service API. It allows the developers to directly send and receive soap messages instead of using JAX-WS.

See below a working example (run it!) of a SOAP web service call using SAAJ. It calls this web service.

import javax.xml.soap.*;

public class SOAPClientSAAJ {

    // SAAJ - SOAP Client Testing
    public static void main(String args[]) {
            The example below requests from the Web Service at:

            To call other WS, change the parameters below, which are:
             - the SOAP Endpoint URL (that is, where the service is responding from)
             - the SOAP Action

            Also change the contents of the method createSoapEnvelope() in this class. It constructs
             the inner part of the SOAP envelope that is actually sent.
        String soapEndpointUrl = "";
        String soapAction = "";

        callSoapWebService(soapEndpointUrl, soapAction);

    private static void createSoapEnvelope(SOAPMessage soapMessage) throws SOAPException {
        SOAPPart soapPart = soapMessage.getSOAPPart();

        String myNamespace = "myNamespace";
        String myNamespaceURI = "";

        // SOAP Envelope
        SOAPEnvelope envelope = soapPart.getEnvelope();
        envelope.addNamespaceDeclaration(myNamespace, myNamespaceURI);

            Constructed SOAP Request Message:
            <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:myNamespace="">

        // SOAP Body
        SOAPBody soapBody = envelope.getBody();
        SOAPElement soapBodyElem = soapBody.addChildElement("CelsiusToFahrenheit", myNamespace);
        SOAPElement soapBodyElem1 = soapBodyElem.addChildElement("Celsius", myNamespace);

    private static void callSoapWebService(String soapEndpointUrl, String soapAction) {
        try {
            // Create SOAP Connection
            SOAPConnectionFactory soapConnectionFactory = SOAPConnectionFactory.newInstance();
            SOAPConnection soapConnection = soapConnectionFactory.createConnection();

            // Send SOAP Message to SOAP Server
            SOAPMessage soapResponse =, soapEndpointUrl);

            // Print the SOAP Response
            System.out.println("Response SOAP Message:");

        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.err.println("\nError occurred while sending SOAP Request to Server!\nMake sure you have the correct endpoint URL and SOAPAction!\n");

    private static SOAPMessage createSOAPRequest(String soapAction) throws Exception {
        MessageFactory messageFactory = MessageFactory.newInstance();
        SOAPMessage soapMessage = messageFactory.createMessage();


        MimeHeaders headers = soapMessage.getMimeHeaders();
        headers.addHeader("SOAPAction", soapAction);


        /* Print the request message, just for debugging purposes */
        System.out.println("Request SOAP Message:");

        return soapMessage;


About using JAXB for serializing/deserializing, it is very easy to find information about it. You can start here:

How to generate .NET 4.0 classes from xsd?

xsd.exe does not work well when you have circular references (ie a type can own an element of its own type directly or indirectly).

When circular references exist, I use Xsd2Code. Xsd2Code handles circular references well and works within the VS IDE, which is a big plus. It also has a lot of features you can use like generating the serialization/deserialization code. Make sure you turn on the GenerateXMLAttributes if you are generating serialization though (otherwise you'll get exceptions for ordering if not defined on all elements).

Neither works well with the choice feature. you'll end up with lists/collections of object instead of the type you want. I'd recommend avoiding choice in your xsd if possible as this does not serialize/deserialize well into a strongly typed class. If you don't care about this, though, then it's not a problem.

The any feature in xsd2code deserializes as System.Xml.XmlElement which I find really convenient but may be an issue if you want strong typed objects. I often use any when allowing custom config data, so an XmlElement is convenient to pass to another XML deserializer that is custom defined elsewhere.

Set value of hidden field in a form using jQuery's ".val()" doesn't work

.val didnt work for me, because i'm grabbing the value attribute server side and the value wasn't always updated. so i used :

var counter = 0;

   $('#myInput').attr('value', counter);

Hope it helps someone.

How to call a parent class function from derived class function?

Given a parent class named Parent and a child class named Child, you can do something like this:

class Parent {
    virtual void print(int x);

class Child : public Parent {
    void print(int x) override;

void Parent::print(int x) {
    // some default behavior

void Child::print(int x) {
    // use Parent's print method; implicitly passes 'this' to Parent::print

Note that Parent is the class's actual name and not a keyword.

How to display the first few characters of a string in Python?

You can 'slice' a string very easily, just like you'd pull items from a list:

a_string = 'This is a string'

To get the first 4 letters:

first_four_letters = a_string[:4]
>>> 'This'

Or the last 5:

last_five_letters = a_string[-5:]
>>> 'string'

So applying that logic to your problem:

the_string = '416d76b8811b0ddae2fdad8f4721ddbe|d4f656ee006e248f2f3a8a93a8aec5868788b927|12a5f648928f8e0b5376d2cc07de8e4cbf9f7ccbadb97d898373f85f0a75c47f '
first_32_chars = the_string[:32]
>>> 416d76b8811b0ddae2fdad8f4721ddbe

Argument Exception "Item with Same Key has already been added"

This error is fairly self-explanatory. Dictionary keys are unique and you cannot have more than one of the same key. To fix this, you should modify your code like so:

Dictionary<string, string> rct3Features = new Dictionary<string, string>();
Dictionary<string, string> rct4Features = new Dictionary<string, string>();

foreach (string line in rct3Lines) 
    string[] items = line.Split(new String[] { " " }, 2, StringSplitOptions.None);

    if (!rct3Features.ContainsKey(items[0]))
        rct3Features.Add(items[0], items[1]);

    ////To print out the dictionary (to see if it works)
    //foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> item in rct3Features)
    //    Console.WriteLine(item.Key + " " + item.Value);

This simple if statement ensures that you are only attempting to add a new entry to the Dictionary when the Key (items[0]) is not already present.

jquery data selector


It works. See Attribute Equals Selector [name=”value”].

How can I prevent the backspace key from navigating back?

Sitepoint: Disable back for Javascript

event.stopPropagation() and event.preventDefault() do nothing in IE. I had to send return event.keyCode == 11 (I just picked something) instead of just saying "if not = 8, run the event" to make it work, though. event.returnValue = false also works.

Set timeout for webClient.DownloadFile()

Try WebClient.DownloadFileAsync(). You can call CancelAsync() by timer with your own timeout.

Please initialize the log4j system properly. While running web service

If the below statment is present in your class then your should be in java source(src) folder , if it is jar executable it should be packed in jar not a seperate file.

static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(MyClass.class);


Xcode: failed to get the task for process

Having the developer code signing id is correct for sure, but also make sure you device is added to the Member Center via organizer, or through the developer portal.

A few days ago I reset my device list, and today I was suddenly getting this for an iPod I debug with all the time. About 15 mins later I realized the problem.

How to make bootstrap column height to 100% row height?

You can solve that using display table.

Here is the updated JSFiddle that solves your problem.


.body {
    display: table;
    background-color: green;

.left-side {
    background-color: blue;
    float: none;
    display: table-cell;
    border: 1px solid;

.right-side {
    background-color: red;
    float: none;
    display: table-cell;
    border: 1px solid;


<div class="row body">
        <div class="col-xs-9 left-side">
        <div class="col-xs-3 right-side">

server certificate verification failed. CAfile: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt CRLfile: none

I messed up with my CA files while I setup up goagent proxy. Can't pull data from github, and get the same warning:

server certificate verification failed. CAfile: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt CRLfile: none

use Vonc's method, get the certificate from github, and put it into /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt, problem solved.

echo -n | openssl s_client -showcerts -connect 2>/dev/null | sed -ne '/-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-/,/-END CERTIFICATE-/p'

How do I include a path to libraries in g++

In your MakeFile or CMakeLists.txt you can set CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS as below:

set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -I/path/to/your/folder")

AngularJS - ng-if check string empty value

Probably your is undefined if you don't have a photo attribute on item in the first place and thus undefined != ''. But if you'd put some code to show how you provide values to item, it would help.

PS: Sorry to post this as an answer (I rather think it's more of a comment), but I don't have enough reputation yet.

Remove a data connection from an Excel 2010 spreadsheet in compatibility mode

Excel 2010: On the File/Info page, go to 'Related Documents' and click break links => warning will appear that all linked values will be converted to their data values => click ok => done

Characters allowed in GET parameter

The question asks which characters are allowed in GET parameters without encoding or escaping them.

According to RFC3986 (general URL syntax) and RFC7230, section 2.7.1 (HTTP/S URL syntax) the only characters you need to percent-encode are those outside of the query set, see the definition below.

However, there are additional specifications like HTML5, Web forms, and the obsolete Indexed search, W3C recommendation. Those documents add a special meaning to some characters notably, to symbols like = & + ;.

Other answers here suggest that most of the reserved characters should be encoded, including "/" "?". That's not correct. In fact, RFC3986, section 3.4 advises against percent-encoding "/" "?" characters.

it is sometimes better for usability to avoid percent- encoding those characters.

RFC3986 defines query component as:

query       = *( pchar / "/" / "?" )
pchar       = unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / ":" / "@"
pct-encoded = "%" HEXDIG HEXDIG
sub-delims  = "!" / "$" / "&" / "'" / "(" / ")" / "*" / "+" / "," / ";" / "="
unreserved  = ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "." / "_" / "~" 

A percent-encoding mechanism is used to represent a data octet in a component when that octet's corresponding character is outside the allowed set or is being used as a delimiter of, or within, the component.

The conclusion is that XYZ part should encode:

special: # % = & ;
out of query set: [ ]
non ASCII encodable characters

Unless special symbols = & ; are key=value separators.

Encoding other characters is allowed but not necessary.

Angular - Can't make ng-repeat orderBy work

Here's a version of @Julian Mosquera's code that also supports a "fallback" field to use in case the primary field happens to be null or undefined:

yourApp.filter('orderObjectBy', function() {
  return function(items, field, fallback, reverse) {
    var filtered = [];
    angular.forEach(items, function(item) {
    filtered.sort(function (a, b) {
      var af = a[field];
      if(af === undefined || af === null) { af = a[fallback]; }

      var bf = b[field];
      if(bf === undefined || bf === null) { bf = b[fallback]; }

      return (af > bf ? 1 : -1);
    if(reverse) filtered.reverse();
    return filtered;

Go to particular revision

One way would be to create all commits ever made to patches. checkout the initial commit and then apply the patches in order after reading.

use git format-patch <initial revision> and then git checkout <initial revision>. you should get a pile of files in your director starting with four digits which are the patches.

when you are done reading your revision just do git apply <filename> which should look like git apply 0001-* and count.

But I really wonder why you wouldn't just want to read the patches itself instead? Please post this in your comments because I'm curious.

the git manual also gives me this:

git show next~10:Documentation/README

Shows the contents of the file Documentation/README as they were current in the 10th last commit of the branch next.

you could also have a look at git blame filename which gives you a listing where each line is associated with a commit hash + author.

IntelliJ can't recognize JavaFX 11 with OpenJDK 11

None of the above worked for me. I spent too much time clearing other errors that came up. I found this to be the easiest and the best way.

This works for getting JavaFx on Jdk 11, 12 & on OpenJdk12 too!

  • The Video shows you the JavaFx Sdk download
  • How to set it as a Global Library
  • Set the (i prefer the bottom one)

module thisIsTheNameOfYourProject {
    requires javafx.fxml;
    requires javafx.controls;
    opens sample;

The entire thing took me only 5mins !!!

ORDER BY using Criteria API

For Hibernate 5.2 and above, use CriteriaBuilder as follows

CriteriaBuilder builder = sessionFactory.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Cat> query = builder.createQuery(Cat.class);
Root<Cat> rootCat = query.from(Cat.class);
Join<Cat,Mother> joinMother = rootCat.join("mother");  // <-attribute name
Join<Mother,Kind> joinMotherKind = joinMother.join("kind");"value")));
Query<Cat> q = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createQuery(query);
List<Cat> cats = q.getResultList();

How can I determine installed SQL Server instances and their versions?

This query should get you the server name and instance name :


Get full path of the files in PowerShell

I used this line command to search ".xlm" files in "C:\Temp" and the result print fullname path in file "result.txt":

(Get-ChildItem "C:\Temp" -Recurse | where {$_.extension -eq ".xml"} ).fullname > result.txt 

In my tests, this syntax works beautiful for me.

Using BufferedReader.readLine() in a while loop properly

also very comprehensive...

    InputStream fis=new FileInputStream(targetsFile);
    BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(fis));

    for (String line = br.readLine(); line != null; line = br.readLine()) {

catch(Exception e){
    System.err.println("Error: Target File Cannot Be Read");

Best design for a changelog / auditing database table?

According to the principle of separation:

  1. Auditing data tables need to be separate from the main database. Because audit databases can have a lot of historical data, it makes sense from a memory utilization standpoint to keep them separate.

  2. Do not use triggers to audit the whole database, because you will end up with a mess of different databases to support. You will have to write one for DB2, SQLServer, Mysql, etc.

how much memory can be accessed by a 32 bit machine?

Going back to a really basic idea, we have 32 bits for our memory addresses. That works out to 2^32 unique combinations of addresses. By convention, each address points to 1 byte of data. Therefore, we can access up to a total 2^32 bytes of data.

In a 32 bit OS, each register stores 32 bits or 4 bytes. 32 bits (1 word) of information are processed per clock cycle. If you want to access a particular 1 byte, conceptually, we can "extract" the individual bytes (e.g. byte 0, byte 1, byte 2, byte 3 etc.) by doing bitwise logical operations.

E.g. to get "dddddddd", take "aaaaaaaabbbbbbbbccccccccdddddddd" and logical AND with "00000000000000000000000011111111".

Node.js spawn child process and get terminal output live

I had a little trouble getting logging output from the "npm install" command when I spawned npm in a child process. The realtime logging of dependencies did not show in the parent console.

The simplest way to do what the original poster wants seems to be this (spawn npm on windows and log everything to parent console):

var args = ['install'];

var options = {
    stdio: 'inherit' //feed all child process logging into parent process

var childProcess = spawn('npm.cmd', args, options);
childProcess.on('close', function(code) {
    process.stdout.write('"npm install" finished with code ' + code + '\n');

Site does not exist error for a2ensite

You probably updated your Ubuntu installation and one of the updates included the upgrade of Apache to version 2.4.x

In Apache 2.4.x the vhost configuration files, located in the /etc/apache2/sites-available directory, must have the .conf extension.

Using terminal (mv command), rename all your existing configuration files and add the .conf extension to all of them.

mv /etc/apache2/sites-available/ /etc/apache2/sites-available/

If you get a "Permission denied" error, then add "sudo " in front of your terminal commands.

You do not need to make any other changes to the configuration files.

Enable the vhost(s):


And then reload Apache:

service apache2 reload

Your sites should be up and running now.

UPDATE: As mentioned here, a Linux distribution that you installed changed the configuration to Include *.conf only. Therefore it has nothing to do with Apache 2.2 or 2.4

How can I define a composite primary key in SQL?

CREATE TABLE `voting` (
  `QuestionID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `MemberId` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `vote` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`QuestionID`,`MemberId`)

Syntax for an If statement using a boolean

You can change the value of a bool all you want. As for an if:

if randombool == True:

works, but you can also use:

if randombool:

If you want to test whether something is false you can use:

if randombool == False

but you can also use:

if not randombool:

How to insert date values into table

I simply wrote an embedded SQL program to write a new record with date fields. It was by far best and shortest without any errors I was able to reach my requirement.

w_dob = %char(%date(*date));      
exec sql insert into Tablename (ID_Number     , 
                             AmendmentNo   , 
                             OverrideDate  , 
                             Operator      , 
                             Text_ID       , 
                             Policy_Number , 
                             Override      , 
                             CREATE_USER   ) 
                values ( '801010',    
                            ' ',         

How do I do redo (i.e. "undo undo") in Vim?

Use :earlier/:later. To redo everything you just need to do

later 9999999d

(assuming that you first edited the file at most 9999999 days ago), or, if you remember the difference between current undo state and needed one, use Nh, Nm or Ns for hours, minutes and seconds respectively. + :later N<CR> <=> Ng+ and :later Nf for file writes.

Find the last element of an array while using a foreach loop in PHP

Don't add a comma after the last value:

The array:

$data = ['lorem', 'ipsum', 'dolor', 'sit', 'amet'];

The function:

$result = "";
foreach($data as $value) {
    $result .= (next($data)) ? "$value, " : $value;

The result:

print $result;

lorem, ipsum, dolor, sit, amet

Is there a "do ... until" in Python?

There is no do-while loop in Python.

This is a similar construct, taken from the link above.

 while True:
     if condition():

How to change port number for apache in WAMP

In lieu of changing the port, I reclaimed port 80 as being used by IIS.

So I went to services, and stopped the following:

  1. World Wide Web Publishing Services.
  2. Web Management Service
  3. Web Deployment Agent Service.

set them to manual so that it will not start on dev environment restart.

Can a html button perform a POST request?

You can:

  • Either, use an <input type="submit" ..>, instead of that button.
  • or, Use a bit of javascript, to get a hold of form object (using name or id), and call submit(..) on it. Eg: form.submit(). Attach this code to the button click event. This will serialise the form parameters and execute a GET or POST request as specified in the form's method attribute.

Fit image into ImageView, keep aspect ratio and then resize ImageView to image dimensions?

if it's not working for you then replace android:background with android:src

android:src will play the major trick

    android:src="@drawable/bg_hc" />

it's working fine like a charm

enter image description here

How to simulate "Press any key to continue?"

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main () {
    bool boolean;
    boolean = true;

    if (boolean == true) {

        cout << "press any key to continue";
        cin >> boolean;

    return 0;

Why SQL Server throws Arithmetic overflow error converting int to data type numeric?

NUMERIC(3,2) means: 3 digits in total, 2 after the decimal point. So you only have a single decimal before the decimal point.

Try NUMERIC(5,2) - three before, two after the decimal point.

How to format date in angularjs

see angular date api : AngularJS API: date

The Angular - date filter:


{{ date_expression | date  [: 'format']  [: 'timezone' ] }}



 <span>{{ '1288323623006' | date:'MM/dd/yyyy' }}</span>



StringIO in Python3

You can use the StringIO from the six module:

import six
import numpy

x = "1 3\n 4.5 8"

CSS selectors ul li a {...} vs ul > li > a {...}

ul>li selects all li that are a direct child of ul whereas ul li selects all li that are anywhere within (descending as deep as you like) a ul


  <li><span><a href='#'>Something</a></span></li>
  <li><a href='#'>or Other</a></li>

And CSS:

li a{ color: green; }
li>a{ color: red; }

The colour of Something will remain green but or Other will be red

Part 2, you should write the rule to be appropriate to the situation, I think the speed difference would be incredibly small, and probably overshadowed by the extra characters involved in writing more code, and definitely overshadowed by the time taken by the developer to think about it.

However, as a rule of thumb, the more specific you are with your rules, the faster the CSS engines can locate the DOM elements you want to apply it to, so I expect li>a is faster than li a as the DOM search can be cut short earlier. It also means that nested anchors are not styled with that rule, is that what you want? <~~ much more pertinent question.

<ng-container> vs <template>

A use case for it when you want to use a table with *ngIf and *ngFor - As putting a div in td/th will make the table element misbehave -. I faced this problem and that was the answer.

Display date in dd/mm/yyyy format in

You could decompose the date into it's constituent parts and then concatenate them together like this:

MsgBox(Now.Day & "/" & Now.Month & "/" & Now.Year)

How to reset postgres' primary key sequence when it falls out of sync?

A method to update all sequences in your schema that are used as an ID:

FOR r IN (SELECT tablename, pg_get_serial_sequence(tablename, 'id') as sequencename
          FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables
          WHERE schemaname='YOUR_SCHEMA'
          AND tablename IN (SELECT table_name 
                            FROM information_schema.columns 
                            WHERE table_name=tablename and column_name='id')
          order by tablename)
        'SELECT setval(''' || r.sequencename || ''', COALESCE(MAX(id), 1), MAX(id) IS NOT null)
         FROM ' || r.tablename || ';';
END $$;

Merge data frames based on rownames in R

See ?merge:

the name "row.names" or the number 0 specifies the row names.


R> de <- merge(d, e, by=0, all=TRUE)  # merge by row names (by=0 or by="row.names")
R> de[] <- 0                 # replace NA values
R> de
  Row.names   a   b   c   d   e   f   g   h   i  j  k  l  m  n  o  p  q  r  s
1         1 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
2         2 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9  1  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
3         3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0  0 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
1 20
2  0
3 30

jQuery .search() to any string

if (str.toLowerCase().indexOf("yes") >= 0)


if (/yes/i.test(str))

jQuery DataTables Getting selected row values

You can iterate over the row data

$('#button').click(function () {
    var ids = $.map(table.rows('.selected').data(), function (item) {
        return item[0]
    alert(table.rows('.selected').data().length + ' row(s) selected');

Demo: Fiddle

Detect touch press vs long press vs movement?

From the Android Docs -


From View.OnLongClickListener. This is called when the user either touches and holds the item (when in touch mode), or focuses upon the item with the navigation-keys or trackball and presses and holds the suitable "enter" key or presses and holds down on the trackball (for one second).


From View.OnTouchListener. This is called when the user performs an action qualified as a touch event, including a press, a release, or any movement gesture on the screen (within the bounds of the item).

As for the "moving happens even when I touch" I would set a delta and make sure the View has been moved by at least the delta before kicking in the movement code. If it hasn't been, kick off the touch code.

How to delay the .keyup() handler until the user stops typing?

Take a look at the autocomplete plugin. I know that it allows you to specify a delay or a minimum number of characters. Even if you don't end up using the plugin, looking through the code will give you some ideas on how to implement it yourself.

How to do encryption using AES in Openssl

My suggestion is to run

openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -in plain.txt -out encrypted.bin

under debugger and see what exactly what it is doing. openssl.c is the only real tutorial/getting started/reference guide OpenSSL has. All other documentation is just an API reference.

U1: My guess is that you are not setting some other required options, like mode of operation (padding).

U2: this is probably a duplicate of this question: AES CTR 256 Encryption Mode of operation on OpenSSL and answers there will likely help.

Ruby: How to get the first character of a string

Try this:

>> a = "Smith"
>> a[0]
=> "S"


>> "Smith".chr
#=> "S"

Lua string to int

Since lua 5.3 there is a new math.tointeger function for string to integer. Just for integer, no float.

For example:

print(math.tointeger("10.1")) -- nil
print(math.tointeger("10")) -- 10

If you want to convert integer and float, the tonumber function is more appropriate.

Get a specific bit from byte

another way of doing it :)

return ((b >> bitNumber) & 1) != 0;

gulp command not found - error after installing gulp

I resolved it by adding C:\Users\[USER]\AppData\Roaming\npm to PATH and not C:\Users\[USER]\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules

Alternate output format for psql

you can use the zenity to displays the query output as html table.

  • first implement bash script with following code:

    cat > '/tmp/sql.op'; zenity --text-info --html --filename='/tmp/sql.op';

    save it like

  • Then export the environment variable PAGER by set full path of the script as value.

    for example:- export PAGER='/path/'

  • Then login to the psql program then execute the command \H

  • And finally execute any query,the tabled output will displayed in the zenity in html table format.

Format telephone and credit card numbers in AngularJS

As shailbenq suggested, phoneformat is awesome.

Include phone format in your website. Create a filter for the angular module or your application.

.filter('tel', function () {
    return function (phoneNumber) {
        if (!phoneNumber)
            return phoneNumber;

        return formatLocal('US', phoneNumber); 

Then you can use the filter in your HTML.

<span ng-bind="phone|tel"></span>

If you want to use the filter in your controller.

var number = '5553219876';
var newNumber = $filter('tel')(number);

How to change a package name in Eclipse?

Just go to the class and replace the package statement with package com.myCompany.executabe after this eclipse will give you options to rename move the class to the new package and will do the needful

How do I add a bullet symbol in TextView?

Another best way to add bullet in any text view is stated below two steps:

First, create a drawable

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <!--set color of the bullet-->
       android:color="#666666"/> //set color of bullet

    <!--set size of the bullet-->

Then add this drawable in textview and set its pedding by using below properties


How to convert DateTime to VarChar

You can convert your date in many formats, the syntaxe is simple to use :

CONVERT('TheTypeYouWant', 'TheDateToConvert', 'TheCodeForFormating' * )
CONVERT(NVARCHAR(10), DATE_OF_DAY, 103) => 15/09/2016
  • The code is an integer, here 3 is the third formating without century, if you want the century just change the code to 103.

In your case, i've just converted and restrict size by nvarchar(10) like this :

CONVERT(NVARCHAR(10), MY_DATE_TIME, 120) => 2016-09-15

See more at :

Another solution (if your date is a Datetime) is a simple CAST :

CAST(MY_DATE_TIME as DATE) => 2016-09-15

Importing a CSV file into a sqlite3 database table using Python

I've found that it can be necessary to break up the transfer of data from the csv to the database in chunks as to not run out of memory. This can be done like this:

import csv
import sqlite3
from operator import itemgetter

# Establish connection
conn = sqlite3.connect("mydb.db")

# Create the table 
    CREATE TABLE persons(
        person_id INTEGER,
        last_name TEXT, 
        first_name TEXT, 
        address TEXT

# These are the columns from the csv that we want
cols = ["person_id", "last_name", "first_name", "address"]

# If the csv file is huge, we instead add the data in chunks
chunksize = 10000

# Parse csv file and populate db in chunks
with conn, open("persons.csv") as f:
    reader = csv.DictReader(f)

    chunk = []
    for i, row in reader: 

        if i % chunksize == 0 and i > 0:
                INSERT INTO persons
                    VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)
                """, chunk
            chunk = []

        items = itemgetter(*cols)(row)

How to Configure SSL for Amazon S3 bucket

Custom domain SSL certs were just added today for $600/cert/month. Sign up for your invite below:

Update: SNI customer provided certs are now available for no additional charge. Much cheaper than $600/mo, and with XP nearly killed off, it should work well for most use cases.

@skalee AWS has a mechanism for achieving what the poster asks for, "implement SSL for an Amazon s3 bucket", it's called CloudFront. I'm reading "implement" as "use my SSL certs," not "just put an S on the HTTP URL which I'm sure the OP could have surmised.

Since CloudFront costs exactly the same as S3 ($0.12/GB), but has a ton of additional features around SSL AND allows you to add your own SNI cert at no additional cost, it's the obvious fix for "implementing SSL" on your domain.

How to create a string with format?


Update: I wrote this answer before Swift had String(format:) added to it's API. Use the method given by the top answer.

Dependency injection with Jersey 2.0

For me it works without the AbstractBinder if I include the following dependencies in my web application (running on Tomcat 8.5, Jersey 2.27):


It works with CDI 1.2 / CDI 2.0 for me (using Weld 2 / 3 respectively).

Impact of Xcode build options "Enable bitcode" Yes/No

@vj9 thx. I update to xcode 7 . It show me the same error. Build well after set "NO"

enter image description here

set "NO" it works well.

enter image description here

"Register" an .exe so you can run it from any command line in Windows

Use a 1 line batch file in your install:

SETX PATH "C:\Windows"

run the bat file

Now place your .exe in c:\windows, and you're done.

you may type the 'exename' in command-line and it'll run it.

jQuery get text as number

number = parseInt(number);

That should do the trick.

Use 'class' or 'typename' for template parameters?

I prefer to use typename because I'm not a fan of overloaded keywords (jeez - how many different meanings does static have for various different contexts?).

Detecting Back Button/Hash Change in URL

The answers here are all quite old.

In the HTML5 world, you should the use onpopstate event.

window.onpopstate = function(event)
    alert("location: " + document.location + ", state: " + JSON.stringify(event.state));


window.addEventListener('popstate', function(event)
    alert("location: " + document.location + ", state: " + JSON.stringify(event.state));

The latter snippet allows multiple event handlers to exist, whereas the former will replace any existing handler which may cause hard-to-find bugs.

GCD to perform task in main thread

No, you do not need to check whether you’re already on the main thread. By dispatching the block to the main queue, you’re just scheduling the block to be executed serially on the main thread, which happens when the corresponding run loop is run.

If you already are on the main thread, the behaviour is the same: the block is scheduled, and executed when the run loop of the main thread is run.

What's the best way to override a user agent CSS stylesheet rule that gives unordered-lists a 1em margin?

If You Are Able to Edit the Offending Stylesheet

If the user-agent stylesheet's style is causing problems for the browser it's supposed to fix, then you could try removing the offending style and testing that to ensure it doesn't have any unexpected adverse effects elsewhere.

If it doesn't, use the modified stylesheet. Fixing browser quirks is what these sheets are for - they fix issues, they aren't supposed to introduce new ones.

If You Are Not Able to Edit the Offending Stylesheet

If you're unable to edit the stylesheet that contains the offending line, you may consider using the !important keyword.

An example:

.override {
    border: 1px solid #000 !important;

.a_class {
    border: 2px solid red;

And the HTML:

<p class="a_class">content will have 2px red border</p>
<p class="override a_class">content will have 1px black border</p>

Live example

Try to use !important only where you really have to - if you can reorganize your styles such that you don't need it, this would be preferable.

Where is body in a nodejs http.get response?

Edit: replying to self 6 years later

The await keyword is the best way to get a response from an HTTP request, avoiding callbacks and .then()

You'll also need to use an HTTP client that returns Promises. http.get() still returns a Request object, so that won't work.

  • fetch is a low level client, that is both available from npm and will be in future versions of node
  • superagent is a mature HTTP clients that features more reasonable defaults including simpler query string encoding, properly using mime types, JSON by default, and other common HTTP client features.
  • axois is also quite popular and has similar advantages to superagent

await will wait until the Promise has a value - in this case, an HTTP response!

const superagent = require('superagent');

(async function(){
  const response = await superagent.get('')

Using await, control simply passes onto the next line once the promise returned by superagent.get() has a value.

Pandas read_csv from url

As I commented you need to use a StringIO object and decode i.e c=pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(s.decode("utf-8"))) if using requests, you need to decode as .content returns bytes if you used .text you would just need to pass s as is s = requests.get(url).text c = pd.read_csv(StringIO(s)).

A simpler approach is to pass the correct url of the raw data directly to read_csv, you don't have to pass a file like object, you can pass a url so you don't need requests at all:

c = pd.read_csv("")



                              Country         Region
0                             Algeria         AFRICA
1                              Angola         AFRICA
2                               Benin         AFRICA
3                            Botswana         AFRICA
4                             Burkina         AFRICA
5                             Burundi         AFRICA
6                            Cameroon         AFRICA

From the docs:

filepath_or_buffer :

string or file handle / StringIO The string could be a URL. Valid URL schemes include http, ftp, s3, and file. For file URLs, a host is expected. For instance, a local file could be file ://localhost/path/to/table.csv

How do I POST a x-www-form-urlencoded request using Fetch?

In the original example you have a transformRequest function which converts an object to Form Encoded data.

In the revised example you have replaced that with JSON.stringify which converts an object to JSON.

In both cases you have 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8' so you are claiming to be sending Form Encoded data in both cases.

Use your Form Encoding function instead of JSON.stringify.

Re update:

In your first fetch example, you set the body to be the JSON value.

Now you have created a Form Encoded version, but instead of setting the body to be that value, you have created a new object and set the Form Encoded data as a property of that object.

Don't create that extra object. Just assign your value to body.

How can you run a command in bash over and over until success?

You can use an infinite loop to achieve this:

while true
  read -p "Enter password" passwd
  case "$passwd" in
    <some good condition> ) break;;

Creating and throwing new exception

To call a specific exception such as FileNotFoundException use this format

if (-not (Test-Path $file)) 
    throw [System.IO.FileNotFoundException] "$file not found."

To throw a general exception use the throw command followed by a string.

throw "Error trying to do a task"

When used inside a catch, you can provide additional information about what triggered the error

How to Use Sockets in JavaScript\HTML?

I think it is important to mention, now that this question is over 1 year old, that Socket.IO has since come out and seems to be the primary way to work with sockets in the browser now; it is also compatible with Node.js as far as I know.

Cannot delete directory with Directory.Delete(path, true)

Modern Async Answer

The accepted answer is just plain wrong, it might work for some people because the time taken to get files from disk frees up whatever was locking the files. The fact is, this happens because files get locked by some other process/stream/action. The other answers use Thread.Sleep (Yuck) to retry deleting the directory after some time. This question needs revisiting with a more modern answer.

public static async Task<bool> TryDeleteDirectory(
   string directoryPath,
   int maxRetries = 10,
   int millisecondsDelay = 30)
    if (directoryPath == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException(directoryPath);
    if (maxRetries < 1)
        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(maxRetries));
    if (millisecondsDelay < 1)
        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(millisecondsDelay));

    for (int i = 0; i < maxRetries; ++i)
            if (Directory.Exists(directoryPath))
                Directory.Delete(directoryPath, true);

            return true;
        catch (IOException)
            await Task.Delay(millisecondsDelay);
        catch (UnauthorizedAccessException)
            await Task.Delay(millisecondsDelay);

    return false;

Unit Tests

These tests show an example of how a locked file can cause the Directory.Delete to fail and how the TryDeleteDirectory method above fixes the problem.

public async Task TryDeleteDirectory_FileLocked_DirectoryNotDeletedReturnsFalse()
    var directoryPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
    var subDirectoryPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "SubDirectory");
    var filePath = Path.Combine(directoryPath, "File.txt");


        using (var fileStream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Write))
            var result = await TryDeleteDirectory(directoryPath, 3, 30);
        if (Directory.Exists(directoryPath))
            Directory.Delete(directoryPath, true);

public async Task TryDeleteDirectory_FileLockedThenReleased_DirectoryDeletedReturnsTrue()
    var directoryPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
    var subDirectoryPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "SubDirectory");
    var filePath = Path.Combine(directoryPath, "File.txt");


        Task<bool> task;
        using (var fileStream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Write))
            task = TryDeleteDirectory(directoryPath, 3, 30);
            await Task.Delay(30);

        var result = await task;
        if (Directory.Exists(directoryPath))
            Directory.Delete(directoryPath, true);

Get Value of a Edit Text field

A more advanced way would be to use butterknife bindview. This eliminates redundant code.

In your gradle under dependencies; add this 2 lines.

compile('com.jakewharton:butterknife:8.5.1') {
        exclude module: 'support-compat'
apt 'com.jakewharton:butterknife-compiler:8.5.1'

Then sync up. Example binding edittext in MainActivity

import butterknife.BindView;   
import butterknife.ButterKnife; 

public class MainActivity {

@BindView( EditTextView mName; 

   public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState){


But this is an alternative once you feel more comfortable or starting to work with lots of data.


The idea of REpresentational State Transfer is not about accessing data in the simplest way possible.

You suggested using post requests to access JSON, which is a perfectly valid way to access/manipulate data.

REST is a methodology for meaningful access of data. When you see a request in REST, it should immediately be apparant what is happening with the data.

For example:

GET: /cars/make/chevrolet

is likely going to return a list of chevy cars. A good REST api might even incorporate some output options in the querystring like ?output=json or ?output=html which would allow the accessor to decide what format the information should be encoded in.

After a bit of thinking about how to reasonably incorporate data typing into a REST API, I've concluded that the best way to specify the type of data explicitly would be via the already existing file extension such as .js, .json, .html, or .xml. A missing file extension would default to whatever format is default (such as JSON); a file extension that's not supported could return a 501 Not Implemented status code.

Another example:

POST: /cars/
{ make:chevrolet, model:malibu, colors:[red, green, blue, grey] }

is likely going to create a new chevy malibu in the db with the associated colors. I say likely as the REST api does not need to be directly related to the database structure. It is just a masking interface so that the true data is protected (think of it like accessors and mutators for a database structure).

Now we need to move onto the issue of idempotence. Usually REST implements CRUD over HTTP. HTTP uses GET, PUT, POST and DELETE for the requests.

A very simplistic implementation of REST could use the following CRUD mapping:

Create -> Post
Read   -> Get
Update -> Put
Delete -> Delete

There is an issue with this implementation: Post is defined as a non-idempotent method. This means that subsequent calls of the same Post method will result in different server states. Get, Put, and Delete, are idempotent; which means that calling them multiple times should result in an identical server state.

This means that a request such as:

Delete: /cars/oldest

could actually be implemented as:

Post: /cars/oldest?action=delete


Delete: /cars/id/123456

will result in the same server state if you call it once, or if you call it 1000 times.

A better way of handling the removal of the oldest item would be to request:

Get: /cars/oldest

and use the ID from the resulting data to make a delete request:

Delete: /cars/id/[oldest id]

An issue with this method would be if another /cars item was added between when /oldest was requested and when the delete was issued.

How to override and extend basic Django admin templates?

You can use django-overextends, which provides circular template inheritance for Django.

It comes from the Mezzanine CMS, from where Stephen extracted it into a standalone Django extension.

More infos you find in "Overriding vs Extending Templates" (http:/ inside the Mezzanine docs.

For deeper insides look at Stephens Blog "Circular Template Inheritance for Django" (http:/

And in Google Groups the discussion (https:/!topic/mezzanine-users/sUydcf_IZkQ) which started the development of this feature.


I don't have the reputation to add more than 2 links. But I think the links provide interesting background information. So I just left out a slash after "http(s):". Maybe someone with better reputation can repair the links and remove this note.

Convert HashBytes to VarChar

SELECT CONVERT(NVARCHAR(32),HashBytes('MD5', 'Hello World'),2)

Convert PEM traditional private key to PKCS8 private key

To convert the private key from PKCS#1 to PKCS#8 with openssl:

# openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -outform PEM -nocrypt -in pkcs1.key -out pkcs8.key

That will work as long as you have the PKCS#1 key in PEM (text format) as described in the question.

ViewPager PagerAdapter not updating the View

Something that worked for me was to override the finishUpdate method, which is called at the end of a transition and do the notifyDataSetChanged() there:

public class MyPagerAdapter extends FragmentPagerAdapter {
    public void finishUpdate(ViewGroup container) {

Logical operator in a handlebars.js {{#if}} conditional

if you just want to check if one or the other element are present you can use this custom helper

Handlebars.registerHelper('if_or', function(elem1, elem2, options) {
  if (Handlebars.Utils.isEmpty(elem1) && Handlebars.Utils.isEmpty(elem2)) {
    return options.inverse(this);
  } else {
    return options.fn(this);

like this

{{#if_or elem1 elem2}}
  {{elem1}} or {{elem2}} are present
  not present

if you also need to be able to have an "or" to compare function return values I would rather add another property that returns the desired result.

The templates should be logicless after all!

How to add meta tag in JavaScript


document.head.innerHTML += '<meta http-equiv="X-UA-..." content="IE=edge">'

What is the theoretical maximum number of open TCP connections that a modern Linux box can have

If you are thinking of running a server and trying to decide how many connections can be served from one machine, you may want to read about the C10k problem and the potential problems involved in serving lots of clients simultaneously.

How to define custom exception class in Java, the easiest way?

If you use the new class dialog in Eclipse you can just set the Superclass field to java.lang.Exception and check "Constructors from superclass" and it will generate the following:

package com.example.exception;

public class MyException extends Exception {

    public MyException() {
        // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub

    public MyException(String message) {
        // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub

    public MyException(Throwable cause) {
        // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub

    public MyException(String message, Throwable cause) {
        super(message, cause);
        // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub


In response to the question below about not calling super() in the defualt constructor, Oracle has this to say:

Note: If a constructor does not explicitly invoke a superclass constructor, the Java compiler automatically inserts a call to the no-argument constructor of the superclass.

psql - save results of command to a file

Approach for docker

via psql command

 docker exec -i %containerid% psql -U %user% -c '\dt' > tables.txt

or query from sql file

docker exec -i %containerid% psql -U %user% < file.sql > data.txt

How to set Angular 4 background image?

Below answer worked for angular 4/5.

In app.component.css

     height:40em; background-size:cover; width:auto;
     background-image:url('copied image address');
     background-position:50% 50%;

Also in app.component.html simply add as below

<div class="image">
Your content

This way I was able to set background image in Angular 4/5.

Is there a SELECT ... INTO OUTFILE equivalent in SQL Server Management Studio?

In SQL Management Studio you can:

  1. Right click on the result set grid, select 'Save Result As...' and save in.

  2. On a tool bar toggle 'Result to Text' button. This will prompt for file name on each query run.

If you need to automate it, use bcp tool.