Programs & Examples On #Appdomain

An application domain is an isolated environment in which Microsoft .NET assemblies can be sandboxed, granted specific permissions or PermissionSets and executed.

How to Load an Assembly to AppDomain with all references recursively?

You need to invoke CreateInstanceAndUnwrap before your proxy object will execute in the foreign application domain.

 class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        AppDomainSetup domaininfo = new AppDomainSetup();
        domaininfo.ApplicationBase = System.Environment.CurrentDirectory;
        Evidence adevidence = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.Evidence;
        AppDomain domain = AppDomain.CreateDomain("MyDomain", adevidence, domaininfo);

        Type type = typeof(Proxy);
        var value = (Proxy)domain.CreateInstanceAndUnwrap(

        var assembly = value.GetAssembly(args[0]);
        // AppDomain.Unload(domain);

public class Proxy : MarshalByRefObject
    public Assembly GetAssembly(string assemblyPath)
            return Assembly.LoadFile(assemblyPath);
        catch (Exception)
            return null;
            // throw new InvalidOperationException(ex);

Also, note that if you use LoadFrom you'll likely get a FileNotFound exception because the Assembly resolver will attempt to find the assembly you're loading in the GAC or the current application's bin folder. Use LoadFile to load an arbitrary assembly file instead--but note that if you do this you'll need to load any dependencies yourself.

How can I have two fixed width columns with one flexible column in the center?

Compatibility with older browsers can be a drag, so be adviced.

If that is not a problem then go ahead. Run the snippet. Go to full page view and resize. Center will resize itself with no changes to the left or right divs.

Change left and right values to meet your requirement.

Thank you.

Hope this helps.

#container {_x000D_
  display: flex;_x000D_
.column.left {_x000D_
  width: 100px;_x000D_
  flex: 0 0 100px;_x000D_
.column.right {_x000D_
  width: 100px;_x000D_
  flex: 0 0 100px;_x000D_
_x000D_ {_x000D_
  flex: 1;_x000D_
  text-align: center;_x000D_
.column.right {_x000D_
  background: orange;_x000D_
  text-align: center;_x000D_
<div id="container">_x000D_
  <div class="column left">this is left</div>_x000D_
  <div class="column center">this is center</div>_x000D_
  <div class="column right">this is right</div>_x000D_

How can I adjust DIV width to contents

One way you can achieve this is setting display: inline-block; on the div. It is by default a block element, which will always fill the width it can fill (unless specifying width of course).

inline-block's only downside is that IE only supports it correctly from version 8. IE 6-7 only allows setting it on naturally inline elements, but there are hacks to solve this problem.

There are other options you have, you can either float it, or set position: absolute on it, but these also have other effects on layout, you need to decide which one fits your situation better.

Find the closest ancestor element that has a specific class

Update: Now supported in most major browsers


Note that this can match selectors, not just classes

For legacy browsers that do not support closest() but have matches() one can build selector-matching similar to @rvighne's class matching:

function findAncestor (el, sel) {
    while ((el = el.parentElement) && !((el.matches || el.matchesSelector).call(el,sel)));
    return el;

col align right

Use float-right for block elements, or text-right for inline elements:

<div class="row">
     <div class="col">left</div>
     <div class="col text-right">inline content needs to be right aligned</div>
<div class="row">
      <div class="col">left</div>
      <div class="col">
          <div class="float-right">element needs to be right aligned</div>

If float-right is not working, remember that Bootstrap 4 is now flexbox, and many elements are display:flex which can prevent float-right from working.

In some cases, the utility classes like align-self-end or ml-auto work to right align elements that are inside a flexbox container like the Bootstrap 4 .row, Card or Nav. The ml-auto (margin-left:auto) is used in a flexbox element to push elements to the right.

Bootstrap 4 align right examples

How to encode a string in JavaScript for displaying in HTML?

You need to escape < and &. Escaping > too doesn't hurt:

function magic(input) {
    input = input.replace(/&/g, '&amp;');
    input = input.replace(/</g, '&lt;');
    input = input.replace(/>/g, '&gt;');
    return input;

Or you let the DOM engine do the dirty work for you (using jQuery because I'm lazy):

function magic(input) {
    return $('<span>').text(input).html();

What this does is creating a dummy element, assigning your string as its textContent (i.e. no HTML-specific characters have side effects since it's just text) and then you retrieve the HTML content of that element - which is the text but with special characters converted to HTML entities in cases where it's necessary.

How do I create a message box with "Yes", "No" choices and a DialogResult?

dynamic MsgResult = this.ShowMessageBox("Do you want to cancel all pending changes ?", "Cancel Changes", MessageBoxOption.YesNo);

if (MsgResult == System.Windows.MessageBoxResult.Yes)
    enter code here
    enter code here

Check more detail from here

smooth scroll to top

You can simply use

// When the user scrolls down 20px from the top of the document, show the button_x000D_
window.onscroll = function() {scrollFunction()};_x000D_
function scrollFunction() {_x000D_
    if (document.body.scrollTop > 20 || document.documentElement.scrollTop > 20) {_x000D_
        document.getElementById("gotoTop").style.display = "block";_x000D_
    } else {_x000D_
        document.getElementById("gotoTop").style.display = "none";_x000D_
// When the user clicks on the button, scroll to the top of the document_x000D_
function topFunction() {_x000D_
     $('html, body').animate({scrollTop:0}, 'slow');_x000D_
body {_x000D_
  font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;_x000D_
  font-size: 20px;_x000D_
#gotoTop {_x000D_
  display: none;_x000D_
  position: fixed;_x000D_
  bottom: 20px;_x000D_
  right: 30px;_x000D_
  z-index: 99;_x000D_
  font-size: 18px;_x000D_
  border: none;_x000D_
  outline: none;_x000D_
  background-color: red;_x000D_
  color: white;_x000D_
  cursor: pointer;_x000D_
  padding: 15px;_x000D_
  border-radius: 4px;_x000D_
#gotoTop:hover {_x000D_
  background-color: #555;_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<button onclick="topFunction()" id="gotoTop" title="Go to top">Top</button>_x000D_
<div style="background-color:black;color:white;padding:30px">Scroll Down</div>_x000D_
<div style="background-color:lightgrey;padding:30px 30px 2500px">This example demonstrates how to create a "scroll to top" button that becomes visible when the user starts to scroll the page.</div>

brew install mysql on macOS

If mysql is already installed

Stop mysql completely.

  1. mysql.server stop <-- may need editing based on your version
  2. ps -ef | grep mysql <-- lists processes with mysql in their name
  3. kill [PID] <-- kill the processes by PID

Remove files. Instructions above are good. I'll add:

  1. sudo find /. -name "*mysql*"
  2. Using your judgement, rm -rf these files. Note that many programs have drivers for mysql which you do not want to remove. For example, don't delete stuff in a PHP install's directory. Do remove stuff in its own mysql directory.


Hopefully you have homebrew. If not, download it.

I like to run brew as root, but I don't think you have to. Edit 2018: you can't run brew as root anymore

  1. sudo brew update
  2. sudo brew install cmake <-- dependency for mysql, useful
  3. sudo brew install openssl <-- dependency for mysql, useful
  4. sudo brew info mysql <-- skim through this... it gives you some idea of what's coming next
  5. sudo brew install mysql --with-embedded; say done <-- Installs mysql with the embedded server. Tells you when it finishes (my install took 10 minutes)


  1. sudo chown -R mysql /usr/local/var/mysql/ <-- mysql wouldn't work for me until I ran this command
  2. sudo mysql.server start <-- once again, the exact syntax may vary
  3. Create users in mysql ( Remember to add a password for the root user.

How could I create a function with a completion handler in Swift?

Say you have a download function to download a file from network, and want to be notified when download task has finished.

typealias CompletionHandler = (success:Bool) -> Void

func downloadFileFromURL(url: NSURL,completionHandler: CompletionHandler) {

    // download code.

    let flag = true // true if download succeed,false otherwise

    completionHandler(success: flag)

// How to use it.

downloadFileFromURL(NSURL(string: "url_str")!, { (success) -> Void in

    // When download completes,control flow goes here.
    if success {
        // download success
    } else {
        // download fail

Hope it helps.

Calling filter returns <filter object at ... >

It looks like you're using python 3.x. In python3, filter, map, zip, etc return an object which is iterable, but not a list. In other words,

filter(func,data) #python 2.x

is equivalent to:

list(filter(func,data)) #python 3.x

I think it was changed because you (often) want to do the filtering in a lazy sense -- You don't need to consume all of the memory to create a list up front, as long as the iterator returns the same thing a list would during iteration.

If you're familiar with list comprehensions and generator expressions, the above filter is now (almost) equivalent to the following in python3.x:

( x for x in data if func(x) ) 

As opposed to:

[ x for x in data if func(x) ]

in python 2.x

Best way to pass parameters to jQuery's .load()

As Davide Gualano has been told. This one


use GET method for sending the request, and this one

$("#myDiv").load("myScript.php", {var:x, var2:y, var3:z})

use POST method for sending the request. But any limitation that is applied to each method (post/get) is applied to the alternative usages that has been mentioned in the question.

For example: url length limits the amount of sending data in GET method.

Scrollview vertical and horizontal in android

use this way I tried this I fixed it

Put All your XML layout inside


I explained this in this link vertical recyclerView and Horizontal recyclerview scrolling together

JavaScript: Upload file

Unless you're trying to upload the file using ajax, just submit the form to /upload/image.

<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="/upload/image" method="post">
    <input id="image-file" type="file" />

If you do want to upload the image in the background (e.g. without submitting the whole form), you can use ajax:

What is the meaning of Bus: error 10 in C

str2 is pointing to a statically allocated constant character array. You can't write to it/over it. You need to dynamically allocate space via the *alloc family of functions.

Disable autocomplete via CSS

If you're using a form you can disable all the autocompletes with,

<form id="Form1" runat="server" autocomplete="off">

jQuery loop over JSON result from AJAX Success?

If you are using the short method of JQuery ajax call function as shown below, the returned data needs to be interpreted as a json object for you to be able to loop through.

$.get('url', function(data, statusText, xheader){
 // your code within the success callback
  var data = $.parseJSON(data);
  $.each(data, function(i){

assigning column names to a pandas series

You can create a dict and pass this as the data param to the dataframe constructor:

In [235]:

df = pd.DataFrame({'Gene':s.index, 'count':s.values})
   Gene  count
0  Ezh2      2
1  Hmgb      7
2  Irf1      1

Alternatively you can create a df from the series, you need to call reset_index as the index will be used and then rename the columns:

In [237]:

df = pd.DataFrame(s).reset_index()
df.columns = ['Gene', 'count']
   Gene  count
0  Ezh2      2
1  Hmgb      7
2  Irf1      1

How to start automatic download of a file in Internet Explorer?

One more :

var a = document.createElement('a');
a.setAttribute('href', dataUri);
a.setAttribute('download', filename);

var aj = $(a);

How to change button color with tkinter

When you do self.button = Button(...).grid(...), what gets assigned to self.button is the result of the grid() command, not a reference to the Button object created.

You need to assign your self.button variable before packing/griding it. It should look something like this:

self.button = Button(self,text="Click Me",command=self.color_change,bg="blue")
self.button.grid(row = 2, column = 2, sticky = W)

Zipping a file in bash fails

Run dos2unix or similar utility on it to remove the carriage returns (^M).

This message indicates that your file has dos-style lineendings:

-bash: /backup/ /bin/bash^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory 

Utilities like dos2unix will fix it:

 dos2unix <backup.bash > 

Or, if no such utility is installed, you can accomplish the same thing with translate:

tr -d "\015\032" <backup.bash > 

As for how those characters got there in the first place, @MadPhysicist had some good comments.

Allowed memory size of X bytes exhausted

If you're sure you restarted Apache after configuring php.ini, then you might be looking at the wrong php.ini file

How to solve java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError?

I have faced with the problem today. I have an Android project and after enabling multidex the project wouldn't start anymore.

The reason was that I had forgotten to call the specific multidex method that should be added to the Application class and invoked before everything else.


Follow this tutorial to enable multidex correctly.

You should add these lines to your Application class

  protected void attachBaseContext(Context base) {

How to fix 'Microsoft Excel cannot open or save any more documents'

I had this same issue, there was no issue regarding memory in my server machine, Finally i was able to fix it by following steps

  1. In your application hosting server, go to its "Component Services"
  2. enter image description here

3.Find "Microsoft Excel Application" in right side.

4.Open its properties by right click

5.Under Identity tab select the option interactive user and click Ok button.

Check once again. Hope it helps

NOTE: But now you may end up with another COM error "Retrieving the COM class factory for component...". In that case Just set the Identity to this User and enter the username and password of a user who has sufficient rights. In my case I entered a user of power user group.

undefined reference to 'vtable for class' constructor

You're declaring a virtual function and not defining it:

virtual void calculateCredits();

Either define it or declare it as:

virtual void calculateCredits() = 0;

Or simply:

virtual void calculateCredits() { };

Read more about vftable:

Set variable in jinja

{{ }} tells the template to print the value, this won't work in expressions like you're trying to do. Instead, use the {% set %} template tag and then assign the value the same way you would in normal python code.

{% set testing = 'it worked' %}
{% set another = testing %}
{{ another }}


it worked

Concat strings by & and + in VB.Net

My 2 cents:

If you are concatenating a significant amount of strings, you should be using the StringBuilder instead. IMO it's cleaner, and significantly faster.

Append a single character to a string or char array in java?

You'll want to use the static method Character.toString(char c) to convert the character into a string first. Then you can use the normal string concatenation functions.

How to delete row based on cell value

You could copy down a formula like the following in a new column...


... then sort on that column, highlight all the rows where the value is 1 and delete them.

how to do "press enter to exit" in batch

Default interpreters from Microsoft are done in a way, that causes them exit when they reach EOF. If rake is another batch file, command interpreter switches to it and exits when rake interpretation is finished. To prevent this write:

@echo off
call rake

IMHO, call operator will lauch another instance of intepretator thereby preventing the current one interpreter from switching to another input file.

check all socket opened in linux OS

You can use netstat command

netstat --listen

To display open ports and established TCP connections,

netstat -vatn

To display only open UDP ports try the following command:

netstat -vaun

How to pass a callback as a parameter into another function

Yup. Function references are just like any other object reference, you can pass them around to your heart's content.

Here's a more concrete example:

function foo() {
    console.log("Hello from foo!");

function caller(f) {
    // Call the given function

function indirectCaller(f) {
    // Call `caller`, who will in turn call `f`

// Do it
indirectCaller(foo); // logs "Hello from foo!"

You can also pass in arguments for foo:

function foo(a, b) {
    console.log(a + " + " + b + " = " + (a + b));

function caller(f, v1, v2) {
    // Call the given function
    f(v1, v2);

function indirectCaller(f, v1, v2) {
    // Call `caller`, who will in turn call `f`
    caller(f, v1, v2);

// Do it
indirectCaller(foo, 1, 2); // logs "1 + 2 = 3"

Visual studio - getting error "Metadata file 'XYZ' could not be found" after edit continue

It happens when one project dll is failing and that is referenced by number of projects. So first fix it and then Build individuals.

How to get folder path from file path with CMD

In case anyone wants an alternative method...

If it is the last subdirectory in the path, you can use this one-liner:

cd "c:\directory\subdirectory\filename.exe\..\.." && dir /ad /b /s

This would return the following:


The .... drops back to the previous directory. /ad shows only directories /b is a bare format listing /s includes all subdirectories. This is used to get the full path of the directory to print.

How do I print a list of "Build Settings" in Xcode project?

In case you would like to read/check your Target Build Settings in runtime using code, here is the way:

1) Add a Run Script:

cp ${PROJECT_FILE_PATH}/project.pbxproj ${CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR}/${EXECUTABLE_NAME}.app/BuildSetting.pbxproj 

It will copy the Target Build Settings file into your Main Bundle (will be called BuildSetting.pbxproj).

2) You can now check the contents of that file at any time in code:

NSString *thePathString = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"BuildSetting" ofType:@"pbxproj"];
NSDictionary *theDictionary = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:thePathString];

Notepad++ add to every line

Open Notepad++, then click Ctrl+ F.

Choose Regular Expression

*Find What: "^" (which represents index of the each line - "PREFIX").

Replace with : "anyText"*

enter image description here

For Suffix on each line: Follow the same steps as above "Replace ^ with $" . That's it.

SQL JOIN vs IN performance?

That's rather hard to say - in order to really find out which one works better, you'd need to actually profile the execution times.

As a general rule of thumb, I think if you have indices on your foreign key columns, and if you're using only (or mostly) INNER JOIN conditions, then the JOIN will be slightly faster.

But as soon as you start using OUTER JOIN, or if you're lacking foreign key indexes, the IN might be quicker.


How to get base URL in Web API controller?

You could use VirtualPathRoot property from HttpRequestContext (request.GetRequestContext().VirtualPathRoot)

How to put a link on a button with bootstrap?

Combining the above answers i find a simply solution that probably will help you too:

<button type="submit" onclick="location.href = 'your_link';">Login</button>

by just adding inline JS code you can transform a button in a link and keeping his design.

How do I read a specified line in a text file?

.NET 4.0 edit

Since .NET 4.0, it is possible to access a single line of a file directly. For instance, to access line 15:

string line = File.ReadLines(FileName).Skip(14).Take(1).First();

This will return only the line required

Since you can't predict the location (can you?) of the i-th line in the file, you'll have to read all previous lines too. If the line number is small, this can be more efficient than the ReadAllLines method.

string GetLine(string fileName, int line)
   using (var sr = new StreamReader(fileName)) {
       for (int i = 1; i < line; i++)
       return sr.ReadLine();

How can I make a list of lists in R?

Using your example::

list1 <- list()
list1[1] = 1
list1[2] = 2
list2 <- list()
list2[1] = 'a'
list2[2] = 'b'
list_all <- list(list1, list2)

Use '[[' to retrieve an element of a list:

b = list_all[[1]]
[1] 1

[1] 2

[1] "list"

How to prevent a browser from storing passwords

< input type="password" style='pointer-event: none' onInput= (e) => handleInput(e) />
function handleInput(e) {
  e.stopPropagation();'readonly', true);
  setTimeout(() => {;'readonly');

How can I give an imageview click effect like a button on Android?

I create sample here, just change ImageView into ClickableImageView from your layout. Hope it help.

enter image description here

How to comment multiple lines in Visual Studio Code?

on Windows 10, Italian Keyboard, VSC 1.19.1:

Select lines that you want comment and press "Ctrl + ù"

Autocompletion in Vim

is what you are looking for something like intellisense?

insevim seems to address the issue.

link to screenshots here

MongoDB: Is it possible to make a case-insensitive query?

Mongo (current version 2.0.0) doesn't allow case-insensitive searches against indexed fields - see their documentation. For non-indexed fields, the regexes listed in the other answers should be fine.

VBA Excel 2-Dimensional Arrays

In fact I would not use any REDIM, nor a loop for transferring data from sheet to array:

dim arOne()
arOne = range("A2:F1000")

or even

arOne = range("A2").CurrentRegion

and that's it, your array is filled much faster then with a loop, no redim.

How to obtain the location of cacerts of the default java installation?

As of OS X 10.10.1 (Yosemite), the location of the cacerts file has been changed to


C: convert double to float, preserving decimal point precision

Floating point numbers are represented in scientific notation as a number of only seven significant digits multiplied by a larger number that represents the place of the decimal place. More information about it on Wikipedia:

Reading and writing environment variables in Python?

First things first :) reading books is an excellent approach to problem solving; it's the difference between band-aid fixes and long-term investments in solving problems. Never miss an opportunity to learn. :D

You might choose to interpret the 1 as a number, but environment variables don't care. They just pass around strings:

   The argument envp is an array of character pointers to null-
   terminated strings. These strings shall constitute the
   environment for the new process image. The envp array is
   terminated by a null pointer.

(From environ(3posix).)

You access environment variables in python using the os.environ dictionary-like object:

>>> import os
>>> os.environ["HOME"]
>>> os.environ["PATH"]
>>> os.environ["PATH"] = os.environ["PATH"] + ":/silly/"
>>> os.environ["PATH"]

Unresponsive KeyListener for JFrame

lol .... all you have to do is make sure that


is placed correctly in your code.

Laravel 5 not finding css files

Simply you can put a back slash in front of your css link

Simple Java Client/Server Program

class serversvi1
  public static void main(String svi[]) throws IOException
      ServerSocket servsock=new ServerSocket(5510);
      DataInputStream dis=new DataInputStream(;

      System.out.println("enter the file name");

      String fil=dis.readLine();
      System.out.println(fil+" :is file transfer");

      File myfile=new File(fil);
        Socket sock=servsock.accept();
        byte[] mybytearray=new byte[(int)myfile.length()];

        BufferedInputStream bis=new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(myfile));,0,mybytearray.length);

        OutputStream os=sock.getOutputStream();

    catch(Exception saranvi)


class clientsvi1
  public static void main(String svi[])throws IOException
      Socket sock=new Socket("localhost",5510);
      byte[] bytearray=new byte[1024];

      InputStream is=sock.getInputStream();
      DataInputStream dis=new DataInputStream(;
      System.out.println("enter the file name");

      String fil=dis.readLine();
      FileOutputStream fos=new FileOutputStream(fil);
      BufferedOutputStream bos=new  BufferedOutputStream(fos);
      System.out.println("out.txt file is received");
    catch(Exception SVI)

Change name of folder when cloning from GitHub?

Here is one more answer from @Marged in comments

  1. Create a folder with the name you want
  2. Run the command below from the folder you created

    git clone <path to your online repo> .

How to create a MySQL hierarchical recursive query?

I have made a query for you. This will give you Recursive Category with a Single Query:

SELECT id,NAME,'' AS subName,'' AS subsubName,'' AS subsubsubName FROM Table1 WHERE prent is NULL
SELECT,, AS subName,'' AS subsubName,'' AS subsubsubName FROM Table1 AS a LEFT JOIN Table1 AS b ON WHERE a.prent is NULL AND IS NOT NULL 
SELECT,, AS subName, AS subsubName,'' AS subsubsubName FROM Table1 AS a LEFT JOIN Table1 AS b ON LEFT JOIN Table1 AS c ON WHERE a.prent is NULL AND IS NOT NULL 
SELECT,, AS subName, AS subsubName, AS subsubsubName FROM Table1 AS a LEFT JOIN Table1 AS b ON LEFT JOIN Table1 AS c ON LEFT JOIN Table1 AS d ON WHERE a.prent is NULL AND IS NOT NULL 
ORDER BY NAME,subName,subsubName,subsubsubName

Here is a fiddle.

Compiler warning - suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value

While that particular idiom is common, even more common is for people to use = when they mean ==. The convention when you really mean the = is to use an extra layer of parentheses:

while ((list = list->next)) { // yes, it's an assignment

How do I install Python packages on Windows?

This is a good tutorial on how to get easy_install on windows. The short answer: add C:\Python26\Scripts (or whatever python you have installed) to your PATH.

Android WebView not loading URL

Note : Make sure internet permission is given.

In android 9.0,

Webview or Imageloader can not load url or image because android 9 have network security issue which need to be enable by manifest file for all sub domain. so either you can add security config file.

  1. Add @xml/network_security_config into your resources:

    <domain-config cleartextTrafficPermitted="true">_x000D_
    <domain includeSubdomains="true"></domain>_x000D_

  1. Add this security config to your Manifest like this:


if you want to allow all sub domain


Note: To solve the problem, don't use both of point 2 (android:networkSecurityConfig="@xml/network_security_config" and android:usesCleartextTraffic="true") choose one of them

Getting only response header from HTTP POST using curl

Much easier – this is what I use to avoid Shortlink tracking – is the following:

curl -IL

…which also follows links.

Android WebView, how to handle redirects in app instead of opening a browser

You will have to set your custom WebviewClient overriding shouldOverrideUrlLoading method for your webview before loading the url.

mWebView.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient()
            public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView webView, String url)
                return shouldOverrideUrlLoading(url);

            public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView webView, WebResourceRequest request)
                Uri uri = request.getUrl();
                return shouldOverrideUrlLoading(uri.toString());

            private boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(final String url)
                Log.i(TAG, "shouldOverrideUrlLoading() URL : " + url);

                // Here put your code

                return true; // Returning True means that application wants to leave the current WebView and handle the url itself, otherwise return false.

Checkout the example code for handling redirect urls and open PDF without download, in webview.

Stripping non printable characters from a string in python

In Python there's no POSIX regex classes

There are when using the regex library:

It is well maintained and supports Unicode regex, Posix regex and many more. The usage (method signatures) is very similar to Python's re.

From the documentation:

[[:alpha:]]; [[:^alpha:]]

POSIX character classes are supported. These are normally treated as an alternative form of \p{...}.

(I'm not affiliated, just a user.)

How to print a list in Python "nicely"

As the other answers suggest pprint module does the trick.
Nonetheless, in case of debugging where you might need to put the entire list into some log file, one might have to use pformat method along with module logging along with pprint.

import logging
from pprint import pformat

logger = logging.getLogger('newlogger')
handler = logging.FileHandler('newlogger.log')

formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s')


data = [ (i, { '1':'one',
         for i in xrange(3)


And if you need to directly log it to a File, one would have to specify an output stream, using the stream keyword. Ref

from pprint import pprint

with open('output.txt', 'wt') as out:
   pprint(myTree, stream=out)

See Stefano Sanfilippo's answer

How do you make a div tag into a link


<div onclick="location.href='url'">content</div>


   window.location=$(this).find("a").attr("href"); return false;

Make sure to use cursor:pointer for these DIVs

Pandas DataFrame Groupby two columns and get counts

Followed by @Andy's answer, you can do following to solve your second question:

In [56]: df.groupby(['col5','col2']).size().reset_index().groupby('col2')[[0]].max()
A     3
B     2
C     1
D     3

Android: findviewbyid: finding view by id when view is not on the same layout invoked by setContentView

Thanks for commenting, I understand what you mean but I didn't want to check old values. I just wanted to get a pointer to that view.

Looking at someone else's code I have just found a workaround, you can access the root of a layout using LayoutInflater.

The code is the following, where this is an Activity:

final LayoutInflater factory = getLayoutInflater();

final View textEntryView = factory.inflate(R.layout.landmark_new_dialog, null);

landmarkEditNameView = (EditText) textEntryView.findViewById(;

You need to get the inflater for this context, access the root view through the inflate method and finally call findViewById on the root view of the layout.

Hope this is useful for someone! Bye

Reload .profile in bash shell script (in unix)?

A couple of issues arise when trying to reload/source ~/.profile file. [This refers to Ubuntu linux - in some cases the details of the commands will be different]

  1. Are you running this directly in terminal or in a script?
  2. How do you run this in a script?

Ad. 1)

Running this directly in terminal means that there will be no subshell created. So you can use either two commands:

source ~/.bash_profile


. ~/.bash_profile

In both cases this will update the environment with the contents of .profile file.

Ad 2) You can start any bash script either by calling




In the first case this will create a subshell that will not affect the environment variables of your system and they will be visible only to the subshell process. After finishing the subshell command none of the exports etc. will not be applied. THIS IS A COMMON MISTAKE AND CAUSES A LOT OF DEVELOPERS TO LOSE A LOT OF TIME.

In order for your changes applied in your script to have effect for the global environment the script has to be run with


In order to make sure that you script is not runned in a subshel you can use this function. (Again example is for Ubuntu shell)


  if [[ $_ != $0 ]]
    echo "Script is being sourced"
    echo "Script is a subshell - please run the script by invoking . command";
    exit 1;

I hope this clears some of the common misunderstandings! :D Good Luck!

How to check if an array value exists?

bool in_array ( mixed $needle , array $haystack [, bool $strict = FALSE ] )

Another use of in_array in_array() with an array as needle

$a = array(array('p', 'h'), array('p', 'r'), 'o');

if (in_array(array('p', 'h'), $a)) {
    echo "'ph' was found\n";

if (in_array(array('f', 'i'), $a)) {
    echo "'fi' was found\n";

if (in_array('o', $a)) {
    echo "'o' was found\n";

How to restart service using command prompt?

This is my code, to start/stop a Windows service using SC command. If the service fails to start/stop, it will print a log info. You can try it by Inno Setup.

{ start a service }
Exec(ExpandConstant('{cmd}'), '/C sc start ServiceName', '',
     SW_HIDE, ewWaitUntilTerminated, ResultCode);
Log('sc start ServiceName:'+SysErrorMessage(ResultCode));
{ stop a service }
Exec(ExpandConstant('{cmd}'), '/C sc stop ServiceName', '',
     SW_HIDE, ewWaitUntilTerminated, ResultCode);
Log('sc stop ServiceName:'+SysErrorMessage(ResultCode));

How to catch SQLServer timeout exceptions

When a client sends ABORT, no transactions are rolled back. To avoid this behavior we have to use SET_XACT_ABORT ON

Check if a String contains a special character

in the line String str2[]=name.split(""); give an extra character in Array... Let me explain by example "Aditya".split("") would return [, A, d,i,t,y,a] You will have a extra character in your Array...
The "Aditya".split("") does not work as expected by saroj routray you will get an extra character in String => [, A, d,i,t,y,a].

I have modified it,see below code it work as expected

 public static boolean isValidName(String inputString) {

    String specialCharacters = " !#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[]^_`{|}~0123456789";
    String[] strlCharactersArray = new String[inputString.length()];
    for (int i = 0; i < inputString.length(); i++) {
         strlCharactersArray[i] = Character
    //now  strlCharactersArray[i]=[A, d, i, t, y, a]
    int count = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i <  strlCharactersArray.length; i++) {
        if (specialCharacters.contains( strlCharactersArray[i])) {


    if (inputString != null && count == 0) {
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;

What is a database transaction?

Transaction is an indivisible unit of data processing -All transactions must have the ACID properties:

ie:Atomicity,Consistency,Isolation and Durable Transaction is all or nothing but not intermidiate (it means if you transfer your money from one account to another account,one account have to lose that much and other one have to gain that amount,but if you transfer money from one account and another account is still empty that will be not a transaction)

'pip' is not recognized as an internal or external command

Alternate way.

If you don't want to add the PATH as the previous well written answers pointed out,

but you want to execute pip as your command then you can do that with py -m as prefix.

Given that you have to do it again and again.


py -m <command>

as in

py -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools

Also make sure to have pip and py installed

enter image description here

Authentication plugin 'caching_sha2_password' is not supported

For those who couldn't work out because they installed mysql-connector first, I did the following:

1.First on CMD go to the path of 'pip'

2.Use 'pip list' command

3.There would be three packages installed namely six, protobuf and mysql-connector

4.Uninstall each of them separately

5.Now freshly install the mysql-connector-python module

This worked out for me

How to use boost bind with a member function

Use the following instead:

boost::function<void (int)> f2( boost::bind( &myclass::fun2, this, _1 ) );

This forwards the first parameter passed to the function object to the function using place-holders - you have to tell Boost.Bind how to handle the parameters. With your expression it would try to interpret it as a member function taking no arguments.
See e.g. here or here for common usage patterns.

Note that VC8s cl.exe regularly crashes on Boost.Bind misuses - if in doubt use a test-case with gcc and you will probably get good hints like the template parameters Bind-internals were instantiated with if you read through the output.

WCF Service, the type provided as the service attribute values…could not be found

I just hit this issue myself, and neither this nor any of the other answers on the net solved my issue. For me it was a strange one whereby the virtual directory had been created on a different branch in another source control server (basically, we upgraded from TFS 2010 to 2013) and the solution somehow remembered it's mapping.

Anyway, I clicked the "Create Virtual Directory" button again, in the Properties of the Service project. It gave me a message about being mapped to a different folder and would I like to update it. I clicked yes, and that fixed the issue.

How to scanf only integer?

I know how this can be done using fgets and strtol, I would like to know how this can be done using scanf() (if possible).

As the other answers say, scanf isn't really suitable for this, fgets and strtol is an alternative (though fgets has the drawback that it's hard to detect a 0-byte in the input and impossible to tell what has been input after a 0-byte, if any).

For sake of completeness (and assuming valid input is an integer followed by a newline):

while(scanf("%d%1[\n]", &n, (char [2]){ 0 }) < 2)

Alternatively, use %n before and after %*1[\n] with assignment-suppression. Note, however (from the Debian manpage):

This is not a conversion, although it can be suppressed with the * assignment-suppression character. The C standard says: "Execution of a %n directive does not increment the assignment count returned at the completion of execution" but the Corrigendum seems to contradict this. Probably it is wise not to make any assumptions on the effect of %n conversions on the return value.

int to hex string

Try C# string interpolation introduced in C# 6:

var id = 100;
var hexid = $"0x{id:X}";

hexid value:


Import Maven dependencies in IntelliJ IDEA

When importing the project, select pom.xml instead of the project directory. It should work.

Why is division in Ruby returning an integer instead of decimal value?

It’s doing integer division. You can use to_f to force things into floating-point mode:

9.to_f / 5  #=> 1.8
9 / 5.to_f  #=> 1.8

This also works if your values are variables instead of literals. Converting one value to a float is sufficient to coerce the whole expression to floating point arithmetic.

How to generate and validate a software license key?

It is not possible to prevent software piracy completely. You can prevent casual piracy and that's what all licensing solutions out their do.

Node (machine) locked licensing is best if you want to prevent reuse of license keys. I have been using Cryptlex for about a year now for my software. It has a free plan also, so if you don't expect too many customers you can use it for free.

Delete last commit in bitbucket

By now, cloud bitbucket (I'm not sure which version) allows to revert a commit from the file system as follows (I do not see how to revert from the Bitbucket interface in the Chrome browser).

-backup your entire directory to secure the changes you inadvertently committed

-select checked out directory

-right mouse button: tortoise git menu

-repo-browser (the menu option 'revert' only undoes the uncommited changes)

-press the HEAD button

-select the uppermost line (the last commit)

-right mouse button: revert change by this commit

-after it undid the changes on the file system, press commit

-this updates GIT with a message 'Revert (your previous message). This reverts commit so-and-so'

-select 'commit and push'.

Django Forms: if not valid, show form with error message

from django.contrib import messages 

def view_name(request):
    if request.method == 'POST':
        form = form_class(request.POST)
        if form.is_valid():
            return HttpResponseRedirect('/thanks'/)
            messages.error(request, "Error")
return render(request, 'page.html', {'form':form_class()})

If you want to show the errors of the form other than that not valid just put {{form.as_p}} like what I did below


            {% if messages %}
                {% for message in messages %}
                {% endfor %}
            {% endif %}

NuGet: 'X' already has a dependency defined for 'Y'

I fixed a similar issue in my solution by:

  1. Opening up a command prompt
  2. Navigating to the .nuget folder in my solution
  3. Running nuget update -self

This upgraded the copy of NuGet.exe that was in my solution from 2.8.0 to 3.4.4, which fixed the 'X' already has a dependency defined for 'Y' error that was stopping it from downloading SSH.NET automatically before building.

(If your solution doesn't have a copy of NuGet.exe in it - and it might not - then you should try the solution in TN's answer instead)

Spring security CORS Filter

With SpringBoot 2 Spring Security, The code below perfectly resolved Cors issues

public CorsConfigurationSource corsConfigurationSource() {
    CorsConfiguration configuration = new CorsConfiguration();
    configuration.setAllowedOrigins(Collections.singletonList("*")); // <-- you may change "*"
    configuration.setAllowedMethods(Arrays.asList("HEAD", "GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE", "PATCH"));
            "Accept", "Origin", "Content-Type", "Depth", "User-Agent", "If-Modified-Since,",
            "Cache-Control", "Authorization", "X-Req", "X-File-Size", "X-Requested-With", "X-File-Name"));
    UrlBasedCorsConfigurationSource source = new UrlBasedCorsConfigurationSource();
    source.registerCorsConfiguration("/**", configuration);
    return source;

public FilterRegistrationBean<CorsFilter> corsFilterRegistrationBean() {
    FilterRegistrationBean<CorsFilter> bean = new FilterRegistrationBean<>(new CorsFilter(corsConfigurationSource()));
    return bean;

Then for the WebSecurity Configuration, I added this

protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
            .antMatchers(HttpMethod.GET, "/").permitAll()
            .antMatchers(HttpMethod.POST, "/").permitAll()
            .antMatchers(HttpMethod.PUT, "/").permitAll()
            .antMatchers(HttpMethod.DELETE, "/**").permitAll()
            .antMatchers(HttpMethod.OPTIONS, "*").permitAll()

What is the difference between connection and read timeout for sockets?

These are timeout values enforced by JVM for TCP connection establishment and waiting on reading data from socket.

If the value is set to infinity, you will not wait forever. It simply means JVM doesn't have timeout and OS will be responsible for all the timeouts. However, the timeouts on OS may be really long. On some slow network, I've seen timeouts as long as 6 minutes.

Even if you set the timeout value for socket, it may not work if the timeout happens in the native code. We can reproduce the problem on Linux by connecting to a host blocked by firewall or unplugging the cable on switch.

The only safe approach to handle TCP timeout is to run the connection code in a different thread and interrupt the thread when it takes too long.

Retrofit 2: Get JSON from Response body

So, here is the deal:

When making

Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()

You are passing GsonConverterFactory.create() here. If you do it like this, Gson will automatically convert the json object you get in response to your object <ResponseBody>. Here you can pass all other converters such as Jackson, etc...

What are the advantages and disadvantages of recursion?

For the most part recursion is slower, and takes up more of the stack as well. The main advantage of recursion is that for problems like tree traversal it make the algorithm a little easier or more "elegant". Check out some of the comparisons:


Evaluating a mathematical expression in a string

Some safer alternatives to eval() and sympy.sympify().evalf()*:

*SymPy sympify is also unsafe according to the following warning from the documentation.

Warning: Note that this function uses eval, and thus shouldn’t be used on unsanitized input.

CSS hide scroll bar, but have element scrollable

if you really want to get rid of the scrollbar, split the information up into two separate pages.

Usability guidelines on scrollbars by Jakob Nielsen:

There are five essential usability guidelines for scrolling and scrollbars:

  • Offer a scrollbar if an area has scrolling content. Don't rely on auto-scrolling or on dragging, which people might not notice.
  • Hide scrollbars if all content is visible. If people see a scrollbar, they assume there's additional content and will be frustrated if they can't scroll.
  • Comply with GUI standards and use scrollbars that look like scrollbars.
  • Avoid horizontal scrolling on Web pages and minimize it elsewhere.
  • Display all important information above the fold. Users often decide whether to stay or leave based on what they can see without scrolling. Plus they only allocate 20% of their attention below the fold.

To make your scrollbar only visible when it is needed (i.e. when there is content to scroll down to), use overflow: auto.

How to open local file on Jupyter?

I do not know if it's what you were looking for, but it sounds to me something like this.

This is for linux (ubuntu) but maybe it also works on mac:

If the file is a pdf called 'book.pdf' and is located in your downloads, then

import subprocess

path='/home/user/Downloads/book.pdf'['evince', path])

where evince is the program that open pdfs in ubuntu

Convert timestamp long to normal date format

To show leading zeros infront of hours, minutes and seconds use below modified code. The trick here is we are converting (or more accurately formatting) integer into string so that it shows leading zero whenever applicable :

public String convertTimeWithTimeZome(long time) {
        Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
        String curTime = String.format("%02d:%02d:%02d", cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY), cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE), cal.get(Calendar.SECOND));
        return curTime;

Result would be like : 00:01:30

How do I get the domain originating the request in express.js?

In Express 4.x you can use req.hostname, which returns the domain name, without port. i.e.:

// Host: ""
// => ""


PivotTable to show values, not sum of values

Another easier way to do it is to upload your file to google sheets, then add a pivot, for the columns and rows select the same as you would with Excel, however, for values select Calculated Field and then in the formula type in =

In my case the column header is URL

How do I make a C++ macro behave like a function?

C++11 brought us lambdas, which can be incredibly useful in this situation:

#define MACRO(X,Y)                              \
    [&](x_, y_) {                               \
        cout << "1st arg is:" << x_ << endl;    \
        cout << "2nd arg is:" << y_ << endl;    \
        cout << "Sum is:" << (x_ + y_) << endl; \
    }((X), (Y))

You keep the generative power of macros, but have a comfy scope from which you can return whatever you want (including void). Additionally, the issue of evaluating macro parameters multiple times is avoided.

Copy Notepad++ text with formatting?

Here is an image from notepad++ when you select text to copy as html.

Notepad++ Plugin: Copy as HTML

and how the formatted text looks like after pasting it in OneNote (similar to any other app that supports "Paste Special"): How it looks like when importing it

How can I link a photo in a Facebook album to a URL

Unfortunately, no. This feature is not available for facebook albums.

"&" meaning after variable type

It means you're passing the variable by reference.

In fact, in a declaration of a type, it means reference, just like:

int x = 42;
int& y = x;

declares a reference to x, called y.

How do you add a scroll bar to a div?

Css class to have a nice Div with scroll

    background-color: #F5F5F5;
    border: 1px solid #DDDDDD;
    border-radius: 4px 0 4px 0;
    color: #3B3C3E;
    font-size: 12px;
    font-weight: bold;
    left: -1px;
    padding: 10px 7px 5px;


How to load all modules in a folder?

Add the __all__ Variable to containing:

__all__ = ["bar", "spam", "eggs"]

See also

Resolve conflicts using remote changes when pulling from Git remote

You can either use the answer from the duplicate link pointed by nvm.

Or you can resolve conflicts by using their changes (but some of your changes might be kept if they don't conflict with remote version):

git pull -s recursive -X theirs

How do you run JavaScript script through the Terminal?

If you're using MacBook.

  1. Set up node.js in your system and open up the terminal
  2. Navigate to the directory, where the js file is saved.
  3. To execute run node <filename.js>

example, if filename is script.js run node script.js

Overlay with spinner

#overlay {
    position: fixed;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
    background: black url(spinner.gif) center center no-repeat;
    opacity: .5;

it's better to use rgba color instead of opacity to prevent applying alpha to spinner image.

background: rgba(0,0,0,.5) url(spinner.gif) center center no-repeat;

How do I minimize the command prompt from my bat file

One option is to find one of the various utilities that can change the window state of the currently running console window and make a call to it from within the batch script.

You can run it as the first thing in your batch script. Here are two such tools:



server error:405 - HTTP verb used to access this page is not allowed

Try renaming the default file. In my case, a recent move to IIS7.5 gave the 405 error. I changed index.aspx to default.aspx and it worked immediately for me.

Find a line in a file and remove it

This solution requires the Apache Commons IO library to be added to the build path. It works by reading the entire file and writing each line back but only if the search term is not contained.

public static void removeLineFromFile(File targetFile, String searchTerm)
        throws IOException
    StringBuffer fileContents = new StringBuffer(
    String[] fileContentLines = fileContents.toString().split(

    fileContents = new StringBuffer();

    for (int fileContentLinesIndex = 0; fileContentLinesIndex < fileContentLines.length; fileContentLinesIndex++)
        if (fileContentLines[fileContentLinesIndex].contains(searchTerm))

        fileContents.append(fileContentLines[fileContentLinesIndex] + System.lineSeparator());

    FileUtils.writeStringToFile(targetFile, fileContents.toString().trim());

private static void emptyFile(File targetFile) throws FileNotFoundException,
    RandomAccessFile randomAccessFile = new RandomAccessFile(targetFile, "rw");


SQL string value spanning multiple lines in query

with your VARCHAR, you may also need to specify the length, or its usually good to

What about grabbing the text, making a sting of it, then putting it into the query witrh

String TableName = "ComplicatedTableNameHere";  
EditText editText1 = (EditText) findViewById(; 
String editTextString1 = editText1.getText().toString();  


String TableName = "ComplicatedTableNameHere";            
    //sets the table name as a string so you can refer to TableName instead of writing out your table name everytime

EditText editText1 = (EditText) findViewById(; 
    //gets the text from your edit text fieldfield 
    //editText1 = your edit text name
    //EditTextIDhere = the id of your text field

String editTextString1 = editText1.getText().toString();  
    //sets the edit text as a string
    //editText1 is the name of the Edit text from the (EditText) we defined above
    //editTextString1 = the string name you will refer to in future

then use

       /* Insert data to a Table*/
       myDB.execSQL("INSERT INTO "
         + TableName
         + " (Column_Name, Column_Name2, Column_Name3, Column_Name4)"
         + " VALUES ( "+EditTextString1+", 'Column_Value2','Column_Value3','Column_Value4');");

Hope this helps some what...

NOTE each string is within


its the 'and' that enable the multi line element of the srting, without it you just get the first line, not even sure if you get the whole line, it may just be the first word

What does "Error: object '<myvariable>' not found" mean?

While executing multiple lines of code in R, you need to first select all the lines of code and then click on "Run". This error usually comes up when we don't select our statements and click on "Run".

iPad Multitasking support requires these orientations

In Xcode, check the "Requires Full Screen" checkbox under General > Targets, as shown below.

enter image description here

Dynamic constant assignment

You can't name a variable with capital letters or Ruby will asume its a constant and will want it to keep it's value constant, in which case changing it's value would be an error an "dynamic constant assignment error". With lower case should be fine

class MyClass
  def mymethod
    myconstant = "blah"

Press Enter to move to next control

In a KeyPress event, if the user pressed Enter, call


Nicest way to implement automatically selecting the text on receiving focus is to create a subclass of TextBox in your project with the following override:

Protected Overrides Sub OnGotFocus(ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
    SelectionStart = 0
    SelectionLength = Text.Length
End Sub

Then use this custom TextBox in place of the WinForms standard TextBox on all your Forms.

Returning Month Name in SQL Server Query

Try this:


What are the differences between the urllib, urllib2, urllib3 and requests module?

I think all answers are pretty good. But fewer details about urllib3.urllib3 is a very powerful HTTP client for python. For installing both of the following commands will work,


using pip,

pip install urllib3

or you can get the latest code from Github and install them using,

$ git clone git://
$ cd urllib3
$ python install

Then you are ready to go,

Just import urllib3 using,

import urllib3

In here, Instead of creating a connection directly, You’ll need a PoolManager instance to make requests. This handles connection pooling and thread-safety for you. There is also a ProxyManager object for routing requests through an HTTP/HTTPS proxy Here you can refer to the documentation. example usage :

>>> from urllib3 import PoolManager
>>> manager = PoolManager(10)
>>> r = manager.request('GET', '')
>>> r.headers['server']
>>> r = manager.request('GET', '')
>>> r.headers['server']
>>> r = manager.request('POST', '')
>>> r = manager.request('HEAD', '')
>>> len(manager.pools)
>>> conn = manager.connection_from_host('')
>>> conn.num_requests

As mentioned in urrlib3 documentations,urllib3 brings many critical features that are missing from the Python standard libraries.

  • Thread safety.
  • Connection pooling.
  • Client-side SSL/TLS verification.
  • File uploads with multipart encoding.
  • Helpers for retrying requests and dealing with HTTP redirects.
  • Support for gzip and deflate encoding.
  • Proxy support for HTTP and SOCKS.
  • 100% test coverage.

Follow the user guide for more details.


requests uses urllib3 under the hood and make it even simpler to make requests and retrieve data. For one thing, keep-alive is 100% automatic, compared to urllib3 where it's not. It also has event hooks which call a callback function when an event is triggered, like receiving a response In requests, each request type has its own function. So instead of creating a connection or a pool, you directly GET a URL.

For install requests using pip just run

pip install requests

or you can just install from source code,

$ git clone git://
$ cd requests
$ python install

Then, import requests

Here you can refer the official documentation, For some advanced usage like session object, SSL verification, and Event Hooks please refer to this url.

Converting byte array to String (Java)

You can try this.

String s = new String(bytearray);

OrderBy pipe issue

I modified @Thierry Templier's response so the pipe can sort custom objects in angular 4:

import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from "@angular/core";

  name: "sort"
export class ArraySortPipe  implements PipeTransform {
  transform(array: any, field: string): any[] {
    if (!Array.isArray(array)) {
    array.sort((a: any, b: any) => {
      if (a[field] < b[field]) {
        return -1;
      } else if (a[field] > b[field]) {
        return 1;
      } else {
        return 0;
    return array;

And to use it:

*ngFor="let myObj of myArr | sort:'fieldName'"

Hopefully this helps someone.

PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception'

Just adding a bit of extra information here in case someone has the same issue as me.

I use namespaces in my code and I had a class with a function that throws an Exception.

However my try/catch code in another class file was completely ignored and the normal PHP error for an uncatched exception was thrown.

Turned out I forgot to add "use \Exception;" at the top, adding that solved the error.

How to push elements in JSON from javascript array

var arr = [ 'a', 'b', 'c'];
arr.push('d'); // insert as last item

Difference between objectForKey and valueForKey?

objectForKey: is an NSDictionary method. An NSDictionary is a collection class similar to an NSArray, except instead of using indexes, it uses keys to differentiate between items. A key is an arbitrary string you provide. No two objects can have the same key (just as no two objects in an NSArray can have the same index).

valueForKey: is a KVC method. It works with ANY class. valueForKey: allows you to access a property using a string for its name. So for instance, if I have an Account class with a property accountNumber, I can do the following:

NSNumber *anAccountNumber = [NSNumber numberWithInt:12345];
Account *newAccount = [[Account alloc] init];

[newAccount setAccountNumber:anAccountNUmber];

NSNumber *anotherAccountNumber = [newAccount accountNumber];

Using KVC, I can access the property dynamically:

NSNumber *anAccountNumber = [NSNumber numberWithInt:12345];
Account *newAccount = [[Account alloc] init];

[newAccount setValue:anAccountNumber forKey:@"accountNumber"];

NSNumber *anotherAccountNumber = [newAccount valueForKey:@"accountNumber"];

Those are equivalent sets of statements.

I know you're thinking: wow, but sarcastically. KVC doesn't look all that useful. In fact, it looks "wordy". But when you want to change things at runtime, you can do lots of cool things that are much more difficult in other languages (but this is beyond the scope of your question).

If you want to learn more about KVC, there are many tutorials if you Google especially at Scott Stevenson's blog. You can also check out the NSKeyValueCoding Protocol Reference.

Hope that helps.

Laravel: Auth::user()->id trying to get a property of a non-object

In Laravel 5.6 I use

use Auth;
$user_id = Auth::user()->id;

as the other suggestion


seems to apply to older versions of Laravel 5.x and didn't work for me.

How to add bootstrap to an angular-cli project

  1. Install Bootstrap using npm

    npm install bootstrap

2.Install Popper.js

npm install --save popper.js

3.Goto angular.json in Angular 6 project / .angular-cli.json in Angular 5 and add the listed:

 "styles": [

        "scripts": [

How to write a multiline Jinja statement

According to the documentation: you may use multi-line statements as long as the code has parens/brackets around it. Example:

{% if ( (foo == 'foo' or bar == 'bar') and 
        (fooo == 'fooo' or baar == 'baar') ) %}
    <li>some text</li>
{% endif %}

Edit: Using line_statement_prefix = '#'* the code would look like this:

# if ( (foo == 'foo' or bar == 'bar') and 
       (fooo == 'fooo' or baar == 'baar') )
    <li>some text</li>
# endif

*Here's an example of how you'd specify the line_statement_prefix in the Environment:

from jinja2 import Environment, PackageLoader, select_autoescape
env = Environment(
    loader=PackageLoader('yourapplication', 'templates'),
    autoescape=select_autoescape(['html', 'xml']),

Or using Flask:

from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__, instance_relative_config=True, static_folder='static')
app.jinja_env.filters['zip'] = zip
app.jinja_env.line_statement_prefix = '#'

How to get previous page url using jquery

simple & sweet

window.location = document.referrer;

Description for event id from source cannot be found

Restart your system!

A friend of mine had exactly the same problem. He tried all the described options but nothing seemed to work. After many studies, also of Microsoft's description, he concluded to restart the system. It worked!!

It seems that the operating system does not in all cases refresh the list of registered event sources. Only after a restart you can be sure the event sources are registered properly.

Temporary table in SQL server causing ' There is already an object named' error

I usually put these lines at the beginning of my stored procedure, and then at the end.

It is an "exists" check for #temp tables.

IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#MyCoolTempTable') IS NOT NULL
        drop table #MyCoolTempTable

Full Example:

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[uspTempTableSuperSafeExample]

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#MyCoolTempTable') IS NOT NULL
            DROP TABLE #MyCoolTempTable

    CREATE TABLE #MyCoolTempTable (
        MyCoolTempTableKey INT IDENTITY(1,1),
        MyValue VARCHAR(128)

    INSERT INTO #MyCoolTempTable (MyValue)
        SELECT LEFT(@@VERSION, 128)
        UNION ALL SELECT TOP 10 LEFT(name, 128) from sysobjects

    SELECT MyCoolTempTableKey, MyValue FROM #MyCoolTempTable

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#MyCoolTempTable') IS NOT NULL
            DROP TABLE #MyCoolTempTable


How to inherit constructors?

No, you don't need to copy all 387 constructors to Bar and Bah. Bar and Bah can have as many or as few constructors as you want independent of how many you define on Foo. For example, you could choose to have just one Bar constructor which constructs Foo with Foo's 212th constructor.

Yes, any constructors you change in Foo that Bar or Bah depend on will require you to modify Bar and Bah accordingly.

No, there is no way in .NET to inherit constructors. But you can achieve code reuse by calling a base class's constructor inside the subclass's constructor or by calling a virtual method you define (like Initialize()).

How do I float a div to the center?

Give the DIV a specific with in percentage or pixels and center it using CSS margin property.


<div id="my-main-div"></div>


#my-main-div { margin: 0 auto; }

enjoy :)

Regex: Check if string contains at least one digit



should work

Edit, no clue why I added the "+", without it works just as fine.


Printing pointers in C

You can't change the value (i.e., address of) a static array. In technical terms, the lvalue of an array is the address of its first element. Hence s == &s. It's just a quirk of the language.

Save string to the NSUserDefaults?

A good practice is also to use a constant for the key to avoid bugs where you do not store and read with the same key


Does Index of Array Exist

Test the length

int index = 25;
if(index < array.Length)
    //it exists

How to switch to new window in Selenium for Python?

You can do it by using window_handles and switch_to_window method.

Before clicking the link first store the window handle as

window_before = driver.window_handles[0]

after clicking the link store the window handle of newly opened window as

window_after = driver.window_handles[1]

then execute the switch to window method to move to newly opened window


and similarly you can switch between old and new window. Following is the code example

import unittest
from selenium import webdriver

class GoogleOrgSearch(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.driver = webdriver.Firefox()

    def test_google_search_page(self):
        driver = self.driver
        window_before = driver.window_handles[0]
        print window_before
        window_after = driver.window_handles[1]
        print window_after

    def tearDown(self):

if __name__ == "__main__":

omp parallel vs. omp parallel for

There are obviously plenty of answers, but this one answers it very nicely (with source)

#pragma omp for only delegates portions of the loop for different threads in the current team. A team is the group of threads executing the program. At program start, the team consists only of a single member: the master thread that runs the program.

To create a new team of threads, you need to specify the parallel keyword. It can be specified in the surrounding context:

#pragma omp parallel
   #pragma omp for
   for(int n = 0; n < 10; ++n)
   printf(" %d", n);


What are: parallel, for and a team

The difference between parallel, parallel for and for is as follows:

A team is the group of threads that execute currently. At the program beginning, the team consists of a single thread. A parallel construct splits the current thread into a new team of threads for the duration of the next block/statement, after which the team merges back into one. for divides the work of the for-loop among the threads of the current team.

It does not create threads, it only divides the work amongst the threads of the currently executing team. parallel for is a shorthand for two commands at once: parallel and for. Parallel creates a new team, and for splits that team to handle different portions of the loop. If your program never contains a parallel construct, there is never more than one thread; the master thread that starts the program and runs it, as in non-threading programs.

No resource found - Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar

If you are using Visual Studio for MAC, fix the problem clicking on Project > Restoring Nutget packages

How to change a TextView's style at runtime

Depending on which style you want to set, you have to use different methods. TextAppearance stuff has its own setter, TypeFace has its own setter, background has its own setter, etc.

Is there a limit to the length of a GET request?

This article sums it up pretty well

Summary: It's implementation dependent, as there is no specified limit in the RFC. It'd be safe to use up to 2000 characters (IE's limit.) If you are anywhere near this length, you should make sure you really need URIs that long, maybe an alternative design could get around that.

URIs should be readable, even when used to send data.

Psql list all tables

In SQL Query, you can write this code:

select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema='YOUR_TABLE_SCHEME';

Replace your table scheme with YOUR_TABLE_SCHEME;


select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema='eLearningProject';

To see all scheme and all tables, there is no need of where clause:

select table_name from information_schema.tables

How to use comparison and ' if not' in python?

There are two ways. In case of doubt, you can always just try it. If it does not work, you can add extra braces to make sure, like that:

if not ((u0 <= u) and (u < u0+step)):

Swift double to string

In Swift 4 if you like to modify and use a Double in the UI as a textLabel "String" you can add this in the end of your file:

    extension Double {
func roundToInt() -> Int{
    return Int(Darwin.round(self))


And use it like this if you like to have it in a textlabel:

currentTemp.text = "\(weatherData.tempCelsius.roundToInt())"

Or print it as an Int:


Magento: Set LIMIT on collection

The way to do was looking at the code in code/core/Mage/Catalog/Model/Resource/Category/Flat/Collection.php at line 380 in Magento 1.7.2 on the function setPage($pageNum, $pageSize)

 $collection = Mage::getModel('model')
     ->setCurPage(2) // 2nd page
     ->setPageSize(10); // 10 elements per pages

I hope this will help someone.

Maximum size of a varchar(max) variable

As far as I can tell there is no upper limit in 2008.

In SQL Server 2005 the code in your question fails on the assignment to the @GGMMsg variable with

Attempting to grow LOB beyond maximum allowed size of 2,147,483,647 bytes.

the code below fails with

REPLICATE: The length of the result exceeds the length limit (2GB) of the target large type.

However it appears these limitations have quietly been lifted. On 2008


SET @y = REPLICATE(@y,92681);




I ran this on my 32 bit desktop machine so this 8GB string is way in excess of addressable memory


select internal_objects_alloc_page_count
from sys.dm_db_task_space_usage
WHERE session_id = @@spid



so I presume this all just gets stored in LOB pages in tempdb with no validation on length. The page count growth was all associated with the SET @y = REPLICATE(@y,92681); statement. The initial variable assignment to @y and the LEN calculation did not increase this.

The reason for mentioning this is because the page count is hugely more than I was expecting. Assuming an 8KB page then this works out at 16.36 GB which is obviously more or less double what would seem to be necessary. I speculate that this is likely due to the inefficiency of the string concatenation operation needing to copy the entire huge string and append a chunk on to the end rather than being able to add to the end of the existing string. Unfortunately at the moment the .WRITE method isn't supported for varchar(max) variables.


I've also tested the behaviour with concatenating nvarchar(max) + nvarchar(max) and nvarchar(max) + varchar(max). Both of these allow the 2GB limit to be exceeded. Trying to then store the results of this in a table then fails however with the error message Attempting to grow LOB beyond maximum allowed size of 2147483647 bytes. again. The script for that is below (may take a long time to run).

SET @y1 = @y1 + @y1;
SELECT LEN(@y1), DATALENGTH(@y1)  /*4294967294, 4294967292*/

SET @y2 = @y2 + @y2;
SELECT LEN(@y2), DATALENGTH(@y2)  /*2147483646, 4294967292*/

DECLARE @y3 NVARCHAR(MAX) = @y2 + @y1
SELECT LEN(@y3), DATALENGTH(@y3)   /*6442450940, 12884901880*/

/*This attempt fails*/
SELECT @y1 y1, @y2 y2, @y3 y3

Powershell's Get-date: How to get Yesterday at 22:00 in a variable?

(Get-Date (Get-Date -Format d)).AddHours(-2)

@RequestBody and @ResponseBody annotations in Spring

package com.programmingfree.springshop.controller;

import java.util.List;

import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PathVariable;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;

import com.programmingfree.springshop.dao.UserShop;
import com.programmingfree.springshop.domain.User;

public class SpringShopController {

 UserShop userShop=new UserShop();

 @RequestMapping(value = "/{id}", method = RequestMethod.GET,headers="Accept=application/json")
 public User getUser(@PathVariable int id) {
  User user=userShop.getUserById(id);
  return user;

 @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET,headers="Accept=application/json")
 public List<User> getAllUsers() {
  List<User> users=userShop.getAllUsers();
  return users;


In the above example they going to display all user and particular id details now I want to use both id and name,

1) localhost:8093/plejson/shop/user <---this link will display all user details
2) localhost:8093/plejson/shop/user/11 <----if i use 11 in link means, it will display particular user 11 details

now I want to use both id and name

localhost:8093/plejson/shop/user/11/raju <-----------------like this it means we can use any one in this please help me out.....

Thread Safe C# Singleton Pattern

Reflection resistant Singleton pattern:

public sealed class Singleton
    public static Singleton Instance => _lazy.Value;
    private static Lazy<Singleton, Func<int>> _lazy { get; }

    static Singleton()
        var i = 0;
        _lazy = new Lazy<Singleton, Func<int>>(() =>
            return new Singleton();
        }, () => i);

    private Singleton()
        if (_lazy.Metadata() == 0 || _lazy.IsValueCreated)
            throw new Exception("Singleton creation exception");

    public void Run()
        Console.WriteLine("Singleton called");

How to create materialized views in SQL Server?

When indexed view is not an option, and quick updates are not necessary, you can create a hack cache table:

select * into cachetablename from myviewname
alter table cachetablename add primary key (columns)
-- OR alter table cachetablename add rid bigint identity primary key
create index...

then sp_rename view/table or change any queries or other views that reference it to point to the cache table.

schedule daily/nightly/weekly/whatnot refresh like

begin transaction
truncate table cachetablename
insert into cachetablename select * from viewname
commit transaction

NB: this will eat space, also in your tx logs. Best used for small datasets that are slow to compute. Maybe refactor to eliminate "easy but large" columns first into an outer view.

Bold black cursor in Eclipse deletes code, and I don't know how to get rid of it

You might have pressed 0 (also used for insert, shortcut INS) key, which is on the right side of your right scroll button. To solve the problem, just press it again or double click on 'overwrite'.

How does String substring work in Swift

Swift 4 & 5:

extension String {
  subscript(_ i: Int) -> String {
    let idx1 = index(startIndex, offsetBy: i)
    let idx2 = index(idx1, offsetBy: 1)
    return String(self[idx1..<idx2])

  subscript (r: Range<Int>) -> String {
    let start = index(startIndex, offsetBy: r.lowerBound)
    let end = index(startIndex, offsetBy: r.upperBound)
    return String(self[start ..< end])

  subscript (r: CountableClosedRange<Int>) -> String {
    let startIndex =  self.index(self.startIndex, offsetBy: r.lowerBound)
    let endIndex = self.index(startIndex, offsetBy: r.upperBound - r.lowerBound)
    return String(self[startIndex...endIndex])

How to use it:

"abcde"[0] --> "a"

"abcde"[0...2] --> "abc"

"abcde"[2..<4] --> "cd"

What is the PHP syntax to check "is not null" or an empty string?

Use empty(). It checks for both empty strings and null.

if (!empty($_POST['user'])) {
  // do stuff

From the manual:

The following things are considered to be empty:

"" (an empty string)  
0 (0 as an integer)  
0.0 (0 as a float)  
"0" (0 as a string)    
array() (an empty array)  
var $var; (a variable declared, but without a value in a class)  

What's the idiomatic syntax for prepending to a short python list?

Lets go over 4 methods

  1. Using insert()
>>> l = list(range(5))
>>> l
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> l.insert(0, 5)
>>> l
[5, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
  1. Using [] and +
>>> l = list(range(5))
>>> l
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> l = [5] + l
>>> l
[5, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
  1. Using Slicing
>>> l = list(range(5))
>>> l
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> l[:0] = [5]
>>> l
[5, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
  1. Using collections.deque.appendleft()
>>> from collections import deque
>>> l = list(range(5))
>>> l
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> l = deque(l)
>>> l.appendleft(5)
>>> l = list(l)
>>> l
[5, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

How to insert an item into an array at a specific index (JavaScript)?

Solutions & Performance

Today (2020.04.24) I perform tests for chosen solutions for big and small arrays . I tested them on MacOs High Sierra 10.13.6 on Chrome 81.0, Safari 13.1, Firefox 75.0.


For all browsers

  • surprisingly for small arrays non-in-place solutions based on slice and reduce (D,E,F) are usually 10x-100x faster than in-place solutions
  • for big arrays the in-place-solutions based on splice (AI,BI,CI) was fastest (sometimes ~100x - but it depends of array size)
  • for small arrays BI solution was slowest
  • for big arrays E solution was slowest

enter image description here


Tests was divided into two groups: in-place solutions (AI,BI,CI) and non-in-place solutions (D,E,F) and was perform for two cases

  • test for array with 10 elements - you can run it HERE
  • test for array with 1.000.000 elements - you can run it HERE

Tested code is presented in below snippet


function AI(arr, i, el) {
  arr.splice(i, 0, el);
  return arr;

function BI(arr, i, el) {
  Array.prototype.splice.apply(arr, [i, 0, el]);
  return arr;

function CI(arr, i, el) {, i, 0, el);
  return arr;

function D(arr, i, el) {
  return arr.slice(0, i).concat(el, arr.slice(i));

function E(arr, i, el) {
  return [...arr.slice(0, i), el, ...arr.slice(i)]

function F(arr, i, el) {
  return arr.reduce((s, a, j)=> (j-i ? s.push(a) : s.push(el, a), s), []);

// -------------
// -------------

let arr = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"];

let log = (n, f) => {
  let a = f([...arr], 3, "NEW");
  console.log(`${n}: [${a}]`);

log('AI', AI);
log('BI', BI);
log('CI', CI);
log('D', D);
log('E', E);
log('F', F);
This snippet only presents tested code (it not perform tests)

Example results for small array on chrome are below

enter image description here

One-line list comprehension: if-else variants

I was able to do this

>>> [x if x % 2 != 0 else x * 100 for x in range(1,10)]
    [1, 200, 3, 400, 5, 600, 7, 800, 9]

Failed to execute 'postMessage' on 'DOMWindow': !== http://localhost:9000

You could change your iframe to be like this and add origin to be your current website. It resolves error on my browser.

<iframe class="test-testimonials-youtube-group"  type="text/html" width="100%" height="100%"


How to debug apk signed for release?

In case of you decided the debug your apk which is already in market but not assigned to be debuggable and you do not want to publish it again. So follow the below steps;

  1. Decompile the Apk with ApkTool(eg. apktool d <APK_PATH>)
  2. Open the AndroidManifest.xml from decompiled files
  3. Set android:debuggable="true" in application tag
  4. Compile the modified source with ApkTool (eg. apktool b <MODIFIED_PATH>)
  5. Debuggable apk ready(which unsigned means cannot publish store). You can debug as you wish.

If my interface must return Task what is the best way to have a no-operation implementation?

Task.Delay(0) as in the accepted answer was a good approach, as it is a cached copy of a completed Task.

As of 4.6 there's now Task.CompletedTask which is more explicit in its purpose, but not only does Task.Delay(0) still return a single cached instance, it returns the same single cached instance as does Task.CompletedTask.

The cached nature of neither is guaranteed to remain constant, but as implementation-dependent optimisations that are only implementation-dependent as optimisations (that is, they'd still work correctly if the implementation changed to something that was still valid) the use of Task.Delay(0) was better than the accepted answer.

How do I update the element at a certain position in an ArrayList?

Let arrList be the ArrayList and newValue the new String, then just do:

arrList.set(5, newValue);

This can be found in the java api reference here.

Copy all values in a column to a new column in a pandas dataframe

You can simply assign the B to the new column , Like -

df['D'] = df['B']

Example/Demo -

In [1]: import pandas as pd

In [2]: df = pd.DataFrame([['a.1','b.1','c.1'],['a.2','b.2','c.2'],['a.3','b.3','c.3']],columns=['A','B','C'])

In [3]: df
     A    B    C
0  a.1  b.1  c.1
1  a.2  b.2  c.2
2  a.3  b.3  c.3

In [4]: df['D'] = df['B']                  #<---What you want.

In [5]: df
     A    B    C    D
0  a.1  b.1  c.1  b.1
1  a.2  b.2  c.2  b.2
2  a.3  b.3  c.3  b.3

In [6]: df.loc[0,'D'] = 'd.1'

In [7]: df
     A    B    C    D
0  a.1  b.1  c.1  d.1
1  a.2  b.2  c.2  b.2
2  a.3  b.3  c.3  b.3

Vertically align text to top within a UILabel

It can be done with more flexibility setting a height constraint to the label in Interface Builder, binding it to the code with an IBOutlet and changing that height to show the text in a concrete vertical position. Example for center and bottom alignment:

labelHeightConstraint.constant = centerAlignment ? 30 : 15

Can't execute jar- file: "no main manifest attribute"

You might not have created the jar file properly:

ex: missing option m in jar creation

The following works:

jar -cvfm MyJar.jar Manifest.txt *.class

Find all table names with column name?

Try Like This: For SQL SERVER 2008+

SELECT AS ColName, AS TableName
FROM sys.columns c
    JOIN sys.tables t ON c.object_id = t.object_id
WHERE LIKE '%MyColumnaName%'



Or Something Like This:

SELECT name  
FROM sys.tables 
              FROM syscolumns 
              WHERE name like '%COlName%' )

"Insert if not exists" statement in SQLite

insert into bookmarks (users_id, lessoninfo_id)

select 1, 167
select user_id, lessoninfo_id
from bookmarks
where user_id=1
and lessoninfo_id=167;

This is the fastest way.

For some other SQL engines, you can use a Dummy table containing 1 record. e.g:

select 1, 167 from ONE_RECORD_DUMMY_TABLE

Set Google Maps Container DIV width and height 100%

I just added inline style .
<div id="map_canvas" style="width:750px;height:484px;"></div>
And it worked for me .

JUnit Eclipse Plugin?

It's built in Eclipse since ages. Which Eclipse version are you using? How were you trying to create a new JUnit test case? It should be File > New > Other > Java - JUnit - JUnit Test Case (you can eventually enter Filter text "junit").

How can I find last row that contains data in a specific column?

Function LastRow(rng As Range) As Long
    Dim iRowN As Long
    Dim iRowI As Long
    Dim iColN As Integer
    Dim iColI As Integer
    iRowN = 0
    iColN = rng.Columns.count
    For iColI = 1 To iColN
        iRowI = rng.Columns(iColI).Offset(65536 - rng.Row, 0).End(xlUp).Row
        If iRowI > iRowN Then iRowN = iRowI
    LastRow = iRowN
End Function 

how to get 2 digits after decimal point in tsql?

SELECT CAST(12.0910239123 AS DECIMAL(15, 2))

Why isn't this code to plot a histogram on a continuous value Pandas column working?

Here's another way to plot the data, involves turning the date_time into an index, this might help you for future slicing

#convert column to datetime
trip_data['lpep_pickup_datetime'] = pd.to_datetime(trip_data['lpep_pickup_datetime'])
#turn the datetime to an index
trip_data.index = trip_data['lpep_pickup_datetime']

How can I add a line to a file in a shell script?

Use perl -i, with a command that replaces the beginning of line 1 with what you want to insert (the .bk will have the effect that your original file is backed up):

perl -i.bk -pe 's/^/column1, column2, column3\n/ if($.==1)' testfile.csv  

How to update primary key

You shouldn't really do this but insert in a new record instead and update it that way.
But, if you really need to, you can do the following:

  • Disable enforcing FK constraints temporarily (e.g. ALTER TABLE foo WITH NOCHECK CONSTRAINT ALL)
  • Then update your PK
  • Then update your FKs to match the PK change
  • Finally enable back enforcing FK constraints

How to enable mod_rewrite for Apache 2.2

If non of the above works try editing /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default

almost at the top you will find

<Directory /var/www/>
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
    AllowOverride None
    Order allow,deny
    allow from all

Change the AllowOverride None to AllowOverride All

this worked for me

Permission denied error while writing to a file in Python

Make sure that you have write permissions for that directory you were trying to create file by properties

What is a 'multi-part identifier' and why can't it be bound?

Actually sometimes when you are updating one table from another table's data, I think one of the common issues that cause this error, is when you use your table abbreviations incorrectly or when they are not needed. The correct statement is below:

Update Table1
Set SomeField = t2.SomeFieldValue 
From Table1 t1 
Inner Join Table2 as t2
    On t1.ID = t2.ID

Notice that SomeField column from Table1 doesn't have the t1 qualifier as t1.SomeField but is just SomeField.

If one tries to update it by specifying t1.SomeField the statement will return the multi-part error that you have noticed.

What is the recommended way to make a numeric TextField in JavaFX?

This method lets TextField to finish all processing (copy/paste/undo safe). Does not require to extend classes and allows you to decide what to do with new text after every change (to push it to logic, or turn back to previous value, or even to modify it).

  // fired by every text property change
  (observable, oldValue, newValue) -> {
    // Your validation rules, anything you like
      // (! note 1 !) make sure that empty string (newValue.equals("")) 
      //   or initial text is always valid
      //   to prevent inifinity cycle
    // do whatever you want with newValue

    // If newValue is not valid for your rules
      // (! note 2 !) do not bind textProperty (textProperty().bind(someProperty))
      //   to anything in your code.  TextProperty implementation
      //   of StringProperty in TextFieldControl
      //   will throw RuntimeException in this case on setValue(string) call.
      //   Or catch and handle this exception.

    // If you want to change something in text
      // When it is valid for you with some changes that can be automated.
      // For example change it to upper case

For your case just add this logic inside. Works perfectly.

   if (newValue.equals("")) return; 
   try {
     Integer i = Integer.valueOf(newValue);
     // do what you want with this i
   } catch (Exception e) {

How to embed images in email

Actually, there are two ways to include images in email.

The first way ensures that the user will see the image, even if in some cases it’s only as an attachment to the message. This method is exactly what we call as “embedding images in email" in daily life.
Essentially, you’re attaching the image to the email. The plus side is that, in one way or another, the user is sure to get the image. While the downside is two fold. Firstly, spam filters look for large, embedded images and often give you a higher spam score for embedding images in email (Lots of spammers use images to avoid having the inappropriate content in their emails read by the spam filters.). Secondly, if you pay to send your email by weight or kilobyte, this increases the size of your message. If you’re not careful, it can even make your message too big for the parameters of the email provider.

The second way to include images (and the far more common way) is the same way that you put an image on a web page. Within the email, you provide a url that is the reference to the image’s location on your server, exactly the same way that you would on a web page. This has several benefits. Firstly, you won’t get caught for spamming or for your message “weighing” too much because of the image. Secondly, you can make changes to the images after the email has been sent if you find errors in them. On the flip side, your recipient will need to actively turn on image viewing in their email client to see your images.

How to keep the header static, always on top while scrolling?

After looking through all the answers, I found a slightly different way with minimum CSS and no JS, only the height of the header needs to be set correctly in #content, in this case 60px


#header {
  position: fixed;
  width: 100%;
  top: 0;
  z-index: 10;
#content {
  margin-top: 60px;


  <div id="header" style="background-color:GRAY; text-align:center; border-bottom:1px SOLID BLACK; color:WHITE; line-height:50px; font-size:40px">
     My Large Static Header
  <div id="content">
     <!-- All page content here -->

Use CASE statement to check if column exists in table - SQL Server

FROM ...
        FROM sys.columns c
        WHERE c.[object_id] = OBJECT_ID('dbo.Tags')
            AND = 'ModifiedByUser'

What __init__ and self do in Python?

Here, the guy has written pretty well and simple:

Read above link as a reference to this:

self? So what's with that self parameter to all of the Customer methods? What is it? Why, it's the instance, of course! Put another way, a method like withdraw defines the instructions for withdrawing money from some abstract customer's account. Calling jeff.withdraw(100.0) puts those instructions to use on the jeff instance.

So when we say def withdraw(self, amount):, we're saying, "here's how you withdraw money from a Customer object (which we'll call self) and a dollar figure (which we'll call amount). self is the instance of the Customer that withdraw is being called on. That's not me making analogies, either. jeff.withdraw(100.0) is just shorthand for Customer.withdraw(jeff, 100.0), which is perfectly valid (if not often seen) code.

init self may make sense for other methods, but what about init? When we call init, we're in the process of creating an object, so how can there already be a self? Python allows us to extend the self pattern to when objects are constructed as well, even though it doesn't exactly fit. Just imagine that jeff = Customer('Jeff Knupp', 1000.0) is the same as calling jeff = Customer(jeff, 'Jeff Knupp', 1000.0); the jeff that's passed in is also made the result.

This is why when we call init, we initialize objects by saying things like = name. Remember, since self is the instance, this is equivalent to saying = name, which is the same as = 'Jeff Knupp. Similarly, self.balance = balance is the same as jeff.balance = 1000.0. After these two lines, we consider the Customer object "initialized" and ready for use.

Be careful what you __init__

After init has finished, the caller can rightly assume that the object is ready to use. That is, after jeff = Customer('Jeff Knupp', 1000.0), we can start making deposit and withdraw calls on jeff; jeff is a fully-initialized object.

Convert URL to File or Blob for FileReader.readAsDataURL

Here is my code using async awaits and promises

const getBlobFromUrl = (myImageUrl) => {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        let request = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', myImageUrl, true);
        request.responseType = 'blob';
        request.onload = () => {
        request.onerror = reject;

const getDataFromBlob = (myBlob) => {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        let reader = new FileReader();
        reader.onload = () => {
        reader.onerror = reject;

const convertUrlToImageData = async (myImageUrl) => {
    try {
        let myBlob = await getBlobFromUrl(myImageUrl);
        let myImageData = await getDataFromBlob(myBlob);
        return myImageData;
    } catch (err) {
        return null;

export default convertUrlToImageData;

List files with certain extensions with ls and grep

Here is one example that worked for me.

find <mainfolder path> -name '*' | xargs -n 1 basename

Print <div id="printarea"></div> only?

Step 1: Write the following javascript inside your head tag

<script language="javascript">
function PrintMe(DivID) {
var disp_setting="toolbar=yes,location=no,";
disp_setting+="scrollbars=yes,width=650, height=600, left=100, top=25";
   var content_vlue = document.getElementById(DivID).innerHTML;
   docprint.document.write('<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"');
   docprint.document.write('<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en">');
   docprint.document.write('<head><title>My Title</title>');
   docprint.document.write('<style type="text/css">body{ margin:0px;');
   docprint.document.write('font-family:Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif; font-size:12px;}');
   docprint.document.write('a{color:#000;text-decoration:none;} </style>');
   docprint.document.write('</head><body onLoad="self.print()"><center>');

Step 2: Call the PrintMe('DivID') function by an onclick event.

<input type="button" name="btnprint" value="Print" onclick="PrintMe('divid')"/>
<div id="divid">
here is some text to print inside this div with an id 'divid'

PHP executable not found. Install PHP 7 and add it to your PATH or set the php.executablePath setting

Try this !!!. This will solve your problem for sure!

Method 1 -

Step 1 - Go to 'Environmental Variables'.

Step 2 - Find PATH variable and add the path to your PHP folder.

Step 3 - For 'XAMPP' users put 'C:\xampp\php' and 'WAMP' users put 'C:\wamp64\bin\php\php7.1.9' ) and save.

Method 2-

In VS Code

File -> Preferences -> Settings.

enter image description here

Open 'settings.json' file and put the below codes.

If you are using WAMP put this code and Save.

  "php.validate.executablePath": "C:\\wamp64\\bin\\php\\php7.1.9\\php.exe",
  "php.executablePath": "C:\\wamp64\\bin\\php\\php7.1.9\\php.exe"

If you are using XAMPP put this code and Save.

  "php.validate.executablePath": "C:\\xampp\\php\\php.exe",
  "php.executablePath": "C:\\xampp\\php\\php.exe"

Note - Replace php7.1.9 with your PHP version.

Plotting in a non-blocking way with Matplotlib

I figured out that the plt.pause(0.001) command is the only thing needed and nothing else. and plt.draw() are unnecessary and / or blocking in one way or the other. So here is a code that draws and updates a figure and keeps going. Essentially plt.pause(0.001) seems to be the closest equivalent to matlab's drawnow.

Unfortunately those plots will not be interactive (they freeze), except you insert an input() command, but then the code will stop.

The documentation of the plt.pause(interval) command states:

If there is an active figure, it will be updated and displayed before the pause...... This can be used for crude animation.

and this is pretty much exactly what we want. Try this code:

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

x = np.arange(0, 51)               # x coordinates  
for z in range(10, 50):

    y = np.power(x, z/10)          # y coordinates of plot for animation

    plt.cla()                      # delete previous plot
    plt.axis([-50, 50, 0, 10000])  # set axis limits, to avoid rescaling
    plt.plot(x, y)                 # generate new plot
    plt.pause(0.1)                 # pause 0.1 sec, to force a plot redraw

Access images inside public folder in laravel

I have created an Asset helper of my own.

First I defined the asset types and path in app/config/assets.php:

return array(

    | Assets paths
    | Location of all application assets, relative to the public folder,
    | may be used together with absolute paths or with URLs.

    'images' => '/storage/images',
    'css' => '/assets/css',
    'img' => '/assets/img',
    'js' => '/assets/js'

Then the actual Asset class:

class Asset
    private static function getUrl($type, $file)
        return URL::to(Config::get('assets.' . $type) . '/' . $file);

    public static function css($file)
        return self::getUrl('css', $file);

    public static function img($file)
        return self::getUrl('img', $file);

    public static function js($file)
        return self::getUrl('js', $file);


So in my view I can do this to show an image:

{{ HTML::image(Asset::img('logo.png'), "My logo")) }}

Or like this to implement a Java script:

{{ HTML::script(Asset::js('my_script.js')) }}

read file in classpath


public class readFile {
     * feel free to make any modification I have have been here so I feel you
     * @param args
     * @throws InterruptedException
    public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
        File dir = new File(".");// read file from same directory as source //
        if (dir.isDirectory()) {
            File[] files = dir.listFiles();
            for (File file : files) {
                // if you wanna read file name with txt files
                if (file.getName().contains("txt")) {

                // if you want to open text file and read each line then
                if (file.getName().contains("txt")) {
                    try {
                        // FileReader reads text files in the default encoding.
                        FileReader fileReader = new FileReader(
                        // Always wrap FileReader in BufferedReader.
                        BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(
                        String line;
                        // get file details and get info you need.
                        while ((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) {
                            // here you can say...
                            // System.out.println(line.substring(0, 10)); this
                            // prints from 0 to 10 indext
                    } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
                        System.out.println("Unable to open file '"
                                + file.getName() + "'");
                    } catch (IOException ex) {
                        System.out.println("Error reading file '"
                                + file.getName() + "'");
                        // Or we could just do this:

    }`enter code here`


c++ Read from .csv file

You can follow this answer to see many different ways to process CSV in C++.

In your case, the last call to getline is actually putting the last field of the first line and then all of the remaining lines into the variable genero. This is because there is no space delimiter found up until the end of file. Try changing the space character into a newline instead:

    getline(file, genero, file.widen('\n'));

or more succinctly:

    getline(file, genero);

In addition, your check for file.good() is premature. The last newline in the file is still in the input stream until it gets discarded by the next getline() call for ID. It is at this point that the end of file is detected, so the check should be based on that. You can fix this by changing your while test to be based on the getline() call for ID itself (assuming each line is well formed).

while (getline(file, ID, ',')) {
    cout << "ID: " << ID << " " ; 

    getline(file, nome, ',') ;
    cout << "User: " << nome << " " ;

    getline(file, idade, ',') ;
    cout << "Idade: " << idade << " "  ; 

    getline(file, genero);
    cout << "Sexo: " <<  genero<< " "  ;

For better error checking, you should check the result of each call to getline().

Entitlements file do not match those specified in your provisioning profile.(0xE8008016)

For me in Xcode 5.1, I was getting The entitlements specified in your application’s Code Signing Entitlements file do not match those specified in your provisioning profile. when trying to test the app on my device. Device Development Certificate has to expire Feb 2015.

Issue was resolved:

Selected Target->Capabilities, under GameCenter, here I was getting error on GameCenter entitlement as it was not added to project, although first version of application was released via same XCode 5.1 but there were no errors like this before.

Below, a button was given with title Fix Issue. When clicked it added the GameCenter entitlement and issue was resolved.

After wards the screen looks like:

enter image description here

For me, there was nothing to do with certificate or bundle identifier. App now runs successfully on the device.

How to return first 5 objects of Array in Swift?

Plain & Simple

extension Array {
    func first(elementCount: Int) -> Array {
          let min = Swift.min(elementCount, count)
          return Array(self[0..<min])

What is the difference between NULL, '\0' and 0?

A one-L NUL, it ends a string.

A two-L NULL points to no thing.

And I will bet a golden bull

That there is no three-L NULLL.

How do you deal with NUL?

What is the purpose of using -pedantic in GCC/G++ compiler?

Others have answered sufficiently. I would just like to add a few examples of frequent extensions:

The main function returning void. This is not defined by the standard, meaning it will only work on some compilers (including GCC), but not on others. By the way, int main() and int main(int, char**) are the two signatures that the standard does define.

Another popular extension is being able to declare and define functions inside other functions:

void f()
    void g()
       // ...

    // ...
    // ...

This is nonstandard. If you want this kind of behavior, check out C++11 lambdas

How to convert list of numpy arrays into single numpy array?

Starting in NumPy version 1.10, we have the method stack. It can stack arrays of any dimension (all equal):

# List of arrays.
L = [np.random.randn(5,4,2,5,1,2) for i in range(10)]

# Stack them using axis=0.
M = np.stack(L)
M.shape # == (10,5,4,2,5,1,2)
np.all(M == L) # == True

M = np.stack(L, axis=1)
M.shape # == (5,10,4,2,5,1,2)
np.all(M == L) # == False (Don't Panic)

# This are all true    
np.all(M[:,0,:] == L[0]) # == True
all(np.all(M[:,i,:] == L[i]) for i in range(10)) # == True


How can I create a product key for my C# application?

There are some tools and API's available for it. However, I do not think you'll find one for free ;)

There is for instance the OLicense suite:

What does it mean to "call" a function in Python?

I'll give a slightly advanced answer. In Python, functions are first-class objects. This means they can be "dynamically created, destroyed, passed to a function, returned as a value, and have all the rights as other variables in the programming language have."

Calling a function/class instance in Python means invoking the __call__ method of that object. For old-style classes, class instances are also callable but only if the object which creates them has a __call__ method. The same applies for new-style classes, except there is no notion of "instance" with new-style classes. Rather they are "types" and "objects".

As quoted from the Python 2 Data Model page, for function objects, class instances(old style classes), and class objects(new-style classes), "x(arg1, arg2, ...) is a shorthand for x.__call__(arg1, arg2, ...)".

Thus whenever you define a function with the shorthand def funcname(parameters): you are really just creating an object with a method __call__ and the shorthand for __call__ is to just name the instance and follow it with parentheses containing the arguments to the call. Because functions are first class objects in Python, they can be created on the fly with dynamic parameters (and thus accept dynamic arguments). This comes into handy with decorator functions/classes which you will read about later.

For now I suggest reading the Official Python Tutorial.

How to POST JSON Data With PHP cURL?

Try this example.

 $url = 'http://localhost/test/page2.php';
    $data = array("first_name" => "First name","last_name" => "last name","email"=>"[email protected]","addresses" => array ("address1" => "some address" ,"city" => "city","country" => "CA", "first_name" =>  "Mother","last_name" =>  "Lastnameson","phone" => "555-1212", "province" => "ON", "zip" => "123 ABC" ) );
    $data_string = urlencode(json_encode($data));
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST");
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, array("customer"=>$data_string));

    $result = curl_exec($ch);

    echo $result;

Your page2.php code

$datastring = $_POST['customer'];
$data = json_decode( urldecode( $datastring));


Converting Numpy Array to OpenCV Array

Your code can be fixed as follows:

import numpy as np, cv
vis = np.zeros((384, 836), np.float32)
h,w = vis.shape
vis2 = cv.CreateMat(h, w, cv.CV_32FC3)
vis0 = cv.fromarray(vis)
cv.CvtColor(vis0, vis2, cv.CV_GRAY2BGR)

Short explanation:

  1. np.uint32 data type is not supported by OpenCV (it supports uint8, int8, uint16, int16, int32, float32, float64)
  2. cv.CvtColor can't handle numpy arrays so both arguments has to be converted to OpenCV type. cv.fromarray do this conversion.
  3. Both arguments of cv.CvtColor must have the same depth. So I've changed source type to 32bit float to match the ddestination.

Also I recommend you use newer version of OpenCV python API because it uses numpy arrays as primary data type:

import numpy as np, cv2
vis = np.zeros((384, 836), np.float32)
vis2 = cv2.cvtColor(vis, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)

First Or Create

Previous answer is obsolete. It's possible to achieve in one step since Laravel 5.3, firstOrCreate now has second parameter values, which is being used for new record, but not for search

$user = User::firstOrCreate([
    'email' => '[email protected]'
], [
    'firstName' => 'Taylor',
    'lastName' => 'Otwell'

Google Maps API v3 adding an InfoWindow to each marker

You can use this in event:

google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function() {  
    // this = marker
    var marker_map = this.getMap();;
    //, this);
    // Note: If you call open() without passing a marker, the InfoWindow will use the position specified upon construction through the InfoWindowOptions object literal.

How to remove old Docker containers

If you want to remove all containers then use

docker container prune

This command will remove all containers

Why not clean whole docker system with

docker system prune

Vertically align text within a div

Create a container for your text content, a span perhaps.

#column-content {_x000D_
  display: inline-block;_x000D_
img {_x000D_
  vertical-align: middle;_x000D_
span {_x000D_
  display: inline-block;_x000D_
  vertical-align: middle;_x000D_
/* for visual purposes */_x000D_
#column-content {_x000D_
  border: 1px solid red;_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
<div id="column-content">_x000D_
  <img src="">_x000D_
    yet another text content that should be centered vertically</span>_x000D_


Format date with Moment.js

For fromating output date use format. Second moment argument is for parsing - however if you omit it then you testDate will cause deprecation warning

Deprecation warning: value provided is not in a recognized RFC2822 or ISO format...

var testDate= "Fri Apr 12 2013 19:08:55 GMT-0500 (CDT)"_x000D_
let s= moment(testDate).format('MM/DD/YYYY');_x000D_
msg.innerText= s;
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div id="msg"></div>

to omit this warning you should provide parsing format

var testDate= "Fri Apr 12 2013 19:08:55 GMT-0500 (CDT)"_x000D_
let s= moment(testDate, 'ddd MMM D YYYY HH:mm:ss ZZ').format('MM/DD/YYYY');_x000D_
<script src=""></script>

How to bind WPF button to a command in ViewModelBase?

 <Grid >
        <ColumnDefinition Width="*"/>
    <Button Command="{Binding ClickCommand}" Width="100" Height="100" Content="wefwfwef"/>

the code behind for the window:

public partial class MainWindow : Window
    public MainWindow()
        DataContext = new ViewModelBase();

The ViewModel:

public class ViewModelBase
    private ICommand _clickCommand;
    public ICommand ClickCommand
            return _clickCommand ?? (_clickCommand = new CommandHandler(() => MyAction(), ()=> CanExecute));
     public bool CanExecute
            // check if executing is allowed, i.e., validate, check if a process is running, etc. 
            return true/false;

    public void MyAction()


Command Handler:

 public class CommandHandler : ICommand
    private Action _action;
    private Func<bool> _canExecute;

    /// <summary>
    /// Creates instance of the command handler
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="action">Action to be executed by the command</param>
    /// <param name="canExecute">A bolean property to containing current permissions to execute the command</param>
    public CommandHandler(Action action, Func<bool> canExecute)
        _action = action;
        _canExecute = canExecute;

    /// <summary>
    /// Wires CanExecuteChanged event 
    /// </summary>
    public event EventHandler CanExecuteChanged
        add { CommandManager.RequerySuggested += value; }
        remove { CommandManager.RequerySuggested -= value; }

    /// <summary>
    /// Forcess checking if execute is allowed
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="parameter"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public bool CanExecute(object parameter)
        return _canExecute.Invoke();

    public void Execute(object parameter)

I hope this will give you the idea.

WPF chart controls

Try GraphIT from TechNewLogic, you can find it on CodePlex here:

Full Disclosure: I am the developer of GraphIT and owner of the developing company. Read timed out under Tomcat

Connection.Response resp = Jsoup.connect(url) //
                .timeout(20000) //
                .method(Connection.Method.GET) //

actually, the error occurs when you have slow internet so try to maximize the timeout time and then your code will definitely work as it works for me.

Importing files from different folder

I bumped into the same question several times, so I would like to share my solution.

Python Version: 3.X

The following solution is for someone who develops your application in Python version 3.X because Python 2 is not supported since Jan/1/2020.

Project Structure

In python 3, you don't need in your project subdirectory due to the Implicit Namespace Packages. See Is not required for packages in Python 3.3+

+-- .gitignore
+-- a
|   +--
+-- b

Problem Statement

In, I would like to import a class A in under the folder a.


#1 A quick but dirty way

Without installing the package like you are currently developing a new project

Using the try catch to check if the errors. Code example:

import sys
    # The insertion index should be 1 because index 0 is this file
    sys.path.insert(1, '/absolute/path/to/folder/a')  # the type of path is string
    # because the system path already have the absolute path to folder a
    # so it can recognize while searching 
    from file_a import A
except (ModuleNotFoundError, ImportError) as e:
    print("{} fileure".format(type(e)))
    print("Import succeeded")

#2 Install your package

Once you installed your application (in this post, the tutorial of installation is not included)

You can simply

    from __future__ import absolute_import
    # now it can reach class A of in folder a 
    # by relative import
    from ..a.file_a import A  
except (ModuleNotFoundError, ImportError) as e:
    print("{} fileure".format(type(e)))
    print("Import succeeded")

Happy coding!