[python] Permission denied error while writing to a file in Python

I want to create a file and write some integer data to it in python. For example, I have a variable abc = 3 and I am trying to write it to a file (which doesn't exist and I assume python will create it on its own):

fout = open("newfile.dat", "w")

First, will python create a newfile.dat on its own? Secondly, it's giving me this error:

IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'newfile.dat'

What's wrong here?

This question is related to python

The answer is

I write python script with IDLE3.8(python 3.8.0) I have solved this question: if the path is shelve.open('C:\\database.dat') it will be PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'C:\\database.dat.dat'. But when I test to set the path as shelve.open('E:\\database.dat') That is OK!!! Then I test all the drive(such as C,D,F...) on my computer,Only when the Path set in Disk


will get the permission denied error. So I think this is a protect path in windows to avoid python script to change or read files in system Disk(Disk C)

Permission denied simply means the system is not having permission to write the file to that folder. Give permissions to the folder using "sudo chmod 777 " from terminal and try to run it. It worked for me.

Make sure that you have write permissions for that directory you were trying to create file by properties

In order to write on a file by using a Python script, you would have to create a text file first. Example A file such as C:/logs/logs.txt should exist. Only then the following code works:


So summary.

  1. A text file should exist on the specified location
  2. Make sure you close the file before running the Python script.

Please close the file if its still open on your computer, then try running the python code. I hope it works

To answer your first question: yes, if the file is not there Python will create it.

Secondly, the user (yourself) running the python script doesn't have write privileges to create a file in the directory.

I've had the same issue using the cmd (windows command line) like this

C:\Windows\System32> "G:\my folder\myProgram.py"

Where inside the python file something like this

myfile = open('myOutput.txt', 'w')

The error was that when you don't use a full path, python would use your current directory, and because the default directory on cmd is


that won't work, as it seems to be write-protected and needs permission & confirmation form an administrator

Instead, you should use full paths, for example:

myfile = open('G:\my folder\myOutput.txt', 'w')

If you are executing the python script via terminal pass --user to provide admin permissions.

Worked for me!

If you are using windows run the file as admin.

If you are executing via cmd, run cmd as admin and execute the python script.

This also happens when you attempt to create a file with the same name as a directory:

import os

conflict = 'conflict'

# Create a directory with a given name
except OSError:
    if not os.path.isdir(conflict):

# Attempt to create a file with the same name
file = open(conflict, 'w+')


IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'conflict'