[reactjs] How to resolve the error on 'react-native start'

  1. I just installed node.js & cli

    • installed node.js
    • installed react-native-cli

      npm -g react-native-cli
  2. And created a 'new project'.

    react-native init new_project
  3. and inside that 'new_project' directory, I tired to see if metro bundler works well.

    react-native start
  4. But the command gave me following error and metro is not starting. Any clue for fixing this error? (I'm using windows 10 OS.)

    • command : C:\projects\new_proj>react-native start

      error Invalid regular expression: /(.\fixtures.|node_modules[]react[]dist[].|website\node_modules.|heapCapture\bundle.js|.\tests.)$/: Unterminated character class. Run CLI with --verbose flag for more details. SyntaxError: Invalid regular expression: /(.\fixtures.|node_modules[]react[]dist[].|website\node_modules.|heapCapture\bundle.js|.\tests.)$/: Unterminated character class at new RegExp () at blacklist (D:\projects\new_proj\node_modules\metro-config\src\defaults\blacklist.js:34:10) at getBlacklistRE (D:\projects\new_proj\node_modules\react-native\node_modules@react-native-community\cli\build\tools\loadMetroConfig.js:69:59) at getDefaultConfig (D:\projects\new_proj\node_modules\react-native\node_modules@react-native-community\cli\build\tools\loadMetroConfig.js:85:20) at load (D:\projects\new_proj\node_modules\react-native\node_modules@react-native-community\cli\build\tools\loadMetroConfig.js:121:25) at Object.runServer [as func] (D:\projects\new_proj\node_modules\react-native\node_modules@react-native-community\cli\build\commands\server\runServer.js:82:58) at Command.handleAction (D:\projects\new_proj\node_modules\react-native\node_modules@react-native-community\cli\build\cliEntry.js:160:21) at Command.listener (D:\projects\new_proj\node_modules\commander\index.js:315:8) at Command.emit (events.js:210:5) at Command.parseArgs (D:\projects\new_proj\node_modules\commander\index.js:651:12)

The answer is

This is caused by node v12.11.0 due to the way it deals regular location there two ways to solve this problem

Method I

You can downgrade to node v12.10.0 this will apply the correct way to deal with parsing error

Method II

You can correctly terminate the regular expression in you case by changing the file located a:



var sharedBlacklist = [


 var sharedBlacklist = [

I just got a similar error for the first time today. It appears in \node_modules\metro-config\src\defaults\blacklist.js, there is an invalid regular expression that needed changed. I changed the first expression under sharedBlacklist from:

var sharedBlacklist = [


var sharedBlacklist = [

It is due to mismatched blacklist file configuration.

To resolve that,

  1. We have to move to the project folder.

  2. Open \node_modules\metro-config\src\defaults\blacklist.js

  3. Replace the following.


var sharedBlacklist = [


var sharedBlacklist = [

Fix it by install metro-config of the latest version (0.57.0 for now) they had fixed the problem:

npm install metro-config

you can remove it later, after react-native guys update module versions

I have just update package.json to change from

"react-native": "https://github.com/expo/react-native/archive/sdk-35.0.0.tar.gz"


"react-native": "https://github.com/expo/react-native/archive/sdk-36.0.0.tar.gz"

It seems that the problem won't occur in sdk-36 !!

My node version is v12.16.0 and os is win10.

As a general rule, I don't modify files within node_modules/ (or anything which does not get committed as part of a repository) as the next clean, build or update will regress them. I definitely have done so in the past and it has bitten me a couple of times. But this does work as a short-term/local dev fix until/unless metro-config is updated.


A PR with a fix has been merged in the metro repository. Now we just need to wait until the next release. For now the best option is to downgrade to NodeJS v12.10.0. As Brandon pointed out, modifying anything in node_modules/ isa really bad practice and will not be a final solution.

The solution is simple, but temporary...

Note that if you run an npm install or a yarn install you need to change the code again!

So, how can we run this automatically?

Permanent Solution

To do this "automagically" after installing your node modules, you can use patch-package.

  1. Fix the metro-config file, solving the error:

The file appears in \node_modules\metro-config\src\defaults\blacklist.js.

Edit from:

var sharedBlacklist = [


var sharedBlacklist = [
  1. Then, generate a permanent patch file:

npx patch-package metro-config

  1. In your package.json trigger the patch:
"scripts": {
+  "postinstall": "npx patch-package"

All done! Now this patch will be made at every npm install / yarn install.

Thanks to https://github.com/ds300/patch-package

I had the same problem I altered the E:\NodeJS\ReactNativeApp\ExpoTest\node_modules\metro-config\src\defaults\blacklist.js in my project


var sharedBlacklist = [


var sharedBlacklist = [

this worked perfectly for me

I got same problem.

"error Invalid regular expression: /(.\fixtures\.|node_modules[\]react[\]dist[\].|website\node_modules\.|heapCapture\bundle.js|.\tests\.)$/: Unterminated character class."

Change the regular expression in \node_modules\metro-config\src\defaults\blacklist.js


var sharedBlacklist = [


var sharedBlacklist = [

This change resolved my error.

On windows 10 i highly recommend to install Linux Bash Shell.

Here is a nice guide to set it up: https://www.howtogeek.com/249966/how-to-install-and-use-the-linux-bash-shell-on-windows-10/

just follow the steps, choose your linux distribution and avoid as much possible to work with node on cmd since obvious instability.

Take in consideration Microsoft strongly warns against adding or modifying Linux files with Windows software, as described here: howtogeek.com/261383/how-to-access-your-ubuntu-bash-files-in-windows-and-your-windows-system-drive-in-bash/

Hope it helps!

You have two solutions:

either you downgrade node to V12.10.0 or you can modify this file for every project you will create.

node_modules/metro-config/src/defaults/blacklist.js Change this:

var sharedBlacklist = [

to this:

var sharedBlacklist = [

Go to


and replace this

var sharedBlacklist = [


var sharedBlacklist = [

This is not a best practice and my recommendation is: downgrade node version into 12.9 OR update metro-config since they are fixing the Node issue.

[Quick Answer]

There are a problem with Metro using some NPM and Node versions.

You can fix the problem changing some code in the file \node_modules\metro-config\src\defaults\blacklist.js .

Search this variable:

var sharedBlacklist = [

and change to this:

var sharedBlacklist = [

Please note that if you run an npm install or a yarn install you need to change the code again.

I found the regexp.source changed from node v12.11.0, maybe the new v8 engine caused. see more on https://github.com/nodejs/node/releases/tag/v12.11.0.

D:\code\react-native>nvm use 12.10.0
Now using node v12.10.0 (64-bit)

Welcome to Node.js v12.10.0.
Type ".help" for more information.
> /node_modules[/\\]react[/\\]dist[/\\].*/.source
> /node_modules[/\\]react[/\\]dist[/\\].*/.source.replace(/\//g, path.sep)
(To exit, press ^C again or ^D or type .exit)

D:\code\react-native>nvm use 12.11.0
Now using node v12.11.0 (64-bit)

Welcome to Node.js v12.11.0.
Type ".help" for more information.
> /node_modules[/\\]react[/\\]dist[/\\].*/.source
> /node_modules[/\\]react[/\\]dist[/\\].*/.source.replace(/\//g, path.sep)
(To exit, press ^C again or ^D or type .exit)

D:\code\react-native>nvm use 12.13.0
Now using node v12.13.0 (64-bit)

Welcome to Node.js v12.13.0.
Type ".help" for more information.
> /node_modules[/\\]react[/\\]dist[/\\].*/.source
> /node_modules[/\\]react[/\\]dist[/\\].*/.source.replace(/\//g, path.sep)
(To exit, press ^C again or ^D or type .exit)

D:\code\react-native>nvm use 13.3.0
Now using node v13.3.0 (64-bit)

Welcome to Node.js v13.3.0.
Type ".help" for more information.
> /node_modules[/\\]react[/\\]dist[/\\].*/.source
> /node_modules[/\\]react[/\\]dist[/\\].*/.source.replace(/\//g, path.sep)

All mentioned comments above are great, sharing the path that worked with me for this Blacklist file that need to be edited:

"Your project name\node_modules\metro-bundler\src" File name "blacklist.js"


for who still get this error without official patch in react-native , expo

use yarn and add this setting into package.json

  "resolutions": {
    "metro-config": "bluelovers/metro-config-hotfix-0.56.x"

The use of yarn prevents this situation. Yarn should use

I don't have metro-config in my project, now what?

I have found that in pretty older project there is no metro-config in node_modules. If it is the case with you, then,

Go to node_modules/metro-bundler/src/blacklist.js

And do the same step as mentioned in other answers, i.e.


var sharedBlacklist = [


var sharedBlacklist = [

P.S. I faced the same situation in a couple of projects so thought sharing it might help someone.


As per comment by @beltrone the file might also exist in,


You can go to...

\node_modules\metro-config\src\defaults\blacklist.js and change...

var sharedBlacklist = [   /node_modules[/\\]react[/\\]dist[/\\].*/,  
/website\/node_modules\/.*/,   /heapCapture\/bundle\.js/,  
/.*\/__tests__\/.*/ ];

for this:

var sharedBlacklist = [

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