If you changed the location, using option 'Use custom location (does not modify Tomcat installation)' and the deployed directory is "wtpwebapps" then you'll have to:
Swtich Location from [workspace metadata] to /Servers/Tomcat v...., click Apply, OK.
Retart server and if you find 404 error message than the server is working, it just doesn't have the startup file at the web-server location you have chosen. If you traverse to that location, you'll find a bunch of directories that was created. One of which is wtpwebapps, under which there is ROOT. This is your web-server's directory. You will need to go back to installed Tomcat directory and copy the content of <tomcat's installed dir>/web-apps/ROOT to your wtpwebapps. Restart the webserver and you should see the tomcat default page.
For Server Status, Manager Apps and Host Manager to work, you'll have to copy other subdirectories from <tomcat's installed dir>/webapps (ie. docs, examples, host-manager, manager) to your "webapps" (NOT the wtpwebapps) directory.
Edit the '<your web directory>/conf/tomcat-users.xml' and enter something like:
<role rolename="manager-gui"/>
<role rolename="manager-status"/>
<role rolename="manager-jmx"/>
<role rolename="manager-script"/>
<role rolename="admin-gui"/>
<role rolename="admin"/>
<user username="admin" password="yourpassword" roles="admin, admin-gui, manager-gui"/>
Then edit the '<your web directory>/conf/server.xml', add the attribute:
into the <Resource/> key of the <GlobalNamingResources/> group.
Restart the server and try to login with the configured credentials.
NOTE: if you change the server configuration, say if you like to compare the default configuration (use tomcat installation directory) and the 'new directory', when switching back to the 'new directory' this 'tomcat-users.xml' will be overwritten by the default file, so SAVE THE CONTENT OF THIS FILE somewhere before doing that, then copy it back. If you only give the the username "admin" role, you will be prompted of help messages. It says: you should not grant the admin-gui, or manager-gui role the 'manager-jmx' and 'manager-script' roles.