[jquery] How to change a text with jQuery

I have an h1 with id of toptitle that is dynamically created, and I am not able to change the HTML. It will have a different title depends on a page. Now when it is Profile, I want to change it to New word with jQuery.

<h1 id="toptitle">Profile</h1> // Changing only when it is Profile  
// to
<h1 id="toptitle">New word</h1>

Note: If the text is Profile, then change it to New word.

This question is related to jquery

The answer is

Pretty straight forward to do:

$(function() {
  $('#toptitle').html('New word');

The html function accepts html as well, but its straight forward for replacing text.

Something like this should work

var text = $('#toptitle').text();
if (text == 'Profil'){
    $('#toptitle').text('New Word');

Could do it with :contains() selector as well:

$('#toptitle:contains("Profil")').text("New word");

example: http://jsfiddle.net/niklasvh/xPRzr/

This should work fine (using .text():

$("#toptitle").text("New word");

$('#toptitle').html('New world');


$('#toptitle').text('New world');


Try this for a clean approach.

var $toptitle = $('#toptitle');

if ( $toptitle.text() == 'Profile' ) // No {} brackets necessary if it's just one line.  
  $toptitle.text('New Word');