[typescript] TypeScript and field initializers

I wanted a solution that would have the following:

  • All the data objects are required and must be filled by the constructor.
  • No need to provide defaults.
  • Can use functions inside the class.

Here is the way that I do it:

export class Person {
  id!: number;
  firstName!: string;
  lastName!: string;

  getFullName() {
    return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`;

  constructor(data: OnlyData<Person>) {
    Object.assign(this, data);

const person = new Person({ id: 5, firstName: "John", lastName: "Doe" });

All the properties in the constructor are mandatory and may not be omitted without a compiler error.

It is dependant on the OnlyData that filters out getFullName() out of the required properties and it is defined like so:

// based on : https://medium.com/dailyjs/typescript-create-a-condition-based-subset-types-9d902cea5b8c
type FilterFlags<Base, Condition> = { [Key in keyof Base]: Base[Key] extends Condition ? never : Key };
type AllowedNames<Base, Condition> = FilterFlags<Base, Condition>[keyof Base];
type SubType<Base, Condition> = Pick<Base, AllowedNames<Base, Condition>>;
type OnlyData<T> = SubType<T, (_: any) => any>;

Current limitations of this way:

  • Requires TypeScript 2.8
  • Classes with getters/setters