First we must talk about what actually the difference between Aggregation
and Composition
is to be on the same page.
Aggregation is an association where the associated entity may exist independent of the association. For example, a Person may be associated to an Organisation but he/she may have independent existence in the system.
Composition refers to a situation when one of the associated entities is strongly related to the other and cannot exist without the other's existence. In fact the identity of that entity is always associated with the identity of the other object. For example, wheels in a car.
Now, aggregation can simply be achieved by holding a property of one entity in another as below:
class Person {
Organisation worksFor;
class Organisation {
String name;
class Main {
public static void main(String args[]) {
//Create Person object independently
Person p = new Person();
//Create the Organisation independently
Organisation o = new Organisation(); = "XYZ Corporation";
At this point both person and organisation
exist without any association
p.worksFor = o;
For Composition it is necessary that the dependent object is always created with the identity of its associated object. You can use an inner class for the same.
class Car {
class Wheel {
Car associatedWith;
class Main {
public static void main() {
//Create Car object independently
Car car = new Car();
//Cannot create Wheel instance independently
//need a reference of a Car for the same.
Car.Wheel wheel = Wheel();
Please note that the same use case may fall under aggregation/composition depending on the application scenario. For example, the Person-Organisation case may become composition if you are developing an application for people working in some organisation and the reference to organisation is must for sign up. Similarly, if you are maintaining inventory for parts of a Car, Car-Wheel relationship can be aggregation.