[sql-server] SQL Error with Order By in Subquery

For a simple count like the OP is showing, the Order by isn't strictly needed. If they are using the result of the subquery, it may be. I am working on a similiar issue and got the same error in the following query:

-- I want the rows from the cost table with an updateddate equal to the max updateddate:

    SELECT * FROM #Costs Cost
        SELECT Entityname, costtype, MAX(updatedtime) MaxUpdatedTime
        FROM #HoldCosts cost
        GROUP BY Entityname, costtype
        ORDER BY Entityname, costtype  -- *** This causes an error***
    ) CostsMax
        ON  Costs.Entityname = CostsMax.entityname
        AND Costs.Costtype = CostsMax.Costtype
        AND Costs.UpdatedTime = CostsMax.MaxUpdatedtime
    ORDER BY Costs.Entityname, Costs.costtype

-- *** To accomplish this, there are a few options:

-- Add an extraneous TOP clause, This seems like a bit of a hack:

    SELECT * FROM #Costs Cost
        SELECT TOP 99.999999 PERCENT Entityname, costtype, MAX(updatedtime) MaxUpdatedTime
        FROM #HoldCosts cost
        GROUP BY Entityname, costtype
        ORDER BY Entityname, costtype  
    ) CostsMax
        ON Costs.Entityname = CostsMax.entityname
        AND Costs.Costtype = CostsMax.Costtype
        AND Costs.UpdatedTime = CostsMax.MaxUpdatedtime
    ORDER BY Costs.Entityname, Costs.costtype

-- **** Create a temp table to order the maxCost

    SELECT Entityname, costtype, MAX(updatedtime) MaxUpdatedTime
    INTO #MaxCost
    FROM #HoldCosts cost
    GROUP BY Entityname, costtype
    ORDER BY Entityname, costtype  

    SELECT * FROM #Costs Cost
    INNER JOIN #MaxCost CostsMax
        ON Costs.Entityname = CostsMax.entityname
        AND Costs.Costtype = CostsMax.Costtype
        AND Costs.UpdatedTime = CostsMax.MaxUpdatedtime
    ORDER BY Costs.Entityname, costs.costtype

Other possible workarounds could be CTE's or table variables. But each situation requires you to determine what works best for you. I tend to look first towards a temp table. To me, it is clear and straightforward. YMMV.