Programs & Examples On #Single user

An environment paradigm that doesn't involve multiple user identities.

Exit single-user mode

  1. Right click your database in databases section
  2. Select "Properties"
  3. Select "Options" page
  4. Scroll down "Other options" and alter "Restrict access" field

screenshot of options page of sql server

Set database from SINGLE USER mode to MULTI USER

If the above doesn't work, find the loginname of the spid and disable it in Security - Logins

jQuery.ajax returns 400 Bad Request

Late answer, but I figured it's worth keeping this updated. Expanding on Andrea Turri answer to reflect updated jQuery API and .success/.error deprecated methods.

As of jQuery 1.8.* the preferred way of doing this is to use .done() and .fail(). Jquery Docs


$('#my_get_related_keywords').click(function() {

    var ajaxRequest = $.ajax({
        type: "POST",
        contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
        dataType: "json"});

    //When the request successfully finished, execute passed in function
           //do something

    //When the request failed, execute the passed in function, status){
        //do something else

Java: Rotating Images

Sorry, but all the answers are difficult to understand for me as a beginner in graphics...

After some fiddling, this is working for me and it is easy to reason about.

public void draw(Graphics2D g) {
    AffineTransform tr = new AffineTransform();
    // X and Y are the coordinates of the image
    tr.translate((int)getX(), (int)getY());
            img.getWidth() / 2,
            img.getHeight() / 2

    // img is a BufferedImage instance
    g.drawImage(img, tr, null);

I suppose that if you want to rotate a rectangular image this method wont work and will cut the image, but I thing you should create square png images and rotate that.

How to deep copy a list?

This is more pythonic

my_list = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]  # some list
my_list_copy = list(my_list)  # my_list_copy and my_list does not share reference now.

NOTE: This is not safe with a list of referenced objects

How do I set up a simple delegate to communicate between two view controllers?

This below code just show the very basic use of delegate concept .. you name the variable and class as per your requirement.

First you need to declare a protocol:

Let's call it MyFirstControllerDelegate.h

@protocol MyFirstControllerDelegate
- (void) FunctionOne: (MyDataOne*) dataOne;
- (void) FunctionTwo: (MyDatatwo*) dataTwo;

Import MyFirstControllerDelegate.h file and confirm your FirstController with protocol MyFirstControllerDelegate

#import "MyFirstControllerDelegate.h"

@interface FirstController : UIViewController<MyFirstControllerDelegate>



In the implementation file, you need to implement both functions of protocol:

@implementation FirstController 

    - (void) FunctionOne: (MyDataOne*) dataOne
          //Put your finction code here
    - (void) FunctionTwo: (MyDatatwo*) dataTwo
          //Put your finction code here

     //Call below function from your code
    -(void) CreateSecondController
             SecondController *mySecondController = [SecondController alloc] initWithSomeData:.];
           //..... push second controller into navigation stack 
            mySecondController.delegate = self ;
            [mySecondController release];


in your SecondController:

@interface SecondController:<UIViewController>
   id <MyFirstControllerDelegate> delegate;

@property (nonatomic,assign)  id <MyFirstControllerDelegate> delegate;


In the implementation file of SecondController.

@implementation SecondController

@synthesize delegate;
//Call below two function on self.
-(void) SendOneDataToFirstController
   [delegate FunctionOne:myDataOne];
-(void) SendSecondDataToFirstController
   [delegate FunctionTwo:myDataSecond];


Here is the wiki article on delegate.

multiple classes on single element html

It's a good practice if you need them. It's also a good practice is they make sense, so future coders can understand what you're doing.

But generally, no it's not a good practice to attach 10 class names to an object because most likely whatever you're using them for, you could accomplish the same thing with far fewer classes. Probably just 1 or 2.

To qualify that statement, javascript plugins and scripts may append far more classnames to do whatever it is they're going to do. Modernizr for example appends anywhere from 5 - 25 classes to your body tag, and there's a very good reason for it. jQuery UI appends lots of classnames when you use one of the widgets in that library.

Value cannot be null. Parameter name: source

I just got this exact error in .Net Core 2.2 Entity Framework because I didn't have the set; in my DbContext like so:

public DbSet<Account> Account { get; }

changed to:

public DbSet<Account> Account { get; set;}

However, it didn't show the exception until I tried to use a linq query with Where() and Select() as others had mentioned above.

I was trying to set the DbSet as read only. I'll keep trying...

Can't use WAMP , port 80 is used by IIS 7.5

This could also be an issue of port 80 being used by "Web Deployment Agent Service". you can stop it from administrative tools->services and free up that port. as shown here

URLEncoder not able to translate space character

This worked for me

org.apache.catalina.util.URLEncoder ul = new org.apache.catalina.util.URLEncoder().encode("MY URL");

PHP output showing little black diamonds with a question mark

This is a charset issue. As such, it can have gone wrong on many different levels, but most likely, the strings in your database are utf-8 encoded, and you are presenting them as iso-8859-1. Or the other way around.

The proper way to fix this problem, is to get your character-sets straight. The simplest strategy, since you're using PHP, is to use iso-8859-1 throughout your application. To do this, you must ensure that:

  • All PHP source-files are saved as iso-8859-1 (Not to be confused with cp-1252).
  • Your web-server is configured to serve files with charset=iso-8859-1
  • Alternatively, you can override the webservers settings from within the PHP-document, using header.
  • In addition, you may insert a meta-tag in you HTML, that specifies the same thing, but this isn't strictly needed.
  • You may also specify the accept-charset attribute on your <form> elements.
  • Database tables are defined with encoding as latin1
  • The database connection between PHP to and database is set to latin1

If you already have data in your database, you should be aware that they are probably messed up already. If you are not already in production phase, just wipe it all and start over. Otherwise you'll have to do some data cleanup.

A note on meta-tags, since everybody misunderstands what they are:

When a web-server serves a file (A HTML-document), it sends some information, that isn't presented directly in the browser. This is known as HTTP-headers. One such header, is the Content-Type header, which specifies the mimetype of the file (Eg. text/html) as well as the encoding (aka charset). While most webservers will send a Content-Type header with charset info, it's optional. If it isn't present, the browser will instead interpret any meta-tags with http-equiv="Content-Type". It's important to realise that the meta-tag is only interpreted if the webserver doesn't send the header. In practice this means that it's only used if the page is saved to disk and then opened from there.

This page has a very good explanation of these things.

How do you reset the stored credentials in 'git credential-osxkeychain'?

Try this in your command line.

git config --local credential.helper ""

It works for me every time when I have multiple GitHub accounts in OSX keychain

Truncate Two decimal places without rounding

It would be more useful to have a full function for real-world usage of truncating a decimal in C#. This could be converted to a Decimal extension method pretty easy if you wanted:

public decimal TruncateDecimal(decimal value, int precision)
    decimal step = (decimal)Math.Pow(10, precision);
    decimal tmp = Math.Truncate(step * value);
    return tmp / step;

If you need VB.NET try this:

Function TruncateDecimal(value As Decimal, precision As Integer) As Decimal
    Dim stepper As Decimal = Math.Pow(10, precision)
    Dim tmp As Decimal = Math.Truncate(stepper * value)
    Return tmp / stepper
End Function

Then use it like so:

decimal result = TruncateDecimal(0.275, 2);


Dim result As Decimal = TruncateDecimal(0.275, 2)

How to identify and switch to the frame in selenium webdriver when frame does not have id

Easiest way of doing this is like this. If its a frame you can right click on the field and if you see the choice of "open frame in a tab" do it.

Then take the URL of the frame and that is what you put in your Python script using "driver.get (http://blah blah..)

Then Selenium can find your named element. This saved me hours of trying all the suggestions here which was learning about but didn't work. Problem with mine was it was in a frame.

I'm using Linux which gives me the right-click option of opening the frame, on its own, in another tab. I don't use Windows so don't know if you would get that option in you right-click menu.


mvn clean install vs. deploy vs. release

  • mvn install will put your packaged maven project into the local repository, for local application using your project as a dependency.
  • mvn release will basically put your current code in a tag on your SCM, change your version in your projects.
  • mvn deploy will put your packaged maven project into a remote repository for sharing with other developers.

Resources :

Multiple file upload in php


  1. create div with id='dvFile';

  2. create a button;

  3. onclick of that button calling function add_more()


function  add_more() {
  var txt = "<br><input type=\"file\" name=\"item_file[]\">";
  document.getElementById("dvFile").innerHTML += txt;


//check if any file uploaded
 $GLOBALS['msg'] = ""; //initiate the global message
  for($j=0; $j < count($_FILES["item_file"]['name']); $j++)
 { //loop the uploaded file array
   $filen = $_FILES["item_file"]['name']["$j"]; //file name
   $path = 'uploads/'.$filen; //generate the destination path
   //upload the file
    $GLOBALS['msg'] .= "File# ".($j+1)." ($filen) uploaded successfully<br>";
    //Success message
 else {
  $GLOBALS['msg'] = "No files found to upload"; //No file upload message 

In this way you can add file/images, as many as required, and handle them through php script.

python to arduino serial read & write

I found it is better to use the command Serial.readString() to replace the to obtain the continuous I/O for Arduino.

How many values can be represented with n bits?

What you're missing: Zero is a value

React - How to get parameter value from query string?

Say there is a url as follows


If we want to extract the code from that URL, below method will work.

const authResult = new URLSearchParams(; 
const code = authResult.get('code')

Can't execute jar- file: "no main manifest attribute"

If using Maven, include following in the pom




"The given path's format is not supported."

This was my problem, which may help someone else -- although it wasn't the OP's issue:

DirectoryInfo diTemp = new DirectoryInfo(strSomePath);
FileStream fsTemp = new FileStream(diTemp.ToString());

I determined the problem by outputting my path to a log file, and finding it not formatting correctly. Correct for me was quite simply:

DirectoryInfo diTemp = new DirectoryInfo(strSomePath);
FileStream fsTemp = new FileStream(diTemp.FullName.ToString());

How to get multiple counts with one SQL query?

I do something like this where I just give each table a string name to identify it in column A, and a count for column. Then I union them all so they stack. The result is pretty in my opinion - not sure how efficient it is compared to other options but it got me what I needed.

select 'table1', count (*) from table1
union select 'table2', count (*) from table2
union select 'table3', count (*) from table3
union select 'table4', count (*) from table4
union select 'table5', count (*) from table5
union select 'table6', count (*) from table6
union select 'table7', count (*) from table7;


| String  | Count |
| table1  | 123   |
| table2  | 234   |
| table3  | 345   |
| table4  | 456   |
| table5  | 567   |

When do I use path params vs. query params in a RESTful API?

Example URL: /rest/{keyword}

This URL is an example for path parameters. We can get this URL data by using @PathParam.

Example URL: /rest?keyword=java&limit=10

This URL is an example for query parameters. We can get this URL data by using @Queryparam.

MySQL INNER JOIN select only one row from second table

SELECT u.*, p.*
FROM users AS u
INNER JOIN payments AS p ON = (
    SELECT id
    FROM payments AS p2
    WHERE p2.user_id =
    ORDER BY date DESC
    LIMIT 1


SELECT u.*, p.*
FROM users AS u
INNER JOIN payments AS p ON p.user_id =
    SELECT 1
    FROM payments AS p2
        p2.user_id = p.user_id AND
        ( > OR ( = AND >

This solutions are better than the accepted answer because they work correctly when there are multiple payments with same user and date. You can try on SQL Fiddle.

How to convert JSON object to JavaScript array?

As simple as this !

var json_data = {"2013-01-21":1,"2013-01-22":7};
var result = [json_data];

Only get hash value using md5sum (without filename)

md5=`md5sum ${my_iso_file} | cut -b-32`

How can I convert ticks to a date format?

    private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        long myTicks = 633896886277130000;
        DateTime dtime = new DateTime(myTicks);
        MessageBox.Show(dtime.ToString("MMMM d, yyyy"));


September 27, 2009

Is that what you need?

I don't see how that format is necessarily easy to work with in SQL queries, though.

Javascript getElementsByName.value not working

document.getElementsByName("name") will get several elements called by same name . document.getElementsByName("name")[Number] will get one of them. document.getElementsByName("name")[Number].value will get the value of paticular element.

The key of this question is this:
The name of elements is not unique, it is usually used for several input elements in the form.
On the other hand, the id of the element is unique, which is the only definition for a particular element in a html file.

Select a Dictionary<T1, T2> with LINQ

A more explicit option is to project collection to an IEnumerable of KeyValuePair and then convert it to a Dictionary.

Dictionary<int, string> dictionary = objects
    .Select(x=> new KeyValuePair<int, string>(x.Id, x.Name))
    .ToDictionary(x=>x.Key, x=>x.Value);

Set HTML element's style property in javascript

Don't set the style object itself, set the background color property of the style object that is a property of the element.

And yes, even though you said no, jquery and tablesorter with its zebra stripe plugin can do this all for you in 3 lines of code.

And just setting the class attribute would be better since then you have non-hard-coded control over the styling which is more organized

How to resolve symbolic links in a shell script

One of my favorites is realpath foo

realpath - return the canonicalized absolute pathname

realpath  expands  all  symbolic  links  and resolves references to '/./', '/../' and extra '/' characters in the null terminated string named by path and
       stores the canonicalized absolute pathname in the buffer of size PATH_MAX named by resolved_path.  The resulting path will have no symbolic link, '/./' or
       '/../' components.

XAMPP Object not found error

The issue is the object(project) folder and it is really not in the localhost.

Check the following things (Windows User)

1. project folder in htdocs

2. spelling of the project folder in htdocs C:\xampp\htdocs\projectname

3. Public folder inside project folder C:\xampp\htdocs\projectname\public

How can I inspect element in an Android browser?

You can inspect elements of a website in your Android device using Chrome browser.

Open your Chrome browser and go to the website you want to inspect.

Go to the address bar and type "view-source:" before the "HTTP" and reload the page.

The whole elements of the page will be shown.

"A namespace cannot directly contain members such as fields or methods"

The snippet you're showing doesn't seem to be directly responsible for the error.

This is how you can CAUSE the error:

namespace MyNameSpace

   class MyClass

If you don't immediately see what is "outside" the class, this may be due to misplaced or extra closing bracket(s) }.

How do I enable NuGet Package Restore in Visual Studio?

As already mentioned by Mike, there is no option 'Enable NuGet Package Restore' in VS2015. You'll have to invoke the restore process manually. A nice way - without messing with files and directories - is using the NuGet Package Management Console: Click into the 'Quick start' field (usually in the upper right corner), enter console, open the management console, and enter command:

Update-Package –reinstall

This will re-install all packages of all projects in your solution. To specify a single project, enter:

Update-Package –reinstall -ProjectName MyProject

Of course this is only necessary when the Restore button - sometimes offered by VS2015 - is not available. More useful update commands are listed and explained here:

Spring Boot Remove Whitelabel Error Page

I had a similar issue WhiteLabel Error message on my Angular SPA whenever I did a refresh.

The fix was to create a controller that implements ErrorController but instead of returning a String, I had to return a ModelAndView object that forwards to /

public class IndexController implements ErrorController {
    private static final String PATH = "/error";
    @RequestMapping(value = PATH)
    public ModelAndView saveLeadQuery() {           
        return new ModelAndView("forward:/");

    public String getErrorPath() {
        return PATH;


Foreign key and check constraints have the concept of being trusted or untrusted, as well as being enabled and disabled. See the MSDN page for ALTER TABLE for full details.

WITH CHECK is the default for adding new foreign key and check constraints, WITH NOCHECK is the default for re-enabling disabled foreign key and check constraints. It's important to be aware of the difference.

Having said that, any apparently redundant statements generated by utilities are simply there for safety and/or ease of coding. Don't worry about them.

Why use Ruby's attr_accessor, attr_reader and attr_writer?

Not all attributes of an object are meant to be directly set from outside the class. Having writers for all your instance variables is generally a sign of weak encapsulation and a warning that you're introducing too much coupling between your classes.

As a practical example: I wrote a design program where you put items inside containers. The item had attr_reader :container, but it didn't make sense to offer a writer, since the only time the item's container should change is when it's placed in a new one, which also requires positioning information.

Why Is `Export Default Const` invalid?

To me this is just one of many idiosyncracies (emphasis on the idio(t) ) of typescript that causes people to pull out their hair and curse the developers. Maybe they could work on coming up with more understandable error messages.

Recursive Lock (Mutex) vs Non-Recursive Lock (Mutex)

The only good use case for recursion mutex is when an object contains multiple methods. When any of the methods modify the content of the object, and therefore must lock the object before the state is consistent again.

If the methods use other methods (ie: addNewArray() calls addNewPoint(), and finalizes with recheckBounds()), but any of those functions by themselves need to lock the mutex, then recursive mutex is a win-win.

For any other case (solving just bad coding, using it even in different objects) is clearly wrong!

How to convert Excel values into buckets?

I use this trick for equal data bucketing. Instead of text result you get the number. Here is example for four buckets. Suppose you have data in A1:A100 range. Put this formula in B1:

=MAX(ROUNDUP(PERCENTRANK($A$1:$A$100,A1) *4,0),1)

Fill down the formula all across B column and you are done. The formula divides the range into 4 equal buckets and it returns the bucket number which the cell A1 falls into. The first bucket contains the lowest 25% of values.

Adjust the number of buckets according to thy wish:

=MAX(ROUNDUP(PERCENTRANK([Range],[OneCellOfTheRangeToTest]) *[NumberOfBuckets],0),1)

The number of observation in each bucket will be equal or almost equal. For example if you have a 100 observations and you want to split it into 3 buckets (like in your example) then the buckets will contain 33, 33, 34 observations. So almost equal. You do not have to worry about that - the formula works that out for you.

Switch focus between editor and integrated terminal in Visual Studio Code

It's not exactly what is asked, but I found it very useful and related.

If someone wants to change from one terminal to another terminal also open in the integrate terminal panel of Visual Studio, you can search for:

Terminal: Focus Next Terminal

Or add the following key shortcut and do it faster with keyboard combination.

    "key": "alt+cmd+right",
    "command": "workbench.action.terminal.focusNext",
    "when": "terminalFocus"
    "key": "alt+cmd+left",
    "command": "workbench.action.terminal.focusPrevious",
    "when": "terminalFocus"

android get real path by Uri.getPath()

EDIT: Use this Solution here: Works perfect!

First of, thank for your solution @luizfelipetx

I changed your solution a little bit. This works for me:

public static String getRealPathFromDocumentUri(Context context, Uri uri){
    String filePath = "";

    Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(\\d+)$");
    Matcher m = p.matcher(uri.toString());
    if (!m.find()) {
        Log.e(ImageConverter.class.getSimpleName(), "ID for requested image not found: " + uri.toString());
        return filePath;
    String imgId =;

    String[] column = { MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA };
    String sel = MediaStore.Images.Media._ID + "=?";

    Cursor cursor = context.getContentResolver().query(MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI,
            column, sel, new String[]{ imgId }, null);

    int columnIndex = cursor.getColumnIndex(column[0]);

    if (cursor.moveToFirst()) {
        filePath = cursor.getString(columnIndex);

    return filePath;

Note: So we got documents and image, depending, if the image comes from 'recents', 'gallery' or what ever. So I extract the image ID first before looking it up.

"Primary Filegroup is Full" in SQL Server 2008 Standard for no apparent reason

Ran into the same problem and at first defragmenting seemed to work. But it was for just a short while. Turns out the server the customer was using, was running the Express version and that has a licensing limit of about 10gb.

So even though the size was set to "unlimited", it wasn't.

Using json_encode on objects in PHP (regardless of scope)

Following code worked for me:

public function jsonSerialize()
    return get_object_vars($this);

How to test if a double is an integer

Or you could use the modulo operator:

(d % 1) == 0

Spring Data JPA findOne() change to Optional how to use this?

Indeed, in the latest version of Spring Data, findOne returns an optional. If you want to retrieve the object from the Optional, you can simply use get() on the Optional. First of all though, a repository should return the optional to a service, which then handles the case in which the optional is empty. afterwards, the service should return the object to the controller.

Update all objects in a collection using LINQ

My 2 pennies:-

 collection.Count(v => (v.PropertyToUpdate = newValue) == null);

Convert NSArray to NSString in Objective-C

One approach would be to iterate over the array, calling the description message on each item:

NSMutableString * result = [[NSMutableString alloc] init];
for (NSObject * obj in array)
    [result appendString:[obj description]];
NSLog(@"The concatenated string is %@", result);

Another approach would be to do something based on each item's class:

NSMutableString * result = [[NSMutableString alloc] init];
for (NSObject * obj in array)
    if ([obj isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]])
        // append something
        [result appendString:[obj description]];
NSLog(@"The concatenated string is %@", result);

If you want commas and other extraneous information, you can just do:

NSString * result = [array description];

Get the ID of a drawable in ImageView

As of today, there is no support on this function. However, I found a little hack on this one.


So if you want to get the ID of the view, just get it's tag.

if (imageView.getTag() != null) {
   int resourceID = (int) imageView.getTag();

   // drawable id.

How to check if current thread is not main thread

You can try Thread.currentThread().isDaemon()

How can I get the size of an std::vector as an int?

In the first two cases, you simply forgot to actually call the member function (!, it's not a value) std::vector<int>::size like this:

#include <vector>

int main () {
    std::vector<int> v;
    auto size = v.size();

Your third call

int size = v.size();

triggers a warning, as not every return value of that function (usually a 64 bit unsigned int) can be represented as a 32 bit signed int.

int size = static_cast<int>(v.size());

would always compile cleanly and also explicitly states that your conversion from std::vector::size_type to int was intended.

Note that if the size of the vector is greater than the biggest number an int can represent, size will contain an implementation defined (de facto garbage) value. Hyperlink control equivalent to <a href="#"></a>

hyperlink1.NavigateUrl = "#"; or
hyperlink1.attributes["href"] = "#"; or
<asp:HyperLink NavigateUrl="#" runat="server" />

Does uninstalling a package with "pip" also remove the dependent packages?

i've successfully removed dependencies of a package using this bash line:

for dep in $(pip show somepackage | grep Requires | sed 's/Requires: //g; s/,//g') ; do pip uninstall -y $dep ; done

this worked on pip 1.5.4

add class with JavaScript

Simply add a class name to the beginning of the funciton and the 2nd and 3rd arguments are optional and the magic is done for you!

function getElementsByClass(searchClass, node, tag) {

  var classElements = new Array();

  if (node == null)

    node = document;

  if (tag == null)

    tag = '*';

  var els = node.getElementsByTagName(tag);

  var elsLen = els.length;

  var pattern = new RegExp('(^|\\\\s)' + searchClass + '(\\\\s|$)');

  for (i = 0, j = 0; i < elsLen; i++) {

    if (pattern.test(els[i].className)) {

      classElements[j] = els[i];




  return classElements;


Bootstrap modal not displaying

if you are using custom CSS instead of defining modal class as "modal fade" or "modal fade in" change it to only "modal" in HTML page then try again.

How to select a column name with a space in MySQL

You need to use backtick instead of single quotes:

Single quote - 'Business Name' - Wrong

Backtick - `Business Name` - Correct

Run a Command Prompt command from Desktop Shortcut

This is an old post but I have issues with coming across posts that have some incorrect information/syntax...

If you wanted to do this with a shorcut icon you could just create a shortcut on your desktop for the cmd.exe application. Then append a /K {your command} to the shorcut path.

So a default shorcut target path may look like "%windir%\system32\cmd.exe", just change it to %windir%\system32\cmd.exe /k {commands}

example: %windir%\system32\cmd.exe /k powercfg -lastwake

In this case i would use /k (keep open) to display results.

Arlen was right about the /k (keep open) and /c (close)

You can open a command prompt and type "cmd /?" to see your options.

A batch file is kind of overkill for a single command prompt command...

Hope this helps someone else

How to convert characters to HTML entities using plain JavaScript

Using escape() should work with the character code range 0x00 to 0xFF (UTF-8 range).

If you go beyond 0xFF (255), such as 0x100 (256) then escape() will not work:

escape("\u0100"); // %u0100


text = "\u0100"; // A
html = escape(text).replace(/%(..)/g,"&#x$1;"); // &#xu0;100

So, if you want to cover all Unicode charachacters as defined on , then you could use something like:

var html = text.replace(/[\u00A0-\u00FF]/g, function(c) {
   return '&#'+c.charCodeAt(0)+';';

Note here the range is between: \u00A0-\u00FF.

Thats the first character code range defined in which is the same as what escape() covers.

You'll need to add the other ranges you want to cover as well, or all of them.

Example: UTF-8 range with general punctuations (\u00A0-\u00FF and \u2022-\u2135)

var html = text.replace(/[\u00A0-\u00FF\u2022-\u2135]/g, function(c) {
   return '&#'+c.charCodeAt(0)+';';


BTW: \u00A0-\u2666 should convert every Unicode character code not within ASCII range to HTML entities blindly:

var html = text.replace(/[\u00A0-\u2666]/g, function(c) {
   return '&#'+c.charCodeAt(0)+';';

How to draw a dotted line with css?

To do this, you simple need to add a border-top or border-bottom to your <hr/> tag as the following:

<hr style="border-top: 2px dotted navy" />

with any line type or color you want

AWS EFS vs EBS vs S3 (differences & when to use?)

This question is very much answered by other people, I just want to make a point whenever deciding on any service to be in AWS is that understanding the use case for each and also see the solution that the service will provide in terms of the Well-Architected Framework, do you need High Availability, Fault Torelant, Cost optimization. This will help to decide on any kind of service to be used.

PDO error message?

Old thread, but maybe my answer will help someone. I resolved by executing the query first, then setting an errors variable, then checking if that errors variable array is empty. see simplified example:

$field1 = 'foo';
$field2 = 'bar';

$insert_QUERY = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO table bogus(field1, field2) VALUES (:field1, :field2)");
$insert_QUERY->bindParam(':field1', $field1);
$insert_QUERY->bindParam(':field2', $field2);


$databaseErrors = $insert_QUERY->errorInfo();

if( !empty($databaseErrors) ){  
    $errorInfo = print_r($databaseErrors, true); # true flag returns val rather than print
    $errorLogMsg = "error info: $errorInfo"; # do what you wish with this var, write to log file etc...         

 $errorLogMsg will return something like: 
 error info:  
  [0] => 42000
  [1] => 1064
  [2] => You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'table bogus(field1, field2) VALUES                                                  ('bar', NULL)' at line 1
} else {
    # no SQL errors.

DropdownList DataSource

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (!Page.IsPostBack)
        drpCategory.DataSource = CategoryHelper.Categories;
        drpCategory.DataTextField = "Name";
        drpCategory.DataValueField = "Id";

NotificationCompat.Builder deprecated in Android O

Notification notification = new Notification.Builder(MainActivity.this)
        .setContentTitle("New Message")
        .setContentText("You've received new messages.")

Right code will be :

Notification.Builder notification=new Notification.Builder(this)

with dependency 26.0.1 and new updated dependencies such as 28.0.0.

Some users use this code in the form of this :

Notification notification=new NotificationCompat.Builder(this)//this is also wrong code.

So Logic is that which Method you will declare or initilize then the same methode on Right side will be use for Allocation. if in Leftside of = you will use some method then the same method will be use in right side of = for Allocation with new.

Try this code...It will sure work

How do I use Apache tomcat 7 built in Host Manager gui?

Solution for a fresh install of Tomcat 7 on Ubuntu 12.04.

Edit this file - /etc/tomcat7/tomcat-users.xml to add this xml section -

<role rolename="admin"/>
<role rolename="admin-gui"/>
<role rolename="manager-gui"/>
<user username="tomcatadmin" password="tomcat2009" roles="admin,admin-gui,manager-gui"/>

restart Tomcat -

service tomcat7 restart

urls to access managers -

  1. tomcat test page - http://localhost:8080/
  2. manager webapp - http://localhost:8080/manager/html
  3. host-manager webapp - http://localhost:8080/host-manager/html

just wanted to put the latest info out there.

Where do I put my php files to have Xampp parse them?

This will work for me:


Why is this rsync connection unexpectedly closed on Windows?

I had this error coming up between 2 Linux boxes. Easily solved by installing RSYNC on the remote box as well as the local one.

How to fill in form field, and submit, using javascript?


How to make a transparent HTML button?

The solution is pretty easy actually:

<button style="border:1px solid black; background-color: transparent;">Test</button>

This is doing an inline style. You're defining the border to be 1px, solid line, and black in color. The background color is then set to transparent.


Seems like your ACTUAL question is how do you prevent the border after clicking on it. That can be resolved with a CSS pseudo selector: :active.

button {
    border: none;
    background-color: transparent;
    outline: none;
button:focus {
    border: none;

JSFiddle Demo

How can I delete a query string parameter in JavaScript?

The above version as a function

function removeURLParam(url, param)
 var urlparts= url.split('?');
 if (urlparts.length>=2)
  var prefix= encodeURIComponent(param)+'=';
  var pars= urlparts[1].split(/[&;]/g);
  for (var i=pars.length; i-- > 0;)
   if (pars[i].indexOf(prefix, 0)==0)
    pars.splice(i, 1);
  if (pars.length > 0)
   return urlparts[0]+'?'+pars.join('&');
   return urlparts[0];
  return url;

Compiling php with curl, where is curl installed?

None of these will allow you to compile PHP with cURL enabled.

In order to compile with cURL, you need libcurl header files (.h files). They are usually found in /usr/include/curl. They generally are bundled in a separate development package.

Per example, to install libcurl in Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install libcurl4-gnutls-dev

Or CentOS:

sudo yum install curl-devel

Then you can just do:

./configure --with-curl # other options...

If you compile cURL manually, you can specify the path to the files without the lib or include suffix. (e.g.: /usr/local if cURL headers are in /usr/local/include/curl).

How can I change the color of a Google Maps marker?

With version 3 of the Google Maps API, the easiest way to do this may be by grabbing a custom icon set, like the one that Benjamin Keen has created here:

If you put all of those icons at the same place as your map page, you can colorize a Marker simply by using the appropriate icon option when creating it:

var beachMarker = new google.maps.Marker({
  position: myLatLng,
  map: map,
  icon: 'brown_markerA.png'

This is super-easy, and is the approach I'm using for the project I'm working on currently.

Create mysql table directly from CSV file using the CSV Storage engine?

In addition to the other solutions mentioned Mac users may want to note that SQL Pro has a CSV import option which works fairly well and is flexible - you can change column names, and field types on import. Choose new table otherwise the initial dialogue can appear somewhat disheartening.

Sequel Pro - database management application for working with MySQL databases.

SMTP Connect() failed. Message was not sent.Mailer error: SMTP Connect() failed

Login your Google account at go to "Login" and then "Security", scroll to bottom then enable the "Allow less secure apps" option.

How to set the custom border color of UIView programmatically?

If you Use Swift 2.0+

self.yourView.layer.borderWidth = 1
self.yourView.layer.borderColor = UIColor(red:222/255, green:225/255, blue:227/255, alpha: 1).cgColor

When and where to use GetType() or typeof()?

You may find it easier to use the is keyword:

if (mycontrol is TextBox)

Check if the number is integer

In R, whether a number is numeric or integer can be determined by class function. Generally all numbers are stored as numeric and to explicitly define a number as integer we need to specify 'L' after the number.


x <- 1


[1] "numeric"

x <- 1L


[1] "integer"

I hope this is what was needed. Thanks :)

How to send emails from my Android application?

Here is the sample working code which opens mail application in android device and auto-filled with To address and Subject in the composing mail.

protected void sendEmail() {
    Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SENDTO);
    intent.setData(Uri.parse("mailto:[email protected]"));
    intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT, "Feedback");
    if (intent.resolveActivity(getPackageManager()) != null) {

How do I select last 5 rows in a table without sorting?

In SQL Server 2012 you can do this :

Declare @Count1 int ;

Select @Count1 = Count(*)
FROM    [Log] AS L

FROM    [Log] AS L
OFFSET @Count - 5 ROWS

How do I URL encode a string

//This is without test

NSMutableCharacterSet* set = [[NSCharacterSet alphanumericCharacterSet] mutableCopy];
[set addCharactersInString:@"-_.~"];
NSString *encode = [test stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters:set];

How do I run Python script using arguments in windows command line

Here are all of the previous answers summarized:

  • modules should be imported outside of functions.
  • hello(sys.argv[2]) needs to be indented since it is inside an if statement.
  • hello has 2 arguments so you need to call 2 arguments.
  • as far as calling the function from terminal, you need to call python .py ...

The code should look like this:

import sys
def hello(a, b):
    print "hello and that's your sum:"
    sum = a+b
    print sum

if __name__== "__main__":
    hello(int(sys.argv[1]), int(sys.argv[2]))

Then run the code with this command:

python 1 1

Could you explain STA and MTA?

Each EXE which hosts COM or OLE controls defines it's apartment state. The apartment state is by default STA (and for most programs should be STA).

STA - All OLE controls by necessity must live in a STA. STA means that your COM-object must be always manipulated on the UI thread and cannot be passed to other threads (much like any UI element in MFC). However, your program can still have many threads.

MTA - You can manipulate the COM object on any thread in your program.

Background thread with QThread in PyQt

According to the Qt developers, subclassing QThread is incorrect (see But that article is really hard to understand (plus the title is a bit condescending). I found a better blog post that gives a more detailed explanation about why you should use one style of threading over another:

In my opinion, you should probably never subclass thread with the intent to overload the run method. While that does work, you're basically circumventing how Qt wants you to work. Plus you'll miss out on things like events and proper thread safe signals and slots. Plus as you'll likely see in the above blog post, the "correct" way of threading forces you to write more testable code.

Here's a couple of examples of how to take advantage of QThreads in PyQt (I posted a separate answer below that properly uses QRunnable and incorporates signals/slots, that answer is better if you have a lot of async tasks that you need to load balance).

import sys
from PyQt4 import QtCore
from PyQt4 import QtGui
from PyQt4.QtCore import Qt

# very testable class (hint: you can use mock.Mock for the signals)
class Worker(QtCore.QObject):
    finished = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
    dataReady = QtCore.pyqtSignal(list, dict)

    def processA(self):
        print "Worker.processA()"

    @QtCore.pyqtSlot(str, list, list)
    def processB(self, foo, bar=None, baz=None):
        print "Worker.processB()"
        for thing in bar:
            # lots of processing...
            self.dataReady.emit(['dummy', 'data'], {'dummy': ['data']})

class Thread(QtCore.QThread):
    """Need for PyQt4 <= 4.6 only"""
    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        QtCore.QThread.__init__(self, parent)

     # this class is solely needed for these two methods, there
     # appears to be a bug in PyQt 4.6 that requires you to
     # explicitly call run and start from the subclass in order
     # to get the thread to actually start an event loop

    def start(self):

    def run(self):

app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)

thread = Thread() # no parent!
obj = Worker() # no parent!

# if you want the thread to stop after the worker is done
# you can always call thread.start() again later

# one way to do it is to start processing as soon as the thread starts
# this is okay in some cases... but makes it harder to send data to
# the worker object from the main gui thread.  As you can see I'm calling
# processA() which takes no arguments

# another way to do it, which is a bit fancier, allows you to talk back and
# forth with the object in a thread safe way by communicating through signals
# and slots (now that the thread is running I can start calling methods on
# the worker object)
QtCore.QMetaObject.invokeMethod(obj, 'processB', Qt.QueuedConnection,
                                QtCore.Q_ARG(str, "Hello World!"),
                                QtCore.Q_ARG(list, ["args", 0, 1]),
                                QtCore.Q_ARG(list, []))

# that looks a bit scary, but its a totally ok thing to do in Qt,
# we're simply using the system that Signals and Slots are built on top of,
# the QMetaObject, to make it act like we safely emitted a signal for 
# the worker thread to pick up when its event loop resumes (so if its doing
# a bunch of work you can call this method 10 times and it will just queue
# up the calls.  Note: PyQt > 4.6 will not allow you to pass in a None
# instead of an empty list, it has stricter type checking


# Without this you may get weird QThread messages in the shell on exit

Laravel-5 'LIKE' equivalent (Eloquent)

I have scopes for this, hope it help somebody.

public function scopeWhereLike($query, $column, $value)
    return $query->where($column, 'like', '%'.$value.'%');

public function scopeOrWhereLike($query, $column, $value)
    return $query->orWhere($column, 'like', '%'.$value.'%');


$result = BookingDates::whereLike('email', $email)->orWhereLike('name', $name)->get();

Checking during array iteration, if the current element is the last element

This always does the trick for me

foreach($array as $key => $value) {
   if (end(array_keys($array)) == $key)
       // Last key reached

Edit 30/04/15

$last_key = end(array_keys($array));

foreach($array as $key => $value) {
  if ( $key == $last_key)
      // Last key reached

To avoid the E_STRICT warning mentioned by @Warren Sergent

$array_keys = array_keys($array);
$last_key = end($array_keys);

Swift: How to get substring from start to last index of character

The one thing that adds clatter is the repeated stringVar:

stringVar[stringVar.index(stringVar.startIndex, offsetBy: ...)

In Swift 4

An extension can reduce some of that:

extension String {

    func index(at location: Int) -> String.Index {
        return self.index(self.startIndex, offsetBy: location)

Then, usage:

let string = "abcde"

let to = string[..<string.index(at: 3)] // abc
let from = string[string.index(at: 3)...] // de

It should be noted that to and from are type Substring (or String.SubSequance). They do not allocate new strings and are more efficient for processing.

To get back a String type, Substring needs to be casted back to String:

let backToString = String(from)

This is where a string is finally allocated.

Is there any way I can define a variable in LaTeX?

This works for me: \newcommand{\variablename}{the text}

For eg: \newcommand\m{100}

So when you type " \m\ is my mark " in the source code,

the pdf output displays as :

100 is my mark

Difference of keywords 'typename' and 'class' in templates?

While there is no technical difference, I have seen the two used to denote slightly different things.

For a template that should accept any type as T, including built-ins (such as an array )

template<typename T>
class Foo { ... }

For a template that will only work where T is a real class.

template<class T>
class Foo { ... }

But keep in mind that this is purely a style thing some people use. Not mandated by the standard or enforced by compilers

How to darken an image on mouseover?

Make the image 100% bright so it is clear. And then on Img hover reduce it to whatever brightness you want.

img {_x000D_
   -webkit-transition: all 1s ease;_x000D_
   -moz-transition: all 1s ease;_x000D_
   -o-transition: all 1s ease;_x000D_
   -ms-transition: all 1s ease;_x000D_
   transition: all 1s ease;_x000D_
img:hover {_x000D_
   -webkit-filter: brightness(70%);_x000D_
   filter: brightness(70%);_x000D_
<img src="">

That will do it, Hope that helps

Upload file to SFTP using PowerShell

You didn't tell us what particular problem do you have with the WinSCP, so I can really only repeat what's in WinSCP documentation.

  • Download WinSCP .NET assembly.
    The latest package as of now is;

  • Extract the .zip archive along your script;

  • Use a code like this (based on the official PowerShell upload example):

      # Load WinSCP .NET assembly
      Add-Type -Path "WinSCPnet.dll"
      # Setup session options
      $sessionOptions = New-Object WinSCP.SessionOptions -Property @{
          Protocol = [WinSCP.Protocol]::Sftp
          HostName = ""
          UserName = "user"
          Password = "mypassword"
          SshHostKeyFingerprint = "ssh-rsa 2048 xxxxxxxxxxx...="
      $session = New-Object WinSCP.Session
          # Connect
          # Upload
          $session.PutFiles("C:\FileDump\export.txt", "/Outbox/").Check()
          # Disconnect, clean up

You can have WinSCP generate the PowerShell script for the upload for you:

  • Login to your server with WinSCP GUI;
  • Navigate to the target directory in the remote file panel;
  • Select the file for upload in the local file panel;
  • Invoke the Upload command;
  • On the Transfer options dialog, go to Transfer Settings > Generate Code;
  • On the Generate transfer code dialog, select the .NET assembly code tab;
  • Choose PowerShell language.

You will get a code like above with all session and transfer settings filled in.

Generate transfer code dialog

(I'm the author of WinSCP)

JBoss default password

I can also verify the above solution except I had to change in

**..\server\<server profile>\conf\props\**

How to create a zip file in Java

If you want decompress without software better use this code. Other code with pdf files sends error on manually decompress

byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];     
        FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("");
        ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream(fos);
        ZipEntry ze= new ZipEntry("file.pdf");
        FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream("file.pdf");
        int len;
        while ((len = > 0) 
            zos.write(buffer, 0, len);
    catch(IOException ex)

Android Device not recognized by adb

It may sound silly but in my case the USB cable was too long (even if good quality). It worked with my tablet but not with the phone. To check this, if you run on Linux run lsusb to make sure that your device is at least officially connect to the usb port.

Insert and set value with max()+1 problems

SELECT MAX(col) +1 is not safe -- it does not ensure that you aren't inserting more than one customer with the same customer_id value, regardless if selecting from the same table or any others. The proper way to ensure a unique integer value is assigned on insertion into your table in MySQL is to use AUTO_INCREMENT. The ANSI standard is to use sequences, but MySQL doesn't support them. An AUTO_INCREMENT column can only be defined in the CREATE TABLE statement:

CREATE TABLE `customers` (
  `customer_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `firstname` varchar(45) DEFAULT NULL,
  `surname` varchar(45) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`customer_id`)

That said, this worked fine for me on 5.1.49:

CREATE TABLE `customers` (
  `customer_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `firstname` varchar(45) DEFAULT NULL,
  `surname` varchar(45) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`customer_id`)

INSERT INTO customers VALUES (1, 'a', 'b');

INSERT INTO customers 
SELECT MAX(customer_id) + 1, 'jim', 'sock'

Google Chrome form autofill and its yellow background

Try this code:

      $('[name=user_password]').attr('type', 'password');_x000D_
     }, 1000);_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<input name="user_password" type="password">

How to load images dynamically (or lazily) when users scrolls them into view

I came up with my own basic method which seems to work fine (so far). There's probably a dozen things some of the popular scripts address that I haven't thought of.

Note - This solution is fast and easy to implement but of course not great for performance. Definitely look into the new Intersection Observer as mentioned by Apoorv and explained by if performance is an issue.

The JQuery

$(window).scroll(function() {
    $.each($('img'), function() {
        if ( $(this).attr('data-src') && $(this).offset().top < ($(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height() + 100) ) {
            var source = $(this).data('src');
            $(this).attr('src', source);

Sample html code

    <img src="" data-src="pathtoyour/image1.jpg">
    <img src="" data-src="pathtoyour/image2.jpg">
    <img src="" data-src="pathtoyour/image3.jpg">


When the page is scrolled each image on the page is checked..

$(this).attr('data-src') - if the image has the attribute data-src

and how far those images are from the bottom of the window..

$(this).offset().top < ($(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height() + 100)

adjust the + 100 to whatever you like (- 100 for example)

var source = $(this).data('src'); - gets the value of data-src= aka the image url

$(this).attr('src', source); - puts that value into the src=

$(this).removeAttr('data-src'); - removes the data-src attribute (so your browser doesn't waste resources messing with the images that have already loaded)

Adding To Existing Code

To convert your html, in an editor just search and replace src=" with src="" data-src="

Changing cursor to waiting in javascript/jquery

Setting the cursor for 'body' will change the cursor for the background of the page but not for controls on it. For example, buttons will still have the regular cursor when hovering over them. The following is what I am using:

To set the 'wait' cursor, create a style element and insert in the head:

var css = "* { cursor: wait; !important}";
var style = document.createElement("style");
style.type = "text/css"; = "mywaitcursorstyle";

Then to restore the cursor, delete the style element:

var style = document.getElementById("mywaitcursorstyle");
if (style) {

Changing the text on a label

There are many ways to tackle a problem like this. There are many ways to do this. I'm going to give you the most simple solution to this question I know. When changing the text of a label or any kind of wiget really. I would do it like this.

Name_Of_Label["text"] = "Your New Text"

So when I apply this knowledge to your code. It would look something like this.

from tkinter import*

class MyGUI:
   def __init__(self):
    self.__mainWindow = Tk()
    #self.fram1 = Frame(self.__mainWindow)
    self.labelText = 'Enter amount to deposit'
    self.depositLabel = Label(self.__mainWindow, text = self.labelText)
    self.depositEntry = Entry(self.__mainWindow, width = 10)
    self.depositEntry.bind('<Return>', self.depositCallBack)


  def depositCallBack(self,event):
    self.labelText["text"] = 'change the value'

myGUI = MyGUI()

If this helps please let me know!

How do I set an absolute include path in PHP?

Not directly answering your question but something to remember:

When using includes with allow_url_include on in your ini beware that, when accessing sessions from included files, if from a script you include one file using an absolute file reference and then include a second file from on your local server using a url file reference that they have different variable scope and the same session will not be seen from both included files. The original session won't be seen from the url included file.


How to mock location on device?

I wrote an App that runs a WebServer (REST-Like) on your Android Phone, so you can set the GPS position remotely. The website provides an Map on which you can click to set a new position, or use the "wasd" keys to move in any direction. The app was a quick solution so there is nearly no UI nor Documentation, but the implementation is straight forward and you can look everything up in the (only four) classes.

Project repository:

What are the -Xms and -Xmx parameters when starting JVM?

-Xms initial heap size for the startup, however, during the working process the heap size can be less than -Xms due to users' inactivity or GC iterations. This is not a minimal required heap size.

-Xmx maximal heap size

Using JSON POST Request

Modern browsers do not currently implement JSONRequest (as far as I know) since it is only a draft right now. I have found someone who has implemented it as a library that you can include in your page: (please note that it has a few dependencies).

Otherwise, you might want to go with another JS library like jQuery or Mootools.

How to prevent Google Colab from disconnecting?

var startColabHandler = function startColabHandler(interval = 60000, enableConnectButton = false) {
    console.log("colabHandler - configure - start: " + new Date());
    var colabClick = function colabClick() {
        console.log("colabHandler - click - start: " + new Date());
        if (enableConnectButton === true) {
            var button1 = document.querySelector("#top-toolbar > colab-connect-button").shadowRoot.querySelector("#connect");
            if (button1) {
        button2 = document.querySelector("html body colab-dialog.yes-no-dialog paper-dialog div.buttons paper-button#ok");
        if (button2) {
        console.log("colabHandler - click - end: " + new Date());

    var intervalId = setInterval(colabClick, interval);

    window.stopColabHandler = function stopColabHandler() {
        console.log("colabHandler - stop - start: " + new Date());
        console.log("colabHandler - stop - start: " + new Date());

    console.log("colabHandler - configure - end: " + new Date());

npm - "Can't find Python executable "python", you can set the PYTHON env variable."

Just run below command with admin access

npm install --global --production windows-build-tools

Convert Linq Query Result to Dictionary

Looking at your example, I think this is what you want:

var dict = TableObj.ToDictionary(t => t.Key, t=> t.TimeStamp);

How do I specify different Layouts in the ASP.NET MVC 3 razor ViewStart file?

This method is the simplest way for beginners to control Layouts rendering in your ASP.NET MVC application. We can identify the controller and render the Layouts as par controller, to do this we can write our code in _ViewStart file in the root directory of the Views folder. Following is an example shows how it can be done.

    var controller = HttpContext.Current.Request.RequestContext.RouteData.Values["Controller"].ToString();
    string cLayout = "";

    if (controller == "Webmaster")
        cLayout = "~/Views/Shared/_WebmasterLayout.cshtml";
        cLayout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";

    Layout = cLayout;

Read Complete Article here "How to Render different Layout in ASP.NET MVC"

String.Replace(char, char) method in C#

String.Replace('\n', '') doesn't work because '' is not a valid character literal.

If you use the String.Replace(string, string) override, it should work.

string temp = mystring.Replace("\n", "");

How do I install ASP.NET MVC 5 in Visual Studio 2012?

Following Microsoft tutorial-upgrade ASP.NET MVC 4 to ASP.NET MVC 5,, you can achieve that with one problem that Visual Studio 2012 will not be able to recognize your project as neither ASP.NET MVC 4 nor 5.

It will deal with it as a Web Form project. For example, options such adding a controller will not be there any more...

In Java, how do I parse XML as a String instead of a file?

You can use the Scilca XML Progession package available at GitHub.

XMLIterator xi = new VirtualXML.XMLIterator("<xml />");
XMLReader xr = new XMLReader(xi);
Document d = xr.parseDocument();

Best practices when running Node.js with port 80 (Ubuntu / Linode)

Port 80

What I do on my cloud instances is I redirect port 80 to port 3000 with this command:

sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 3000

Then I launch my Node.js on port 3000. Requests to port 80 will get mapped to port 3000.

You should also edit your /etc/rc.local file and add that line minus the sudo. That will add the redirect when the machine boots up. You don't need sudo in /etc/rc.local because the commands there are run as root when the system boots.


Use the forever module to launch your Node.js with. It will make sure that it restarts if it ever crashes and it will redirect console logs to a file.

Launch on Boot

Add your Node.js start script to the file you edited for port redirection, /etc/rc.local. That will run your Node.js launch script when the system starts.

Digital Ocean & other VPS

This not only applies to Linode, but Digital Ocean, AWS EC2 and other VPS providers as well. However, on RedHat based systems /etc/rc.local is /ect/rc.d/local.

How to add the JDBC mysql driver to an Eclipse project?

if you are getting this exception again and again then download my-sql connector and paste in tomcat/WEB-INF/lib folder...note that some times WEB-INF folder does not contains lib folder, at that time manually create lib folder and paste mysql connector in that folder..definitely this will work.if still you got problem then check that your jdk must match your system. i.e if your system is 64 bit then jdk must be 64 bit

Reduce left and right margins in matplotlib plot

One way to automatically do this is the bbox_inches='tight' kwarg to plt.savefig.


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
data = np.arange(3000).reshape((100,30))
plt.savefig('test.png', bbox_inches='tight')

Another way is to use fig.tight_layout()

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

xs = np.linspace(0, 1, 20); ys = np.sin(xs)

fig = plt.figure()
axes = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
axes.plot(xs, ys)

# This should be called after all axes have been added

Dynamic classname inside ngClass in angular 2


<button [ngClass]="type === 'mybutton' ? namespace + '-mybutton' : ''"></button>



<button [ngClass]="[type === 'mybutton' ? namespace + '-mybutton' : '']"></button>

or even

<button class="{{type === 'mybutton' ? namespace + '-mybutton' : ''}}"></button>

will work but extra benefit of using ngClass is that it does not overwrite other classes that are added by any other method( eg: [] directive or class attribute, etc.) as class does.

Angular 9 Update

The new compiler, Ivy, brings more clarity and predictability to what happens when there are different types of class-bindings on the same element. Read More about it here.

ngClass takes three types of input

  • Object: each key corresponds to a CSS class name, you can't have dynamic keys, because key 'key' "key" are all same, and [key] is not supported AFAIK.
  • Array: can only contain list of classes, no conditions, although ternary operator works
  • String/ expression: just like normal class attribute

How can I wait for a thread to finish with .NET?

The previous two answers are great and will work for simple scenarios. There are other ways to synchronize threads, however. The following will also work:

public void StartTheActions()
    ManualResetEvent syncEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);

    Thread t1 = new Thread(
        () =>
            // Do some work...

    Thread t2 = new Thread(
        () =>

            // Do some work...

ManualResetEvent is one of the various WaitHandle's that the .NET framework has to offer. They can provide much richer thread synchronization capabilities than the simple, but very common tools like lock()/Monitor, Thread.Join, etc.

They can also be used to synchronize more than two threads, allowing complex scenarios such as a 'master' thread that coordinates multiple 'child' threads, multiple concurrent processes that are dependent upon several stages of each other to be synchronized, etc.

JavaScript Regular Expression Email Validation

var emailRegex = /^[A-Z0-9_'%=+!`#~$*?^{}&|-]+([\.][A-Z0-9_'%=+!`#~$*?^{}&|-]+)*@[A-Z0-9-]+(\.[A-Z0-9-]+)+$/i;

What is ADT? (Abstract Data Type)

To solve problems we combine the data structure with their operations. An ADT consists of two parts:

  1. Declaration of Data.
  2. Declaration of Operation.

Commonly used ADT's are Linked Lists, Stacks, Queues, Priority Queues, Trees etc. While defining ADTs we don't need to worry about implementation detals. They come into picture only when we want to use them.

Why XML-Serializable class need a parameterless constructor

During an object's de-serialization, the class responsible for de-serializing an object creates an instance of the serialized class and then proceeds to populate the serialized fields and properties only after acquiring an instance to populate.

You can make your constructor private or internal if you want, just so long as it's parameterless.

Raise error in a Bash script

You have 2 options: Redirect the output of the script to a file, Introduce a log file in the script and

  1. Redirecting output to a file:

Here you assume that the script outputs all necessary info, including warning and error messages. You can then redirect the output to a file of your choice.

./runTests &> output.log

The above command redirects both the standard output and the error output to your log file.

Using this approach you don't have to introduce a log file in the script, and so the logic is a tiny bit easier.

  1. Introduce a log file to the script:

In your script add a log file either by hard coding it:


or passing it by a parameter:

logFile="${1}"  # This assumes the first parameter to the script is the log file

It's a good idea to add the timestamp at the time of execution to the log file at the top of the script:

date '+%Y%-m%d-%H%M%S' >> "${logFile}"

You can then redirect your error messages to the log file

if [ condition ]; then
    echo "Test cases failed!!" >> "${logFile}"; 

This will append the error to the log file and continue execution. If you want to stop execution when critical errors occur, you can exit the script:

if [ condition ]; then
    echo "Test cases failed!!" >> "${logFile}"; 
    # Clean up if needed
    exit 1;

Note that exit 1 indicates that the program stop execution due to an unspecified error. You can customize this if you like.

Using this approach you can customize your logs and have a different log file for each component of your script.

If you have a relatively small script or want to execute somebody else's script without modifying it to the first approach is more suitable.

If you always want the log file to be at the same location, this is the better option of the 2. Also if you have created a big script with multiple components then you may want to log each part differently and the second approach is your only option.

Magento - Retrieve products with a specific attribute value

To Get TEXT attributes added from admin to front end on product listing page.

Thanks Anita Mourya

I have found there is two methods. Let say product attribute called "na_author" is added from backend as text field.


on list.phtml

<?php $i=0; foreach ($_productCollection as $_product): ?>


$product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->loadByAttribute('sku',$_product->getSku());
$author = $product['na_author'];

if($author!=""){echo "<br /><span class='home_book_author'>By ".$author ."</span>";} else{echo "";}


Mage/Catalog/Block/Product/List.phtml OVER RIDE and set in 'local folder'

i.e. Copy From




change the function by adding 2 lines shown in bold below.

protected function _getProductCollection()
       if (is_null($this->_productCollection)) {
           $layer = Mage::getSingleton('catalog/layer');
           /* @var $layer Mage_Catalog_Model_Layer */
           if ($this->getShowRootCategory()) {

           // if this is a product view page
           if (Mage::registry('product')) {
               // get collection of categories this product is associated with
               $categories = Mage::registry('product')->getCategoryCollection()
                   ->setPage(1, 1)
               // if the product is associated with any category
               if ($categories->count()) {
                   // show products from this category

           $origCategory = null;
           if ($this->getCategoryId()) {
               $category = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->load($this->getCategoryId());

               if ($category->getId()) {
                   $origCategory = $layer->getCurrentCategory();
           $this->_productCollection = $layer->getProductCollection();


           if ($origCategory) {
       **//CMI-PK added na_author to filter on product listing page//
       return $this->_productCollection;


and you will be happy to see it....!!

CSS background-size: cover replacement for Mobile Safari

For Safari versions <5.1 the css3 property background-size doesn't work. In such cases you need webkit.

So you need to use -webkit-background-size attribute to specify the background-size.

Hence use -webkit-background-size:cover.

Reference-Safari versions using webkit

In AVD emulator how to see sdcard folder? and Install apk to AVD?

These days the location of the emulated SD card is at /storage/emulated/0

How to split one string into multiple variables in bash shell?

Sounds like a job for set with a custom IFS.

set $STR

(You will want to do this in a function with a local IFS so you don't mess up other parts of your script where you require IFS to be what you expect.)

Why boolean in Java takes only true or false? Why not 1 or 0 also?

On a related note: the java compiler uses int to represent boolean since JVM has a limited support for the boolean type.See Section 3.3.4 The boolean type.

In JVM, the integer zero represents false, and any non-zero integer represents true (Source : Inside Java Virtual Machine by Bill Venners)

Curl not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

Here you can find the direct download link for Curl.exe

I was looking for the download process of Curl and every where they said copy curl.exe file in System32 but they haven't provided the direct link but after digging little more I Got it. so here it is enjoy, find curl.exe easily in bin folder just

unzip it and then go to bin folder there you get exe file

link to download curl generic

How do I copy a 2 Dimensional array in Java?

Arrays in java are objects, and all objects are passed by reference. In order to really "copy" an array, instead of creating another name for an array, you have to go and create a new array and copy over all the values. Note that System.arrayCopy will copy 1-dimensional arrays fully, but NOT 2-dimensional arrays. The reason is that a 2D array is in fact a 1D array of 1D arrays, and arrayCopy copies over pointers to the same internal 1D arrays.

Merge Cell values with PHPExcel - PHP

Try this


Accessing localhost (xampp) from another computer over LAN network - how to?

Host in local IP,

Open CMD : ipconfig

Wireless LAN adapter Wi-Fi: IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :

Gradle build without tests


To exclude any task from gradle use -x command-line option. See the below example

task compile << {
    println 'task compile'

task compileTest(dependsOn: compile) << {
    println 'compile test'

task runningTest(dependsOn: compileTest) << {
    println 'running test'
task dist(dependsOn:[runningTest, compileTest, compile]) << {
    println 'running distribution job'

Output of: gradle -q dist -x runningTest

task compile
compile test
running distribution job

Hope this would give you the basic

How to execute a .bat file from a C# windows form app?

For the problem you're having about the batch file asking the user if the destination is a folder or file, if you know the answer in advance, you can do as such:

If destination is a file: echo f | [batch file path]

If folder: echo d | [batch file path]

It will essentially just pipe the letter after "echo" to the input of the batch file.

"This project is incompatible with the current version of Visual Studio"

This issue might be caused when using VS 2015 with Update 3 installed on one PC and without update 3 installed on another. This was the problem in my case.

How do I convert from a string to an integer in Visual Basic?

Use Val(txtPrice.text)

I would also allow only number and the dot char by inserting some validation code in the key press event of the price text box.

Server Client send/receive simple text

The following code send and recieve the current date and time from and to the server

//The following code is for the server application:

namespace Server
    class Program
        const int PORT_NO = 5000;
        const string SERVER_IP = "";

        static void Main(string[] args)
            //---listen at the specified IP and port no.---
            IPAddress localAdd = IPAddress.Parse(SERVER_IP);
            TcpListener listener = new TcpListener(localAdd, PORT_NO);

            //---incoming client connected---
            TcpClient client = listener.AcceptTcpClient();

            //---get the incoming data through a network stream---
            NetworkStream nwStream = client.GetStream();
            byte[] buffer = new byte[client.ReceiveBufferSize];

            //---read incoming stream---
            int bytesRead = nwStream.Read(buffer, 0, client.ReceiveBufferSize);

            //---convert the data received into a string---
            string dataReceived = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
            Console.WriteLine("Received : " + dataReceived);

            //---write back the text to the client---
            Console.WriteLine("Sending back : " + dataReceived);
            nwStream.Write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);

//this is the code for the client

namespace Client
    class Program
        const int PORT_NO = 5000;
        const string SERVER_IP = "";
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //---data to send to the server---
            string textToSend = DateTime.Now.ToString();

            //---create a TCPClient object at the IP and port no.---
            TcpClient client = new TcpClient(SERVER_IP, PORT_NO);
            NetworkStream nwStream = client.GetStream();
            byte[] bytesToSend = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(textToSend);

            //---send the text---
            Console.WriteLine("Sending : " + textToSend);
            nwStream.Write(bytesToSend, 0, bytesToSend.Length);

            //---read back the text---
            byte[] bytesToRead = new byte[client.ReceiveBufferSize];
            int bytesRead = nwStream.Read(bytesToRead, 0, client.ReceiveBufferSize);
            Console.WriteLine("Received : " + Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytesToRead, 0, bytesRead));

NumPy ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()

The error message explains it pretty well:

ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. 
Use a.any() or a.all()

What should bool(np.array([False, False, True])) return? You can make several plausible arguments:

(1) True, because bool(np.array(x)) should return the same as bool(list(x)), and non-empty lists are truelike;

(2) True, because at least one element is True;

(3) False, because not all elements are True;

and that's not even considering the complexity of the N-d case.

So, since "the truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous", you should use .any() or .all(), for example:

>>> v = np.array([1,2,3]) == np.array([1,2,4])
>>> v
array([ True,  True, False], dtype=bool)
>>> v.any()
>>> v.all()

and you might want to consider np.allclose if you're comparing arrays of floats:

>>> np.allclose(np.array([1,2,3+1e-8]), np.array([1,2,3]))

an attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbbiden by its access permissions. why?

Reload Visual Studio with Administrator privileges. Windows Sockets (WinSock) will not allow you to create a SocketType.RAW Socket without Local Admin. And remember that your Solution will need elevated privileges to run as expected!


To add to those who have mentioned the implicit rules, it's best to see what make has defined implicitly and for your env using:

make -p

For instance:

%.o: %.c

which expands


This will also print # environment data. Here, you will find GCC's include path among other useful info.


In make, when it comes to search, the paths are many, the light is one... or something to that effect.

  1. C_INCLUDE_PATH is system-wide, set it in your shell's *.rc.
  2. $(CPPFLAGS) is for the preprocessor include path.
  3. If you need to add a general search path for make, use:
VPATH = my_dir_to_search

... or even more specific

vpath %.c src
vpath %.h include

make uses VPATH as a general search path so use cautiously. If a file exists in more than one location listed in VPATH, make will take the first occurrence in the list.

MySQL root access from all hosts

I'm using AWS LightSail and for my instance to work, I had to change:

bind-address =


bind-address = <Private IP Assigned by Amazon>

Then I was able to connect remotely.

Parse string to DateTime in C#

DateTime.Parse() will try figure out the format of the given date, and it usually does a good job. If you can guarantee dates will always be in a given format then you can use ParseExact():

string s = "2011-03-21 13:26";

DateTime dt = 
    DateTime.ParseExact(s, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

(But note that it is usually safer to use one of the TryParse methods in case a date is not in the expected format)

Make sure to check Custom Date and Time Format Strings when constructing format string, especially pay attention to number of letters and case (i.e. "MM" and "mm" mean very different things).

Another useful resource for C# format strings is String Formatting in C#

Undocumented NSURLErrorDomain error codes (-1001, -1003 and -1004) using StoreKit

All error codes are on "CFNetwork Errors Codes References" on the documentation (link)

A small extraction for CFURL and CFURLConnection Errors:

  kCFURLErrorUnknown   = -998,
  kCFURLErrorCancelled = -999,
  kCFURLErrorBadURL    = -1000,
  kCFURLErrorTimedOut  = -1001,
  kCFURLErrorUnsupportedURL = -1002,
  kCFURLErrorCannotFindHost = -1003,
  kCFURLErrorCannotConnectToHost    = -1004,
  kCFURLErrorNetworkConnectionLost  = -1005,
  kCFURLErrorDNSLookupFailed        = -1006,
  kCFURLErrorHTTPTooManyRedirects   = -1007,
  kCFURLErrorResourceUnavailable    = -1008,
  kCFURLErrorNotConnectedToInternet = -1009,
  kCFURLErrorRedirectToNonExistentLocation = -1010,
  kCFURLErrorBadServerResponse             = -1011,
  kCFURLErrorUserCancelledAuthentication   = -1012,
  kCFURLErrorUserAuthenticationRequired    = -1013,
  kCFURLErrorZeroByteResource        = -1014,
  kCFURLErrorCannotDecodeRawData     = -1015,
  kCFURLErrorCannotDecodeContentData = -1016,
  kCFURLErrorCannotParseResponse     = -1017,
  kCFURLErrorInternationalRoamingOff = -1018,
  kCFURLErrorCallIsActive               = -1019,
  kCFURLErrorDataNotAllowed             = -1020,
  kCFURLErrorRequestBodyStreamExhausted = -1021,
  kCFURLErrorFileDoesNotExist           = -1100,
  kCFURLErrorFileIsDirectory            = -1101,
  kCFURLErrorNoPermissionsToReadFile    = -1102,
  kCFURLErrorDataLengthExceedsMaximum   = -1103,

Recursive sub folder search and return files in a list python

You can use the "recursive" setting within glob module to search through subdirectories

For example:

import glob
glob.glob('//Mypath/folder/**/*',recursive = True)

The second line would return all files within subdirectories for that folder location (Note, you need the '**/*' string at the end of your folder string to do this.)

If you specifically wanted to find text files deep within your subdirectories, you can use

glob.glob('//Mypath/folder/**/*.txt',recursive = True)

Mapping US zip code to time zone

Ruby gem to convert zip code to timezone: (forked from

> ActiveSupport::TimeZone.find_by_zipcode('90029')
 => "Pacific Time (US & Canada)"

It's fast, small, and has no external dependencies, but keep in mind that zip codes just don't map perfectly to timezones.

json call with C#

Its just a sample of how to post Json data and get Json data to/from a Rest API in BIDS 2008 using System.Net.WebRequest and without using newtonsoft. This is just a sample code and definitely can be fine tuned (well tested and it works and serves my test purpose like a charm). Its just to give you an Idea. I wanted this thread but couldn't find hence posting this.These were my major sources from where I pulled this. Link 1 and Link 2

Code that works(unit tested)

           //Get Example
            var httpWebRequest = (System.Net.HttpWebRequest)System.Net.WebRequest.Create("");
            httpWebRequest.ContentType = "application/json";
            httpWebRequest.Method = "GET";

            var username = "usernameForYourApi";
            var password = "passwordForYourApi";

            var bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(username + ":" + password);
            httpWebRequest.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic " + Convert.ToBase64String(bytes));
            var httpResponse = (System.Net.HttpWebResponse)httpWebRequest.GetResponse();
            using (StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(httpResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                string result = streamReader.ReadToEnd();
                Dts.Events.FireInformation(3, "result from readng stream", result, "", 0, ref fireagain);

            //Post Example
            var httpWebRequestPost = (System.Net.HttpWebRequest)System.Net.WebRequest.Create("");
            httpWebRequestPost.ContentType = "application/json";
            httpWebRequestPost.Method = "POST";
            bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(username + ":" + password);
            httpWebRequestPost.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic " + Convert.ToBase64String(bytes));

            //POST DATA newtonsoft didnt worked with BIDS 2008 in this test package
            // fill File model with some test data
            CSharpComplexClass fileModel = new CSharpComplexClass();
            fileModel.CarrierID = 2;
            fileModel.InvoiceFileDate = DateTime.Now;
            fileModel.EntryMethodID = EntryMethod.Manual;
            fileModel.InvoiceFileStatusID = FileStatus.NeedsReview;
            fileModel.CreateUserID = "37f18f01-da45-4d7c-a586-97a0277440ef";
            string json = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(fileModel);
            Dts.Events.FireInformation(3, "reached json", json, "", 0, ref fireagain);
            byte[] byteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(json);
            httpWebRequestPost.ContentLength = byteArray.Length;
            // Get the request stream.  
            Stream dataStream = httpWebRequestPost.GetRequestStream();
            // Write the data to the request stream.  
            dataStream.Write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length);
            // Close the Stream object.  
            // Get the response.  
            WebResponse response = httpWebRequestPost.GetResponse();
            // Display the status.  
            Dts.Events.FireInformation(3, "Display the status", ((HttpWebResponse)response).StatusDescription, "", 0, ref fireagain);
            // Get the stream containing content returned by the server.  
            dataStream = response.GetResponseStream();
            // Open the stream using a StreamReader for easy access.  
            StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(dataStream);
            // Read the content.  
            string responseFromServer = reader.ReadToEnd();
            Dts.Events.FireInformation(3, "responseFromServer ", responseFromServer, "", 0, ref fireagain);

References in my test script task inside BIDS 2008(having SP1 and 3.5 framework) enter image description here

Using iText to convert HTML to PDF

I think this is exactly what you were looking for

Flying Saucer's primary purpose is to render spec-compliant XHTML and CSS 2.1 to the screen as a Swing component. Though it was originally intended for embedding markup into desktop applications (things like the iTunes Music Store), Flying Saucer has been extended work with iText as well. This makes it very easy to render XHTML to PDFs, as well as to images and to the screen. Flying Saucer requires Java 1.4 or higher.

Switch to selected tab by name in Jquery-UI Tabs

Only this code real works!

$('#tabs').tabs('select', '#sample-tab-2');

Returning data from Axios API

You can use Async - Await:

async function axiosTest() {
  const response = await axios.get(url);
  const data = await response.json();  

html table span entire width?

Just in case you're using bootstrap 4, you can add px-0 (set left/right padding to 0) and mx-0 (set left/right margin to 0) CSS class to body tag, like below:

<body class="px-0; mx-0">
    <!--your body HTML-->

Calling one Bash script from another Script passing it arguments with quotes and spaces

You need to use : "$@" (WITH the quotes) or "${@}" (same, but also telling the shell where the variable name starts and ends).

(and do NOT use : $@, or "$*", or $*).


echo "TestScript1 Arguments:"
for an_arg in "$@" ; do
   echo "${an_arg}"
echo "nb of args: $#"
./testscript2 "$@"   #invokes testscript2 with the same arguments we received

I'm not sure I understood your other requirement ( you want to invoke './testscript2' in single quotes?) so here are 2 wild guesses (changing the last line above) :

'./testscript2' "$@"  #only makes sense if "/path/to/testscript2" containes spaces?

./testscript2 '"some thing" "another"' "$var" "$var2"  #3 args to testscript2

Please give me the exact thing you are trying to do

edit: after his comment saying he attempts tesscript1 "$1" "$2" "$3" "$4" "$5" "$6" to run : salt 'remote host' './testscript2 $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6'

You have many levels of intermediate: testscript1 on host 1, needs to run "salt", and give it a string launching "testscrit2" with arguments in quotes...

You could maybe "simplify" by having:


#we receive args, we generate a custom script simulating 'testscript2 "$@"'
for i in "$@" ; do
   theargs="${theargs} '$i'"

salt 'remote host' "./testscript2 ${theargs}"

if THAt doesn't work, then instead of running "testscript2 ${theargs}", replace THE LAST LINE above by

echo "./testscript2 ${theargs}" >/tmp/runtestscript2.$$  #generate custom script locally ($$ is current pid in bash/sh/...)
scp /tmp/runtestscript2.$$ user@remotehost:/tmp/runtestscript2.$$ #copy it to remotehost
salt 'remotehost' "./runtestscript2.$$" #the args are inside the custom script!
ssh user@remotehost "rm /tmp/runtestscript2.$$" #delete the remote one
rm /tmp/runtestscript2.$$ #and the local one

Go build: "Cannot find package" (even though GOPATH is set)

Have you tried adding the absolute directory of go to your 'path'?

export PATH=$PATH:/directory/to/go/

jQuery: Handle fallback for failed AJAX Request

You will need to either use the lower level $.ajax call, or the ajaxError function. Here it is with the $.ajax method:

function update() {
    type: 'GET',
    dataType: 'json',
    url: url,
    timeout: 5000,
    success: function(data, textStatus ){
       alert('request successful');
    fail: function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown){
       alert('request failed');

EDIT I added a timeout to the $.ajax call and set it to five seconds.

Convert String value format of YYYYMMDDHHMMSS to C# DateTime

Define your own parse format string to use.

string formatString = "yyyyMMddHHmmss";
string sample = "20100611221912";
DateTime dt = DateTime.ParseExact(sample,formatString,null);

In case you got a datetime having milliseconds, use the following formatString

string format = "yyyyMMddHHmmssfff"
string dateTime = "20140123205803252";
DateTime.ParseExact(dateTime ,format,CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);


How to make an image center (vertically & horizontally) inside a bigger div

Vertical-align is one of the most misused css styles. It doesn't work how you might expect on elements that are not td's or css "display: table-cell".

This is a very good post on the matter.

The most common methods to acheive what you're looking for are:

  • padding top/bottom
  • position absolute
  • line-height

How to display a readable array - Laravel

I have added a helper da() to Laravel which in fact works as an alias for dd($object->toArray())

Here is the Gist:

How can I transition height: 0; to height: auto; using CSS?

A visual workaround to animating height using CSS3 transitions is to animate the padding instead.

You don't quite get the full wipe effect, but playing around with the transition-duration and padding values should get you close enough. If you don't want to explicitly set height/max-height, this should be what you're looking for.

div {
    height: 0;
    overflow: hidden;
    padding: 0 18px;
    -webkit-transition: all .5s ease;
       -moz-transition: all .5s ease;
            transition: all .5s ease;
div.animated {
    height: auto;
    padding: 24px 18px;
} (riffed off stephband's above jsFiddle)

How do I programmatically "restart" an Android app?

There is a really nice trick. My problem was that some really old C++ jni library leaked resources. At some point, it stopped functioning. The user tried to exit the app and launch it again -- with no result, because finishing an activity is not the same as finishing (or killing) the process. (By the way, the user could go to the list of the running applications and stop it from there -- this would work, but the users just do not know how to terminate applications.)

If you want to observe the effect of this feature, add a static variable to your activity and increment it each, say, button press. If you exit the application activity and then invoke the application again, this static variable will keep its value. (If the application really was exited, the variable would be assigned the initial value.)

(And I have to comment on why I did not want to fix the bug instead. The library was written decades ago and leaked resources ever since. The management believes it always worked. The cost of providing a fix instead of a workaround... I think, you get the idea.)

Now, how could I reset a jni shared (a.k.a. dynamic, .so) library to the initial state? I chose to restart application as a new process.

The trick is that System.exit() closes the current activity and Android recreates the application with one activity less.

So the code is:

/** This activity shows nothing; instead, it restarts the android process */
public class MagicAppRestart extends Activity {
    // Do not forget to add it to AndroidManifest.xml
    // <activity android:name=""/>
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    public static void doRestart(Activity anyActivity) {
        anyActivity.startActivity(new Intent(anyActivity.getApplicationContext(), MagicAppRestart.class));

The calling activity just executes the code MagicAppRestart.doRestart(this);, the calling activity's onPause() is executed, and then the process is re-created. And do not forget to mention this activity in AndroidManifest.xml

The advantage of this method is that there is no delays.

UPD: it worked in Android 2.x, but in Android 4 something has changed.

JavaScript hashmap equivalent

Yet another map implementation by me. With randomizer, 'generics' and 'iterator' =)

var HashMap = function (TKey, TValue) {
    var db = [];
    var keyType, valueType;

    (function () {
        keyType = TKey;
        valueType = TValue;

    var getIndexOfKey = function (key) {
        if (typeof key !== keyType)
            throw new Error('Type of key should be ' + keyType);
        for (var i = 0; i < db.length; i++) {
            if (db[i][0] == key)
                return i;
        return -1;

    this.add = function (key, value) {
        if (typeof key !== keyType) {
            throw new Error('Type of key should be ' + keyType);
        } else if (typeof value !== valueType) {
            throw new Error('Type of value should be ' + valueType);
        var index = getIndexOfKey(key);
        if (index === -1)
            db.push([key, value]);
            db[index][1] = value;
        return this;

    this.get = function (key) {
        if (typeof key !== keyType || db.length === 0)
            return null;
        for (var i = 0; i < db.length; i++) {
            if (db[i][0] == key)
                return db[i][1];
        return null;

    this.size = function () {
        return db.length;

    this.keys = function () {
        if (db.length === 0)
            return [];
        var result = [];
        for (var i = 0; i < db.length; i++) {
        return result;

    this.values = function () {
        if (db.length === 0)
            return [];
        var result = [];
        for (var i = 0; i < db.length; i++) {
        return result;

    this.randomize = function () {
        if (db.length === 0)
            return this;
        var currentIndex = db.length, temporaryValue, randomIndex;
        while (0 !== currentIndex) {
            randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * currentIndex);
            temporaryValue = db[currentIndex];
            db[currentIndex] = db[randomIndex];
            db[randomIndex] = temporaryValue;
        return this;

    this.iterate = function (callback) {
        if (db.length === 0)
            return false;
        for (var i = 0; i < db.length; i++) {
            callback(db[i][0], db[i][1]);
        return true;


var a = new HashMap("string", "number");
a.add('test', 1132)
 .add('test14', 666)
 .add('1421test14', 12312666)
 .iterate(function (key, value) {console.log('a['+key+']='+value)});

Angular cookies

I make Miquels Version Injectable as service:

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';

export class CookiesService {

    isConsented = false;

    constructor() {}

     * delete cookie
     * @param name
    public deleteCookie(name) {
        this.setCookie(name, '', -1);

     * get cookie
     * @param {string} name
     * @returns {string}
    public getCookie(name: string) {
        const ca: Array<string> = decodeURIComponent(document.cookie).split(';');
        const caLen: number = ca.length;
        const cookieName = `${name}=`;
        let c: string;

        for (let i  = 0; i < caLen; i += 1) {
            c = ca[i].replace(/^\s+/g, '');
            if (c.indexOf(cookieName) === 0) {
                return c.substring(cookieName.length, c.length);
        return '';

     * set cookie
     * @param {string} name
     * @param {string} value
     * @param {number} expireDays
     * @param {string} path
    public setCookie(name: string, value: string, expireDays: number, path: string = '') {
        const d: Date = new Date();
        d.setTime(d.getTime() + expireDays * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
        const expires = `expires=${d.toUTCString()}`;
        const cpath = path ? `; path=${path}` : '';
        document.cookie = `${name}=${value}; ${expires}${cpath}; SameSite=Lax`;

     * consent
     * @param {boolean} isConsent
     * @param e
     * @param {string} COOKIE
     * @param {string} EXPIRE_DAYS
     * @returns {boolean}
    public consent(isConsent: boolean, e: any, COOKIE: string, EXPIRE_DAYS: number) {
        if (!isConsent) {
            return this.isConsented;
        } else if (isConsent) {
            this.setCookie(COOKIE, '1', EXPIRE_DAYS);
            this.isConsented = true;


Set field value with reflection

The method below sets a field on your object even if the field is in a superclass

 * Sets a field value on a given object
 * @param targetObject the object to set the field value on
 * @param fieldName    exact name of the field
 * @param fieldValue   value to set on the field
 * @return true if the value was successfully set, false otherwise
public static boolean setField(Object targetObject, String fieldName, Object fieldValue) {
    Field field;
    try {
        field = targetObject.getClass().getDeclaredField(fieldName);
    } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
        field = null;
    Class superClass = targetObject.getClass().getSuperclass();
    while (field == null && superClass != null) {
        try {
            field = superClass.getDeclaredField(fieldName);
        } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
            superClass = superClass.getSuperclass();
    if (field == null) {
        return false;
    try {
        field.set(targetObject, fieldValue);
        return true;
    } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
        return false;

Fire event on enter key press for a textbox

my jQuery powered solution is below :)

Text Element:

<asp:TextBox ID="txtTextBox" ClientIDMode="Static" onkeypress="return EnterEvent(event);" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:Button ID="btnSubmitButton" ClientIDMode="Static" OnClick="btnSubmitButton_Click" runat="server" Text="Submit Form" />

Javascript behind:

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
    function fnCheckValue() {
        var myVal = $("#txtTextBox").val();
        if (myVal == "") {
            alert("Blank message");
            return false;
        else {
            return true;

    function EnterEvent(e) {
        if (e.keyCode == 13) {
            if (fnCheckValue()) {
            } else {
                return false;

    $("#btnSubmitButton").click(function () {
        return fnCheckValue();

require_once :failed to open stream: no such file or directory

You will need to link to the file relative to the file that includes eventManager.php (Page A)

Change your code from


Entity Framework (EF) Code First Cascade Delete for One-to-Zero-or-One relationship

You will have to use the fluent API to do this.

Try adding the following to your DbContext:

protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
        .HasOptional(a => a.UserDetail)

Update GCC on OSX

Whatever Apple ships as the default gcc in xcode (4.2.1 on 10.6, 4.0.1 before) is well tested (and maintained) by the apple guys and the "standard" to build software with on OS X. Everything else is not, so think twice if you want to develop software, or be gcc/OS X beta tester.

Use stored procedure to insert some data into a table

If you are trying to return back the ID within the scope, using the SCOPE_IDENTITY() would be a better approach. I would not advice to use @@IDENTITY, as this can return any ID.

CREATE PROC [dbo].[sp_Test] (
  @myID int output,
  @myFirstName nvarchar(50),
  @myLastName nvarchar(50),
  @myAddress nvarchar(50),
  @myPort int
) AS
    INSERT INTO Dvds (myFirstName, myLastName, myAddress, myPort)
    VALUES (@myFirstName, @myLastName, @myAddress, @myPort);


Get Android .apk file VersionName or VersionCode WITHOUT installing apk


var ver: String = packageManager.getPackageInfo(packageName, 0).versionName

Get all inherited classes of an abstract class

Assuming they are all defined in the same assembly, you can do:

IEnumerable<AbstractDataExport> exporters = typeof(AbstractDataExport)
    .Where(t => t.IsSubclassOf(typeof(AbstractDataExport)) && !t.IsAbstract)
    .Select(t => (AbstractDataExport)Activator.CreateInstance(t));

How to initialize a vector of vectors on a struct?

You use new to perform dynamic allocation. It returns a pointer that points to the dynamically allocated object.

You have no reason to use new, since A is an automatic variable. You can simply initialise A using its constructor:

vector<vector<int> > A(dimension, vector<int>(dimension));

Add views in UIStackView programmatically

Instead of coding all the constrains you could use a subclass that handles .intrinsicContentSize of UIView class in a simpler way. This solution improves also Interface Builder a little in a way to support with "intrinsicWidth" and "intrinsicHeight" of views. While you could extend UIView's and have those properties available on all UIViews in IB its cleaner to subclass.

// IntrinsicView.h
@import UIKit

@interface IntrinsicView : UIView
@property IBInspectable CGSize intrinsic;
// IntrinsicView.m
#import "IntrinsicView.h"

@implementation IntrinsicView {
    CGSize _intrinsic;
- (instancetype)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame {
    _intrinsic = frame.size;
    if ( !(self = [super initWithFrame:frame]) ) return nil;
    // your stuff here..
    return self;
-(CGSize)intrinsicContentSize {
    return _intrinsic;
-(void)prepareForInterfaceBuilder {
    self.frame = CGRectMake(self.frame.origin.x, self.frame.origin.y, _intrinsic.width,_intrinsic.height);

Which means you can just allocate those IntrinsicView's and the self.frame.size is taken as intrinsicContentSize. That way it does not disturb the normal layout and you dont need to set constraint relations that don't even apply in full with UIStackViews

#import "IntrinsicView.h"

- (void)viewDidLoad {
    [super viewDidLoad];
    UIStackView *column = [[UIStackView alloc] initWithFrame:self.view.frame];
    column.spacing = 2;
    column.alignment = UIStackViewAlignmentFill;
    column.axis = UILayoutConstraintAxisVertical; //Up-Down
    column.distribution = UIStackViewDistributionFillEqually;
    for (int row=0; row<5; row++) {
        //..frame:(CGRect) defines here proportions and
        //relation to axis of StackView
        IntrinsicView *intrinsicView = [[IntrinsicView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 30.0, 30.0)];
        [column addArrangedSubview:intrinsicView];
    [self.view addSubview:column];

now you can go crazy with UIStackView's enter image description here

or in swift + encoding, decoding, IB support, Objective-C support

@IBDesignable @objc class IntrinsicView : UIView {
    @IBInspectable var intrinsic : CGSize
    @objc override init(frame: CGRect) {
        intrinsic = frame.size
        super.init(frame: frame)
    required init?(coder: NSCoder) {
        intrinsic = coder.decodeCGSize(forKey: "intrinsic")
        super.init(coder: coder)
    override func encode(with coder: NSCoder) {
        coder.encode(intrinsic, forKey: "intrinsic")
        super.encode(with: coder)
    override var intrinsicContentSize: CGSize {
        return intrinsic
    override func prepareForInterfaceBuilder() {
        frame = CGRect(x: self.frame.origin.x, y: self.frame.origin.y, width: intrinsic.width, height: intrinsic.height)

anaconda - graphviz - can't import after installation

Check if tensorflow is activated in your terminal

first deactivate it using

conda deactivate

then use the command

conda install python-graphviz

and then install

conda install graphviz

this is solution for UBUNTU USERS :) CHEERS :)

Paste a multi-line Java String in Eclipse

As far as i know this seems out of scope of an IDE. Copyin ,you can copy the string and then try to format it using ctrl+shift+ F Most often these multiline strings are not used hard coded,rather they shall be used from property or xml files.which can be edited at later point of time without the need for code change

Why should I use a container div in HTML?

The container div, and sometimes content div, are almost always used to allow for more sophisticated CSS styling. The body tag is special in some ways. Browsers don't treat it like a normal div; its position and dimensions are tied to the browser window.

But a container div is just a div and you can style it with margins and borders. You can give it a fixed width, and you can center it with margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto.

Plus, content, like a copyright notice for example, can go on the outside of the container div, but it can't go on the outside of the body, allowing for content on the outside of a border.

How can I check if a checkbox is checked?

    if (document.getElementById('remember').checked) {
    else {
        alert("You didn't check it! Let me check it for you.");

Hidden features of Python

List comprehensions

list comprehensions

Compare the more traditional (without list comprehension):

foo = []
for x in xrange(10):
  if x % 2 == 0:


foo = [x for x in xrange(10) if x % 2 == 0]

Stopword removal with NLTK

I suggest you create your own list of operator words that you take out of the stopword list. Sets can be conveniently subtracted, so:

operators = set(('and', 'or', 'not'))
stop = set(stopwords...) - operators

Then you can simply test if a word is in or not in the set without relying on whether your operators are part of the stopword list. You can then later switch to another stopword list or add an operator.

if word.lower() not in stop:
    # use word

How do you specify table padding in CSS? ( table, not cell padding )

You could set a margin for the table. Alternatively, wrap the table in a div and use the div's padding.

WPF button click in C# code

// sample C#
public void populateButtons()
    int xPos;
    int yPos;

    Random ranNum = new Random();

    for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
        Button foo = new Button();
        Style buttonStyle = Window.Resources["CurvedButton"] as Style;

        int sizeValue = ranNum.Next(50);

        foo.Width = sizeValue;
        foo.Height = sizeValue;
        foo.Name = "button" + i;

        xPos = ranNum.Next(300);
        yPos = ranNum.Next(200);

        foo.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
        foo.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top;
        foo.Margin = new Thickness(xPos, yPos, 0, 0);

        foo.Style = buttonStyle;

        foo.Click += new RoutedEventHandler(buttonClick);

private void buttonClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
  //do something or...
  Button clicked = (Button) sender;
  MessageBox.Show("Button's name is: " + clicked.Name);

How do I convert a factor into date format?

You were close. format= needs to be added to the as.Date call:

mydate <- factor("1/15/2006 0:00:00")
as.Date(mydate, format = "%m/%d/%Y")
## [1] "2006-01-15"

How to get < span > value?

Pure javascript would be like this

var children = document.getElementById('test').children;

If you are using jQuery it would be like this


how do you view macro code in access?

In Access 2010, go to the Create tab on the ribbon. Click Macro. An "Action Catalog" panel should appear on the right side of the screen. Underneath, there's a section titled "In This Database." Clicking on one of the macro names should display its code.

How can I get href links from HTML using Python?

You can use the HTMLParser module.

The code would probably look something like this:

from HTMLParser import HTMLParser

class MyHTMLParser(HTMLParser):

    def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
        # Only parse the 'anchor' tag.
        if tag == "a":
           # Check the list of defined attributes.
           for name, value in attrs:
               # If href is defined, print it.
               if name == "href":
                   print name, "=", value

parser = MyHTMLParser()

Note: The HTMLParser module has been renamed to html.parser in Python 3.0. The 2to3 tool will automatically adapt imports when converting your sources to 3.0.

Pass PDO prepared statement to variables

You could do $stmt->queryString to obtain the SQL query used in the statement. If you want to save the entire $stmt variable (I can't see why), you could just copy it. It is an instance of PDOStatement so there is apparently no advantage in storing it.

Ignore self-signed ssl cert using Jersey Client

Just adding the same code with the imports. Also contains the unimplemented code that is needed for compilation. I initially had trouble finding out what was imported for this code. Also adding the right package for the X509Certificate. Got this working with trial and error:


 TrustManager[] trustAllCerts = new TrustManager[] { new X509TrustManager() {

     public[] getAcceptedIssuers() {[] chck = null;
         return chck;

     public void checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate[] arg0, String arg1)
             throws CertificateException {
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub


     public void checkClientTrusted(X509Certificate[] arg0, String arg1)
             throws CertificateException {


     public void checkClientTrusted(
   [] arg0, String arg1)
                     throws {
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub


     public void checkServerTrusted(
   [] arg0, String arg1)
                     throws {
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub

 } };

 // Install the all-trusting trust manager
 try {
     SSLContext sc = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS");
     sc.init(null, trustAllCerts, new SecureRandom());
 } catch (Exception e) {

How to get the size of a file in MB (Megabytes)?

Since Java 7 you can use java.nio.file.Files.size(Path p).

Path path = Paths.get("C:\\1.txt");

long expectedSizeInMB = 27;
long expectedSizeInBytes = 1024 * 1024 * expectedSizeInMB;

long sizeInBytes = -1;
try {
    sizeInBytes = Files.size(path);
} catch (IOException e) {
    System.err.println("Cannot get the size - " + e);

if (sizeInBytes > expectedSizeInBytes) {
    System.out.println("Bigger than " + expectedSizeInMB + " MB");
} else {
    System.out.println("Not bigger than " + expectedSizeInMB + " MB");

Python mysqldb: Library not loaded: libmysqlclient.18.dylib

On new El Capitan installation where SIP(rootless prevents access to usr/lib/) is on by default and you cannot create the symlink unless you are in recovery mode. As @yannisxu said you can disable SIP and do your symlink to /usr/lib/local and this will work.

you can use the following command on MAC OSX El Capitan instead of turning off SIP:

sudo ln -s /usr/local/mysql/lib/libmysqlclient.18.dylib /usr/local/lib/libmysqlclient.18.dylib

There used to be an option where you can login as root and this can disable SIP but in the final release that is now obsolete, you can read more about it here:


There is a nvram boot-args command available in Developer Beta 1 which can disable SIP when run with root privileges:

nvram boot-args="rootless=0"

Will this option of disabling SIP also be available in the El Capitan release version? Or is this strictly for the Developer Builds?


This nvram boot-args command will be going away. It will not be available in the El Capitan release version and may disappear before the end of the Developer Betas. Keep an eye on the release notes for future Developer Betas.

Can I use return value of INSERT...RETURNING in another INSERT?

You can use the lastval() function:

Return value most recently obtained with nextval for any sequence

So something like this:

INSERT INTO Table1 (name) VALUES ('a_title');
INSERT INTO Table2 (val)  VALUES (lastval());

This will work fine as long as no one calls nextval() on any other sequence (in the current session) between your INSERTs.

As Denis noted below and I warned about above, using lastval() can get you into trouble if another sequence is accessed using nextval() between your INSERTs. This could happen if there was an INSERT trigger on Table1 that manually called nextval() on a sequence or, more likely, did an INSERT on a table with a SERIAL or BIGSERIAL primary key. If you want to be really paranoid (a good thing, they really are you to get you after all), then you could use currval() but you'd need to know the name of the relevant sequence:

INSERT INTO Table1 (name) VALUES ('a_title');
INSERT INTO Table2 (val)  VALUES (currval('Table1_id_seq'::regclass));

The automatically generated sequence is usually named t_c_seq where t is the table name and c is the column name but you can always find out by going into psql and saying:

=> \d table_name;

and then looking at the default value for the column in question, for example:

id | integer | not null default nextval('people_id_seq'::regclass)

FYI: lastval() is, more or less, the PostgreSQL version of MySQL's LAST_INSERT_ID. I only mention this because a lot of people are more familiar with MySQL than PostgreSQL so linking lastval() to something familiar might clarify things.

How do I delete a Git branch locally and remotely?

You can also do this using git remote prune origin

$ git remote prune origin
Pruning origin
URL: [email protected]/yourrepo.git
 * [pruned] origin/some-branchs

It prunes and deletes remote-tracking branches from a git branch -r listing.

Scrollview can host only one direct child

Wrap all the children inside of another LinearLayout with wrap_content for both the width and the height as well as the vertical orientation.

dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/libswiftCore.dylib

I was having this issue with running my Swift tests (but not my app). It turns out that the test needed to have more than @executable_path/Frameworks in it's Runpath Search Paths build setting for the test target. Setting the Runpath Search Paths to the following worked a charm for me:


Removing a Fragment from the back stack

What happens if the fragment that you want to remove is not on top of the stack?

Then you can use theses functions

popBackStack(int arg0, int arg1);

popBackStack(String arg0, int arg1);

How do I get Fiddler to stop ignoring traffic to localhost?

Fiddler's website addresses this question directly.

There are several suggested workarounds, but the most straightforward is simply to use the machine name rather than "localhost" or "":


Are the days of passing const std::string & as a parameter over?


In C++17, we have basic_string_view<?>, which brings us down to basically one narrow use case for std::string const& parameters.

The existence of move semantics has eliminated one use case for std::string const& -- if you are planning on storing the parameter, taking a std::string by value is more optimal, as you can move out of the parameter.

If someone called your function with a raw C "string" this means only one std::string buffer is ever allocated, as opposed to two in the std::string const& case.

However, if you don't intend to make a copy, taking by std::string const& is still useful in C++14.

With std::string_view, so long as you aren't passing said string to an API that expects C-style '\0'-terminated character buffers, you can more efficiently get std::string like functionality without risking any allocation. A raw C string can even be turned into a std::string_view without any allocation or character copying.

At that point, the use for std::string const& is when you aren't copying the data wholesale, and are going to pass it on to a C-style API that expects a null terminated buffer, and you need the higher level string functions that std::string provides. In practice, this is a rare set of requirements.

Why do I need to explicitly push a new branch?

You don't, see below

I find this 'feature' rather annoying since I'm not trying to launch rockets to the moon, just push my damn branch. You probably do too or else you wouldn't be here!

Here is the fix: if you want it to implicitly push for the current branch regardless of if that branch exists on origin just issue this command once and you will never have to again anywhere:

git config --global push.default current

So if you make branches like this:

git checkout -b my-new-branch

and then make some commits and then do a

git push -u

to get them out to origin (being on that branch) and it will create said branch for you if it doesn't exist.

Note the -u bit makes sure they are linked if you were to pull later on from said branch. If you have no plans to pull the branch later (or are okay with another one liner if you do) -u is not necessary.

UIButton title text color

swift 5 version:

By using default inbuilt color:

  1. button.setTitleColor(, for: .normal)


You can use your custom color by using RGB method:

  1. button.setTitleColor(UIColor(displayP3Red: 0.0/255.0, green: 180.0/255.0, blue: 2.0/255.0, alpha: 1.0), for: .normal)

show validation error messages on submit in angularjs

A complete solution to the validate form with angularjs.

HTML is as follows.

<div ng-app="areaApp" ng-controller="addCtrler">
        <form class="form-horizontal" name="fareainfo">
            <div class="form-group">
                  <label for="input-areaname" class="col-sm-2 control-label">Area Name : </label>
                  <div class="col-sm-4">
                      <input type="text" class="form-control" name="name" id="input-areaname" ng-model="Area.Name" placeholder="" required>
                      <span class="text-danger" ng-show="(fareainfo.$submitted ||$dirty) &&$error.required"> Field is required</span>
             <div class="col-sm-12">
                  <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary pull-right" ng-click="submitAreaInfo()">Submit</button>

AngularJS App and Controller is as follows

var areaApp = angular.module('areaApp', []); 
areaApp.controller('addCtrler', function ($scope) {
    $scope.submitAreaInfo = function () {  
       if ($scope.fareainfo.$valid) {
         //after Form is Valid
       } else {

Important Code Segments

  1. ng-app="areaApp" ng-controller="addCtrler"
    Defines the angular app and controller

  2. ng-show="(fareainfo.$submitted ||$dirty) &&$error.required"
    Above condition ensure that whenever a user first sees the form there's no any validation error on the screen and after a user does changes to the form it ensure that validation message show on the screen. .name. is the name attribute of the input element.

  3. $scope.fareainfo.$valid
    Above code, segment check whether the form is valid whenever a user submits the form.

  4. $scope.fareainfo.$setSubmitted();
    Above code, segment ensures that all validation messages are displayed on the screen whenever a user submits the form without doing anything.

Click a button programmatically

Let say button 1 has an event called

Button1_Click(Sender, eventarg)

If you want to call it in Button2 then call this function directly.

Button1_Click(Nothing, Nothing)

Check if Cell value exists in Column, and then get the value of the NEXT Cell

After t.thielemans' answer, I worked that just


works fine and does what I wanted, except that it returns #N/A for non-matches; so it is suitable for the case where it is known that the value definitely exists in the look-up column.

Edit (based on t.thielemans' comment):

To avoid #N/A for non-matches, do:

=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(A1, B:C, 2, FALSE), "No Match")

How to get started with Windows 7 gadgets

Here's an excellent article by Scott Allen: Developing Gadgets for the Windows Sidebar

This site, Windows 7/Vista Sidebar Gadgets, has links to many gadget resources.

.NET Core vs Mono

This question is especially actual because yesterday Microsoft officially announced .NET Core 1.0 release. Assuming that Mono implements most of the standard .NET libraries, the difference between Mono and .NET core can be seen through the difference between .NET Framework and .NET Core:

  • APIs — .NET Core contains many of the same, but fewer, APIs as the .NET Framework, and with a different factoring (assembly names are
    different; type shape differs in key cases). These differences
    currently typically require changes to port source to .NET Core. .NET Core implements the .NET Standard Library API, which will grow to
    include more of the .NET Framework BCL APIs over time.
  • Subsystems — .NET Core implements a subset of the subsystems in the .NET Framework, with the goal of a simpler implementation and
    programming model. For example, Code Access Security (CAS) is not
    supported, while reflection is supported.

If you need to launch something quickly, go with Mono because it is currently (June 2016) more mature product, but if you are building a long-term website, I would suggest .NET Core. It is officially supported by Microsoft and the difference in supported APIs will probably disappear soon, taking into account the effort that Microsoft puts in the development of .NET Core.

My goal is to use C#, LINQ, EF7, visual studio to create a website that can be ran/hosted in linux.

Linq and Entity framework are included in .NET Core, so you are safe to take a shot.

Showing all session data at once?

here is code:

<?php echo '<pre>' . print_r($_SESSION, TRUE) . '</pre>'; ?>

How to clear or stop timeInterval in angularjs?

var promise = $interval(function(){
    if($location.path() == '/landing'){

Equal sized table cells to fill the entire width of the containing table

You don't even have to set a specific width for the cells, table-layout: fixed suffices to spread the cells evenly.

ul {_x000D_
    width: 100%;_x000D_
    display: table;_x000D_
    table-layout: fixed;_x000D_
    border-collapse: collapse;_x000D_
li {_x000D_
    display: table-cell;_x000D_
    text-align: center;_x000D_
    border: 1px solid hotpink;_x000D_
    vertical-align: middle;_x000D_
    word-wrap: break-word;_x000D_

Note that for table-layout to work the table styled element must have a width set (100% in my example).

How to disable/enable select field using jQuery?

Use the following:

$("select").attr("disabled", "disabled");

Or simply add id="pizza_kind" to <select> tag, like <select name="pizza_kind" id="pizza_kind">: jsfiddle link

The reason your code didn't work is simply because $("#pizza_kind") isn't selecting the <select> element because it does not have id="pizza_kind".

Edit: actually, a better selector is $("select[name='pizza_kind']"): jsfiddle link