This code will only ever be run against test servers so I don't want to go to the hassle of adding new trusted certs each time we set up a new test server.
This is the kind of code that will eventually find its way in production (if not from you, someone else who's reading this question will copy and paste the insecure trust managers that have been suggested into their applications). It's just so easy to forget to remove this sort of code when you have a deadline, since it doesn't show up as a problem.
If you're worried about having to add new certificates every time you have a test server, create your own little CA, issue all the certificates for the test servers using that CA and import this CA certificate into your client trust store. (Even if you don't deal with things like online certificate revocation in a local environment, this is certainly better than using a trust manager that lets anything through.)
There are tools to help you do this, for example TinyCA or XCA.