[timezone] Mapping US zip code to time zone

In addition to Doug Kavendek answer. One could use the following approach to get closer to tz_database.

  1. Download [Free Zip Code Latitude and Longitude Database]
  2. Download [A shapefile of the TZ timezones of the world]
  3. Use any free library for shapefile querying (e.g. .NET Easy GIS .NET, LGPL).
    var shapeFile = new ShapeFile(shapeFilePath);
    var shapeIndex = shapeFile.GetShapeIndexContainingPoint(new PointD(long, lat), 0D);
    var attrValues = shapeFile.GetAttributeFieldValues(shapeIndex);
    var timeZoneId = attrValues[0];

P.S. Can't insert all the links :( So please use search.