[ios] How do I URL encode a string

I have a URL string (NSString) with spaces and & characters. How do I url encode the entire string (including the & ampersand character and spaces)?

This question is related to ios objective-c iphone ipad nsstring

The answer is

ios 7 update

NSString *encode = [string stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters:[NSCharacterSet URLQueryAllowedCharacterSet]];

NSString *decode = [encode stringByReplacingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];

So many answers but didn't work for me, so I tried the following:

fun simpleServiceCall(for serviceUrl: String, appendToUrl: String) { 
    let urlString: String = serviceUrl + appendToUrl.addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters: .urlPathAllowed)!     

    let finalUrl = URL(string: urlString)!

    //continue to execute your service call... 

Hopefully it'll help someone. thanks

In Swift 3, please try out below:

let stringURL = "YOUR URL TO BE ENCODE";
let encodedURLString = stringURL.addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters: .urlHostAllowed)

Since, stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding encodes non URL characters but leaves the reserved characters (like !*'();:@&=+$,/?%#[]), You can encode the url like the following code:

let stringURL = "YOUR URL TO BE ENCODE";
let characterSetTobeAllowed = (CharacterSet(charactersIn: "!*'();:@&=+$,/?%#[] ").inverted)
if let encodedURLString = stringURL.addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters: characterSetTobeAllowed) {

Try to use stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters method with [NSCharacterSet URLUserAllowedCharacterSet] it will cover all the cases

Objective C

NSString *value = @"Test / Test";
value = [value stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters:[NSCharacterSet URLUserAllowedCharacterSet]];


var value = "Test / Test"



Apple's advice, in the 10.11 release notes, is:

If you need to percent-encode an entire URL string, you can use this code to encode a NSString intended to be a URL (in urlStringToEncode):

NSString *percentEncodedURLString =
  [[NSURL URLWithDataRepresentation:[urlStringToEncode dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] relativeToURL:nil] relativeString];

Use NSURLComponents to encode HTTP GET parameters:

    var urlComponents = NSURLComponents(string: "https://www.google.de/maps/")!
    urlComponents.queryItems = [
        NSURLQueryItem(name: "q", value: String(51.500833)+","+String(-0.141944)),
        NSURLQueryItem(name: "z", value: String(6))
    urlComponents.URL     // returns https://www.google.de/maps/?q=51.500833,-0.141944&z=6


For the php function urlencode encoding a NSString to a cString with UTF8Encode, like [NSString UTF8String] was not working.

Here is my custom objective c NSString+ASCIIencode Category with works with all ASCII values 0..255


#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>

@interface NSString (ASCIIEncode)

- (const char*)ASCIIEncode;



#import "NSString+ASCIIEncode.h"

@implementation NSString (ASCIIEncode)

- (const char*)ASCIIEncode {
    static char output[1024];
    // https://tools.piex.at/ascii-tabelle/
    // https://www.ionos.de/digitalguide/server/knowhow/ascii-american-standard-code-for-information-interchange/
    NSMutableArray *ascii = [NSMutableArray new];
// Hex
// 000                          Dez Hex
    [ascii addObject:@"\0"]; // 000 000 NUL
    [ascii addObject:@( 1)]; // 001 001 SOH
    [ascii addObject:@( 2)]; // 002 002 STX
    [ascii addObject:@( 3)]; // 003 003 ETX
    [ascii addObject:@( 4)]; // 004 004 EOT
    [ascii addObject:@( 5)]; // 005 005 ENQ
    [ascii addObject:@( 6)]; // 006 006 ACK
    [ascii addObject:@"\a"]; // 007 007 BEL
    [ascii addObject:@"\b"]; // 008 008 BS
    [ascii addObject:@( 9)]; // 009 009 TAB
    [ascii addObject:@"\n"]; // 010 00A LF
    [ascii addObject:@(11)]; // 011 00B VT
    [ascii addObject:@(12)]; // 012 00C FF
    [ascii addObject:@"\r"]; // 013 00D CR
    [ascii addObject:@(14)]; // 014 00E SO
    [ascii addObject:@(15)]; // 015 00F NAK
// 010
    [ascii addObject:@(16)]; // 016 010 DLE
    [ascii addObject:@(17)]; // 017 011 DC1
    [ascii addObject:@(18)]; // 018 012 DC2
    [ascii addObject:@(19)]; // 019 013 DC3
    [ascii addObject:@(20)]; // 020 014 DC4
    [ascii addObject:@(21)]; // 021 015 NAK
    [ascii addObject:@(22)]; // 022 016 SYN
    [ascii addObject:@(23)]; // 023 017 ETB
    [ascii addObject:@(24)]; // 024 018 CAN
    [ascii addObject:@(25)]; // 025 019 EM
    [ascii addObject:@(26)]; // 026 01A SUB
    [ascii addObject:@(27)]; // 027 01B ESC
    [ascii addObject:@(28)]; // 028 01C FS
    [ascii addObject:@(29)]; // 029 01D GS
    [ascii addObject:@(30)]; // 030 01E RS
    [ascii addObject:@(31)]; // 031 01F US
// 020
    [ascii addObject:@" "];  // 032 020 Space
    [ascii addObject:@"!"];  // 033 021
    [ascii addObject:@"\""]; // 034 022
    [ascii addObject:@"#"];  // 035 023
    [ascii addObject:@"$"];  // 036 024
    [ascii addObject:@"%"];  // 037 025
    [ascii addObject:@"&"];  // 038 026
    [ascii addObject:@"'"];  // 039 027
    [ascii addObject:@"("];  // 040 028
    [ascii addObject:@")"];  // 041 029
    [ascii addObject:@"*"];  // 042 02A
    [ascii addObject:@"+"];  // 043 02B
    [ascii addObject:@","];  // 044 02C
    [ascii addObject:@"-"];  // 045 02D
    [ascii addObject:@"."];  // 046 02E
    [ascii addObject:@"/"];  // 047 02F
// 030
    [ascii addObject:@"0"];  // 048 030
    [ascii addObject:@"1"];  // 049 031
    [ascii addObject:@"2"];  // 050 032
    [ascii addObject:@"3"];  // 051 033
    [ascii addObject:@"4"];  // 052 034
    [ascii addObject:@"5"];  // 053 035
    [ascii addObject:@"6"];  // 054 036
    [ascii addObject:@"7"];  // 055 037
    [ascii addObject:@"8"];  // 056 038
    [ascii addObject:@"9"];  // 057 039
    [ascii addObject:@":"];  // 058 03A
    [ascii addObject:@";"];  // 059 03B
    [ascii addObject:@"<"];  // 060 03C
    [ascii addObject:@"="];  // 061 03D
    [ascii addObject:@">"];  // 062 03E
    [ascii addObject:@"?"];  // 063 03F
// 040
    [ascii addObject:@"@"];  // 064 040
    [ascii addObject:@"A"];  // 065 041
    [ascii addObject:@"B"];  // 066 042
    [ascii addObject:@"C"];  // 067 043
    [ascii addObject:@"D"];  // 068 044
    [ascii addObject:@"E"];  // 069 045
    [ascii addObject:@"F"];  // 070 046
    [ascii addObject:@"G"];  // 071 047
    [ascii addObject:@"H"];  // 072 048
    [ascii addObject:@"I"];  // 073 049
    [ascii addObject:@"J"];  // 074 04A
    [ascii addObject:@"K"];  // 075 04B
    [ascii addObject:@"L"];  // 076 04C
    [ascii addObject:@"M"];  // 077 04D
    [ascii addObject:@"N"];  // 078 04E
    [ascii addObject:@"O"];  // 079 04F
// 050
    [ascii addObject:@"P"];  // 080 050
    [ascii addObject:@"Q"];  // 081 051
    [ascii addObject:@"R"];  // 082 052
    [ascii addObject:@"S"];  // 083 053
    [ascii addObject:@"T"];  // 084 054
    [ascii addObject:@"U"];  // 085 055
    [ascii addObject:@"V"];  // 086 056
    [ascii addObject:@"W"];  // 087 057
    [ascii addObject:@"X"];  // 088 058
    [ascii addObject:@"Y"];  // 089 059
    [ascii addObject:@"Z"];  // 090 05A
    [ascii addObject:@"["];  // 091 05B
    [ascii addObject:@"\\"]; // 092 05C
    [ascii addObject:@"]"];  // 093 05D
    [ascii addObject:@"^"];  // 094 05E
    [ascii addObject:@"_"];  // 095 05F
// 060
    [ascii addObject:@"`"];  // 096 060
    [ascii addObject:@"a"];  // 097 061
    [ascii addObject:@"b"];  // 098 062
    [ascii addObject:@"c"];  // 099 063
    [ascii addObject:@"d"];  // 100 064
    [ascii addObject:@"e"];  // 101 065
    [ascii addObject:@"f"];  // 102 066
    [ascii addObject:@"g"];  // 103 067
    [ascii addObject:@"h"];  // 104 068
    [ascii addObject:@"i"];  // 105 069
    [ascii addObject:@"j"];  // 106 06A
    [ascii addObject:@"k"];  // 107 06B
    [ascii addObject:@"l"];  // 108 06C
    [ascii addObject:@"m"];  // 109 06D
    [ascii addObject:@"n"];  // 110 06E
    [ascii addObject:@"o"];  // 111 06F
// 070
    [ascii addObject:@"p"];  // 112 070
    [ascii addObject:@"q"];  // 113 071
    [ascii addObject:@"r"];  // 114 072
    [ascii addObject:@"s"];  // 115 073
    [ascii addObject:@"t"];  // 116 074
    [ascii addObject:@"u"];  // 117 075
    [ascii addObject:@"v"];  // 118 076
    [ascii addObject:@"w"];  // 119 077
    [ascii addObject:@"x"];  // 120 078
    [ascii addObject:@"y"];  // 121 079
    [ascii addObject:@"z"];  // 122 07A
    [ascii addObject:@"{"];  // 123 07B
    [ascii addObject:@"|"];  // 124 07C
    [ascii addObject:@"}"];  // 125 07D
    [ascii addObject:@"~"];  // 126 07E
    [ascii addObject:@(127)];// 127 07F DEL
// 080
    [ascii addObject:@"€"];  // 128 080
    [ascii addObject:@(129)];// 129 081
    [ascii addObject:@"‚"];  // 130 082
    [ascii addObject:@"ƒ"];  // 131 083
    [ascii addObject:@"„"];  // 132 084
    [ascii addObject:@"…"];  // 133 085
    [ascii addObject:@"†"];  // 134 086
    [ascii addObject:@"‡"];  // 135 087
    [ascii addObject:@"ˆ"];  // 136 088
    [ascii addObject:@"‰"];  // 137 089
    [ascii addObject:@"Š"];  // 138 08A
    [ascii addObject:@"‹"];  // 139 08B
    [ascii addObject:@"Œ"];  // 140 08C
    [ascii addObject:@(141)];// 141 08D
    [ascii addObject:@"Ž"];  // 142 08E
    [ascii addObject:@(143)];  // 143 08F
// 090
    [ascii addObject:@(144)];// 144 090
    [ascii addObject:@"‘"];  // 145 091
    [ascii addObject:@"’"];  // 146 092
    [ascii addObject:@"“"];  // 147 093
    [ascii addObject:@"”"];  // 148 094
    [ascii addObject:@"•"];  // 149 095
    [ascii addObject:@"–"];  // 150 096
    [ascii addObject:@"—"];  // 151 097
    [ascii addObject:@"˜"];  // 152 098
    [ascii addObject:@"™"];  // 153 099
    [ascii addObject:@"š"];  // 154 09A
    [ascii addObject:@"›"];  // 155 09B
    [ascii addObject:@"œ"];  // 156 09C
    [ascii addObject:@(157)];// 157 09D
    [ascii addObject:@"ž"];  // 158 09E
    [ascii addObject:@"Ÿ"];  // 159 09F
// 0A0
    [ascii addObject:@(160)];// 160 0A0
    [ascii addObject:@"¡"];  // 161 0A1
    [ascii addObject:@"¢"];  // 162 0A2
    [ascii addObject:@"£"];  // 163 0A3
    [ascii addObject:@"¤"];  // 164 0A4
    [ascii addObject:@"¥"];  // 165 0A5
    [ascii addObject:@"¦"];  // 166 0A6
    [ascii addObject:@"§"];  // 167 0A7
    [ascii addObject:@"¨"];  // 168 0A8
    [ascii addObject:@"©"];  // 169 0A9
    [ascii addObject:@"ª"];  // 170 0AA
    [ascii addObject:@"«"];  // 171 0AB
    [ascii addObject:@"¬"];  // 172 0AC
    [ascii addObject:@(173)];// 173 0AD
    [ascii addObject:@"®"];  // 174 0AE
    [ascii addObject:@"¯"];  // 175 0AF
// 0B0
    [ascii addObject:@"°"];  // 176 0B0
    [ascii addObject:@"±"];  // 177 0B1
    [ascii addObject:@"²"];  // 178 0B2
    [ascii addObject:@"³"];  // 179 0B3
    [ascii addObject:@"´"];  // 180 0B4
    [ascii addObject:@"µ"];  // 181 0B5
    [ascii addObject:@"¶"];  // 182 0B6
    [ascii addObject:@"·"];  // 183 0B7
    [ascii addObject:@"¸"];  // 184 0B8
    [ascii addObject:@"¹"];  // 185 0B9
    [ascii addObject:@"º"];  // 186 0BA
    [ascii addObject:@"»"];  // 187 0BB
    [ascii addObject:@"¼"];  // 188 0BC
    [ascii addObject:@"½"];  // 189 0BD
    [ascii addObject:@"¾"];  // 190 0BE
    [ascii addObject:@"¿"];  // 191 0BF
// 0C0
    [ascii addObject:@"À"];  // 192 0C0
    [ascii addObject:@"Á"];  // 193 0C1
    [ascii addObject:@"Â"];  // 194 0C2
    [ascii addObject:@"Ã"];  // 195 0C3
    [ascii addObject:@"Ä"];  // 196 0C4
    [ascii addObject:@"Å"];  // 197 0C5
    [ascii addObject:@"Æ"];  // 198 0C6
    [ascii addObject:@"Ç"];  // 199 0C7
    [ascii addObject:@"È"];  // 200 0C8
    [ascii addObject:@"É"];  // 201 0C9
    [ascii addObject:@"Ê"];  // 202 0CA
    [ascii addObject:@"Ë"];  // 203 0CB
    [ascii addObject:@"Ì"];  // 204 0CC
    [ascii addObject:@"Í"];  // 205 0CD
    [ascii addObject:@"Î"];  // 206 0CE
    [ascii addObject:@"Ï"];  // 207 0CF
// 0D0
    [ascii addObject:@"Ð"];  // 208 0D0
    [ascii addObject:@"Ñ"];  // 209 0D1
    [ascii addObject:@"Ò"];  // 210 0D2
    [ascii addObject:@"Ó"];  // 211 0D3
    [ascii addObject:@"Ô"];  // 212 0D4
    [ascii addObject:@"Õ"];  // 213 0D5
    [ascii addObject:@"Ö"];  // 214 0D6
    [ascii addObject:@"×"];  // 215 0D7
    [ascii addObject:@"Ø"];  // 216 0D8
    [ascii addObject:@"Ù"];  // 217 0D9
    [ascii addObject:@"Ú"];  // 218 0DA
    [ascii addObject:@"Û"];  // 219 0DB
    [ascii addObject:@"Ü"];  // 220 0DC
    [ascii addObject:@"Ý"];  // 221 0DD
    [ascii addObject:@"Þ"];  // 222 0DE
    [ascii addObject:@"ß"];  // 223 0DF
// 0E0
    [ascii addObject:@"à"];  // 224 0E0
    [ascii addObject:@"á"];  // 225 0E1
    [ascii addObject:@"â"];  // 226 0E2
    [ascii addObject:@"ã"];  // 227 0E3
    [ascii addObject:@"ä"];  // 228 0E4
    [ascii addObject:@"å"];  // 229 0E5
    [ascii addObject:@"æ"];  // 230 0E6
    [ascii addObject:@"ç"];  // 231 0E7
    [ascii addObject:@"è"];  // 232 0E8
    [ascii addObject:@"é"];  // 233 0E9
    [ascii addObject:@"ê"];  // 234 0EA
    [ascii addObject:@"ë"];  // 235 0EB
    [ascii addObject:@"ì"];  // 236 0EC
    [ascii addObject:@"í"];  // 237 0ED
    [ascii addObject:@"î"];  // 238 0EE
    [ascii addObject:@"ï"];  // 239 0EF
// 0F0
    [ascii addObject:@"ð"];  // 240 0F0
    [ascii addObject:@"ñ"];  // 241 0F1
    [ascii addObject:@"ò"];  // 242 0F2
    [ascii addObject:@"ó"];  // 243 0F3
    [ascii addObject:@"ô"];  // 244 0F4
    [ascii addObject:@"õ"];  // 245 0F5
    [ascii addObject:@"ö"];  // 246 0F6
    [ascii addObject:@"÷"];  // 247 0F7
    [ascii addObject:@"ø"];  // 248 0F8
    [ascii addObject:@"ù"];  // 249 0F9
    [ascii addObject:@"ú"];  // 250 0FA
    [ascii addObject:@"û"];  // 251 0FB
    [ascii addObject:@"ü"];  // 252 0FC
    [ascii addObject:@"ý"];  // 253 0FD
    [ascii addObject:@"þ"];  // 254 0FE
    [ascii addObject:@"ÿ"];  // 255 0FF
    NSInteger i;
    for (i=0; i < self.length; i++) {
        NSRange range;
        range.location = i;
        range.length = 1;
        NSString *charString = [self substringWithRange:range];
        for (NSInteger asciiIdx=0; asciiIdx < ascii.count; asciiIdx++) {
            if ([charString isEqualToString:ascii[asciiIdx]]) {
                unsigned char c = (unsigned char)asciiIdx;
                output[i] = c;
    // Don't forget string termination
    output[i] = 0;

    return (const char*)&output[0];


New APIs have been added since the answer was selected; You can now use NSURLUtilities. Since different parts of URLs allow different characters, use the applicable character set. The following example encodes for inclusion in the query string:

encodedString = [myString stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters:NSCharacterSet.URLQueryAllowedCharacterSet];

To specifically convert '&', you'll need to remove it from the url query set or use a different set, as '&' is allowed in a URL query:

NSMutableCharacterSet *chars = NSCharacterSet.URLQueryAllowedCharacterSet.mutableCopy;
[chars removeCharactersInRange:NSMakeRange('&', 1)]; // %26
encodedString = [myString stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters:chars];

I opted to use the CFURLCreateStringByAddingPercentEscapes call as given by accepted answer, however in newest version of XCode (and IOS), it resulted in an error, so used the following instead:

NSString *apiKeyRaw = @"79b|7Qd.jW=])(fv|M&W0O|3CENnrbNh4}2E|-)J*BCjCMrWy%dSfGs#A6N38Fo~";

NSString *apiKey = (NSString *)CFBridgingRelease(CFURLCreateStringByAddingPercentEscapes(NULL, (CFStringRef)apiKeyRaw, NULL, (CFStringRef)@"!*'();:@&=+$,/?%#[]", kCFStringEncodingUTF8));

-(NSString *)encodeUrlString:(NSString *)string {
  return CFBridgingRelease(
                        (__bridge CFStringRef)string,

according to the following blog

Here's a production-ready flexible approach in Swift 5.x:

public extension CharacterSet {

    static let urlQueryParameterAllowed = CharacterSet.urlQueryAllowed.subtracting(CharacterSet(charactersIn: "&?"))

    static let urlQueryDenied           = CharacterSet.urlQueryAllowed.inverted()
    static let urlQueryKeyValueDenied   = CharacterSet.urlQueryParameterAllowed.inverted()
    static let urlPathDenied            = CharacterSet.urlPathAllowed.inverted()
    static let urlFragmentDenied        = CharacterSet.urlFragmentAllowed.inverted()
    static let urlHostDenied            = CharacterSet.urlHostAllowed.inverted()

    static let urlDenied                = CharacterSet.urlQueryDenied

    func inverted() -> CharacterSet {
        var copy = self
        return copy

public extension String {
    func urlEncoded(denying deniedCharacters: CharacterSet = .urlDenied) -> String? {
        return addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters: deniedCharacters.inverted())

Example usage:

print("Hello, World!".urlEncoded()!)
print("#Blessed 100%".urlEncoded()!)
print("Pride and Prejudice".urlEncoded(denying: .uppercaseLetters)!)


%50ride and %50rejudice

This one is working for me.

func stringByAddingPercentEncodingForFormData(plusForSpace: Bool=false) -> String? {
    let unreserved = "*-._"
    let allowed = NSMutableCharacterSet.alphanumericCharacterSet()

    if plusForSpace {
        allowed.addCharactersInString(" ")

    var encoded = stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters(allowed)
    if plusForSpace {
        encoded = encoded?.stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString(" ",
                                                                withString: "+")
    return encoded

I found the above function from this link: http://useyourloaf.com/blog/how-to-percent-encode-a-url-string/

You can also use this function with swift extension. Please let me know if there is any issue.

In my case where the last component was Arabic letters I did the following in Swift 2.2:

extension String {

 func encodeUTF8() -> String? {

    //If I can create an NSURL out of the string nothing is wrong with it
    if let _ = NSURL(string: self) {

        return self

    //Get the last component from the string this will return subSequence
    let optionalLastComponent = self.characters.split { $0 == "/" }.last

    if let lastComponent = optionalLastComponent {

        //Get the string from the sub sequence by mapping the characters to [String] then reduce the array to String
        let lastComponentAsString = lastComponent.map { String($0) }.reduce("", combine: +)

        //Get the range of the last component
        if let rangeOfLastComponent = self.rangeOfString(lastComponentAsString) {
            //Get the string without its last component
            let stringWithoutLastComponent = self.substringToIndex(rangeOfLastComponent.startIndex)

            //Encode the last component
            if let lastComponentEncoded = lastComponentAsString.stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters(NSCharacterSet.alphanumericCharacterSet()) {

            //Finally append the original string (without its last component) to the encoded part (encoded last component)
            let encodedString = stringWithoutLastComponent + lastComponentEncoded

                //Return the string (original string/encoded string)
                return encodedString

    return nil;


let stringURL = "http://xxx.dev.com/endpoint/nonLatinCharacters"

if let encodedStringURL = stringURL.encodeUTF8() {

    if let url = NSURL(string: encodedStringURL) {



//This is without test

NSMutableCharacterSet* set = [[NSCharacterSet alphanumericCharacterSet] mutableCopy];
[set addCharactersInString:@"-_.~"];
NSString *encode = [test stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters:set];

In swift 3:

// exclude alpha and numeric == "full" encoding
stringUrl = stringUrl.addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters: .alphanumerics)!;

// exclude hostname and symbols &,/ and etc
stringUrl = stringUrl.addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters: .urlHostAllowed)!;

swift code based on chown's objc answer in this thread.

extension String {
    func urlEncode() -> String {
        return CFURLCreateStringByAddingPercentEscapes(

After reading all the answers for this topic and the (wrong) accepted one, I want to add my contribution.

IF the target is iOS7+, and in 2017 it should since XCode makes really hard to deliver compatibility under iOS8, the best way, thread safe, fast, amd will full UTF-8 support to do this is:

(Objective C code)

@implementation NSString (NSString_urlencoding)

- (NSString *)urlencode {
    static NSMutableCharacterSet *chars = nil;
    static dispatch_once_t pred;

    if (chars)
        return [self stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters:chars];

    // to be thread safe
    dispatch_once(&pred, ^{
        chars = NSCharacterSet.URLQueryAllowedCharacterSet.mutableCopy;
        [chars removeCharactersInString:@"!*'();:@&=+$,/?%#[]"];
    return [self stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters:chars];

This will extend NSString, will exclude RFC forbidden characters, support UTF-8 characters, and let you use things like:

NSString *myusername = "I'm[evil]&want(to)break!!!$->àéìòù";
NSLog(@"Source: %@ -> Dest: %@", myusername, [myusername urlencode]);

That will print on your debug console:

Source: I'm[evil]&want(to)break!!!$->àéìòù -> Dest: I%27m%5Bevil%5D%26want%28to%29break%21%21%21%24-%3E%C3%A0%C3%A9%C3%AC%C3%B2%C3%B9

... note also the use of dispatch_once to avoid multiple initializations in multithread environments.

This might be helpful

NSString *sampleUrl = @"http://www.google.com/search.jsp?params=Java Developer";
NSString* encodedUrl = [sampleUrl stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:

For iOS 7+, the recommended way is:

NSString* encodedUrl = [sampleUrl stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters:[NSCharacterSet URLQueryAllowedCharacterSet]];

You can choose the allowed character set as per the requirement of the URL component.

I faced a similar problem passing complex strings as a POST parameter. My strings can contain Asian characters, spaces, quotes and all sorts of special characters. The solution I eventually found was to convert my string into the matching series of unicodes, e.g. "Hu0040Hu0020Hu03f5...." using [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Hu%04x",[string characterAtIndex:i]] to get the Unicode from each character in the original string. The same can be done in Java.

This string can be safely passed as a POST parameter.

On the server side (PHP), I change all the "H" to "\" and I pass the resulting string to json_decode. Final step is to escape single quotes before storing the string into MySQL.

This way I can store any UTF8 string on my server.

Swift 2.0 Example (iOS 9 Compatiable)

extension String {

  func stringByURLEncoding() -> String? {

    let characters = NSCharacterSet.URLQueryAllowedCharacterSet().mutableCopy() as! NSMutableCharacterSet


    guard let encodedString = self.stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters(characters) else {
      return nil

    return encodedString



This code helped me for encoding special characters

NSString* encPassword = [password stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters:[NSCharacterSet alphanumericCharacterSet]];

For individual www form-encoded query parameters, I made a category on NSString:

- (NSString*)WWWFormEncoded{
     NSMutableCharacterSet *chars = NSCharacterSet.alphanumericCharacterSet.mutableCopy;
     [chars addCharactersInString:@" "];
     NSString* encodedString = [self stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters:chars];
     encodedString = [encodedString stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@" " withString:@"+"];
     return encodedString;

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Examples related to objective-c

Adding a UISegmentedControl to UITableView Keep placeholder text in UITextField on input in IOS Accessing AppDelegate from framework? Warp \ bend effect on a UIView? Use NSInteger as array index Detect if the device is iPhone X Linker Command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation), Xcode 8, Swift 3 ITSAppUsesNonExemptEncryption export compliance while internal testing? How to enable back/left swipe gesture in UINavigationController after setting leftBarButtonItem? Change status bar text color to light in iOS 9 with Objective-C

Examples related to iphone

Detect if the device is iPhone X Xcode 8 shows error that provisioning profile doesn't include signing certificate Access files in /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application without jailbreaking iPhone Certificate has either expired or has been revoked Missing Compliance in Status when I add built for internal testing in Test Flight.How to solve? cordova run with ios error .. Error code 65 for command: xcodebuild with args: "Could not find Developer Disk Image" Reason: no suitable image found iPad Multitasking support requires these orientations How to insert new cell into UITableView in Swift

Examples related to ipad

What is correct media query for IPad Pro? iPad Multitasking support requires these orientations How to restrict UITextField to take only numbers in Swift? How to present a modal atop the current view in Swift Presenting a UIAlertController properly on an iPad using iOS 8 Detect current device with UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() in Swift HTML5 Video tag not working in Safari , iPhone and iPad Install .ipa to iPad with or without iTunes How to hide UINavigationBar 1px bottom line How to fix UITableView separator on iOS 7?

Examples related to nsstring

NSRange to Range<String.Index> Creating NSData from NSString in Swift How do I check if a string contains another string in Swift? Converting NSString to NSDictionary / JSON convert NSDictionary to NSString How do I deserialize a JSON string into an NSDictionary? (For iOS 5+) How do I URL encode a string Objective-C and Swift URL encoding Convert an NSURL to an NSString Remove all whitespaces from NSString