[swift] How do I check if a string contains another string in Swift?

Extension way

Swift 4

extension String {
    func contains(find: String) -> Bool{
        return self.range(of: find) != nil
    func containsIgnoringCase(find: String) -> Bool{
        return self.range(of: find, options: .caseInsensitive) != nil

var value = "Hello world"

print(value.contains("Hello")) // true
print(value.contains("bo"))    // false

print(value.containsIgnoringCase(find: "hello"))    // true
print(value.containsIgnoringCase(find: "Hello"))    // true
print(value.containsIgnoringCase(find: "bo"))       // false

Generally Swift 4 has contains method however it available from iOS 8.0+

Swift 3.1

You can write extension contains: and containsIgnoringCase for String

extension String { 

   func contains(_ find: String) -> Bool{
     return self.range(of: find) != nil

   func containsIgnoringCase(_ find: String) -> Bool{
     return self.range(of: find, options: .caseInsensitive) != nil 

Older Swift version

extension String {

    func contains(find: String) -> Bool{
       return self.rangeOfString(find) != nil

    func containsIgnoringCase(find: String) -> Bool{
       return self.rangeOfString(find, options: NSStringCompareOptions.CaseInsensitiveSearch) != nil


var value = "Hello world"

print(value.contains("Hello")) // true
print(value.contains("bo"))    // false

print(value.containsIgnoringCase("hello"))    // true
print(value.containsIgnoringCase("Hello"))    // true
print(value.containsIgnoringCase("bo"))       // false

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