is UIView
The top of the safeAreaLayoutGuide indicates the unobscured top edge of the view (e.g, not behind the status bar or navigation bar, if present). Similarly for the other edges.
Use safeAreaLayoutGuide
for avoid our objects clipping/overlapping from rounded corners, navigation bars, tab bars, toolbars, and other ancestor views.
We can create safeAreaLayoutGuide
object & set object constraints respectively.
Constraints for Portrait + Landscape is -
self.edgesForExtendedLayout = []//Optional our as per your view ladder
let newView = UIView()
newView.backgroundColor = .red
newView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
if #available(iOS 11.0, *) {
let guide = self.view.safeAreaLayoutGuide
newView.trailingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: guide.trailingAnchor).isActive = true
newView.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: guide.leadingAnchor).isActive = true
newView.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: guide.topAnchor).isActive = true
newView.heightAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: 100).isActive = true
else {
NSLayoutConstraint(item: newView, attribute: .top, relatedBy: .equal, toItem: view, attribute: .top, multiplier: 1.0, constant: 0).isActive = true
NSLayoutConstraint(item: newView, attribute: .leading, relatedBy: .equal, toItem: view, attribute: .leading, multiplier: 1.0, constant: 0).isActive = true
NSLayoutConstraint(item: newView, attribute: .trailing, relatedBy: .equal, toItem: view, attribute: .trailing, multiplier: 1.0, constant: 0).isActive = true
newView.heightAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: 100).isActive = true