[tsql] Select query to remove non-numeric characters

I've got dirty data in a column with variable alpha length. I just want to strip out anything that is not 0-9.

I do not want to run a function or proc. I have a script that is similar that just grabs the numeric value after text, it looks like this:

Update TableName
set ColumntoUpdate=cast(replace(Columnofdirtydata,'Alpha #','') as int)
where Columnofdirtydata like 'Alpha #%'
And ColumntoUpdate is Null

I thought it would work pretty good until I found that some of the data fields I thought would just be in the format Alpha # 12345789 are not.

Examples of data that needs to be stripped

AB ABCDE # 123
ABCDE# 123
AB: ABC# 123

I just want the 123. It is true that all data fields do have the # prior to the number.

I tried substring and PatIndex, but I'm not quite getting the syntax correct or something. Anyone have any advice on the best way to address this?

This question is related to tsql sql-server-2008-r2 substring patindex

The answer is

Here is an elegant solution if your server supports the TRANSLATE function (on sql server it's available on sql server 2017+ and also sql azure).

First, it replaces any non numeric characters with a @ character. Then, it removes all @ characters. You may need to add additional characters that you know may be present in the second parameter of the TRANSLATE call.

select REPLACE(TRANSLATE([Col], 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz+()- ,#+', '@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@'), '@', '')

I have created a function for this

Create FUNCTION RemoveCharacters (@text varchar(30))
declare @index as int 
declare @newtexval as varchar(30)
set @index = (select PATINDEX('%[A-Z.-/?]%', @text))
if (@index =0)
return @text
set @newtexval  = (select STUFF ( @text , @index , 1 , '' ))
return dbo.RemoveCharacters(@newtexval)
return 0

You can use stuff and patindex.

stuff(Col, 1, patindex('%[0-9]%', Col)-1, '')

SQL Fiddle

This worked for me:

  1. I removed the single quotes.

  2. I then used a replace "," with ".".

Surely this will help someone:

" & txtFinalscore.Text.Replace(",", ".") & "

Create function fn_GetNumbersOnly(@pn varchar(100))
    Returns varchar(max)
      Declare @r varchar(max) ='', @len int ,@c char(1), @x int = 0
      Select @len = len(@pn)
      while @x <= @len 
        Select @c = SUBSTRING(@pn,@x,1)
        if ISNUMERIC(@c) = 1 and @c <> '-'
         Select @r = @r + @c
       Select @x = @x +1
    return @r

Here's a version which pulls all digits from a string; i.e. given I'm 35 years old; I was born in 1982. The average family has 2.4 children. this would return 35198224. i.e. it's good where you've got numeric data which may have been formatted as a code (e.g. #123,456,789 / 123-00005), but isn't appropriate if you're looking to pull out specific numbers (i.e. as opposed to digits / just the numeric characters) from the text. Also it only handles digits; so won't return negative signs (-) or periods .).

declare @table table (id bigint not null identity (1,1), data nvarchar(max)) 
insert @table (data) 
values ('hello 123 its 45613 then') --outputs: 12345613
,('1 some other string 98 example 4') --outputs: 1984
,('AB ABCDE # 123') --outputs: 123 
,('ABCDE# 123') --outputs: 123
,('AB: ABC# 123') --outputs: 123
; with NonNumerics as (
    select id
    , data original
    --the below line replaces all digits with blanks
    , replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(data,'0',''),'1',''),'2',''),'3',''),'4',''),'5',''),'6',''),'7',''),'8',''),'9','') nonNumeric
    from @table
--each iteration of the below CTE removes another non-numeric character from the original string, putting the result into the numerics column
, Numerics as (
    select id
    , replace(original, substring(nonNumeric,1,1), '') numerics
    , replace(nonNumeric, substring(nonNumeric,1,1), '') charsToreplace
    , len(replace(nonNumeric, substring(nonNumeric,1,1), '')) charsRemaining
    from NonNumerics

    union all

    select id
    , replace(numerics, substring(charsToreplace,1,1), '') numerics
    , replace(charsToreplace, substring(charsToreplace,1,1), '') charsToreplace
    , len(replace(charsToreplace, substring(charsToreplace,1,1), '')) charsRemaining
    from Numerics
    where charsRemaining > 0
--we select only those strings with `charsRemaining=0`; i.e. the rows for which all non-numeric characters have been removed; there should be 1 row returned for every 1 row in the original data set.
select * from Numerics where charsRemaining = 0

This code works by removing all the digits (i.e. the characters we want) from a the given strings by replacing them with blanks. Then it goes through the original string (which includes the digits) removing all of the characters that were left (i.e. the non-numeric characters), thus leaving only the digits.

The reason we do this in 2 steps, rather than just removing all non-numeric characters in the first place is there are only 10 digits, whilst there are a huge number of possible characters; so replacing that small list is relatively fast; then gives us a list of those non-numeric characters which actually exist in the string, so we can then replace that small set.

The method makes use of recursive SQL, using common table expressions (CTEs).

You can create SQL CLR scalar function in order to be able to use regular expressions like replace patterns.

Here you can find example of how to create such function.

Having such function will solve the issue with just the following lines:

SELECT [dbo].[fn_Utils_RegexReplace] ('AB ABCDE # 123', '[^0-9]', '');
SELECT [dbo].[fn_Utils_RegexReplace] ('ABCDE# 123', '[^0-9]', '');
SELECT [dbo].[fn_Utils_RegexReplace] ('AB: ABC# 123', '[^0-9]', '');

More important, you will be able to solve more complex issues as the regular expressions will bring a whole new world of options directly in your T-SQL statements.

In case if there are some characters possible between digits (e.g. thousands separators), you may try following:

declare @table table (DirtyCol varchar(100))
insert into @table values
    ('AB ABCDE # 123')
    ,('ABCDE# 123')
    ,('AB: ABC# 123')
    ,('AB # 1 000 000')
    ,('AB # 1`234`567')
    ,('AB # (9)(876)(543)')

;with tally as (select top (100) N=row_number() over (order by @@spid) from sys.all_columns),
data as (
    select DirtyCol, Col
    from @table
        cross apply (
            select (select C + ''
            from (select N, substring(DirtyCol, N, 1) C from tally where N<=datalength(DirtyCol)) [1]
            where C between '0' and '9'
            order by N
            for xml path(''))
        ) p (Col)
    where p.Col is not NULL
select DirtyCol, cast(Col as int) IntCol
from data

Output is:

DirtyCol              IntCol
--------------------- -------
AB ABCDE # 123        123
ABCDE# 123            123
AB: ABC# 123          123
AB # 1 000 000        1000000
AB # 1`234`567        1234567
AB # (9)(876)(543)    9876543

For update, add ColToUpdate to select list of the data cte:

;with num as (...),
data as (
    select ColToUpdate, /*DirtyCol, */Col
    from ...
update data
set ColToUpdate = cast(Col as int)

CREATE FUNCTION FN_RemoveNonNumeric (@Input NVARCHAR(512))

SELECT @Trimmed = @Input

WHILE PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%', @Trimmed) > 0
    SELECT @Trimmed = REPLACE(@Trimmed, SUBSTRING(@Trimmed, PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%', @Trimmed), 1), '')

RETURN @Trimmed


SELECT dbo.FN_RemoveNonNumeric('ABCDE# 123')

This works well for me:

CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[StripNonNumerics]
  @Temp varchar(255)
RETURNS varchar(255)

    Declare @KeepValues as varchar(50)
    Set @KeepValues = '%[^0-9]%'
    While PatIndex(@KeepValues, @Temp) > 0
        Set @Temp = Stuff(@Temp, PatIndex(@KeepValues, @Temp), 1, '')

    Return @Temp

Then call the function like so to see the original something next to the sanitized something:

SELECT Something, dbo.StripNonNumerics(Something) FROM TableA

To add on to Ken's answer, this handles commas and spaces and parentheses

--Handles parentheses, commas, spaces, hyphens..
declare @table table (c varchar(256))
insert into @table
('This is a test 111-222-3344'),
('Some Sample Text (111)-222-3344'),
('Hello there 111222 3344 / How are you?'),
('Hello there 111 222 3344 ? How are you?'),
('Hello there 111 222 3344. How are you?')

replace(LEFT(SUBSTRING(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(c,'(',''),')',''),'-',''),' ',''),',',''), PATINDEX('%[0-9.-]%', replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(c,'(',''),')',''),'-',''),' ',''),',','')), 8000),
           PATINDEX('%[^0-9.-]%', SUBSTRING(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(c,'(',''),')',''),'-',''),' ',''),',',''), PATINDEX('%[0-9.-]%', replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(c,'(',''),')',''),'-',''),' ',''),',','')), 8000) + 'X') -1),'.','')
from @table


DECLARE @specialchars VARCHAR(50) = '%[~,@,#,$,%,&,*,(,),!^?:]%'

SET @STR = '1, 45 4,3 68.00-'

WHILE PATINDEX( @specialchars, @STR ) > 0

---Remove special characters using Replace function

SET @STR = Replace(Replace(REPLACE( @STR, SUBSTRING( @STR, PATINDEX( @specialchars, @STR ), 1 ),''),'-',''), ' ','')


In your case It seems like the # will always be after teh # symbol so using CHARINDEX() with LTRIM() and RTRIM() would probably perform the best. But here is an interesting method of getting rid of ANY non digit. It utilizes a tally table and table of digits to limit which characters are accepted then XML technique to concatenate back to a single string without the non-numeric characters. The neat thing about this technique is it could be expanded to included ANY Allowed characters and strip out anything that is not allowed.

DECLARE @ExampleData AS TABLE (Col VARCHAR(100))
INSERT INTO @ExampleData (Col) VALUES ('AB ABCDE # 123'),('ABCDE# 123'),('AB: ABC# 123')

INSERT INTO @Digits (D) VALUES ('0'),('1'),('2'),('3'),('4'),('5'),('6'),('7'),('8'),('9')

;WITH cteTally AS (
    @Digits d10
    CROSS APPLY @Digits d100
    --add more cross applies to cover longer fields this handles 100

    @ExampleData e
    SELECT CleansedPhone = CAST((
    SELECT TOP 100
       cteTally t
       INNER JOIN @Digits d
       ON SUBSTRING(e.Col,t.I,1) = d.D
       I <= LEN(e.Col)
    FOR XML PATH('')) AS VARCHAR(100))) o

 Declare @MainTable table(id int identity(1,1),TextField varchar(100))
  INSERT INTO @MainTable (TextField)
 declare @i int=1
  Declare @originalWord varchar(100)=''
  WHile @i<=(Select count(*) from @MainTable)
  Select @originalWord=TextField from @MainTable where id=@i

 Declare @r varchar(max) ='', @len int ,@c char(1), @x int = 0

    Select @len = len(@originalWord)
    declare @pn varchar(100)=@originalWord
    while @x <= @len 

      Select @c = SUBSTRING(@pn,@x,1)
            if ISNUMERIC(@c) = 0 and @c <> '-'
     Select @r = cast(@r as varchar) + cast(replace((SELECT ASCII(@c)-64),'-','') as varchar)

    Select @r = @r + @c



    Select @x = @x +1

    Select @r
  Set @i=@i+1

Here is the answer:


INSERT INTO @t VALUES('a123..A123')

;WITH cte (original, tVal, n)
         SELECT t.tVal AS original,
                LOWER(t.tVal)  AS tVal,
                65             AS n
         FROM   @t             AS t
         UNION ALL
         SELECT tVal AS original,
                CAST(REPLACE(LOWER(tVal), LOWER(CHAR(n)), '') AS VARCHAR(100)),
                n + 1
         FROM   cte
         WHERE  n <= 90

SELECT t1.tVal  AS OldVal,
       t.tval   AS NewVal
FROM   (
           SELECT original,
                  ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY tVal + original ORDER BY original) AS Sl
           FROM   cte
           WHERE  PATINDEX('%[a-z]%', tVal) = 0
       ) t
       INNER JOIN @t t1
            ON  t.original = t1.tVal
WHERE  t.sl = 1

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Examples related to patindex

Select query to remove non-numeric characters