Programs & Examples On #Xamlpad

How to check if input file is empty in jQuery

Questions : how to check File is empty or not?

Ans: I have slove this issue using this Jquery code

//If your file Is Empty :     _x000D_
      if (jQuery('#videoUploadFile').val() == '') {_x000D_
                       $('#message').html("Please Attach File");_x000D_
                   }else {_x000D_
                            alert('not work');_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<input type="file" id="videoUploadFile">_x000D_
<div id="message"></div>

What is the T-SQL syntax to connect to another SQL Server?

Try PowerShell Type like:

$cn = new-object"Data Source=server1;Initial Catalog=db1;User ID=user1;Password=password1");
$cmd = new-object"exec Proc1", $cn);
$cmd.CommandTimeout = 0

Unknown SSL protocol error in connection

If you meet "Unknown SSL protocol error in connection to" and you are in China, maybe github is been blocked by firewall temporarily. You can try to use VPN, which would work out. Good Luck!

Short IF - ELSE statement


or in your form:


Finding the last index of an array

The following will return NULL if the array is empty, else the last element.

var item = (arr.Length == 0) ? null : arr[arr.Length - 1]

How to change the output color of echo in Linux

Thanks to @k-five for this answer

declare -A colors

# Reset
colors[Color_Off]='\033[0m'       # Text Reset

# Regular Colors
colors[Black]='\033[0;30m'        # Black
colors[Red]='\033[0;31m'          # Red
colors[Green]='\033[0;32m'        # Green
colors[Yellow]='\033[0;33m'       # Yellow
colors[Blue]='\033[0;34m'         # Blue
colors[Purple]='\033[0;35m'       # Purple
colors[Cyan]='\033[0;36m'         # Cyan
colors[White]='\033[0;37m'        # White

# Bold
colors[BBlack]='\033[1;30m'       # Black
colors[BRed]='\033[1;31m'         # Red
colors[BGreen]='\033[1;32m'       # Green
colors[BYellow]='\033[1;33m'      # Yellow
colors[BBlue]='\033[1;34m'        # Blue
colors[BPurple]='\033[1;35m'      # Purple
colors[BCyan]='\033[1;36m'        # Cyan
colors[BWhite]='\033[1;37m'       # White

# Underline
colors[UBlack]='\033[4;30m'       # Black
colors[URed]='\033[4;31m'         # Red
colors[UGreen]='\033[4;32m'       # Green
colors[UYellow]='\033[4;33m'      # Yellow
colors[UBlue]='\033[4;34m'        # Blue
colors[UPurple]='\033[4;35m'      # Purple
colors[UCyan]='\033[4;36m'        # Cyan
colors[UWhite]='\033[4;37m'       # White

# Background
colors[On_Black]='\033[40m'       # Black
colors[On_Red]='\033[41m'         # Red
colors[On_Green]='\033[42m'       # Green
colors[On_Yellow]='\033[43m'      # Yellow
colors[On_Blue]='\033[44m'        # Blue
colors[On_Purple]='\033[45m'      # Purple
colors[On_Cyan]='\033[46m'        # Cyan
colors[On_White]='\033[47m'       # White

# High Intensity
colors[IBlack]='\033[0;90m'       # Black
colors[IRed]='\033[0;91m'         # Red
colors[IGreen]='\033[0;92m'       # Green
colors[IYellow]='\033[0;93m'      # Yellow
colors[IBlue]='\033[0;94m'        # Blue
colors[IPurple]='\033[0;95m'      # Purple
colors[ICyan]='\033[0;96m'        # Cyan
colors[IWhite]='\033[0;97m'       # White

# Bold High Intensity
colors[BIBlack]='\033[1;90m'      # Black
colors[BIRed]='\033[1;91m'        # Red
colors[BIGreen]='\033[1;92m'      # Green
colors[BIYellow]='\033[1;93m'     # Yellow
colors[BIBlue]='\033[1;94m'       # Blue
colors[BIPurple]='\033[1;95m'     # Purple
colors[BICyan]='\033[1;96m'       # Cyan
colors[BIWhite]='\033[1;97m'      # White

# High Intensity backgrounds
colors[On_IBlack]='\033[0;100m'   # Black
colors[On_IRed]='\033[0;101m'     # Red
colors[On_IGreen]='\033[0;102m'   # Green
colors[On_IYellow]='\033[0;103m'  # Yellow
colors[On_IBlue]='\033[0;104m'    # Blue
colors[On_IPurple]='\033[0;105m'  # Purple
colors[On_ICyan]='\033[0;106m'    # Cyan
colors[On_IWhite]='\033[0;107m'   # White

# echo $white

for i in "${!colors[@]}"
  echo -e "$i = ${colors[$i]}I love you$white"


enter image description here

Hope this image help you to pick your color for your bash :D

ActionBarActivity cannot resolve a symbol

If the same error occurs in ADT/Eclipse

Add Action Bar Sherlock library in your project.

Now, to remove the "import The import cannot be resolved" error download a jar file named as android-support-v7-appcompat.jar and add it in your project lib folder.

This will surely removes your both errors.

In Python, what is the difference between ".append()" and "+= []"?

>>> a=[]
>>> a.append([1,2])
>>> a
[[1, 2]]
>>> a=[]
>>> a+=[1,2]
>>> a
[1, 2]

See that append adds a single element to the list, which may be anything. +=[] joins the lists.

Accessing Objects in JSON Array (JavaScript)

You can loop the array with a for loop and the object properties with for-in loops.

for (var i=0; i<result.length; i++)
    for (var name in result[i]) {
        console.log("Item name: "+name);
        console.log("Source: "+result[i][name].sourceUuid);
        console.log("Target: "+result[i][name].targetUuid);

Add zero-padding to a string

int num = 1;

Can I change the fill color of an svg path with CSS?

I came across an amazing resource on css-tricks:

There are a handful of solutions explained there.

I preferred the one that required minimal edits to the source svg, and also didn't require it to be embedded into the html document. This option utilizes the <object> tag.

Add the svg file into your html using <object>; I also declared html attributes width and height. Using these width and heights the svg document does not get scaled, I worked around that using a css transform: scale(...) statement for the svg tag in my associated svg css file.

<object type="image/svg+xml" data="myfile.svg" width="64" height="64"></object>

Create a css file to attach to your svn document. My source svg path was scaled to 16px, I upscaled it to 64 with a factor of four. It only had one path so I did not need to select it more specifically, however the path had a fill attribute so I had to use !IMPORTANT to force the css to take precedent.

#svg2 {
    width: 64px; height: 64px;
    transform: scale(4);
path {
    fill: #333 !IMPORTANT;

Edit your target svg file, before the opening <svg tag, to include a stylesheet; Note that the href is relative to the svg file url.

<?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="myfile.css" ?>

Why does the JFrame setSize() method not set the size correctly?

On OS X, you need to take into account existing window decorations. They add 22 pixels to the height. So on a JFrame, you need to tell the program this:

frame.setSize(width, height + 22);

Get the value in an input text box

For those who just like me are newbies in JS and getting undefined instead of text value make sure that your id doesn't contain invalid characters.

How to set default value for form field in Symfony2?

If you set 'data' in your creation form, this value will be not modified when edit your entity.

My solution is :

public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options) {
    // In my example, data is an associated array
    $data = $builder->getData();

    $builder->add('myfield', 'text', array(
     'label' => 'Field',
     'data' => array_key_exits('myfield', $data) ? $data['myfield'] : 'Default value',


How organize uploaded media in WP?

As of October 2015, WP 4.3.1 I have found only two plugins actually affecting image locations as in “folders & subfolders”:

  • Custom Upload Dir, but as the name says, just on upload. You can work from your %post_slug% or %categories%, upload your images in the context of these post/pages, and this tool will form subfolders from it. Which is great, SEO-wise.

    Or you just even ignore all that and mandate under “Build a path template” i.e. travels/france/paris-at-night to upload to that subdir of your WP-Uploads folder. (Of course you'd have to keep changing for the uploads to follow. Limiting my overall faith, that this is a stable long-term tool, despite 10.000+ active installs).

  • Media File Manager allows to move already uploaded images and changes the paths in posts and pages using them accordingly. Its interface reminds of “Norton Commander 1.0” but it does the job. (Except for folder renames and deletes. So if you want to rename, better move images to a newly namend folder, then manually deleting the old.)

All of the following do NOT do the job:

  • WP Media Folder is NOT changing actual direcory location, thus not actually changing paths to your images thus also not affecting image URLs. Despite its name, Folder is just their visualisation of yet-another-taxonomy. I invested $19 to learn that.

  • Enhance Media Library is big, free and very popular (wordpress counts 40.000 installs) but is also not changing physical location and (thus) URLs. ? Thus the accepted answer is in my opinion wrong.

  • Media File Manager advanced appears gone and is deemed dangerous!

Insert/Update/Delete with function in SQL Server

"Functions have only READ-ONLY Database Access" If DML operations would be allowed in functions then function would be prety similar to stored Procedure.

How to pass a single object[] to a params object[]

You need to encapsulate it into another object[] array, like this:

Foo(new Object[] { new object[]{ (object)"1", (object)"2" }});

How to remove part of a string before a ":" in javascript?

There is no need for jQuery here, regular JavaScript will do:

var str = "Abc: Lorem ipsum sit amet";
str = str.substring(str.indexOf(":") + 1);

Or, the .split() and .pop() version:

var str = "Abc: Lorem ipsum sit amet";
str = str.split(":").pop();

Or, the regex version (several variants of this):

var str = "Abc: Lorem ipsum sit amet";
str = /:(.+)/.exec(str)[1];

Vue Js - Loop via v-for X times (in a range)

I had to add parseInt() to tell v-for it was looking at a number.

<li v-for="n in parseInt(count)" :key="n">{{n}}</li>

Pass array to where in Codeigniter Active Record

From the Active Record docs:


Generates a WHERE field IN ('item', 'item') SQL query joined with AND if appropriate

$names = array('Frank', 'Todd', 'James');
$this->db->where_in('username', $names);
// Produces: WHERE username IN ('Frank', 'Todd', 'James')

What is is Python's answer to a multi-platform installer and make file.

If you’re familiar with command line installations, then make && make install translates to python build && python install.

Some packages are pure Python, and are only byte compiled. Others may contain native code, which will require a native compiler (like gcc or cl) and a Python interfacing module (like swig or pyrex).

How to flush output after each `echo` call?

Note if you are on certain shared hosting sites like Dreamhost you can't disable PHP output buffering at all without going through different routes:

Changing the output buffer cache If you are using PHP FastCGI, the PHP functions flush(), ob_flush(), and ob_implicit_flush() will not function as expected. By default, output is buffered at a higher level than PHP (specifically, by the Apache module mod_deflate which is similar in form/function to mod_gzip).

If you need unbuffered output, you must either use CGI (instead of FastCGI) or contact support to request that mod_deflate is disabled for your site.


Actually, it will takes 101 bytes.

MySQL Reference

Abstract class in Java

An abstract class is one that isn't fully implemented but provides something of a blueprint for subclasses. It may be partially implemented in that it contains fully-defined concrete methods, but it can also hold abstract methods. These are methods with a signature but no method body. Any subclass must define a body for each abstract method, otherwise it too must be declared abstract. Because abstract classes cannot be instantiated, they must be extended by at least one subclass in order to be utilized. Think of the abstract class as the generic class, and the subclasses are there to fill in the missing information.

LINQ to SQL - Left Outer Join with multiple join conditions

this works too, ...if you have multiple column joins

from p in context.Periods
join f in context.Facts 
on new {
    id = p.periodid,
} equals new {,
} into fg
from fgi in fg.DefaultIfEmpty()
where p.companyid == 100
select f.value

typesafe select onChange event using reactjs and typescript

As far as I can tell, this is currently not possible - a cast is always needed.

To make it possible, the .d.ts of react would need to be modified so that the signature of the onChange of a SELECT element used a new SelectFormEvent. The new event type would expose target, which exposes value. Then the code could be typesafe.

Otherwise there will always be the need for a cast to any.

I could encapsulate all that in a MYSELECT tag.

How do I execute a stored procedure in a SQL Agent job?

You just need to add this line to the window there:

exec (your stored proc name) (and possibly add parameters)

What is your stored proc called, and what parameters does it expect?

Why Doesn't C# Allow Static Methods to Implement an Interface?

I think the short answer is "because it is of zero usefulness". To call an interface method, you need an instance of the type. From instance methods you can call any static methods you want to.

Cause of No suitable driver found for

"no suitable driver" usually means that the syntax for the connection URL is incorrect.

Get spinner selected items text?

One line version:

String text = ((Spinner)findViewById(;

UPDATE: You can remove casting if you use SDK 26 (or newer) to compile your project.

String text = findViewById(;

How to validate an Email in PHP?

Stay away from regex and filter_var() solutions for validating email. See this answer:

offsetTop vs. jQuery.offset().top

Try this: parseInt(jQuery.offset().top, 10)

How to use jQuery Plugin with Angular 4?

the solution to the typescript:


npm install jquery

npm install --save-dev @types/jquery

step2: in Angular.json add:

"scripts": [

or in index.html add:

<script src=""></script>

step3: in *.component.ts where you want to use jquery

import * as $ from 'jquery';  // dont need "declare let $"

Then you can use jquery the same as javaScript. This way, VScode supports auto-suggestion by Typescript

How do I create a MongoDB dump of my database?

Backup/Restore Mongodb with timing.


sudo mongodump --db db_name --out /path_of_your_backup/`date +"%m-%d-%y"`

--db argument for databse name

--out argument for path of output


sudo mongorestore --db db_name --drop /path_of_your_backup/01-01-19/db_name/

--drop argument for drop databse before restore


You can use crontab for timing backup:

sudo crontab -e

It opens with editor(e.g. nano)

3 3 * * * mongodump --out /path_of_your_backup/`date +"%m-%d-%y"`

backup every day at 03:03 AM

Depending on your MongoDB database sizes you may soon run out of disk space with too many backups. That's why it's also recommended to clean the old backups regularly or to compress them. For example, to delete all the backups older than 7 days you can use the following bash command:

3 1 * * * find /path_of_your_backup/ -mtime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \;

delete all the backups older than 7 days

Good Luck.


Undefined reference to `sin`

You have compiled your code with references to the correct math.h header file, but when you attempted to link it, you forgot the option to include the math library. As a result, you can compile your .o object files, but not build your executable.

As Paul has already mentioned add "-lm" to link with the math library in the step where you are attempting to generate your executable.

In the comment, linuxD asks:

Why for sin() in <math.h>, do we need -lm option explicitly; but, not for printf() in <stdio.h>?

Because both these functions are implemented as part of the "Single UNIX Specification". This history of this standard is interesting, and is known by many names (IEEE Std 1003.1, X/Open Portability Guide, POSIX, Spec 1170).

This standard, specifically separates out the "Standard C library" routines from the "Standard C Mathematical Library" routines (page 277). The pertinent passage is copied below:

Standard C Library

The Standard C library is automatically searched by cc to resolve external references. This library supports all of the interfaces of the Base System, as defined in Volume 1, except for the Math Routines.

Standard C Mathematical Library

This library supports the Base System math routines, as defined in Volume 1. The cc option -lm is used to search this library.

The reasoning behind this separation was influenced by a number of factors:

  1. The UNIX wars led to increasing divergence from the original AT&T UNIX offering.
  2. The number of UNIX platforms added difficulty in developing software for the operating system.
  3. An attempt to define the lowest common denominator for software developers was launched, called 1988 POSIX.
  4. Software developers programmed against the POSIX standard to provide their software on "POSIX compliant systems" in order to reach more platforms.
  5. UNIX customers demanded "POSIX compliant" UNIX systems to run the software.

The pressures that fed into the decision to put -lm in a different library probably included, but are not limited to:

  1. It seems like a good way to keep the size of libc down, as many applications don't use functions embedded in the math library.
  2. It provides flexibility in math library implementation, where some math libraries rely on larger embedded lookup tables while others may rely on smaller lookup tables (computing solutions).
  3. For truly size constrained applications, it permits reimplementations of the math library in a non-standard way (like pulling out just sin() and putting it in a custom built library.

In any case, it is now part of the standard to not be automatically included as part of the C language, and that's why you must add -lm.

Where can I find the assembly System.Web.Extensions dll?

Your project is mostly likely targetting .NET Framework 4 Client Profile. Check the application tab in your project properties.

This question has a good answer on the different versions: Target framework, what does ".NET Framework ... Client Profile" mean?

what is the use of fflush(stdin) in c programming

it clears stdin buffer before reading. From the man page:

For output streams, fflush() forces a write of all user-space buffered data for the given output or update stream via the stream's underlying write function. For input streams, fflush() discards any buffered data that has been fetched from the underlying file, but has not been consumed by the application.

Note: This is Linux-specific, using fflush() on input streams is undefined by the standard, however, most implementations behave the same as in Linux.

AWS EFS vs EBS vs S3 (differences & when to use?)

Fixing the comparison:

  • S3 is a storage facility accessible any where
  • EBS is a device you can mount onto EC2
  • EFS is a file system you can mount onto several EC2 instances at the same time

At this point it's a little premature to compare EFS and EBS- the performance of EFS isn't known, nor is its reliability known.

Why would you use S3?

  • You don't have a need for the files to be 'local' to one or more EC2 instances.
  • (effectively) infinite capacity
  • built-in web serving, authentication

How can I get the current stack trace in Java?

You can use jstack utility if you want to check the current call stack of your process.

    jstack [-l] <pid>
        (to connect to running process)
    jstack -F [-m] [-l] <pid>
        (to connect to a hung process)
    jstack [-m] [-l] <executable> <core>
        (to connect to a core file)
    jstack [-m] [-l] [server_id@]<remote server IP or hostname>
        (to connect to a remote debug server)

    -F  to force a thread dump. Use when jstack <pid> does not respond (process is hung)
    -m  to print both java and native frames (mixed mode)
    -l  long listing. Prints additional information about locks
    -h or -help to print this help message

Where Is Machine.Config?

You can run this in powershell: copy & paste in power shell [System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeEnvironment]::SystemConfigurationFile

mine output is: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50527\config\machine.config

Error in Swift class: Property not initialized at super.init call

You are just initing in the wrong order.

     class Shape2 {
        var numberOfSides = 0
        var name: String
        init(name:String) {
   = name
        func simpleDescription() -> String {
            return "A shape with \(numberOfSides) sides."

    class Square2: Shape2 {
        var sideLength: Double

        init(sideLength:Double, name:String) {

            self.sideLength = sideLength
            super.init(name:name) // It should be behind "self.sideLength = sideLength"
            numberOfSides = 4
        func area () -> Double {
            return sideLength * sideLength

Repeat command automatically in Linux

sleep already returns 0. As such, I'm using:

while sleep 3 ; do ls -l ; done

This is a tiny bit shorter than mikhail's solution. A minor drawback is that it sleeps before running the target command for the first time.

How to bind Dataset to DataGridView in windows application

following will show one table of dataset

DataGridView1.AutoGenerateColumns = true;
DataGridView1.DataSource = ds; // dataset
DataGridView1.DataMember = "TableName"; // table name you need to show

if you want to show multiple tables, you need to create one datatable or custom object collection out of all tables.

if two tables with same table schema

dtAll = dtOne.Copy(); // dtOne = ds.Tables[0]
dtAll.Merge(dtTwo); // dtTwo = dtOne = ds.Tables[1]

DataGridView1.AutoGenerateColumns = true;
DataGridView1.DataSource = dtAll ; // datatable

sample code to mode all tables

DataTable dtAll = ds.Tables[0].Copy();
for (var i = 1; i < ds.Tables.Count; i++)
DataGridView1.AutoGenerateColumns = true;
DataGridView1.DataSource = dtAll ;

Using PHP with

I know the struggle man! But I recently had it pretty much working with Workerman. If you have not stumbled upon this php framework then you better check this out!

Well, Workerman is an asynchronous event driven PHP framework for easily building fast, scalable network applications. (I just copied and pasted that from their website hahahah

The easy way to explain this is that when it comes web socket programming all you really need to have is to have 2 files in your server or local server (wherever you are working at).

  1. server.php (source code which will respond to all the client's request)

  2. client.php/client.html (source code which will do the requesting stuffs)

So basically, you right the code first on you server.php and start the server. Normally, as I am using windows which adds more of the struggle, I run the server through this command --> php server.php start

Well if you are using xampp. Here's one way to do it. Go to wherever you want to put your files. In our case, we're going to the put the files in


C:/xampp/htdocs/websocket/client.php or client.html

Assuming that you already have those files in your local server. Open your Git Bash or Command Line or Terminal or whichever you are using and download the php libraries here.

I usually download it via composer and just autoload those files in my php scripts.

And also check this one. This is really important! You need this javascript libary in order for you client.php or client.html to communicate with the server.php when you run it.

I just copy and pasted that folder on the same level as my server.php and my client.php

Here is the server.php sourcecode

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use Workerman\Worker;
use PHPSocketIO\SocketIO;

// listen port 2021 for client
$io = new SocketIO(2021);
$io->on('connection', function($socket)use($io){
    $socket->on('send message', function($msg)use($io){
        $io->emit('new message', $msg);


And here is the client.php or client.html sourcecode

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">        
        <div id="chat-messages" style="overflow-y: scroll; height: 100px; "></div>        
        <input type="text" class="message">
    <script src=""></script>    
    <script src=""></script>  
            var socket = io.connect("ws://");

            $('.message').on('change', function(){
                socket.emit('send message', $(this).val());

            socket.on('new message', function(data){
                $('#chat-messages').append('<p>' + data +'</p>');

Once again, open your command line or git bash or terminal where you put your server.php file. So in our case, that is C:/xampp/htdocs/websocket/ and typed in php server.php start and press enter.

Then go to you browser and type http://localhost/websocket/client.php to visit your site. Then just type anything to that textbox and you will see a basic php websocket on the go!

You just need to remember. In web socket programming, it just needs a server and a client. Run the server code first and the open the client code. And there you have it! Hope this helps!

How can I edit a .jar file?

Here's what I did:

  • Extracted the files using WinRAR
  • Made my changes to the extracted files
  • Opened the original JAR file with WinRAR
  • Used the ADD button to replace the files that I modified

That's it. I have tested it with my Nokia and it's working for me.

Display Two <div>s Side-by-Side

Try this : (

.left-div {
    float: left;
    width: 100px;
    /*height: 20px;*/
    margin-right: 8px;
    background-color: linen;
.right-div {

    margin-left: 108px;
    background-color: lime;

<div class="left-div">
<div class="right-div">
    My requirements are <b>[A]</b> Content in the two divs should line up at the top, <b>[B]</b> Long text in right-div should not wrap underneath left-div, and <b>[C]</b> I do not want to specify a width of right-div. I don't want to set the width of right-div because this markup needs to work within different widths.
<div style='clear:both;'>&nbsp;</div>

Hints :

  • Just use float:left in your left-most div only.
  • No real reason to use height, but anyway...
  • Good practice to use <div 'clear:both'>&nbsp;</div> after your last div.

How to grey out a button?

You should create a XML file for the disabled button (drawable/btn_disable.xml)

<shape xmlns:android="">
    <solid android:color="@color/grey" />
    <corners android:radius="6dp" />

And create a selector for the button (drawable/btn_selector.xml)

<selector xmlns:android="">

    <item android:drawable="@drawable/btn_disable" android:state_enabled="false"/>
    <item android:drawable="@drawable/btn_default" android:state_enabled="true"/>
    <item android:drawable="@drawable/btn_default" android:state_pressed="false" />


Add the selector to your button

<style name="srp_button" parent="@android:style/Widget.Button">
    <item name="android:background">@drawable/btn_selector</item>

How do I migrate an SVN repository with history to a new Git repository?

Create a users file (i.e. users.txt) for mapping SVN users to Git:

user1 = First Last Name <[email protected]>
user2 = First Last Name <[email protected]>

You can use this one-liner to build a template from your existing SVN repository:

svn log -q | awk -F '|' '/^r/ {sub("^ ", "", $2); sub(" $", "", $2); print $2" = "$2" <"$2">"}' | sort -u > users.txt

SVN will stop if it finds a missing SVN user not in the file. But after that you can update the file and pick-up where you left off.

Now pull the SVN data from the repository:

git svn clone --stdlayout --no-metadata --authors-file=users.txt svn://hostname/path dest_dir-tmp

This command will create a new Git repository in dest_dir-tmp and start pulling the SVN repository. Note that the "--stdlayout" flag implies you have the common "trunk/, branches/, tags/" SVN layout. If your layout differs, become familiar with --tags, --branches, --trunk options (in general git svn help).

All common protocols are allowed: svn://, http://, https://. The URL should target the base repository, something like The URL string must not include /trunk, /tag or /branches.

Note that after executing this command it very often looks like the operation is "hanging/freezed", and it's quite normal that it can be stuck for a long time after initializing the new repository. Eventually you will then see log messages which indicates that it's migrating.

Also note that if you omit the --no-metadata flag, Git will append information about the corresponding SVN revision to the commit message (i.e. git-svn-id: svn://<branchname/trunk>@<RevisionNumber> <Repository UUID>)

If a user name is not found, update your users.txt file then:

cd dest_dir-tmp
git svn fetch

You might have to repeat that last command several times, if you have a large project, until all of the Subversion commits have been fetched:

git svn fetch

When completed, Git will checkout the SVN trunk into a new branch. Any other branches are setup as remotes. You can view the other SVN branches with:

git branch -r

If you want to keep other remote branches in your repository, you want to create a local branch for each one manually. (Skip trunk/master.) If you don't do this, the branches won't get cloned in the final step.

git checkout -b local_branch remote_branch
# It's OK if local_branch and remote_branch are the same name

Tags are imported as branches. You have to create a local branch, make a tag and delete the branch to have them as tags in Git. To do it with tag "v1":

git checkout -b tag_v1 remotes/tags/v1
git checkout master
git tag v1 tag_v1
git branch -D tag_v1

Clone your GIT-SVN repository into a clean Git repository:

git clone dest_dir-tmp dest_dir
rm -rf dest_dir-tmp
cd dest_dir

The local branches that you created earlier from remote branches will only have been copied as remote branches into the new cloned repository. (Skip trunk/master.) For each branch you want to keep:

git checkout -b local_branch origin/remote_branch

Finally, remove the remote from your clean Git repository that points to the now deleted temporary repository:

git remote rm origin

to call onChange event after pressing Enter key

I prefer onKeyUp since it only fires when the key is released. onKeyDown, on the other hand, will fire multiple times if for some reason the user presses and holds the key. For example, when listening for "pressing" the Enter key to make a network request, you don't want that to fire multiple times since it can be expensive.

// handler could be passed as a prop
<input type="text" onKeyUp={handleKeyPress} />

handleKeyPress(e) {
if (e.key === 'Enter') {
  // do whatever


Also, stay away from keyCode since it will be deprecated some time.

How can I clear the terminal in Visual Studio Code?

You can change from settings menu (at least from version 1.30.2 and above)...

On Mac, just hit Code > Preferences > Settings.

Then just search for "clear" and check Clear Previous Output.

Settings - Clear Previous Output

C++ "Access violation reading location" Error

Vertex *f=(findvertex(from));
if(!f) {
    cerr << "vertex not found" << endl;
    exit(1) // or return;

Because findVertex can return NULL if it can't find the vertex.

Otherwise this f->adj; is trying to do


Which causes access violation.

WinSCP: Permission denied. Error code: 3 Error message from server: Permission denied

You possibly do not have create permissions to the folder. So WinSCP fails to create a temporary file for the transfer.

You have two options:

Detecting iOS / Android Operating system

You can test the user agent string:

 * Determine the mobile operating system.
 * This function returns one of 'iOS', 'Android', 'Windows Phone', or 'unknown'.
 * @returns {String}
function getMobileOperatingSystem() {
  var userAgent = navigator.userAgent || navigator.vendor || window.opera;

      // Windows Phone must come first because its UA also contains "Android"
    if (/windows phone/i.test(userAgent)) {
        return "Windows Phone";

    if (/android/i.test(userAgent)) {
        return "Android";

    // iOS detection from:
    if (/iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(userAgent) && !window.MSStream) {
        return "iOS";

    return "unknown";

Google maps API V3 - multiple markers on exact same spot

For situations where there are multiple services in the same building you could offset the markers just a little, (say by .001 degree), in a radius from the actual point. This should also produce a nice visual effect.

How to send Request payload to REST API in java?

The following code works for me.

//escape the double quotes in json string
String payload="{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"method\":\"changeDetail\",\"params\":[{\"id\":11376}],\"id\":2}";
String requestUrl="";
sendPostRequest(requestUrl, payload);

method implementation:

public static String sendPostRequest(String requestUrl, String payload) {
    try {
        URL url = new URL(requestUrl);
        HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();

        connection.setRequestProperty("Accept", "application/json");
        connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=UTF-8");
        OutputStreamWriter writer = new OutputStreamWriter(connection.getOutputStream(), "UTF-8");
        BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream()));
        StringBuffer jsonString = new StringBuffer();
        String line;
        while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
        return jsonString.toString();
    } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage());


What is the max size of localStorage values?

You can use the following code in modern browsers to efficiently check the storage quota (total & used) in real-time:

if ('storage' in navigator && 'estimate' in {
            .then(estimate => {
                console.log("Usage (in Bytes): ", estimate.usage,
                            ",  Total Quota (in Bytes): ", estimate.quota);

Android: how do I check if activity is running?

I think the accepted answer is an awful way of handling this.

I don't know what the use case is, but please consider a protected method in the base class

void doSomething() {

and override it in the derived class.

When the event occurs, just call this method in the base class. The correct 'active' class will handle it then. The class itself can then check if it is not Paused().

Better yet, use an event bus like GreenRobot's, Square's, but that one is deprecated and suggests using RxJava

Pandas groupby month and year

Why not keep it simple?!


giving you,

        abc  xyz
2013 6   80  250
     8   40   -5
2014 1   25   15
     2   60   80

and then you can plot like asked using,


Word-wrap in an HTML table

A long shot, but double-check with Firebug (or similar) that you aren't accidentally inheriting the following rule:


This may override your specified line break behaviour.

Sending a file over TCP sockets in Python

Put file inside while True like so

while True:
     f = open('torecv.png','wb')
     c, addr = s.accept()     # Establish connection with client.
     print 'Got connection from', addr
     print "Receiving..."
     l = c.recv(1024)
     while (l):
         print "Receiving..."
         l = c.recv(1024)
     print "Done Receiving"
     c.send('Thank you for connecting')

How to remove space from string?

The tools sed or tr will do this for you by swapping the whitespace for nothing

sed 's/ //g'

tr -d ' '


$ echo "   3918912k " | sed 's/ //g'

How to bind 'touchstart' and 'click' events but not respond to both?

I am trying this and so far it works (but I am only on Android/Phonegap so caveat emptor)

  function filterEvent( ob, ev ) {
      if (ev.type == "touchstart") {
'click').on('click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); });
  $('#keypad').on('touchstart click', '.number, .dot', function(event) {
      filterEvent( $('#keypad'), event );
      console.log( event.type );  // debugging only
           ... finish handling touch events...

I don't like the fact that I am re-binding handlers on every touch, but all things considered touches don't happen very often (in computer time!)

I have a TON of handlers like the one for '#keypad' so having a simple function that lets me deal with the problem without too much code is why I went this way.

How can I remount my Android/system as read-write in a bash script using adb?

Otherwise... if




Then maybe you should call

setenforce 0 
mount -o rw,remount /system 
setenforce 1

db.collection is not a function when using MongoClient v3.0

I did a little experimenting to see if I could keep the database name as part of the url. I prefer the promise syntax but it should still work for the callback syntax. Notice below that client.db() is called without passing any parameters.

    { useNewUrlParser: true}
.then(client => {

    // The database name is part of the url.  client.db() seems 
    // to know that and works even without a parameter that 
    // relays the db name.
    let db = client.db(); 

    console.log('the current database is: ' + db.s.databaseName);
    // client.close() if you want to

.catch(err => console.log(err));

My package.json lists monbodb ^3.2.5.

The 'useNewUrlParser' option is not required if you're willing to deal with a deprecation warning. But it is wise to use at this point until version 4 comes out where presumably the new driver will be the default and you won't need the option anymore.

How to increase Java heap space for a tomcat app

First of all you cannot change the memory settings only for a tomcat application but rather for all tomcat instance.

If you are running tomcat from console (using startup.bat) you'll need to edit catalina.bat and play around with CATALINA_OPTS. For example:

set CATALINA_OPTS=-Xms512m -Xmx512m

Restarting tomcat will apply the new settings.

If you are still getting OutOfMemoryError you need to know how much memory does your application need at that particular moment (nom.tam.util.ArrayFuncs...). You'll either have to optimize the application or simply increase the memory provided to tomcat.

C# switch statement limitations - why?

This is my original post, which sparked some debate... because it is wrong:

The switch statement is not the same thing as a big if-else statement. Each case must be unique and evaluated statically. The switch statement does a constant time branch regardless of how many cases you have. The if-else statement evaluates each condition until it finds one that is true.

In fact, the C# switch statement is not always a constant time branch.

In some cases the compiler will use a CIL switch statement which is indeed a constant time branch using a jump table. However, in sparse cases as pointed out by Ivan Hamilton the compiler may generate something else entirely.

This is actually quite easy to verify by writing various C# switch statements, some sparse, some dense, and looking at the resulting CIL with the ildasm.exe tool.

Select all 'tr' except the first one

You could also use a pseudo class selector in your CSS like this:

.desc:not(:first-child) {
    display: none;

That will not apply the class to the first element with the class .desc.

Here's a JSFiddle with an example:, and this is a good source to explain pseudo class selectors:

iOS for VirtualBox

You could try qemu, which is what the Android emulator uses. I believe it actually emulates the ARM hardware.

To add server using sp_addlinkedserver


EXEC sp_addlinkedserver @server='servername' 

No need to specify other parameters. You can go through this article.

Is there a splice method for strings?

Simply use substr for string


var str = "Hello world!";
var res = str.substr(1, str.length);

Result = ello world!

MySQL - Using COUNT(*) in the WHERE clause

FROM `gd`
HAVING COUNT(gid) > 10
ORDER BY lastupdated DESC;

EDIT (if you just want the gids):

FROM `gd`
HAVING COUNT(gid) > 10
ORDER BY lastupdated DESC

HTTP POST with URL query parameters -- good idea or not?

I agree - it's probably safer to use a GET request if you're just passing data in the URL and not in the body. See this similar question for some additional views on the whole POST+GET concept.

LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method

If anyone is looking for a VB.Net answer (as I was initially), here it is:

Public Function IsSatisfied() As Expression(Of Func(Of Charity, String, String, Boolean))

Return Function(charity, name, referenceNumber) (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name) Or
                                                         charity.registeredName.ToLower().Contains(name.ToLower()) Or
                                                         charity.alias.ToLower().Contains(name.ToLower()) Or
                                                         charity.charityId.ToLower().Contains(name.ToLower())) And
                                                    (String.IsNullOrEmpty(referenceNumber) Or
End Function

Multiple variables in a 'with' statement?

contextlib.nested supports this:

import contextlib

with contextlib.nested(open("out.txt","wt"), open("in.txt")) as (file_out, file_in):


To quote the documentation, regarding contextlib.nested:

Deprecated since version 2.7: The with-statement now supports this functionality directly (without the confusing error prone quirks).

See Rafal Dowgird's answer for more information.

MySQL Data Source not appearing in Visual Studio

Tried everything but on Visual Studio 2015 Community edition I got it working when I installed MySQL for Visual Studio 1.2.4+ from At time of writing I could download 1.2.6 which worked for me.

enter image description here

Release notes of 1.2.4 which adds support for VS2015 can be found at,633391

What is a stored procedure?

A stored procedure is a set of precompiled SQL statements that are used to perform a special task.

Example: If I have an Employee table

Employee ID  Name       Age  Mobile
001          Sidheswar  25   9938885469
002          Pritish    32   9178542436

First I am retrieving the Employee table:

Create Procedure Employee details
    Select * from Employee

To run the procedure on SQL Server:

Execute   Employee details

--- (Employee details is a user defined name, give a name as you want)

Then second, I am inserting the value into the Employee Table

Create Procedure employee_insert
    (@EmployeeID int, @Name Varchar(30), @Age int, @Mobile int)
    Insert Into Employee
    Values (@EmployeeID, @Name, @Age, @Mobile)

To run the parametrized procedure on SQL Server:

Execute employee_insert 003,’xyz’,27,1234567890

  --(Parameter size must be same as declared column size)

Example: @Name Varchar(30)

In the Employee table the Name column's size must be varchar(30).

Where to place the 'assets' folder in Android Studio?

Simply, double shift then type Assets Folder

choose it to be created in the correct place

How to check if image exists with given url?

Use the error handler like this:

$('#image_id').error(function() {
  alert('Image does not exist !!');

If the image cannot be loaded (for example, because it is not present at the supplied URL), the alert is displayed:


I think using:


would be enough to check for a 404.

More Readings:

Update 2:

Your code should be like this:

$(this).error(function() {
  alert('Image does not exist !!');

No need for these lines and that won't check if the remote file exists anyway:

var imgcheck = imgsrc.width;    

if (imgcheck==0) {
  alert("You have a zero size image");
} else { 
  //execute the rest of code here 

Reading a string with spaces with sscanf

The following line will start reading a number (%d) followed by anything different from tabs or newlines (%[^\t\n]).

sscanf("19 cool kid", "%d %[^\t\n]", &age, buffer);

How can I build multiple submit buttons django form?

one url to the same view! like so!

url(r'^$', views.landing.as_view(), name = 'landing'),

class landing(View):
        template_name = '/home.html'
        form_class1 = forms.pynamehere1
        form_class2 = forms.pynamehere2
            def get(self, request):
                form1 = self.form_class1(None)
                form2 = self.form_class2(None)
                return render(request, self.template_name, { 'register':form1, 'login':form2,})

             def post(self, request):
                 if request.method=='POST' and 'htmlsubmitbutton1' in request.POST:
                        ## do what ever you want to do for first function ####
                 if request.method=='POST' and 'htmlsubmitbutton2' in request.POST:
                         ## do what ever you want to do for second function ####
                        ## return def post###  
                 return render(request, self.template_name, {'form':form,})
    <!-- #### form 1 #### -->
    <form action="" method="POST" >
      {% csrf_token %}
      {{ register.as_p }}
    <button type="submit" name="htmlsubmitbutton1">Login</button>
    <!--#### form 2 #### -->
    <form action="" method="POST" >
      {% csrf_token %}
      {{ login.as_p }}
    <button type="submit" name="htmlsubmitbutton2">Login</button>

Reverse the ordering of words in a string

This is not perfect but it works for me right now. I don't know if it has O(n) running time btw (still studying it ^^) but it uses one additional array to fulfill the task.

It is probably not the best answer to your problem because i use a dest string to save the reversed version instead of replacing each words in the source string. The problem is that i use a local stack variable named buf to copy all the words in and i can not copy but into the source string as this would lead to a crash if the source string is const char * type.

But it was my first attempt to write like this :) Ok enough blablub. here is code:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

void reverse(char *des, char * const s);
int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
    char* s = (char*)"reservered. rights All Saints. The 2011 (c) Copyright 11/10/11 on Pfundstein Markus by Created";
    char *x = (char*)"Dogfish! White-spotted Shark, Bullhead";

    printf("Before: |%s|\n", x);
    printf("Before: |%s|\n", s);

    char *d = (char*)malloc((strlen(s)+1)*sizeof(char));  
    char *i = (char*)malloc((strlen(x)+1)*sizeof(char));


    printf("After: |%s|\n", i);
    printf("After: |%s|\n", d);

    free (i);
    free (d);

    return 0;

void reverse(char *dest, char *const s) {
    // create a temporary pointer
    if (strlen(s)==0) return;
    unsigned long offset = strlen(s)+1;

    char *buf = (char*)malloc((offset)*sizeof(char));
    memset(buf, 0, offset);

    char *p;
    // iterate from end to begin and count how much words we have
    for (unsigned long i = offset; i != 0; i--) {
        p = s+i;
        // if we discover a whitespace we know that we have a whole word
        if (*p == ' ' || *p == '\0') {
            // we increment the counter
            if (*p != '\0') {
                // we write the word into the buffer
                int d = (int)(strlen(p)-strlen(buf));
                strncat(buf, p, d);
                strcat(buf, " ");

    // copy the last word
    p -= 1;
    int d = (int)(strlen(p)-strlen(buf));
    strncat(buf, p, d);
    strcat(buf, "\0");

    // copy stuff to destination string
    for (int i = 0; i < offset; ++i) {


How to select all instances of a variable and edit variable name in Sublime

At this moment, 2020-10-17, if you select a text element and hit CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+M it will highlight every instance within the code chunk.

How do I run .sh or .bat files from Terminal?

My suggestion does not come from Terminal; however, this is a much easier way.

For .bat files, you can run them through Wine. Use this video to help you install it: This video will explain how to install, setup and use Wine. It is as simple as opening the .bat file in Wine itself, and it will run just as it would on Windows.

Through this, you can also run .exe files, as well .sh files.

This is much simpler than trying to work out all kinds of terminal code.

Set order of columns in pandas dataframe

Add the 'columns' parameter:

frame = pd.DataFrame({
        'one thing':[1,2,3,4],
        'second thing':[0.1,0.2,1,2],
        'other thing':['a','e','i','o']},
        columns=['one thing', 'second thing', 'other thing']

How to append to the end of an empty list?

I personally prefer the + operator than append:

for i in range(0, n):

    list1 += [[i]]

But this is creating a new list every time, so might not be the best if performance is critical.

Python can't find module in the same folder

In my case, Python was unable to find it because I'd put the code inside a module with hyphens, e.g. my-module. When I changed it to my_module it worked.

How can I determine installed SQL Server instances and their versions?

If your within SSMS you might find it easier to use:

SELECT @@Version

Java getHours(), getMinutes() and getSeconds()

Try this:

Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
int hours = calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
int minutes = calendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
int seconds = calendar.get(Calendar.SECOND);


hours, minutes, seconds

above will be the hours, minutes and seconds after converting yourdate to System Timezone!

How to make a Python script run like a service or daemon in Linux

You can also make the python script run as a service using a shell script. First create a shell script to run the python script like this (scriptname arbitary name)

script='/home/.. full path to script'
/usr/bin/python $script &

now make a file in /etc/init.d/scriptname

#! /bin/sh

DAEMON=/home/.. path to shell script scriptname created to run python script

test -x $DAEMON || exit 0

. /lib/lsb/init-functions

case "$1" in
     log_daemon_msg "Starting feedparser"
     start_daemon -p $PIDFILE $DAEMON
     log_end_msg $?
     log_daemon_msg "Stopping feedparser"
     killproc -p $PIDFILE $DAEMON
     PID=`ps x |grep feed | head -1 | awk '{print $1}'`
     kill -9 $PID       
     log_end_msg $?
     $0 stop
     $0 start
     status_of_proc -p $PIDFILE $DAEMON atd && exit 0 || exit $?
   echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/atd {start|stop|restart|force-reload|status}"
   exit 1

exit 0

Now you can start and stop your python script using the command /etc/init.d/scriptname start or stop.

java build path problems

Here's a good discussion on this:

Basically you should

  1. Download and install the 1.5 JDK. (download link)
  2. In Eclipse, Go to Window ? Preferences ? Java ? Installed JREs.
  3. Add the 1.5 JDK to the list.
  4. Select 1.5 as Compiler Compliance Level.

How do you create a foreign key relationship in a SQL Server CE (Compact Edition) Database?

Unfortunately there is currently no designer support (unlike for SQL Server 2005) for building relationships between tables in SQL Server CE. To build relationships you need to use SQL commands such as:

FOREIGN KEY (CustomerId) REFERENCES Customers(CustomerId)

If you are doing CE development, i would recomend this FAQ:

EDIT: In Visual Studio 2008 this is now possible to do in the GUI by right-clicking on your table.

How can I reconcile detached HEAD with master/origin?

Just do this:

git checkout master

Or, if you have changes that you want to keep, do this:

git checkout -b temp
git checkout -B master temp

Locking pattern for proper use of .NET MemoryCache

This is my 2nd iteration of the code. Because MemoryCache is thread safe you don't need to lock on the initial read, you can just read and if the cache returns null then do the lock check to see if you need to create the string. It greatly simplifies the code.

const string CacheKey = "CacheKey";
static readonly object cacheLock = new object();
private static string GetCachedData()

    //Returns null if the string does not exist, prevents a race condition where the cache invalidates between the contains check and the retreival.
    var cachedString = MemoryCache.Default.Get(CacheKey, null) as string;

    if (cachedString != null)
        return cachedString;

    lock (cacheLock)
        //Check to see if anyone wrote to the cache while we where waiting our turn to write the new value.
        cachedString = MemoryCache.Default.Get(CacheKey, null) as string;

        if (cachedString != null)
            return cachedString;

        //The value still did not exist so we now write it in to the cache.
        var expensiveString = SomeHeavyAndExpensiveCalculation();
        CacheItemPolicy cip = new CacheItemPolicy()
                                  AbsoluteExpiration = new DateTimeOffset(DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(20))
        MemoryCache.Default.Set(CacheKey, expensiveString, cip);
        return expensiveString;

EDIT: The below code is unnecessary but I wanted to leave it to show the original method. It may be useful to future visitors who are using a different collection that has thread safe reads but non-thread safe writes (almost all of classes under the System.Collections namespace is like that).

Here is how I would do it using ReaderWriterLockSlim to protect access. You need to do a kind of "Double Checked Locking" to see if anyone else created the cached item while we where waiting to to take the lock.

const string CacheKey = "CacheKey";
static readonly ReaderWriterLockSlim cacheLock = new ReaderWriterLockSlim();
static string GetCachedData()
    //First we do a read lock to see if it already exists, this allows multiple readers at the same time.
        //Returns null if the string does not exist, prevents a race condition where the cache invalidates between the contains check and the retreival.
        var cachedString = MemoryCache.Default.Get(CacheKey, null) as string;

        if (cachedString != null)
            return cachedString;

    //Only one UpgradeableReadLock can exist at one time, but it can co-exist with many ReadLocks
        //We need to check again to see if the string was created while we where waiting to enter the EnterUpgradeableReadLock
        var cachedString = MemoryCache.Default.Get(CacheKey, null) as string;

        if (cachedString != null)
            return cachedString;

        //The entry still does not exist so we need to create it and enter the write lock
        var expensiveString = SomeHeavyAndExpensiveCalculation();
        cacheLock.EnterWriteLock(); //This will block till all the Readers flush.
            CacheItemPolicy cip = new CacheItemPolicy()
                AbsoluteExpiration = new DateTimeOffset(DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(20))
            MemoryCache.Default.Set(CacheKey, expensiveString, cip);
            return expensiveString;

HttpClient won't import in Android Studio

To use Apache HTTP for SDK Level 23:

Top level build.gradle - /build.gradle

buildscript {
    dependencies {
        classpath '' 
        // Lowest version for useLibrary is 1.3.0
        // Android Studio will notify you about the latest stable version
        // See all versions:

Notification from Android studio about gradle update:

Notification from Android studio about gradle update

Module specific build.gradle - /app/build.gradle

android {
    compileSdkVersion 23
    buildToolsVersion "23.0.2"
    useLibrary 'org.apache.http.legacy'

How do I set a Windows scheduled task to run in the background?

Assuming the application you are attempting to run in the background is CLI based, you can try calling the scheduled jobs using Hidden Start

Also see:

What does 'URI has an authority component' mean?

After trying a skeleton project called "jsf-blank", which did not demonstrate this problem with xhtml files; I concluded that there was an unknown problem in my project. My solution may not have been too elegant, but it saved time. I backed up the code and other files I'd already developed, deleted the project, and started over - recreated the project. So far, I've added back most of the files and it looks pretty good.

How to change DataTable columns order

Try to use the DataColumn.SetOrdinal method. For example:


UPDATE: This answer received much more attention than I expected. To avoid confusion and make it easier to use I decided to create an extension method for column ordering in DataTable:

Extension method:

public static class DataTableExtensions
    public static void SetColumnsOrder(this DataTable table, params String[] columnNames)
        int columnIndex = 0;
        foreach(var columnName in columnNames)


table.SetColumnsOrder("Qty", "Unit", "Id");


table.SetColumnsOrder(new string[]{"Qty", "Unit", "Id"});

IIS w3svc error

For me the solution was easy, there was no room left on drive C, once deleted some old files i was able to perform IISReset and all the services started successfully.

How can I convert a DOM element to a jQuery element?

var elm = document.createElement("div");
var jelm = $(elm);//convert to jQuery Element
var htmlElm = jelm[0];//convert to HTML Element

How can I get the executing assembly version?

This should do:

Assembly assem = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
AssemblyName aName = assem.GetName();
return aName.Version.ToString();

Of Countries and their Cities

I was comparing with and it appears the latter one to be more resourceful. However, maxmind has a free database so then why buy a cities database. Just get the free one and there is lot of help available on internet about maxmind db. If you put in extra efforts then you can save those few bucks :)

Is recursion ever faster than looping?

Most of the answers here are wrong. The right answer is it depends. For example, here are two C functions which walks through a tree. First the recursive one:

void mm_scan_black(mm_rc *m, ptr p) {
        if (GET_COL(p_child) != COL_BLACK) {
            mm_scan_black(m, p_child);

And here is the same function implemented using iteration:

void mm_scan_black(mm_rc *m, ptr p) {
    stack *st = m->black_stack;
    st_push(st, p);
    while (st->used != 0) {
        p = st_pop(st);
        P_FOR_EACH_CHILD(p, {
            if (GET_COL(p_child) != COL_BLACK) {
                SET_COL(p_child, COL_BLACK);
                st_push(st, p_child);

It's not important to understand the details of the code. Just that p are nodes and that P_FOR_EACH_CHILD does the walking. In the iterative version we need an explicit stack st onto which nodes are pushed and then popped and manipulated.

The recursive function runs much faster than the iterative one. The reason is because in the latter, for each item, a CALL to the function st_push is needed and then another to st_pop.

In the former, you only have the recursive CALL for each node.

Plus, accessing variables on the callstack is incredibly fast. It means you are reading from memory which is likely to always be in the innermost cache. An explicit stack, on the other hand, has to be backed by malloc:ed memory from the heap which is much slower to access.

With careful optimization, such as inlining st_push and st_pop, I can reach roughly parity with the recursive approach. But at least on my computer, the cost of accessing heap memory is bigger than the cost of the recursive call.

But this discussion is mostly moot because recursive tree walking is incorrect. If you have a large enough tree, you will run out of callstack space which is why an iterative algorithm must be used.

Targeting .NET Framework 4.5 via Visual Studio 2010

I have been struggling with VS2010/DNFW 4.5 integration and have finally got this working. Starting in VS 2008, a cache of assemblies was introduced that is used by Visual Studio called the "Referenced Assemblies". This file cache for VS 2010 is located at \Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework.NetFramework\v4.0. Visual Studio loads framework assemblies from this location instead of from the framework installation directory. When Microsoft says that VS 2010 does not support DNFW 4.5 what they mean is that this directory does not get updated when DNFW 4.5 is installed. Once you have replace the files in this location with the updated DNFW 4.5 files, you will find that VS 2010 will happily function with DNFW 4.5.

Getting multiple values with scanf()

int a,b,c,d;
if(scanf("%d %d %d %d",&a,&b,&c,&d) == 4) {
   //read the 4 integers
} else {
   puts("Error. Please supply 4 integers");

hadoop No FileSystem for scheme: file

For SBT use below mergeStrategy in build.sbt

mergeStrategy in assembly <<= (mergeStrategy in assembly) { (old) => {
    case PathList("META-INF", "services", "org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem") => MergeStrategy.filterDistinctLines
    case s => old(s)

Delete specific line from a text file?

If the line you want to delete is based on the content of the line:

string line = null;
string line_to_delete = "the line i want to delete";

using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader("C:\\input")) {
    using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter("C:\\output")) {
        while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null) {
            if (String.Compare(line, line_to_delete) == 0)


Or if it is based on line number:

string line = null;
int line_number = 0;
int line_to_delete = 12;

using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader("C:\\input")) {
    using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter("C:\\output")) {
        while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null) {

            if (line_number == line_to_delete)


Angularjs error Unknown provider

Make sure you are loading those modules ( and myApp.directives) as dependencies of your main app module, like this:

angular.module('myApp', ['myApp.directives', '']);


How do I return multiple values from a function?

Named tuples were added in 2.6 for this purpose. Also see os.stat for a similar builtin example.

>>> import collections
>>> Point = collections.namedtuple('Point', ['x', 'y'])
>>> p = Point(1, y=2)
>>> p.x, p.y
1 2
>>> p[0], p[1]
1 2

In recent versions of Python 3 (3.6+, I think), the new typing library got the NamedTuple class to make named tuples easier to create and more powerful. Inheriting from typing.NamedTuple lets you use docstrings, default values, and type annotations.

Example (From the docs):

class Employee(NamedTuple):  # inherit from typing.NamedTuple
    name: str
    id: int = 3  # default value

employee = Employee('Guido')
assert == 3

How to convert text to binary code in JavaScript?

Provided you're working in node or a browser with BigInt support, this version cuts costs by saving the expensive string construction for the very end:

const zero = 0n
const shift = 8n

function asciiToBinary (str) {
  const len = str.length
  let n = zero
  for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    n = (n << shift) + BigInt(str.charCodeAt(i))
  return n.toString(2).padStart(len * 8, 0)

It's about twice as fast as the other solutions mentioned here including this simple es6+ implementation:

const toBinary = s => [...s]
  .map(x => x

If you need to handle unicode characters, here's this guy:

const zero = 0n
const shift = 8n
const bigShift = 16n
const byte = 255n

function unicodeToBinary (str) {
  const len = str.length
  let n = zero
  for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    const bits = BigInt(str.codePointAt(i))
    n = (n << (bits > byte ? bigShift : shift)) + bits
  const bin = n.toString(2)
  return bin.padStart(8 * Math.ceil(bin.length / 8), 0)

How can I make my flexbox layout take 100% vertical space?

set the wrapper to height 100%

.vwrapper {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;

  flex-wrap: nowrap;
  justify-content: flex-start;
  align-items: stretch;
  align-content: stretch;

  height: 100%;

and set the 3rd row to flex-grow

#row3 {
   background-color: green;
   flex: 1 1 auto;
   display: flex;


Batch files: List all files in a directory with relative paths

Of course, you may write a recursive algorithm in Batch that gives you exact control of what you do in every nested subdirectory:

@echo off
set mypath=
call :treeProcess
goto :eof

for %%f in (*.txt) do echo %mypath%%%f
for /D %%d in (*) do (
    set mypath=%mypath%%%d\
    cd %%d
    call :treeProcess
    cd ..
exit /b

HTML: How to limit file upload to be only images?

Ultimately, the filter that is displayed in the Browse window is set by the browser. You can specify all of the filters you want in the Accept attribute, but you have no guarantee that your user's browser will adhere to it.

Your best bet is to do some kind of filtering in the back end on the server.

PyCharm import external library

In order to reference an external library in a project File -> Settings -> Project -> Project structure -> select the folder and mark as a source

Python Requests - No connection adapters

You need to include the protocol scheme:


Without the http:// part, requests has no idea how to connect to the remote server.

Note that the protocol scheme must be all lowercase; if your URL starts with HTTP:// for example, it won’t find the http:// connection adapter either.

Cannot send a content-body with this verb-type

Because you didn't specify the Header.

I've added an extended example:

var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(strServer + strURL.Split('&')[1].ToString());

Header(ref request, p_Method);

And the method Header:

private void Header(ref HttpWebRequest p_request, string p_Method)
    p_request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
    p_request.Method = p_Method;
    p_request.UserAgent = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows CE)";
    p_request.Host = strServer.Split('/')[2].ToString();
    p_request.Accept = "*/*";
    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(strURLReferer))
        p_request.Referer = strServer;
        p_request.Referer = strURLReferer;
    p_request.Headers.Add("Accept-Language", "en-us\r\n");
    p_request.Headers.Add("UA-CPU", "x86 \r\n");
    p_request.Headers.Add("Cache-Control", "no-cache\r\n");
    p_request.KeepAlive = true;

Android: How to detect double-tap?

I created a simple library to handle this. it can also detect more than two clicks (it all depends on you). after you import the ClickCounter class, here is how you use it to detect single and multiple clicks:

ClickCounter counter = new ClickCounter();

view.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
    public void onClick(View view) {
        counter.addClick();  // submits click to be counted

counter.setClickCountListener(new ClickCounter.ClickCountListener() {
    public void onClickingCompleted(int clickCount) {
        rewardUserWithClicks(clickCount); // Thats All!!

Pass entire form as data in jQuery Ajax function

A good jQuery option to do this is through FormData. This method is also suited when sending files through a form!

<form id='test' method='post' enctype='multipart/form-data'>
   <input type='text' name='testinput' id='testinput'>
   <button type='submit'>submit</button>

Your send function in jQuery would look like this:

$( 'form#test' ).submit( function(){
   var data = new FormData( $( 'form#test' )[ 0 ] );

   $.ajax( {
      processData: false,
      contentType: false,

      data: data,
      dataType: 'json',
      type: $( this ).attr( 'method' );
      url: 'yourapi.php',
      success: function( feedback ){
         console.log( "the feedback from your API: " + feedback );

to add data to your form you can either use a hidden input in your form, or you add it on the fly:

var data = new FormData( $( 'form#test' )[ 0 ] );
data.append( 'command', 'value_for_command' );

Case insensitive searching in Oracle

maybe you can try using

SELECT user_name
FROM user_master
WHERE upper(user_name) LIKE '%ME%'

Set up DNS based URL forwarding in Amazon Route53


While my original answer below is still valid and might be helpful to understand the cause for DNS based URL forwarding not being available via Amazon Route 53 out of the box, I highly recommend checking out Vivek M. Chawla's utterly smart indirect solution via the meanwhile introduced Amazon S3 Support for Website Redirects and achieving a self contained server less and thus free solution within AWS only like so.

  • Implementing an automated solution to generate such redirects is left as an exercise for the reader, but please pay tribute to Vivek's epic answer by publishing your solution ;)

Original Answer

Nettica must be running a custom redirection solution for this, here is the problem:

You could create a CNAME alias like for, however, DNS provides no official support for aliasing a subdirectory like console in this example.

  • It's a pity that AWS doesn't appear to simply do this by default when hitting (I just tried), because it would solve you problem right away and make a lot of sense in the first place; besides, it should be pretty easy to configure on their end.

For that reason a few DNS providers have apparently implemented a custom solution to allow redirects to subdirectories; I venture the guess that they are basically facilitating a CNAME alias for a domain of their own and are redirecting again from there to the final destination via an immediate HTTP 3xx Redirection.

So to achieve the same result, you'd need to have a HTTP service running performing these redirects, which is not the simple solution one would hope for of course. Maybe/Hopefully someone can come up with a smarter approach still though.

How do I set up Eclipse/EGit with GitHub?

Install Mylyn connector for GitHub from this update site, it provides great integration: you can directly import your repositories using Import > Projects from Git > GitHub. You can set the default repository folder in Preferences > Git.

What is the difference between private and protected members of C++ classes?

private and protected access modifiers are one and same only that protected members of the base class can be accessed outside the scope of the base class in the child(derived)class. It also applies the same to inheritance . But with the private modifier the members of the base class can only be accessed in the scope or code of the base class and its friend functions only''''

Removing double quotes from a string in Java

String withoutQuotes_line1 = line1.replace("\"", "");

have a look here

How do you say not equal to in Ruby?

Yes. In Ruby the not equal to operator is:


You can get a full list of ruby operators here:

JQuery: if div is visible

You can use .is(':visible')

Selects all elements that are visible.

For example:


Also, you can get the div which is visible by:


Live example:

#selectDiv {_x000D_
  display: none;  _x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div id="selectDiv"></div>_x000D_
<div id="visibleDiv"></div>

.includes() not working in Internet Explorer

String.prototype.includes is, as you write, not supported in Internet Explorer (or Opera).

Instead you can use String.prototype.indexOf. #indexOf returns the index of the first character of the substring if it is in the string, otherwise it returns -1. (Much like the Array equivalent)

var myString = 'this is my string';
// -> 11

// -> -1

MDN has a polyfill for includes using indexOf:

EDIT: Opera supports includes as of version 28.

EDIT 2: Current versions of Edge supports the method. (as of 2019)

How to improve a case statement that uses two columns

Just change your syntax ever so slightly:

CASE WHEN STATE = 2 AND RetailerProcessType = 1 THEN '"AUTHORISED"'
     WHEN STATE = 1 AND RetailerProcessType = 2 THEN '"PENDING"'
     WHEN STATE = 2 AND RetailerProcessType = 2 THEN '"AUTHORISED"'

If you don't put the field expression before the CASE statement, you can put pretty much any fields and comparisons in there that you want. It's a more flexible method but has slightly more verbose syntax.

Program to find largest and smallest among 5 numbers without using array

int findMin(int t1, int t2, int t3, int t4, int t5)
    int min;

    min = t1;
    if (t2 < min)
        min = t2;
    if (t3 < min)
        min = t3;
    if (t4 < min)
        min = t4;
    if (t5 < min)
        min = t5;

    return min;
int findMax(int t1, int t2, int t3, int t4, int t5)
    int max;

    max = t1;
    if (t2 > max)
        max = t2;
    if (t3 > max)
        max = t3;
    if (t4 > max)
        max = t4;
    if (t5 > max)
        max = t5;

    return max;

TortoiseGit save user authentication / credentials

For TortoiseGit or later, there is a GUI to switch on/off credential helper.

It supports git-credential-wincred and git-credential-winstore.

TortoiseGit 1.8.16 add support for git-credential-manager (Git Credential Manager, the successor of git-credential-winstore)

For the first time you sync you are asked for user and password, you enter them and they will be saved to Windows credential store. It won't ask for user or password the next time you sync.

To use: Right click → TortoiseGit → Settings → Git → Credential. Select Credential helper: wincred - this repository only / wincred - current Windows user

enter image description here

Shortest way to check for null and assign another value if not

Starting with C# 8.0, you can use the ??= operator to replace the code of the form

if (variable is null)
    variable = expression;

with the following code:

variable ??= expression;

More information is here

Print to standard printer from Python?

To print to any printer on the network you can send a PJL/PCL print job directly to a network printer on port 9100.

Please have a look at the below link that should give a good start:

Also, If there is a way to call Windows cmd you can use FTP put to print your page on 9100. Below link should give you details, I have used this method for HP printers but I believe it will work for other printers.

Why is the default value of the string type null instead of an empty string?

Maybe the string keyword confused you, as it looks exactly like any other value type declaration, but it is actually an alias to System.String as explained in this question.
Also the dark blue color in Visual Studio and the lowercase first letter may mislead into thinking it is a struct.

Send JavaScript variable to PHP variable

As Jordan already said you have to post back the javascript variable to your server before the server can handle the value. To do this you can either program a javascript function that submits a form - or you can use ajax / jquery.

Maybe the most easiest approach for you is something like this

function myJavascriptFunction() { 
  var javascriptVariable = "John";
  window.location.href = "myphpfile.php?name=" + javascriptVariable; 

On your myphpfile.php you can use $_GET['name'] after your javascript was executed.


postgresql COUNT(DISTINCT ...) very slow

If your count(distinct(x)) is significantly slower than count(x) then you can speed up this query by maintaining x value counts in different table, for example table_name_x_counts (x integer not null, x_count int not null), using triggers. But your write performance will suffer and if you update multiple x values in single transaction then you'd need to do this in some explicit order to avoid possible deadlock.

How do I check if a Key is pressed on C++

There is no portable function that allows to check if a key is hit and continue if not. This is always system dependent.

Solution for linux and other posix compliant systems:

Here, for Morgan Mattews's code provide kbhit() functionality in a way compatible with any POSIX compliant system. He uses the trick of desactivating buffering at termios level.

Solution for windows:

For windows, Microsoft offers _kbhit()

Understanding SQL Server LOCKS on SELECT queries

The SELECT WITH (NOLOCK) allows reads of uncommitted data, which is equivalent to having the READ UNCOMMITTED isolation level set on your database. The NOLOCK keyword allows finer grained control than setting the isolation level on the entire database.

Wikipedia has a useful article: Wikipedia: Isolation (database systems)

It is also discussed at length in other stackoverflow articles.

When does socket.recv(recv_size) return?

Yes, your conclusion is correct. socket.recv is a blocking call.

socket.recv(1024) will read at most 1024 bytes, blocking if no data is waiting to be read. If you don't read all data, an other call to socket.recv won't block.

socket.recv will also end with an empty string if the connection is closed or there is an error.

If you want a non-blocking socket, you can use the select module (a bit more complicated than just using sockets) or you can use socket.setblocking.

I had issues with socket.setblocking in the past, but feel free to try it if you want.

How do I correctly clean up a Python object?

The standard way is to use atexit.register:

import atexit
import os

class Package:
    def __init__(self):
        self.files = []

    def cleanup(self):
        print("Running cleanup...")
        for file in self.files:
            print("Unlinking file: {}".format(file))
            # os.unlink(file)

But you should keep in mind that this will persist all created instances of Package until Python is terminated.

Demo using the code above saved as

$ python
>>> from package import *
>>> p = Package()
>>> q = Package()
>>> q.files = ['a', 'b', 'c']
>>> quit()
Running cleanup...
Unlinking file: a
Unlinking file: b
Unlinking file: c
Running cleanup...

Django - limiting query results

As an addition and observation to the other useful answers, it's worth noticing that actually doing [:10] as slicing will return the first 10 elements of the list, not the last 10...

To get the last 10 you should do [-10:] instead (see here). This will help you avoid using order_by('-id') with the - to reverse the elements.

How to find file accessed/created just few minutes ago

To find files accessed 1, 2, or 3 minutes ago use -3

find . -cmin -3

how to count the spaces in a java string?

s.length() - s.replaceAll(" ", "").length() returns you number of spaces.

There are more ways. For example"

int spaceCount = 0;
for (char c : str.toCharArray()) {
    if (c == ' ') {

etc., etc.

In your case you tried to split string using \t - TAB. You will get right result if you use " " instead. Using \s may be confusing since it matches all whitepsaces - regular spaces and TABs.

Missing artifact

The above answer only adds the sqljdbc4.jar to the local repository. As a result, when creating the final project jar for distribution, sqljdbc4 will again be missing as was indicated in the comment by @Tony regarding runtime error.

Microsoft (and Oracle and other third party providers) restrict the distribution of their software as per the ENU/EULA. Therefore those software modules do not get added in Maven produced jars for distribution. There are hacks to get around it (such as providing the location of the 3rd party jar file at runtime), but as a developer you must be careful about violating the licensing.

A better approach for jdbc connectors/drivers is to use jTDS, which is compatible to most DBMS's, more reliable, faster (as per benchmarks), and distributed under GNU license. It will make your life much easier to use this than trying to pound the square peg into the round hole following any of the other techniques above.

How can I toggle word wrap in Visual Studio?

In Visual Studio 2005 Pro:

Ctrl + E, Ctrl + W

Or menu Edit ? Advanced ? Word Wrap.

Android Studio - Gradle sync project failed

it was hard to solve but i did it look go to C:\Users\Vinnie\ delete .gradle file its you didn't see it it may be in hidden files so if you use windows 7 right click then click on properties and click on hidden to be not checked

then the file will appear then delete it i hope this works

how to get rid of notification circle in right side of the screen?

This stuff comes from ES file explorer

Just go into this app > settings

Then there is an option that says logging floating window, you just need to disable that and you will get rid of this infernal bubble for good

How to add a vertical Separator?


Try this example and see if it fits your needs, there are three main aspects to it.

  1. Line.Stretch is set to fill.

  2. For horizontal lines the VerticalAlignment of the line is set Bottom, and for VerticalLines the HorizontalAlignment is set to Right.

  3. We then need to tell the line how many rows or columns to span, this is done by binding to either RowDefinitions or ColumnDefintions count property.

        <Style x:Key="horizontalLineStyle" TargetType="Line" BasedOn="{StaticResource lineStyle}">  
            <Setter Property="X2" Value="1" /> 
            <Setter Property="VerticalAlignment" Value="Bottom" /> 
            <Setter Property="Grid.ColumnSpan" 
                                RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType=Grid}}"/> 
        <Style x:Key="verticalLineStyle" TargetType="Line" BasedOn="{StaticResource lineStyle}">  
            <Setter Property="Y2" Value="1" /> 
            <Setter Property="HorizontalAlignment" Value="Right" /> 
            <Setter Property="Grid.RowSpan"   
                                RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType=Grid}}"/> 
        <RowDefinition Height="20"/>  
        <RowDefinition Height="20"/>  
        <RowDefinition Height="20"/>  
        <RowDefinition Height="20"/>  
        <ColumnDefinition Width="20"/>  
        <ColumnDefinition Width="20"/>  
        <ColumnDefinition Width="20"/>  
        <ColumnDefinition Width="20"/>  
    <Line Grid.Column="0" Style="{StaticResource verticalLineStyle}"/>  
    <Line Grid.Column="1" Style="{StaticResource verticalLineStyle}"/>  
    <Line Grid.Column="2" Style="{StaticResource verticalLineStyle}"/>  
    <Line Grid.Column="3" Style="{StaticResource verticalLineStyle}"/>  
    <Line Grid.Row="0" Style="{StaticResource horizontalLineStyle}"/>  
    <Line Grid.Row="1" Style="{StaticResource horizontalLineStyle}"/>  
    <Line Grid.Row="2" Style="{StaticResource horizontalLineStyle}"/>  
    <Line Grid.Row="3" Style="{StaticResource horizontalLineStyle}"/>  

How to style components using makeStyles and still have lifecycle methods in Material UI?

I used withStyles instead of makeStyle

EX :

import { withStyles } from '@material-ui/core/styles';
import React, {Component} from "react";

const useStyles = theme => ({
        root: {
           flexGrow: 1,

class App extends Component {
       render() {
                const { classes } = this.props;
                    <div className={classes.root}>

export default withStyles(useStyles)(App)

VB.NET 'If' statement with 'Or' conditional has both sides evaluated?

It's your "fault" in that that's how Or is defined, so it's the behaviour you should expect:

In a Boolean comparison, the Or operator always evaluates both expressions, which could include making procedure calls. The OrElse Operator (Visual Basic) performs short-circuiting, which means that if expression1 is True, then expression2 is not evaluated.

But you don't have to endure it. You can use OrElse to get short-circuiting behaviour.

So you probably want:

If (example Is Nothing OrElse Not example.Item = compare.Item) Then
End If

I can't say it reads terribly nicely, but it should work...

jQuery when element becomes visible

Tried this on firefox, works

 /** Just to mimic a blinking box on the page**/



Currently the Mutation Events (like DOMAttrModified used in the solution) are replaced by MutationObserver, You can use that to detect DOM node changes like in the above case.

how can I check if a file exists?

For anyone who is looking a way to watch a specific file to exist in VBS:

Function bIsFileDownloaded(strPath, timeout)
  Dim FSO, fileIsDownloaded
  set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  fileIsDownloaded = false
  limit = DateAdd("s", timeout, Now)
  Do While Now < limit
    If FSO.FileExists(strPath) Then : fileIsDownloaded = True : Exit Do : End If
    WScript.Sleep 1000      
  Set FSO = Nothing
  bIsFileDownloaded = fileIsDownloaded
End Function


FileName = "C:\test.txt"
fileIsDownloaded = bIsFileDownloaded(FileName, 5) ' keep watching for 5 seconds

If fileIsDownloaded Then
  WScript.Echo Now & " File is Downloaded: " & FileName
  WScript.Echo Now & " Timeout, file not found: " & FileName 
End If

Remote branch is not showing up in "git branch -r"

Unfortunately, git branch -a and git branch -r do not show you all remote branches, if you haven't executed a "git fetch".

git remote show origin works consistently all the time. Also git show-ref shows all references in the Git repository. However, it works just like the git branch command.

Difference between abstraction and encapsulation?

The process of Abstraction and Encapsulation both generate interfaces.

An interface generated via encapsulation hides implementation details.

An interface generated via abstraction becomes applicable to more data types, compared to before abstraction.

Get everything after the dash in a string in JavaScript

A solution I prefer would be:

const str = 'sometext-20202';
const slug = str.split('-').pop();

Where slug would be your result

PowerShell: Comparing dates

I wanted to show how powerful it can be aside from just checking "-lt".

Example: I used it to calculate time differences take from Windows event view Application log:

Get the difference between the two date times:

PS> $Obj = ((get-date "10/22/2020 12:51:1") - (get-date "10/22/2020 12:20:1 "))

Object created:

PS> $Obj

Days              : 0
Hours             : 0
Minutes           : 31
Seconds           : 0
Milliseconds      : 0
Ticks             : 18600000000
TotalDays         : 0.0215277777777778
TotalHours        : 0.516666666666667
TotalMinutes      : 31
TotalSeconds      : 1860
TotalMilliseconds : 1860000

Access an item directly:

PS> $Obj.Minutes

Finding the median of an unsorted array

As wikipedia says, Median-of-Medians is theoretically o(N), but it is not used in practice because the overhead of finding "good" pivots makes it too slow.

Here is Java source for a Quickselect algorithm to find the k'th element in an array:

 * Returns position of k'th largest element of sub-list.
 * @param list list to search, whose sub-list may be shuffled before
 *            returning
 * @param lo first element of sub-list in list
 * @param hi just after last element of sub-list in list
 * @param k
 * @return position of k'th largest element of (possibly shuffled) sub-list.
static int select(double[] list, int lo, int hi, int k) {
    int n = hi - lo;
    if (n < 2)
        return lo;

    double pivot = list[lo + (k * 7919) % n]; // Pick a random pivot

    // Triage list to [<pivot][=pivot][>pivot]
    int nLess = 0, nSame = 0, nMore = 0;
    int lo3 = lo;
    int hi3 = hi;
    while (lo3 < hi3) {
        double e = list[lo3];
        int cmp = compare(e, pivot);
        if (cmp < 0) {
        } else if (cmp > 0) {
            swap(list, lo3, --hi3);
            if (nSame > 0)
                swap(list, hi3, hi3 + nSame);
        } else {
            swap(list, lo3, --hi3);
    assert (nSame > 0);
    assert (nLess + nSame + nMore == n);
    assert (list[lo + nLess] == pivot);
    assert (list[hi - nMore - 1] == pivot);
    if (k >= n - nMore)
        return select(list, hi - nMore, hi, k - nLess - nSame);
    else if (k < nLess)
        return select(list, lo, lo + nLess, k);
    return lo + k;

I have not included the source of the compare and swap methods, so it's easy to change the code to work with Object[] instead of double[].

In practice, you can expect the above code to be o(N).

Where Sticky Notes are saved in Windows 10 1607

It appears Microsoft now stores them in a SQLite database file called plum.sqlite located here:


How to write data to a JSON file using Javascript

Unfortunatelly, today (September 2018) you can not find cross-browser solution for client side file writing.

For example: in some browser like a Chrome we have today this possibility and we can write with FileSystemFileEntry.createWriter() with client side call, but according to the docu:

This feature is obsolete. Although it may still work in some browsers, its use is discouraged since it could be removed at any time. Try to avoid using it.

For IE (but not MS Edge) we could use ActiveX too, but this is only for this client.

If you want update your JSON file cross-browser you have to use server and client side together.

The client side script

On client side you can make a request to the server and then you have to read the response from server. Or you could read a file with FileReader too. For the cross-browser writing to the file you have to have some server (see below on server part).

var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(),
    method = "GET",
    jsonRequestURL = "SOME_PATH/jsonFile/";, jsonRequestURL, true);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function()
    if(xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200)
        // we convert your JSON into JavaScript object
        jsonArr = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);

        // we add new value:
        jsonArr.push({"nissan": "sentra", "color": "green"});

        // we send with new request the updated JSON file to the server:"POST", jsonRequestURL, true);
        xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
        // if you want to handle the POST response write (in this case you do not need it):
        // xhr.onreadystatechange = function(){ /* handle POST response */ };
        // but on this place you have to have a server for write updated JSON to the file

Server side scripts

You can use a lot of different servers, but I would like to write about PHP and Node.js servers.

By using searching machine you could find "free PHP Web Hosting*" or "free Node.js Web Hosting". For PHP server I would recommend and for Node.js I would recommend to see and to read this list.

PHP server side script solution

The PHP script for reading and writing from JSON file:


// This PHP script must be in "SOME_PATH/jsonFile/index.php"

$file = 'jsonFile.txt';

// or if(!empty($_POST))
    file_put_contents($file, $_POST["jsonTxt"]);
    //may be some error handeling if you want
else if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'GET')
// or else if(!empty($_GET))
    echo file_get_contents($file);
    //may be some error handeling if you want

Node.js server side script solution

I think that Node.js is a little bit complex for beginner. This is not normal JavaScript like in browser. Before you start with Node.js I would recommend to read one from two books:

The Node.js script for reading and writing from JSON file:

var http = require("http"),
    fs = require("fs"),
    port = 8080,
    pathToJSONFile = '/SOME_PATH/jsonFile.txt';

http.createServer(function(request, response)
    if(request.method == 'GET')
        response.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type": "application/json"});
        response.write(fs.readFile(pathToJSONFile, 'utf8'));
    else if(request.method == 'POST')
        var body = [];

        request.on('data', function(chunk)

        request.on('end', function()
            body = Buffer.concat(body).toString();
            var myJSONdata = body.split("=")[1];
            fs.writeFileSync(pathToJSONFile, myJSONdata); //default: 'utf8'

Related links for Node.js:

regular expression: match any word until first space

Derived from the answer of @SilentGhost I would use:


Check out this interactive page to see the result and explanation for the suggested solution.

Cannot resolve symbol 'AppCompatActivity'

After trying literally every solution, I realised that the project I had been working on was previously using the latest Android Studio which was 3.2 at the time and the current pc I was using was running 2.2 after updating android studio this seemed to fix the issue completely for me.

Solution: Android Studio -> Check For Updates and then install latest build

Codeigniter unset session

answering to your question:

How can I destroy or unset the value of the session?

I can help you by this:


and for multiple data you can:

$array_items = array('username' => '', 'email' => '');


and to destroy the session:


Now for the on page change part (on the top of my mind):

you can set the config "anchor_class" of the paginator equal to the classname you want.

after that just check it with jquery onclick for that class which will send a head up to the controller function that will unset the user session.

Link to a section of a webpage

The fragment identifier (also known as: Fragment IDs, Anchor Identifiers, Named Anchors) introduced by a hash mark # is the optional last part of a URL for a document. It is typically used to identify a portion of that document.

<a href="">Link to fragment identifier</a>

Syntax for URIs also allows an optional query part introduced by a question mark ?. In URIs with a query and a fragment the fragment follows the query.

<a href="">Link to fragment with a query</a>

When a Web browser requests a resource from a Web server, the agent sends the URI to the server, but does not send the fragment. Instead, the agent waits for the server to send the resource, and then the agent (Web browser) processes the resource according to the document type and fragment value.

Named Anchors <a name="fragment"> are deprecated in XHTML 1.0, the ID attribute is the suggested replacement. <div id="fragment"></div>

How do I make a matrix from a list of vectors in R?

One option is to use

 >, a)
      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6]
 [1,]    1    1    2    3    4    5
 [2,]    2    1    2    3    4    5
 [3,]    3    1    2    3    4    5
 [4,]    4    1    2    3    4    5
 [5,]    5    1    2    3    4    5
 [6,]    6    1    2    3    4    5
 [7,]    7    1    2    3    4    5
 [8,]    8    1    2    3    4    5
 [9,]    9    1    2    3    4    5
[10,]   10    1    2    3    4    5

What exactly is OAuth (Open Authorization)?

OAuth(Open Authorization) is an open standard for access granting/deligation protocol. It used as a way for Internet users to grant websites or applications access to their information on other websites but without giving them the passwords. It does not deal with authentication.


OAuth 2.0 is a protocol that allows a user to grant limited access to their resources on one site, to another site, without having to expose their credentials.

  • Analogy 1: Many luxury cars today come with a valet key. It is a special key you give the parking attendant and unlike your regular key, will not allow the car to drive more than a mile or two. Some valet keys will not open the trunk, while others will block access to your onboard cell phone address book. Regardless of what restrictions the valet key imposes, the idea is very clever. You give someone limited access to your car with a special key, while using your regular key to unlock everything. src from auth0

  • Analogy 2: Assume, we want to fill an application form for a bank account. Here Oauth works as, instead of filling the form by applicant, bank can fill the form using Adhaar or passport.

    Here the following three entities are involved:

    1. Applicant i.e. Owner
    2. Bank Account is OAuth Client, they need information
    3. Adhaar/Passport ID is OAuth Provider

Visual Studio debugger error: Unable to start program Specified file cannot be found

I had the same problem :) Verify the "Source code" folder on the "Solution Explorer", if it doesn't contain any "source code" file then :

Right click on "Source code" > Add > Existing Item > Choose the file You want to build and run.

Good luck ;)

Visual Studio Code Tab Key does not insert a tab

To fix the issue

Pressing ctrl+M causes the ? Tab key to move focus instead of inserting a ? Tab character.
Turn it off by pressing the shortcut again.

To disable the shortcut

  1. Open "Keyboard Shortcuts" with ctrl+K, then ctrl+S.
    Or go to File > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts.
  2. Search for toggle tab key moves focus.
  3. Right Click, Remove Keybinding.

List files ONLY in the current directory

instead of os.walk, just use os.listdir

How can I get customer details from an order in WooCommerce?

I just dealt with this. Depending on what you really want, you can get the details from the order like this:

$field = get_post_meta($order->id, $field_name, true);

Where $field_name is '_billing_address_1' or '_shipping_address_1'or 'first_name'. You can google the other fields, but don't forget the "" at the beginning.

If you want to retrieve the customer for this order, and get its field directly, it works as in your solution, except you do not need to retrieve the full customer object:

$customer_id = (int)$order->user_id;

$field = get_user_meta($customer_id, $field_name, true);

Now in this case, the $field_name does not start with "_". For example: 'first_name' and 'billing_address_1'.

Configure Apache .conf for Alias

Sorry not sure what was going on this worked in the end:

<VirtualHost *> 
    DocumentRoot /var/www/html/mjp

    Alias /ncn "/var/www/html/ncn"

    <Directory "/var/www/html/ncn">
        Options None
        AllowOverride None
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all

How to change title of Activity in Android?

If you want it one time & let system handle the rest (not dynamic) then do like this in your manifest file:

        android:theme="@style/AppTheme" >
            android:label="@string/app_name_full" > //This is my custom title name on activity. <- The question is about this one.
            <intent-filter android:label="@string/app_launcher_name" > //This is my custom Icon title name (launcher name that you see in android apps/homescreen)
                <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />

                <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />

How to sort findAll Doctrine's method?


    array('username' => 'ASC')

JSON Java 8 LocalDateTime format in Spring Boot

I found another solution which you can convert it to whatever format you want and apply to all LocalDateTime datatype and you do not have to specify @JsonFormat above every LocalDateTime datatype. first add the dependency :


Add the following bean :

public class Java8DateTimeConfiguration {
     * Customizing
     * Defining a @Bean of type Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilder will allow you to customize both default ObjectMapper and XmlMapper (used in MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter and MappingJackson2XmlHttpMessageConverter respectively).
    public Module jsonMapperJava8DateTimeModule() {
        val bean = new SimpleModule();

        bean.addDeserializer (ZonedDateTime.class, new JsonDeserializer<ZonedDateTime>() {
            public ZonedDateTime deserialize(JsonParser jsonParser, DeserializationContext deserializationContext) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {
                return ZonedDateTime.parse(jsonParser.getValueAsString(), DateTimeFormatter.ISO_ZONED_DATE_TIME);

        bean.addDeserializer(LocalDateTime.class, new JsonDeserializer<LocalDateTime>() {
            public LocalDateTime deserialize(JsonParser jsonParser, DeserializationContext deserializationContext) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {
                return LocalDateTime.parse(jsonParser.getValueAsString(), DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_DATE_TIME);

        bean.addSerializer(ZonedDateTime.class, new JsonSerializer<ZonedDateTime>() {
            public void serialize(
                    ZonedDateTime zonedDateTime, JsonGenerator jsonGenerator, SerializerProvider serializerProvider)
                    throws IOException {

        bean.addSerializer(LocalDateTime.class, new JsonSerializer<LocalDateTime>() {
            public void serialize(
                    LocalDateTime localDateTime, JsonGenerator jsonGenerator, SerializerProvider serializerProvider)
                    throws IOException {

        return bean;

in your config file add the following :


This will serialize and de-serialize all properties LocalDateTime and ZonedDateTime as long as you are using objectMapper created by spring.

The format that you got for ZonedDateTime is : "2017-12-27T08:55:17.317+02:00[Asia/Jerusalem]" for LocalDateTime is : "2017-12-27T09:05:30.523"

Error Message : Cannot find or open the PDB file

If that message is bother you, You need run Visual Studio with administrative rights to apply this direction on Visual Studio.

Tools-> Options-> Debugging-> Symbols and select check in a box "Microsoft Symbol Servers", mark load all modules then click Load all Symbols.

Everything else Visual Studio will do it for you, and you will have this message under Debug in Output window "Native' has exited with code 0 (0x0)"

How to create a database from shell command?

Connect to DB using base user: mysql -u base_user -pbase_user_pass And execute CREATE DATABASE, CREATE USER and GRANT PRIVILEGES Statements.

Here's handy web wizard to help you with statements

How can I generate UUID in C#

I don't know about methods; however, the type to GUID can be done via:

Guid iid = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GenerateGuidForType(typeof(IFoo));

Send Outlook Email Via Python?

import win32com.client as win32
outlook = win32.Dispatch('outlook.application')
mail = outlook.CreateItem(0)
mail.To = 'To address'
mail.Subject = 'Message subject'
mail.Body = 'Message body'
mail.HTMLBody = '<h2>HTML Message body</h2>' #this field is optional

# To attach a file to the email (optional):
attachment  = "Path to the attachment"


Will use your local outlook account to send.

Note if you are trying to do something not mentioned above, look at the COM docs properties/methods: In the code above, mail is a MailItem Object.

How to get scrollbar position with Javascript?

document.getScroll = function() {
    if (window.pageYOffset != undefined) {
        return [pageXOffset, pageYOffset];
    } else {
        var sx, sy, d = document,
            r = d.documentElement,
            b = d.body;
        sx = r.scrollLeft || b.scrollLeft || 0;
        sy = r.scrollTop || b.scrollTop || 0;
        return [sx, sy];

returns an array with two integers- [scrollLeft, scrollTop]

Expand Python Search Path to Other Source

The easiest way I find is to create a file "any_name.pth" and put it in your folder "\Lib\site-packages". You should find that folder wherever python is installed.

In that file, put a list of directories where you want to keep modules for importing. For instance, make a line in that file like this:


You will be able to tell it works by running this in python:

import sys
for line in sys: print line

You will see your directory printed out, amongst others from where you can also import. Now you can import a "" file that sits in that directory as easily as:

import mymodule

This will not import subfolders. For that you could imagine creating a python script to create a .pth file containing all sub folders of a folder you define. Have it run at startup perhaps.

How to remove gem from Ruby on Rails application?

If you're using Rails 3+, remove the gem from the Gemfile and run bundle install.

If you're using Rails 2, hopefully you've put the declaration in config/environment.rb. If so, removing it from there and running rake gems:install should do the trick.

How to disable mouse right click on a web page?

//Disable right click script via java script code

<script language=JavaScript>
//Disable right click script
var message = "";
function clickIE() {
    if (document.all) {
        return false;

function clickNS(e) {
    if (document.layers || (document.getElementById && !document.all)) {
        if (e.which == 2 || e.which == 3) {
            return false;
if (document.layers) {
    document.onmousedown = clickNS;
} else {
    document.onmouseup = clickNS;
    document.oncontextmenu = clickIE;

document.oncontextmenu = new Function("return false")

Click here to see semo

Javascript: Fetch DELETE and PUT requests

Just Simple Answer. FETCH DELETE

function deleteData(item, url) {
  return fetch(url + '/' + item, {
    method: 'delete'
  .then(response => response.json());

Integer ASCII value to character in BASH using printf

Here's yet another way to convert 65 into A (via octal):

help printf  # in Bash
man bash | less -Ip '^[[:blank:]]*printf'

printf "%d\n" '"A'
printf "%d\n" "'A"

printf '%b\n' "$(printf '\%03o' 65)"

To search in man bash for \' use (though futile in this case):

man bash | less -Ip "\\\'"  # press <n> to go through the matches

How to create dictionary and add key–value pairs dynamically?

I happened to walk across this question looking for something similar. It gave me enough info to run a test to get the answer I wanted. So if anyone else wants to know how to dynamically add to or lookup a {key: 'value'} pair in a JavaScript object, this test should tell you all you might need to know.

var dictionary = {initialkey: 'initialValue'};
var key = 'something';
var key2 =  'somethingElse';
var value = 'value1';
var value2 = 'value2';
var keyInitial = 'initialkey';


dictionary[key] =value;
dictionary[key2] = value2;


{ initialkey: 'initialValue',
  something: 'value1',
  somethingElse: 'value2' }

<xsl:variable> Print out value of XSL variable using <xsl:value-of>

In this case no conditionals are needed to set the variable.

This one-liner XPath expression:


is true() only when the child of the current node, named joined-subclass exists and it is false() otherwise.

The complete stylesheet is:

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
 <xsl:output omit-xml-declaration="yes"/>

 <xsl:template match="class">
   <xsl:variable name="subexists"

   subexists:  <xsl:text/>
   <xsl:value-of select="$subexists" />

Do note, that the use of the XPath function boolean() in this expression is to convert a node (or its absense) to one of the boolean values true() or false().

How to express a NOT IN query with ActiveRecord/Rails?

Here is a more complex "not in" query, using a subquery in rails 4 using squeel. Of course very slow compared to the equivalent sql, but hey, it works.

    scope :translations_not_in_english, ->(calmapp_version_id, language_iso_code){
      where{ tl1.iso_code == 'en' }.
      where{ cavtl1.calmapp_version_id == my{calmapp_version_id}}.
      where{ dot_key_code << (Translation.
        where{ tl1.iso_code == my{language_iso_code} }.
        select{ "dot_key_code" }.all)}

The first 2 methods in the scope are other scopes which declare the aliases cavtl1 and tl1. << is the not in operator in squeel.

Hope this helps someone.

Select mySQL based only on month and year

you can do it by changing $q to this:

$q="SELECT * FROM projects WHERE YEAR(date) = $year_v AND MONTH(date) = $month_v;

Filter Pyspark dataframe column with None value

If you want to filter out records having None value in column then see below example:


Now filter out null value records:


If you want to remove those records from DF then see below:['b'])

How to convert NSDate into unix timestamp iphone sdk?


Updated for Swift 3

// current date and time
let someDate = Date()

// time interval since 1970
let myTimeStamp = someDate.timeIntervalSince1970


  • timeIntervalSince1970 returns TimeInterval, which is a typealias for Double.

  • If you wanted to go the other way you could do the following:

      let myDate = Date(timeIntervalSince1970: myTimeStamp)

HTML5 textarea placeholder not appearing

So, the question now is how do we prefill the textarea element ? XYZ, you'll get:

Output of the textarea element above

The main problem is that in the textarea element we're unintentionally prefilling the element by white space.

Android: textview hyperlink

Very simple way to do this---

In your Activity--

 TextView tv = (TextView) findViewById(;
 tv.setText(Html.fromHtml("<a href=> STACK OVERFLOW "));

Then you will get just the Tag, not the whole link..

Hope it will help you...

Jquery submit form

Try this lets say your form id is formID

$(".nextbutton").click(function() { $("form#formID").submit(); });

"Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation" error (mscorlib)

I just had this issue from a namespace mismatch. My XAML file was getting ported over and it had a different namespace from that in the code behind file.

git status shows modifications, git checkout -- <file> doesn't remove them

For me the problem was that Visual Studio was opened when performing the command

git checkout <file>

After closing Visual Studio the command worked and I could finally apply my work from the stack. So check all applications that could make changes to your code, for example SourceTree, SmartGit, NotePad, NotePad++ and other editors.

Modifying location.hash without page scrolling

Adding this here because the more relevant questions have all been marked as duplicates pointing here…

My situation is simpler:

  • user clicks the link (a[href='#something'])
  • click handler does: e.preventDefault()
  • smoothscroll function: $("html,body").stop(true,true).animate({ "scrollTop": }, scrollspeed, "swing" );
  • then window.location = link;

This way, the scroll occurs, and there's no jump when the location is updated.

Check for a substring in a string in Oracle without LIKE

Databases are heavily optimized for common usage scenarios (and LIKE is one of those).

You won't find a faster way of doing your search if you want to stay on the DB-level.

Genymotion Android emulator - adb access?

Just Go To the Genymotion Installation Directory and then in folder tools you will see adb.exe there open command prompt here and run adb commands

Call a global variable inside module

If it is something that you reference but never mutate, then use const:

declare const bootbox;