[bash] Integer ASCII value to character in BASH using printf

Character to value works:

$ printf "%d\n" \'A

I have two questions, the first one is most important:

  • How do I take 65 and turn it into A?
  • \'A converts an ASCII character to its value using printf. Is the syntax specific to printf or is it used anywhere else in BASH? (Such small strings are hard to Google for.)

This question is related to bash ascii printf

The answer is

For this kind of conversion, I use perl:

perl -e 'printf "%c\n", 65;'

One line

printf "\x$(printf %x 65)"

Two lines

set $(printf %x 65)
printf "\x$1"

Here is one if you do not mind using awk

awk 'BEGIN{printf "%c", 65}'

For your second question, it seems the leading-quote syntax (\'A) is specific to printf:

If the leading character is a single-quote or double-quote, the value shall be the numeric value in the underlying codeset of the character following the single-quote or double-quote.

From https://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/utilities/printf.html

this prints all the "printable" characters of your basic bash setup:

printf '%b\n' $(printf '\\%03o' {30..127})


Here's yet another way to convert 65 into A (via octal):

help printf  # in Bash
man bash | less -Ip '^[[:blank:]]*printf'

printf "%d\n" '"A'
printf "%d\n" "'A"

printf '%b\n' "$(printf '\%03o' 65)"

To search in man bash for \' use (though futile in this case):

man bash | less -Ip "\\\'"  # press <n> to go through the matches

If you convert 65 to hexadecimal it's 0x41:

$ echo -e "\x41" A

Here is a solution without eval nor $() nor `` :

ord () {
 local s
 printf -v s '\\%03o' $1
 printf "$s"

ord 65

This works (with the value in octal):

$ printf '%b' '\101'

even for (some: don't go over 7) sequences:

$ printf '%b' '\'{101..107}

A general construct that allows (decimal) values in any range is:

$ printf '%b' $(printf '\\%03o' {65..122})

Or you could use the hex values of the characters:

$ printf '%b' $(printf '\\x%x' {65..122})

You also could get the character back with xxd (use hexadecimal values):

$ echo "41" | xxd -p -r

That is, one action is the reverse of the other:

$ printf "%x" "'A" | xxd -p -r

And also works with several hex values at once:

$ echo "41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4a" | xxd -p -r

or sequences (printf is used here to get hex values):

$ printf '%x' {65..90} | xxd -r -p 

Or even use awk:

$ echo 65 | awk '{printf("%c",$1)}'

even for sequences:

$ seq 65 90 | awk '{printf("%c",$1)}'

If you want to save the ASCII value of the character: (I did this in BASH and it worked)


testing=$( printf "%d" "'${char}" )

echo $testing}

output: 65

For capital letters:

echo "${letters[$i-65]}"



One option is to directly input the character you're interested in using hex or octal notation:

printf "\x41\n"
printf "\101\n"

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