[database] How do I create a MongoDB dump of my database?

What command do I use and run?

This question is related to database mongodb database-dump

The answer is

mongodump -h hostname -u dbusername -p dbpassword --db dbname --port portnumber --out /path/folder

mongodump -h hostname -u dbusername -p dbpassword --db dbname --port portnumber --out /path/folder.gz

Or you can make backup script on Windows, remember to add Winrar to %PATH%

bin\mongodump --db=COL1 -o D:\BACK\COL1
rar.exe a -ep1 -r COL1.rar COL1
rename COL1.rar "COL1_%date:~10,4%_%date:~7,2%_%date:~4,2%_%time:~0,2%_%time:~3,2%.rar"

#rmdir /s /q COL1 -> don;t run this on your mongodb/ dir !!!!!

This command will make a dump of given database in json and bson format.

mongodump -d <database name> -o <target directory>

You can dump your database and restore with bellow command

mongodb  -d <Your_db_name> -o <path of your folder>

for example my database name is tracking i have dump in dump folder

mongodb  -d tracking -o dump

Restoring dump

mongorestore -d <databasename> <dum_path>

mongorestore -d tracking  dump/tracking

Following command connect to the remote server to dump a database:

<> optional params use them if you need them

  • host - host name port
  • listening port username
  • username of db db
  • db name ssl
  • secure connection out
  • output to a created folder with a name

    mongodump --host --port --username --db --ssl --password --out _date+"%Y-%m-%d"

 Use -v to see progress of backup data
    mongodump -v --db dbname --out /pathforbackup/NewFolderforBackupData

 you can use it for restore also
    mongorestore -v --db dbname --drop /pathforbackup/NewFolderforBackupData/dbname

with multile v like -vvvv you will get more information

You can also use gzip for taking backup of one collection and compressing the backup on the fly:

mongodump --db somedb --collection somecollection --out - | gzip > collectiondump.gz

or with a date in the file name:

mongodump --db somedb --collection somecollection --out - | gzip > dump_`date "+%Y-%m-%d"`.gz

Backup all collections of a database in a date folder. The files are gziped:

mongodump --db somedb --gzip --out /backups/`date +"%Y-%m-%d"`

Or for a single archive:

mongodump --db somedb --gzip --archive > dump_`date "+%Y-%m-%d"`.gz

Or when mongodb is running inside docker:

docker exec <CONTAINER> sh -c 'exec mongodump --db somedb --gzip --archive' > dump_`date "+%Y-%m-%d"`.gz

To dump your database for backup you call this command on your terminal

mongodump --db database_name --collection collection_name

To import your backup file to mongodb you can use the following command on your terminal

mongorestore --db database_name path_to_bson_file

take mongodb backup for particular db and delete 7 days old backup using bin sh command :-


TIMESTAMP=`date +%F-%H%M`
mkdir -p $BACKUPS_DIR
mv dump $BACKUP_NAME
find /home/mongodbbackups/backups/test/ -mindepth 1 -mtime +7 -delete

cmd -->

C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.2\bin>mongodump.exe --db Dintest

Mongo dump and restore with uri to local

mongodump --uri "mongodb://USERNAME:PASSWORD@IP_OR_URL:PORT/DB_NAME" --collection COLLECTION_NAME -o LOCAL_URL

Omitting --collection COLLECTION_NAME will dump entire DB.

You need to open command prompt as an administrator in a folder where your Mongo is installed (in my case: C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.4\bin). If you want to dump your whole database, you can just use:

mongodump --db database_name

You also have posibilities to dump only certain collection(s), or to dump all but certain collection(s).

If you want to dump only one collection (for example users):

mongodump  --db database_name --collection users

If you want to dump all but users collection:

mongodump  --db database_name --excludeCollection=users

It is also possible to output the dump to an archive file:

mongodump --archive=test.archive --db database_name

There is a utility called : mongodump On the mongo command line you can type :


The above will create a dump of all the databases on your localhost. To make dump of a single collection use:

./mongodump --db blog --collection posts

Have a look at : mongodump

to export

mongodump -d <database name> <backup-folder>

to import

mongorestore -d <database name> <backup-folder>

Below command will work to take dump of mongo db .

mongodump -d -o

On Windows : try this one where c:\mongodump is dump file location , It will create metadata in json, and backup in bson format

C:\MongoDB\bin>mongodump -d -o c:\mongodump

use "path" for windows else it gives the error as: positional arguments not allowed

If your database in the local system. Then you type the below command. for Linux terminal


If database user and password are there then you below code.


This worked very well in my Linux terminal.

Backup/Restore Mongodb with timing.


sudo mongodump --db db_name --out /path_of_your_backup/`date +"%m-%d-%y"`

--db argument for databse name

--out argument for path of output


sudo mongorestore --db db_name --drop /path_of_your_backup/01-01-19/db_name/

--drop argument for drop databse before restore


You can use crontab for timing backup:

sudo crontab -e

It opens with editor(e.g. nano)

3 3 * * * mongodump --out /path_of_your_backup/`date +"%m-%d-%y"`

backup every day at 03:03 AM

Depending on your MongoDB database sizes you may soon run out of disk space with too many backups. That's why it's also recommended to clean the old backups regularly or to compress them. For example, to delete all the backups older than 7 days you can use the following bash command:

3 1 * * * find /path_of_your_backup/ -mtime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \;

delete all the backups older than 7 days

Good Luck.

ref: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-back-up-restore-and-migrate-a-mongodb-database-on-ubuntu-14-04

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