[javascript] Modifying location.hash without page scrolling

Okay, this is a rather old topic but I thought I'd chip in as the 'correct' answer doesn't work well with CSS.

This solution basically prevents the click event from moving the page so we can get the scroll position first. Then we manually add the hash and the browser automatically triggers a hashchange event. We capture the hashchange event and scroll back to the correct position. A callback separates and prevents your code causing a delay by keeping your hash hacking in one place.

var hashThis = function( $elem, callback ){
    var scrollLocation;
    $( $elem ).on( "click", function( event ){
        scrollLocation = $( window ).scrollTop();
        window.location.hash = $( event.target ).attr('href').substr(1);
    $( window ).on( "hashchange", function( event ){
        $( window ).scrollTop( scrollLocation );
        if( typeof callback === "function" ){
hashThis( $( ".myAnchor" ), function(){
    // do something useful!

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