[javascript] How can you check for a #hash in a URL using JavaScript?

Partridge and Gareths comments above are great. They deserve a separate answer. Apparently, hash and search properties are available on any html Link object:

<a id="test" href="foo.html?bar#quz">test</a>
<script type="text/javascript">
   alert(document.getElementById('test').search); //bar
   alert(document.getElementById('test').hash); //quz


<a href="bar.html?foo" onclick="alert(this.search)">SAY FOO</a>

Should you need this on a regular string variable and happen to have jQuery around, this should work:

var mylink = "foo.html?bar#quz";

if ($('<a href="'+mylink+'">').get(0).search=='bar')) {
    // do stuff

(but its maybe a bit overdone .. )

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