[android] Android: how do I check if activity is running?

Far better way than using a static variable and following OOP

Shared Preferences can be used to share variables with other activities and services from one application

    public class example extends Activity {

    protected void onStart() {

        // Store our shared preference
        SharedPreferences sp = getSharedPreferences("OURINFO", MODE_PRIVATE);
        Editor ed = sp.edit();
        ed.putBoolean("active", true);

    protected void onStop() {

        // Store our shared preference
        SharedPreferences sp = getSharedPreferences("OURINFO", MODE_PRIVATE);
        Editor ed = sp.edit();
        ed.putBoolean("active", false);


Use shared preferences. It has the most reliable state information, less application switch/destroy issues, saves us to ask for yet another permission and it gives us more control to decide when our activity is actually the topmost. see details here abd here also