Programs & Examples On #Formcollection

MVC Form not able to post List of objects

Your model is null because the way you're supplying the inputs to your form means the model binder has no way to distinguish between the elements. Right now, this code:

@foreach (var planVM in Model)
    @Html.Partial("_partialView", planVM)

is not supplying any kind of index to those items. So it would repeatedly generate HTML output like this:

<input type="hidden" name="yourmodelprefix.PlanID" />
<input type="hidden" name="yourmodelprefix.CurrentPlan" />
<input type="checkbox" name="yourmodelprefix.ShouldCompare" />

However, as you're wanting to bind to a collection, you need your form elements to be named with an index, such as:

<input type="hidden" name="yourmodelprefix[0].PlanID" />
<input type="hidden" name="yourmodelprefix[0].CurrentPlan" />
<input type="checkbox" name="yourmodelprefix[0].ShouldCompare" />
<input type="hidden" name="yourmodelprefix[1].PlanID" />
<input type="hidden" name="yourmodelprefix[1].CurrentPlan" />
<input type="checkbox" name="yourmodelprefix[1].ShouldCompare" />

That index is what enables the model binder to associate the separate pieces of data, allowing it to construct the correct model. So here's what I'd suggest you do to fix it. Rather than looping over your collection, using a partial view, leverage the power of templates instead. Here's the steps you'd need to follow:

  1. Create an EditorTemplates folder inside your view's current folder (e.g. if your view is Home\Index.cshtml, create the folder Home\EditorTemplates).
  2. Create a strongly-typed view in that directory with the name that matches your model. In your case that would be PlanCompareViewModel.cshtml.

Now, everything you have in your partial view wants to go in that template:

@model PlanCompareViewModel
    @Html.HiddenFor(p => p.PlanID)
    @Html.HiddenFor(p => p.CurrentPlan)
    @Html.CheckBoxFor(p => p.ShouldCompare)
   <input type="submit" value="Compare"/>

Finally, your parent view is simplified to this:

@model IEnumerable<PlanCompareViewModel>
@using (Html.BeginForm("ComparePlans", "Plans", FormMethod.Post, new { id = "compareForm" }))

DisplayTemplates and EditorTemplates are smart enough to know when they are handling collections. That means they will automatically generate the correct names, including indices, for your form elements so that you can correctly model bind to a collection.

ASP.Net MVC - Read File from HttpPostedFileBase without save

This can be done using httpPostedFileBase class returns the HttpInputStreamObject as per specified here

You should convert the stream into byte array and then you can read file content

Please refer following link]

Hope this helps


The stream that you get from your HTTP call is read-only sequential (non-seekable) and the FileStream is read/write seekable. You will need first to read the entire stream from the HTTP call into a byte array, then create the FileStream from that array.

Taken from here

// Read bytes from http input stream
BinaryReader b = new BinaryReader(file.InputStream);
byte[] binData = b.ReadBytes(file.ContentLength);

string result = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(binData);

Why ModelState.IsValid always return false in mvc

"ModelState.IsValid" tells you that the model is consumed by the view (i.e. PaymentAdviceEntity) is satisfy all types of validation or not specified in the model properties by DataAnotation.

In this code the view does not bind any model properties. So if you put any DataAnotations or validation in model (i.e. PaymentAdviceEntity). then the validations are not satisfy. say if any properties in model is Name which makes required in model.Then the value of the property remains blank after post.So the model is not valid (i.e. ModelState.IsValid returns false). You need to remove the model level validations.

How to link HTML5 form action to Controller ActionResult method in ASP.NET MVC 4

you make the use of the HTML Helper and have

        Username: <input type="text" name="username" /> <br />
        Password: <input type="text" name="password" /> <br />
        <input type="submit" value="Login">
        <input type="submit" value="Create Account"/>

or use the Url helper

<form method="post" action="@Url.Action("MyAction", "MyController")" >

Html.BeginForm has several (13) overrides where you can specify more information, for example, a normal use when uploading files is using:

@using(Html.BeginForm("myaction", "mycontroller", FormMethod.Post, new {enctype = "multipart/form-data"}))
    < ... >

If you don't specify any arguments, the Html.BeginForm() will create a POST form that points to your current controller and current action. As an example, let's say you have a controller called Posts and an action called Delete

public ActionResult Delete(int id)
   var model = db.GetPostById(id);
   return View(model);

public ActionResult Delete(int id)
    var model = db.GetPostById(id);
    if(model != null) 

    return RedirectToView("Index");

and your html page would be something like:

<h2>Are you sure you want to delete?</h2>
<p>The Post named <strong>@Model.Title</strong> will be deleted.</p>

    <input type="submit" class="btn btn-danger" value="Delete Post"/>
    @Url.ActionLink("go to list", "Index")

Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object, when I select a dropdown list


Issue happens because Microsoft Security Update MS11-100 limits number of keys in Forms collection during HTTP POST request. To alleviate this problem you need to increase that number.

This can be done in your application Web.Config in the <appSettings> section (create the section directly under <configuration> if it doesn’t exist). Add 2 lines similar to the lines below to the section:

<add key="aspnet:MaxHttpCollectionKeys" value="2000" />
<add key="aspnet:MaxJsonDeserializerMembers" value="2000" />

The above example set the limit to 2000 keys. This will lift the limitation and the error should go away.

'Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object' error during postback

If your stack trace looks like following then you are sending a huge load of json objects to server

Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object. 
    at System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptObjectDeserializer.DeserializeDictionary(Int32 depth)
    at System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptObjectDeserializer.DeserializeInternal(Int32 depth)
    at System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptObjectDeserializer.BasicDeserialize(String input, Int32 depthLimit, JavaScriptSerializer serializer)
    at System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer.Deserialize(JavaScriptSerializer serializer, String input, Type type, Int32 depthLimit)
    at System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer.DeserializeObject(String input)
    at Failing.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) 
    at System.Web.Util.CalliHelper.EventArgFunctionCaller(IntPtr fp, Object o, Object t, EventArgs e)
    at System.Web.Util.CalliEventHandlerDelegateProxy.Callback(Object sender, EventArgs e)
    at System.Web.UI.Control.OnLoad(EventArgs e)
    at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive()
    at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint)

For resolution, please update your web config with following key. If you are not able to get the stack trace then please use fiddler. If it still does not help then please try increasing the number to 10000 or something

<add key="aspnet:MaxJsonDeserializerMembers" value="1000" />

For more details, please read this Microsoft kb article

How to convert List<string> to List<int>?


Validation failed for one or more entities while saving changes to SQL Server Database using Entity Framework

In the case you have classes with same property names, here is a small extension to Praveen's answer:

 catch (DbEntityValidationException dbEx)
    foreach (var validationErrors in dbEx.EntityValidationErrors)
       foreach (var validationError in validationErrors.ValidationErrors)
                "Class: {0}, Property: {1}, Error: {2}",

How to handle checkboxes in ASP.NET MVC forms?

Here's what I've been doing.


<input type="checkbox" name="applyChanges" />


var checkBox = Request.Form["applyChanges"];

if (checkBox == "on")

I found the Html.* helper methods not so useful in some cases, and that I was better off doing it in plain old HTML. This being one of them, the other one that comes to mind is radio buttons.

Edit: this is on Preview 5, obviously YMMV between versions.

How to flatten only some dimensions of a numpy array

Take a look at numpy.reshape .

>>> arr = numpy.zeros((50,100,25))
>>> arr.shape
# (50, 100, 25)

>>> new_arr = arr.reshape(5000,25)
>>> new_arr.shape   
# (5000, 25)

# One shape dimension can be -1. 
# In this case, the value is inferred from 
# the length of the array and remaining dimensions.
>>> another_arr = arr.reshape(-1, arr.shape[-1])
>>> another_arr.shape
# (5000, 25)

How to store a command in a variable in a shell script?

I tried various different methods:

printexec() {
  printf -- "\033[1;37m$\033[0m"
  printf -- " %q" "$@"
  printf -- "\n"
  eval -- "$@"
  eval -- "$*"


$ printexec echo  -e "foo\n" bar
$ echo -e foo\\n bar
foon bar
foon bar
bash: echo -e foo\n bar: command not found

As you can see, only the third one, "$@" gave the correct result.

How to increase heap size of an android application?

This can be done by two ways according to your Android OS.

  1. You can use android:largeHeap="true" in application tag of Android manifest to request a larger heap size, but this will not work on any pre Honeycomb devices.
  2. On pre 2.3 devices, you can use the VMRuntime class, but this will not work on Gingerbread and above See below how to do it.

Before Setting HeapSize make sure that you have entered the appropriate size which will not affect other application or OS functionality. Before settings just check how much size your app takes & then set the size just to fulfill your job. Dont use so much of memory otherwise other apps might affect.


When should static_cast, dynamic_cast, const_cast and reinterpret_cast be used?

Use dynamic_cast for converting pointers/references within an inheritance hierarchy.

Use static_cast for ordinary type conversions.

Use reinterpret_cast for low-level reinterpreting of bit patterns. Use with extreme caution.

Use const_cast for casting away const/volatile. Avoid this unless you are stuck using a const-incorrect API.

How to make an executable JAR file?

Here it is in one line:

jar cvfe myjar.jar package.MainClass *.class

where MainClass is the class with your main method, and package is MainClass's package.

Note you have to compile your .java files to .class files before doing this.

c  create new archive
v  generate verbose output on standard output
f  specify archive file name
e  specify application entry point for stand-alone application bundled into an executable jar file

This answer inspired by Powerslave's comment on another answer.

nodeJS - How to create and read session with express

I forgot to tell a bug when i use I use = req.param('email'), the server error says cannot sett property email of undefined.

The reason of this error is a wrong order of app.use. You must configure express in this order:

app.use(express.session({ secret: sessionVal }));

What is the best way to generate a unique and short file name in Java

Well, you could use the 3-argument version: File.createTempFile(String prefix, String suffix, File directory) which will let you put it where you'd like. Unless you tell it to, Java won't treat it differently than any other file. The only drawback is that the filename is guaranteed to be at least 8 characters long (minimum of 3 characters for the prefix, plus 5 or more characters generated by the function).

If that's too long for you, I suppose you could always just start with the filename "a", and loop through "b", "c", etc until you find one that doesn't already exist.

Android Studio Gradle DSL method not found: 'android()' -- Error(17,0)

What worked for me was to import the project with "File -> New -> Project from Version Control" then choose your online source (GitHub for example). This way all the .gradle files were created in the import.

forcing web-site to show in landscape mode only

While I myself would be waiting here for an answer, I wonder if it can be done via CSS:

@media only screen and (orientation:portrait){
#wrapper {width:1024px}

@media only screen and (orientation:landscape){
#wrapper {width:1024px}

How to start http-server locally

When you're running npm install in the project's root, it installs all of the npm dependencies into the project's node_modules directory.

If you take a look at the project's node_modules directory, you should see a directory called http-server, which holds the http-server package, and a .bin folder, which holds the executable binaries from the installed dependencies. The .bin directory should have the http-server binary (or a link to it).

So in your case, you should be able to start the http-server by running the following from your project's root directory (instead of npm start):

./node_modules/.bin/http-server -a localhost -p 8000 -c-1

This should have the same effect as running npm start.

If you're running a Bash shell, you can simplify this by adding the ./node_modules/.bin folder to your $PATH environment variable:

export PATH=./node_modules/.bin:$PATH

This will put this folder on your path, and you should be able to simply run

http-server -a localhost -p 8000 -c-1

Writing a VLOOKUP function in vba

Have you tried:

Dim result As String 
Dim sheet As Worksheet 
Set sheet = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Data") 
result = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(sheet.Range("AN2"), sheet.Range("AA9:AF20"), 5, False)

Metadata file '.dll' could not be found

In my case it was that the dependor project (the project depending upon the one in the error message) was missing values in its "Assembly version" fields under the project's "Properties ? Application ? Assembly Information...". I just added in the same numbers which were there for "File version", clicked "OK" and the compiler errors disappeared!

Missing Assembly Version

It turns out that re-adding the AssemblyVersion then building the project again resulted in another error claiming that it was already present in the project. It was! Under the properties node of the project in Solution Explorer, there was a "SolutionVersionInfo.cs" file which also contained an AssemblyVersion attribute - deleting this file from the project resolved this error.

Filtering by Multiple Specific Model Properties in AngularJS (in OR relationship)

I inspired myself from @maxisam's answer and created my own sort function and I'd though I'd share it (cuz I'm bored).

Situation I want to filter through an array of cars. The selected properties to filter are name, year, price and km. The property price and km are numbers (hence the use of .toString). I also want to control for uppercase letters (hence .toLowerCase). Also I want to be able to split up my filter query into different words (e.g. given the filter 2006 Acura, it finds matches 2006 with the year and Acura with the name).

Function I pass to filter

        var attrs = [, car.year, car.price.toString(),],
            filters = $scope.tableOpts.filter.toLowerCase().split(' '),
            isStringInArray = function (string, array){
                for (var j=0;j<array.length;j++){
                    if (array[j].indexOf(string)!==-1){return true;}
                return false;

        for (var i=0;i<filters.length;i++){
            if (!isStringInArray(filters[i], attrs)){return false;}
        return true;

String strip() for JavaScript?

A better polyfill from the MDN that supports removal of BOM and NBSP:

if (!String.prototype.trim) {
  String.prototype.trim = function () {
    return this.replace(/^[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+|[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+$/g, '');

Bear in mind that modifying built-in prototypes comes with a performance hit (due to the JS engine bailing on a number of runtime optimizations), and in performance critical situations you may need to consider the alternative of defining myTrimFunction(string) instead. That being said, if you are targeting an older environment without native .trim() support, you are likely to have more important performance issues to deal with.

Passing an array to a query using a WHERE clause


$query = "SELECT * FROM `$table` WHERE `$column` IN(".implode(',',$array).")";


$query = "SELECT * FROM `$table` WHERE `$column` IN('".implode("','",$array)."')";

How to draw a line in android

Another approach to draw a line programatically using ImageView

import android.os.Bundle;
import android.widget.ImageView;

public class Test extends Activity {
  ImageView drawingImageView;

  public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    drawingImageView = (ImageView) this.findViewById(;
    Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap((int) getWindowManager()
        .getDefaultDisplay().getWidth(), (int) getWindowManager()
        .getDefaultDisplay().getHeight(), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
    Canvas canvas = new Canvas(bitmap);

    // Line
    Paint paint = new Paint();
    int startx = 50;
    int starty = 100;
    int endx = 150;
    int endy = 210;
    canvas.drawLine(startx, starty, endx, endy, paint);


How to merge a transparent png image with another image using PIL

def trans_paste(bg_img,fg_img,box=(0,0)):
    fg_img_trans ="RGBA",bg_img.size)
    new_img = Image.alpha_composite(bg_img,fg_img_trans)
    return new_img

Recommendation for compressing JPG files with ImageMagick

If the image has big dimenssions is hard to get good results without resizing, below is a 60 percent resizing which for most of the purposes doesn't destroys too much of the image.

I use this with good result for gray-scale images (I convert from PNG):

ls ./*.png | xargs -L1 -I {} convert {} -strip -interlace JPEG -sampling-factor 4:2:0 -adaptive-resize 60%   -gaussian-blur 0.05 -colorspace Gray -quality 20  {}.jpg

I use this for scanned B&W pages get them to gray-scale images (the extra arguments cleans shadows from previous pages):

ls ./*.png | xargs -L1 -I {} convert {} -strip -interlace JPEG -sampling-factor 4:2:0 -adaptive-resize 60%   -gaussian-blur 0.05 -colorspace Gray -quality 20 -density 300 -fill white -fuzz 40% +opaque "#000000" -density 300 {}.jpg 

I use this for color images:

ls ./*.png | xargs -L1 -I {} convert {} -strip -interlace JPEG -sampling-factor 4:2:0 -adaptive-resize 60%   -gaussian-blur 0.05 -colorspace RGB -quality 20  {}.jpg 

How to while loop until the end of a file in Python without checking for empty line?

Find end position of file:

f = open("file.txt","r"),2) #Jumps to the end
f.tell()    #Give you the end location (characters from start)   #Jump to the beginning of the file again

Then you can to:

if line == '' and f.tell() == endLocation:

Oracle PL/SQL - Raise User-Defined Exception With Custom SQLERRM

Yes. You just have to use the RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR function. If you also want to name your exception, you'll need to use the EXCEPTION_INIT pragma in order to associate the error number to the named exception. Something like

SQL> ed
Wrote file afiedt.buf

  1  declare
  2    ex_custom EXCEPTION;
  3    PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT( ex_custom, -20001 );
  4  begin
  5    raise_application_error( -20001, 'This is a custom error' );
  6  exception
  7    when ex_custom
  8    then
  9      dbms_output.put_line( sqlerrm );
 10* end;
SQL> /
ORA-20001: This is a custom error

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

How to have stored properties in Swift, the same way I had on Objective-C?

Here is simplified and more expressive solution. It works for both value and reference types. The approach of lifting is taken from @HepaKKes answer.

Association code:

import ObjectiveC

final class Lifted<T> {
    let value: T
    init(_ x: T) {
        value = x

private func lift<T>(_ x: T) -> Lifted<T>  {
    return Lifted(x)

func associated<T>(to base: AnyObject,
                key: UnsafePointer<UInt8>,
                policy: objc_AssociationPolicy = .OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN,
                initialiser: () -> T) -> T {
    if let v = objc_getAssociatedObject(base, key) as? T {
        return v

    if let v = objc_getAssociatedObject(base, key) as? Lifted<T> {
        return v.value

    let lifted = Lifted(initialiser())
    objc_setAssociatedObject(base, key, lifted, policy)
    return lifted.value

func associate<T>(to base: AnyObject, key: UnsafePointer<UInt8>, value: T, policy: objc_AssociationPolicy = .OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN) {
    if let v: AnyObject = value as AnyObject? {
        objc_setAssociatedObject(base, key, v, policy)
    else {
        objc_setAssociatedObject(base, key, lift(value), policy)

Example of usage:

1) Create extension and associate properties to it. Let's use both value and reference type properties.

extension UIButton {

    struct Keys {
        static fileprivate var color: UInt8 = 0
        static fileprivate var index: UInt8 = 0

    var color: UIColor {
        get {
            return associated(to: self, key: &Keys.color) { .green }
        set {
            associate(to: self, key: &Keys.color, value: newValue)

    var index: Int {
        get {
            return associated(to: self, key: &Keys.index) { -1 }
        set {
            associate(to: self, key: &Keys.index, value: newValue)


2) Now you can use just as regular properties:

    let button = UIButton()
    print(button.color) // UIExtendedSRGBColorSpace 0 1 0 1 == green
    button.color = .black
    print(button.color) // UIExtendedGrayColorSpace 0 1 == black

    print(button.index) // -1
    button.index = 3
    print(button.index) // 3

More details:

  1. Lifting is needed for wrapping value types.
  2. Default associated object behavior is retain. If you want to learn more about associated objects, I'd recommend checking this article.

What is the fastest way to create a checksum for large files in C#

You can have a look to XxHash.Net ( )
The xxHash algorythm seems to be faster than all other.
Some benchmark on the xxHash site :

PS: I've not yet used it.

Updating a JSON object using Javascript

    var jsonObj = [{'Id':'1','Quantity':'2','Done':'0','state':'todo',
        'product_id':[315,"[LBI-W-SL-3-AG-TA004-C650-36] LAURA BONELLI-WOMEN'S-SANDAL"],
          'product_id':[314,"[LBI-W-SL-3-AG-TA004-C650-36] LAURA BONELLI-WOMEN'S-SANDAL"],
          'product_id':[316,"[LBI-W-SL-3-AG-TA004-C650-36] LAURA BONELLI-WOMEN'S-SANDAL"],

          for (var i = 0; i < jsonObj.length; ++i) {
            if (jsonObj[i]['product_id'][0] === 314) {


                jsonObj[i]['Done'] = ""+this.quantity_done+"";

                if(jsonObj[i]['Quantity'] === jsonObj[i]['Done']){
                  console.log('both are equal');
                  jsonObj[i]['state'] = 'packed';
                  console.log('not equal');
                  jsonObj[i]['state'] = 'todo';




quantity_done: any = 0;

  onemorecartonsamenumber() {
    this.quantity_done += 1;
    console.log(this.quantity_done + 1);

What does -> mean in Python function definitions?

def function(arg)->123:

It's simply a return type, integer in this case doesn't matter which number you write.

like Java :

public int function(int args){...}

But for Python (how Jim Fasarakis Hilliard said) the return type it's just an hint, so it's suggest the return but allow anyway to return other type like a string..

Best way to resolve file path too long exception

Not mention so far and an update, there is a very well establish library for handling paths that are too long. AlphaFS is a .NET library providing more complete Win32 file system functionality to the .NET platform than the standard System.IO classes. The most notable deficiency of the standard .NET System.IO is the lack of support of advanced NTFS features, most notably extended length path support (eg. file/directory paths longer than 260 characters).

How to add a href link in PHP?

Looks like you missed a few closing tags and you nshould have "http://" on the front of an external URL. Also, you should move your styles to external style sheets instead of using inline styles.

.box a img{
  vertical-align: middle;
  border: 0px;

<div class="box">
    <a href="<?php echo ""; ?>">
        <img src="<?php echo url::file_loc('img'); ?>media/img/twitter.png" alt="Image Decription">

As noted in other comments, it may be easier to use straight HTML, depending on your exact setup.

<div class="box">
    <a href="">
        <img src="file_location/media/img/twitter.png" alt="Image Decription">

How to run binary file in Linux

Or, the file is of a filetype and/or architecture that you just cannot run with your hardware and/or there is also no fallback binfmt_misc entry to handle the particular format in some other way. Use file(1) to determine.

What is the difference between Swing and AWT?

The base difference that which already everyone mentioned is that one is heavy weight and other is light weight. Let me explain, basically what the term heavy weight means is that when you're using the awt components the native code used for getting the view component is generated by the Operating System, thats why it the look and feel changes from OS to OS. Where as in swing components its the responsibility of JVM to generate the view for the components. Another statement which i saw is that swing is MVC based and awt is not.

How to escape single quotes within single quoted strings

If you have GNU Parallel installed you can use its internal quoting:

$ parallel --shellquote
L's 12" record
'L'"'"'s 12" record'
$ echo 'L'"'"'s 12" record'
L's 12" record

From version 20190222 you can even --shellquote multiple times:

$ parallel --shellquote --shellquote --shellquote
L's 12" record
'"'"'"'"'"'"'L'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'s 12" record'"'"'"'"'"'"'
$ eval eval echo '"'"'"'"'"'"'L'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'s 12" record'"'"'"'"'"'"'
L's 12" record

It will quote the string in all supported shells (not only bash).

How do you declare string constants in C?

The main disadvantage of the #define method is that the string is duplicated each time it is used, so you can end up with lots of copies of it in the executable, making it bigger.

How to edit the legend entry of a chart in Excel?

The data series names are defined by the column headers. Add the names to the column headers that you would like to use as titles for each of your data series, select all of the data (including the headers), then re-generate your graph. The names in the headers should then appear as the names in the legend for each series.

Column headers become data series titles in graph legend

How to check syslog in Bash on Linux?

tail -f /var/log/syslog | grep process_name where process_name is the name of the process we are interested in

Android Support Design TabLayout: Gravity Center and Mode Scrollable

this is how i did it




    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
        mToolbar = (Toolbar) findViewById(;
        mTabLayout = (TabLayout)findViewById(;

        mTabLayout.addTab(mTabLayout.newTab().setText("Customer Detail"));;

    Runnable mTabLayout_config = new Runnable()
        public void run()

           if(mTabLayout.getWidth() < MainActivity.this.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().widthPixels)
                ViewGroup.LayoutParams mParams = mTabLayout.getLayoutParams();
                mParams.width = ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT;


I made small changes of @Mario Velasco's solution on the runnable part

Laravel Eloquent - Get one Row

Laravel 5.2

$sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE email = $email";

$user = collect(\User::select($sql))->first();


$user = User::table('users')->where('email', $email)->pluck();

Override valueof() and toString() in Java enum

Try this, but i don't sure that will work every where :)

public enum MyEnum {
    A("Start There"),
    B("Start Here");

    MyEnum(String name) {
        try {
            Field fieldName = getClass().getSuperclass().getDeclaredField("name");
            fieldName.set(this, name);
        } catch (Exception e) {}

Execute Insert command and return inserted Id in Sql

USE AdventureWorks2012;
    DROP TABLE t6;
    DROP TABLE t7;
CREATE TABLE t7(id int IDENTITY(100,1));
--End of trigger definition

--IDs empty.

--ID is empty.

--Do the following in Session 1
/*Returns the value 100. This was inserted by the trigger.*/

/* Returns the value 1. This was inserted by the 
INSERT statement two statements before this query.*/

/* Returns value inserted into t7, that is in the trigger.*/

/* Returns value inserted into t6. This was the INSERT statement four statements before this query.*/

-- Do the following in Session 2.
/* Returns NULL because there has been no INSERT action 
up to this point in this session.*/

/* Returns NULL because there has been no INSERT action 
up to this point in this scope in this session.*/

/* Returns the last value inserted into t7.*/

Simple check for SELECT query empty result


SELECT * FROM service s WHERE s.service_id = ?;

    PRINT 'no rows!'

Java equivalent to Explode and Implode(PHP)

Good alternatives are the String.split and StringUtils.join methods.

Explode :

String[] exploded="Hello World".split(" ");

Implode :

String imploded=StringUtils.join(new String[] {"Hello", "World"}, " ");

Keep in mind though that StringUtils is in an external library.

Delete column from pandas DataFrame

If your original dataframe df is not too big, you have no memory constraints, and you only need to keep a few columns, or, if you don't know beforehand the names of all the extra columns that you do not need, then you might as well create a new dataframe with only the columns you need:

new_df = df[['spam', 'sausage']]

Java enum with multiple value types

First, the enum methods shouldn't be in all caps. They are methods just like other methods, with the same naming convention.

Second, what you are doing is not the best possible way to set up your enum. Instead of using an array of values for the values, you should use separate variables for each value. You can then implement the constructor like you would any other class.

Here's how you should do it with all the suggestions above:

public enum States {
    MASSACHUSETTS("Massachusetts",  "MA",   true),
    MICHIGAN     ("Michigan",       "MI",   false),
    ...; // all 50 of those

    private final String full;
    private final String abbr;
    private final boolean originalColony;

    private States(String full, String abbr, boolean originalColony) {
        this.full = full;
        this.abbr = abbr;
        this.originalColony = originalColony;

    public String getFullName() {
        return full;

    public String getAbbreviatedName() {
        return abbr;

    public boolean isOriginalColony(){
        return originalColony;

Get PHP class property by string

Here is my attempt. It has some common 'stupidity' checks built in, making sure you don't try to set or get a member which isn't available.

You could move those 'property_exists' checks to __set and __get respectively and call them directly within magic().


class Foo {
    public $Name;

    public function magic($member, $value = NULL) {
        if ($value != NULL) {
            if (!property_exists($this, $member)) {
                trigger_error('Undefined property via magic(): ' .
                    $member, E_USER_ERROR);
                return NULL;
            $this->$member = $value;
        } else {
            if (!property_exists($this, $member)) {
                trigger_error('Undefined property via magic(): ' .
                    $member, E_USER_ERROR);
                return NULL;
            return $this->$member;

$f = new Foo();

$f->magic("Name", "Something");
echo $f->magic("Name") , "\n";

// error
$f->magic("Fame", "Something");
echo $f->magic("Fame") , "\n";

?> Repeater get current index, pointer, or counter

Add a label control to your Repeater's ItemTemplate. Handle OnItemCreated event.


<asp:Repeater ID="rptr" runat="server" OnItemCreated="RepeaterItemCreated">
        <div id="width:50%;height:30px;background:#0f0a0f;">
            <asp:Label ID="lblSr" runat="server" 
               style="width:30%;float:left;text-align:right;text-indent:-2px;" />
               style="width:65%;float:right;text-align:left;text-indent:-2px;" >
            <%# Eval("Item") %>

Code Behind:

    protected void RepeaterItemCreated(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e)
        Label l = e.Item.FindControl("lblSr") as Label;
        if (l != null)
            l.Text = e.Item.ItemIndex + 1+"";

ASP.NET MVC passing an ID in an ActionLink to the controller

Don't put the @ before the id

new { id = "1" }

The framework "translate" it in ?Lenght when there is a mismatch in the parameter/route

URL for public Amazon S3 bucket

The URL structure you're referring to is called the REST endpoint, as opposed to the Web Site Endpoint.

Note: Since this answer was originally written, S3 has rolled out dualstack support on REST endpoints, using new hostnames, while leaving the existing hostnames in place. This is now integrated into the information provided, below.

If your bucket is really in the us-east-1 region of AWS -- which the S3 documentation formerly referred to as the "US Standard" region, but was subsequently officially renamed to the "U.S. East (N. Virginia) Region" -- then is not the correct form for that endpoint, even though it looks like it should be. The correct format for that region is either or

The format you're using is applicable to all the other S3 regions, but not US Standard US East (N. Virginia) [us-east-1].

S3 now also has dual-stack endpoint hostnames for the REST endpoints, and unlike the original endpoint hostnames, the names of these have a consistent format across regions, for example These endpoints support both IPv4 and IPv6 connectivity and DNS resolution, but are otherwise functionally equivalent to the existing REST endpoints.

If your permissions and configuration are set up such that the web site endpoint works, then the REST endpoint should work, too.

However... the two endpoints do not offer the same functionality.

Roughly speaking, the REST endpoint is better-suited for machine access and the web site endpoint is better suited for human access, since the web site endpoint offers friendly error messages, index documents, and redirects, while the REST endpoint doesn't. On the other hand, the REST endpoint offers HTTPS and support for signed URLs, while the web site endpoint doesn't.

Choose the correct type of endpoint (REST or web site) for your application:

¹ has been referred to as the "Northern Virginia endpoint," in contrast to the "Global endpoint" It was unofficially possible to get read-after-write consistency on new objects in this region if the "s3-external-1" hostname was used, because this would send you to a subset of possible physical endpoints that could provide that functionality. This behavior is now officially supported on this endpoint, so this is probably the better choice in many applications. Previously, s3-external-2 had been referred to as the "Pacific Northwest endpoint" for US-Standard, though it is now a CNAME in DNS for s3-external-1 so s3-external-2 appears to have no purpose except backwards-compatibility.

Get parent of current directory from Python script

import os def parent_directory(): # Create a relative path to the parent # of the current working directory path = os.getcwd() parent = os.path.dirname(path)

relative_parent = os.path.join(path, parent)

# Return the absolute path of the parent directory
return relative_parent


How to check a Long for null in java

If it is Long object then You can use longValue == null or you can use Objects.isNull(longValue) method in Java 8 .

Please check Objects for more info.

Single quotes vs. double quotes in C or C++

Single quotes are for a single character. Double quotes are for a string (array of characters). You can use single quotes to build up a string one character at a time, if you like.

char myChar     = 'A';
char myString[] = "Hello Mum";
char myOtherString[] = { 'H','e','l','l','o','\0' };

Deprecated Java HttpClient - How hard can it be?

Relevant imports:

import org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClientBuilder;


HttpClient httpClient = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();

EDIT (after Jules' suggestion):

As the build() method returns a CloseableHttpClient which is-a AutoClosable, you can place the declaration in a try-with-resources statement (Java 7+):

try (CloseableHttpClient httpClient = HttpClientBuilder.create().build()) {

    // use httpClient (no need to close it explicitly)

} catch (IOException e) {

    // handle


Iterating over every property of an object in javascript using Prototype?

You should iterate over the keys and get the values using square brackets.

See: How do I enumerate the properties of a javascript object?

EDIT: Obviously, this makes the question a duplicate.

What is an IIS application pool?

An application pool is a group of one or more URLs that are served by a worker process or set of worker processes. Any Web directory or virtual directory can be assigned to an application pool.

Every application within an application pool shares the same worker process.

Code-first vs Model/Database-first

Code-first appears to be the rising star. I had a quick look at Ruby on Rails, and their standard is code-first, with database migrations.

If you are building an MVC3 application, I believe Code first has the following advantages:

  • Easy attribute decoration - You can decorate fields with validation, require, etc.. attributes, it's quite awkward with EF modelling
  • No weird modelling errors - EF modelling often has weird errors, such as when you try to rename an association property, it needs to match the underlying meta-data - very inflexible.
  • Not awkward to merge - When using code version control tools such as mercurial, merging .edmx files is a pain. You're a programmer used to C#, and there you are merging a .edmx. Not so with code-first.
  • Contrast back to Code first and you have complete control without all the hidden complexities and unknowns to deal with.
  • I recommend you use the Package Manager command line tool, don't even use the graphical tools to add a new controller to scaffold views.
  • DB-Migrations - Then you can also Enable-Migrations. This is so powerful. You make changes to your model in code, and then the framework can keep track of schema changes, so you can seamlessly deploy upgrades, with schema versions automatically upgraded (and downgraded if required). (Not sure, but this probably does work with model-first too)


The question also asks for a comparison of code-first to EDMX model/db-first. Code-first can be used for both of these approaches too:

Bootstrap Modal before form Submit

You can use browser default prompt window. Instead of basic <input type="submit" (...) > try:

<button onClick="if(confirm(\'are you sure ?\')){ this.form.submit() }">Save</button>

Environment variables in Jenkins

The environment variables displayed in Jenkins (Manage Jenkins -> System information) are inherited from the system (i.e. inherited environment variables)

If you run env command in a shell you should see the same environment variables as Jenkins shows.

These variables are either set by the shell/system or by you in ~/.bashrc, ~/.bash_profile.

There are also environment variables set by Jenkins when a job executes, but these are not displayed in the System Information.

How do I get interactive plots again in Spyder/IPython/matplotlib?

After applying : Tools > preferences > Graphics > Backend > Automatic Just restart the kernel enter image description here

And you will surely get Interactive Plot. Happy Coding!

Remove a specific character using awk or sed

Using just awk you could do (I also shortened some of your piping):

strings -a | awk '/EngineVersion/ { if(NR==2) { gsub("\"",""); print $2 } }'

I can't verify it for you because I don't know your exact input, but the following works:

echo "Blah EngineVersion=\"123\"" | awk '/EngineVersion/ { gsub("\"",""); print $2 }'

See also this question on removing single quotes.

How to sort in-place using the merge sort algorithm?

There is a relatively simple implementation of in-place merge sort using Kronrod's original technique but with simpler implementation. A pictorial example that illustrates this technique can be found here:

There are also links to more detailed theoretical analysis by the same author associated with this link.

What does the percentage sign mean in Python

While this is slightly off-topic, since people will find this by searching for "percentage sign in Python" (as I did), I wanted to note that the % sign is also used to prefix a "magic" function in iPython:

Count elements with jQuery

Yes, there is.


How to change the CHARACTER SET (and COLLATION) throughout a database?

here describes the process well. However, some of the characters that didn't fit in latin space are gone forever. UTF-8 is a SUPERSET of latin1. Not the reverse. Most will fit in single byte space, but any undefined ones will not (check a list of latin1 - not all 256 characters are defined, depending on mysql's latin1 definition)

Linq on DataTable: select specific column into datatable, not whole table

Your select statement is returning a sequence of anonymous type , not a sequence of DataRows. CopyToDataTable() is only available on IEnumerable<T> where T is or derives from DataRow. You can select r the row object to call CopyToDataTable on it.

var query = from r in matrix.AsEnumerable()
                where r.Field<string>("c_to") == c_to &&
                      r.Field<string>("p_to") == p_to
                 select r;

DataTable conversions = query.CopyToDataTable();

You can also implement CopyToDataTable Where the Generic Type T Is Not a DataRow.

change image opacity using javascript

You can use CSS to set the opacity, and than use javascript to apply the styles to a certain element in the DOM.

.opClass {
    filter:alpha(opacity=40); /* For IE8 and earlier */

Than use (for example) jQuery to change the style:


Or with plain javascript, like this:

document.getElementById("element_id").className = "opClass";

How to send HTML-formatted email?

Best way to send html formatted Email

This code will be in "Customer.htm"

            Dealer's Company Name

Read HTML file Using System.IO.File.ReadAllText. get all HTML code in string variable.

string Body = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("EmailTemplates/Customer.htm"));

Replace Particular string to your custom value.

Body = Body.Replace("#DealerCompanyName#", _lstGetDealerRoleAndContactInfoByCompanyIDResult[0].CompanyName);

call SendEmail(string Body) Function and do procedure to send email.

 public static void SendEmail(string Body)
            MailMessage message = new MailMessage();
            message.From = new MailAddress(Session["Email"].Tostring());
            message.Subject = "Request from " + SessionFactory.CurrentCompany.CompanyName + " to add a new supplier";
            message.IsBodyHtml = true;
            message.Body = Body;

            SmtpClient smtpClient = new SmtpClient();
            smtpClient.UseDefaultCredentials = true;

            smtpClient.Host = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["SMTP"].ToString();
            smtpClient.Port = Convert.ToInt32(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["PORT"].ToString());
            smtpClient.EnableSsl = true;
            smtpClient.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["USERNAME"].ToString(), ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["PASSWORD"].ToString());

How to get input text value on click in ReactJS

First of all, you can't pass to alert second argument, use concatenation instead

alert("Input is " + inputValue);


However in order to get values from input better to use states like this

var MyComponent = React.createClass({_x000D_
  getInitialState: function () {_x000D_
    return { input: '' };_x000D_
  handleChange: function(e) {_x000D_
    this.setState({ input: });_x000D_
  handleClick: function() {_x000D_
  render: function() {_x000D_
    return (_x000D_
        <input type="text" onChange={ this.handleChange } />_x000D_
          value="Alert the text input"_x000D_
  <MyComponent />,_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div id="container"></div>

Sending POST data in Android

For me works next :

 private sendData() {
     JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();
     jsonObject.accumulate("key1", value1);
     jsonObject.accumulate("key2", value2);

     boolean success = sendPost(SERVER_URL + "/v1/auth", jsonObject);

 private boolean sendPost(String url, JSONObject parameters) {
        boolean requestResult = false;
        InputStream inputStream = null;
        String result = "";
        try {

            HttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient();
            HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost(url);

            String json = "";

            json = parameters.toString();

            StringEntity se = new StringEntity(json);

            httpPost.setHeader("Accept", "application/json");
            httpPost.setHeader("Content-type", "application/json");

            HttpResponse httpResponse = httpclient.execute(httpPost);

            inputStream = httpResponse.getEntity().getContent();

            if (inputStream != null) {
                result = convertInputStreamToString(inputStream);
                requestResult = true;
            } else {
                result = "Did not work!";
                requestResult = false;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            Log.d("InputStream", e.getLocalizedMessage());
            requestResult = false;
        return requestResult;

Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, unlink 'D:\Sources\**\node_modules\fsevents\node_modules\abbrev\package.json'

In my case, the problem was that, I did not install typescript. Although I did install Node and Angular. To check if you have installed typescript or not

Run this command: tsc -v

If not, then to install typescript

Run this command: npm install -g typescript

And, finally to install required dependencies

Run this command: npm install

in the root folder of the project.

---- Hope this helps someone ----

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token :

In my case i ran into the same error, while running spring mvc application due to wrong mapping in my mvc controller


i changed the above mapping to



 @RequestMapping(value="/private/updatestatus",method = RequestMethod.GET)

Open File Dialog, One Filter for Multiple Excel Extensions?

If you want to merge the filters (eg. CSV and Excel files), use this formula:

OpenFileDialog of = new OpenFileDialog();
of.Filter = "CSV files (*.csv)|*.csv|Excel Files|*.xls;*.xlsx";

Or if you want to see XML or PDF files in one time use this:

of.Filter = @" XML or PDF |*.xml;*.pdf";

How can I add 1 day to current date?

If you want add a day (24 hours) to current datetime you can add milliseconds like this:

new Date( + ( 3600 * 1000 * 24))

If "0" then leave the cell blank

An example of an IF Statement that can be used to add a calculation into the cell you wish to hide if value = 0 but displayed upon another cell value reference.

=IF(/Your reference cell/=0,"",SUM(/Here you put your SUM/))

Flask SQLAlchemy query, specify column names

You can use the with_entities() method to restrict which columns you'd like to return in the result. (documentation)

result = SomeModel.query.with_entities(SomeModel.col1, SomeModel.col2)

Depending on your requirements, you may also find deferreds useful. They allow you to return the full object but restrict the columns that come over the wire.

Android change SDK version in Eclipse? Unable to resolve target android-x

This Problem is because of Path so you need to build the path using following Steps

Goto project ----->Right Click on Project Name ---->properties ---->click on Than Java Build Path option than ---> click Android 4.2.2---->Ok

Fragment pressing back button

You can use this .. Worked for me..

It seems as though fragment [3] is not removed from the view when back is pressed so you have to do it manually!

First of all, dont use replace() but instead use remove and add separately. It seems as though replace() doesnt work properly.

The next part to this is overriding the onKeyDown method and remove the current fragment every time the back button is pressed.

 public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event)
 if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK)
    if (getSupportFragmentManager().getBackStackEntryCount() == 0)
        return false;

        return false;


  return super.onKeyDown(keyCode, event);

public void removeCurrentFragment()
FragmentTransaction transaction = getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction();

Fragment currentFrag =  getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentById(;

Execute external program

borrowed this shamely from here

Process process = new ProcessBuilder("C:\\PathToExe\\MyExe.exe","param1","param2").start();
InputStream is = process.getInputStream();
InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(is);
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);
String line;

System.out.printf("Output of running %s is:", Arrays.toString(args));

while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {

More information here

Other issues on how to pass commands here and here

Enable Hibernate logging

Hibernate logging has to be also enabled in hibernate configuration.

Add lines


either to


or to application's persistence.xml in <persistence-unit><properties> tag.

Anyway hibernate logging won't include (in useful form) info on actual prepared statements' parameters.

There is an alternative way of using log4jdbc for any kind of sql logging.

The above answer assumes that you run the code that uses hibernate on JBoss, not in IDE. In this case you should configure logging also on JBoss in server\default\deploy\jboss-logging.xml, not in local IDE classpath.

Note that JBoss 6 doesn't use log4j by default. So adding to ear won't help. Just try to add to jboss-logging.xml:

   <logger category="org.hibernate">
     <level name="DEBUG"/>

Then change threshold for root logger. See SLF4J logger.debug() does not get logged in JBoss 6.

If you manage to debug hibernate queries right from IDE (without deployment), then you should have, log4j, slf4j-api and slf4j-log4j12 jars on classpath. See

Merging dataframes on index with pandas

You can do this with merge:

df_merged = df1.merge(df2, how='outer', left_index=True, right_index=True)

The keyword argument how='outer' keeps all indices from both frames, filling in missing indices with NaN. The left_index and right_index keyword arguments have the merge be done on the indices. If you get all NaN in a column after doing a merge, another troubleshooting step is to verify that your indices have the same dtypes.

The merge code above produces the following output for me:

                V1    V2
A 2012-01-01  12.0  15.0
  2012-02-01  14.0   NaN
  2012-03-01   NaN  21.0
B 2012-01-01  15.0  24.0
  2012-02-01   8.0   9.0
C 2012-01-01  17.0   NaN
  2012-02-01   9.0   NaN
D 2012-01-01   NaN   7.0
  2012-02-01   NaN  16.0

DateTime.Compare how to check if a date is less than 30 days old?

What you want to do is subtract the two DateTimes (expiryDate and DateTime.Now). This will return an object of type TimeSpan. The TimeSpan has a property "Days". Compare that number to 30 for your answer.

Sorting arrays in javascript by object key value

Here is yet another one-liner for you:

your_array.sort((a, b) => a.distance === b.distance ? 0 : a.distance > b.distance || -1);

Print in Landscape format

you cannot set this in javascript, you have to do this with html/css:

<style type="text/css" media="print">
  @page { size: landscape; }

EDIT: See this Question and the accepted answer for more information on browser support: Is @Page { size:landscape} obsolete?

How to change color in markdown cells ipython/jupyter notebook?

<p style="font-family: Arial; font-size:1.4em;color:gold;"> Golden </p>


Text <span style="font-family: Arial; font-size:1.4em;color:gold;"> Golden </p> Text

What is a .pid file and what does it contain?

Pidfile contains pid of a process. It is a convention allowing long running processes to be more self-aware. Server process can inspect it to stop itself, or have heuristic that its other instance is already running. Pidfiles can also be used to conventiently kill risk manually, e.g. pkill -F <>

How to define partitioning of DataFrame?

In Spark < 1.6 If you create a HiveContext, not the plain old SqlContext you can use the HiveQL DISTRIBUTE BY colX... (ensures each of N reducers gets non-overlapping ranges of x) & CLUSTER BY colX... (shortcut for Distribute By and Sort By) for example;

hiveCtx.sql("select * from partitionMe DISTRIBUTE BY accountId SORT BY accountId, date")

Not sure how this fits in with Spark DF api. These keywords aren't supported in the normal SqlContext (note you dont need to have a hive meta store to use the HiveContext)

EDIT: Spark 1.6+ now has this in the native DataFrame API

Correct location of openssl.cnf file


This is a local installation. You downloaded and built OpenSSL taking the default prefix, of you configured with ./config --prefix=/usr/local/ssl or ./config --openssldir=/usr/local/ssl.

You will use this if you use the OpenSSL in /usr/local/ssl/bin. That is, /usr/local/ssl/openssl.cnf will be used when you issue:

/usr/local/ssl/bin/openssl s_client -connect localhost:443 -tls1 -servername localhost


This is where Ubuntu places openssl.cnf for the OpenSSL they provide.

You will use this if you use the OpenSSL in /usr/bin. That is, /usr/lib/ssl/openssl.cnf will be used when you issue:

openssl s_client -connect localhost:443 -tls1 -servername localhost


I don't know when this is used. The stuff in /etc/ssl is usually certificates and private keys, and it sometimes contains a copy of openssl.cnf. But I've never seen it used for anything.

Which is the main/correct one that I should use to make changes?

From the sounds of it, you should probably add the engine to /usr/lib/ssl/openssl.cnf. That ensures most "off the shelf" gear will use the new engine.

After you do that, add it to /usr/local/ssl/openssl.cnf also because copy/paste is easy.

Here's how to see which openssl.cnf directory is associated with a OpenSSL installation. The library and programs look for openssl.cnf in OPENSSLDIR. OPENSSLDIR is a configure option, and its set with --openssldir.

I'm on a MacBook with 3 different OpenSSL's (Apple's, MacPort's and the one I build):

# Apple    
$ /usr/bin/openssl version -a | grep OPENSSLDIR
OPENSSLDIR: "/System/Library/OpenSSL"

# MacPorts
$ /opt/local/bin/openssl version -a | grep OPENSSLDIR
OPENSSLDIR: "/opt/local/etc/openssl"

# My build of OpenSSL
$ openssl version -a | grep OPENSSLDIR
OPENSSLDIR: "/usr/local/ssl/darwin"

I have an Ubuntu system and I have installed openssl.

Just bike shedding, but be careful of Ubuntu's version of OpenSSL. It disables TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2, so you will only have clients capable of older cipher suites; and you will not be able to use newer ciphers like AES/CTR (to replace RC4) and elliptic curve gear (like ECDHE_ECDSA_* and ECDHE_RSA_*). See Ubuntu 12.04 LTS: OpenSSL downlevel version is 1.0.0, and does not support TLS 1.2 in Launchpad.

EDIT: Ubuntu enabled TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 recently. See Comment 17 on the bug report.

Get GPS location via a service in Android

public class GPSService extends Service implements GoogleApiClient.ConnectionCallbacks, GoogleApiClient.OnConnectionFailedListener, {
    private LocationRequest mLocationRequest;
    private GoogleApiClient mGoogleApiClient;
    private static final String LOGSERVICE = "#######";

    public void onCreate() {
        Log.i(LOGSERVICE, "onCreate");


    public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {
        Log.i(LOGSERVICE, "onStartCommand");

        if (!mGoogleApiClient.isConnected())
        return START_STICKY;

    public void onConnected(Bundle bundle) {
        Log.i(LOGSERVICE, "onConnected" + bundle);

        Location l = LocationServices.FusedLocationApi.getLastLocation(mGoogleApiClient);
        if (l != null) {
            Log.i(LOGSERVICE, "lat " + l.getLatitude());
            Log.i(LOGSERVICE, "lng " + l.getLongitude());



    public void onConnectionSuspended(int i) {
        Log.i(LOGSERVICE, "onConnectionSuspended " + i);


    public void onLocationChanged(Location location) {
        Log.i(LOGSERVICE, "lat " + location.getLatitude());
        Log.i(LOGSERVICE, "lng " + location.getLongitude());
        LatLng mLocation = (new LatLng(location.getLatitude(), location.getLongitude()));


    public void onDestroy() {
        Log.i(LOGSERVICE, "onDestroy - Estou sendo destruido ");


    public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {
        return null;

    public void onConnectionFailed(ConnectionResult connectionResult) {
        Log.i(LOGSERVICE, "onConnectionFailed ");


    private void initLocationRequest() {
        mLocationRequest = new LocationRequest();


    private void startLocationUpdate() {

        if (ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED && ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, Manifest.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
            // TODO: Consider calling
            //    ActivityCompat#requestPermissions
            // here to request the missing permissions, and then overriding
            //   public void onRequestPermissionsResult(int requestCode, String[] permissions,
            //                                          int[] grantResults)
            // to handle the case where the user grants the permission. See the documentation
            // for ActivityCompat#requestPermissions for more details.
        LocationServices.FusedLocationApi.requestLocationUpdates(mGoogleApiClient, mLocationRequest, this);

    private void stopLocationUpdate() {
        LocationServices.FusedLocationApi.removeLocationUpdates(mGoogleApiClient, this);


    protected synchronized void buildGoogleApiClient() {
        mGoogleApiClient = new GoogleApiClient.Builder(this)


How can I access "static" class variables within class methods in Python?

Define class method:

class Foo(object):
    bar = 1
    def bah(cls):    

Now if bah() has to be instance method (i.e. have access to self), you can still directly access the class variable.

class Foo(object):
    bar = 1
    def bah(self):    

How to add to an existing hash in Ruby

hash = { a: 'a', b: 'b' }
 => {:a=>"a", :b=>"b"}
hash.merge({ c: 'c', d: 'd' })
 => {:a=>"a", :b=>"b", :c=>"c", :d=>"d"} 

Returns the merged value.

 => {:a=>"a", :b=>"b"} 

But doesn't modify the caller object

hash = hash.merge({ c: 'c', d: 'd' })
 => {:a=>"a", :b=>"b", :c=>"c", :d=>"d"} 
 => {:a=>"a", :b=>"b", :c=>"c", :d=>"d"} 

Reassignment does the trick.

Python: split a list based on a condition?

For example, splitting list by even and odd

arr = range(20)
even, odd = reduce(lambda res, next: res[next % 2].append(next) or res, arr, ([], []))

Or in general:

def split(predicate, iterable):
    return reduce(lambda res, e: res[predicate(e)].append(e) or res, iterable, ([], []))


  • Shortest posible way
  • Predicate applies only once for each element


  • Requires knowledge of functional programing paradigm

How to leave/exit/deactivate a Python virtualenv

I found that when within a Miniconda3 environment I had to run:

conda deactivate

Neither deactivate nor source deactivate worked for me.

How to change active class while click to another link in bootstrap use jquery?

<ul class="nav nav-list">_x000D_
    <li id="tab1" class="active"><a href="/">Link 1</a></li>_x000D_
    <li id="tab2"><a href="/link2">Link 2</a></li>_x000D_
    <li id="tab3"><a href="/link3">Link 3</a></li>_x000D_

Html- how to disable <a href>?

You can use CSS to accomplish this:

.disabled {
  pointer-events: none;
  cursor: default;
<a href="somelink.html" class="disabled">Some link</a>

Or you can use JavaScript to prevent the default action like this:


How to check if String is null

An object can't be null - the value of an expression can be null. It's worth making the difference clear in your mind. The value of s isn't an object - it's a reference, which is either null or refers to an object.

And yes, you should just use

if (s == null)

Note that this will still use the overloaded == operator defined in string, but that will do the right thing.

How do you add an in-app purchase to an iOS application?

I know I am quite late to post this, but I share similar experience when I learned the ropes of IAP model.

In-app purchase is one of the most comprehensive workflow in iOS implemented by Storekit framework. The entire documentation is quite clear if you patience to read it, but is somewhat advanced in nature of technicality.

To summarize:

1 - Request the products - use SKProductRequest & SKProductRequestDelegate classes to issue request for Product IDs and receive them back from your own itunesconnect store.

These SKProducts should be used to populate your store UI which the user can use to buy a specific product.

2 - Issue payment request - use SKPayment & SKPaymentQueue to add payment to the transaction queue.

3 - Monitor transaction queue for status update - use SKPaymentTransactionObserver Protocol's updatedTransactions method to monitor status:

SKPaymentTransactionStatePurchasing - don't do anything
SKPaymentTransactionStatePurchased - unlock product, finish the transaction
SKPaymentTransactionStateFailed - show error, finish the transaction
SKPaymentTransactionStateRestored - unlock product, finish the transaction

4 - Restore button flow - use SKPaymentQueue's restoreCompletedTransactions to accomplish this - step 3 will take care of the rest, along with SKPaymentTransactionObserver's following methods:


Here is a step by step tutorial (authored by me as a result of my own attempts to understand it) that explains it. At the end it also provides code sample that you can directly use.

Here is another one I created to explain certain things that only text could describe in better manner.

How to call URL action in MVC with javascript function?

Within your onDropDownChange handler, just make a jQuery AJAX call, passing in any data you need to pass up to your URL. You can handle successful and failure calls with the success and error options. In the success option, use the data contained in the data argument to do whatever rendering you need to do. Remember these are asynchronous by default!

function onDropDownChange(e) {
    var url = '/Home/Index/' + e.value;
      url: url,
      data: {}, //parameters go here in object literal form
      type: 'GET',
      datatype: 'json',
      success: function(data) { alert('got here with data'); },
      error: function() { alert('something bad happened'); }

jQuery's AJAX documentation is here.

Compile to a stand-alone executable (.exe) in Visual Studio

Inside your project folder their is a bin folder. Inside your bin folder, there are 2 folders, a Release and a Debug. For your polished .exe, you want to go into your Release folder.

I'm not quite sure if thats what youre asking

The FastCGI process exited unexpectedly

For user using PHP 5.6.x follow this link and install the x86 version.

Bash: infinite sleep (infinite blocking)

sleep infinity does exactly what it suggests and works without cat abuse.

Virtualbox "port forward" from Guest to Host

Network communication Host -> Guest

Connect to the Guest and find out the ip address:


example of result (ip address is

eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 08:00:27:AE:36:99
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:

Go to Vbox instance window -> Menu -> Network adapters:

  • adapter should be NAT
  • click on "port forwarding"
  • insert new record (+ icon)
    • for host ip enter, and for guest ip address you got from prev. step (in my case it is
    • in your case port is 8000 - put it on both, but you can change host port if you prefer

Go to host system and try it in browser:

or your network ip address (find out on the host machine by running: ipconfig).

Network communication Guest -> Host

In this case port forwarding is not needed, the communication goes over the LAN back to the host.

On the host machine - find out your netw ip address:


example of result:

IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :

On the guest machine you can communicate directly with the host, e.g. check it with ping:

# ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=128 time=2.30 ms

Firewall issues?

@Stranger suggested that in some cases it would be necessary to open used port (8000 or whichever is used) in firewall like this (example for ufw firewall, I haven't tested):

sudo ufw allow 8000 

How to SSH into Docker?

Create docker image with openssh-server preinstalled:


FROM ubuntu:16.04

RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y openssh-server
RUN mkdir /var/run/sshd
RUN echo 'root:screencast' | chpasswd
RUN sed -i 's/PermitRootLogin prohibit-password/PermitRootLogin yes/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config

# SSH login fix. Otherwise user is kicked off after login
RUN sed 's@session\s*required\s* optional' -i /etc/pam.d/sshd

ENV NOTVISIBLE "in users profile"
RUN echo "export VISIBLE=now" >> /etc/profile

CMD ["/usr/sbin/sshd", "-D"]

Build the image using:

$ docker build -t eg_sshd .

Run a test_sshd container:

$ docker run -d -P --name test_sshd eg_sshd
$ docker port test_sshd 22

Ssh to your container:

$ ssh [email protected] -p 49154
# The password is ``screencast``.


How can I properly handle 404 in ASP.NET MVC?

I went through most of the solutions posted on this thread. While this question might be old, it is still very applicable to new projects even now, so I spent quite a lot of time reading up on the answers presented here as well as else where.

As @Marco pointed out the different cases under which a 404 can happen, I checked the solution I compiled together against that list. In addition to his list of requirements, I also added one more.

  • The solution should be able to handle MVC as well as AJAX/WebAPI calls in the most appropriate manner. (i.e. if 404 happens in MVC, it should show the Not Found page and if 404 happens in WebAPI, it should not hijack the XML/JSON response so that the consuming Javascript can parse it easily).

This solution is 2 fold:

First part of it comes from @Guillaume at Their solution takes care of any 404 that were caused due to invalid route, invalid controller and invalid action.

The idea is to create a WebForm and then make it call the NotFound action of your MVC Errors Controller. It does all of this without any redirect so you will not see a single 302 in Fiddler. The original URL is also preserved, which makes this solution fantastic!

Second part of it comes from @Germán at Their solution takes care of any 404 returned by your actions in the form of HttpNotFoundResult() or throw new HttpException()!

The idea is to have a filter look at the response as well as the exception thrown by your MVC controllers and to call the appropriate action in your Errors Controller. Again this solution works without any redirect and the original url is preserved!

As you can see, both of these solutions together offer a very robust error handling mechanism and they achieve all the requirements listed by @Marco as well as my requirements. If you would like to see a working sample or a demo of this solution, please leave in the comments and I would be happy to put it together.

Angular 2 change event - model changes

Use the (ngModelChange) event to detect changes on the model

How to allow Cross domain request in apache2

Enable mod_headers in Apache2 to be able to use Header directive :

a2enmod headers

Can Google Chrome open local links?

Hopefully this helps others in an enterprise setting looking for a solution. My solution after much tinkering was the following:

Follow the steps in the following link to install legacy browser extension and gpo settings:

Enabled legacy browser redirect for "file://" through chrome gpo configuration Google Chrome -> Legacy Browser Support -> "Websites to open in alternative browser"

Configure gpo to also install extension: that redirects file:// links to bypass chrome file:// link block.

The extension opens the links which then triggers google chrome to open the link in internet explorer. The result is IE opens a window, then opens the file/folder for the user, then IE closes itself.

How to remove leading and trailing whitespace in a MySQL field?

I needed to trim the values in a primary key column that had first and last names, so I did not want to trim all white space as that would remove the space between the first and last name, which I needed to keep. What worked for me was...






Note that the first instance of FIELD is in single quotes but the second is not in quotes at all. I had to do it this way or it gave me a syntax error saying it was a duplicate primary key when I had both in quotes.

Cache an HTTP 'Get' service response in AngularJS?

Angular's $http has a cache built in. According to the docs:

cache – {boolean|Object} – A boolean value or object created with $cacheFactory to enable or disable caching of the HTTP response. See $http Caching for more information.

Boolean value

So you can set cache to true in its options:

$http.get(url, { cache: true}).success(...);

or, if you prefer the config type of call:

$http({ cache: true, url: url, method: 'GET'}).success(...);

Cache Object

You can also use a cache factory:

var cache = $cacheFactory('myCache');

$http.get(url, { cache: cache })

You can implement it yourself using $cacheFactory (especially handly when using $resource):

var cache = $cacheFactory('myCache');

var data = cache.get(someKey);

if (!data) {
   $http.get(url).success(function(result) {
      data = result;
      cache.put(someKey, data);

Add/delete row from a table

jQuery has a nice function for removing elements from the DOM.

The closest() function is cool because it will "get the first element that matches the selector by testing the element itself and traversing up through its ancestors."


Each delete button could run that very succinct code with a function call.

How to securely save username/password (local)?

I have used this before and I think in order to make sure credential persist and in a best secure way is

  1. you can write them to the app config file using the ConfigurationManager class
  2. securing the password using the SecureString class
  3. then encrypting it using tools in the Cryptography namespace.

This link will be of great help I hope : Click here

How to change the background color on a input checkbox with css?

I always use pseudo elements :before and :after for changing the appearance of checkboxes and radio buttons. it's works like a charm.

Refer this link for more info



  1. Hide the default checkbox using css rules like visibility:hidden or opacity:0 or position:absolute;left:-9999px etc.
  2. Create a fake checkbox using :before element and pass either an empty or a non-breaking space '\00a0';
  3. When the checkbox is in :checked state, pass the unicode content: "\2713", which is a checkmark;
  4. Add :focus style to make the checkbox accessible.
  5. Done

Here is how I did it.

.box {_x000D_
  background: #666666;_x000D_
  color: #ffffff;_x000D_
  width: 250px;_x000D_
  padding: 10px;_x000D_
  margin: 1em auto;_x000D_
p {_x000D_
  margin: 1.5em 0;_x000D_
  padding: 0;_x000D_
input[type="checkbox"] {_x000D_
  visibility: hidden;_x000D_
label {_x000D_
  cursor: pointer;_x000D_
input[type="checkbox"] + label:before {_x000D_
  border: 1px solid #333;_x000D_
  content: "\00a0";_x000D_
  display: inline-block;_x000D_
  font: 16px/1em sans-serif;_x000D_
  height: 16px;_x000D_
  margin: 0 .25em 0 0;_x000D_
  padding: 0;_x000D_
  vertical-align: top;_x000D_
  width: 16px;_x000D_
input[type="checkbox"]:checked + label:before {_x000D_
  background: #fff;_x000D_
  color: #333;_x000D_
  content: "\2713";_x000D_
  text-align: center;_x000D_
input[type="checkbox"]:checked + label:after {_x000D_
  font-weight: bold;_x000D_
input[type="checkbox"]:focus + label::before {_x000D_
    outline: rgb(59, 153, 252) auto 5px;_x000D_
<div class="content">_x000D_
  <div class="box">_x000D_
      <input type="checkbox" id="c1" name="cb">_x000D_
      <label for="c1">Option 01</label>_x000D_
      <input type="checkbox" id="c2" name="cb">_x000D_
      <label for="c2">Option 02</label>_x000D_
      <input type="checkbox" id="c3" name="cb">_x000D_
      <label for="c3">Option 03</label>_x000D_

Much more stylish using :before and :after

  font-family: sans-serif;  _x000D_
.container {_x000D_
    margin-top: 50px;_x000D_
    margin-left: 20px;_x000D_
    margin-right: 20px;_x000D_
.checkbox {_x000D_
    width: 100%;_x000D_
    margin: 15px auto;_x000D_
    position: relative;_x000D_
    display: block;_x000D_
.checkbox input[type="checkbox"] {_x000D_
    width: auto;_x000D_
    opacity: 0.00000001;_x000D_
    position: absolute;_x000D_
    left: 0;_x000D_
    margin-left: -20px;_x000D_
.checkbox label {_x000D_
    position: relative;_x000D_
.checkbox label:before {_x000D_
    content: '';_x000D_
    position: absolute;_x000D_
    left: 0;_x000D_
    top: 0;_x000D_
    margin: 4px;_x000D_
    width: 22px;_x000D_
    height: 22px;_x000D_
    transition: transform 0.28s ease;_x000D_
    border-radius: 3px;_x000D_
    border: 2px solid #7bbe72;_x000D_
.checkbox label:after {_x000D_
  content: '';_x000D_
    display: block;_x000D_
    width: 10px;_x000D_
    height: 5px;_x000D_
    border-bottom: 2px solid #7bbe72;_x000D_
    border-left: 2px solid #7bbe72;_x000D_
    -webkit-transform: rotate(-45deg) scale(0);_x000D_
    transform: rotate(-45deg) scale(0);_x000D_
    transition: transform ease 0.25s;_x000D_
    will-change: transform;_x000D_
    position: absolute;_x000D_
    top: 12px;_x000D_
    left: 10px;_x000D_
.checkbox input[type="checkbox"]:checked ~ label::before {_x000D_
    color: #7bbe72;_x000D_
.checkbox input[type="checkbox"]:checked ~ label::after {_x000D_
    -webkit-transform: rotate(-45deg) scale(1);_x000D_
    transform: rotate(-45deg) scale(1);_x000D_
.checkbox label {_x000D_
    min-height: 34px;_x000D_
    display: block;_x000D_
    padding-left: 40px;_x000D_
    margin-bottom: 0;_x000D_
    font-weight: normal;_x000D_
    cursor: pointer;_x000D_
    vertical-align: sub;_x000D_
.checkbox label span {_x000D_
    position: absolute;_x000D_
    top: 50%;_x000D_
    -webkit-transform: translateY(-50%);_x000D_
    transform: translateY(-50%);_x000D_
.checkbox input[type="checkbox"]:focus + label::before {_x000D_
    outline: 0;_x000D_
<div class="container"> _x000D_
  <div class="checkbox">_x000D_
     <input type="checkbox" id="checkbox" name="" value="">_x000D_
     <label for="checkbox"><span>Checkbox</span></label>_x000D_
  <div class="checkbox">_x000D_
     <input type="checkbox" id="checkbox2" name="" value="">_x000D_
     <label for="checkbox2"><span>Checkbox</span></label>_x000D_

getFilesDir() vs Environment.getDataDirectory()

Try this


Make Axios send cookies in its requests automatically

It's also important to set the necessary headers in the express response. These are those which worked for me:

app.use(function(req, res, next) {
  res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', yourExactHostname);
  res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Credentials', true);
  res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept');

What causes signal 'SIGILL'?

Make sure that all functions with non-void return type have a return statement.

While some compilers automatically provide a default return value, others will send a SIGILL or SIGTRAP at runtime when trying to leave a function without a return value.

How to convert float number to Binary?

Keep multiplying the number after decimal by 2 till it becomes 1.0:

0.25*2 = 0.50
0.50*2 = 1.00

and the result is in reverse order being .01

How to get enum value by string or int

Try something like this

  public static TestEnum GetMyEnum(this string title)
            EnumBookType st;
            Enum.TryParse(title, out st);
            return st;          

So you can do

TestEnum en = "Value1".GetMyEnum();

Self-reference for cell, column and row in worksheet functions

Just for row, but try referencing a cell just below the selected cell and subtracting one from row.


Yields the Row of cell A1 (This formula would go in cell A1.

This avoids all the indirect() and index() use but still works.

Working with dictionaries/lists in R

Yes, the list type is a good approximation. You can use names() on your list to set and retrieve the 'keys':

> foo <- vector(mode="list", length=3)
> names(foo) <- c("tic", "tac", "toe")
> foo[[1]] <- 12; foo[[2]] <- 22; foo[[3]] <- 33
> foo
[1] 12

[1] 22

[1] 33

> names(foo)
[1] "tic" "tac" "toe"

Origin null is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin

I would like to humbly add that according to this SO source:, this kind of trouble is now partially solved simply by using the following jQuery instruction:

    $.support.cors = true;

I tried it on IE10.0.9200, and it worked immediately (using jquery-1.9.0.js).

On chrome 28.0.1500.95 - this instruction doesn't work (this happens all over as david complains in the comments at the link above)

Running chrome with --allow-file-access-from-files did not work for me (as Maistora's claims above)

Simple Random Samples from a Sql database

Maybe you could do

SELECT * FROM table LIMIT 10000 OFFSET FLOOR(RAND() * 190000)

Drawing a line/path on Google Maps

This can be done by using intents too:

  final Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW,
            "" +

How to exit an application properly

in this case I start Outlook and then close it

Dim ol 

Set ol = WScript.CreateObject("Outlook.Application") 'Starts Outlook

ol.quit 'Closes Outlook

Adding image to JFrame

If you are using Netbeans to develop, use jLabel and change it's icon property.

How to split a string and assign it to variables

package main

import (

func main() {
    strs := strings.Split("", ":")
    ip := strs[0]
    port := strs[1]
    fmt.Println(ip, port)

Here is the definition for strings.Split

// Split slices s into all substrings separated by sep and returns a slice of
// the substrings between those separators.
// If s does not contain sep and sep is not empty, Split returns a
// slice of length 1 whose only element is s.
// If sep is empty, Split splits after each UTF-8 sequence. If both s
// and sep are empty, Split returns an empty slice.
// It is equivalent to SplitN with a count of -1.
func Split(s, sep string) []string { return genSplit(s, sep, 0, -1) }

How to get last items of a list in Python?

Here are several options for getting the "tail" items of an iterable:


n = 9
iterable = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

Desired Output

[2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]


We get the latter output using any of the following options:

from collections import deque
import itertools

import more_itertools

# A: Slicing

# B: Implement an itertools recipe
def tail(n, iterable):
    """Return an iterator over the last *n* items of *iterable*.

        >>> t = tail(3, 'ABCDEFG')
        >>> list(t)
        ['E', 'F', 'G']

    return iter(deque(iterable, maxlen=n))
list(tail(n, iterable))

# C: Use an implemented recipe, via more_itertools
list(more_itertools.tail(n, iterable))

# D: islice, via itertools
list(itertools.islice(iterable, len(iterable)-n, None))

# E: Negative islice, via more_itertools
list(more_itertools.islice_extended(iterable, -n, None))


  • A. Traditional Python slicing is inherent to the language. This option works with sequences such as strings, lists and tuples. However, this kind of slicing does not work on iterators, e.g. iter(iterable).
  • B. An itertools recipe. It is generalized to work on any iterable and resolves the iterator issue in the last solution. This recipe must be implemented manually as it is not officially included in the itertools module.
  • C. Many recipes, including the latter tool (B), have been conveniently implemented in third party packages. Installing and importing these these libraries obviates manual implementation. One of these libraries is called more_itertools (install via > pip install more-itertools); see more_itertools.tail.
  • D. A member of the itertools library. Note, itertools.islice does not support negative slicing.
  • E. Another tool is implemented in more_itertools that generalizes itertools.islice to support negative slicing; see more_itertools.islice_extended.

Which one do I use?

It depends. In most cases, slicing (option A, as mentioned in other answers) is most simple option as it built into the language and supports most iterable types. For more general iterators, use any of the remaining options. Note, options C and E require installing a third-party library, which some users may find useful.

A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server

Sql Server fire this error when your application don't have enough rights to access the database. there are several reason about this error . To fix this error you should follow the following instruction.

  1. Try to connect sql server from your server using management studio . if you use windows authentication to connect sql server then set your application pool identity to server administrator .

  2. if you use sql server authentication then check you connection string in web.config of your web application and set user id and password of sql server which allows you to log in .

  3. if your database in other server(access remote database) then first of enable remote access of sql server form sql server property from sql server management studio and enable TCP/IP form sql server configuration manager .

  4. after doing all these stuff and you still can't access the database then check firewall of server form where you are trying to access the database and add one rule in firewall to enable port of sql server(by default sql server use 1433 , to check port of sql server you need to check sql server configuration manager network protocol TCP/IP port).

  5. if your sql server is running on named instance then you need to write port number with sql serer name for example 117.312.21.21/nameofsqlserver,1433.

  6. If you are using cloud hosting like amazon aws or microsoft azure then server or instance will running behind cloud firewall so you need to enable 1433 port in cloud firewall if you have default instance or specific port for sql server for named instance.

  7. If you are using amazon RDS or SQL azure then you need to enable port from security group of that instance.

  8. If you are accessing sql server through sql server authentication mode them make sure you enabled "SQL Server and Windows Authentication Mode" sql server instance property. enter image description here

    1. Restart your sql server instance after making any changes in property as some changes will require restart.

if you further face any difficulty then you need to provide more information about your web site and sql server .

How do you do Impersonation in .NET?

"Impersonation" in the .NET space generally means running code under a specific user account. It is a somewhat separate concept than getting access to that user account via a username and password, although these two ideas pair together frequently. I will describe them both, and then explain how to use my SimpleImpersonation library, which uses them internally.


The APIs for impersonation are provided in .NET via the System.Security.Principal namespace:

  • Newer code (.NET 4.6+, .NET Core, etc.) should generally use WindowsIdentity.RunImpersonated, which accepts a handle to the token of the user account, and then either an Action or Func<T> for the code to execute.

    WindowsIdentity.RunImpersonated(tokenHandle, () =>
        // do whatever you want as this user.


    var result = WindowsIdentity.RunImpersonated(tokenHandle, () =>
        // do whatever you want as this user.
        return result;
  • Older code used the WindowsIdentity.Impersonate method to retrieve a WindowsImpersonationContext object. This object implements IDisposable, so generally should be called from a using block.

    using (WindowsImpersonationContext context = WindowsIdentity.Impersonate(tokenHandle))
        // do whatever you want as this user.

    While this API still exists in .NET Framework, it should generally be avoided, and is not available in .NET Core or .NET Standard.

Accessing the User Account

The API for using a username and password to gain access to a user account in Windows is LogonUser - which is a Win32 native API. There is not currently a built-in .NET API for calling it, so one must resort to P/Invoke.

[DllImport("advapi32.dll", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
internal static extern bool LogonUser(String lpszUsername, String lpszDomain, String lpszPassword, int dwLogonType, int dwLogonProvider, out IntPtr phToken);

This is the basic call definition, however there is a lot more to consider to actually using it in production:

  • Obtaining a handle with the "safe" access pattern.
  • Closing the native handles appropriately
  • Code access security (CAS) trust levels (in .NET Framework only)
  • Passing SecureString when you can collect one safely via user keystrokes.

The amount of code to write to illustrate all of this is beyond what should be in a StackOverflow answer, IMHO.

A Combined and Easier Approach

Instead of writing all of this yourself, consider using my SimpleImpersonation library, which combines impersonation and user access into a single API. It works well in both modern and older code bases, with the same simple API:

var credentials = new UserCredentials(domain, username, password);
Impersonation.RunAsUser(credentials, logonType, () =>
    // do whatever you want as this user.


var credentials = new UserCredentials(domain, username, password);
var result = Impersonation.RunAsUser(credentials, logonType, () =>
    // do whatever you want as this user.
    return something;

Note that it is very similar to the WindowsIdentity.RunImpersonated API, but doesn't require you know anything about token handles.

This is the API as of version 3.0.0. See the project readme for more details. Also note that a previous version of the library used an API with the IDisposable pattern, similar to WindowsIdentity.Impersonate. The newer version is much safer, and both are still used internally.

Enter key in textarea

You could do something like this:


<textarea id="txtArea" onkeypress="onTestChange();"></textarea>

function onTestChange() {
    var key = window.event.keyCode;

    // If the user has pressed enter
    if (key === 13) {
        document.getElementById("txtArea").value = document.getElementById("txtArea").value + "\n*";
        return false;
    else {
        return true;


Although the new line character feed from pressing enter will still be there, but its a start to getting what you want.

How do I inject a controller into another controller in AngularJS

The best solution:-

    $"Atul Singh";
     angular.extend(this, $controller('frstCtrl', {$scope:$scope}));

// Here you got the first controller call without executing it

How to replace a string in multiple files in linux command line

Below command can be used to first search the files and replace the files:

find . | xargs grep 'search string' | sed 's/search string/new string/g'

For example

find . | xargs grep abc | sed 's/abc/xyz/g'

MongoDB relationships: embed or reference?

MongoDB gives freedom to be schema-less and this feature can result in pain in the long term if not thought or planned well,

There are 2 options either Embed or Reference. I will not go through definitions as the above answers have well defined them.

When embedding you should answer one question is your embedded document going to grow, if yes then how much (remember there is a limit of 16 MB per document) So if you have something like a comment on a post, what is the limit of comment count, if that post goes viral and people start adding comments. In such cases, reference could be a better option (but even reference can grow and reach 16 MB limit).

So how to balance it, the answer is a combination of different patterns, check these links, and create your own mix and match based on your use case.

Working copy XXX locked and cleanup failed in SVN

In my case I solved it by manually deleting a record in the SQLite ".svn\wc" file lock record in the WC_LOCK table.

I opened the "WC" file with SQLite editor and executed

delete from WC_LOCK

screenshot showing all entries purged from WC_LOCK

Following eakkas's comment, you might need to delete all the entries from WORK_QUEUE table as well.

How to handle AssertionError in Python and find out which line or statement it occurred on?

The traceback module and sys.exc_info are overkill for tracking down the source of an exception. That's all in the default traceback. So instead of calling exit(1) just re-raise:

    assert "birthday cake" == "ice cream cake", "Should've asked for pie"
except AssertionError:
    print 'Houston, we have a problem.'

Which gives the following output that includes the offending statement and line number:

Houston, we have a problem.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/tmp/", line 2, in <module>
    assert "birthday cake" == "ice cream cake", "Should've asked for pie"
AssertionError: Should've asked for pie

Similarly the logging module makes it easy to log a traceback for any exception (including those which are caught and never re-raised):

import logging

    assert False == True 
except AssertionError:
    logging.error("Nothing is real but I can't quit...", exc_info=True)

Android Studio Gradle Configuration with name 'default' not found

I solved this issue by fixing some paths in settings.gradle as shown below:

include ':project-external-module'

project(':project-external-module').projectDir = file('/project/wrong/path')

I was including an external module to my project and had the wrong path for it.

How to sort a file in-place

The sort command prints the result of the sorting operation to standard output by default. In order to achieve an "in-place" sort, you can do this:

sort -o file file

This overwrites the input file with the sorted output. The -o switch, used to specify an output, is defined by POSIX, so should be available on all version of sort:

-o Specify the name of an output file to be used instead of the standard output. This file can be the same as one of the input files.

If you are unfortunate enough to have a version of sort without the -o switch (Luis assures me that they exist), you can achieve an "in-place" edit in the standard way:

sort file > tmp && mv tmp file

Why can't I use background image and color together?


background:red url(../images/samle.jpg) no-repeat left top;

Enabling error display in PHP via htaccess only

This works for me (reference):

# PHP error handling for production servers
# Disable display of startup errors
php_flag display_startup_errors off

# Disable display of all other errors
php_flag display_errors off

# Disable HTML markup of errors
php_flag html_errors off

# Enable logging of errors
php_flag log_errors on

# Disable ignoring of repeat errors
php_flag ignore_repeated_errors off

# Disable ignoring of unique source errors
php_flag ignore_repeated_source off

# Enable logging of PHP memory leaks
php_flag report_memleaks on

# Preserve most recent error via php_errormsg
php_flag track_errors on

# Disable formatting of error reference links
php_value docref_root 0

# Disable formatting of error reference links
php_value docref_ext 0

# Specify path to PHP error log
php_value error_log /home/path/public_html/domain/PHP_errors.log

# Specify recording of all PHP errors
# [see footnote 3] # php_value error_reporting 999999999
php_value error_reporting -1

# Disable max error string length
php_value log_errors_max_len 0

# Protect error log by preventing public access
<Files PHP_errors.log>
 Order allow,deny
 Deny from all
 Satisfy All

CSS - make div's inherit a height

As already mentioned this can't be done with floats, they can't inherit heights, they're unaware of their siblings so for example the side two floats don't know the height of the centre content, so they can't inherit from anything.

Usually inherited height has to come from either an element which has an explicit height or if height: 100%; has been passed down through the display tree to it.. The only thing I'm aware of that passes on height which hasn't come from top of the "tree" is an absolutely positioned element - so you could for example absolutely position all the top right bottom left sides and corners (you know the height and width of the corners anyway) And as you seem to know the widths (of left/right borders) and heights of top/bottom) borders, and the widths of the top/bottom centers, are easy at 100% - the only thing that needs calculating is the height of the right/left sides if the content grows -

This you can do, even without using all four positioning co-ordinates which IE6 /7 doesn't support

I've put up an example based on what you gave, it does rely on a fixed width (your frame), but I think it could work with a flexible width too? the uses of this could be cool for those fancy image borders we can't get support for until multiple background images or image borders become fully available.. who knows, I was playing, so just sticking it out there!

proof of concept example is here

Getting a random value from a JavaScript array

Recursive, standalone function which can return any number of items (identical to lodash.sampleSize):

function getRandomElementsFromArray(array, numberOfRandomElementsToExtract = 1) {
    const elements = [];

    function getRandomElement(arr) {
        if (elements.length < numberOfRandomElementsToExtract) {
            const index = Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length)
            const element = arr.splice(index, 1)[0];


            return getRandomElement(arr)
        } else {
            return elements

    return getRandomElement([...array])

How to get detailed list of connections to database in sql server 2005?

There is also who is active?:

Who is Active? is a comprehensive server activity stored procedure based on the SQL Server 2005 and 2008 dynamic management views (DMVs). Think of it as sp_who2 on a hefty dose of anabolic steroids

PHP - If variable is not empty, echo some html code

Your problem is in your use of the_field(), which is for Advanced Custom Fields, a wordpress plugin.

If you want to use a field in a variable you have to use this: $web = get_field('website');.

How to build a JSON array from mysql database

Is something like this what you want to do?

$return_arr = array();

$fetch = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table"); 

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($fetch, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
    $row_array['id'] = $row['id'];
    $row_array['col1'] = $row['col1'];
    $row_array['col2'] = $row['col2'];


echo json_encode($return_arr);

It returns a json string in this format:


OR something like this:

$year = date('Y');
$month = date('m');

$json_array = array(

//Each array below must be pulled from database
    //1st record
    'id' => 111,
    'title' => "Event1",
    'start' => "$year-$month-10",
    'url' => ""

     //2nd record
    'id' => 222,
    'title' => "Event2",
    'start' => "$year-$month-20",
    'end' => "$year-$month-22",
    'url' => ""


echo json_encode($json_array);

Efficient evaluation of a function at every cell of a NumPy array

A similar question is: Mapping a NumPy array in place. If you can find a ufunc for your f(), then you should use the out parameter.

How do I use dataReceived event of the SerialPort Port Object in C#?

I think your issue is the line:**

sp.DataReceived += port_OnReceiveDatazz;

Shouldn't it be:

sp.DataReceived += new SerialDataReceivedEventHandler (port_OnReceiveDatazz);

**Nevermind, the syntax is fine (didn't realize the shortcut at the time I originally answered this question).

I've also seen suggestions that you should turn the following options on for your serial port:

sp.DtrEnable = true;    // Data-terminal-ready
sp.RtsEnable = true;    // Request-to-send

You may also have to set the handshake to RequestToSend (via the handshake enumeration).


Found a suggestion that says you should open your port first, then assign the event handler. Maybe it's a bug?

So instead of this:

sp.DataReceived += new SerialDataReceivedEventHandler (port_OnReceiveDatazz);

Do this:

sp.DataReceived += new SerialDataReceivedEventHandler (port_OnReceiveDatazz);

Let me know how that goes.

Explanation of 'String args[]' and static in 'public static void main(String[] args)'

The normal usage of static is to access the function directly with out any object creation. Same as in java main we could not create any object for that class to invoke the main method. It will execute automatically. If we want to execute manually we can call by using main() inside the class and ClassName.main from outside the class.

How to set time to midnight for current day?

Try this:

DateTime Date = DateTime.Now.AddHours(-DateTime.Now.Hour).AddMinutes(-DateTime.Now.Minute)

Output will be like:

07/29/2015 00:00:00

MySQL: can't access root account

There is a section in the MySQL manual on how to reset the root password which will solve your problem.

Getting value of HTML text input

Depends on where you want to use the email. If it's on the client side, without sending it to a PHP script, JQuery (or javascript) can do the trick.

I've created a fiddle to explain the same -

It has an alert which goes off on load and when you click the textbox itself.

How to get the xml node value in string

These posts helped me get past a couple of issues I had creating a CLR Stored Procedure with Restful API call against Infor M3 API.

The XML Result from these API's look like this for my code below:

miResult xmlns="">
            <Value>ITEM DESCRIPTION 123 </Value>

The CLR C# Code to accomplish listing out the Resultset from the API works as shown below:

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Data.SqlTypes;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server;

public partial class StoredProcedures
    public static void CallM3API_Test1()
        SqlPipe pipe_msg = SqlContext.Pipe;
            HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");

            request.Method = "Get";
            request.ContentLength = 0;

            request.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("[email protected]", "MyPassword");
            request.ContentType = "application/xml";
            request.Accept = "application/xml";

            using (HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse())
                    using (Stream receiveStream = response.GetResponseStream())
                        using (StreamReader readStream = new StreamReader(receiveStream, Encoding.UTF8))
                            string strContent = readStream.ReadToEnd();
                            XmlDocument xdoc = new XmlDocument();
                                SqlPipe pipe = SqlContext.Pipe;

                                //Define Output Columns and Max Length of each Column in the Resultset    
                                SqlMetaData[] cols = new SqlMetaData[2];
                                cols[0] = new SqlMetaData("Name", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50);
                                cols[1] = new SqlMetaData("Value", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 120);
                                SqlDataRecord record = new SqlDataRecord(cols);


                                XmlNodeList nodeList = xdoc.GetElementsByTagName("NameValue");
                                //List ALL Output Names + Values
                                foreach (XmlNode nodeRes in nodeList)
                                    record.SetSqlString(0, nodeRes["Name"].InnerText);
                                    record.SetSqlString(1, nodeRes["Value"].InnerText);


                            catch (Exception ex)
                                SqlContext.Pipe.Send("Error (readStream): " + ex.Message);
        catch (Exception ex)
            SqlContext.Pipe.Send("Error (CallM3API_Test1): " + ex.Message);


Hopefully this provides helpful.

Adding a y-axis label to secondary y-axis in matplotlib

For everyone stumbling upon this post because pandas gets mentioned, you now have the very elegant and straighforward option of directly accessing the secondary_y axis in pandas with ax.right_ax

So paraphrasing the example initially posted, you would write:

table = sql.read_frame(query,connection)

ax = table[[0, 1]].plot(ylim=(0,100), secondary_y=table[1])
ax.right_ax.set_ylabel('Your second Y-Axis Label goes here!')

(this is already mentioned in these posts as well: 1 2)

Is it necessary to assign a string to a variable before comparing it to another?

Brian, also worth throwing in here - the others are of course correct that you don't need to declare a string variable. However, next time you want to declare a string you don't need to do the following:

NSString *myString = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"SomeText"];

Although the above does work, it provides a retained NSString variable which you will then need to explicitly release after you've finished using it.

Next time you want a string variable you can use the "@" symbol in a much more convenient way:

NSString *myString = @"SomeText";

This will be autoreleased when you've finished with it so you'll avoid memory leaks too...

Hope that helps!

C# Ignore certificate errors?

To further expand on BIGNUM's post - Ideally you want a solution that will simulate the conditions you will see in production and modifying your code won't do that and could be dangerous if you forget to take the code out before you deploy it.

You will need a self-signed certificate of some sort. If you know what you're doing you can use the binary BIGNUM posted, but if not you can go hunting for the certificate. If you're using IIS Express you will have one of these already, you'll just have to find it. Open Firefox or whatever browser you like and go to your dev website. You should be able to view the certificate information from the URL bar and depending on your browser you should be able to export the certificate to a file.

Next, open MMC.exe, and add the Certificate snap-in. Import your certificate file into the Trusted Root Certificate Authorities store and that's all you should need. It's important to make sure it goes into that store and not some other store like 'Personal'. If you're unfamiliar with MMC or certificates, there are numerous websites with information how to do this.

Now, your computer as a whole will implicitly trust any certificates that it has generated itself and you won't need to add code to handle this specially. When you move to production it will continue to work provided you have a proper valid certificate installed there. Don't do this on a production server - that would be bad and it won't work for any other clients other than those on the server itself.

Is there a Google Sheets formula to put the name of the sheet into a cell?

if you want to use build-in functions:


Explanation: cell("address";'Sheet1'!A1) gives you the address of the sheet, output is 'Sheet1'!$A$1. Now we need to extract the actual sheet name from this output. I'm using REGEXEXTRACT to match it by regex ^'(.*)'!\$A\$1$, but you can either use more/less specific regex or use functions like SUBSTITUTE or REPLACE

how to properly display an iFrame in mobile safari

<div id="scroller" style="height: 400px; width: 100%; overflow: auto;">
<iframe height="100%" id="iframe" scrolling="no" width="100%" src="url" />

I'm building my first site and this helped me get this working for all sites that I use iframe embededding for.


How to send 100,000 emails weekly?

Here is what I did recently in PHP on one of my bigger systems:

  1. User inputs newsletter text and selects the recipients (which generates a query to retrieve the email addresses for later).

  2. Add the newsletter text and recipients query to a row in mysql table called *email_queue*

    • (The table email_queue has the columns "to" "subject" "body" "priority")
  3. I created another script, which runs every minute as a cron job. It uses the SwiftMailer class. This script simply:

    • during business hours, sends all email with priority == 0

    • after hours, send other emails by priority

Depending on the hosts settings, I can now have it throttle using standard swiftmailers plugins like antiflood and throttle...

$mailer->registerPlugin(new Swift_Plugins_AntiFloodPlugin(50, 30));


$mailer->registerPlugin(new Swift_Plugins_ThrottlerPlugin( 100, Swift_Plugins_ThrottlerPlugin::MESSAGES_PER_MINUTE ));

etc, etc..

I have expanded it way beyond this pseudocode, with attachments, and many other configurable settings, but it works very well as long as your server is setup correctly to send email. (Probably wont work on shared hosting, but in theory it should...) Swiftmailer even has a setting


Which I now use to track bounces...

Happy Trails! (Happy Emails?)

How to start Fragment from an Activity

Firstly, you start Activities and Services with an intent, you start fragments with fragment transactions. Secondly, your transaction isnt doing anything. Change it to something like:

FragmentTransaction transaction = getFragmentManager();
        .replace(R.layout.container, newFragment) //<---replace a view in your layout (id: container) with the newFragment 

How do I detect IE 8 with jQuery?

I think the best way would be this:

From HTML5 boilerplate:

<!--[if lt IE 7]> <html lang="en-us" class="no-js ie6 oldie"> <![endif]-->
<!--[if IE 7]>    <html lang="en-us" class="no-js ie7 oldie"> <![endif]-->
<!--[if IE 8]>    <html lang="en-us" class="no-js ie8 oldie"> <![endif]-->
<!--[if gt IE 8]><!--> <html lang="en-us" class="no-js"> <!--<![endif]-->

in JS:

if( $("html").hasClass("ie8") ) { /* do your things */ };

especially since $.browser has been removed from jQuery 1.9+.

kill a process in bash

Please check "top" command then if your script or any are running please note 'PID'

 1384 root      20   0  514m  32m 2188 S  0.3  5.4  55:09.88 example
14490 root      20   0 15140 1216  920 R  0.3  0.2   0:00.02 example2

kill <you process ID>

Example : kill 1384

How to convert IPython notebooks to PDF and HTML?

Only this answer would be useful to you if you have math, scientific formulae in your document. Even if you don't have them it works fine.

GUI way

  • open the jupyter notebook open the jupyter notebook

  • Go to Files > Download as > HTML or PDF via LaTeX Go to Files > Download as > HTML or PDF via LaTeX

  • Then check your Downloads folder for the file. PS: If LaTeX had any errors while compiling the PDF, it will fail. If this happens, download the HTML file and then use Web page to PDF tool or any other similar service to convert the HTML to PDF.

Command-Line way

  • Open the terminal
  • Navigate to the folder containing the jupyter notebook
  • type "jupyter nbconvert --to pdf your_jupyter_notebook.ipynb "

PS: If it fails, try Yogesh's answer.

How to get summary statistics by group

There's many different ways to go about this, but I'm partial to describeBy in the psych package:

describeBy(df$dt, df$group, mat = TRUE) 

Make element fixed on scroll

There are some problems implementing this which the original accepted answer does not answer:

  1. The onscroll event of the window is firing very often. This implies that you either have to use a very performant listener, or you have to delay the listener somehow. jQuery Creator John Resig states here how a delayed mechanism can be implemented, and the reasons why you should do it. In my opinion, given todays browsers and environments, a performant listener will do as well. Here is an implementation of the pattern suggested by John Resig
  2. The way position:fixed works in css, if you scroll down the page and move an element from position:static to position: fixed, the page will "jump" a little because the document "looses" the height of the element. You can get rid of that by adding the height to the scrollTop and replace the lost height in the document body with another object. You can also use that object to determine if the sticky item has already been moved to position: fixed and reduce the calls to the code reverting position: fixed to the original state: Look at the fiddle here
  3. Now, the only expensive thing in terms of performance the handler is really doing is calling scrollTop on every call. Since the interval bound handler has also its drawbacks, I'll go as far as to argue here that you can reattach the event listener to the original scroll Event to make it feel snappier without many worries. You'll have to profile it though, on every browser you target / support. See it working here

Here's the code:


/* Initialize sticky outside the event listener as a cached selector.
 * Also, initialize any needed variables outside the listener for 
 * performance reasons - no variable instantiation is happening inside the listener.
var sticky = $('#sticky'),
    stickyTop = sticky.offset().top,
    scrolled = false,
    $window = $(window);

/* Bind the scroll Event */
$window.on('scroll', function (e) {
    scrollTop = $window.scrollTop();

    if (scrollTop >= stickyTop && !stickyClone) {
        /* Attach a clone to replace the "missing" body height */
        stickyClone = sticky.clone().prop('id', sticky.prop('id') + '-clone')
        stickyClone = stickyClone.insertBefore(sticky);
    } else if (scrollTop < stickyTop && stickyClone) {
        /* Since sticky is in the viewport again, we can remove the clone and the class */
        stickyClone = null;


body {
    margin: 0
.sticky {
    padding: 1em;
    background: black;
    color: white;
    width: 100%
.sticky.fixed {
    position: fixed;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;
.content {
    padding: 1em


<div class="container">
  <div id="page-above" class="content">
    <h2>Some Content above sticky</h2>
    ...some long text...
  <div id="sticky" class="sticky">This is sticky</div>
  <div id="page-content" class="content">
    <h2>Some Random Page Content</h2>...some really long text...

SQL- Ignore case while searching for a string

You should probably use SQL_Latin1_General_Cp1_CI_AS_KI_WI as your collation. The one you specify in your question is explictly case sensitive.

You can see a list of collations here.

How exactly does __attribute__((constructor)) work?

.init/.fini isn't deprecated. It's still part of the the ELF standard and I'd dare say it will be forever. Code in .init/.fini is run by the loader/runtime-linker when code is loaded/unloaded. I.e. on each ELF load (for example a shared library) code in .init will be run. It's still possible to use that mechanism to achieve about the same thing as with __attribute__((constructor))/((destructor)). It's old-school but it has some benefits.

.ctors/.dtors mechanism for example require support by system-rtl/loader/linker-script. This is far from certain to be available on all systems, for example deeply embedded systems where code executes on bare metal. I.e. even if __attribute__((constructor))/((destructor)) is supported by GCC, it's not certain it will run as it's up to the linker to organize it and to the loader (or in some cases, boot-code) to run it. To use .init/.fini instead, the easiest way is to use linker flags: -init & -fini (i.e. from GCC command line, syntax would be -Wl -init my_init -fini my_fini).

On system supporting both methods, one possible benefit is that code in .init is run before .ctors and code in .fini after .dtors. If order is relevant that's at least one crude but easy way to distinguish between init/exit functions.

A major drawback is that you can't easily have more than one _init and one _fini function per each loadable module and would probably have to fragment code in more .so than motivated. Another is that when using the linker method described above, one replaces the original _init and _fini default functions (provided by crti.o). This is where all sorts of initialization usually occur (on Linux this is where global variable assignment is initialized). A way around that is described here

Notice in the link above that a cascading to the original _init() is not needed as it's still in place. The call in the inline assembly however is x86-mnemonic and calling a function from assembly would look completely different for many other architectures (like ARM for example). I.e. code is not transparent.

.init/.fini and .ctors/.detors mechanisms are similar, but not quite. Code in .init/.fini runs "as is". I.e. you can have several functions in .init/.fini, but it is AFAIK syntactically difficult to put them there fully transparently in pure C without breaking up code in many small .so files.

.ctors/.dtors are differently organized than .init/.fini. .ctors/.dtors sections are both just tables with pointers to functions, and the "caller" is a system-provided loop that calls each function indirectly. I.e. the loop-caller can be architecture specific, but as it's part of the system (if it exists at all i.e.) it doesn't matter.

The following snippet adds new function pointers to the .ctors function array, principally the same way as __attribute__((constructor)) does (method can coexist with __attribute__((constructor))).

#define SECTION( S ) __attribute__ ((section ( S )))
void test(void) {
void (*funcptr)(void) SECTION(".ctors") =test;
void (*funcptr2)(void) SECTION(".ctors") =test;
void (*funcptr3)(void) SECTION(".dtors") =test;

One can also add the function pointers to a completely different self-invented section. A modified linker script and an additional function mimicking the loader .ctors/.dtors loop is needed in such case. But with it one can achieve better control over execution order, add in-argument and return code handling e.t.a. (In a C++ project for example, it would be useful if in need of something running before or after global constructors).

I'd prefer __attribute__((constructor))/((destructor)) where possible, it's a simple and elegant solution even it feels like cheating. For bare-metal coders like myself, this is just not always an option.

Some good reference in the book Linkers & loaders.

Is there an operator to calculate percentage in Python?

Brian's answer (a custom function) is the correct and simplest thing to do in general.

But if you really wanted to define a numeric type with a (non-standard) '%' operator, like desk calculators do, so that 'X % Y' means X * Y / 100.0, then from Python 2.6 onwards you can redefine the mod() operator:

import numbers

class MyNumberClasswithPct(numbers.Real):
    def __mod__(self,other):
        """Override the builtin % to give X * Y / 100.0 """
        return (self * other)/ 100.0
    # Gotta define the other 21 numeric methods...
    def __mul__(self,other):
        return self * other # ... which should invoke other.__rmul__(self)

This could be dangerous if you ever use the '%' operator across a mixture of MyNumberClasswithPct with ordinary integers or floats.

What's also tedious about this code is you also have to define all the 21 other methods of an Integral or Real, to avoid the following annoying and obscure TypeError when you instantiate it

("Can't instantiate abstract class MyNumberClasswithPct with abstract methods __abs__,  __add__, __div__, __eq__, __float__, __floordiv__, __le__, __lt__, __mul__,  __neg__, __pos__, __pow__, __radd__, __rdiv__, __rfloordiv__, __rmod__, __rmul__,  __rpow__, __rtruediv__, __truediv__, __trunc__")

SQL: How to get the id of values I just INSERTed?

An important note is that using vendor SQL queries to retrieve the last inserted ID are safe to use without fearing about concurrent connections.

I always thought that you had to create a transaction in order to INSERT a line and then SELECT the last inserted ID in order to avoid retrieving an ID inserted by another client.

But these vendor specific queries always retrieve the last inserted ID for the current connection to the database. It means that the last inserted ID cannot be affected by other client insertions as long as they use their own database connection.

JSON date to Java date?

That DateTime format is actually ISO 8601 DateTime. JSON does not specify any particular format for dates/times. If you Google a bit, you will find plenty of implementations to parse it in Java.

Here's one

If you are open to using something other than Java's built-in Date/Time/Calendar classes, I would also suggest Joda Time. They offer (among many things) a ISODateTimeFormat to parse these kinds of strings.

C# with MySQL INSERT parameters

I had the same issue -- Finally tried the ? sigil instead of @, and it worked.

According to the docs:

Note. Prior versions of the provider used the '@' symbol to mark parameters in SQL. This is incompatible with MySQL user variables, so the provider now uses the '?' symbol to locate parameters in SQL. To support older code, you can set 'old syntax=yes' on your connection string. If you do this, please be aware that an exception will not be throw if you fail to define a parameter that you intended to use in your SQL.

Really? Why don't you just throw an exception if someone tries to use the so called old syntax? A few hours down the drain for a 20 line program...


Java: Casting Object to Array type

Your values object is obviously an Object[] containing a String[] containing the values.

String[] stringValues = (String[])values[0];

error CS0103: The name ' ' does not exist in the current context

Simply move the declaration outside of the if block.

string currentstore=HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_HOST"];
string imgsrc="";
if (currentstore == "")
    <link href="/path/to/my/stylesheets/styles1-print.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <link href="/path/to/my/stylesheets/styles2-print.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

<a href="@Url.RouteUrl("HomePage")" class="logo"><img  alt="" src="@imgsrc"></a>

You could make it a bit cleaner.

string currentstore=HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_HOST"];
string imgsrc="/content/images/uploaded/store2_logo.gif";
if (currentstore == "")
    <link href="/path/to/my/stylesheets/styles1-print.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <link href="/path/to/my/stylesheets/styles2-print.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

Set the selected index of a Dropdown using jQuery

First of all - that selector is pretty slow. It will scan every DOM element looking for the ids. It will be less of a performance hit if you can assign a class to the element.


To answer your question though, there are a few ways to change the select elements value in jQuery

// sets selected index of a select box to the option with the value "0"

// sets selected index of a select box to the option with the value ""

// sets selected index to first item using the DOM
$("select#elem")[0].selectedIndex = 0;

// sets selected index to first item using jQuery (can work on multiple elements)
$("select#elem").prop('selectedIndex', 0);

Store mysql query output into a shell variable

If you have particular database name and a host on which you want the query to be executed then follow below query:

outputofquery=$(mysql -u"$dbusername" -p"$dbpassword" -h"$dbhostname" -e "SELECT A, B, C FROM table_a;" $dbname)

So to run the mysql queries you need to install mysql client on linux

How can we generate getters and setters in Visual Studio?

In visual studio 2019, select your properties like this:

enter image description here

Then press Ctrl+r Then press Ctrl+e

A dialog will appear showing you the preview of the changes that are going to be done to your code. If everything looks good (which it mostly will), press OK.

GROUP BY without aggregate function

Use sub query e.g:

SELECT field1,field2,(SELECT distinct field3 FROM tbl2 WHERE criteria) AS field3
FROM tbl1 GROUP BY field1,field2


SELECT DISTINCT field1,field2,(SELECT distinct field3 FROM tbl2 WHERE criteria) AS field3
FROM tbl1

Remove property for all objects in array

A solution using prototypes is only possible when your objects are alike:

function Cons(g) { this.good = g; }
Cons.prototype.bad = "something common";
var array = [new Cons("something 1"), new Cons("something 2"), …];

But then it's simple (and O(1)):

delete Cons.prototype.bad;

How can I download a file from a URL and save it in Rails?

Try this:

require 'open-uri'
open('image.png', 'wb') do |file|
  file << open('').read

JavaScript: clone a function

If you want to create a clone using the Function constructor, something like this should work:

_cloneFunction = function(_function){
    var _arguments, _body, _result;
    var _regexFunction = /^function[\s]+[\w]*\(([\w\s,_\$]*)?\)\{(.*)\}$/;
    var _regexArguments = /((?!=^|,)([\w\$_]))+/g;
    var _matches = _function.toString().match(_regexFunction)
            _result = _matches[1].match(_regexArguments);
            _result = [];
        _result = [];
    var _clone = Function.apply(Function, _result);
    // if you want to add attached properties
    for(var _key in _function){
        _clone[_key] = _function[_key];
    return _clone;

A simple test:

    var _clone, _functions, _key, _subKey;
    _functions = [
        function(){ return 'anonymous function'; }
        ,function Foo(){ return 'named function'; }
        ,function Bar(){ var a = function(){ return 'function with internal function declaration'; }; return a; }
        ,function Biz(a,boo,c){ return 'function with parameters'; }
    _functions[0].a = 'a';
    _functions[0].b = 'b';
    _functions[1].b = 'b';
    for(_key in _functions){
        _clone = window._cloneFunction(_functions[_key]);
        console.log(_clone.toString(), _clone);
        for(_subKey in _clone){
            console.log('\t', _subKey, ': ', _clone[_subKey]);

These clones will lose their names and scope for any closed over variables though.

How to restore SQL Server 2014 backup in SQL Server 2008

Pretty old question... but I had the same problem today and solved with script, a little bit slow and complex but worked. I did this:

Let's start from the source DB (SQL 2014) right click on the database you would like to backup -> Generate Scripts -> "Script entire database and all database objet" (or u can select only some table if u want) -> the most important step is in the "Set Scripting Options" tab, here you have to click on "Advanced" and look for the option "Script for Server version" and in my case I could select everything from SQL 2005, also pay attention to the option "Types of data to script" I advice "Schema and data" and also Script Triggers and Script Full-text Indexes (if you need, it's false by default) and finally click ok and next. Should look like this:

Set Scripting Options

Now transfer your generated script into your SQL 2008, open it and last Important Step: You must change mdf and ldf location!!

That's all folks, happy F5!! :D

Using Google maps API v3 how do I get LatLng with a given address?

I don't think location.LatLng is working, however this works:

results[0], results[0].geometry.location.lng()

Found it while exploring Get Lat Lon source code.

jQuery not working with IE 11

Adding the "x_ua_compatible" tag to the page didn't work for me. Instead I added it as an HTTP Respone Header via IIS and that worked fine.

In IIS Manager select the site then open HTTP Response Headers and click Add:

enter image description here

The site didn't need restarting, but I did need to Ctrl+F5 to force the page to reload.

Setting a Sheet and cell as variable

Yes, set the cell as a RANGE object one time and then use that RANGE object in your code:

Sub RangeExample()
Dim MyRNG As Range

Set MyRNG = Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(23, 4)

Debug.Print MyRNG.Value

End Sub

Alternately you can simply store the value of that cell in memory and reference the actual value, if that's all you really need. That variable can be Long or Double or Single if numeric, or String:

Sub ValueExample()
Dim MyVal As String

MyVal = Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(23, 4).Value

Debug.Print MyVal

End Sub

Remove stubborn underline from link

Without seeing the page, hard to speculate.

But it sounds to me like you may have a border-bottom: 1px solid blue; being applied. Perhaps add border: none;. text-decoration: none !important is right, it's possible that you have another style that is still overriding that CSS though.

This is where using the Firefox Web Developer Toolbar is awesome, you can edit the CSS right there and see if things work, at least for Firefox. It's under CSS > Edit CSS.

Calculate rolling / moving average in C++

One way can be to circularly store the values in the buffer array. and calculate average this way.

int j = (int) (counter % size);
buffer[j] = mostrecentvalue;
avg = (avg * size - buffer[j - 1 == -1 ? size - 1 : j - 1] + buffer[j]) / size;


// buffer[j - 1 == -1 ? size - 1 : j - 1] is the oldest value stored

The whole thing runs in a loop where most recent value is dynamic.

PHP absolute path to root

Create a constant with absolute path to the root by using define in ShowInfo.php:

define('ROOTPATH', __DIR__);

Or PHP <= 5.3

define('ROOTPATH', dirname(__FILE__));

Now use it:

if (file_exists(ROOTPATH.'/Texts/MyInfo.txt')) {
  // ...

Or use the DOCUMENT_ROOT defined in $_SERVER:

if (file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/Texts/MyInfo.txt')) {
  // ...

An array of List in c#


List<int>[] a = new List<int>[100];

How can I exclude one word with grep?

I've a directory with a bunch of files. I want to find all the files that DO NOT contain the string "speedup" so I successfully used the following command:

grep -iL speedup *

TimeSpan to DateTime conversion

First, convert the timespan to a string, then to DateTime, then back to a string:


How can I get the DateTime for the start of the week?

The following method should return the DateTime that you want. Pass in true for Sunday being the first day of the week, false for Monday:

private DateTime getStartOfWeek(bool useSunday)
    DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
    int dayOfWeek = (int)now.DayOfWeek;


    if(dayOfWeek < 0)
    {// day of week is Sunday and we want to use Monday as the start of the week
    // Sunday is now the seventh day of the week
        dayOfWeek = 6;

    return now.AddDays(-1 * (double)dayOfWeek);

ERROR: permission denied for relation tablename on Postgres while trying a SELECT as a readonly user

Try to add

GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA public to readonly;

You probably were not aware that one needs to have the requisite permissions to a schema, in order to use objects in the schema.

When to use a View instead of a Table?

First of all as the name suggests a view is immutable. thats because a view is nothing other than a virtual table created from a stored query in the DB. Because of this you have some characteristics of views:

  • you can show only a subset of the data
  • you can join multiple tables into a single view
  • you can aggregate data in a view (select count)
  • view dont actually hold data, they dont need any tablespace since they are virtual aggregations of underlying tables

so there are a gazillion of use cases for which views are better fitted than tables, just think about only displaying active users on a website. a view would be better because you operate only on a subset of the data which actually is in your DB (active and inactive users)

check out this article

hope this helped..

Regular Expression to get all characters before "-"

Here is my suggestion - it's quite simple as that:


Required attribute on multiple checkboxes with the same name?

var verifyPaymentType = function () {
   //coloque os checkbox dentro de uma div com a class checkbox
  var inputs =  window.jQuery('.checkbox').find('input');
  var first = inputs.first()[0];

  inputs.on('change', function () {

  first.setCustomValidity( window.jQuery('.checkbox').find('input:checked').length === 0 ? 'Choose one' : '');



How to do a less than or equal to filter in Django queryset?

Less than or equal:


Greater than or equal:


Likewise, lt for less than and gt for greater than. You can find them all in the documentation.

unable to install pg gem

This worked in my case:

sudo apt-get install libpq-dev

I used:

  • Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS
  • Ruby 2.2.2
  • Rails 4.2.1

C++ String Declaring

Preferred string type in C++ is string, defined in namespace std, in header <string> and you can initialize it like this for example:

#include <string>

int main()
   std::string str1("Some text");
   std::string str2 = "Some text";

More about it you can find here and here.

Calculate correlation with cor(), only for numerical columns

For numerical data you have the solution. But it is categorical data, you said. Then life gets a bit more complicated...

Well, first : The amount of association between two categorical variables is not measured with a Spearman rank correlation, but with a Chi-square test for example. Which is logic actually. Ranking means there is some order in your data. Now tell me which is larger, yellow or red? I know, sometimes R does perform a spearman rank correlation on categorical data. If I code yellow 1 and red 2, R would consider red larger than yellow.

So, forget about Spearman for categorical data. I'll demonstrate the chisq-test and how to choose columns using combn(). But you would benefit from a bit more time with Agresti's book :

X <- rep(c("A","B"),20)
Y <- sample(c("C","D"),40,replace=T)

# I don't use Yates continuity correction

#Let's make a matrix with tons of columns

Data <-

# You want to select which columns to use
columns <- c(3,7,11,24)
vars <- names(Data)[columns]

# say you need to know which ones are associated with each other.
out <-  apply( combn(columns,2),2,function(x){

out <- cbind(,2))),out)

Then you should get :

> out
   V1  V2       out
1  V3  V7 0.8116733
2  V3 V11 0.1096903
3  V3 V24 0.1653670
4  V7 V11 0.3629871
5  V7 V24 0.4947797
6 V11 V24 0.7259321

Where V1 and V2 indicate between which variables it goes, and "out" gives the p-value for association. Here all variables are independent. Which you would expect, as I created the data at random.

Golang read request body

Inspecting and mocking request body

When you first read the body, you have to store it so once you're done with it, you can set a new io.ReadCloser as the request body constructed from the original data. So when you advance in the chain, the next handler can read the same body.

One option is to read the whole body using ioutil.ReadAll(), which gives you the body as a byte slice.

You may use bytes.NewBuffer() to obtain an io.Reader from a byte slice.

The last missing piece is to make the io.Reader an io.ReadCloser, because bytes.Buffer does not have a Close() method. For this you may use ioutil.NopCloser() which wraps an io.Reader, and returns an io.ReadCloser, whose added Close() method will be a no-op (does nothing).

Note that you may even modify the contents of the byte slice you use to create the "new" body. You have full control over it.

Care must be taken though, as there might be other HTTP fields like content-length and checksums which may become invalid if you modify only the data. If subsequent handlers check those, you would also need to modify those too!

Inspecting / modifying response body

If you also want to read the response body, then you have to wrap the http.ResponseWriter you get, and pass the wrapper on the chain. This wrapper may cache the data sent out, which you can inspect either after, on on-the-fly (as the subsequent handlers write to it).

Here's a simple ResponseWriter wrapper, which just caches the data, so it'll be available after the subsequent handler returns:

type MyResponseWriter struct {
    buf *bytes.Buffer

func (mrw *MyResponseWriter) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
    return mrw.buf.Write(p)

Note that MyResponseWriter.Write() just writes the data to a buffer. You may also choose to inspect it on-the-fly (in the Write() method) and write the data immediately to the wrapped / embedded ResponseWriter. You may even modify the data. You have full control.

Care must be taken again though, as the subsequent handlers may also send HTTP response headers related to the response data –such as length or checksums– which may also become invalid if you alter the response data.

Full example

Putting the pieces together, here's a full working example:

func loginmw(handler http.Handler) http.Handler {
    return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body)
        if err != nil {
            log.Printf("Error reading body: %v", err)
            http.Error(w, "can't read body", http.StatusBadRequest)

        // Work / inspect body. You may even modify it!

        // And now set a new body, which will simulate the same data we read:
        r.Body = ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer(body))

        // Create a response wrapper:
        mrw := &MyResponseWriter{
            ResponseWriter: w,
            buf:            &bytes.Buffer{},

        // Call next handler, passing the response wrapper:
        handler.ServeHTTP(mrw, r)

        // Now inspect response, and finally send it out:
        // (You can also modify it before sending it out!)
        if _, err := io.Copy(w, mrw.buf); err != nil {
            log.Printf("Failed to send out response: %v", err)

show more/Less text with just HTML and JavaScript

Hope this Code you are looking for HTML:

            <div class="showmore">
                <div class="shorten_txt">
                    <h4> #@item.Title</h4>
                    <p>Your Text Your Text Your Text Your Text Your Text Your Text Your Text Your Text Your Text Your Text Your Text Your Text Your Text Your Text Your Text Your Text Your Text </p>


    var showChar = 100;
    var ellipsestext = "[...]";
    $('.showmore').each(function () {
        $(this).find('.shorten_txt p').addClass('more_p').hide();
        $(this).find('.shorten_txt p:first').removeClass('more_p').show();
        $(this).find('.shorten_txt ul').addClass('more_p').hide();
        //you can do this above with every other element
        var teaser = $(this).find('.shorten_txt p:first').html();
        var con_length = parseInt(teaser.length);
        var c = teaser.substr(0, showChar);
        var h = teaser.substr(showChar, con_length - showChar);
        var html = '<span class="teaser_txt">' + c + '<span class="moreelipses">' + ellipsestext +
        '</span></span><span class="morecontent_txt">' + h
        + '</span>';
        if (con_length > showChar) {
            $(this).find(".shorten_txt p:first").html(html);
            $(this).find(".shorten_txt p:first span.morecontent_txt").toggle();
    $(".showmore").click(function () {
        if ($(this).hasClass("less")) {
        } else {
        $(this).find('.shorten_txt p:first span.moreelipses').toggle();
        $(this).find('.shorten_txt p:first span.morecontent_txt').toggle();
        $(this).find('.shorten_txt .more_p').toggle();
        return false;

How to perform a LEFT JOIN in SQL Server between two SELECT statements?

SELECT [TailUser], [Weight] FROM [Edge] WHERE [HeadUser] = 5043) t on t.TailUser=u.USerID

Open Facebook page from Android app?

fun getOpenFacebookIntent(context: Context, url: String) {
    return try {
        context.packageManager.getPackageInfo("com.facebook.katana", 0)
        context.startActivity(Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse("fb://profile/$url/")))
    } catch (e: Exception) {
        context.startActivity(Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(url)))

Unable to find valid certification path to requested target - error even after cert imported

You need to configuring JSSE System Properties, specifically point to client certificate store.

Via command line:

java com.progress.Client

or via Java code:

import java.util.Properties;
    Properties systemProps = System.getProperties();
    systemProps.put("", "pathToTruststore.ts");

For more refer to details on RedHat site.