I know I am quite late to post this, but I share similar experience when I learned the ropes of IAP model.
In-app purchase is one of the most comprehensive workflow in iOS implemented by Storekit framework. The entire documentation is quite clear if you patience to read it, but is somewhat advanced in nature of technicality.
To summarize:
1 - Request the products - use SKProductRequest & SKProductRequestDelegate classes to issue request for Product IDs and receive them back from your own itunesconnect store.
These SKProducts should be used to populate your store UI which the user can use to buy a specific product.
2 - Issue payment request - use SKPayment & SKPaymentQueue to add payment to the transaction queue.
3 - Monitor transaction queue for status update - use SKPaymentTransactionObserver Protocol's updatedTransactions method to monitor status:
SKPaymentTransactionStatePurchasing - don't do anything
SKPaymentTransactionStatePurchased - unlock product, finish the transaction
SKPaymentTransactionStateFailed - show error, finish the transaction
SKPaymentTransactionStateRestored - unlock product, finish the transaction
4 - Restore button flow - use SKPaymentQueue's restoreCompletedTransactions to accomplish this - step 3 will take care of the rest, along with SKPaymentTransactionObserver's following methods:
Here is a step by step tutorial (authored by me as a result of my own attempts to understand it) that explains it. At the end it also provides code sample that you can directly use.
Here is another one I created to explain certain things that only text could describe in better manner.