[angularjs] How do I inject a controller into another controller in AngularJS

I'm new to Angular and trying to figure out how to do things...

Using AngularJS, how can I inject a controller to be used within another controller?

I have the following snippet:

var app = angular.module("testApp", ['']);

app.controller('TestCtrl1', ['$scope', function ($scope) {
    $scope.myMethod = function () {
        console.log("TestCtrl1 - myMethod");

app.controller('TestCtrl2', ['$scope', 'TestCtrl1', function ($scope, TestCtrl1) {

When I execute this, I get the error:

Error: [$injector:unpr] Unknown provider: TestCtrl1Provider <- TestCtrl1

Should I even be trying to use a controller inside of another controller, or should I make this a service?

This question is related to angularjs angularjs-scope angularjs-controller

The answer is

The best solution:-

    $scope.name="Atul Singh";
     angular.extend(this, $controller('frstCtrl', {$scope:$scope}));

// Here you got the first controller call without executing it

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Here one simple example I have created to share data between two controller using Typescript...

module Demo {
//create only one module for single Applicaiton
angular.module('app', []);
//Create a searvie to share the data
export class CommonService {
    sharedData: any;
    constructor() {
        this.sharedData = "send this data to Controller";
//add Service to module app
angular.module('app').service('CommonService', CommonService);

//Create One controller for one purpose
export class FirstController {
    dataInCtrl1: any;
    //Don't forget to inject service to access data from service
    static $inject = ['CommonService']
    constructor(private commonService: CommonService) { }
    public getDataFromService() {
        this.dataInCtrl1 = this.commonService.sharedData;
//add controller to module app
angular.module('app').controller('FirstController', FirstController);
export class SecondController {
    dataInCtrl2: any;
    static $inject = ['CommonService']
    constructor(private commonService: CommonService) { }
    public getDataFromService() {
        this.dataInCtrl2 = this.commonService.sharedData;
angular.module('app').controller('SecondController', SecondController);


<div ng-controller="TestCtrl1">
    <div ng-controller="TestCtrl2">
      <!-- your code--> 

This works best in my case, where TestCtrl2 has it's own directives.

var testCtrl2 = $controller('TestCtrl2')

This gives me an error saying scopeProvider injection error.

   var testCtrl1ViewModel = $scope.$new();
   $controller('TestCtrl1',{$scope : testCtrl1ViewModel });

This doesn't really work if you have directives in 'TestCtrl1', that directive actually have a different scope from this one created here. You end up with two instances of 'TestCtrl1'.

I'd suggest the question you should be asking is how to inject services into controllers. Fat services with skinny controllers is a good rule of thumb, aka just use controllers to glue your service/factory (with the business logic) into your views.

Controllers get garbage collected on route changes, so for example, if you use controllers to hold business logic that renders a value, your going to lose state on two pages if the app user clicks the browser back button.

var app = angular.module("testApp", ['']);

app.factory('methodFactory', function () {
    return { myMethod: function () {
            console.log("methodFactory - myMethod");

app.controller('TestCtrl1', ['$scope', 'methodFactory', function ($scope,methodFactory) {  //Comma was missing here.Now it is corrected.
    $scope.mymethod1 = methodFactory.myMethod();

app.controller('TestCtrl2', ['$scope', 'methodFactory', function ($scope, methodFactory) {
    $scope.mymethod2 = methodFactory.myMethod();

Here is a working demo of factory injected into two controllers

Also, I'd suggest having a read of this tutorial on services/factories.

you can also use $rootScope to call a function/method of 1st controller from second controller like this,

.controller('ctrl1', function($rootScope, $scope) {
     //Your code here. 

.controller('ctrl2', function($rootScope, $scope) {
     $rootScope.methodOf2ndCtrl = function() {
     //Your code here. 

There is no need to import/Inject your controller in JS. You can just inject your controller/nested controller through your HTML.It's worked for me. Like :

<div ng-controller="TestCtrl1">
    <div ng-controller="TestCtrl2">
      <!-- your code--> 

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