Programs & Examples On #Texttrimming

Truncate string in Laravel blade templates

To keep your code DRY, and if your content comes from your model you should adopt a slightly different approach. Edit your model like so (tested in L5.8):


namespace App;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;

class Comment extends Model
    public function getShortDescriptionAttribute()
        return Str::words($this->description, 10, '...');

Then in your view :

{{ $comment->short_description }}

img src SVG changing the styles with CSS

Since SVG is basically code, you need just contents. I used PHP to obtain content, but you can use whatever you want.

$content    = file_get_contents($pathToSVG);

Then, I've printed content "as is" inside a div container

<div class="fill-class"><?php echo $content;?></div>

To finnaly set rule to container's SVG childs on CSS

.fill-class > svg { 
    fill: orange;

I got this results with a material icon SVG:

Mozilla Firefox 59.0.2 (64-bit) Linux

enter image description here

Google Chrome66.0.3359.181 (Build oficial) (64 bits) Linux

enter image description here

Opera 53.0.2907.37 Linux

enter image description here

Simple way to create matrix of random numbers

#this is a function for a square matrix so on the while loop rows does not have to be less than cols.
#you can make your own condition. But if you want your a square matrix, use this code.

import random

import numpy as np

def random_matrix(R, cols):

        matrix = []

        rows =  0

        while  rows < cols:

            N = random.sample(R, cols)


            rows = rows + 1

    return np.array(matrix)

print(random_matrix(range(10), 5))
#make sure you understand the function random.sample

How to develop a soft keyboard for Android?

A good place to start is the sample application provided on the developer docs.

  • Guidelines would be to just make it as usable as possible. Take a look at the others available on the market to see what you should be aiming for
  • Yes, services can do most things, including internet; provided you have asked for those permissions
  • You can open activities and do anything you like n those if you run into a problem with doing some things in the keyboard. For example HTC's keyboard has a button to open the settings activity, and another to open a dialog to change languages.

Take a look at other IME's to see what you should be aiming for. Some (like the official one) are open source.

Appending an element to the end of a list in Scala

Lists in Scala are not designed to be modified. In fact, you can't add elements to a Scala List; it's an immutable data structure, like a Java String. What you actually do when you "add an element to a list" in Scala is to create a new List from an existing List. (Source)

Instead of using lists for such use cases, I suggest to either use an ArrayBuffer or a ListBuffer. Those datastructures are designed to have new elements added.

Finally, after all your operations are done, the buffer then can be converted into a list. See the following REPL example:

scala> import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer

scala> var fruits = new ListBuffer[String]()
fruits: scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer[String] = ListBuffer()

scala> fruits += "Apple"
res0: scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer[String] = ListBuffer(Apple)

scala> fruits += "Banana"
res1: scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer[String] = ListBuffer(Apple, Banana)

scala> fruits += "Orange"
res2: scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer[String] = ListBuffer(Apple, Banana, Orange)

scala> val fruitsList = fruits.toList
fruitsList: List[String] = List(Apple, Banana, Orange)

disable viewport zooming iOS 10+ safari?

It appears that this behavior is supposedly changed in the latest beta, which at the time of writing is beta 6.

From the release notes for iOS 10 Beta 6:

WKWebView now defaults to respecting user-scalable=no from a viewport. Clients of WKWebView can improve accessibility and allow users to pinch-to-zoom on all pages by setting the WKWebViewConfiguration property ignoresViewportScaleLimits to YES.

However, in my (very limited) testing, I can't yet confirm this to be the case.

Edit: verified, iOS 10 Beta 6 respects user-scalable=no by default for me.

Java Can't connect to X11 window server using 'localhost:10.0' as the value of the DISPLAY variable

If you start application on a remote server while logged in by ssh then another way would be to start ssh with -x parameter or add ForwardX11 no in your /etc/ssh/ssh_config. In this case ssh will not create environment variable DISPLAY.

Finding the source code for built-in Python functions?

The iPython shell makes this easy: function? will give you the documentation. function?? shows also the code. BUT this only works for pure python functions.

Then you can always download the source code for the (c)Python.

If you're interested in pythonic implementations of core functionality have a look at PyPy source.

How do I catch a PHP fatal (`E_ERROR`) error?

Here is just a nice trick to get the current error_handler method =)


    function __fatalHandler()
        $error = error_get_last();

        // Check if it's a core/fatal error. Otherwise, it's a normal shutdown
        if($error !== NULL && $error['type'] === E_ERROR) {

            // It is a bit hackish, but the set_exception_handler
            // will return the old handler
            function fakeHandler() { }

            $handler = set_exception_handler('fakeHandler');
            if($handler !== null) {
                    new ErrorException(

Also I want to note that if you call

    ini_set('display_errors', false);

PHP stops displaying the error. Otherwise, the error text will be send to the client prior to your error handler.

SQL Server 2000: How to exit a stored procedure?

Unless you specify a severity of 20 or higher, raiserror will not stop execution. See the MSDN documentation.

The normal workaround is to include a return after every raiserror:

if @whoops = 1
    raiserror('Whoops!', 18, 1)
    return -1

Python; urllib error: AttributeError: 'bytes' object has no attribute 'read'

Use json.loads not json.load.

(load loads from a file-like object, loads from a string. So you could just as well omit the .read() call instead.)

How to get column values in one comma separated value

I think it will be easy to you. I am using group_concat which concatenate diffent values with separator as we have defined

select ID,User, GROUP_CONCAT(Distinct Department order  by Department asc 

separator ', ') as Department from Table_Name   group by ID

How to make an element width: 100% minus padding?

This is why we have box-sizing in CSS.

I’ve edited your example, and now it works in Safari, Chrome, Firefox, and Opera. Check it out: All I added was this:

input {
  -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
     -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
          box-sizing: border-box;

Unfortunately older browsers such as IE7 do not support this. If you’re looking for a solution that works in old IEs, check out the other answers.

docker command not found even though installed with apt-get

sudo apt-get install docker # DO NOT do this

is a different library on ubuntu.

Use sudo apt-get install docker-ce to install the correct docker.

OPENSSL file_get_contents(): Failed to enable crypto

Had same problem - it was somewhere in the ca certificate, so I used the ca bundle used for curl, and it worked. You can download the curl ca bundle here:

For encryption and security issues see this helpful article:

Here is the example:

    $url = '';
    $cn_match = '';

    $data = array (     
        'apikey' => '[example api key here]',               
        'limit' => intval($limit),
        'offset' => intval($offset)

    // use key 'http' even if you send the request to https://...
    $options = array(
        'http' => array(
            'header'  => "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n",
            'method'  => 'POST',                
            'content' => http_build_query($data)                
        , 'ssl' => array(
            'verify_peer' => true,
            'cafile' => [path to file] . "cacert.pem",
            'ciphers' => 'HIGH:TLSv1.2:TLSv1.1:TLSv1.0:!SSLv3:!SSLv2',
            'CN_match' => $cn_match,
            'disable_compression' => true,

    $context  = stream_context_create($options);
    $response = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);

Hope that helps

Highlight label if checkbox is checked

If you have

  <input type="checkbox" class="check-with-label" id="idinput" />
  <label class="label-for-check" for="idinput">My Label</label>

you can do

.check-with-label:checked + .label-for-check {
  font-weight: bold;

See this working. Note that this won't work in non-modern browsers.

How do I fix this "TypeError: 'str' object is not callable" error?

this part :

"Your new price is: $"(float(price)

asks python to call this string:

"Your new price is: $"

just like you would a function: function( some_args) which will ALWAYS trigger the error:

TypeError: 'str' object is not callable

How do I get some variable from another class in Java?

Your example is perfect: the field is private and it has a getter. This is the normal way to access a field. If you need a direct access to an object field, use reflection. Using reflection to get a field's value is a hack and should be used in extreme cases such as using a library whose code you cannot change.

Add property to an array of objects

I came up against this problem too, and in trying to solve it I kept crashing the chrome tab that was running my app. It looks like the spread operator for objects was the culprit.

With a little help from adrianolsk’s comment and sidonaldson's answer above, I used Object.assign() the output of the spread operator from babel, like so: => {
  // New properties to be added
  const newPropsObj = {

  // Assign new properties and return
  return Object.assign(option, newPropsObj);

How to run a C# console application with the console hidden

If you are using Process Class then you can write

yourprocess.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
yourprocess.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;

before yourprocess.start(); and process will be hidden

Setting Camera Parameters in OpenCV/Python

I wasn't able to fix the problem OpenCV either, but a video4linux (V4L2) workaround does work with OpenCV when using Linux. At least, it does on my Raspberry Pi with Rasbian and my cheap webcam. This is not as solid, light and portable as you'd like it to be, but for some situations it might be very useful nevertheless.

Make sure you have the v4l2-ctl application installed, e.g. from the Debian v4l-utils package. Than run (before running the python application, or from within) the command:

v4l2-ctl -d /dev/video1 -c exposure_auto=1 -c exposure_auto_priority=0 -c exposure_absolute=10

It overwrites your camera shutter time to manual settings and changes the shutter time (in ms?) with the last parameter to (in this example) 10. The lower this value, the darker the image.

How do I set up NSZombieEnabled in Xcode 4?

Cocoa offers a cool feature which greatly enhances your capabilities to debug such situations. It is an environment variable which is called NSZombieEnabled, watch this video that explains setting up NSZombieEnabled in objective-C

Using node.js as a simple web server

Rather than dealing with a switch statement, I think it's neater to lookup the content type from a dictionary:

var contentTypesByExtension = {
    'html': "text/html",
    'js':   "text/javascript"


    var contentType = contentTypesByExtension[fileExtension] || 'text/plain';

How to delete specific characters from a string in Ruby?

If you just want to remove the first two characters and the last two, then you can use negative indexes on the string:

s = "((String1))"
s = s[2...-2]
p s # => "String1"

If you want to remove all parentheses from the string you can use the delete method on the string class:

s = "((String1))"
s.delete! '()'
p s #  => "String1"

How to set focus on a view when a layout is created and displayed?

Set these lines to OnResume as well and make sure if focusableInTouch is set to true while you initialize your controls



Android Material and appcompat Manifest merger failed

just add these two lines of code to your Manifest file


Split Spark Dataframe string column into multiple columns

Here's a solution to the general case that doesn't involve needing to know the length of the array ahead of time, using collect, or using udfs. Unfortunately this only works for spark version 2.1 and above, because it requires the posexplode function.

Suppose you had the following DataFrame:

df = spark.createDataFrame(
        [1, 'A, B, C, D'], 
        [2, 'E, F, G'], 
        [3, 'H, I'], 
        [4, 'J']
    , ["num", "letters"]
#|num|   letters|
#|  1|A, B, C, D|
#|  2|   E, F, G|
#|  3|      H, I|
#|  4|         J|

Split the letters column and then use posexplode to explode the resultant array along with the position in the array. Next use pyspark.sql.functions.expr to grab the element at index pos in this array.

import pyspark.sql.functions as f
        f.split("letters", ", ").alias("letters"),
        f.posexplode(f.split("letters", ", ")).alias("pos", "val")
#|num|     letters|pos|val|
#|  1|[A, B, C, D]|  0|  A|
#|  1|[A, B, C, D]|  1|  B|
#|  1|[A, B, C, D]|  2|  C|
#|  1|[A, B, C, D]|  3|  D|
#|  2|   [E, F, G]|  0|  E|
#|  2|   [E, F, G]|  1|  F|
#|  2|   [E, F, G]|  2|  G|
#|  3|      [H, I]|  0|  H|
#|  3|      [H, I]|  1|  I|
#|  4|         [J]|  0|  J|

Now we create two new columns from this result. First one is the name of our new column, which will be a concatenation of letter and the index in the array. The second column will be the value at the corresponding index in the array. We get the latter by exploiting the functionality of pyspark.sql.functions.expr which allows us use column values as parameters.
        f.split("letters", ", ").alias("letters"),
        f.posexplode(f.split("letters", ", ")).alias("pos", "val")
#|num|   name|val|
#|  1|letter0|  A|
#|  1|letter1|  B|
#|  1|letter2|  C|
#|  1|letter3|  D|
#|  2|letter0|  E|
#|  2|letter1|  F|
#|  2|letter2|  G|
#|  3|letter0|  H|
#|  3|letter1|  I|
#|  4|letter0|  J|

Now we can just groupBy the num and pivot the DataFrame. Putting that all together, we get:
        f.split("letters", ", ").alias("letters"),
        f.posexplode(f.split("letters", ", ")).alias("pos", "val")
#|  1|      A|      B|      C|      D|
#|  3|      H|      I|   null|   null|
#|  2|      E|      F|      G|   null|
#|  4|      J|   null|   null|   null|

Automatically deleting related rows in Laravel (Eloquent ORM)

You can use this method as an alternative.

What will happen is that we take all the tables associated with the users table and delete the related data using looping

$tables = DB::select("

foreach($tables as $table){
    $table_name =  $table->TABLE_NAME;
    $column_name = $table->COLUMN_NAME;

    DB::delete("delete from $table_name where $column_name = ?", [$id]);

cannot make a static reference to the non-static field

main is a static method. It cannot refer to balance, which is an attribute (non-static variable). balance has meaning only when it is referred through an object reference (such as myAccount.balance or yourAccount.balance). But it doesn't have any meaning when it is referred through class (such as Account.balance (whose balance is that?))

I made some changes to your code so that it compiles.

public static void main(String[] args) {
    Account account = new Account(1122, 20000, 4.5);


public void withdraw(double withdrawAmount) {
    balance -= withdrawAmount;

public void deposit(double depositAmount) {
    balance += depositAmount;

Form inline inside a form horizontal in twitter bootstrap?

Since bootstrap 4 use div class="form-row" in combination with div class="form-group col-X". X is the width you need. You will get nice inline columns. See fiddle.

<form class="form-horizontal" name="FORMNAME" method="post" action="ACTION" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <div class="form-group">
        <label class="control-label col-sm-2" for="naam">Naam:&nbsp;*</label>
        <div class="col-sm-10">
            <input type="text" require class="form-control" id="naam" name="Naam" placeholder="Uw naam" value="{--NAAM--}" >
            <div id="naamx" class="form-error form-hidden">Wat is uw naam?</div>

    <div class="form-row">

        <div class="form-group col-5">
            <label class="control-label col-sm-4" for="telefoon">Telefoon:&nbsp;*</label>
            <div class="col-sm-12">
                <input type="tel" require class="form-control" id="telefoon" name="Telefoon" placeholder="Telefoon nummer" value="{--TELEFOON--}" >
                <div id="telefoonx" class="form-error form-hidden">Wat is uw telefoonnummer?</div>

        <div class="form-group col-5">
            <label class="control-label col-sm-4" for="email">E-mail: </label>
            <div class="col-sm-12">
                <input type="email" require class="form-control" id="email" name="E-mail" placeholder="E-mail adres" value="{--E-MAIL--}" >
                <div id="emailx" class="form-error form-hidden">Wat is uw e-mail adres?</div>


    <div class="form-group">
        <label class="control-label col-sm-2" for="titel">Titel:&nbsp;*</label>
        <div class="col-sm-10">
            <input type="text" require class="form-control" id="titel" name="Titel" placeholder="Titel van uw vraag of aanbod" value="{--TITEL--}" >
            <div id="titelx" class="form-error form-hidden">Wat is de titel van uw vraag of aanbod?</div>

how to check and set max_allowed_packet mysql variable

The following PHP worked for me (using mysqli extension but queries should be the same for other extensions):

$db = new mysqli( 'localhost', 'user', 'pass', 'dbname' );
// to get the max_allowed_packet
$maxp = $db->query( 'SELECT @@global.max_allowed_packet' )->fetch_array();
echo $maxp[ 0 ];
// to set the max_allowed_packet to 500MB
$db->query( 'SET @@global.max_allowed_packet = ' . 500 * 1024 * 1024 );

So if you've got a query you expect to be pretty long, you can make sure that mysql will accept it with something like:

$sql = "some really long sql query...";
$db->query( 'SET @@global.max_allowed_packet = ' . strlen( $sql ) + 1024 );
$db->query( $sql );

Notice that I added on an extra 1024 bytes to the length of the string because according to the manual,

The value should be a multiple of 1024; nonmultiples are rounded down to the nearest multiple.

That should hopefully set the max_allowed_packet size large enough to handle your query. I haven't tried this on a shared host, so the same caveat as @Glebushka applies.

a = open("file", "r"); a.readline() output without \n

That would be:


If you want to strip space from each and every line, you might consider instead:

This will give you a list of lines, without the line end characters.

Combine two tables that have no common fields

DISTINCT  t1.col,t2col
From table1 t1, table2 t2


DISTINCT  t1.col,t2col
From table1 t1 
cross JOIN  table2 t2

if its hug data , its take long time ..

How to create two columns on a web page?

Basically you need 3 divs. First as wrapper, second as left and third as right.

.wrapper {

.left {

.right {

Example how to make 2 columns

CSS Cheat Sheet for reference

Sum of values in an array using jQuery

var total = 0;
$.each(someArray,function() {
    total += parseInt(this, 10);

how to create virtual host on XAMPP

I fixed it using following configuration.

 Listen 85
 <VirtualHost *:85>
           DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs/LaraBlog/public"
           <Directory "C:/xampp/htdocs/CommunicationApp/public">
           DirectoryIndex index.php
           AllowOverride All
           Order allow,deny
           Allow from all

Fail during installation of Pillow (Python module) in Linux

The alternative, if you don't want to install libjpeg:

CFLAGS="--disable-jpeg" pip install pillow


Determine the size of an InputStream

When explicitly dealing with a ByteArrayInputStream then contrary to some of the comments on this page you can use the .available() function to get the size. Just have to do it before you start reading from it.

From the JavaDocs:

Returns the number of remaining bytes that can be read (or skipped over) from this input stream. The value returned is count - pos, which is the number of bytes remaining to be read from the input buffer.

How to access ssis package variables inside script component

Strongly typed var don't seem to be available, I have to do the following in order to get access to them:

String MyVar = Dts.Variables["MyVarName"].Value.ToString();

How to check if a date is greater than another in Java?

You can use Date.before() or Date.after() or Date.equals() for date comparison.

Taken from here:

import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;

public class DateDiff {

    public static void main( String[] args )
        compareDates("2017-01-13 00:00:00", "2017-01-14 00:00:00");// output will be Date1 is before Date2
        compareDates("2017-01-13 00:00:00", "2017-01-12 00:00:00");//output will be Date1 is after Date2
        compareDates("2017-01-13 00:00:00", "2017-01-13 10:20:30");//output will be Date1 is before Date2 because date2 is ahead of date 1 by 10:20:30 hours
        compareDates("2017-01-13 00:00:00", "2017-01-13 00:00:00");//output will be Date1 is equal Date2 because both date and time are equal

    public static void compareDates(String d1,String d2)
            // If you already have date objects then skip 1

            // Create 2 dates starts
            SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
            Date date1 = sdf.parse(d1);
            Date date2 = sdf.parse(d2);


            // Create 2 dates ends

            // Date object is having 3 methods namely after,before and equals for comparing
            // after() will return true if and only if date1 is after date 2
                System.out.println("Date1 is after Date2");
            // before() will return true if and only if date1 is before date2
                System.out.println("Date1 is before Date2");

            //equals() returns true if both the dates are equal
                System.out.println("Date1 is equal Date2");

        catch(ParseException ex){

    public static void compareDates(Date date1,Date date2)
        // if you already have date objects then skip 1


        //date object is having 3 methods namely after,before and equals for comparing
        //after() will return true if and only if date1 is after date 2
            System.out.println("Date1 is after Date2");

        //before() will return true if and only if date1 is before date2
            System.out.println("Date1 is before Date2");

        //equals() returns true if both the dates are equal
            System.out.println("Date1 is equal Date2");


tmux set -g mouse-mode on doesn't work

Just a quick heads-up to anyone else who is losing their mind right now:

so that's just

 :setw -g mouse

PostgreSQL unnest() with element number

Postgres 9.4 or later

Use WITH ORDINALITY for set-returning functions:

When a function in the FROM clause is suffixed by WITH ORDINALITY, a bigint column is appended to the output which starts from 1 and increments by 1 for each row of the function's output. This is most useful in the case of set returning functions such as unnest().

In combination with the LATERAL feature in pg 9.3+, and according to this thread on pgsql-hackers, the above query can now be written as:

SELECT, a.elem,
FROM   tbl AS t
LEFT   JOIN LATERAL unnest(string_to_array(t.elements, ','))
                    WITH ORDINALITY AS a(elem, nr) ON TRUE;

LEFT JOIN ... ON TRUE preserves all rows in the left table, even if the table expression to the right returns no rows. If that's of no concern you can use this otherwise equivalent, less verbose form with an implicit CROSS JOIN LATERAL:

SELECT, a.elem,
FROM   tbl t, unnest(string_to_array(t.elements, ',')) WITH ORDINALITY a(elem, nr);

Or simpler if based off an actual array (arr being an array column):

SELECT, a.elem,
FROM   tbl t, unnest(t.arr) WITH ORDINALITY a(elem, nr);

Or even, with minimal syntax:

SELECT id, a, ordinality
FROM   tbl, unnest(arr) WITH ORDINALITY a;

a is automatically table and column alias. The default name of the added ordinality column is ordinality. But it's better (safer, cleaner) to add explicit column aliases and table-qualify columns.

Postgres 8.4 - 9.3

With row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY id ORDER BY elem) you get numbers according to the sort order, not the ordinal number of the original ordinal position in the string.

You can simply omit ORDER BY:

SELECT *, row_number() OVER (PARTITION by id) AS nr
FROM  (SELECT id, regexp_split_to_table(elements, ',') AS elem FROM tbl) t;

While this normally works and I have never seen it fail in simple queries, PostgreSQL asserts nothing concerning the order of rows without ORDER BY. It happens to work due to an implementation detail.

To guarantee ordinal numbers of elements in the blank-separated string:

SELECT id, arr[nr] AS elem, nr
   SELECT *, generate_subscripts(arr, 1) AS nr
   FROM  (SELECT id, string_to_array(elements, ' ') AS arr FROM tbl) t
   ) sub;

Or simpler if based off an actual array:

SELECT id, arr[nr] AS elem, nr
FROM  (SELECT *, generate_subscripts(arr, 1) AS nr FROM tbl) t;

Related answer on dba.SE:

Postgres 8.1 - 8.4

None of these features are available, yet: RETURNS TABLE, generate_subscripts(), unnest(), array_length(). But this works:

CREATE FUNCTION f_unnest_ord(anyarray, OUT val anyelement, OUT ordinality integer)
'SELECT $1[i], i - array_lower($1,1) + 1
 FROM   generate_series(array_lower($1,1), array_upper($1,1)) i';

Note in particular, that the array index can differ from ordinal positions of elements. Consider this demo with an extended function:

CREATE FUNCTION f_unnest_ord_idx(anyarray, OUT val anyelement, OUT ordinality int, OUT idx int)
'SELECT $1[i], i - array_lower($1,1) + 1, i
 FROM   generate_series(array_lower($1,1), array_upper($1,1)) i';

SELECT id, arr, (rec).*
   SELECT *, f_unnest_ord_idx(arr) AS rec
   FROM  (VALUES (1, '{a,b,c}'::text[])  --  short for: '[1:3]={a,b,c}'
               , (2, '[5:7]={a,b,c}')
               , (3, '[-9:-7]={a,b,c}')
      ) t(id, arr)
   ) sub;

 id |       arr       | val | ordinality | idx
  1 | {a,b,c}         | a   |          1 |   1
  1 | {a,b,c}         | b   |          2 |   2
  1 | {a,b,c}         | c   |          3 |   3
  2 | [5:7]={a,b,c}   | a   |          1 |   5
  2 | [5:7]={a,b,c}   | b   |          2 |   6
  2 | [5:7]={a,b,c}   | c   |          3 |   7
  3 | [-9:-7]={a,b,c} | a   |          1 |  -9
  3 | [-9:-7]={a,b,c} | b   |          2 |  -8
  3 | [-9:-7]={a,b,c} | c   |          3 |  -7


continuous page numbering through section breaks

You can check out this post on SuperUser.

Word starts page numbering over for each new section by default.

I do it slightly differently than the post above that goes through the ribbon menus, but in both methods you have to go through the document to each section's beginning.

My method:

  • open up the footer (or header if that's where your page number is)
  • drag-select the page number
  • right-click on it
  • hit Format Page Numbers
  • click on the Continue from Previous Section radio button under Page numbering

I find this right-click method to be a little faster. Also, usually if I insert the page numbers first before I start making any new sections, this problem doesn't happen in the first place.

How to reference a method in javadoc?

you can use @see to do that:


interface View {
         * @return true: have read contact and call log permissions, else otherwise
         * @see #requestReadContactAndCallLogPermissions()
        boolean haveReadContactAndCallLogPermissions();

         * if not have permissions, request to user for allow
         * @see #haveReadContactAndCallLogPermissions()
        void requestReadContactAndCallLogPermissions();

What is sys.maxint in Python 3?

Python 3 ints do not have a maximum.

If your purpose is to determine the maximum size of an int in C when compiled the same way Python was, you can use the struct module to find out:

>>> import struct
>>> platform_c_maxint = 2 ** (struct.Struct('i').size * 8 - 1) - 1

If you are curious about the internal implementation details of Python 3 int objects, Look at sys.int_info for bits per digit and digit size details. No normal program should care about these.

Elasticsearch : Root mapping definition has unsupported parameters index : not_analyzed

Check your Elastic version.

I had these problem because I was looking at the incorrect version's documentation.

enter image description here

Load image with jQuery and append it to the DOM

Here is the code I use when I want to preload images before appending them to the page.

It is also important to check if the image is already loaded from the cache (for IE).

    //create image to preload:
    var imgPreload = new Image();
        src: photoUrl

    //check if the image is already loaded (cached):
    if (imgPreload.complete || imgPreload.readyState === 4) {

        //image loaded:
        //your code here to insert image into page

    } else {
        //go fetch the image:
        $(imgPreload).load(function (response, status, xhr) {
            if (status == 'error') {

                //image could not be loaded:

            } else {

                //image loaded:
                //your code here to insert image into page


How do I analyze a .hprof file?

You can also use HeapWalker from the Netbeans Profiler or the Visual VM stand-alone tool. Visual VM is a good alternative to JHAT as it is stand alone, but is much easier to use than JHAT.

You need Java 6+ to fully use Visual VM.

Docker Compose wait for container X before starting Y

You can also solve this by setting an endpoint which waits for the service to be up by using netcat (using the docker-wait script). I like this approach as you still have a clean command section in your docker-compose.yml and you don't need to add docker specific code to your application:

version: '2'
    image: postgres
    build: .
    command: python runserver
    entrypoint: ./ db 5432
      - .:/code
      - "8000:8000"
      - db

Then your


shift 2

# wait for the postgres docker to be running
while ! nc $postgres_host $postgres_port; do
  >&2 echo "Postgres is unavailable - sleeping"
  sleep 1

>&2 echo "Postgres is up - executing command"

# run the command
exec $cmd

This is nowadays documented in the official docker documentation.

PS: You should install netcat in your docker instance if this is not available. To do so add this to your Docker file :

RUN apt-get update && apt-get install netcat-openbsd -y 

Timing Delays in VBA

Access can always use the Excel procedure as long as the project has the Microsoft Excel XX.X object reference included:

Call Excel.Application.Wait(DateAdd("s",10,Now()))

How do I add a resources folder to my Java project in Eclipse

After adding a resource folder try this :

ClassLoader classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
InputStream input = classLoader.getResourceAsStream("test.png");

try {
    image =;
} catch (IOException e) {

How to import CSV file data into a PostgreSQL table?

Create table and have required columns that are used for creating table in csv file.

  1. Open postgres and right click on target table which you want to load & select import and Update the following steps in file options section

  2. Now browse your file in filename

  3. Select csv in format

  4. Encoding as ISO_8859_5

Now goto Misc. options and check header and click on import.

How do I add a linker or compile flag in a CMake file?

The preferred way to specify toolchain-specific options is using CMake's toolchain facility. This ensures that there is a clean division between:

  • instructions on how to organise source files into targets -- expressed in CMakeLists.txt files, entirely toolchain-agnostic; and
  • details of how certain toolchains should be configured -- separated into CMake script files, extensible by future users of your project, scalable.

Ideally, there should be no compiler/linker flags in your CMakeLists.txt files -- even within if/endif blocks. And your program should build for the native platform with the default toolchain (e.g. GCC on GNU/Linux or MSVC on Windows) without any additional flags.

Steps to add a toolchain:

  1. Create a file, e.g. arm-linux-androideadi-gcc.cmake with global toolchain settings:

    set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++)
    set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_INIT "-fexceptions")

    (You can find an example Linux cross-compiling toolchain file here.)

  2. When you want to generate a build system with this toolchain, specify the CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE parameter on the command line:

    mkdir android-arm-build && cd android-arm-build
    cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=$(pwd)/../arm-linux-androideadi-gcc.cmake ..

    (Note: you cannot use a relative path.)

  3. Build as normal:

    cmake --build .

Toolchain files make cross-compilation easier, but they have other uses:

  • Hardened diagnostics for your unit tests.

    set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_INIT "-Werror -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic")
  • Tricky-to-configure development tools.

    # toolchain file for use with gcov
    set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_INIT "--coverage -fno-exceptions -g")
  • Enhanced safety checks.

    # toolchain file for use with gdb
    set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG_INIT "-fsanitize=address,undefined -fsanitize-undefined-trap-on-error")
    set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS_INIT "-fsanitize=address,undefined -static-libasan")

c# why can't a nullable int be assigned null as a value

The problem isn't that null cannot be assigned to an int?. The problem is that both values returned by the ternary operator must be the same type, or one must be implicitly convertible to the other. In this case, null cannot be implicitly converted to int nor vice-versus, so an explict cast is necessary. Try this instead:

int? accom = (accomStr == "noval" ? (int?)null : Convert.ToInt32(accomStr));

Connecting to local SQL Server database using C#

You try with this string connection

Server=.\SQLExpress;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|Database1.mdf;Database=dbname; Trusted_Connection=Yes;

javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException: unexpected element (uri:"", local:"Group")

I had the same problem.. It helped me, I'm specify the same field names of my classes as the tag names in the xml file (the file comes from an external system).

For example:

My xml file:

        <Name>Some name 1</Name>
        <Code>Some code</Code>
        <Url>Some Url</Url>
              <Name>Some name 2</Name>

My Response class:

public class Response {
    private ESList[] ESList = new ESList[1]; // as the tag name in the xml file..

    // getter and setter here

My ESList class:

public class ESList {
    private Item[] Item = new Item[1]; // as the tag name in the xml file..

    // getters and setters here

My Item class:

public class Item {
    private String ID; // as the tag name in the xml file..
    private String Name; // and so on...
    private String Code;
    private String Url;
    private RegionList[] RegionList = new RegionList[1];

    // getters and setters here

My RegionList class:

public class RegionList {
    Item[] Item = new Item[1];

    // getters and setters here

My DemoUnmarshalling class:

public class DemoUnmarshalling {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
            File file = new File("...");

            JAXBContext jaxbContext = JAXBContext.newInstance(Response.class);
            Unmarshaller jaxbUnmarshaller = jaxbContext.createUnmarshaller();
                new ValidationEventHandler() {
                    public boolean handleEvent(ValidationEvent event ) {
                        throw new RuntimeException(event.getMessage(),

            Response response = (Response) jaxbUnmarshaller.unmarshal(file);

            ESList[] esList = response.getESList();
            Item[] item = esList[0].getItem();
            RegionList[] regionLists = item[0].getRegionList();
            Item[] regionListItem = regionLists[0].getItem();


        } catch (JAXBException e) {

It gives:

Some name 1
Some code
Some Url
Some name 2

Creating composite primary key in SQL Server

How about something like

CREATE TABLE testRequest (
        wardNo nchar(5),
        BHTNo nchar(5),
        testID nchar(5),
        reqDateTime datetime,
        PRIMARY KEY (wardNo, BHTNo, testID)

Have a look at this example


PHP multiline string with PHP

You cannot run PHP code within a string like that. It just doesn't work. As well, when you're "out" of PHP code (?>), any text outside of the PHP blocks is considered output anyway, so there's no need for the echo statement.

If you do need to do multiline output from with a chunk of PHP code, consider using a HEREDOC:


$var = 'Howdy';

echo <<<EOL
This is output
And this is a new line
blah blah blah and this following $var will actually say Howdy as well

and now the output ends

Save and load weights in keras

Here is a YouTube video that explains exactly what you're wanting to do: Save and load a Keras model

There are three different saving methods that Keras makes available. These are described in the video link above (with examples), as well as below.

First, the reason you're receiving the error is because you're calling load_model incorrectly.

To save and load the weights of the model, you would first use


to save the weights, as you've displayed. To load the weights, you would first need to build your model, and then call load_weights on the model, as in


Another saving technique is This save function saves:

  • The architecture of the model, allowing to re-create the model.
  • The weights of the model.
  • The training configuration (loss, optimizer).
  • The state of the optimizer, allowing to resume training exactly where you left off.

To load this saved model, you would use the following:

from keras.models import load_model
new_model = load_model(filepath)'

Lastly, model.to_json(), saves only the architecture of the model. To load the architecture, you would use

from keras.models import model_from_json
model = model_from_json(json_string)

Why does CSS not support negative padding?

This could help, by the way:

The box-sizing CSS property is used to alter the default CSS box model used to calculate widths and heights of elements.

Issue with virtualenv - cannot activate

I have a hell of a time using virtualenv on windows with git bash, I usually end up specifying the python binary explicitly.

If my environment is in say .env I'll call python via ./.env/Scripts/python.exe …, or in a shebang line #!./.env/Scripts/python.exe;

Both assuming your working directory contains your virtualenv (.env).

Compare dates in MySQL

You can try below query,

select * from players
    us_reg_date between '2000-07-05'
    DATE_ADD('2011-11-10',INTERVAL 1 DAY)

Regex doesn't work in String.matches()


String[] words = {"{apf","hum_","dkoe","12f"};
    for(String s:words)

The project type is not supported by this installation

For Visual Studio 2010 (prolly also for other versions):

If you are opening an ASP.NET MVC project make sure that the correct MVC version is installed on your PC. If you try to open an ASP.NET MVC 3 project, first close all your visual studio instances and install MVC3:

For other ASP.NET MVC versions download them from or via Web Platform Installer 4.0.

How do I remove javascript validation from my eclipse project?

Window -> Preferences -> JavaScript -> Validator (also per project settings possible)


Window -> Preferences -> Validation (disable validations and configure their settings)

Matplotlib/pyplot: How to enforce axis range?

I tried all of those above answers, and I then summarized a pipeline of how to draw the fixed-axes image. It applied both to show function and savefig function.

  1. before you plot:

    fig = pylab.figure()
    ax = fig.gca()

This is to request an ax which is subplot(1,1,1).

  1. During the plot:

    ax.plot('You plot argument') # Put inside your argument, like ax.plot(x,y,label='test')
    ax.axis('The list of range') # Put in side your range [xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax], like ax.axis([-5,5,-5,200])
  2. After the plot:

    1. To show the image :
    2. To save the figure :

      fig.savefig('the name of your figure')

I find out that put axis at the front of the code won't work even though I have set autoscale_on to False.

I used this code to create a series of animation. And below is the example of combing multiple fixed axes images into an animation. img

How to create websockets server in PHP

I've searched the minimal solution possible to do PHP + WebSockets during hours, until I found this article:

Super simple PHP WebSocket example

It doesn't require any third-party library.

Here is how to do it: create a index.html containing this:

    <div id="root"></div>
        var host = 'ws://<<<IP_OF_YOUR_SERVER>>>:12345/websockets.php';
        var socket = new WebSocket(host);
        socket.onmessage = function(e) {
            document.getElementById('root').innerHTML =;

and open it in the browser, just after you have launched php websockets.php in the command-line (yes, it will be an event loop, constantly running PHP script), with this websockets.php file.

How do you compare two version Strings in Java?

Wondering why everybody assumes that the versions is only made up of integers - in my case it was not.

Why reinventing the wheel (assuming the version follows the Semver standard)

First install via Maven

Then use this library

Semver sem = new Semver("1.2.3");
sem.isGreaterThan("1.2.2"); // true

PostgreSQL next value of the sequences?

Even if this can somehow be done it is a terrible idea since it would be possible to get a sequence that then gets used by another record!

A much better idea is to save the record and then retrieve the sequence afterwards.

Checking for Undefined In React

You can try adding a question mark as below. This worked for me.

 componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
        title: nextProps?.blog?.title,
        body: nextProps?.blog?.content

How do you clear the SQL Server transaction log?

  1. Take a backup of the MDB file.
  2. Stop SQL services
  3. Rename the log file
  4. Start the service

(The system will create a new log file.)

Delete or move the renamed log file.

How do I resolve a HTTP 414 "Request URI too long" error?

Based on John's answer, I changed the GET request to a POST request. It works, without having to change the server configuration. So I went looking how to implement this. The following pages were helpful:

jQuery Ajax POST example with PHP (Note the sanitize posted data remark) and

Basically, the difference is that the GET request has the url and parameters in one string and then sends null:"GET", url+"?"+params, true);

whereas the POST request sends the url and the parameters in separate commands:"POST", url, true);

Here is a working example:


<script type="text/javascript">
    function ajaxPOSTTest() {
        try {
            // Opera 8.0+, Firefox, Safari
            ajaxPOSTTestRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
        } catch (e) {
            // Internet Explorer Browsers
            try {
                ajaxPOSTTestRequest = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
            } catch (e) {
                try {
                    ajaxPOSTTestRequest = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
                } catch (e) {
                    // Something went wrong
                    alert("Your browser broke!");
                    return false;

        ajaxPOSTTestRequest.onreadystatechange = ajaxCalled_POSTTest;
        var url = "ajaxPOST.php";
        var params = "lorem=ipsum&name=binny";"POST", url, true);
        ajaxPOSTTestRequest.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");

    //Create a function that will receive data sent from the server
    function ajaxCalled_POSTTest() {
        if (ajaxPOSTTestRequest.readyState == 4) {
            document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = ajaxPOSTTestRequest.responseText;

    <button onclick="ajaxPOSTTest()">ajax POST Test</button>
    <div id="output"></div>



print $lorem.'<br>';


I just sent over 12,000 characters without any problems.

How to set limits for axes in ggplot2 R plots?

Quick note: if you're also using coord_flip() to flip the x and the y axis, you won't be able to set range limits using coord_cartesian() because those two functions are exclusive (see here).

Fortunately, this is an easy fix; set your limits within coord_flip() like so:

p + coord_flip(ylim = c(3,5), xlim = c(100, 400))

This just alters the visible range (i.e. doesn't remove data points).

What does += mean in Python?

+= is the in-place addition operator.

It's the same as doing cnt = cnt + 1. For example:

>>> cnt = 0
>>> cnt += 2
>>> print cnt
>>> cnt += 42
>>> print cnt

The operator is often used in a similar fashion to the ++ operator in C-ish languages, to increment a variable by one in a loop (i += 1)

There are similar operator for subtraction/multiplication/division/power and others:

i -= 1 # same as i = i - 1
i *= 2 # i = i * 2
i /= 3 # i = i / 3
i **= 4 # i = i ** 4

The += operator also works on strings, for example:

>>> s = "Hi"
>>> s += " there"
>>> print s
Hi there

People tend to recommend against doing this for performance reason, but for the most scripts this really isn't an issue. To quote from the "Sequence Types" docs:

  1. If s and t are both strings, some Python implementations such as CPython can usually perform an in-place optimization for assignments of the form s=s+t or s+=t. When applicable, this optimization makes quadratic run-time much less likely. This optimization is both version and implementation dependent. For performance sensitive code, it is preferable to use the str.join() method which assures consistent linear concatenation performance across versions and implementations.

The str.join() method refers to doing the following:

mysentence = []
for x in range(100):
" ".join(mysentence)

..instead of the more obvious:

mysentence = ""
for x in range(100):
    mysentence += " test"

The problem with the later is (aside from the leading-space), depending on the Python implementation, the Python interpreter will have to make a new copy of the string in memory every time you append (because strings are immutable), which will get progressively slower the longer the string to append is.. Whereas appending to a list then joining it together into a string is a consistent speed (regardless of implementation)

If you're doing basic string manipulation, don't worry about it. If you see a loop which is basically just appending to a string, consider constructing an array, then "".join()'ing it.

Android:java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Failed to allocate a 23970828 byte allocation with 2097152 free bytes and 2MB until OOM

I got below error

"E/art: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 47251468 byte allocation with 16777120 free bytes and 23MB until OOM"

after adding android:largeHeap="true" in AndroidManifest.xml then I rid of all the errors


How to empty the content of a div

If your div looks like this:

<div id="MyDiv">content in here</div>

Then this Javascript:

document.getElementById("MyDiv").innerHTML = "";

will make it look like this:

<div id="MyDiv"></div>

Initialize empty vector in structure - c++

Both std::string and std::vector<T> have constructors initializing the object to be empty. You could use std::vector<unsigned char>() but I'd remove the initializer.

Retrieving data from a POST method in ASP.NET

You need to examine (put a breakpoint on / Quick Watch) the Request object in the Page_Load method of your Test.aspx.cs file.

How does java do modulus calculations with negative numbers?

According to section 15.17.3 of the JLS, "The remainder operation for operands that are integers after binary numeric promotion produces a result value such that (a/b)*b+(a%b) is equal to a. This identity holds even in the special case that the dividend is the negative integer of largest possible magnitude for its type and the divisor is -1 (the remainder is 0)."

Hope that helps.

How to make a <svg> element expand or contract to its parent container?

What's worked for me recently is to remove all height="" and width="" attributes from the <svg> tag and all child tags. Then you can use scaling using a percentage of the parent container's height or width.


<svg width="3212" height="3212" viewBox="0 0 3212 3212" fill="none" xmlns="">
   circle cx="1606" cy="1606" r="1387" stroke="black" stroke-width="438"/>


<svg viewBox="0 0 3212 3212" fill="none" xmlns="">
   circle cx="1606" cy="1606" r="1387" stroke="black" stroke-width="438"/>

How do I query for all dates greater than a certain date in SQL Server?

select *  
from dbo.March2010 A 
where A.Date >= Convert(datetime, '2010-04-01' )

In your query, 2010-4-01 is treated as a mathematical expression, so in essence it read

select *  
from dbo.March2010 A 
where A.Date >= 2005; 

(2010 minus 4 minus 1 is 2005 Converting it to a proper datetime, and using single quotes will fix this issue.)

Technically, the parser might allow you to get away with

select *  
from dbo.March2010 A 
where A.Date >= '2010-04-01'

it will do the conversion for you, but in my opinion it is less readable than explicitly converting to a DateTime for the maintenance programmer that will come after you.

Convert .pem to .crt and .key

This is what I did on windows.

  1. Download a zip file that contains the open ssl exe from Google
  2. Unpack the zip file and go into the bin folder.
  3. Go to the address bar in the bin folder and type cmd. This will open a command prompt at this folder.
  4. move/Put the .pem file into this bin folder.
  5. Run two commands. One creates the cert and the second the key file
openssl x509 -outform der -in yourPemFilename.pem -out certfileOutName.crt
openssl rsa -in yourPemFilename.pem -out keyfileOutName.key

How to Resize a Bitmap in Android?

 * Kotlin method for Bitmap scaling
 * @param bitmap the bitmap to be scaled
 * @param pixel  the target pixel size
 * @param width  the width
 * @param height the height
 * @param max    the max(height, width)
 * @return the scaled bitmap
fun scaleBitmap(bitmap:Bitmap, pixel:Float, width:Int, height:Int, max:Int):Bitmap {
    val scale = px / max
    val h = Math.round(scale * height)
    val w = Math.round(scale * width)
    return Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(bitmap, w, h, true)

Hashcode and Equals for Hashset

I think your questions will all be answered if you understand how Sets, and in particular HashSets work. A set is a collection of unique objects, with Java defining uniqueness in that it doesn't equal anything else (equals returns false).

The HashSet takes advantage of hashcodes to speed things up. It assumes that two objects that equal eachother will have the same hash code. However it does not assume that two objects with the same hash code mean they are equal. This is why when it detects a colliding hash code, it only compares with other objects (in your case one) in the set with the same hash code.

How to center a button within a div?

Super simple answer that will apply to most cases is to just make set the margin to 0 auto and set the display to block. You can see how I centered my button in my demo on CodePen

enter image description here

How to modify values of JsonObject / JsonArray directly?

Strangely, the answer is to keep adding back the property. I was half expecting a setter method. :S

System.out.println("Before: " + obj.get("DebugLogId")); // original "02352"

obj.addProperty("DebugLogId", "YYY");

System.out.println("After: " + obj.get("DebugLogId")); // now "YYY"

Generate ER Diagram from existing MySQL database, created for CakePHP

If you don't want to install MySQL workbench, and are looking for an online tool, this might help:

I use it quite often to create simple DB schemas for various apps I build.

JUnit Testing Exceptions

If your constructor is similar to this one:

public Example(String example) {
    if (example == null) {
        throw new NullPointerException();
    //do fun things with valid example here

Then, when you run this JUnit test you will get a green bar:

@Test(expected = NullPointerException.class)
public void constructorShouldThrowNullPointerException() {
    Example example = new Example(null);

Ansible Ignore errors in tasks and fail at end of the playbook if any tasks had errors

Fail module works great! Thanks.

I had to define my fact before checking it, otherwise I'd get an undefined variable error.

And I had issues when doing setting the fact with quotes and without spaces.

This worked:

set_fact: flag="failed"

This threw errors:

set_fact: flag = failed 

Insert into a MySQL table or update if exists

When using batch insert use the following syntax:

INSERT INTO TABLE (id, name, age) VALUES (1, "A", 19), (2, "B", 17), (3, "C", 22)
    name = VALUES (name),

Save a file in json format using Notepad++

You can do using a simple notepad and save as FILENAME.json

That's all.

Creating a directory in /sdcard fails

Isn't it already created ? Mkdir returns false if the folder already exists too mkdir

How to multiply individual elements of a list with a number?

Here is a functional approach using map, itertools.repeat and operator.mul:

import operator
from itertools import repeat

def scalar_multiplication(vector, scalar):
    yield from map(operator.mul, vector, repeat(scalar))

Example of usage:

>>> v = [1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> c = 3
>>> list(scalar_multiplication(v, c))
[3, 6, 9, 12]

Concatenating Matrices in R

cbindX from the package gdata combines multiple columns of differing column and row lengths. Check out the page here:

It takes multiple comma separated matrices and data.frames as input :) You just need to

install.packages("gdata", dependencies=TRUE)

and then

concat_data <- cbindX(df1, df2, df3) # or cbindX(matrix1, matrix2, matrix3, matrix4)

What does the "__block" keyword mean?

It tells the compiler that any variable marked by it must be treated in a special way when it is used inside a block. Normally, variables and their contents that are also used in blocks are copied, thus any modification done to these variables don't show outside the block. When they are marked with __block, the modifications done inside the block are also visible outside of it.

For an example and more info, see The __block Storage Type in Apple's Blocks Programming Topics.

The important example is this one:

extern NSInteger CounterGlobal;
static NSInteger CounterStatic;

    NSInteger localCounter = 42;
    __block char localCharacter;

    void (^aBlock)(void) = ^(void) {
        CounterGlobal = localCounter; // localCounter fixed at block creation
        localCharacter = 'a'; // sets localCharacter in enclosing scope

    ++localCounter; // unseen by the block
    localCharacter = 'b';

    aBlock(); // execute the block
    // localCharacter now 'a'

In this example, both localCounter and localCharacter are modified before the block is called. However, inside the block, only the modification to localCharacter would be visible, thanks to the __block keyword. Conversely, the block can modify localCharacter and this modification is visible outside of the block.

Calling a function from a string in C#

You can invoke methods of a class instance using reflection, doing a dynamic method invocation:

Suppose that you have a method called hello in a the actual instance (this):

string methodName = "hello";

//Get the method information using the method info class
 MethodInfo mi = this.GetType().GetMethod(methodName);

//Invoke the method
// (null- no parameter for the method call
// or you can pass the array of parameters...)
mi.Invoke(this, null);

Create PostgreSQL ROLE (user) if it doesn't exist

Some answers suggested to use pattern: check if role does not exist and if not then issue CREATE ROLE command. This has one disadvantage: race condition. If somebody else creates a new role between check and issuing CREATE ROLE command then CREATE ROLE obviously fails with fatal error.

To solve above problem, more other answers already mentioned usage of PL/pgSQL, issuing CREATE ROLE unconditionally and then catching exceptions from that call. There is just one problem with these solutions. They silently drop any errors, including those which are not generated by fact that role already exists. CREATE ROLE can throw also other errors and simulation IF NOT EXISTS should silence only error when role already exists.

CREATE ROLE throw duplicate_object error when role already exists. And exception handler should catch only this one error. As other answers mentioned it is a good idea to convert fatal error to simple notice. Other PostgreSQL IF NOT EXISTS commands adds , skipping into their message, so for consistency I'm adding it here too.

Here is full SQL code for simulation of CREATE ROLE IF NOT EXISTS with correct exception and sqlstate propagation:

DO $$

Test output (called two times via DO and then directly):

$ sudo -u postgres psql
psql (9.6.12)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \set ON_ERROR_STOP on
postgres=# \set VERBOSITY verbose
postgres=# DO $$
postgres$# BEGIN
postgres$# CREATE ROLE test;
postgres$# END
postgres$# $$;
postgres=# DO $$
postgres$# BEGIN
postgres$# CREATE ROLE test;
postgres$# END
postgres$# $$;
NOTICE:  42710: role "test" already exists, skipping
LOCATION:  exec_stmt_raise, pl_exec.c:3165
postgres=# CREATE ROLE test;
ERROR:  42710: role "test" already exists
LOCATION:  CreateRole, user.c:337

Request Monitoring in Chrome

I know this is an old thread but I thought I would chime in.

Chrome currently has a solution built in.

  1. Use CTRL+SHIFT+I (or navigate to Current Page Control > Developer > Developer Tools. In the newer versions of Chrome, click the Wrench icon > Tools > Developer Tools.) to enable the Developer Tools.
  2. From within the developer tools click on the Network button. If it isn't already, enable it for the session or always.
  3. Click the "XHR" sub-button.
  4. Initiate an AJAX call.
  5. You will see items begin to show up in the left column under "Resources".
  6. Click the resource and there are 2 tabs showing the headers and return content.

XOR operation with two strings in java

Note: this only works for low characters i.e. below 0x8000, This works for all ASCII characters.

I would do an XOR each charAt() to create a new String. Like

String s, key;

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for(int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++)
    sb.append((char)(s.charAt(i) ^ key.charAt(i % key.length())));
String result = sb.toString();

In response to @user467257's comment

If your input/output is utf-8 and you xor "a" and "æ", you are left with an invalid utf-8 string consisting of one character (decimal 135, a continuation character).

It is the char values which are being xor'ed, but the byte values and this produces a character whichc an be UTF-8 encoded.

public static void main(String... args) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
    char ch1 = 'a';
    char ch2 = 'æ';
    char ch3 = (char) (ch1 ^ ch2);
    System.out.println((int) ch3 + " UTF-8 encoded is " + Arrays.toString(String.valueOf(ch3).getBytes("UTF-8")));


135 UTF-8 encoded is [-62, -121]

How do I call Objective-C code from Swift?

Just a note for whoever is trying to add an Objective-C library to Swift: You should add -ObjC in Build Settings -> Linking -> Other Linker Flags.

vi/vim editor, copy a block (not usual action)

Another option which may be easier to remember would be to place marks on the two lines with ma and mb, then run :'a,'byank.

Many different ways to accomplish this task, just offering another.

How can I get just the first row in a result set AFTER ordering?

You can nest your queries:

select * from (
    select bla
    from bla
    where bla
    order by finaldate desc
where rownum < 2

Android Firebase, simply get one child object's data

You don't directly read a value. You can set it with .setValue(), but there is no .getValue() on the reference object.

You have to use a listener. If you just want to read the value once, you use ref.addListenerForSingleValueEvent().


Firebase ref = new Firebase("YOUR-URL-HERE/PATH/TO/YOUR/STUFF");
ref.addListenerForSingleValueEvent(new ValueEventListener() {
   public void onDataChange(DataSnapshot dataSnapshot) {
       String value = (String) dataSnapshot.getValue();

       // do your stuff here with value


   public void onCancelled(FirebaseError firebaseError) {



How to disable HTML button using JavaScript?

The official way to set the disabled attribute on an HTMLInputElement is this:

var input = document.querySelector('[name="myButton"]');
// Without querySelector API
// var input = document.getElementsByName('myButton').item(0);

// disable
input.setAttribute('disabled', true);
// enable

While @kaushar's answer is sufficient for enabling and disabling an HTMLInputElement, and is probably preferable for cross-browser compatibility due to IE's historically buggy setAttribute, it only works because Element properties shadow Element attributes. If a property is set, then the DOM uses the value of the property by default rather than the value of the equivalent attribute.

There is a very important difference between properties and attributes. An example of a true HTMLInputElement property is input.value, and below demonstrates how shadowing works:

var input = document.querySelector('#test');_x000D_
// the attribute works as expected_x000D_
console.log('old attribute:', input.getAttribute('value'));_x000D_
// the property is equal to the attribute when the property is not explicitly set_x000D_
console.log('old property:', input.value);_x000D_
// change the input's value property_x000D_
input.value = "My New Value";_x000D_
// the attribute remains there because it still exists in the DOM markup_x000D_
console.log('new attribute:', input.getAttribute('value'));_x000D_
// but the property is equal to the set value due to the shadowing effect_x000D_
console.log('new property:', input.value);
<input id="test" type="text" value="Hello World" />

That is what it means to say that properties shadow attributes. This concept also applies to inherited properties on the prototype chain:

function Parent() {_x000D_ = 'ParentInstance';_x000D_
_x000D_ = 'ParentPrototype';_x000D_
// ES5 inheritance_x000D_
Child.prototype = Object.create(Parent.prototype);_x000D_
Child.prototype.constructor = Child;_x000D_
function Child() {_x000D_
  // ES5 super()_x000D_;_x000D_
_x000D_ = 'ChildInstance';_x000D_
_x000D_ = 'ChildPrototype';_x000D_
logChain('new Parent()');_x000D_
logChain('new Child()');_x000D_
// below is for demonstration purposes_x000D_
// don't ever actually use document.write(), eval(), or access __proto___x000D_
function log(value) {_x000D_
function logChain(code) {_x000D_
  var object = eval(code);_x000D_
  do {_x000D_
    log(`${} ${object instanceof object.constructor ? 'instance' : 'prototype'} property: ${JSON.stringify(}`);_x000D_
    object = object.__proto__;_x000D_
  } while (object !== null);_x000D_

I hope this clarifies any confusion about the difference between properties and attributes.

Replacing a 32-bit loop counter with 64-bit introduces crazy performance deviations with _mm_popcnt_u64 on Intel CPUs

Have you tried passing -funroll-loops -fprefetch-loop-arrays to GCC?

I get the following results with these additional optimizations:

[1829] /tmp/so_25078285 $ cat /proc/cpuinfo |grep CPU|head -n1
model name      : Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-3225 CPU @ 3.30GHz
[1829] /tmp/so_25078285 $ g++ --version|head -n1
g++ (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.7.3-1ubuntu1) 4.7.3

[1829] /tmp/so_25078285 $ g++ -O3 -march=native -std=c++11 test.cpp -o test_o3
[1829] /tmp/so_25078285 $ g++ -O3 -march=native -funroll-loops -fprefetch-loop-arrays -std=c++11     test.cpp -o test_o3_unroll_loops__and__prefetch_loop_arrays

[1829] /tmp/so_25078285 $ ./test_o3 1
unsigned        41959360000     0.595 sec       17.6231 GB/s
uint64_t        41959360000     0.898626 sec    11.6687 GB/s

[1829] /tmp/so_25078285 $ ./test_o3_unroll_loops__and__prefetch_loop_arrays 1
unsigned        41959360000     0.618222 sec    16.9612 GB/s
uint64_t        41959360000     0.407304 sec    25.7443 GB/s

Postgresql: Scripting psql execution with password

It can be done simply using PGPASSWORD. I am using psql 9.5.10. In your case the solution would be

PGPASSWORD=password psql -U myuser < myscript.sql

How can I change NULL to 0 when getting a single value from a SQL function?



SELECT NVL(SUM(Price), 0) AS TotalPrice 
FROM Inventory
WHERE (DateAdded BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate)

This SQL statement would return 0 if the SUM(Price) returned a null value. Otherwise, it would return the SUM(Price) value.

Regular expression to extract URL from an HTML link

John Gruber (who wrote Markdown, which is made of regular expressions and is used right here on Stack Overflow) had a go at producing a regular expression that recognises URLs in text:

If you just want to grab the URL (i.e. you’re not really trying to parse the HTML), this might be more lightweight than an HTML parser.

Regex how to match an optional character

You also could use simpler regex designed for your case like (.*)\/(([^\?\n\r])*) where $2 match what you want.

Extracting the last n characters from a string in R

A little modification on @Andrie solution gives also the complement:

substrR <- function(x, n) { 
  if(n > 0) substr(x, (nchar(x)-n+1), nchar(x)) else substr(x, 1, (nchar(x)+n))
x <- "moSvmC20F.5.rda"
[1] "moSvmC20F.5"

That was what I was looking for. And it invites to the left side:

substrL <- function(x, n){ 
  if(n > 0) substr(x, 1, n) else substr(x, -n+1, nchar(x))
[1] "SvmC20F.5"

How do I fix PyDev "Undefined variable from import" errors?

Right click in the project explorer on whichever module is giving errors. Go to PyDev->Remove Error Markers.

Getting error "No such module" using Xcode, but the framework is there

I installed the pod Fakery, the pod got added under my Pods file, however when I tried to use it I got the same error. Problem was, I didn't build it, after building it , the swift compiler threw a few errors in the Fakery swift files that some functions have been renamed, it also provided fixes for them too. After resolving all those compiler issues , build succeeded and I was able to use the module. So swift language compatibility was the problem in my case.

How to remove all characters after a specific character in python?

If you want to remove everything after the last occurrence of separator in a string I find this works well:


For example, if string_to_split is a path like root/location/child/too_far.exe and you only want the folder path, you can split by "/".join(string_to_split.split("/")[:-1]) and you'll get root/location/child

How do you strip a character out of a column in SQL Server?

UPDATE [TableName]
SET [ColumnName] = Replace([ColumnName], '[StringToRemove]', '[Replacement]')

In your instance it would be

UPDATE [TableName]
SET [ColumnName] = Replace([ColumnName], '[StringToRemove]', '')

Because there is no replacement (you want to get rid of it).

This will run on every row of the specified table. No need for a WHERE clause unless you want to specify only certain rows.

How to enable native resolution for apps on iPhone 6 and 6 Plus?

I didn't want to introduce an asset catalog.

Per the answer from seahorseseaeo here, adding the following to info.plist worked for me. (I edited it as a "source code".) I then named the images [email protected] and [email protected]

        <string>{375, 667}</string>
        <string>{414, 736}</string>

How to call function on child component on parent events

You can use $emit and $on. Using @RoyJ code:


<div id="app">
  <button @click="click">Click</button>  


var Child = {
  template: '<div>{{value}}</div>',
  data: function () {
    return {
      value: 0
  methods: {
    setValue: function(value) {
        this.value = value;
  created: function() {
    this.$parent.$on('update', this.setValue);

new Vue({
  el: '#app',
  components: {
    'my-component': Child
  methods: {
    click: function() {
        this.$emit('update', 7);

Running example:

How to print third column to last column?

awk '{a=match($0, $3); print substr($0,a)}'

First you find the position of the start of the third column. With substr you will print the whole line ($0) starting at the position(in this case a) to the end of the line.

Why doesn't file_get_contents work?

//JUST ADD urlencode();
$url = urlencode("$adr&sensor=false");
<title>Test File</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""> 
$adr = 'Sydney+NSW';
echo $adr;
$url = "$adr&sensor=false";
echo '<p>'.$url.'</p>';
echo file_get_contents($url);
print '<p>'.file_get_contents($url).'</p>';
$jsonData   = file_get_contents($url);
echo $jsonData;

Node.js/Express.js App Only Works on Port 3000

I think the best way is to use dotenv package and set the port on the .env config file without to modify the file www inside the folder bin.

Just install the package with the command:

npm install dotenv

require it on your application:


Create a .env file in the root directory of your project, and add the port in it (for example) to listen on port 5000


and that's it.

More info here

Search All Fields In All Tables For A Specific Value (Oracle)

I did some modification to the above code to make it work faster if you are searching in only one owner. You just have to change the 3 variables v_owner, v_data_type and v_search_string to fit what you are searching for.


  match_count INTEGER;
-- Type the owner of the tables you are looking at
  v_owner VARCHAR2(255) :='ENTER_USERNAME_HERE';

-- Type the data type you are look at (in CAPITAL)
  v_data_type VARCHAR2(255) :='VARCHAR2';

-- Type the string you are looking at
  v_search_string VARCHAR2(4000) :='string to search here...';

  FOR t IN (SELECT table_name, column_name FROM all_tab_cols where owner=v_owner and data_type = v_data_type) LOOP

    'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '||t.table_name||' WHERE '||t.column_name||' = :1'
    INTO match_count
    USING v_search_string;

    IF match_count > 0 THEN
      dbms_output.put_line( t.table_name ||' '||t.column_name||' '||match_count );
    END IF;


Negation in Python

The negation operator in Python is not. Therefore just replace your ! with not.

For your example, do this:

if not os.path.exists("/usr/share/sounds/blues") :
    proc = subprocess.Popen(["mkdir", "/usr/share/sounds/blues"])

For your specific example (as Neil said in the comments), you don't have to use the subprocess module, you can simply use os.mkdir() to get the result you need, with added exception handling goodness.


blues_sounds_path = "/usr/share/sounds/blues"
if not os.path.exists(blues_sounds_path):
    except OSError:
        # Handle the case where the directory could not be created.

In Java, how do I convert a byte array to a string of hex digits while keeping leading zeros?

String result = String.format("%0" + messageDigest.length + "s", hexString.toString())

That's the shortest solution given what you already have. If you could convert the byte array to a numeric value, String.format can convert it to a hex string at the same time.

Get to UIViewController from UIView?

This doesn't answer the question directly, but rather makes an assumption about the intent of the question.

If you have a view and in that view you need to call a method on another object, like say the view controller, you can use the NSNotificationCenter instead.

First create your notification string in a header file

#define SLCopyStringNotification @"ShaoloCopyStringNotification"

In your view call postNotificationName:

- (IBAction) copyString:(id)sender
    [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:SLCopyStringNotification object:nil];

Then in your view controller you add an observer. I do this in viewDidLoad

- (void)viewDidLoad
    [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self

Now (also in the same view controller) implement your method copyString: as depicted in the @selector above.

- (IBAction) copyString:(id)sender
    CalculatorResult* result = (CalculatorResult*)[[PercentCalculator sharedInstance].arrayTableDS objectAtIndex:([self.viewTableResults indexPathForSelectedRow].row)];
    UIPasteboard *gpBoard = [UIPasteboard generalPasteboard];
    [gpBoard setString:result.stringResult];

I'm not saying this is the right way to do this, it just seems cleaner than running up the first responder chain. I used this code to implement a UIMenuController on a UITableView and pass the event back up to the UIViewController so I can do something with the data.

How can I enable auto complete support in Notepad++?

Don't forget to add your libraries & check your versions. Good information is in Using Notepad Plus Plus as a script editor.

Code signing is required for product type 'Application' in SDK 'iOS5.1'

The other issue here lies under Code Signing Identity under the Build Settings. Be sure that it contains the Code Signing Identity: "iOS Developer" as opposed to "Don't Code Sign." This will allow you to deploy it to your iOS device. Especially, if you have downloaded a GitHub example or something to this effect.

How do I compile a .cpp file on Linux?

Just type the code and save it in .cpp format. then try "gcc filename.cpp" . This will create the object file. then try "./a.out" (This is the default object file name). If you want to know about gcc you can always try "man gcc"

How to generate Javadoc HTML files in Eclipse?

To quickly add a Javadoc use following shortcut:

Windows: alt + shift + J

Mac: ? + Alt + J

Depending on selected context, a Javadoc will be printed. To create Javadoc written by OP, select corresponding method and hit the shotcut keys.

HTML5 Email Validation

Using HTML 5,Just make the input email like :

<input type="email"/>

When the user hovers over the input box, they will a tooltip instructing them to enter a valid email. However, Bootstrap forms have a much better Tooltip message to tell the user to enter an email address and it pops up the moment the value entered does not match a valid email.

Should I mix AngularJS with a PHP framework?

It seems you may be more comfortable with developing in PHP you let this hold you back from utilizing the full potential with web applications.

It is indeed possible to have PHP render partials and whole views, but I would not recommend it.

To fully utilize the possibilities of HTML and javascript to make a web application, that is, a web page that acts more like an application and relies heavily on client side rendering, you should consider letting the client maintain all responsibility of managing state and presentation. This will be easier to maintain, and will be more user friendly.

I would recommend you to get more comfortable thinking in a more API centric approach. Rather than having PHP output a pre-rendered view, and use angular for mere DOM manipulation, you should consider having the PHP backend output the data that should be acted upon RESTFully, and have Angular present it.

Using PHP to render the view:


    echo "<p>Logged in as ".$user."</p>";
    echo "Please log in.";

How the same problem can be solved with an API centric approach by outputting JSON like this:


  user: {
      username: 'Joe', 
      securityToken: 'secret'

and in Angular you could do a get, and handle the response client side.

$"", {})
.success(function(data) {
    $scope.isLoggedIn = data.authorized;

To blend both client side and server side the way you proposed may be fit for smaller projects where maintainance is not important and you are the single author, but I lean more towards the API centric way as this will be more correct separation of conserns and will be easier to maintain.

Bootstrap onClick button event

If, like me, you had dynamically created buttons on your page, the

$("#your-bs-button's-id").on("click", function(event) {
$(".your-bs-button's-class").on("click", function(event) {

methods won't work because they only work on current elements (not future elements). Instead you need to reference a parent item that existed at the initial loading of the web page.

$(document).on("click", "#your-bs-button's-id", function(event) {
                       or more generally
$("#pre-existing-element-id").on("click", ".your-bs-button's-class", function(event) {

There are many other references to this issue on stack overflow here and here.

Add a new element to an array without specifying the index in Bash

$ declare -a arr
$ arr=("a")
$ arr=("${arr[@]}" "new")
$ echo ${arr[@]}
a new
$ arr=("${arr[@]}" "newest")
$ echo ${arr[@]}
a new newest

How do I sort a table in Excel if it has cell references in it?

Put a dollar sign in front of the row and/or column of the cell you want to remain constant.

Fixed it for me!

Authorize a non-admin developer in Xcode / Mac OS

$ dseditgroup -o edit -u <adminusername> -t user -a <developerusername> _developer

How to add (vertical) divider to a horizontal LinearLayout?

use this for horizontal divider

    android:background="@color/honeycombish_blue" />

and this for vertical divider

    android:background="@color/honeycombish_blue" />

OR if you can use the LinearLayout divider, for horizontal divider

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<shape xmlns:android="" >
    <size android:height="1dp"/>
    <solid android:color="#f6f6f6"/>

and in LinearLayout

<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
    android:showDividers="middle" >

If you want to user vertical divider then in place of android:height="1dp" in shape use android:width="1dp"

Tip: Don't forget the android:showDividers item.

How to add a RequiredFieldValidator to DropDownList control?

For the most part you treat it as if you are validating any other kind of control but use the InitialValue property of the required field validator.

<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="rfv1" runat="server" ControlToValidate="your-dropdownlist" InitialValue="Please select" ErrorMessage="Please select something" />

Basically what it's saying is that validation will succeed if any other value than the 1 set in InitialValue is selected in the dropdownlist.

If databinding you will need to insert the "Please select" value afterwards as follows

this.ddl1.Items.Insert(0, "Please select");

Get time difference between two dates in seconds

time difference between now and 10 minutes later using momentjs

let start_time = moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss');
let next_time = moment().add(10, 'm').format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss');

let diff_milliseconds = Date.parse(next_time) - Date.parse(star_time);
let diff_seconds = diff_milliseconds * 1000;

How do I pass a unique_ptr argument to a constructor or a function?

tl;dr: Do not use unique_ptr's like that.

I believe you're making a terrible mess - for those who will need to read your code, maintain it, and probably those who need to use it.

  1. Only take unique_ptr constructor parameters if you have publicly-exposed unique_ptr members.

unique_ptrs wrap raw pointers for ownership & lifetime management. They're great for localized use - not good, nor in fact intended, for interfacing. Wanna interface? Document your new class as ownership-taking, and let it get the raw resource; or perhaps, in the case of pointers, use owner<T*> as suggested in the Core Guidelines.

Only if the purpose of your class is to hold unique_ptr's, and have others use those unique_ptr's as such - only then is it reasonable for your constructor or methods to take them.

  1. Don't expose the fact that you use unique_ptrs internally

Using unique_ptr for list nodes is very much an implementation detail. Actually, even the fact that you're letting users of your list-like mechanism just use the bare list node directly - constructing it themselves and giving it to you - is not a good idea IMHO. I should not need to form a new list-node-which-is-also-a-list to add something to your list - I should just pass the payload - by value, by const lvalue ref and/or by rvalue ref. Then you deal with it. And for splicing lists - again, value, const lvalue and/or rvalue.

Can't connect to localhost on SQL Server Express 2012 / 2016

This is odd I have a similar problem. I downloaded the package for SQL 2012 Express with Tools but the Database Engine was not install.

I donloaded the other one from the MS site and this one installed the database engine. After a reboot the services were listed and ready to go.

How to enable copy paste from between host machine and virtual machine in vmware, virtual machine is ubuntu

here is another solution I started using after being fed up with the copy and paste issue:

  1. Download MRemote (for pc). this is an alternative to remote desktop manager. You can use remote desktop manager if you like.
  2. Change the VMNet settings to NAT or add another VMNet and set it to NAT.
  3. Configure the vm ip address with an ip in the same network as you host machine. if you want to keep networks separated use a second vmnet and set it's ip address in the same network as the host. that's what I use.
  4. Enable RDP connections on the guest (I only use windows guests)
  5. Create a batch file with this command. add your guest machines:

vmrun start D:\VM\MySuperVM1\vm1.vmx nogui vmrun start D:\VM\MySuperVM2\vm2.vmx nogui

save the file to startmyvms.cmd

create another batch file and add your vms

vmrun stop D:\VM\MySuperVM1\vm1.vmx nogui vmrun stop D:\VM\MySuperVM2\vm2.vmx nogui

save the file to stopmyvms.cmd

  1. Open Mremote go to tools => External tools Add external tool => filename will be the startmyvms.cmd file Add external tool => filename will be the stopmyvms.cmd file So to start working with your vms:

  2. Create you connections to your VMs in mremote

Now to work with your vm 1. You open mremote 2. You go to tools => external tools 3. You click the startmyvms tool when you're done 1. You go to tools => external tools 2. You click the stopmyvms external tool

you could add the vmrun start on the connection setting => external tool before connection and add the vmrun stop in the connection settings => external tool after

Voilà !

DataFrame constructor not properly called! error

You are providing a string representation of a dict to the DataFrame constructor, and not a dict itself. So this is the reason you get that error.

So if you want to use your code, you could do:

df = DataFrame(eval(data))

But better would be to not create the string in the first place, but directly putting it in a dict. Something roughly like:

data = []
for row in result_set:
    data.append({'value': row["tag_expression"], 'key': row["tag_name"]})

But probably even this is not needed, as depending on what is exactly in your result_set you could probably:

  • provide this directly to a DataFrame: DataFrame(result_set)
  • or use the pandas read_sql_query function to do this for you (see docs on this)

Callback function for JSONP with jQuery AJAX

This is what I do on mine

$(document).ready(function() {
  if ($('#userForm').valid()) {
    var formData = $("#userForm").serializeArray();
      url: '' + $('#Id').val() + '?callback=?',
      type: "GET",
      data: formData,
      dataType: "jsonp",
      jsonpCallback: "localJsonpCallback"

function localJsonpCallback(json) {
  if (!json.Error) {
  } else {

fitting data with numpy

Unfortunately, np.polynomial.polynomial.polyfit returns the coefficients in the opposite order of that for np.polyfit and np.polyval (or, as you used np.poly1d). To illustrate:

In [40]: np.polynomial.polynomial.polyfit(x, y, 4)
array([  84.29340848, -100.53595376,   44.83281408,   -8.85931101,

In [41]: np.polyfit(x, y, 4)
array([   0.65459882,   -8.859311  ,   44.83281407, -100.53595375,

In general: np.polynomial.polynomial.polyfit returns coefficients [A, B, C] to A + Bx + Cx^2 + ..., while np.polyfit returns: ... + Ax^2 + Bx + C.

So if you want to use this combination of functions, you must reverse the order of coefficients, as in:

ffit = np.polyval(coefs[::-1], x_new)

However, the documentation states clearly to avoid np.polyfit, np.polyval, and np.poly1d, and instead to use only the new(er) package.

You're safest to use only the polynomial package:

import numpy.polynomial.polynomial as poly

coefs = poly.polyfit(x, y, 4)
ffit = poly.polyval(x_new, coefs)
plt.plot(x_new, ffit)

Or, to create the polynomial function:

ffit = poly.Polynomial(coefs)    # instead of np.poly1d
plt.plot(x_new, ffit(x_new))

fit and data plot

Parse JSON String to JSON Object in C#.NET

Another choice besides JObject is System.Json.JsonValue for Weak-Typed JSON object.

It also has a JsonValue blob = JsonValue.Parse(json); you can use. The blob will most likely be of type JsonObject which is derived from JsonValue, but could be JsonArray. Check the blob.JsonType if you need to know.

And to answer you question, YES, you may replace json with the name of your actual variable that holds the JSON string. ;-D

There is a System.Json.dll you should add to your project References.


Calculate difference between 2 date / times in Oracle SQL

Here's another option:

with tbl_demo AS
    (SELECT TO_DATE('11/26/2013 13:18:50', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') dt1
   , TO_DATE('11/28/2013 21:59:12', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') dt2 
     FROM dual)
     , dt2
     , round(dt2 - dt1,2) diff_days
     , round(dt2 - dt1,2)*24 diff_hrs
     , numtodsinterval((dt2 - dt1),'day') diff_dd_hh_mm_ss
  from tbl_demo;

Get key and value of object in JavaScript?

Change your object.

var top_brands = [ 
  { key: 'Adidas', value: 100 }, 
  { key: 'Nike', value: 50 }

var $brand_options = $("#top-brands");

$.each(top_brands, function(brand) {
    $("<option />").val(brand.key).text(brand.key + " " + brand.value)

As a rule of thumb:

  • An object has data and structure.
  • 'Adidas', 'Nike', 100 and 50 are data.
  • Object keys are structure. Using data as the object key is semantically wrong. Avoid it.

There are no semantics in {Nike: 50}. What's "Nike"? What's 50?

{key: 'Nike', value: 50} is a little better, since now you can iterate an array of these objects and values are at predictable places. This makes it easy to write code that handles them.

Better still would be {vendor: 'Nike', itemsSold: 50}, because now values are not only at predictable places, they also have meaningful names. Technically that's the same thing as above, but now a person would also understand what the values are supposed to mean.

How to remove all namespaces from XML with C#?

I really liked where Dexter is going up there so I translated it into a “fluent” extension method:

/// <summary>
/// Returns the specified <see cref="XElement"/>
/// without namespace qualifiers on elements and attributes.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="element">The element</param>
public static XElement WithoutNamespaces(this XElement element)
    if (element == null) return null;

    #region delegates:

        Func<XNode, XNode> getChildNode = e => (e.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) ? (e as XElement).WithoutNamespaces() : e;

        Func<XElement, IEnumerable<XAttribute>> getAttributes = e => (e.HasAttributes) ?
                .Where(a => !a.IsNamespaceDeclaration)
                .Select(a => new XAttribute(a.Name.LocalName, a.Value))


    return new XElement(element.Name.LocalName,

The “fluent” approach allows me to do this:

var xml = File.ReadAllText(presentationFile);
var xDoc = XDocument.Parse(xml);
var xRoot = xDoc.Root.WithoutNamespaces();

What is the difference between "SMS Push" and "WAP Push"?

SMS Push uses SMS as a carrier, WAP uses download via WAP.

How do I get the max ID with Linq to Entity?

In case if you are using the async and await feature, it would be as follows:

User currentUser = await db.Users.OrderByDescending(u => u.UserId).FirstOrDefaultAsync();

Using a .php file to generate a MySQL dump

    $toDay = date('d-m-Y');

    $dbhost =   "localhost";
    $dbuser =   "YOUR DB USER";
    $dbpass =   "USER PASSWORD";
    $dbname =   "DB NAME";

    exec("mysqldump --user=$dbuser --password='$dbpass' --host=$dbhost $dbname > /home/....../public_html/".$toDay."_DB.sql");


Select N random elements from a List<T> in C#

Using linq:

YourList.OrderBy(x => rnd.Next()).Take(5)

How to check if iframe is loaded or it has a content?

I had the same issue and added to this, i needed to check if iframe is loaded irrespective of cross-domain policy. I was developing a chrome extension which injects certain script on a webpage and displays some content from the parent page in an iframe. I tried following approach and this worked perfect for me.
P.S.: In my case, i do have control over content in iframe but not on the parent site. (Iframe is hosted on my own server)

Create an iframe with a data- attribute in it like (this part was in injected script in my case)
<iframe id="myiframe" src="" data-isloaded="0"></iframe>

Now in the iframe code, use :

var sourceURL = document.referrer;

Now back to the injected script as per my case:

  var myIframe = document.getElementById('myiframe');
  var isLoaded = myIframe.prop('data-isloaded');
  if(isLoaded != '1')
    console.log('iframe failed to load');
  } else {
    console.log('iframe loaded');


window.addEventListener("message", receiveMessage, false);
function receiveMessage(event)
    if(event.origin !== '') //check origin of message for security reasons
        console.log('URL issues');
    else {
        var myMsg =;
        if(myMsg == '1'){
            //8-12-18 changed from 'data-isload' to 'data-isloaded
            $("#myiframe").prop('data-isloaded', '1');

It may not exactly answer the question but it indeed is a possible case of this question which i solved by this method.

C# static class why use?

Static classes can be useful in certain situations, but there is a potential to abuse and/or overuse them, like most language features.

As Dylan Smith already mentioned, the most obvious case for using a static class is if you have a class with only static methods. There is no point in allowing developers to instantiate such a class.

The caveat is that an overabundance of static methods may itself indicate a flaw in your design strategy. I find that when you are creating a static function, its a good to ask yourself -- would it be better suited as either a) an instance method, or b) an extension method to an interface. The idea here is that object behaviors are usually associated with object state, meaning the behavior should belong to the object. By using a static function you are implying that the behavior shouldn't belong to any particular object.

Polymorphic and interface driven design are hindered by overusing static functions -- they cannot be overriden in derived classes nor can they be attached to an interface. Its usually better to have your 'helper' functions tied to an interface via an extension method such that all instances of the interface have access to that shared 'helper' functionality.

One situation where static functions are definitely useful, in my opinion, is in creating a .Create() or .New() method to implement logic for object creation, for instance when you want to proxy the object being created,

public class Foo
    public static Foo New(string fooString)
        ProxyGenerator generator = new ProxyGenerator();

        return (Foo)generator.CreateClassProxy
             (typeof(Foo), new object[] { fooString }, new Interceptor()); 

This can be used with a proxying framework (like Castle Dynamic Proxy) where you want to intercept / inject functionality into an object, based on say, certain attributes assigned to its methods. The overall idea is that you need a special constructor because technically you are creating a copy of the original instance with special added functionality.

Convert Uri to String and String to Uri

I am not sure if you got this resolved. To follow up on "CommonsWare's" comment.

That is not a valid string representation of a Uri. A Uri has a scheme, and "/external/images/media/470939" does not have a scheme.


Uri uri=Uri.parse("/external/images/media/470939");


Uri uri=Uri.parse("content://external/images/media/470939");

in my case

Uri uri = Uri.parse("content://media/external/images/media/6562");

How do I check if an index exists on a table field in MySQL?

to just look at a tables layout from the cli. you would do

desc mytable


show table mytable

Hashset vs Treeset

Message Edit ( complete rewrite ) When order does not matter, that's when. Both should give Log(n) - it would be of utility to see if either is over five percent faster than the other. HashSet can give O(1) testing in a loop should reveal whether it is.

Is there any way to configure multiple registries in a single npmrc file

Some steps you can try. (its how we do it at my workplace)

  • Create a registry group with two (or more) repository source address. One would be your internal private and the other a proxy to npmjs giving priority to the internal one.
  • Make this group your registry in the .npmrc file. This way npm will always try to get it from the internal one, if not found get it from the proxy

Hope that helps.

Export pictures from excel file into jpg using VBA

This code:

Option Explicit

Sub ExportMyPicture()

     Dim MyChart As String, MyPicture As String
     Dim PicWidth As Long, PicHeight As Long

     Application.ScreenUpdating = False
     On Error GoTo Finish

     MyPicture = Selection.Name
     With Selection
           PicHeight = .ShapeRange.Height
           PicWidth = .ShapeRange.Width
     End With

     ActiveChart.Location Where:=xlLocationAsObject, Name:="Sheet1"
     Selection.Border.LineStyle = 0
     MyChart = Selection.Name & " " & Split(ActiveChart.Name, " ")(2)

     With ActiveSheet
           With .Shapes(MyChart)
                 .Width = PicWidth
                 .Height = PicHeight
           End With


           With ActiveChart
           End With

           .ChartObjects(1).Chart.Export Filename:="MyPic.jpg", FilterName:="jpg"
     End With

     Application.ScreenUpdating = True
     Exit Sub

     MsgBox "You must select a picture"
End Sub

was copied directly from here, and works beautifully for the cases I tested.

execute shell command from android

Process p;
StringBuffer output = new StringBuffer();
try {
    p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(params[0]);
    BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(
            new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream()));
    String line = "";
    while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
        output.append(line + "\n");
catch (IOException e) {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
String response = output.toString();
return response;

Remove all special characters from a string in R?

Instead of using regex to remove those "crazy" characters, just convert them to ASCII, which will remove accents, but will keep the letters.

astr <- "Ábcdêãçoàúü"
iconv(astr, from = 'UTF-8', to = 'ASCII//TRANSLIT')

which results in

[1] "Abcdeacoauu"

Uploading Laravel Project onto Web Server

All of your Laravel files should be in one location. Laravel is exposing its public folder to server. That folder represents some kind of front-controller to whole application. Depending on you server configuration, you have to point your server path to that folder. As I can see there is www site on your picture. www is default root directory on Unix/Linux machines. It is best to take a look inside you server configuration and search for root directory location. As you can see, Laravel has already file called .htaccess, with some ready Apache configuration.

Difference between & and && in Java?

&& == logical AND

& = bitwise AND

Position absolute but relative to parent

Incase someone wants to postion a child div directly under a parent

#father {
   position: relative;

#son1 {
   position: absolute;
   top: 100%;

Working demo Codepen

Animated GIF in IE stopping

IE assumes that the clicking of a link heralds a new navigation where the current page contents will be replaced. As part of the process for perparing for that it halts the code that animates the GIFs. I doubt there is anything you can do about it (unless you aren't actually navigating in which case use return false in the onclick event).

How to uncheck a radio button?



Since a lot of browsers will interpret 'checked=anything' as true. This will remove the checked attribute altogether.

Hope this helps.

regular expression for Indian mobile numbers

To reiterate the other answers with some additional info about what is a digit:

new Regex("^[7-9][0-9]{9}$")

Will match phone numbers written using roman numerals.

new Regex(@"^[7-9]\d{9}$", RegexOptions.ECMAScript)

Will match the same as the previous regex. When RegexOptions.ECMAScript is specified \d matches any roman numeral.

new Regex(@"^[7-9]\d{9}$")

Will match phone numbers written using any numerals for the last 9 digits.

The difference is that the first two patterns will only match phone numbers like 9123456789 while the third pattern also will match phone numbers like 9?????????.

So you can use \d to match native numerals. However, if you want to limit the match for native numerals to only some (like 7-9) you need an additional step. For punjabi (India) to be able to match ?????????? you can do it like this:


This will return the native numerals for 7-9. You can then join them together to form a "culture aware" regular expression for the digits 7-9.

What's the console.log() of java?

public class Console {

    public static void Log(Object obj){

to call and use as JavaScript just do this:

Console.Log (Object)

I think that's what you mean

Reference - What does this error mean in PHP?

Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context

$this is a special variable in PHP which can not be assigned. If it is accessed in a context where it does not exist, this fatal error is given.

This error can occur:

  1. If a non-static method is called statically. Example:

    class Foo {
       protected $var;
       public function __construct($var) {
           $this->var = $var;
       public static function bar () {
           // ^^^^^^
           echo $this->var;
           //   ^^^^^

    How to fix: review your code again, $this can only be used in an object context, and should never be used in a static method. Also, a static method should not access the non-static property. Use self::$static_property to access the static property.

  2. If code from a class method has been copied over into a normal function or just the global scope and keeping the $this special variable.
    How to fix: Review the code and replace $this with a different substitution variable.

Related Questions:

  1. Call non-static method as static: PHP Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context
  2. Copy over code: Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context
  3. All "Using $this when not in object context" Questions on Stackoverflow

Bootstrap-select - how to fire event on change

This is what I did.

$('.selectpicker').on('', function (e, clickedIndex, newValue, oldValue) {
    var selected = $(e.currentTarget).val();

Link to add to Google calendar

There is a comprehensive doc for google calendar and other calendar services:

An example of working link:

How do I get a Date without time in Java?

Prefer not to use third-party libraries as much as possible. I know that this way is mentioned before, but here is a nice clean way:

    Return values:
    -1:    Date1 < Date2
     0:    Date1 == Date2
     1:    Date1 > Date2

    -2:    Error
public int compareDates(Date date1, Date date2)
    SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("ddMMyyyy");

        date1 = sdf.parse(sdf.format(date1));
        date2 = sdf.parse(sdf.format(date2));
    catch (ParseException e) {
        return -2;

    Calendar cal1 = new GregorianCalendar();
    Calendar cal2 = new GregorianCalendar();


        return 0;
    else if(cal1.after(cal2))
        return 1;
    else if(cal1.before(cal2))
        return -1;

    return -2;

Well, not using GregorianCalendar is maybe an option!

How to get Activity's content view?






AngularJs $ does not send data

If your using PHP this is a easy way to access an array in PHP from an AngularJS POST.

$params = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'),true);

How to list files inside a folder with SQL Server

You can use xp_dirtree

It takes three parameters:

Path of a Root Directory, Depth up to which you want to get files and folders and the last one is for showing folders only or both folders and files.

EXAMPLE: EXEC xp_dirtree 'C:\', 2, 1

Open two instances of a file in a single Visual Studio session

Window menu, New Horizontal/Vertical Tab Group there will do, I think.

C# Parsing JSON array of objects

Use newtonsoft like so:

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;

class Program
    static void Main()
        string json = "{'results':[{'SwiftCode':'','City':'','BankName':'Deutsche    Bank','Bankkey':'10020030','Bankcountry':'DE'},{'SwiftCode':'','City':'10891    Berlin','BankName':'Commerzbank Berlin (West)','Bankkey':'10040000','Bankcountry':'DE'}]}";

        var resultObjects = AllChildren(JObject.Parse(json))
            .First(c => c.Type == JTokenType.Array && c.Path.Contains("results"))

        foreach (JObject result in resultObjects) {
            foreach (JProperty property in result.Properties()) {
                // do something with the property belonging to result

    // recursively yield all children of json
    private static IEnumerable<JToken> AllChildren(JToken json)
        foreach (var c in json.Children()) {
            yield return c;
            foreach (var cc in AllChildren(c)) {
                yield return cc;

Can I convert a C# string value to an escaped string literal

Hallgrim's answer was excellent. Here's a small tweak in case you need to parse out additional whitespace characters and linebreaks with a c# regular expression. I needed this in the case of a serialized Json value for insertion into google sheets and ran into trouble as the code was inserting tabs, +, spaces, etc.

  provider.GenerateCodeFromExpression(new CodePrimitiveExpression(input), writer, null);
  var literal = writer.ToString();
  var r2 = new Regex(@"\"" \+.\n[\s]+\""", RegexOptions.ECMAScript);
  literal = r2.Replace(literal, "");
  return literal;

how to convert a string to an array in php

There is a function in PHP specifically designed for that purpose, str_word_count(). By default it does not take into account the numbers and multibyte characters, but they can be added as a list of additional characters in the charlist parameter. Charlist parameter also accepts a range of characters as in the example.

One benefit of this function over explode() is that the punctuation marks, spaces and new lines are avoided.

$str = "1st example:
        Alte Füchse gehen schwer in die Falle.    ";

print_r( str_word_count( $str, 1, '1..9ü' ) );

/* output:
    [0] => 1st
    [1] => example
    [2] => Alte
    [3] => Füchse
    [4] => gehen
    [5] => schwer
    [6] => in
    [7] => die
    [8] => Falle

How to do vlookup and fill down (like in Excel) in R?

The poster didn't ask about looking up values if exact=FALSE, but I'm adding this as an answer for my own reference and possibly others.

If you're looking up categorical values, use the other answers.

Excel's vlookup also allows you to match match approximately for numeric values with the 4th argument(1) match=TRUE. I think of match=TRUE like looking up values on a thermometer. The default value is FALSE, which is perfect for categorical values.

If you want to match approximately (perform a lookup), R has a function called findInterval, which (as the name implies) will find the interval / bin that contains your continuous numeric value.

However, let's say that you want to findInterval for several values. You could write a loop or use an apply function. However, I've found it more efficient to take a DIY vectorized approach.

Let's say that you have a grid of values indexed by x and y:

grid <- list(x = c(-87.727, -87.723, -87.719, -87.715, -87.711), 
             y = c(41.836, 41.839, 41.843, 41.847, 41.851), 
             z = (matrix(data = c(-3.428, -3.722, -3.061, -2.554, -2.362, 
                                  -3.034, -3.925, -3.639, -3.357, -3.283, 
                                  -0.152, -1.688, -2.765, -3.084, -2.742, 
                                   1.973,  1.193, -0.354, -1.682, -1.803, 
                                   0.998,  2.863,  3.224,  1.541, -0.044), 
                         nrow = 5, ncol = 5)))

and you have some values you want to look up by x and y:

df <- data.frame(x = c(-87.723, -87.712, -87.726, -87.719, -87.722, -87.722), 
                 y = c(41.84, 41.842, 41.844, 41.849, 41.838, 41.842), 
                 id = c("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f")

Here is the example visualized:

points(df$x, df$y, pch=df$id, col="blue", cex=1.2)

Contour Plot

You can find the x intervals and y intervals with this type of formula:

xrng <- range(grid$x)
xbins <- length(grid$x) -1
yrng <- range(grid$y)
ybins <- length(grid$y) -1
df$ix <- trunc( (df$x - min(xrng)) / diff(xrng) * (xbins)) + 1
df$iy <- trunc( (df$y - min(yrng)) / diff(yrng) * (ybins)) + 1

You could take it one step further and perform a (simplistic) interpolation on the z values in grid like this:

df$z <- with(df, (grid$z[cbind(ix, iy)] + 
                      grid$z[cbind(ix + 1, iy)] +
                      grid$z[cbind(ix, iy + 1)] + 
                      grid$z[cbind(ix + 1, iy + 1)]) / 4)

Which gives you these values:

contour(grid, xlim = range(c(grid$x, df$x)), ylim = range(c(grid$y, df$y)))
points(df$x, df$y, pch=df$id, col="blue", cex=1.2)
text(df$x + .001, df$y, lab=round(df$z, 2), col="blue", cex=1)

Contour plot with values

#         x      y id ix iy        z
# 1 -87.723 41.840  a  2  2 -3.00425
# 2 -87.712 41.842  b  4  2 -3.11650
# 3 -87.726 41.844  c  1  3  0.33150
# 4 -87.719 41.849  d  3  4  0.68225
# 6 -87.722 41.838  e  2  1 -3.58675
# 7 -87.722 41.842  f  2  2 -3.00425

Note that ix, and iy could have also been found with a loop using findInterval, e.g. here's one example for the second row

findInterval(df$x[2], grid$x)
# 4
findInterval(df$y[2], grid$y)
# 2

Which matches ix and iy in df[2]

Footnote: (1) The fourth argument of vlookup was previously called "match", but after they introduced the ribbon it was renamed to "[range_lookup]".

How to start http-server locally

To start server locally paste the below code in package.json and run npm start in command line.

"scripts": { "start": "http-server -c-1 -p 8081" },

How to change the color of header bar and address bar in newest Chrome version on Lollipop?

Found the solution after some searching.

You need to add a <meta> tag in your <head> containing name="theme-color", with your HEX code as the content value. For example:

<meta name="theme-color" content="#999999" />


If the android device has native dark-mode enabled, then this meta tag is ignored.

Chrome for Android does not use the color on devices with native dark-mode enabled.


What is a Windows Handle?

It's an abstract reference value to a resource, often memory or an open file, or a pipe.

Properly, in Windows, (and generally in computing) a handle is an abstraction which hides a real memory address from the API user, allowing the system to reorganize physical memory transparently to the program. Resolving a handle into a pointer locks the memory, and releasing the handle invalidates the pointer. In this case think of it as an index into a table of pointers... you use the index for the system API calls, and the system can change the pointer in the table at will.

Alternatively a real pointer may be given as the handle when the API writer intends that the user of the API be insulated from the specifics of what the address returned points to; in this case it must be considered that what the handle points to may change at any time (from API version to version or even from call to call of the API that returns the handle) - the handle should therefore be treated as simply an opaque value meaningful only to the API.

I should add that in any modern operating system, even the so-called "real pointers" are still opaque handles into the virtual memory space of the process, which enables the O/S to manage and rearrange memory without invalidating the pointers within the process.

Unable to make the session state request to the session state server

If you need to change HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\aspnet_state\Parameters\AllowRemoteConnection to 1, remember to restart the state service after you change the parameter.

CSS list item width/height does not work

Using width/height on inline elements is not always a good idea. You can use display: inline-block instead

How to send json data in POST request using C#

This works for me.

var httpWebRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("http://url");
httpWebRequest.ContentType = "application/json";
httpWebRequest.Method = "POST";
using (var streamWriter = new 

    string json = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(new
                    Username = "myusername",
                    Password = "password"

var httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)httpWebRequest.GetResponse();
using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(httpResponse.GetResponseStream()))
    var result = streamReader.ReadToEnd();

ReferenceError: describe is not defined NodeJs

To run tests with node/npm without installing Mocha globally, you can do this:

• Install Mocha locally to your project (npm install mocha --save-dev)

• Optionally install an assertion library (npm install chai --save-dev)

• In your package.json, add a section for scripts and target the mocha binary

"scripts": {
  "test": "node ./node_modules/mocha/bin/mocha"

• Put your spec files in a directory named /test in your root directory

• In your spec files, import the assertion library

var expect = require('chai').expect;

• You don't need to import mocha, run mocha.setup, or call

• Then run the script from your project root:

npm test

How to use PHP string in mySQL LIKE query?

DO it like

$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table WHERE the_number LIKE '$yourPHPVAR%'");

Do not forget the % at the end

JWT (Json Web Token) Audience "aud" versus Client_Id - What's the difference?

As it turns out, my suspicions were right. The audience aud claim in a JWT is meant to refer to the Resource Servers that should accept the token.

As this post simply puts it:

The audience of a token is the intended recipient of the token.

The audience value is a string -- typically, the base address of the resource being accessed, such as

The client_id in OAuth refers to the client application that will be requesting resources from the Resource Server.

The Client app (e.g. your iOS app) will request a JWT from your Authentication Server. In doing so, it passes it's client_id and client_secret along with any user credentials that may be required. The Authorization Server validates the client using the client_id and client_secret and returns a JWT.

The JWT will contain an aud claim that specifies which Resource Servers the JWT is valid for. If the aud contains, but the client app tries to use the JWT on, then access will be denied because that Resource Server will see that the JWT was not meant for it.

How to get UTF-8 working in Java webapps?

One other point that hasn't been mentioned relates to Java Servlets working with Ajax. I have situations where a web page is picking up utf-8 text from the user sending this to a JavaScript file which includes it in a URI sent to the Servlet. The Servlet queries a database, captures the result and returns it as XML to the JavaScript file which formats it and inserts the formatted response into the original web page.

In one web app I was following an early Ajax book's instructions for wrapping up the JavaScript in constructing the URI. The example in the book used the escape() method, which I discovered (the hard way) is wrong. For utf-8 you must use encodeURIComponent().

Few people seem to roll their own Ajax these days, but I thought I might as well add this.

How to align form at the center of the page in html/css

  1. Wrap the element inside a div container as a row like your form here or something like that.
  2. Set css attribute:
    • width: 30%; (or anything you want)
    • margin: auto; Please take a look on following picture for more detail.enter image description here

Copying and pasting data using VBA code

Use the PasteSpecial method:

Range("A1").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues

BUT your big problem is that you're changing your ActiveSheet to "Data" and not changing it back. You don't need to do the Activate and Select, as per my code (this assumes your button is on the sheet you want to copy to).

append multiple values for one key in a dictionary

If you want a (almost) one-liner:

from collections import deque

d = {}
deque((d.setdefault(year, []).append(value) for year, value in source_of_data), maxlen=0)

Using dict.setdefault, you can encapsulate the idea of "check if the key already exists and make a new list if not" into a single call. This allows you to write a generator expression which is consumed by deque as efficiently as possible since the queue length is set to zero. The deque will be discarded immediately and the result will be in d.

This is something I just did for fun. I don't recommend using it. There is a time and a place to consume arbitrary iterables through a deque, and this is definitely not it.

Export to CSV via PHP

Just for the record, concatenation is waaaaaay faster (I mean it) than fputcsv or even implode; And the file size is smaller:

// The data from Eternal Oblivion is an object, always
$values = (array) fetchDataFromEternalOblivion($userId, $limit = 1000);

// ----- fputcsv (slow)
// The code of @Alain Tiemblo is the best implementation
$csv = fopen("php://output", 'w');
fputcsv($csv, array_keys(reset($values)));
foreach ($values as $row) {
    fputcsv($csv, $row);
return ob_get_clean();

// ----- implode (slow, but file size is smaller)
$csv = implode(",", array_keys(reset($values))) . PHP_EOL;
foreach ($values as $row) {
    $csv .= '"' . implode('","', $row) . '"' . PHP_EOL;
return $csv;
// ----- concatenation (fast, file size is smaller)
// We can use one implode for the headers =D
$csv = implode(",", array_keys(reset($values))) . PHP_EOL;
$i = 1;
// This is less flexible, but we have more control over the formatting
foreach ($values as $row) {
    $csv .= '"' . $row['id'] . '",';
    $csv .= '"' . $row['name'] . '",';
    $csv .= '"' . date('d-m-Y', strtotime($row['date'])) . '",';
    $csv .= '"' . ($row['pet_name'] ?: '-' ) . '",';
    $csv .= PHP_EOL;
return $csv;

This is the conclusion of the optimization of several reports, from ten to thousands rows. The three examples worked fine under 1000 rows, but fails when the data was bigger.

python pandas dataframe columns convert to dict key and value

With pandas it can be done as:

If lakes is your DataFrame:

area_dict = lakes.to_dict('records')

PHP import Excel into database (xls & xlsx)

This is best plugin with proper documentation and examples

Plus point: you can ask for help in its discussion forum and you will get response within a day from the author itself, really impressive.

Why do you need ./ (dot-slash) before executable or script name to run it in bash?

On *nix, unlike Windows, the current directory is usually not in your $PATH variable. So the current directory is not searched when executing commands. You don't need ./ for running applications because these applications are in your $PATH; most likely they are in /bin or /usr/bin.

How to add comments into a Xaml file in WPF?

I assume those XAML namespace declarations are in the parent tag of your control? You can't put comments inside of another tag. Other than that, the syntax you're using is correct.

<UserControl xmlns="...">
    <!-- Here's a valid comment. Notice it's outside the <UserControl> tag's braces -->

HTML5 Local storage vs. Session storage

localStorage and sessionStorage both extend Storage. There is no difference between them except for the intended "non-persistence" of sessionStorage.

That is, the data stored in localStorage persists until explicitly deleted. Changes made are saved and available for all current and future visits to the site.

For sessionStorage, changes are only available per tab. Changes made are saved and available for the current page in that tab until it is closed. Once it is closed, the stored data is deleted.

How can one change the timestamp of an old commit in Git?

The most simple way to modify the date of the last commit

git commit --amend --date="12/31/2020 @ 14:00"

SQL JOIN and different types of JOINs

What is SQL JOIN ?

SQL JOIN is a method to retrieve data from two or more database tables.

What are the different SQL JOINs ?

There are a total of five JOINs. They are :





In this kind of a JOIN, we get all records that match the condition in both tables, and records in both tables that do not match are not reported.

In other words, INNER JOIN is based on the single fact that: ONLY the matching entries in BOTH the tables SHOULD be listed.

Note that a JOIN without any other JOIN keywords (like INNER, OUTER, LEFT, etc) is an INNER JOIN. In other words, JOIN is a Syntactic sugar for INNER JOIN (see: Difference between JOIN and INNER JOIN).


OUTER JOIN retrieves

Either, the matched rows from one table and all rows in the other table Or, all rows in all tables (it doesn't matter whether or not there is a match).

There are three kinds of Outer Join :


This join returns all the rows from the left table in conjunction with the matching rows from the right table. If there are no columns matching in the right table, it returns NULL values.


This JOIN returns all the rows from the right table in conjunction with the matching rows from the left table. If there are no columns matching in the left table, it returns NULL values.


This JOIN combines LEFT OUTER JOIN and RIGHT OUTER JOIN. It returns rows from either table when the conditions are met and returns NULL value when there is no match.

In other words, OUTER JOIN is based on the fact that: ONLY the matching entries in ONE OF the tables (RIGHT or LEFT) or BOTH of the tables(FULL) SHOULD be listed.

Note that `OUTER JOIN` is a loosened form of `INNER JOIN`.


It is based on the two conditions :

  1. the JOIN is made on all the columns with the same name for equality.
  2. Removes duplicate columns from the result.

This seems to be more of theoretical in nature and as a result (probably) most DBMS don't even bother supporting this.


It is the Cartesian product of the two tables involved. The result of a CROSS JOIN will not make sense in most of the situations. Moreover, we won't need this at all (or needs the least, to be precise).


It is not a different form of JOIN, rather it is a JOIN (INNER, OUTER, etc) of a table to itself.

JOINs based on Operators

Depending on the operator used for a JOIN clause, there can be two types of JOINs. They are

  1. Equi JOIN
  2. Theta JOIN

1. Equi JOIN :

For whatever JOIN type (INNER, OUTER, etc), if we use ONLY the equality operator (=), then we say that the JOIN is an EQUI JOIN.

2. Theta JOIN :

This is same as EQUI JOIN but it allows all other operators like >, <, >= etc.

Many consider both EQUI JOIN and Theta JOIN similar to INNER, OUTER etc JOINs. But I strongly believe that its a mistake and makes the ideas vague. Because INNER JOIN, OUTER JOIN etc are all connected with the tables and their data whereas EQUI JOIN and THETA JOIN are only connected with the operators we use in the former.

Again, there are many who consider NATURAL JOIN as some sort of "peculiar" EQUI JOIN. In fact, it is true, because of the first condition I mentioned for NATURAL JOIN. However, we don't have to restrict that simply to NATURAL JOINs alone. INNER JOINs, OUTER JOINs etc could be an EQUI JOIN too.