Programs & Examples On #Bcdedit

BCDEdit is a command-line tool for managing BCD stores. It can be used for a variety of purposes, including creating new stores, modifying existing stores, adding boot menu options, and so on.

Unable to set default python version to python3 in ubuntu

A simple safe way would be to use an alias. Place this into ~/.bashrc file: if you have gedit editor use

gedit ~/.bashrc

to go into the bashrc file and then at the top of the bashrc file make the following change.

alias python=python3

After adding the above in the file. run the below command

source ~/.bash_aliases or source ~/.bashrc


$ python --version

Python 2.7.6

$ python3 --version

Python 3.4.3

$ alias python=python3

$ python --version

Python 3.4.3

Make column fixed position in bootstrap

iterating over Ihab's answer, just using position:fixed and bootstraps col-offset you don't need to be specific on the width.

<div class="row">
    <div class="col-lg-3" style="position:fixed">
        Fixed content
    <div class="col-lg-9 col-lg-offset-3">
        Normal scrollable content

How to read input with multiple lines in Java

This is good for taking multiple line input

import java.util.Scanner;
public class JavaApp {
    public static void main(String[] args){
        Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
        String line;
            line = scanner.nextLine();

How to upload files to server using JSP/Servlet?

You first have to set the enctype attribute of the form to "multipart/form-data"

This is shown below.

<form action="Controller" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
     <label class="file-upload"> Click here to upload an Image </label>
     <input type="file" name="file" id="file" required> 

And then, in the Servlet "Controller" add the Annotation for a Multi-part to indicate multipart data is processed in the servlet.

After doing this, retrieve the part sent through the form and then retrieve the file name (with path)of the submitted file. Use this to create a new file in the desired path and write the parts of the file to the newly created file to recreate the file.

As shown below:


public class Controller extends HttpServlet {

    protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
            throws ServletException, IOException {
        insertImage(request, response);

    private void addProduct(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
        Part filePart = request.getPart("file");
        String imageName = Paths.get(filePart.getSubmittedFileName()).getFileName().toString();

        String imageSavePath = "specify image path to save image"; //path to save image
        FileOutputStream outputStream = null;
        InputStream fileContent = null;

        try {
            outputStream = new FileOutputStream(new File(imageSavePath + File.separator + imageName));
            //creating a new file with file path and the file name
            fileContent = filePart.getInputStream();
            //getting the input stream
            int readBytes = 0;
            byte[] readArray = new byte[1024];
            //initializing a byte array with size 1024

            while ((readBytes = != -1) {
                outputStream.write(readArray, 0, readBytes);
            }//this loop will write the contents of the byte array unitl the end to the output stream
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            System.out.println("Error Writing File: " + ex);
        } finally {
            if (outputStream != null) {
                //closing the output stream
            if (fileContent != null) {
                //clocsing the input stream

Padding between ActionBar's home icon and title

This is how I was able to set the padding between the home icon and the title.

ImageView view = (ImageView)findViewById(;
view.setPadding(left, top, right, bottom);

I couldn't find a way to customize this via the ActionBar xml styles though. That is, the following XML doesn't work:

<style name="ActionBar" parent="android:style/Widget.Holo.Light.ActionBar">        
    <item name="android:titleTextStyle">@style/ActionBarTitle</item>
    <item name="android:icon">@drawable/ic_action_home</item>        

<style name="ActionBarTitle" parent="android:style/TextAppearance.Holo.Widget.ActionBar.Title">
    <item name="android:textSize">18sp</item>
    <item name="android:paddingLeft">12dp</item>   <!-- Can't get this padding to work :( -->

However, if you are looking to achieve this through xml, these two links might help you find a solution:

(This is the actual layout used to display the home icon in an action bar)

How to overlay images

Here's a JQuery Technique with semi-transparent background.


    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css" type="text/css" media="screen" title="no title" charset="utf-8">
    <title>Image Gallery</title>
    <h1>Image Gallery</h1>

    <ul id="imageGallery">
        <li><a href="images/refferal_machine.png"><img src="images/refferal_machine.png" width="100" alt="Refferal Machine By Matthew Spiel"></a></li>
        <li><a href="images/space-juice.png"><img src="images/space-juice.png" width="100" alt="Space Juice by Mat Helme"></a></li>
        <li><a href="images/education.png"><img src="images/education.png" width="100" alt="Education by Chris Michel"></a></li>
        <li><a href="images/copy_mcrepeatsalot.png"><img src="images/copy_mcrepeatsalot.png" width="100" alt="Wanted: Copy McRepeatsalot by Chris Michel"></a></li>
        <li><a href="images/sebastian.png"><img src="images/sebastian.png" width="100" alt="Sebastian by Mat Helme"></a></li>
        <li><a href="images/skill-polish.png"><img src="images/skill-polish.png" width="100" alt="Skill Polish by Chris Michel"></a></li>
        <li><a href="images/chuck.png"><img src="images/chuck.png" width="100" alt="Chuck by Mat Helme"></a></li>
        <li><a href="images/library.png"><img src="images/library.png" width="100" alt="Library by Tyson Rosage"></a></li>
        <li><a href="images/boat.png"><img src="images/boat.png" width="100" alt="Boat by Griffin Moore"></a></li>
        <li><a href="images/illustrator_foundations.png"><img src="images/illustrator_foundations.png" width="100" alt="Illustrator Foundations by Matthew Spiel"></a></li>
        <li><a href="images/treehouse_shop.jpg"><img src="images/treehouse_shop.jpg" width="100" alt="Treehouse Shop by Eric Smith"></a></li>

    <script src="" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>
    <script src="js/app.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>


/** Start Coding Here **/
#overlay {

#overlay img {
 margin-top: 10%; 

#overlay p {


var $overlay = $('<div id="overlay"></div>');
var $image = $("<img>");
var $caption = $("<p></p>");

// 1. Capture the click event on a link to an image
$("#imageGallery a").click(function(event){

  var imageLocation = $(this).attr("href");

  // 1.1 Show the overlay.

  // 1.2 Update overlay with the image linked in the link
  $image.attr("src", imageLocation);

  // 1.3 Get child's alt attribute and set caption
  var captionText = $(this).children("img").attr("alt");

 // 2. Add overlay

    // 2.1 An image to overlay

    // 2.2 A caption to overlay


//When overlay is clicked
  //Hide the overlay

Using any() and all() to check if a list contains one set of values or another

Generally speaking:

all and any are functions that take some iterable and return True, if

  • in the case of all(), no values in the iterable are falsy;
  • in the case of any(), at least one value is truthy.

A value x is falsy iff bool(x) == False. A value x is truthy iff bool(x) == True.

Any non-booleans in the iterable will be fine — bool(x) will coerce any x according to these rules: 0, 0.0, None, [], (), [], set(), and other empty collections will yield False, anything else True. The docstring for bool uses the terms 'true'/'false' for 'truthy'/'falsy', and True/False for the concrete boolean values.

In your specific code samples:

You misunderstood a little bit how these functions work. Hence, the following does something completely not what you thought:

if any(foobars) == big_foobar:

...because any(foobars) would first be evaluated to either True or False, and then that boolean value would be compared to big_foobar, which generally always gives you False (unless big_foobar coincidentally happened to be the same boolean value).

Note: the iterable can be a list, but it can also be a generator/generator expression (˜ lazily evaluated/generated list) or any other iterator.

What you want instead is:

if any(x == big_foobar for x in foobars):

which basically first constructs an iterable that yields a sequence of booleans—for each item in foobars, it compares the item to big_foobar and emits the resulting boolean into the resulting sequence:

tmp = (x == big_foobar for x in foobars)

then any walks over all items in tmp and returns True as soon as it finds the first truthy element. It's as if you did the following:

In [1]: foobars = ['big', 'small', 'medium', 'nice', 'ugly']                                        

In [2]: big_foobar = 'big'                                                                          

In [3]: any(['big' == big_foobar, 'small' == big_foobar, 'medium' == big_foobar, 'nice' == big_foobar, 'ugly' == big_foobar])        
Out[3]: True

Note: As DSM pointed out, any(x == y for x in xs) is equivalent to y in xs but the latter is more readable, quicker to write and runs faster.

Some examples:

In [1]: any(x > 5 for x in range(4))
Out[1]: False

In [2]: all(isinstance(x, int) for x in range(10))
Out[2]: True

In [3]: any(x == 'Erik' for x in ['Erik', 'John', 'Jane', 'Jim'])
Out[3]: True

In [4]: all([True, True, True, False, True])
Out[4]: False

See also:

Cannot resolve symbol HttpGet,HttpClient,HttpResponce in Android Studio

For me, the below helped

Find org.apache.http.legacy.jar which is in Android/Sdk/platforms/android-23/optional, add it to your dependency.


Dynamically update values of a chartjs chart

I think the easiest way is to write a function to update your chart including the chart.update()method. Check out this simple example I wrote in jsfiddle for a Bar Chart.

//value for x-axis_x000D_
var emotions = ["calm", "happy", "angry", "disgust"];_x000D_
//colours for each bar_x000D_
var colouarray = ['red', 'green', 'yellow', 'blue'];_x000D_
//Let's initialData[] be the initial data set_x000D_
var initialData = [0.1, 0.4, 0.3, 0.6];_x000D_
//Let's updatedDataSet[] be the array to hold the upadted data set with every update call_x000D_
var updatedDataSet;_x000D_
/*Creating the bar chart*/_x000D_
var ctx = document.getElementById("barChart");_x000D_
var barChart = new Chart(ctx, {_x000D_
  type: 'bar',_x000D_
  data: {_x000D_
    labels: emotions,_x000D_
    datasets: [{_x000D_
      backgroundColor: colouarray,_x000D_
      label: 'Prediction',_x000D_
      data: initialData_x000D_
  options: {_x000D_
    scales: {_x000D_
      yAxes: [{_x000D_
        ticks: {_x000D_
          beginAtZero: true,_x000D_
          min: 0,_x000D_
          max: 1,_x000D_
          stepSize: 0.5,_x000D_
/*Function to update the bar chart*/_x000D_
function updateBarGraph(chart, label, color, data) {_x000D_;_x000D_{_x000D_
    label: label,_x000D_
    backgroundColor: color,_x000D_
    data: data_x000D_
/*Updating the bar chart with updated data in every second. */_x000D_
setInterval(function() {_x000D_
  updatedDataSet = [Math.random(), Math.random(), Math.random(), Math.random()];_x000D_
  updateBarGraph(barChart, 'Prediction', colouarray, updatedDataSet);_x000D_
}, 1000);
  <script src=""></script>_x000D_
      <h1>Update Bar Chart</h1>_x000D_
      <canvas id="barChart" width="800" height="450"></canvas>_x000D_
    <script src="barchart.js"></script>_x000D_

Hope this helps.

CSS opacity only to background color, not the text on it?

The easiest way to do this is with 2 divs, 1 with the background and 1 with the text:

#container {_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
  width: 300px;_x000D_
  height: 200px;_x000D_
#block {_x000D_
  background: #CCC;_x000D_
  filter: alpha(opacity=60);_x000D_
  /* IE */_x000D_
  -moz-opacity: 0.6;_x000D_
  /* Mozilla */_x000D_
  opacity: 0.6;_x000D_
  /* CSS3 */_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  top: 0;_x000D_
  left: 0;_x000D_
  height: 100%;_x000D_
  width: 100%;_x000D_
#text {_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  top: 0;_x000D_
  left: 0;_x000D_
  width: 100%;_x000D_
  height: 100%;_x000D_
<div id="container">_x000D_
  <div id="block"></div>_x000D_
  <div id="text">Test</div>_x000D_

Calculating and printing the nth prime number

This program is an efficient one. I have added one more check-in if to get the square root of a number and check is it divisible or not if it's then its not a prime number. this will solve all the problems efficiently.

public static void main(String[] args) {

            Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
        int T; // number of test cases
        T = sc.nextInt();
        long[] number = new long[T];
        if(1<= T && T <= 30){
        for(int i =0;i<T;i++){
            number[i]=sc.nextInt(); // read all the numbers
        for(int i =0;i<T;i++){
               System.out.println("Not prime");    
    // is prime or not
    static boolean isPrime(long num){
          return false;
        if(num <= 3)
          return true;
        if(num % 2 == 0 || num % 3 == 0 || num % (int)Math.sqrt(num) == 0)
          return false;  
        for(int i=4;i<(int)Math.sqrt(num);i++){
              return false;
       return true;     

How to set a maximum execution time for a mysql query?

I thought it has been around a little longer, but according to this,

MySQL 5.7.4 introduces the ability to set server side execution time limits, specified in milliseconds, for top level read-only SELECT statements.

/*+ MAX_EXECUTION_TIME(1000) */ --in milliseconds
FROM table;

Note that this only works for read-only SELECT statements.

Update: This variable was added in MySQL 5.7.4 and renamed to max_execution_time in MySQL 5.7.8. (source)

Can I change the Android startActivity() transition animation?

Use overridePendingTransition

overridePendingTransition(R.anim.fadein, R.anim.fadeout);


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<set xmlns:android="">
    <alpha xmlns:android=""
        android:fromAlpha="0.0" android:toAlpha="1.0" android:duration="500" />


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<set xmlns:android="">
    <alpha xmlns:android=""
        android:fromAlpha="1.0" android:toAlpha="0.0" android:duration="500" />

Generate pdf from HTML in div using Javascript

To capture div as PDF you can use solution. It's got a JavaScript API which is easy and flexible and will allow you to capture the contents of a single HTML element such as a div or a span

In order to implement it you will need to first get an app key and secret and download the (free) SDK.

And now an example.

Let's say you have the HTML:

<div id="features">
    <h4>Acme Camera</h4>
    <label>Price</label>$399<br />
    <label>Rating</label>4.5 out of 5
<p>Cras ut velit sed purus porttitor aliquam. Nulla tristique magna ac libero tempor, ac vestibulum felisvulput ate. Nam ut velit eget
risus porttitor tristique at ac diam. Sed nisi risus, rutrum a metus suscipit, euismod tristique nulla. Etiam venenatis rutrum risus at
blandit. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse potenti. Phasellus eget vehicula felis.</p>

To capture what is under the features id you will need to:

//add the sdk
<script type="text/javascript" src="grabzit.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
//login with your key and secret. 
GrabzIt("KEY", "SECRET").ConvertURL("",
{"target": "#features", "format": "pdf"}).Create();

Please note the target: #feature. #feature is you CSS selector, like in the previous example. Now, when the page is loaded an image screenshot will now be created in the same location as the script tag, which will contain all of the contents of the features div and nothing else.

The are other configuration and customization you can do to the div-screenshot mechanism, please check them out here

Debug JavaScript in Eclipse

JavaScript is executed in the browser, which is pretty far removed from Eclipse. Eclipse would have to somehow hook into the browser's JavaScript engine to debug it. Therefore there's no built-in debugging of JavaScript via Eclipse, since JS isn't really its main focus anyways.

However, there are plug-ins which you can install to do JavaScript debugging. I believe the main one is the AJAX Toolkit Framework (ATF). It embeds a Mozilla browser in Eclipse in order to do its debugging, so it won't be able to handle cross-browser complications that typically arise when writing JavaScript, but it will certainly help.

How to connect a Windows Mobile PDA to Windows 10

I have managed to get my PDA working properly with Windows 10.

For transparency when I posted the original question I had upgraded a Windows 8.1 PC to Windows 10, I have since moved to using a different PC that had a clean Windows 10 installation.

These are the steps I followed to solve the problem:

check if jquery has been loaded, then load it if false

Method 1:

if (window.jQuery) {  
    // jQuery is loaded  
} else {
    // jQuery is not loaded

Method 2:

if (typeof jQuery == 'undefined') {  
    // jQuery is not loaded
} else {
    // jQuery is loaded

If jquery.js file is not loaded, we can force load it like so:

if (!window.jQuery) {
  var jq = document.createElement('script'); jq.type = 'text/javascript';
  // Path to jquery.js file, eg. Google hosted version
  jq.src = '/path-to-your/jquery.min.js';

Can a unit test project load the target application's app.config file?

The simplest way to do this is to add the .config file in the deployment section on your unit test.

To do so, open the .testrunconfig file from your Solution Items. In the Deployment section, add the output .config files from your project's build directory (presumably bin\Debug).

Anything listed in the deployment section will be copied into the test project's working folder before the tests are run, so your config-dependent code will run fine.

Edit: I forgot to add, this will not work in all situations, so you may need to include a startup script that renames the output .config to match the unit test's name.

Python class returning value

class MyClass():
    def __init__(self, a, b):
        self.value1 = a
        self.value2 = b

    def __call__(self):
        return [self.value1, self.value2]


>>> x = MyClass('foo','bar')
>>> x()
['foo', 'bar']

To get total number of columns in a table in sql

In my situation, I was comparing table schema column count for 2 identical tables in 2 databases; one is the main database and the other is the archival database. I did this (SQL 2012+):

DECLARE @colCount1 INT;
DECLARE @colCount2 INT;


IF (@colCount1 != @colCount2) THROW 5000, 'Number of columns in both tables are not equal. The archive schema may need to be updated.', 16;

The important thing to notice here is qualifying the database name before INFORMATION_SCHEMA (which is a schema, like dbo). This will allow the code to break, in case columns were added to the main database and not to the archival database, in which if the procedure were allowed to run, data loss would almost certainly occur.

Error # 1045 - Cannot Log in to MySQL server -> phpmyadmin

In mysql 5.7 the auth mechanism changed, documentation can be found in the official manual here.

Using the system root user (or sudo) you can connect to the mysql database with the mysql 'root' user via CLI. All other users will work, too.

In phpmyadmin however, all mysql users will work, but not the mysql 'root' user.

This comes from here:

$ mysql -Ne "select Host,User,plugin from mysql.user where user='root';"
| localhost | root | auth_socket |
|  hostname | root | mysql_native_password |

To 'fix' this security feature, do:

mysql -Ne "update mysql.user set plugin='mysql_native_password' where User='root' and Host='localhost'; flush privileges;"

More on this can also be found here in the manual.

How to uninstall Ruby from /usr/local?

Edit: As suggested in comments. This solution is for Linux OS. That too if you have installed ruby manually from package-manager.

If you want to have multiple ruby versions, better to have RVM. In that case you don't need to remove ruby older version.

Still if want to remove then follow the steps below:

First you should find where Ruby is:

whereis ruby

will list all the places where it exists on your system, then you can remove all them explicitly. Or you can use something like this:

rm -rf /usr/local/lib/ruby
rm -rf /usr/lib/ruby
rm -f /usr/local/bin/ruby
rm -f /usr/bin/ruby
rm -f /usr/local/bin/irb
rm -f /usr/bin/irb
rm -f /usr/local/bin/gem
rm -f /usr/bin/gem

Setting width/height as percentage minus pixels

You can use calc:

height: calc(100% - 18px);

Note that some old browsers don't support the CSS3 calc() function, so implementing the vendor-specific versions of the function may be required:

/* Firefox */
height: -moz-calc(100% - 18px);
/* WebKit */
height: -webkit-calc(100% - 18px);
/* Opera */
height: -o-calc(100% - 18px);
/* Standard */
height: calc(100% - 18px);

How to define a variable in a Dockerfile?

You can use ARG - see

The ARG instruction defines a variable that users can pass at build-time to the builder with the docker build command using the --build-arg <varname>=<value> flag. If a user specifies a build argument that was not defined in the Dockerfile, the build outputs an error.

Resolve build errors due to circular dependency amongst classes

Unfortunately, all the previous answers are missing some details. The correct solution is a little bit cumbersome, but this is the only way to do it properly. And it scales easily, handles more complex dependencies as well.

Here's how you can do this, exactly retaining all the details, and usability:

  • the solution is exactly the same as originally intended
  • inline functions still inline
  • users of A and B can include A.h and B.h in any order

Create two files, A_def.h, B_def.h. These will contain only A's and B's definition:

// A_def.h
#ifndef A_DEF_H
#define A_DEF_H

class B;
class A
    int _val;
    B *_b;

    A(int val);
    void SetB(B *b);
    void Print();

// B_def.h
#ifndef B_DEF_H
#define B_DEF_H

class A;
class B
    double _val;
    A* _a;

    B(double val);
    void SetA(A *a);
    void Print();

And then, A.h and B.h will contain this:

// A.h
#ifndef A_H
#define A_H

#include "A_def.h"
#include "B_def.h"

inline A::A(int val) :_val(val)

inline void A::SetB(B *b)
    _b = b;

inline void A::Print()
    cout<<"Type:A val="<<_val<<endl;


// B.h
#ifndef B_H
#define B_H

#include "A_def.h"
#include "B_def.h"

inline B::B(double val) :_val(val)

inline void B::SetA(A *a)
    _a = a;

inline void B::Print()
    cout<<"Type:B val="<<_val<<endl;


Note that A_def.h and B_def.h are "private" headers, users of A and B should not use them. The public header is A.h and B.h.

Characters allowed in a URL

RFC3986 defines two sets of characters you can use in a URI:

  • Reserved Characters: :/?#[]@!$&'()*+,;=

    reserved = gen-delims / sub-delims

    gen-delims = ":" / "/" / "?" / "#" / "[" / "]" / "@"

    sub-delims = "!" / "$" / "&" / "'" / "(" / ")" / "*" / "+" / "," / ";" / "="

    The purpose of reserved characters is to provide a set of delimiting characters that are distinguishable from other data within a URI. URIs that differ in the replacement of a reserved character with its corresponding percent-encoded octet are not equivalent.

  • Unreserved Characters: A-Za-z0-9-_.~

    unreserved = ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "." / "_" / "~"

    Characters that are allowed in a URI but do not have a reserved purpose are called unreserved.

Pure JavaScript Send POST Data Without a Form

const data = { username: 'example' };

fetch('', {
  method: 'POST', // or 'PUT'
  headers: {
 '           Content-Type': 'application/json',
  body: JSON.stringify(data),
  .then(response => response.json())
  .then(data => {
      console.log('Success:', data);
 .catch((error) => {
         console.error('Error:', error);

How to parse a String containing XML in Java and retrieve the value of the root node?

You could also use tools provided by the base JRE:

String msg = "<message>HELLO!</message>";
DocumentBuilder newDocumentBuilder = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder();
Document parse = newDocumentBuilder.parse(new ByteArrayInputStream(msg.getBytes()));

HTML5 Email input pattern attribute

I had this exact problem with HTML5s email input, using Alwin Keslers answer above I added the regex to the HTML5 email input so the user must have .something at the end.

<input type="email" pattern="[a-z0-9._%+-]+@[a-z0-9.-]+\.[a-z]{2,4}$" />

Fastest method to escape HTML tags as HTML entities?

function encode(r) {_x000D_
  return r.replace(/[\x26\x0A\x3c\x3e\x22\x27]/g, function(r) {_x000D_
 return "&#" + r.charCodeAt(0) + ";";_x000D_
test.value=encode('How to encode\nonly html tags &<>\'" nice & fast!');_x000D_
 \x26 is &ampersand (it has to be first),_x000D_
 \x0A is newline,_x000D_
 \x22 is ",_x000D_
 \x27 is ',_x000D_
 \x3c is <,_x000D_
 \x3e is >_x000D_
<textarea id=test rows=11 cols=55></textarea>

Console logging for react?

If you're just after console logging here's what I'd do:

export default class App extends Component {
  componentDidMount() {
    console.log('I was triggered during componentDidMount')

  render() {
    console.log('I was triggered during render')
    return ( 
      <div> I am the App component </div>

Shouldn't be any need for those packages just to do console logging.

How to make a simple modal pop up form using jquery and html?

I came across this question when I was trying similar things.

A very nice and simple sample is presented at w3schools website.

<!DOCTYPE html>_x000D_
<html lang="en">_x000D_
  <title>Bootstrap Example</title>_x000D_
  <meta charset="utf-8">_x000D_
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">_x000D_
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="">_x000D_
  <script src=""></script>_x000D_
  <script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div class="container">_x000D_
  <h2>Modal Example</h2>_x000D_
  <!-- Trigger the modal with a button -->_x000D_
  <button type="button" class="btn btn-info btn-lg" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#myModal">Open Modal</button>_x000D_
  <!-- Modal -->_x000D_
  <div class="modal fade" id="myModal" role="dialog">_x000D_
    <div class="modal-dialog">_x000D_
      <!-- Modal content-->_x000D_
      <div class="modal-content">_x000D_
        <div class="modal-header">_x000D_
          <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal">&times;</button>_x000D_
          <h4 class="modal-title">Modal Header</h4>_x000D_
        <div class="modal-body">_x000D_
          <p>Some text in the modal.</p>_x000D_
        <div class="modal-footer">_x000D_
          <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal">Close</button>_x000D_

Chrome says "Resource interpreted as script but transferred with MIME type text/plain.", what gives?

This has nothing to do with jQuery or any quirk of client-side script code. It is a server-side issue: The server(-side application) is not sending the expected HTTP Content-Type header field value for the client-side script resource. This happens if the Web server is insufficiently configured, misconfigured, or a server-side application (e. g., PHP) is generating the client-side script resource.

Proper MIME media types for ECMAScript implementations like JavaScript include:

  • text/javascript (registered as obsolete, not deprecated; but still valid, and supported best)
  • text/ecmascript (registered as obsolete, not deprecated; but still valid)
  • application/javascript
  • application/ecmascript

They do not include application/x-javascript, as the MIME media types listed above are the ones registered in the standards tree by now (so there is no need, and there should be no want, to use experimental ones anymore). Cf. RFC 4329, "Scripting Media Types" (2005 CE) and my Test Case: Support for Scripting Media Types.

One solution is to configure the server if possible, as already recommended. For Apache, this can be as simple as adding the directive

AddType text/javascript .js

(see the Apache HTTP Server documentation for details).

But if the client-side script resource is generated by a server-side application, like PHP, then it is necessary to set the Content-Type header field value explicitly, as the default is likely text/html:

  header('Content-Type: text/javascript; charset=UTF-8');
  // ...

(That and similar statements must come before any other output – see the PHP manual –, else the HTTP message body is considered to have begun already and it is too late to send more header fields.)

Server-side generation can happen easily to a client-side script resource even if you have plain .js files on the server, if comments are removed from them as they are served, if they are all packed into one large response (to reduce the number of requests, which can be more efficient), or they are minimized by the server-side application in any other way.

how to customise input field width in bootstrap 3

You can use these classes





for input fields and replace input with btn for buttons.

Check this documentation

This will change only height of the element, to reduce the width you have to use grid system classes like col-xs-* col-md-* col-lg-*.

Example col-md-3. See doc here

php error: Class 'Imagick' not found

For all to those having problems with this i did this tutorial:

How to install Imagemagick and Php module Imagick on ubuntu?

i did this 7 simple steps:

Update libraries, and packages

apt-get update

Remove obsolete things

apt-get autoremove

For the libraries of ImageMagick

apt-get install libmagickwand-dev

for the core class Imagick

apt-get install imagemagick

For create the binaries, and conections in beetween

pecl install imagick

Append the extension to your php.ini

echo "" >> /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini

Restart Apache

service apache2 restart

I found a problem. PHP searches for .so files in a folder called /usr/lib/php5/20100525, and the is stored in a folder called /usr/lib/php5/20090626. So you have to copy the file to that folder.

jQuery get text as number

myInteger = parseInt(myString);

It's a standard javascript function.

Positive Number to Negative Number in JavaScript?

var x = 100;
var negX = ( -x ); // => -100

How to round down to nearest integer in MySQL?

Both Query is used for round down the nearest integer in MySQL

  1. SELECT FLOOR(445.6) ;
  2. SELECT NULL(222.456);

How to extract Month from date in R

Her is another R base approach:

From your example: Some date:


We tell R, "That is a Date"


We extract the month:


output: [1] "January"

Finally, we can convert it to a numerical variable:


outpt: [1] 1

How do I change select2 box height

Enqueue another css file after the select2.css, and in that css add the following:

.select2-container .select2-selection {
  height: 34px; 

i.e. if you want the height of the select box height to be 34px.

Importing larger sql files into MySQL

Had a similar problem, but in Windows. I was trying to figure out how to open a large MySql sql file in Windows, and these are the steps I had to take:

  • Go to the download website (
  • Download the MySQL Community Server and install it (select the developer or full install, so it will install client and server tools).
  • Open MySql Command Line Client from the Start menu.
  • Enter your password used in install.
  • In the prompt, mysql>, enter:

    CREATE DATABASE database_name;

    USE database_name;

    SOURCE myfile.sql

That should import your large file.

What is an Intent in Android?

What is an Intent ?

An Intent is basically a message that is passed between components (such as Activities, Services, Broadcast Receivers, and Content Providers). So, it is almost equivalent to parameters passed to API calls. The fundamental differences between API calls and invoking components via intents are:

  • API calls are synchronous while intent-based invocations are asynchronous.
  • API calls are compile-time binding while intent-based calls are run-time binding.

Of course, Intents can be made to work exactly like API calls by using what are called explicit intents, which will be explained later. But more often than not, implicit intents are the way to go and that is what is explained here.

One component that wants to invoke another has to only express its intent to do a job. And any other component that exists and has claimed that it can do such a job through intent-filters, is invoked by the Android platform to accomplish the job. This means, neither components are aware of each other's existence but can still work together to give the desired result for the end-user.

This invisible connection between components is achieved through the combination of intents, intent-filters and the Android platform.

This leads to huge possibilities like:

  • Mix and match or rather plug and play of components at runtime.
  • Replacing the inbuilt Android applications with custom developed applications.
  • Component level reuse within and across applications.
  • Service orientation to the most granular level, if I may say.

Here are additional technical details about Intents from the Android documentation.

An intent is an abstract description of an operation to be performed. It can be used with startActivity to launch an Activity, broadcastIntent to send it to any interested BroadcastReceiver components, and startService(Intent) or bindService(Intent, ServiceConnection, int) to communicate with a Background Service.

An Intent provides a facility for performing late runtime binding between the code in different applications. Its most significant use is in the launching of activities, where it can be thought of as the glue between activities. It is basically a passive data structure holding an abstract description of an action to be performed. The primary pieces of information in an intent are:

  • action The general action to be performed, such as ACTION_VIEW, ACTION_EDIT, ACTION_MAIN, etc.
  • data The data to operate on, such as a person record in the contacts database, expressed as a Uri.

Learn more

Bootstrap 3, 4 and 5 .container-fluid with grid adding unwanted padding

Please find the actual css from Bootstrap

.container-fluid {
  padding-right: 15px;
  padding-left: 15px;
  margin-right: auto;
  margin-left: auto;
.row {
  margin-right: -15px;
  margin-left: -15px;

When you add a .container-fluid class, it adds a horizontal padding of 15px, and the same will be removed when you add a .row class as a child element by the negative margin set on row.

How to get a view table query (code) in SQL Server 2008 Management Studio

Use sp_helptext before the view_name. Example:

sp_helptext Example_1

Hence you will get the query:

CREATE VIEW dbo.Example_1
SELECT       a, b, c
FROM         dbo.table_name JOIN blah blah blah
WHERE        blah blah blah

sp_helptext will give stored procedures.

Vertical divider CSS

<div class="headerdivider"></div>


.headerdivider {
    border-left: 1px solid #38546d;
    background: #16222c;
    width: 1px;
    height: 80px;
    position: absolute;
    right: 250px;
    top: 10px;

CASE WHEN statement for ORDER BY clause

declare @OrderByCmd  nvarchar(2000)
declare @OrderByName nvarchar(100)
declare @OrderByCity nvarchar(100)
set @OrderByName='Name'    
set @OrderByCity='city'
set @OrderByCmd= 'select * from customer Order By '+@OrderByName+','+@OrderByCity+''
EXECUTE sp_executesql @OrderByCmd 

Prevent Caching in ASP.NET MVC for specific actions using an attribute

You can use the built in cache attribute to prevent caching.

For .net Framework: [OutputCache(NoStore = true, Duration = 0)]

For .net Core: [ResponseCache(NoStore = true, Duration = 0)]

Be aware that it is impossible to force the browser to disable caching. The best you can do is provide suggestions that most browsers will honor, usually in the form of headers or meta tags. This decorator attribute will disable server caching and also add this header: Cache-Control: public, no-store, max-age=0. It does not add meta tags. If desired, those can be added manually in the view.

Additionally, JQuery and other client frameworks will attempt to trick the browser into not using it's cached version of a resource by adding stuff to the url, like a timestamp or GUID. This is effective in making the browser ask for the resource again but doesn't really prevent caching.

On a final note. You should be aware that resources can also be cached in between the server and client. ISP's, proxies, and other network devices also cache resources and they often use internal rules without looking at the actual resource. There isn't much you can do about these. The good news is that they typically cache for shorter time frames, like seconds or minutes.

Regex match entire words only

Get all "words" in a string


Basically ^/s means break on spaces (or match groups of non-spaces)
Don't forget the g for Greedy

Copy directory to another directory using ADD command

Indeed ADD go /usr/local/ will add content of go folder and not the folder itself, you can use Thomasleveil solution or if that did not work for some reason you can change WORKDIR to /usr/local/ then add your directory to it like:

WORKDIR /usr/local/
COPY go go/


WORKDIR /usr/local/go
COPY go ./

But if you want to add multiple folders, it will be annoying to add them like that, the only solution for now as I see it from my current issue is using COPY . . and exclude all unwanted directories and files in .dockerignore, let's say I got folders and files:

- src 
- tmp 
- dist 
- assets 
- go 
- justforfun 
- node_modules 
- scripts 
- .dockerignore 
- Dockerfile 
- headache.lock 
- package.json 

and I want to add src assets package.json justforfun go so:

in Dockerfile:

FROM galaxy:latest

WORKDIR /usr/local/
COPY . .

in .dockerignore file:


Or for more fun (or you like to confuse more people make them suffer as well :P) can be:


In this way you ignore everything, but excluding what you want to be copied or added only from "ignore list".

It is a late answer but adding more ways to do the same covering even more cases. Need Text Box to Only Accept Numbers

This may be too late, but for other new blood on VB out there, here's something simple.

First, in any case, unless your application would require, blocking user's key entry is somehow not a good thing to do, users may misinterpret the action as problem on the hardware keyboard and at the same time may not see where their keypreesed entry error came from.

Here's a simple one, let user's freely type their entry then trap the error later:

  Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
        Dim theNumber As Integer
        Dim theEntry As String = Trim(TextBox1.Text)

        'This check if entry can be converted to
        'numeric value from 0-10, if cannot return a negative value.
            theNumber = Convert.ToInt32(theEntry)
            If theNumber < 0 Or theNumber > 10 Then theNumber = -1
        Catch ex As Exception
            theNumber = -1
        End Try

        'Trap for the valid and invalid numeric number
        If theNumber < 0 Or theNumber > 10 Then
            MsgBox("Invalid Entry, allows (0-10) only.")
            'entry was invalid return cursor to entry box.
            'Entry accepted:
            ' Continue process your thing here...

        End If
    End Sub

WinSCP: Permission denied. Error code: 3 Error message from server: Permission denied

You possibly do not have create permissions to the folder. So WinSCP fails to create a temporary file for the transfer.

You have two options:

Codesign error: Provisioning profile cannot be found after deleting expired profile

Unfortunately this approach didn't work out for me. But here's a fix which worked for me (to get this to work you need a working project file on Subversion or so):

I did roll back to an working version of my project file. As it isn't possible to revert with Xcode (Where is the 'Revert' option in Xcode 4's Source Control?) - I used Tortoise, my Windows machine and this Tutorial ( to roll back to an older project file.

As the Tutorial didn't work out for me, I just used Tortoise to save the working revision of my project file to an usb stick to port it to my mac. After that I replaced the new broken project file with the old working one, cleaned and it worked like a charm!

How do I pre-populate a jQuery Datepicker textbox with today's date?

The solution is:

    var myDate = new Date();
    var month = myDate.getMonth() + 1;
    var prettyDate = month + '/' + myDate.getDate() + '/' + myDate.getFullYear();

Thanks grayghost!

'pip' is not recognized as an internal or external command

For Windows, when you install a package, you type:

python -m pip install [packagename]

How can I tell when HttpClient has timed out?

I am reproducing the same issue and it's really annoying. I've found these useful:

HttpClient - dealing with aggregate exceptions

Bug in HttpClient.GetAsync should throw WebException, not TaskCanceledException

Some code in case the links go nowhere:

var c = new HttpClient();
c.Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(10);
var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
    var x = await c.GetAsync("", cts.Token);  
catch(WebException ex)
    // handle web exception
catch(TaskCanceledException ex)
    if(ex.CancellationToken == cts.Token)
        // a real cancellation, triggered by the caller
        // a web request timeout (possibly other things!?)

What is the javascript filename naming convention?

I'm not aware of any particular convention for javascript files as they aren't really unique on the web versus css files or html files or any other type of file like that. There are some "safe" things you can do that make it less likely you will accidentally run into a cross platform issue:

  1. Use all lowercase filenames. There are some operating systems that are not case sensitive for filenames and using all lowercase prevents inadvertently using two files that differ only in case that might not work on some operating systems.
  2. Don't use spaces in the filename. While this technically can be made to work there are lots of reasons why spaces in filenames can lead to problems.
  3. A hyphen is OK for a word separator. If you want to use some sort of separator for multiple words instead of a space or camelcase as in various-scripts.js, a hyphen is a safe and useful and commonly used separator.
  4. Think about using version numbers in your filenames. When you want to upgrade your scripts, plan for the effects of browser or CDN caching. The simplest way to use long term caching (for speed and efficiency), but immediate and safe upgrades when you upgrade a JS file is to include a version number in the deployed filename or path (like jQuery does with jquery-1.6.2.js) and then you bump/change that version number whenever you upgrade/change the file. This will guarantee that no page that requests the newer version is ever served the older version from a cache.

How to use auto-layout to move other views when a view is hidden?

Instead of hiding view, create the width constrain and change it to 0 in code when you want to hide the UIView.

It may be the simplest way to do so. Also, it will preserve the view and you don't need to recreate it if you want to show it again (ideal to use inside table cells). To change the constant value you need to create a constant reference outlet (the same way as you do outlets for the view).

Is it possible to use JS to open an HTML select to show its option list?

I'm fairly certain the answer is: No. You can select options with JavaScript but not open the select. You'd have to use a custom solution.

How to replicate vector in c?

They would start by hiding the defining a structure that would hold members necessary for the implementation. Then providing a group of functions that would manipulate the contents of the structure.

Something like this:

typedef struct vec
    unsigned char* _mem;
    unsigned long _elems;
    unsigned long _elemsize;
    unsigned long _capelems;
    unsigned long _reserve;

vec* vec_new(unsigned long elemsize)
    vec* pvec = (vec*)malloc(sizeof(vec));
    pvec->_reserve = 10;
    pvec->_capelems = pvec->_reserve;
    pvec->_elemsize = elemsize;
    pvec->_elems = 0;
    pvec->_mem = (unsigned char*)malloc(pvec->_capelems * pvec->_elemsize);
    return pvec;

void vec_delete(vec* pvec)

void vec_grow(vec* pvec)
    unsigned char* mem = (unsigned char*)malloc((pvec->_capelems + pvec->_reserve) * pvec->_elemsize);
    memcpy(mem, pvec->_mem, pvec->_elems * pvec->_elemsize);
    pvec->_mem = mem;
    pvec->_capelems += pvec->_reserve;

void vec_push_back(vec* pvec, void* data, unsigned long elemsize)
    assert(elemsize == pvec->_elemsize);
    if (pvec->_elems == pvec->_capelems) {
    memcpy(pvec->_mem + (pvec->_elems * pvec->_elemsize), (unsigned char*)data, pvec->_elemsize);

unsigned long vec_length(vec* pvec)
    return pvec->_elems;

void* vec_get(vec* pvec, unsigned long index)
    assert(index < pvec->_elems);
    return (void*)(pvec->_mem + (index * pvec->_elemsize));

void vec_copy_item(vec* pvec, void* dest, unsigned long index)
    memcpy(dest, vec_get(pvec, index), pvec->_elemsize);

void playwithvec()
    vec* pvec = vec_new(sizeof(int));

    for (int val = 0; val < 1000; val += 10) {
        vec_push_back(pvec, &val, sizeof(val));

    for (unsigned long index = (int)vec_length(pvec) - 1; (int)index >= 0; index--) {
        int val;
        vec_copy_item(pvec, &val, index);
        printf("vec(%d) = %d\n", index, val);


Further to this they would achieve encapsulation by using void* in the place of vec* for the function group, and actually hide the structure definition from the user by defining it within the C module containing the group of functions rather than the header. Also they would hide the functions that you would consider to be private, by leaving them out from the header and simply prototyping them only in the C module.

Change url query string value using jQuery

If you only need to modify the page num you can replace it:

var newUrl = location.href.replace("page="+currentPageNum, "page="+newPageNum);

SQL Server - Case Statement

The query can be written slightly simpler, like this:


         WHEN @T < 1 THEN 'less than one' 
         WHEN @T = 1 THEN 'one' 
         ELSE 'greater than one' 
       END T

How can I convert an image into Base64 string using JavaScript?

If you have a file object, this simple function will work:

function getBase64 (file, callback) {

    const reader = new FileReader();

    reader.addEventListener('load', () => callback(reader.result));


Usage example:

getBase64(fileObjectFromInput, function(base64Data){
    console.log("Base64 of file is", base64Data); // Here you can have your code which uses Base64 for its operation, // file to Base64 by oneshubh

Get a substring of a char*

Assuming you know the position and the length of the substring:

char *buff = "this is a test string";
printf("%.*s", 4, buff + 10);

You could achieve the same thing by copying the substring to another memory destination, but it's not reasonable since you already have it in memory.

This is a good example of avoiding unnecessary copying by using pointers.

Count characters in textarea

HTML sample, used wherever I need a counter, notice the relevance of IDs of textarea and second span : id="post" <-> id="rem_post" and the title of the span that holds the desired characters amount of each particular textarea

<textarea class="countit" name="post" id="post"></textarea>
  <span>characters remaining: <span id="rem_post" title="1000"></span></span>

JavaScript function, usually placed before </body> in my template file, requires jQuery

$(".countit").keyup(function () {
  var cmax = $("#rem_" + $(this).attr("id")).attr("title");

  if ($(this).val().length >= cmax) {
    $(this).val($(this).val().substr(0, cmax));

  $("#rem_" + $(this).attr("id")).text(cmax - $(this).val().length);


How to get the directory of the currently running file?

This should do it:

import (

func main() {
    dir, err := filepath.Abs(filepath.Dir(os.Args[0]))
    if err != nil {

How to send an object from one Android Activity to another using Intents?

Easiest and java way of doing is : implement serializable in your pojo/model class

Recommended for Android for performance view: make model parcelable

Running a command in a new Mac OS X Terminal window

I call this script trun. I suggest putting it in a directory in your executable path. Make sure it is executable like this:

chmod +x ~/bin/trun

Then you can run commands in a new window by just adding trun before them, like this:

trun tail -f /var/log/system.log

Here's the script. It does some fancy things like pass your arguments, change the title bar, clear the screen to remove shell startup clutter, remove its file when its done. By using a unique file for each new window it can be used to create many windows at the same time.

# make this file executable with chmod +x trun
# create a unique file in /tmp
# make it cd back to where we are now
echo "cd `pwd`" >$trun_cmd
# make the title bar contain the command being run
echo 'echo -n -e "\033]0;'$*'\007"' >>$trun_cmd
# clear window
echo clear >>$trun_cmd
# the shell command to execute
echo $* >>$trun_cmd
# make the command remove itself
echo rm $trun_cmd >>$trun_cmd
# make the file executable
chmod +x $trun_cmd

# open it in Terminal to run it in a new Terminal window
open -b $trun_cmd

"error: assignment to expression with array type error" when I assign a struct field (C)

Please check this example here: Accessing Structure Members

There is explained that the right way to do it is like this:

strcpy( , "Egzona");
printf( "Name : %s\n",;

Redirect in Spring MVC

For completing the answers, Spring MVC uses viewResolver(for example, as axtavt metionned, InternalResourceViewResolver) to get the specific view. Therefore the first step is making sure that a viewResolver is configured.

Secondly, you should pay attention to the url of redirection(redirect or forward). A url starting with "/" means that it's a url absolute in the application. As Jigar says,

return "redirect:/index.html";  

should work. If your view locates in the root of the application, Spring can find it. If a url without a "/", such as that in your question, it means a url relative. It explains why it worked before and don't work now. If your page calling "redirect" locates in the root by chance, it works. If not, Spring can't find the view and it doesn't work.

Here is the source code of the method of RedirectView of Spring

protected void renderMergedOutputModel(  
Map<String, Object> model, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)  
throws IOException {  
  // Prepare target URL.  
  StringBuilder targetUrl = new StringBuilder();  
  if (this.contextRelative && getUrl().startsWith("/")) {  
    // Do not apply context path to relative URLs.  

  // ...  

  sendRedirect(request, response, targetUrl.toString(), this.http10Compatible);  

How do I add an element to array in reducer of React native redux?

I have a sample

import * as types from '../../helpers/ActionTypes';

var initialState = {
  changedValues: {}
const quickEdit = (state = initialState, action) => {

  switch (action.type) {

    case types.PRODUCT_QUICKEDIT:
        const item = action.item;
        const changedValues = {
          []: item,

        return {
          loading: true,
          changedValues: changedValues,
        return state;

export default quickEdit;

How to call a function in shell Scripting?

The functions need to be defined before being used. There is no mechanism is sh to pre-declare functions, but a common technique is to do something like:

main() {
  case "$choice" in
    true)  process_install;;
    false) process_exit;;




How to avoid HTTP error 429 (Too Many Requests) python

I've found out a nice workaround to IP blocking when scraping sites. It lets you run a Scraper indefinitely by running it from Google App Engine and redeploying it automatically when you get a 429.

Check out this article

Is there an ignore command for git like there is for svn?

You could also use Joe Blau's

Either through the web interfase

Or by installing the CLI tool, it's very easy an fast, just type the following on your terminal:

echo "function gi() { curl -L -s\$@ ;}" >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc

echo "function gi() { curl -L -s\$@ ;}" >> ~/.bash_profile && source ~/.bash_profile

And then you can just type gi followd by the all the platform/environment elements you need gitignore criteria for.

Lets say you're working on a node project that includes grunt and you're using webstorm on linux, then you may want to type:
gi linux,webstorm,node,grunt > .gitignore ( to make a brand new file)
gi linux,webstorm,node,grunt >> .gitignore ( to append/add the new rules to an existing file)

bam, you're good to go

How do I configure Notepad++ to use spaces instead of tabs?

I have NotePad++ v6.8.3, and it was in Settings ? Preferences ? Tab Settings ? [Default] ? Replace by space:

NotePad++ Preferences

NotePad++ Tab Settings

What is the difference between BIT and TINYINT in MySQL?

Might be wrong but:

Tinyint is an integer between 0 and 255

bit is either 1 or 0

Therefore to me bit is the choice for booleans

How to use HttpWebRequest (.NET) asynchronously?

I ended up using BackgroundWorker, it is definitely asynchronous unlike some of the above solutions, it handles returning to the GUI thread for you, and it is very easy to understand.

It is also very easy to handle exceptions, as they end up in the RunWorkerCompleted method, but make sure you read this: Unhandled exceptions in BackgroundWorker

I used WebClient but obviously you could use HttpWebRequest.GetResponse if you wanted.

var worker = new BackgroundWorker();

worker.DoWork += (sender, args) => {
    args.Result = new WebClient().DownloadString(settings.test_url);

worker.RunWorkerCompleted += (sender, e) => {
    if (e.Error != null) {
        connectivityLabel.Text = "Error: " + e.Error.Message;
    } else {
        connectivityLabel.Text = "Connectivity OK";
        Log.d("result:" + e.Result);

connectivityLabel.Text = "Testing Connectivity";

AttributeError: can't set attribute in python

For those searching this error, another thing that can trigger AtributeError: can't set attribute is if you try to set a decorated @property that has no setter method. Not the problem in the OP's question, but I'm putting it here to help any searching for the error message directly. (if you don't like it, go edit the question's title :)

class Test:
    def __init__(self):
        self._attr = "original value"
        # This will trigger an error...
        self.attr = "new value"
    def attr(self):
        return self._attr


How to detect Ctrl+V, Ctrl+C using JavaScript?

Important note

I was using e.keyCode for a while and i detected that when i press ctrl + ., This attribute returns a wrong number, 190, while the ascii code of . is 46!

So you should use e.key.toUpperCase().charCodeAt(0) instead of e.keyCode.

jquery onclick change css background image

You need to use background-image instead of backgroundImage. For example:

$(function() {
  $('.home').click(function() {
    $(this).css('background-image', 'url(images/tabs3.png)');

How to identify unused CSS definitions from multiple CSS files in a project

I have just found this site –

Looks good but I would need to thoroughly check its outputted 'clean' css before uploading it to any of my sites.

Also as with all these tools I would need to check it didn't strip id's and classes with no style but are used as JavaScript selectors.

The below content is taken from so credit to them for recommending other solutions:

Latish Sehgal has written a windows application to find and remove unused CSS classes. I haven't tested it but from the description, you have to provide the path of your html files and one CSS file. The program will then list the unused CSS selectors. From the screenshot, it looks like there is no way to export this list or download a new clean CSS file. It also looks like the service is limited to one CSS file. If you have multiple files you want to clean, you have to clean them one by one.

Dust-Me Selectors is a Firefox extension (for v1.5 or later) that finds unused CSS selectors. It extracts all the selectors from all the stylesheets on the page you're viewing, then analyzes that page to see which of those selectors are not used. The data is then stored so that when testing subsequent pages, selectors can be crossed off the list as they're encountered. This tool is supposed to be able to spider a whole website but I unfortunately could make it work. Also, I don't believe you can configure and download the CSS file with the styles removed.

Topstyle is a windows application including a bunch of tools to edit CSS. I haven't tested it much but it looks like it has the ability to removed unused CSS selectors. This software costs 80 USD.

Liquidcity CSS cleaner is a php script that uses regular expressions to check the styles of one page. It will tell you the classes that aren't available in the HTML code. I haven't tested this solution.

Deadweight is a CSS coverage tool. Given a set of stylesheets and a set of URLs, it determines which selectors are actually used and lists which can be "safely" deleted. This tool is a ruby module and will only work with rails website. The unused selectors have to be manually removed from the CSS file.

Helium CSS is a javascript tool for discovering unused CSS across many pages on a web site. You first have to install the javascript file to the page you want to test. Then, you have to call a helium function to start the cleaning. is web application with an easy to use interface. Type the url of a site and you will get a list of CSS selectors. For each selector, a number indicates how many times a selector is used. This service has a few limitations. The @import statement is not supported. You can't configure and download the new clean CSS file.

CSSESS is a bookmarklet that helps you find unused CSS selectors on any site. This tool is pretty easy to use but it won't let you configure and download clean CSS files. It will only list unused CSS files.

Is there a simple JavaScript slider?

The lightweight MooTools framework has one:

How to use the DropDownList's SelectedIndexChanged event

I think this is the culprit:

cmd = new SqlCommand(query, con);

DataTable dt = Select(query);


ddtype.DataSource = dt;

I don't know what that code is supposed to do, but it looks like you want to create an SqlDataReader for that, as explained here and all over the web if you search for "SqlCommand DropDownList DataSource":

cmd = new SqlCommand(query, con);
ddtype.DataSource = cmd.ExecuteReader();

Or you can create a DataTable as explained here:

cmd = new SqlCommand(query, con);

SqlDataAdapter listQueryAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
DataTable listTable = new DataTable();

ddtype.DataSource = listTable;

Sorting a vector of custom objects

I was curious if there is any measurable impact on performance between the various ways one can call std::sort, so I've created this simple test:

$ cat sort.cpp

#define COMPILER_BARRIER() asm volatile("" ::: "memory");

typedef unsigned long int ulint;

using namespace std;

struct S {
  int x;
  int y;

#define BODY { return s1.x*s2.y < s2.x*s1.y; }

bool operator<( const S& s1, const S& s2 ) BODY
bool Sgreater_func( const S& s1, const S& s2 ) BODY

struct Sgreater {
  bool operator()( const S& s1, const S& s2 ) const BODY

void sort_by_operator(vector<S> & v){
  sort(v.begin(), v.end());

void sort_by_lambda(vector<S> & v){
  sort(v.begin(), v.end(), []( const S& s1, const S& s2 ) BODY );

void sort_by_functor(vector<S> &v){
  sort(v.begin(), v.end(), Sgreater());

void sort_by_function(vector<S> &v){
  sort(v.begin(), v.end(), &Sgreater_func);

const int N = 10000000;
vector<S> random_vector;

ulint run(void foo(vector<S> &v)){
  vector<S> tmp(random_vector);
  ulint checksum = 0;
  for(int i=0;i<tmp.size();++i){
     checksum += i *tmp[i].x ^ tmp[i].y;
  return checksum;

void measure(void foo(vector<S> & v)){

ulint check_sum = 0;

  // warm up
  const int WARMUP_ROUNDS = 3;
  const int TEST_ROUNDS = 10;

  for(int t=WARMUP_ROUNDS;t--;){
    check_sum += run(foo);

  for(int t=TEST_ROUNDS;t--;){
    auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
    check_sum += run(foo);
    auto end = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
    auto duration_ns = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::duration<double>>(end - start).count();

    cout << "Took " << duration_ns << "s to complete round" << endl;

  cout << "Checksum: " << check_sum << endl;

#define M(x) \
  cout << "Measure " #x " on " << N << " items:" << endl;\

int main(){

  for(int i=0;i<N;++i){
    random_vector.push_back(S{rand(), rand()});

  return 0;

What it does is it creates a random vector, and then measures how much time is required to copy it and sort the copy of it (and compute some checksum to avoid too vigorous dead code elimination).

I was compiling with g++ (GCC) 7.2.1 20170829 (Red Hat 7.2.1-1)

$ g++ -O2 -o sort sort.cpp && ./sort

Here are results:

Measure sort_by_operator on 10000000 items:
Took 0.994285s to complete round
Took 0.990162s to complete round
Took 0.992103s to complete round
Took 0.989638s to complete round
Took 0.98105s to complete round
Took 0.991913s to complete round
Took 0.992176s to complete round
Took 0.981706s to complete round
Took 0.99021s to complete round
Took 0.988841s to complete round
Checksum: 18446656212269526361
Measure sort_by_lambda on 10000000 items:
Took 0.974274s to complete round
Took 0.97298s to complete round
Took 0.964506s to complete round
Took 0.96899s to complete round
Took 0.965773s to complete round
Took 0.96457s to complete round
Took 0.974286s to complete round
Took 0.975524s to complete round
Took 0.966238s to complete round
Took 0.964676s to complete round
Checksum: 18446656212269526361
Measure sort_by_functor on 10000000 items:
Took 0.964359s to complete round
Took 0.979619s to complete round
Took 0.974027s to complete round
Took 0.964671s to complete round
Took 0.964764s to complete round
Took 0.966491s to complete round
Took 0.964706s to complete round
Took 0.965115s to complete round
Took 0.964352s to complete round
Took 0.968954s to complete round
Checksum: 18446656212269526361
Measure sort_by_function on 10000000 items:
Took 1.29942s to complete round
Took 1.3029s to complete round
Took 1.29931s to complete round
Took 1.29946s to complete round
Took 1.29837s to complete round
Took 1.30132s to complete round
Took 1.3023s to complete round
Took 1.30997s to complete round
Took 1.30819s to complete round
Took 1.3003s to complete round
Checksum: 18446656212269526361

Looks like all the options except for passing function pointer are very similar, and passing a function pointer causes +30% penalty.

It also looks like the operator< version is ~1% slower (I repeated the test multiple times and the effect persists), which is a bit strange as it suggests that the generated code is different (I lack skill to analyze --save-temps output).

Change UITableView height dynamically

Rob's solution is very nice, only thing that in his -(void)adjustHeightOfTableview method the calling of

[self.view needsUpdateConstraints]

does nothing, it just returns a flag, instead calling

[self.view setNeedsUpdateConstraints]

will make the desired effect.

All possible array initialization syntaxes

Another way of creating and initializing an array of objects. This is similar to the example which @Amol has posted above, except this one uses constructors. A dash of polymorphism sprinkled in, I couldn't resist.

IUser[] userArray = new IUser[]
    new DummyUser("[email protected]", "Gibberish"),
    new SmartyUser("[email protected]", "Italian", "Engineer")

Classes for context:

interface IUser
    string EMail { get; }       // immutable, so get only an no set
    string Language { get; }

public class DummyUser : IUser
    public DummyUser(string email, string language)
        m_email = email;
        m_language = language;

    private string m_email;
    public string EMail
        get { return m_email; }

    private string m_language;
    public string Language
        get { return m_language; }

public class SmartyUser : IUser
    public SmartyUser(string email, string language, string occupation)
        m_email = email;
        m_language = language;
        m_occupation = occupation;

    private string m_email;
    public string EMail
        get { return m_email; }

    private string m_language;
    public string Language
        get { return m_language; }

    private string m_occupation;

Redirect output of mongo query to a csv file

I know this question is old but I spend an hour trying to export a complex query to csv and I wanted to share my thoughts. First I couldn't get any of the json to csv converters to work (although this one looked promising). What I ended up doing was manually writing the csv file in my mongo script.

This is a simple version but essentially what I did:


This I just piped the query to stdout

mongo test export.js > out.csv

where test is the name of the database I use.

Setting the target version of Java in ant javac

Use "target" attribute and remove the 'compiler' attribute. See here. So it should go something like this:

<target name="compile">
  <javac target="1.5" srcdir=.../>

Hope this helps

Proper way to assert type of variable in Python

The isinstance built-in is the preferred way if you really must, but even better is to remember Python's motto: "it's easier to ask forgiveness than permission"!-) (It was actually Grace Murray Hopper's favorite motto;-). I.e.:

def my_print(text, begin, end):
    "Print 'text' in UPPER between 'begin' and 'end' in lower"
      print begin.lower() + text.upper() + end.lower()
    except (AttributeError, TypeError):
      raise AssertionError('Input variables should be strings')

This, BTW, lets the function work just fine on Unicode strings -- without any extra effort!-)

How to pass the id of an element that triggers an `onclick` event to the event handling function

I would suggest the use of jquery mate.

With jQuery you would then be able to get the id of this element by


without jquery, if I remember correctly we used to access the id with a

Hope that helps :)

Join/Where with LINQ and Lambda

I've done something like this;

var certificationClass = _db.INDIVIDUALLICENSEs
        ILC => ILC.NAME,
    .Where(o => 
    .Select(t => new
            value = t.PSP_INDLICENSECLAsse.ID,
            name = t.PSP_INDIVIDUALLICENSE.LICENSE_CLASS,                
    .OrderBy(x =>;

Programmatically Creating UILabel

Swift 3:

let label = UILabel(frame: CGRect(x:0,y: 0,width: 250,height: 50))
label.textAlignment = .center
label.textColor = .white
label.font = UIFont(name: "Avenir-Light", size: 15.0)
label.text = "This is a Label"

how do I set height of container DIV to 100% of window height?

Add this to your css:

html, body {

If you say height:100%, you mean '100% of the parent element'. If the parent element has no specified height, nothing will happen. You only set 100% on body, but you also need to add it to html.

Error loading MySQLdb Module 'Did you install mysqlclient or MySQL-python?'

This command did the trick from @Aniket Sinha's answer above:

pip install mysqlclient

What is the difference between smoke testing and sanity testing?

Smoke tests are tests which aim is to check if everything was build correctly. I mean here integration, connections. So you check from technically point of view if you can make wider tests. You have to execute some test cases and check if the results are positive.

Sanity tests in general have the same aim - check if we can make further test. But in sanity test you focus on business value so you execute some test cases but you check the logic.

In general people say smoke tests for both above because they are executed in the same time (sanity after smoke tests) and their aim is similar.

Creating a file only if it doesn't exist in Node.js

As your intuition correctly guessed, the naive solution with a pair of exists / writeFile calls is wrong. Asynchronous code runs in unpredictable ways. And in given case it is

  • Is there a file a.txt? — No.
  • (File a.txt gets created by another program)
  • Write to a.txt if it's possible. — Okay.

But yes, we can do that in a single call. We're working with file system so it's a good idea to read developer manual on fs. And hey, here's an interesting part.

'w' - Open file for writing. The file is created (if it does not exist) or truncated (if it exists).

'wx' - Like 'w' but fails if path exists.

So all we have to do is just add wx to the call. But hey, we don't like fopen-like IO. Let's read on fs.writeFile a bit more.

fs.readFile(filename[, options], callback)#

filename String

options Object

encoding String | Null default = null

flag String default = 'r'

callback Function

That options.flag looks promising. So we try

fs.writeFile(path, data, { flag: 'wx' }, function (err) {
    if (err) throw err;
    console.log("It's saved!");

And it works perfectly for a single write. I guess this code will fail in some more bizarre ways yet if you try to solve your task with it. You have an atomary "check for a_#.jpg existence, and write there if it's empty" operation, but all the other fs state is not locked, and a_1.jpg file may spontaneously disappear while you're already checking a_5.jpg. Most* file systems are no ACID databases, and the fact that you're able to do at least some atomic operations is miraculous. It's very likely that wx code won't work on some platform. So for the sake of your sanity, use database, finally.

Some more info for the suffering

Imagine we're writing something like memoize-fs that caches results of function calls to the file system to save us some network/cpu time. Could we open the file for reading if it exists, and for writing if it doesn't, all in the single call? Let's take a funny look on those flags. After a while of mental exercises we can see that a+ does what we want: if the file doesn't exist, it creates one and opens it both for reading and writing, and if the file exists it does so without clearing the file (as w+ would). But now we cannot use it neither in (smth)File, nor in create(Smth)Stream functions. And that seems like a missing feature.

So feel free to file it as a feature request (or even a bug) to Node.js github, as lack of atomic asynchronous file system API is a drawback of Node. Though don't expect changes any time soon.

Edit. I would like to link to articles by Linus and by Dan Luu on why exactly you don't want to do anything smart with your fs calls, because the claim was left mostly not based on anything.

How to sum all values in a column in Jaspersoft iReport Designer?

iReports Custom Fields for columns (sum, average, etc)

  1. Right-Click on Variables and click Create Variable

  2. Click on the new variable

    a. Notice the properties on the right

  3. Rename the variable accordingly

  4. Change the Value Class Name to the correct Data Type

    a. You can search by clicking the 3 dots

  5. Select the correct type of calculation

  6. Change the Expression

    a. Click the little icon

    b. Select the column you are looking to do the calculation for

    c. Click finish

  7. Set Initial Value Expression to 0

  8. Set the increment type to none

  9. Leave Incrementer Factory Class Name blank
  10. Set the Reset Type (usually report)

  11. Drag a new Text Field to stage (Usually in Last Page Footer, or Column Footer)

  12. Double Click the new Text Field
  13. Clear the expression “Text Field”
  14. Select the new variable

  15. Click finish

  16. Put the new text in a desirable position ?

Launch programs whose path contains spaces

What you're trying to achieve is simple, and the way you're going about it isn't. Try this (Works fine for me) and save the file as a batch from your text editor. Trust me, it's easier.

start firefox.exe

Setting width to wrap_content for TextView through code

There is another way to achieve same result. In case you need to set only one parameter, for example 'height':

TextView textView = (TextView)findViewById(;
ViewGroup.LayoutParams params = textView.getLayoutParams();
params.height = ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT;

jQuery: How can I show an image popup onclick of the thumbnail?

I like prettyPhoto

prettyPhoto is a jQuery lightbox clone. Not only does it support images, it also support for videos, flash, YouTube, iframes and ajax. It’s a full blown media lightbox

SHA-256 or MD5 for file integrity

The underlying MD5 algorithm is no longer deemed secure, thus while md5sum is well-suited for identifying known files in situations that are not security related, it should not be relied on if there is a chance that files have been purposefully and maliciously tampered. In the latter case, the use of a newer hashing tool such as sha256sum is highly recommended.

So, if you are simply looking to check for file corruption or file differences, when the source of the file is trusted, MD5 should be sufficient. If you are looking to verify the integrity of a file coming from an untrusted source, or over from a trusted source over an unencrypted connection, MD5 is not sufficient.

Another commenter noted that Ubuntu and others use MD5 checksums. Ubuntu has moved to PGP and SHA256, in addition to MD5, but the documentation of the stronger verification strategies are more difficult to find. See the HowToSHA256SUM page for more details.

Convert PDF to PNG using ImageMagick

when you set the density to 96, doesn't it look good?

when i tried it i saw that saving as jpg resulted with better quality, but larger file size

How to get all registered routes in Express?

json output

function availableRoutes() {
  return app._router.stack
    .filter(r => r.route)
    .map(r => {
      return {
        method: Object.keys(r.route.methods)[0].toUpperCase(),
        path: r.route.path

console.log(JSON.stringify(availableRoutes(), null, 2));

looks like this:

    "method": "GET",
    "path": "/api/todos"
    "method": "POST",
    "path": "/api/todos"
    "method": "PUT",
    "path": "/api/todos/:id"
    "method": "DELETE",
    "path": "/api/todos/:id"

string output

function availableRoutesString() {
  return app._router.stack
    .filter(r => r.route)
    .map(r => Object.keys(r.route.methods)[0].toUpperCase().padEnd(7) + r.route.path)
    .join("\n  ")


looks like this:

GET    /api/todos  
POST   /api/todos  
PUT    /api/todos/:id  
DELETE /api/todos/:id

these are based on @corvid's answer

hope this helps

How to read file from res/raw by name

With the help of the given links I was able to solve the problem myself. The correct way is to get the resource ID with

                             "raw", getPackageName());

To get it as a InputStream

InputStream ins = getResources().openRawResource(
            "raw", getPackageName()));

Add a month to a Date

"mondate" is somewhat similar to "Date" except that adding n adds n months rather than n days:

> library(mondate)
> d <- as.Date("2004-01-31")
> as.mondate(d) + 1
mondate: timeunits="months"
[1] 2004-02-29

How to force a script reload and re-execute?

I know that is to late, but I want to share my answer. What I did it's save de script's tags in a HTML file, locking up the scripts on my Index file in a div with an id, something like this.

<div id="ScriptsReload"><script src="js/script.js"></script></div>

and when I wanted to refresh I just used.

$("#ScriptsReload").load("html_with_scripts_tags.html", "", function(
  ) {


download csv file from web api in angular js

Rather than use Ajax / XMLHttpRequest / $http to invoke your WebApi method, use an html form. That way the browser saves the file using the filename and content type information in the response headers, and you don't need to work around javascript's limitations on file handling. You might also use a GET method rather than a POST as the method returns data. Here's an example form:

<form name="export" action="/MyController/Export" method="get" novalidate>
    <input name="id" type="id" ng-model="id" placeholder="ID" />
    <input name="fileName" type="text" ng-model="filename" placeholder="file name" required />
    <span class="error" ng-show="export.fileName.$error.required">Filename is required!</span>
    <button type="submit" ng-disabled="export.$invalid">Export</button>

jQuery UI autocomplete with JSON

I understand that its been answered already. but I hope this will help someone in future and saves so much time and pain.

complete code is below: This one I did for a textbox to make it Autocomplete in CiviCRM. Hope it helps someone

CRM.$( 'input[id^=custom_78]' ).autocomplete({
            autoFill: true,
            select: function (event, ui) {
                    var label = ui.item.label;
                    var value = ui.item.value;
                    // Update subject field to add book year and book product
                    var book_year_value = CRM.$('select[id^=custom_77]  option:selected').text().replace('Book Year ','');
                    //book_year_value.replace('Book Year ','');
                    var subject_value = book_year_value + '/' + ui.item.label;
                    CRM.$( 'input[name=product_select_id]' ).val(ui.item.value);
                    return false;
            source: function(request, response) {
                    url: productUrl,
                        data: {
                                        'subCategory' : cj('select[id^=custom_77]').val(),
                                        's': request.term,
                    beforeSend: function( xhr ) {
                        xhr.overrideMimeType( "text/plain; charset=x-user-defined" );

                    success: function(result){
                                result = jQuery.parseJSON( result);
                                response(CRM.$.map(result, function (val,key) {
                                                         return {
                                                                 label: val,
                                                                 value: key
                .done(function( data ) {
                    if ( console && console.log ) {
                     // console.log( "Sample of dataas:", data.slice( 0, 100 ) );

PHP code on how I'm returning data to this jquery ajax call in autocomplete:

 * This class contains all product related functions that are called using AJAX (jQuery)
class CRM_Civicrmactivitiesproductlink_Page_AJAX {
  static function getProductList() {
        $name   = CRM_Utils_Array::value( 's', $_GET );
    $name   = CRM_Utils_Type::escape( $name, 'String' );
    $limit  = '10';

        $strSearch = "description LIKE '%$name%'";

        $subCategory   = CRM_Utils_Array::value( 'subCategory', $_GET );
    $subCategory   = CRM_Utils_Type::escape( $subCategory, 'String' );

        if (!empty($subCategory))
                $strSearch .= " AND sub_category = ".$subCategory;

        $query = "SELECT id , description as data FROM abc_books WHERE $strSearch";
        $resultArray = array();
        $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery( $query );
        while ( $dao->fetch( ) ) {
            $resultArray[$dao->id] = $dao->data;//creating the array to send id as key and data as value
        echo json_encode($resultArray);

CMake: How to build external projects and include their targets

cmake's ExternalProject_Add indeed can used, but what I did not like about it - is that it performs something during build, continuous poll, etc... I would prefer to build project during build phase, nothing else. I have tried to override ExternalProject_Add in several attempts, unfortunately without success.

Then I have tried also to add git submodule, but that drags whole git repository, while in certain cases I need only subset of whole git repository. What I have checked - it's indeed possible to perform sparse git checkout, but that require separate function, which I wrote below.

# Performs sparse (partial) git checkout
#   into ${checkoutDir} from ${url} of ${branch}
# List of folders and files to pull can be specified after that.
function (SparseGitCheckout checkoutDir url branch)
    if(EXISTS ${checkoutDir})

    message("sparse git checkout to ${checkoutDir}...")

    file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${checkoutDir})

    set(cmds "git init")
    set(cmds ${cmds} "git remote add -f origin --no-tags -t master ${url}")
    set(cmds ${cmds} "git config core.sparseCheckout true")

    # This command is executed via file WRITE
    # echo <file or folder> >> .git/info/sparse-checkout")

    set(cmds ${cmds} "git pull --depth=1 origin ${branch}")

    # message("In directory: ${checkoutDir}")

    foreach( cmd ${cmds})
        message("- ${cmd}")
        string(REPLACE " " ";" cmdList ${cmd})

        #message("Outfile: ${outFile}")
        #message("Final command: ${cmdList}")

        if(pull IN_LIST cmdList)
            string (REPLACE ";" "\n" FILES "${ARGN}")
            file(WRITE ${checkoutDir}/.git/info/sparse-checkout ${FILES} )

            COMMAND ${cmdList}
            WORKING_DIRECTORY ${checkoutDir}
            RESULT_VARIABLE ret

        if(NOT ret EQUAL "0")
            message("error: previous command failed, see explanation above")
            file(REMOVE_RECURSE ${checkoutDir})


SparseGitCheckout(${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/catch_197 v1.9.7 single_include)
SparseGitCheckout(${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/catch_master master single_include)

I have added two function calls below just to illustrate how to use the function.

Someone might not like to checkout master / trunk, as that one might be broken - then it's always possible to specify specific tag.

Checkout will be performed only once, until you clear the cache folder.

Detect when an HTML5 video finishes

You can simply add onended="myFunction()" to your video tag.

<video onended="myFunction()">
  Your browser does not support the video tag.

<script type='text/javascript'>
  function myFunction(){
    console.log("The End.")

What is the Record type in typescript?

A Record lets you create a new type from a Union. The values in the Union are used as attributes of the new type.

For example, say I have a Union like this:

type CatNames = "miffy" | "boris" | "mordred";

Now I want to create an object that contains information about all the cats, I can create a new type using the values in the CatName Union as keys.

type CatList = Record<CatNames, {age: number}>

If I want to satisfy this CatList, I must create an object like this:

const cats:CatList = {
  miffy: { age:99 },
  boris: { age:16 },
  mordred: { age:600 }

You get very strong type safety:

  • If I forget a cat, I get an error.
  • If I add a cat that's not allowed, I get an error.
  • If I later change CatNames, I get an error. This is especially useful because CatNames is likely imported from another file, and likely used in many places.

Real-world React example.

I used this recently to create a Status component. The component would receive a status prop, and then render an icon. I've simplified the code quite a lot here for illustrative purposes

I had a union like this:

type Statuses = "failed" | "complete";

I used this to create an object like this:

const icons: Record<
  { iconType: IconTypes; iconColor: IconColors }
> = {
  failed: {
    iconType: "warning",
    iconColor: "red"
  complete: {
    iconType: "check",
    iconColor: "green"

I could then render by destructuring an element from the object into props, like so:

const Status = ({status}) => <Icon {...icons[status]} />

If the Statuses union is later extended or changed, I know my Status component will fail to compile and I'll get an error that I can fix immediately. This allows me to add additional error states to the app.

Note that the actual app had dozens of error states that were referenced in multiple places, so this type safety was extremely useful.

error "Could not get BatchedBridge, make sure your bundle is packaged properly" on start of app

Try this command in terminal and then reload. It worked for me

adb reverse tcp:8081 tcp:8081

MySQL - Using COUNT(*) in the WHERE clause


FROM `gd`
group by gid
having count(*) > 10
ORDER BY max(lastupdated) DESC

Creating self signed certificate for domain and subdomains - NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID

For everyone who is encountering this and wants to accept the risk to test it, there is a solution: go to Incognito mode in Chrome and you'll be able to open "Advanced" and click "Proceed to some.url".

This can be helpful if you need to check some website which you are maintaining yourself and just testing as a developer (and when you don't yet have proper development certificate configured).

Of course this is NOT FOR PEOPLE using a website in production where this error indicates that there is a problem with website security.

How do I get the max ID with Linq to Entity?

The best way to get the id of the entity you added is like this:

public int InsertEntity(Entity factor)
    var id =;
    return id;

@Value annotation type casting to Integer from String

Assuming you have a properties file on your classpath that contains


I tried inside a @Controller

public class MyController {     
    private Integer pingFrequency;

With my servlet context containing :

<context:property-placeholder location="" />

It worked perfectly.

So either your property is not an integer type, you don't have the property placeholder configured correctly, or you are using the wrong property key.

I tried running with an invalid property value, 4123;. The exception I got is

java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "4123;"

which makes me think the value of your property is


Datatable select method ORDER BY clause

Use"col1='test'","col1 ASC")

Then before binding your data to the grid or repeater etc, use this


That will solve your problem.

How do I filter ForeignKey choices in a Django ModelForm?

A more public way is by calling get_form in Admin classes. It also works for non-database fields too. For example here i have a field called '_terminal_list' on the form that can be used in special cases for choosing several terminal items from get_list(request), then filtering based on request.user:

class ChangeKeyValueForm(forms.ModelForm):  
    _terminal_list = forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField( 
queryset=Terminal.objects.all() )

    class Meta:
        model = ChangeKeyValue
        fields = ['_terminal_list', 'param_path', 'param_value', 'scheduled_time',  ] 

class ChangeKeyValueAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    form = ChangeKeyValueForm
    list_display = ('terminal','task_list', 'plugin','last_update_time')
    list_per_page =16

    def get_form(self, request, obj = None, **kwargs):
        form = super(ChangeKeyValueAdmin, self).get_form(request, **kwargs)
        qs, filterargs = Terminal.get_list(request)
        form.base_fields['_terminal_list'].queryset = qs
        return form

Git workflow and rebase vs merge questions


A git rebase workflow does not protect you from people who are bad at conflict resolution or people who are used to a SVN workflow, like suggested in Avoiding Git Disasters: A Gory Story. It only makes conflict resolution more tedious for them and makes it harder to recover from bad conflict resolution. Instead, use diff3 so that it's not so difficult in the first place.

Rebase workflow is not better for conflict resolution!

I am very pro-rebase for cleaning up history. However if I ever hit a conflict, I immediately abort the rebase and do a merge instead! It really kills me that people are recommending a rebase workflow as a better alternative to a merge workflow for conflict resolution (which is exactly what this question was about).

If it goes "all to hell" during a merge, it will go "all to hell" during a rebase, and potentially a lot more hell too! Here's why:

Reason #1: Resolve conflicts once, instead of once for each commit

When you rebase instead of merge, you will have to perform conflict resolution up to as many times as you have commits to rebase, for the same conflict!

Real scenario

I branch off of master to refactor a complicated method in a branch. My refactoring work is comprised of 15 commits total as I work to refactor it and get code reviews. Part of my refactoring involves fixing the mixed tabs and spaces that were present in master before. This is necessary, but unfortunately it will conflict with any change made afterward to this method in master. Sure enough, while I'm working on this method, someone makes a simple, legitimate change to the same method in the master branch that should be merged in with my changes.

When it's time to merge my branch back with master, I have two options:

git merge: I get a conflict. I see the change they made to master and merge it in with (the final product of) my branch. Done.

git rebase: I get a conflict with my first commit. I resolve the conflict and continue the rebase. I get a conflict with my second commit. I resolve the conflict and continue the rebase. I get a conflict with my third commit. I resolve the conflict and continue the rebase. I get a conflict with my fourth commit. I resolve the conflict and continue the rebase. I get a conflict with my fifth commit. I resolve the conflict and continue the rebase. I get a conflict with my sixth commit. I resolve the conflict and continue the rebase. I get a conflict with my seventh commit. I resolve the conflict and continue the rebase. I get a conflict with my eighth commit. I resolve the conflict and continue the rebase. I get a conflict with my ninth commit. I resolve the conflict and continue the rebase. I get a conflict with my tenth commit. I resolve the conflict and continue the rebase. I get a conflict with my eleventh commit. I resolve the conflict and continue the rebase. I get a conflict with my twelfth commit. I resolve the conflict and continue the rebase. I get a conflict with my thirteenth commit. I resolve the conflict and continue the rebase. I get a conflict with my fourteenth commit. I resolve the conflict and continue the rebase. I get a conflict with my fifteenth commit. I resolve the conflict and continue the rebase.

You have got to be kidding me if this is your preferred workflow. All it takes is a whitespace fix that conflicts with one change made on master, and every commit will conflict and must be resolved. And this is a simple scenario with only a whitespace conflict. Heaven forbid you have a real conflict involving major code changes across files and have to resolve that multiple times.

With all the extra conflict resolution you need to do, it just increases the possibility that you will make a mistake. But mistakes are fine in git since you can undo, right? Except of course...

Reason #2: With rebase, there is no undo!

I think we can all agree that conflict resolution can be difficult, and also that some people are very bad at it. It can be very prone to mistakes, which why it's so great that git makes it easy to undo!

When you merge a branch, git creates a merge commit that can be discarded or amended if the conflict resolution goes poorly. Even if you have already pushed the bad merge commit to the public/authoritative repo, you can use git revert to undo the changes introduced by the merge and redo the merge correctly in a new merge commit.

When you rebase a branch, in the likely event that conflict resolution is done wrong, you're screwed. Every commit now contains the bad merge, and you can't just redo the rebase*. At best, you have to go back and amend each of the affected commits. Not fun.

After a rebase, it's impossible to determine what was originally part of the commits and what was introduced as a result of bad conflict resolution.

*It can be possible to undo a rebase if you can dig the old refs out of git's internal logs, or if you create a third branch that points to the last commit before rebasing.

Take the hell out of conflict resolution: use diff3

Take this conflict for example:

<<<<<<< HEAD
TextMessage.send(:include_timestamp => true)
EmailMessage.send(:include_timestamp => false)
>>>>>>> feature-branch

Looking at the conflict, it's impossible to tell what each branch changed or what its intent was. This is the biggest reason in my opinion why conflict resolution is confusing and hard.

diff3 to the rescue!

git config --global merge.conflictstyle diff3

When you use the diff3, each new conflict will have a 3rd section, the merged common ancestor.

<<<<<<< HEAD
TextMessage.send(:include_timestamp => true)
||||||| merged common ancestor
EmailMessage.send(:include_timestamp => true)
EmailMessage.send(:include_timestamp => false)
>>>>>>> feature-branch

First examine the merged common ancestor. Then compare each side to determine each branch's intent. You can see that HEAD changed EmailMessage to TextMessage. Its intent is to change the class used to TextMessage, passing the same parameters. You can also see that feature-branch's intent is to pass false instead of true for the :include_timestamp option. To merge these changes, combine the intent of both:

TextMessage.send(:include_timestamp => false)

In general:

  1. Compare the common ancestor with each branch, and determine which branch has the simplest change
  2. Apply that simple change to the other branch's version of the code, so that it contains both the simpler and the more complex change
  3. Remove all the sections of conflict code other than the one that you just merged the changes together into

Alternate: Resolve by manually applying the branch's changes

Finally, some conflicts are terrible to understand even with diff3. This happens especially when diff finds lines in common that are not semantically common (eg. both branches happened to have a blank line at the same place!). For example, one branch changes the indentation of the body of a class or reorders similar methods. In these cases, a better resolution strategy can be to examine the change from either side of the merge and manually apply the diff to the other file.

Let's look at how we might resolve a conflict in a scenario where merging origin/feature1 where lib/message.rb conflicts.

  1. Decide whether our currently checked out branch (HEAD, or --ours) or the branch we're merging (origin/feature1, or --theirs) is a simpler change to apply. Using diff with triple dot (git diff a...b) shows the changes that happened on b since its last divergence from a, or in other words, compare the common ancestor of a and b with b.

    git diff HEAD...origin/feature1 -- lib/message.rb # show the change in feature1
    git diff origin/feature1...HEAD -- lib/message.rb # show the change in our branch
  2. Check out the more complicated version of the file. This will remove all conflict markers and use the side you choose.

    git checkout --ours -- lib/message.rb   # if our branch's change is more complicated
    git checkout --theirs -- lib/message.rb # if origin/feature1's change is more complicated
  3. With the complicated change checked out, pull up the diff of the simpler change (see step 1). Apply each change from this diff to the conflicting file.

How do I remove packages installed with Python's easy_install?

For me only deleting this file : easy-install.pth worked, rest pip install django==1.3.7

How to convert InputStream to FileInputStream

Use ClassLoader#getResource() instead if its URI represents a valid local disk file system path.

URL resource = classLoader.getResource("resource.ext");
File file = new File(resource.toURI());
FileInputStream input = new FileInputStream(file);
// ...

If it doesn't (e.g. JAR), then your best bet is to copy it into a temporary file.

Path temp = Files.createTempFile("resource-", ".ext");
Files.copy(classLoader.getResourceAsStream("resource.ext"), temp, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);
FileInputStream input = new FileInputStream(temp.toFile());
// ...

That said, I really don't see any benefit of doing so, or it must be required by a poor helper class/method which requires FileInputStream instead of InputStream. If you can, just fix the API to ask for an InputStream instead. If it's a 3rd party one, by all means report it as a bug. I'd in this specific case also put question marks around the remainder of that API.

Jenkins CI Pipeline Scripts not permitted to use method groovy.lang.GroovyObject


I had similar issue and I resolved it doing the following

  1. Navigate to jenkins > Manage jenkins > In-process Script Approval
  2. There was a pending command, which I had to approve.

In process approval link in Jenkins 2.61 Alternative 1: Disable sandbox

As this article explains in depth, groovy scripts are run in sandbox mode by default. This means that a subset of groovy methods are allowed to run without administrator approval. It's also possible to run scripts not in sandbox mode, which implies that the whole script needs to be approved by an administrator at once. This preventing users from approving each line at the time.

Running scripts without sandbox can be done by unchecking this checkbox in your project config just below your script: enter image description here

Alternative 2: Disable script security

As this article explains it also possible to disable script security completely. First install the permissive script security plugin and after that change your jenkins.xml file add this argument:


So you jenkins.xml will look something like this:

<arguments>-Dpermissive-script-security.enabled=true -Xrs -Xmx4096m -Dhudson.lifecycle=hudson.lifecycle.WindowsServiceLifecycle -jar "%BASE%\jenkins.war" --httpPort=80 --webroot="%BASE%\war"</arguments>

Make sure you know what you are doing if you implement this!

vim line numbers - how to have them on by default?

Terminal > su > password > vim /etc/vimrc

Click here and edit as in line number (13):

set nu

click here and Edit as "Line number (13)"

Datatables: Cannot read property 'mData' of undefined

Slightly different problem for me from the answers given above. For me, the HTML markup was fine, but one of my columns in the javascript was missing and didn't match the html.


<table id="companies-index-table" class="table table-responsive-sm table-striped">

                                <th>Created at</th>
                                <th>Updated at</th>
                            @foreach($companies as $company)
                                    <td>{{ $company->id }}</td>
                                    <td>{{ $company->name }}</td>
                                    <td>{{ $company->created_at }}</td>
                                    <td>{{ $company->updated_at }}</td>
                                    <td>{{ $company->count }}</td>

My Script:-

        $(document).ready(function() {
                serverSide: true,
                processing: true,
                responsive: true,
                    ajax: "{{ route('admincompanies.datatables') }}",
                columns: [
                    { name: 'id' },
                    { name: 'name' },
                    { name: 'created_at' },
                    { name: 'updated_at' },     <-- I was missing this line so my columns didn't match the thead section.
                    { name: 'count', orderable: false },

How to force 'cp' to overwrite directory instead of creating another one inside?

The operation you defined is a "merge" and you cannot do that with cp. However, if you are not looking for merging and ok to lose the folder bar then you can simply rm -rf bar to delete the folder and then mv foo bar to rename it. This will not take any time as both operations are done by file pointers, not file contents.

selected value get from db into dropdown select box option using php mysql error

Just Add an extra hidden option and print selected value from database

<option value="<?php echo $options;?>" hidden><?php echo $options;?></option>
<option value="PHP">PHP</option>
<option value="ASP">ASP</option>

How to check if an array element exists?

You can use either the language construct isset, or the function array_key_exists.

isset should be a bit faster (as it's not a function), but will return false if the element exists and has the value NULL.

For example, considering this array :

$a = array(
    123 => 'glop', 
    456 => null, 

And those three tests, relying on isset :


The first one will get you (the element exists, and is not null) :

boolean true

While the second one will get you (the element exists, but is null) :

boolean false

And the last one will get you (the element doesn't exist) :

boolean false

On the other hand, using array_key_exists like this :

var_dump(array_key_exists(123, $a));
var_dump(array_key_exists(456, $a));
var_dump(array_key_exists(789, $a));

You'd get those outputs :

boolean true
boolean true
boolean false

Because, in the two first cases, the element exists -- even if it's null in the second case. And, of course, in the third case, it doesn't exist.

For situations such as yours, I generally use isset, considering I'm never in the second case... But choosing which one to use is now up to you ;-)

For instance, your code could become something like this :

if (!isset(self::$instances[$instanceKey])) {
    $instances[$instanceKey] = $theInstance;

How to access the php.ini from my CPanel?

Go to main screen. Under 'Software/Services' > 'php.ini EZConfig'.

About "*.d.ts" in TypeScript

Like @takeshin said .d stands for declaration file for typescript (.ts).

Few points to be clarified before proceeding to answer this post -

  1. Typescript is syntactic superset of javascript.
  2. Typescript doesn't run on its own, it needs to be transpiled into javascript (typescript to javascript conversion)
  3. "Type definition" and "Type checking" are major add-on functionalities that typescript provides over javascript. (check difference between type script and javascript)

If you are thinking if typescript is just syntactic superset, what benefits does it offer -

To Answer this post -

As we discussed, typescript is superset of javascript and needs to be transpiled into javascript. So if a library or third party code is written in typescript, it eventually gets converted to javascript which can be used by javascript project but vice versa does not hold true.

For ex -

If you install javascript library -

npm install --save mylib

and try importing it in typescript code -

import * from "mylib";

you will get error.

"Cannot find module 'mylib'."

As mentioned by @Chris, many libraries like underscore, Jquery are already written in javascript. Rather than re-writing those libraries for typescript projects, an alternate solution was needed.

In order to do this, you can provide type declaration file in javascript library named as *.d.ts, like in above case mylib.d.ts. Declaration file only provides type declarations of functions and variables defined in respective javascript file.

Now when you try -

import * from "mylib";

mylib.d.ts gets imported which acts as an interface between javascript library code and typescript project.

How to add class active on specific li on user click with jQuery

Slightly off topic but having arrived here while developing an Angular2 app I would like to share that Angular2 automatically adds the class "router-link-active" to active router links such as this one:

<li><a [routerLink]="['Dashboard']">Dashboard</a></li>

You can therefore easily style such links using CSS:

.router-link-active {
    color: red;

Spaces cause split in path with PowerShell

Just put ${yourpathtofile/folder}

PowerShell does not count spaces; to tell PowerShell to consider the whole path including spaces, add your path in between ${ & }.

SQL Server, division returns zero

Because it's an integer. You need to declare them as floating point numbers or decimals, or cast to such in the calculation.

Object array initialization without default constructor

My way

Car * cars;

// else were

extern Car * cars;

void main()
    // COLORS == id
    cars = new Car[3] {

Pandas (python): How to add column to dataframe for index?

How about:

df['new_col'] = range(1, len(df) + 1)

Alternatively if you want the index to be the ranks and store the original index as a column:

df = df.reset_index()

Program does not contain a static 'Main' method suitable for an entry point

In my case (after renaming application namespace manually) I had to reselect the Startup object in Project properties.

Create XML in Javascript

Only works in IE


        var xml = '<?xml version="1.0"?><foo><bar>bar</bar></foo>'; 

        var xmlDoc=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");



Then push xmlDoc.xml to your java code.

Recommended website resolution (width and height)?

I target the 1024 pixel monitors (but don't use 100% of that space). I've given up on those with 800x600. I'd rather punish the few with outdated hardware by making them scroll if they need to, versus punishing everyone with new equipment by wasting space.

I suppose it depends on your audience, and the nature of you app though.

Check if element is clickable in Selenium Java

There are instances when element.isDisplayed() && element.isEnabled() will return true but still element will not be clickable, because it is hidden/overlapped by some other element.

In such case, Exception caught is:

org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: unknown error: Element is not clickable at point (781, 704). Other element would receive the click: <div class="footer">...</div>

Use this code instead:

WebElement  element=driver.findElement(By.xpath"");  
JavascriptExecutor ex=(JavascriptExecutor)driver;
ex.executeScript("arguments[0].click()", element);

It will work.


Wrap the "set" statement to mean "set if not set" and put it naked above the while loop.

You are correct, the language does not provide what you're looking for in exactly that syntax, but that's because there are programming paradigms like the one I just suggested so you don't need the syntax you are proposing.

Call PHP function from jQuery?

AJAX does the magic:


    $.ajax({ url: 'script.php?argument=value&foo=bar' });


Android charting libraries


You can create a plethora of different chart types relatively quickly with loads of customizable options.

JQuery, select first row of table

jQuery is not necessary, you can use only javascript.

<table id="table">

The table object has a collection of all rows.

var myTable = document.getElementById('table');
var rows =  myTable.rows;
var firstRow = rows[0];

Rails Object to hash

My solution:

Hash[{ |a| [a, post[a]] } ]

How do I associate file types with an iPhone application?

In addition to Brad's excellent answer, I have found out that (on iOS 4.2.1 at least) when opening custom files from the Mail app, your app is not fired or notified if the attachment has been opened before. The "open with…" popup appears, but just does nothing.

This seems to be fixed by (re)moving the file from the Inbox directory. A safe approach seems to be to both (re)move the file as it is opened (in -(BOOL)application:openURL:sourceApplication:annotation:) as well as going through the Documents/Inbox directory, removing all items, e.g. in applicationDidBecomeActive:. That last catch-all may be needed to get the app in a clean state again, in case a previous import causes a crash or is interrupted.

Converting String array to java.util.List

The Simplest approach:

String[] stringArray = {"Hey", "Hi", "Hello"};

List<String> list = Arrays.asList(stringArray);

How to apply box-shadow on all four sides?

Use this css code for all four sides: box-shadow: 0px 1px 7px 0px rgb(106, 111, 109);

Default Activity not found in Android Studio

If you don't have the tab and you started with an empty activity try this. Below is a sample code example:

<application android:label="@string/app_name">

    <activity android:name=".HelloActivity">
            <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN"/>
            <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER"/>


Now go to your AndroidManifest.xml file. Next copy the intent filter from this code. Look at your manifest file really good and paste the intent filter in the exact place it is in the code above. (after the .yourActivityName> part of the manifest.) I hope this helped.

jQuery Datepicker localization

Datepicker in german (Deutsch):

$.datepicker.regional['de'] = {
    monthNames: ['Januar','Februar','März','April','Mai','Juni',
    monthNamesShort: ['Jan','Feb','Mär','Apr','Mai','Jun',
    dayNames: ['Sonntag','Montag','Dienstag','Mittwoch','Donnerstag','Freitag','Samstag'],
    dayNamesShort: ['Son','Mon','Die','Mit','Don','Fre','Sam'],
    dayNamesMin: ['So','Mo','Di','Mi','Do','Fr','Sa'],
    firstDay: 1};

How to uninstall Anaconda completely from macOS

After performing the very helpful suggestions from both spicyramen & jkysam without immediate success, a simple restart of my Mac was needed to make the system recognize the changes. Hope this helps someone!

Difference between "enqueue" and "dequeue"

Enqueue and Dequeue tend to be operations on a queue, a data structure that does exactly what it sounds like it does.

You enqueue items at one end and dequeue at the other, just like a line of people queuing up for tickets to the latest Taylor Swift concert (I was originally going to say Billy Joel but that would date me severely).

There are variations of queues such as double-ended ones where you can enqueue and dequeue at either end but the vast majority would be the simpler form:

enqueue -> | 3 | 2 | 1 | -> dequeue

That diagram shows a queue where you've enqueued the numbers 1, 2 and 3 in that order, without yet dequeuing any.

By way of example, here's some Python code that shows a simplistic queue in action, with enqueue and dequeue functions. Were it more serious code, it would be implemented as a class but it should be enough to illustrate the workings:

import random

def enqueue(lst, itm):
    lst.append(itm)        # Just add item to end of list.
    return lst             # And return list (for consistency with dequeue).

def dequeue(lst):
    itm = lst[0]           # Grab the first item in list.
    lst = lst[1:]          # Change list to remove first item.
    return (itm, lst)      # Then return item and new list.

# Test harness. Start with empty queue.

myList = []

# Enqueue or dequeue a bit, with latter having probability of 10%.

for _ in range(15):
    if random.randint(0, 9) == 0 and len(myList) > 0:
        (itm, myList) = dequeue(myList)
        print(f"Dequeued {itm} to give {myList}")
        itm = 10 * random.randint(1, 9)
        myList = enqueue(myList, itm)
        print(f"Enqueued {itm} to give {myList}")

# Now dequeue remainder of list.

while len(myList) > 0:
    (itm, myList) = dequeue(myList)
    print(f"Dequeued {itm} to give {myList}")

A sample run of that shows it in operation:

Enqueued 70 to give [70]
Enqueued 20 to give [70, 20]
Enqueued 40 to give [70, 20, 40]
Enqueued 50 to give [70, 20, 40, 50]
Dequeued 70 to give [20, 40, 50]
Enqueued 20 to give [20, 40, 50, 20]
Enqueued 30 to give [20, 40, 50, 20, 30]
Enqueued 20 to give [20, 40, 50, 20, 30, 20]
Enqueued 70 to give [20, 40, 50, 20, 30, 20, 70]
Enqueued 20 to give [20, 40, 50, 20, 30, 20, 70, 20]
Enqueued 20 to give [20, 40, 50, 20, 30, 20, 70, 20, 20]
Dequeued 20 to give [40, 50, 20, 30, 20, 70, 20, 20]
Enqueued 80 to give [40, 50, 20, 30, 20, 70, 20, 20, 80]
Dequeued 40 to give [50, 20, 30, 20, 70, 20, 20, 80]
Enqueued 90 to give [50, 20, 30, 20, 70, 20, 20, 80, 90]
Dequeued 50 to give [20, 30, 20, 70, 20, 20, 80, 90]
Dequeued 20 to give [30, 20, 70, 20, 20, 80, 90]
Dequeued 30 to give [20, 70, 20, 20, 80, 90]
Dequeued 20 to give [70, 20, 20, 80, 90]
Dequeued 70 to give [20, 20, 80, 90]
Dequeued 20 to give [20, 80, 90]
Dequeued 20 to give [80, 90]
Dequeued 80 to give [90]
Dequeued 90 to give []

Remove menubar from Electron app

These solutions has bug. When use solutions at below, windows has delay at closing.

const updateErrorWindow = new BrowserWindow({autoHideMenuBar: true});

I used solution at below. This is better for now.

const window= new BrowserWindow({...});

How to implement class constants?

All of the replies with readonly are only suitable when this is a pure TS environment - if it's ever being made into a library then this doesn't actually prevent anything, it just provides warnings for the TS compiler itself.

Static is also not correct - that's adding a method to the Class, not to an instance of the class - so you need to address it directly.

There are several ways to manage this, but the pure TS way is to use a getter - exactly as you have done already.

The alternative way is to put it in as readonly, but then use Object.defineProperty to lock it - this is almost the same thing that is being done via the getter, but you can lock it to have a value, rather than a method to use to get it -

class MyClass {
    MY_CONSTANT = 10;

    constructor() {
        Object.defineProperty(this, "MY_CONSTANT", {value: this.MY_CONSTANT});

The defaults make it read-only, but check out the docs for more details.

How to create a list of objects?

You can create a list of objects in one line using a list comprehension.

class MyClass(object): pass

objs = [MyClass() for i in range(10)]


How to check if a given directory exists in Ruby

All the other answers are correct, however, you might have problems if you're trying to check directory in a user's home directory. Make sure you expand the relative path before checking:

File.exists? '~/exists'
=> false '~/exists'
=> false
File.exists? File.expand_path('~/exists')
=> true

Fastest way to write huge data in text file Java

Only for the sake of statistics:

The machine is old Dell with new SSD

CPU: Intel Pentium D 2,8 Ghz

SSD: Patriot Inferno 120GB SSD

4000000 'records'
175.47607421875 MB

Iteration 0
Writing raw... 3.547 seconds
Writing buffered (buffer size: 8192)... 2.625 seconds
Writing buffered (buffer size: 1048576)... 2.203 seconds
Writing buffered (buffer size: 4194304)... 2.312 seconds

Iteration 1
Writing raw... 2.922 seconds
Writing buffered (buffer size: 8192)... 2.406 seconds
Writing buffered (buffer size: 1048576)... 2.015 seconds
Writing buffered (buffer size: 4194304)... 2.282 seconds

Iteration 2
Writing raw... 2.828 seconds
Writing buffered (buffer size: 8192)... 2.109 seconds
Writing buffered (buffer size: 1048576)... 2.078 seconds
Writing buffered (buffer size: 4194304)... 2.015 seconds

Iteration 3
Writing raw... 3.187 seconds
Writing buffered (buffer size: 8192)... 2.109 seconds
Writing buffered (buffer size: 1048576)... 2.094 seconds
Writing buffered (buffer size: 4194304)... 2.031 seconds

Iteration 4
Writing raw... 3.093 seconds
Writing buffered (buffer size: 8192)... 2.141 seconds
Writing buffered (buffer size: 1048576)... 2.063 seconds
Writing buffered (buffer size: 4194304)... 2.016 seconds

As we can see the raw method is slower the buffered.

Laravel: Using try...catch with DB::transaction()

If you use PHP7, use Throwable in catch for catching user exceptions and fatal errors.

For example:


try {
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
    throw $e;

If your code must be compartable with PHP5, use Exception and Throwable:


try {
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    throw $e;
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
    throw $e;

Java8: sum values from specific field of the objects in a list

You can do this method: "IntSummaryStatistics"

IntSummaryStatistics insum => v%2==0).mapToInt(mapper->mapper).summaryStatistics();

How to create query parameters in Javascript?

Zabba has provided in a comment on the currently accepted answer a suggestion that to me is the best solution: use jQuery.param().

If I use jQuery.param() on the data in the original question, then the code is simply:

const params = jQuery.param({
    var1: 'value',
    var2: 'value'

The variable params will be


For more complicated examples, inputs and outputs, see the jQuery.param() documentation.

How do you create a yes/no boolean field in SQL server?

The equivalent is a BIT field.

In SQL you use 0 and 1 to set a bit field (just as a yes/no field in Access). In Management Studio it displays as a false/true value (at least in recent versions).

When accessing the database through ASP.NET it will expose the field as a boolean value.

TSQL select into Temp table from dynamic sql

A working example.

SELECT @TableName = 'YourTableName'


Second solution with accessible temp table


        SELECT *
        FROM ' + @TableName)




Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':classpath'

In my case deleting the .gradle folder worked for me.

Get the contents of a table row with a button click

function useAdress () { 
var id = $("#choose-address-table").find(".nr:first").text();
alert (id);
$("#resultas").append(id); // Testing: append the contents of the td to a div

then on your button:


iPhone UILabel text soft shadow

As of iOS 5 Apple provides a private api method to create labels with soft shadows. The labels are very fast: I'm using dozens at the same time in a series of transparent views and there is no slowdown in scrolling animation.

This is only useful for non-App Store apps (obviously) and you need the header file.

$SBBulletinBlurredShadowLabel = NSClassFromString("SBBulletinBlurredShadowLabel");

CGRect frame = CGRectZero;

SBBulletinBlurredShadowLabel *label = [[[$SBBulletinBlurredShadowLabel alloc] initWithFrame:frame] autorelease];
label.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
label.textColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
label.font = [UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:12];
label.text = @"I am a label with a soft shadow!";
[label sizeToFit];

How do I scroll to an element using JavaScript?

I think that if you add a tabindex to your div, it will be able to get focus:

<div class="divFirst" tabindex="-1">

I don't think it's valid though, tabindex can be applied only to a, area, button, input, object, select, and textarea. But give it a try.

MySQL: Error Code: 1118 Row size too large (> 8126). Changing some columns to TEXT or BLOB

I struggled with the same error code recently, due to a change in MySQL Server 5.6.20. I was able to solve the problem by changing the innodb_log_file_size in the my.ini text file.

In the release notes, it is explained that an innodb_log_file_size that is too small will trigger a "Row size too large error."

What are the differences between if, else, and else if?

If and else if both are used to test the conditions.

I take case of If and else..

In the if case compiler check all cases Wether it is true or false. if no one block execute then else part will be executed.

in the case of else if compiler stop the flow of program when it got false value. it does not read whole program.So better performance we use else if.

But both have their importance according to situation

i take example of foor ordering menu if i use else if then it will suit well because user can check only one also. and it will give error so i use if here..

 StringBuilder result=new StringBuilder();  
            result.append("Selected Items:");  
                result.append("\nPizza 100Rs");  
                result.append("\nCoffe 50Rs");  
                result.append("\nBurger 120Rs");  
            result.append("\nTotal: "+totalamount+"Rs");  
            //Displaying the message on the toast  
            Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), result.toString(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();  

now else if case

if (time < 12) {
    greeting = "Good morning";
} else if (time < 22) {
    greeting = "Good day";
} else {
    greeting = "Good evening";

here only satisfy one condition.. and in case of if multiple conditions can be satisfied...

How to insert a picture into Excel at a specified cell position with VBA

I tested both @SWa and @Teamothy solution. I did not find the Pictures.Insert Method in the Microsoft Documentations and feared some compatibility issues. So I guess, the older Shapes.AddPicture Method should work on all versions. But it is slow!

On Error Resume Next
' first and faster method (in Office 2016)
    With ws.Pictures.Insert(Filename:=imageFileName, LinkToFile:=msoTrue, SaveWithDocument:=msoTrue)
        With .ShapeRange
            .LockAspectRatio = msoTrue
            .Width = destRange.Width
            .height = destRange.height '222
        End With
        .Left = destRange.Left
        .Top = destRange.Top
        .Placement = 1
        .PrintObject = True
        .Name = imageName
    End With
' second but slower method (in Office 2016)

If Err.Number <> 0 Then
    Dim myPic As Shape
    Set myPic = ws.Shapes.AddPicture(Filename:=imageFileName, _
            LinkToFile:=msoFalse, SaveWithDocument:=msoTrue, _
            Left:=destRange.Left, Top:=destRange.Top, Width:=-1, height:=destRange.height)

    With myPic.OLEFormat.Object.ShapeRange
        .LockAspectRatio = msoTrue
        .Width = destRange.Width
        .height = destRange.height '222
    End With
End If

docker : invalid reference format

The first argument after the "run" that is not a flag or parameter to a flag is parsed as an image name. When that parsing fails, it tells you the reference format, aka image name (but could be an image id, pinned image, or other syntax) is invalid. In your command:

 docker run -p 8888:8888 -v `pwd`/../src:/src -v `pwd`/../data:/data -w /src supervisely_anpr --rm -it bash

The image name "supervisely_anpr" is valid, so you need to look earlier in the command. In this case, the error is most likely from pwd outputting a path with a space in it. Everything after the space is no longer a parameter to -v and docker tries to parse it as the image name. The fix is to quote the volume parameters when you cannot guarantee it is free of spaces or other special characters.

When you do that, you'll encounter the next error, "executable not found". Everything after the image name is parsed as the command to run inside the container. In your case, it will try to run the command --rm -it bash which will almost certainly fail since --rm will no exist as a binary inside your image. You need to reorder the parameters to resolve that:

 docker run --rm -it -p 8888:8888 -v "`pwd`/../src:/src" -v "`pwd`/../data:/data" -w /src supervisely_anpr  bash

I've got some more details on these two errors and causes in my slides here:

What is the difference between square brackets and parentheses in a regex?

These regexes are equivalent (for matching purposes):

  • /^(7|8|9)\d{9}$/
  • /^[789]\d{9}$/
  • /^[7-9]\d{9}$/

The explanation:

  • (a|b|c) is a regex "OR" and means "a or b or c", although the presence of brackets, necessary for the OR, also captures the digit. To be strictly equivalent, you would code (?:7|8|9) to make it a non capturing group.

  • [abc] is a "character class" that means "any character from a,b or c" (a character class may use ranges, e.g. [a-d] = [abcd])

The reason these regexes are similar is that a character class is a shorthand for an "or" (but only for single characters). In an alternation, you can also do something like (abc|def) which does not translate to a character class.

Eclipse Java error: This selection cannot be launched and there are no recent launches

Check if the filename is same as the classname used by your program.


class Dfs{ psvm(String[] args){}}

filename should be

Find and replace with a newline in Visual Studio Code

In the local searchbox (ctrl + f) you can insert newlines by pressing ctrl + enter.

Image of multiline search in local search

If you use the global search (ctrl + shift + f) you can insert newlines by pressing shift + enter.

Image of multiline search in global search

If you want to search for multilines by the character literal, remember to check the rightmost regex icon.

Image of regex mode in search replace

In previous versions of Visual Studio code this was difficult or impossible. Older versions require you to use the regex mode, older versions yet did not support newline search whatsoever.

Loading and parsing a JSON file with multiple JSON objects

for those stumbling upon this question: the python jsonlines library (much younger than this question) elegantly handles files with one json document per line. see

How to get script of SQL Server data?

If you want to script all table rows then Go with Generate Scripts as described by Daniel Vassallo. You can’t go wrong here

Else Use third party tools such as ApexSQL Script or SSMS Toolpack for more advanced scripting that includes some preprocessing, selective scripting and more.

Can you use @Autowired with static fields?

private static UserService userService = ApplicationContextHolder.getContext().getBean(UserService.class);

Can Android do peer-to-peer ad-hoc networking?

Yes, but:
1. root your device (in case you've got Nexus S like me, see this)
2. install root explorer (search in market)
3. find appropriate wpa_supplcant file and replace (and backup) original as shown in this thread

above was tested on my Nexus S I9023 android 2.3.6

How do you divide each element in a list by an int?

>>> myList = [10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90]
>>> myInt = 10
>>> newList = map(lambda x: x/myInt, myList)
>>> newList
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

Proper usage of Optional.ifPresent()

You can use method reference like this:


Method ifPresent() get Consumer object as a paremeter and (from JavaDoc): "If a value is present, invoke the specified consumer with the value." Value it is your variable user.

Or if this method doSomethingWithUser is in the User class and it is not static, you can use method reference like this:


How to set up java logging using a properties file? (java.util.logging)

I have tried your code in above code don't use [preferences.load(configFile);] statement and it will is running sample code

public static void main(String[]s)

    Logger log = Logger.getLogger("MyClass");
    try {
    FileInputStream fis =  new FileInputStream("");
    log.addHandler(new java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler());
    log.setUseParentHandlers(false);"starting myApp");

    catch(IOException e) {

How to detect control+click in Javascript from an onclick div attribute?

I'd recommend using JQuery's keyup and keydown methods on the document, as it normalizes the event codes, to make one solution crossbrowser.

For the right click, you can use oncontextmenu, however beware it can be buggy in IE8. See a chart of compatibility here:

<p onclick="selectMe(1)" oncontextmenu="selectMe(2)">Click me</p>

        cntrlIsPressed = true;

    cntrlIsPressed = false;

var cntrlIsPressed = false;

function selectMe(mouseButton)
            case 1:
                alert("Cntrl +  left click");
            case 2:
                alert("Cntrl + right click");


.jar error - could not find or load main class

You can always run this:

java -cp HelloWorld.jar HelloWorld

-cp HelloWorld.jar adds the jar to the classpath, then HelloWorld runs the class you wrote.

To create a runnable jar with a main class with no package, add Class-Path: . to the manifest:

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Class-Path: .
Main-Class: HelloWorld

I would advise using a package to give your class its own namespace. E.g.

package com.stackoverflow.user.blrp;

public class HelloWorld {

Is mathematics necessary for programming?

You don't need much math. Some combinatorial thinking can help you frame and reduce a problem for fast execution. Being able to multiply is good. You're an engineer, approximations are fine.

What is the difference between Java RMI and RPC?

The only real difference between RPC and RMI is that there is objects involved in RMI: instead of invoking functions through a proxy function, we invoke methods through a proxy.

Calculating difference between two timestamps in Oracle in milliseconds

I) if you need to calculate the elapsed time in seconds between two timestamp columns try this:

    extract ( day from (end_timestamp - start_timestamp) )*86400 
    + extract ( hour from (end_timestamp - start_timestamp) )*3600 
    + extract ( minute from (end_timestamp - start_timestamp) )*60 
    + extract ( second from (end_timestamp - start_timestamp) ) 
FROM table_name

II) if you want to just show the time difference in character format try this:

SELECT to_char (end_timestamp - start_timestamp) FROM table_name

Split string based on regex

Your question contains the string literal "\b[A-Z]{2,}\b", but that \b will mean backspace, because there is no r-modifier.

Try: r"\b[A-Z]{2,}\b".

Which Python memory profiler is recommended?

My module memory_profiler is capable of printing a line-by-line report of memory usage and works on Unix and Windows (needs psutil on this last one). Output is not very detailed but the goal is to give you an overview of where the code is consuming more memory, not an exhaustive analysis on allocated objects.

After decorating your function with @profile and running your code with the -m memory_profiler flag it will print a line-by-line report like this:

Line #    Mem usage  Increment   Line Contents
     3                           @profile
     4      5.97 MB    0.00 MB   def my_func():
     5     13.61 MB    7.64 MB       a = [1] * (10 ** 6)
     6    166.20 MB  152.59 MB       b = [2] * (2 * 10 ** 7)
     7     13.61 MB -152.59 MB       del b
     8     13.61 MB    0.00 MB       return a

How can a file be copied?

For large files, what I did was read the file line by line and read each line into an array. Then, once the array reached a certain size, append it to a new file.

for line in open("file.txt", "r"):
    if len(list) == 1000000: 
        del list[:]

How can I easily convert DataReader to List<T>?

The simplest Solution :

var dt=new DataTable();
list<DataRow> dr=dt.AsEnumerable().ToList();

DataTrigger where value is NOT null?

You can use an IValueConverter for this:

        <conv:IsNullConverter x:Key="isNullConverter"/>
                <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding SomeField, Converter={StaticResource isNullConverter}}" Value="False">
                    <Setter Property="TextBlock.Text" Value="It's NOT NULL Baby!"/>

Where IsNullConverter is defined elsewhere (and conv is set to reference its namespace):

public class IsNullConverter : IValueConverter
    public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
        return (value == null);

    public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
        throw new InvalidOperationException("IsNullConverter can only be used OneWay.");

A more general solution would be to implement an IValueConverter that checks for equality with the ConverterParameter, so you can check against anything, and not just null.

How to load/edit/run/save text files (.py) into an IPython notebook cell?

I have found it satisfactory to use ls and cd within ipython notebook to find the file. Then type cat your_file_name into the cell, and you'll get back the contents of the file, which you can then paste into the cell as code.

selenium get current url after loading a page

Like you said since the xpath for the next button is the same on every page it won't work. It's working as coded in that it does wait for the element to be displayed but since it's already displayed then the implicit wait doesn't apply because it doesn't need to wait at all. Why don't you use the fact that the url changes since from your code it appears to change when the next button is clicked. I do C# but I guess in Java it would be something like:

WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
String startURL = //a starting url;
String currentURL = null;
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 10);


/* go to next page */
    String previousURL = driver.getCurrentUrl();
    driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

    ExpectedCondition e = new ExpectedCondition<Boolean>() {
          public Boolean apply(WebDriver d) {
            return (d.getCurrentUrl() != previousURL);

    currentURL = driver.getCurrentUrl();

How to run a single RSpec test?

You can do something like this:

 rspec/spec/features/controller_name.rb         #run all the specs in this controller

Cannot use Server.MapPath

System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/") gives null if we call it from a thread.

So, Try to use


Batch file to copy files from one folder to another folder

If you want to copy file not using absolute path, relative path in other words:

Don't forget to write backslash in the path AND NOT slash


copy children-folder\file.something .\other-children-folder

PS: absolute path can be retrieved using these wildcards called "batch parameters"

@echo off
echo %%~dp0 is "%~dp0"
echo %%0 is "%0"
echo %%~dpnx0 is "%~dpnx0"
echo %%~f1 is "%~f1"
echo %%~dp0%%~1 is "%~dp0%~1"

Check documentation here about copy:

And also here for batch parameters documentation: