I have been working on a system that ran on a PC and Mac and was battling to find code that worked for inserting pictures on both PC and Mac. This worked for me so hopefully someone else can make use of it!
Note: the strPictureFilePath and strPictureFileName variables need to be set to valid PC and Mac paths Eg
For PC: strPictureFilePath = "E:\Dropbox\" and strPictureFileName = "TestImage.jpg" and with Mac: strPictureFilePath = "Macintosh HD:Dropbox:" and strPictureFileName = "TestImage.jpg"
Code as Follows:
On Error GoTo ErrorOccured
shtRecipeBrowser.Cells(intDestinationRecipeRowCount, 1).Select
ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert(Trim(strPictureFilePath & strPictureFileName)).Select
Selection.ShapeRange.Left = shtRecipeBrowser.Cells(intDestinationRecipeRowCount, 1).Left
Selection.ShapeRange.Top = shtRecipeBrowser.Cells(intDestinationRecipeRowCount, 1).Top + 10
Selection.ShapeRange.LockAspectRatio = msoTrue
Selection.ShapeRange.Height = 130