[http] How does the communication between a browser and a web server take place?

Can anyone explain how the communication takes place between the browser and web server? I want to learn how

  • GET, POST verbs (among others)
  • cookies
  • sessions
  • query strings

work behind the scene.

This question is related to http browser protocols

The answer is

There is a commercial product with an interesting logo which lets you see all kind of traffic between server and client named charles.

Another open source tools include: Live HttpHeaders, Wireshark or Firebug.

It depends on the web server, but if you're wondering what it looks like from the client side, just install Live Headers and Firebug for firefox. With the net tab in firebug and live headers open, it should be clear exactly how the two interact.

For a more in-depth look at the actual data going back and forth, use wireshark.

Your browser first resolves the servername via DNS to an IP. Then it opens a TCP connection to the webserver and tries to communicate via HTTP. Usually that is on TCP-port 80 but you can specify a different one (http://server:portnumber).

HTTP looks like this:

Once it is connected, it sends the request, which looks like:

GET /site HTTP/1.0
Header1: bla
Header2: blub

E.g., a header might be Authorization or Range. See here for more.

Then the server responds like this:

200 OK
Header3: foo
Header4: bar

content following here...

E.g., a header might be Date or Content-Type. See here for more.

Look at Wikipedia for HTTP for some more information about this protocol.

Communication between a browser and a webserver takes place at so many levels that is close to impossible to answer this question. HTTP plays a role, but HTTP is meaningless without TCP which is meaningless without IP which is meaningless without a physical network on which it sent. Then, there are POST vs GET requests which are similar but enough different to warrant a special dicussion. Sometimes an HTTP request needs to be authenticated, sometimes, it needs not. Mime types should be mentioned. Then, a browser sends a different request if there is a proxy. And then also encodings play a role. So, I guess, the most concise answer to this kind of question is: the browser asks the server for data and the server gives the requested data to the browser.

The links for specifications of each aspect of the question is as follows:

  • GET, POST verbs (among others) - The HTTP Specification exhaustively discusses all aspects of HTTP communication (the protocol for communication between the web server and the browser). It explains the Request message and Response message protocols.

  • Cookies - are set by attaching a Set-Cookie HTTP Header to the HTTP response.

  • QueryStrings - are the part of the URL in the HTTP request that follow the first occurrence of a "?" character. The linked specification is for section 3.4 of the URI specification.

  • Sessions - HTTP is a synchronous, stateless protocol. Sessions, or the illusion of state, can be created by (1) using cookies to store state data as plain text on the client's computer, (2) passing data-values in the URL and querystring of the request, (3) submitting POST requests with a collection of values that may indicate state and, (4) storing state information by a server-side persistence mechanism that is retrieved by a session-key (the session key is resolved from either the cookie, URL/Querystring or POST value collection.

An explanation of HTTP can go on for days, but I have attempted to provide a concise yet conceptually complete answer, and include the appropriate links for further reading of official specifications.

Your browser is sitting on top of TCP/IP, as the web is based on standards, usually port 80, what happens is when you enter an address, such as google.com, your computer where the browser is running on, creates packets of data, encapsulated at each layer accordingly to the OSI standards, (think of envelopes of different sizes, packed into each envelope of next size), OSI defines 7 layers, in one of the envelopes contains the source address and destination address(that is the website) encoded in binary.

As it reaches the 1st layer, in OSI terms, it gets transmitted across the media transmitter (such as cable, DSL).

If you are connected via ISP, the layered pack of envelopes gets transmitted to the ISP, the ISP's network system, peeks through the layered pack of envelopes by decoding in reverse order to find out the address, then the ISP checks their Domain Name System database to find out if they have a route to that address (cached in memory, if it does, it forwards it across the internet network - again layered pack of envelopes).

If it doesn't, the ISP interrogates the top level DNS server to say 'Hey, get me the route for the address as supplied by you, ie. the browser', the top level DNS server then passes the route to the ISP which is then stored in the ISP's server memory.

The layered pack of envelopes are transmitted and received by the website server after successful routing of the packets (think of routing as signposts for directions to get to the server), which in turn, unpacks the layered pack of envelopes, extracts the source address and says 'Aha, that is for me, right, I know the destination address (that is you, the browser), then the server packetizes the webpages into a packed layered envelopes and sends it back (usually in reverse route, but not always the case).

Your browser than receives the packetized envelopes and unpacks each of them. Then your computer descrambles the data and your browser renders the pages on the screen.

I hope this answer is sufficient enough for your understanding.

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