[jquery] Count characters in textarea

Keeping in mind what Etienne Martin says, you can use oninput, as it detects any change within texarea. Detect if you copy and paste text.

$('#textarea').on('input', function() {
        var max = 400;
        var len = $(this).val().length;
        var char = max - len;
        if (len >= max) {
            $('#charNum').text(' You have reached the character limit.');
            $('#charNum').addClass("text-danger"); // optional, adding a class using bootstrap
        } else if (char <= 10) {
            $('#charNum').text(char + ' You are reaching the character limit.');
            $('#charNum').addClass("text-warning"); // optional, adding a class using bootstrap
        } else {
            var char = max - len;
            $('#charNum').text(char + ' characters remaining.');
            $('#charNum').addClass("text-success"); // optional, adding a class using bootstrap

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