[file] SHA-256 or MD5 for file integrity

  1. Yes, on most CPUs, SHA-256 is two to three times slower than MD5, though not primarily because of its longer hash. See other answers here and the answers to this Stack Overflow questions.
  2. Here's a backup scenario where MD5 would not be appropriate:
    • Your backup program hashes each file being backed up. It then stores each file's data by its hash, so if you're backing up the same file twice you only end up with one copy of it.
    • An attacker can cause the system to backup files they control.
    • The attacker knows the MD5 hash of a file they want to remove from the backup.
    • The attacker can then use the known weaknesses of MD5 to craft a new file that has the same hash as the file to remove. When that file is backed up, it will replace the file to remove, and that file's backed up data will be lost.
    • This backup system could be strengthened a bit (and made more efficient) by not replacing files whose hash it has previously encountered, but then an attacker could prevent a target file with a known hash from being backed up by preemptively backing up a specially constructed bogus file with the same hash.
    • Obviously most systems, backup and otherwise, do not satisfy the conditions necessary for this attack to be practical, but I just wanted to give an example of a situation where SHA-256 would be preferable to MD5. Whether this would be the case for the system you're creating depends on more than just the characteristics of MD5 and SHA-256.
  3. Yes, cryptographic hashes like the ones generated by MD5 and SHA-256 are a type of checksum.

Happy hashing!

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