[file] Gradle - Move a folder from ABC to XYZ

Directory Structure:


I want the above ABC folder moved/renamed to XYZ (without leaving ABC there).

How can I do this using Gradle. Seems like in Gradle: For a right hand person, it's itching your right ear using your left hand, taking it across top of your head.

I have used the following example: but it doesn't do anything:

task renABCToXYZ(type: Copy) << {    copy {       from "Project1"       into "Project1"       include 'ABC'       rename ('ABC', 'XYZ')    } } 

This question is related to file gradle folder rename move

The answer is

Your task declaration is incorrectly combining the Copy task type and project.copy method, resulting in a task that has nothing to copy and thus never runs. Besides, Copy isn't the right choice for renaming a directory. There is no Gradle API for renaming, but a bit of Groovy code (leveraging Java's File API) will do. Assuming Project1 is the project directory:

task renABCToXYZ {     doLast {         file("ABC").renameTo(file("XYZ"))     } } 

Looking at the bigger picture, it's probably better to add the renaming logic (i.e. the doLast task action) to the task that produces ABC.

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Examples related to gradle

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Examples related to folder

Gradle - Move a folder from ABC to XYZ

Examples related to rename

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Examples related to move

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