[android] java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:failed resolution of :Lorg/apache/http/ProtocolVersion

This link android-9.0-changes-28-->Apache HTTP client deprecation explains reason for adding the following to your AndroidManifest.xml:

<uses-library android:name="org.apache.http.legacy" android:required="false"/>

With Android 6.0, we removed support for the Apache HTTP client. Beginning with Android 9, that library is removed from the bootclasspath and is not available to apps by default.

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Examples related to google-maps

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Examples related to gradle

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Examples related to apache-httpcomponents

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:failed resolution of :Lorg/apache/http/ProtocolVersion Apache HttpClient Android (Gradle) Ignoring SSL certificate in Apache HttpClient 4.3

Examples related to android-9.0-pie

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