[javascript] Getting "Cannot call a class as a function" in my React Project

I'm trying to add a React map component to my project but run into an error. I'm using Fullstack React's blog post as a reference. I tracked down where the error gets thrown in google_map.js line 83:

function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { 
  if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { 
    throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); 

Here is my map component so far. The page loads just fine (without a map) when I comment out lines 58-60, the last three lines. edit: I made the changes that @Dmitriy Nevzorov suggested and it still gives me the same error.

import React from 'react'
import GoogleApiComponent from 'google-map-react'

export class LocationsContainer extends React.Component {
    constructor() {
  render() {
    const style = {
        width: '100vw',
        height: '100vh'
    return (
      <div style={style}>
        <Map google={this.props.google} />

export class Map extends React.Component {
    componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState){
        if (prevProps.google !== this.props.google){
        if (this.props && this.props.google){
            const {google} = this.props;
            const maps = google.maps;

            const mapRef = this.refs.map;
            const node = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(mapRef);

            let zoom = 14;
            let lat = 37.774929
            let lng = 122.419416
            const center = new maps.LatLng(lat, lng);
            const mapConfig = Object.assign({}, {
                center: center,
                zoom: zoom
            this.map = new maps.Map(node, mapConfig)
    render() {
        return (
            <div ref='map'>
                Loading map...

export default GoogleApiComponent({
  apiKey: MY_API_KEY

And here is where this map component gets routed in main.js:

import {render} from 'react-dom';
import React from 'react';
import Artists from './components/Artists'
import { Router, Route, Link, browserHistory } from 'react-router'
import Home from './components/HomePage'
import Gallery from './components/ArtGallery'
import ArtistPage from './components/ArtistPage'
import FavsPage from './components/FavsPage'
import LocationsContainer from './components/Locations'

//Create the route configuration
  <Router history={browserHistory}>
    <Route path="/" component={Home} />
        <Route path="locations" component={LocationsContainer} />
        <Route path="artists" component={Artists} /> 
        <Route path="gallery" component={Gallery} />     
      <Route path="favorites" component={FavsPage} />
      <Route path=":artistName" component={ArtistPage} />
), document.getElementById('app'))

The answer is

For me it was because I forgot to use the new keyword when setting up Animated state.


fadeAnim: Animated.Value(0),


fadeAnim: new Animated.Value(0),

would fix it.

Hi in my case solutions here won't work My code:


import App from './App';

let store = createStore(App);

    <Provider store={store}>
        <Router history={browserHistory}>
            <Route path="/" name='Strona glówna' component={App}>
                <IndexRoute name='' component={Welcome}/>
                <Route name='Dashboard' path="dashboard" component={ReatEstateList}/>

Error apeares in App.js after import

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call a class as a function

Another report here: It didn't work as I exported:

export default compose(

instead of

export default compose(

Note the position of the brackets. Both are correct and won't get caught by either a linter or prettier or something similar. Took me a while to track it down.

Post.proptypes = {



Post.propTypes = {


someone should comment on how to monitor such error in a very precise way.

For me it happened because I didn't wrap my connect function properly, and tried to export default two components

I experienced this when writing an import statement wrong while importing a function, rather than a class. If removeMaterial is a function in another module:


import { removeMaterial } from './ClaimForm';


import removeMaterial from './ClaimForm';

I experienced the same issue, it occurred because my ES6 component class was not extending React.Component.

In my case, I accidentally put component name (Home) as the first argument to connect function while it was supposed to be at the end. duh.

This one -surely- gave me the error:

export default connect(Home)(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)

But this one worked -surely- fine:

export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(Home)

For me it happened when I forgot to write extends React.Component at the end. I know it's not exactly what YOU had, but others reading this answer can benefit from this, hopefully.

Try stopping you HMR and hit npm start again to rebuild you project.
This ,made the error to disappear, don't know why.

I had a similar problem I was calling the render method incorrectly

Gave an error:

render = () => {

instead of



Happened to me because I used


instead of


For me, it was ComponentName.prototype instead of ComponentName.propTypes. auto suggested by Phpstorm IDE. Hope it will help someone.

I faced this error when I imported the wrong class and referred to wrong store while using mobx in react-native.

I faced error in this snippet :

import { inject, Observer } from "mobx-react";

@inject ("counter")

After few corrections like as below snippet. I resolved my issue like this way.

import { inject, observer } from "mobx-react";


What was actually wrong,I was using the wrong class instead of observer I used Observer and instead of counterStore I used counter. I solved my issue like this way.

Mostly these issues occur when you miss extending Component from react:

import React, {Component} from 'react'

export default class TimePicker extends Component {
    render() {

You have duplicated export default declaration. The first one get overridden by second one which is actually a function.

In my case, using JSX a parent component was calling other components without the "<>"

 <ComponentA someProp={someCheck ? ComponentX : ComponentY} />


<ComponentA someProp={someCheck ? <ComponentX /> : <ComponentY />} />

For me it was because i used prototype instead of propTypes

class MyComponent extends Component {

 render() {
    return <div>Test</div>;

MyComponent.prototype = {


it ought to be

MyComponent.propTypes = {


This is a general issue, and doesn't appear in a single case. But, the common problem in all the cases is that you forget to import a specific component (doesn't matter if it's either from a library that you installed or a custom made component that you created):

import {SomeClass} from 'some-library'

When you use it later, without importing it, the compiler thinks it's a function. Therefore, it breaks. This is a common example:



and then somewhere inside your code

<Image {..some props} />

If you forgot to import the component <Image /> then the compiler will not complain like it does for other imports, but will break when it reaches your code.

I have also run into this, it is possible you have a javascript error inside of your react component. Make sure if you are using a dependency you are using the new operator on the class to instantiate the new instance. Error will throw if

this.classInstance = Class({})

instead use

this.classInstance = new Class({})

you will see in the error chain in the browser

at ReactCompositeComponentWrapper._constructComponentWithoutOwner

that is the giveaway I believe.

For me, it was because I'd accidentally deleted my render method !

I had a class with a componentWillReceiveProps method I didn't need anymore, immediately preceding a short render method. In my haste removing it, I accidentally removed the entire render method as well.

This was a PAIN to track down, as I was getting console errors pointing at comments in completely irrelevant files as being the "source" of the problem.

In file MyComponent.js

export default class MyComponent extends React.Component {

I put some function related to that component:

export default class MyComponent extends React.Component {

export myFunction() {

and then in another file imported that function:

import myFunction from './MyComponent'
myFunction() // => bang! "Cannot call a class as a function"

Can you spot the problem?

I forgot the curly braces, and imported MyComponent under name myFunction!

So, the fix was:

import {myFunction} from './MyComponent'

In my case i wrote comment in place of Component by mistake

I just wrote this.

import React, { Component } from 'react';

  class Something extends Component{
      render() {

Instead of this.

import React, { Component } from 'react';

  class Something extends comment{
      render() {

it's not a big deal but for a beginner like me it's really confusing. I hope this will be helpfull.


If you use React Router v4 check your <Route/> component if you indeed use the component prop to pass your class based React component!

More generally: If your class seems ok, check if the code that calls it doesn't try to use it as a function.


I got this error because I was using React Router v4 and I accidentally used the render prop instead of the component one in the <Route/> component to pass my component that was a class. This was a problem, because render expects (calls) a function, while component is the one that will work on React components.

So in this code:

        <Route path="/" render={MyComponent} />

The line containing the <Route/> component, should have been written like this:

<Route path="/" component={MyComponent} />

It is a shame, that they don't check it and give a usable error for such and easy to catch mistake.

If you're on Node JS and you're seeing this error in a Class you've added to support a Cucumber test, it's because Cucumber will automatically try to run anything that exports a function, and NodeJS internally converts a Class to a function.

So instead of this:

module.exports = MyClass;

do this:

module.exports.MyClass = MyClass;

Then, when you import it into your steps file, do it like this:

let MyClass = require("myclass.js").MyClass;

This way you're not exporting a function. Read more here.

Actually all the problem redux connect. solutions:


export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(PageName)

Wrong & Bug:

export default connect(PageName)(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)

For me it was a wrong import of a reducer in the rootReducer.js. I imported container instead of reducer file.


import settings from './pages/Settings';

But sure it should be

import settings from './pages/Settings/reducer';

Where settings directory contains following files actions.js, index.js, reducer.js.

To check it you can log reducers arg of the assertReducerShape() function from the redux/es/redux.js.

I received this error by making small mistake. My error was exporting the class as a function instead of as a class. At the bottom of my class file I had:

export default InputField();

when it should have been:

export default InputField;

This occured when I accidentally named my render function incorrectly:

import React from 'react';

export class MyComponent extends React.Component {
  noCalledRender() {
    return (
        Hello, world!

My instance of this error was simply caused because my class did not have a proper render method.

Two things you can check is,

class Slider extends React.Component {
    // Your React Code

Slider.propTypes = {
    // accessibility: PropTypes.bool,
  • Make sure that you extends React.Component
  • Use propTypes instead of prototype (as per IDE intellisense)

I had it when I did so :

function foo() (...) export default foo


export default  () =>(...);


const foo = ...
export default foo

Looks like there're no single case when this error appears.

Happened to me when I didn't declare constructor in statefull component.

class MyComponent extends Component {

    render() {
        return <div>Test</div>;

instead of

class MyComponent extends Component {

    constructor(props) {

    render() {
        return <div>Test</div>;

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