[google-maps] Googlemaps API Key for Localhost

Guess I'm a bit late to the party, and although I agree that creating a seperate key for development (localhost) and product it is possible to do both in only 1 key.

When you use Application restrictions -> http referers -> Website restricitions you can enter wildcard urls.

However using a wildcard like .localhost/ or .localhost:{port}. (when already having .yourwebsite.com/* ) don't seem to work.

Just putting a single * does work but this basicly gives you an unlimited key which is not what you want either.

When you include the full path withhout using the wildcard * it also works, so in my case putting:


Makes the Google maps work both local as on www.yourwebsite.com using the same API key.

Anyway when having 2 seperate keys is also an option I would advise to do that.