Programs & Examples On #Resource ref

What is resource-ref in web.xml used for?

You can always refer to resources in your application directly by their JNDI name as configured in the container, but if you do so, essentially you are wiring the container-specific name into your code. This has some disadvantages, for example, if you'll ever want to change the name later for some reason, you'll need to update all the references in all your applications, and then rebuild and redeploy them.

<resource-ref> introduces another layer of indirection: you specify the name you want to use in the web.xml, and, depending on the container, provide a binding in a container-specific configuration file.

So here's what happens: let's say you want to lookup the java:comp/env/jdbc/primaryDB name. The container finds that web.xml has a <resource-ref> element for jdbc/primaryDB, so it will look into the container-specific configuration, that contains something similar to the following:


Finally, it returns the object registered under the name of jdbc/PrimaryDBInTheContainer.

The idea is that specifying resources in the web.xml has the advantage of separating the developer role from the deployer role. In other words, as a developer, you don't have to know what your required resources are actually called in production, and as the guy deploying the application, you will have a nice list of names to map to real resources.

Angular 2 filter/search list

You have to manually filter result based on change of input each time by keeping listener over input event. While doing manually filtering make sure you should maintain two copy of variable, one would be original collection copy & second would be filteredCollection copy. The advantage for going this way could save your couple of unnecessary filtering on change detection cycle. You may see a more code, but this would be more performance friendly.

Markup - HTML Template

<md-input #myInput placeholder="Item name..." [(ngModel)]="name" (input)="filterItem(myInput.value)"></md-input>

<div *ngFor="let item of filteredItems">


   this.filteredItems = Object.assign([], this.items);
   } // when nothing has typed
   this.filteredItems = Object.assign([], this.items).filter(
      item => > -1
this.assignCopy();//when you fetch collection from server.

Forms authentication timeout vs sessionState timeout

The difference is that one (forms time-out) has to do authenticating the user and the other( session timeout) has to do with how long cached data is stored on the server. So they are very independent things so one doesn't take precedence over the other.

How to create a BKS (BouncyCastle) format Java Keystore that contains a client certificate chain

Use this manual This guide really helped me. It is important to observe a sequence of certificates in the store. For example: import the lowermost Intermediate CA certificate first and then all the way up to the Root CA certificate.

Resetting a form in Angular 2 after submit

Now NgForm supports two methods: .reset() vs .resetForm() the latter also changes the submit state of the form to false reverting form and its controls to initial states.

Can I use complex HTML with Twitter Bootstrap's Tooltip?

set "html" option to true if you want to have html into tooltip. Actual html is determined by option "title" (link's title attribute shouldn't be set)

$('#example1').tooltip({placement: 'bottom', title: '<p class="testtooltip">par</p>', html: true});

Live sample

How to create a number picker dialog?

Consider using a Spinner instead of a Number Picker in a Dialog. It's not exactly what was asked for, but it's much easier to implement, more contextual UI design, and should fulfill most use cases. The equivalent code for a Spinner is:

Spinner picker = new Spinner(this);
ArrayAdapter<String> adapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(getActivity(), android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item, yourStringList);

D3.js: How to get the computed width and height for an arbitrary element?

Once I faced with the issue when I did not know which the element currently stored in my variable (svg or html) but I needed to get it width and height. I created this function and want to share it:

function computeDimensions(selection) {
  var dimensions = null;
  var node = selection.node();

  if (node instanceof SVGGraphicsElement) { // check if node is svg element
    dimensions = node.getBBox();
  } else { // else is html element
    dimensions = node.getBoundingClientRect();
  return dimensions;

Little demo in the hidden snippet below. We handle click on the blue div and on the red svg circle with the same function.

var svg ='svg')
  .attr('width', 50)
  .attr('height', 50);

function computeDimensions(selection) {
    var dimensions = null;
  var node = selection.node();

  if (node instanceof SVGElement) {
    dimensions = node.getBBox();
  } else {
    dimensions = node.getBoundingClientRect();
  return dimensions;

var circle = svg
    .attr("r", 20)
    .attr("cx", 30)
    .attr("cy", 30)
    .attr("fill", "red")
    .on("click", function() { computeDimensions(circle); });
var div = d3.selectAll("div").on("click", function() { computeDimensions(div) });
* {
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;
  border: 0;

body {
  background: #ffd;

.div {
  display: inline-block;
  background-color: blue;
  margin-right: 30px;
  width: 30px;
  height: 30px;
  Click on blue div block or svg circle
<div class="div"></div>
<script src=""></script>

How to ignore SSL certificate errors in Apache HttpClient 4.0

For Apache HttpClient 4.4:

HttpClientBuilder b = HttpClientBuilder.create();

SSLContext sslContext = new SSLContextBuilder().loadTrustMaterial(null, new TrustStrategy() {
    public boolean isTrusted(X509Certificate[] arg0, String arg1) throws CertificateException {
        return true;
b.setSslcontext( sslContext);

// or SSLConnectionSocketFactory.getDefaultHostnameVerifier(), if you don't want to weaken
HostnameVerifier hostnameVerifier = SSLConnectionSocketFactory.ALLOW_ALL_HOSTNAME_VERIFIER;

SSLConnectionSocketFactory sslSocketFactory = new SSLConnectionSocketFactory(sslContext, hostnameVerifier);
Registry<ConnectionSocketFactory> socketFactoryRegistry = RegistryBuilder.<ConnectionSocketFactory>create()
        .register("http", PlainConnectionSocketFactory.getSocketFactory())
        .register("https", sslSocketFactory)

// allows multi-threaded use
PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager connMgr = new PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager( socketFactoryRegistry);
b.setConnectionManager( connMgr);

HttpClient client =;

This is extracted from our actual working implementation.

The other answers are popular, but for HttpClient 4.4 they don't work. I spent hours trying & exhausting possibilities, but there seems to have been extremely major API change & relocation at 4.4.

See also a slightly fuller explanation at:

Hope that helps!

Is it possible to run an .exe or .bat file on 'onclick' in HTML

Here's what I did. I wanted a HTML page setup on our network so I wouldn't have to navigate to various folders to install or upgrade our apps. So what I did was setup a .bat file on our "shared" drive that everyone has access to, in that .bat file I had this code:

start /d "\\server\Software\" setup.exe

The HTML code was:

<input type="button" value="Launch Installer" onclick="'file:///S:Test/Test.bat')" />

(make sure your slashes are correct, I had them the other way and it didn't work)

I preferred to launch the EXE directly but that wasn't possible, but the .bat file allowed me around that. Wish it worked in FF or Chrome, but only IE.

How to 'foreach' a column in a DataTable using C#?

In LINQ you could do something like:

foreach (var data in from DataRow row in dataTable.Rows
                     from DataColumn col in dataTable.Columns
                              row[col] != null
                          select row[col])
    // do something with data

How to take input in an array + PYTHON?

arr = []
elem = int(raw_input("insert how many elements you want:"))
for i in range(0, elem):
    arr.append(int(raw_input("Enter next no :")))
print arr

How to set x axis values in matplotlib python?

The scaling on your example figure is a bit strange but you can force it by plotting the index of each x-value and then setting the ticks to the data points:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x = [0.00001,0.001,0.01,0.1,0.5,1,5]
# create an index for each tick position
xi = list(range(len(x)))
y = [0.945,0.885,0.893,0.9,0.996,1.25,1.19]
# plot the index for the x-values
plt.plot(xi, y, marker='o', linestyle='--', color='r', label='Square') 
plt.xticks(xi, x)

How to Compare two Arrays are Equal using Javascript?

You could try this simple approach

var array1 = [4,8,9,10];_x000D_
var array2 = [4,8,9,10];_x000D_
if (array1.join('|') === array2.join('|')) {_x000D_
 console.log('The arrays are equal.');_x000D_
} else {_x000D_
 console.log('The arrays are NOT equal.');_x000D_
array1 = [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6],[7,8]];_x000D_
array2 = [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6],[7,8]];_x000D_
if (array1.join('|') === array2.join('|')) {_x000D_
 console.log('The arrays are equal.');_x000D_
} else {_x000D_
 console.log('The arrays are NOT equal.');_x000D_

If the position of the values are not important you could sort the arrays first.

if (array1.sort().join('|') === array2.sort().join('|')) {
    console.log('The arrays are equal.');
} else {
    console.log('The arrays are NOT equal.');

jQuery how to find an element based on a data-attribute value?

in case you don't want to type all that, here's a shorter way to query by data attribute:

$("ul[data-slide='" + current +"']");


Subtracting two lists in Python

c = [i for i in b if i not in a]

An unhandled exception of type 'System.IO.FileNotFoundException' occurred in Unknown Module

Enable this option in VS: Just My Code option

Tools -> Options -> Debugging -> General -> Enable Just My Code (Managed only)

HTML Text with tags to formatted text in an Excel cell

I ran into the same error that BornToCode first identified in the comments of the original solution. Being unfamiliar with Excel and VBA it took me a second to figure out how to implement tiQU's solution. So I'm posting it as a "For Dummies" solution below

  1. First enable developer mode in Excel: Link
  2. Select the Developer Tab > Visual Basic
  3. Click View > Code
  4. Paste the code below updating the lines that require cell references to be correct.
  5. Click the Green Run Arrow or press F5
Sub Sample()
    Dim Ie As Object
    Set Ie = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
    With Ie
        .Visible = False
        .Navigate "about:blank"
        .document.body.InnerHTML = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("I2").Value
             'update to the cell that contains HTML you want converted
        .ExecWB 17, 0
             'Select all contents in browser
        .ExecWB 12, 2
             'Copy them
        ActiveSheet.Paste Destination:=Sheets("Sheet1").Range("J2")
             'update to cell you want converted HTML pasted in
    End With
End Sub

Fragment transaction animation: slide in and slide out

Have the same problem with white screen during transition from one fragment to another. Have navigation and animations set in action in navigation.xml.

enter image description here

Background in all fragments the same but white blank screen. So i set navOptions in fragment during executing transition

          //Transition options
        val options = navOptions {
            anim {
                enter = R.anim.slide_in_right
                exit = R.anim.slide_out_left
                popEnter = R.anim.slide_in_left
                popExit = R.anim.slide_out_right



It worked for me. No white screen between transistion. Magic )

makefile execute another target

Actually you are right: it runs another instance of make. A possible solution would be:

.PHONY : clearscr fresh clean all

all :
    compile executable

clean :
    rm -f *.o $(EXEC)

fresh : clean clearscr all


By calling make fresh you get first the clean target, then the clearscreen which runs clear and finally all which does the job.

EDIT Aug 4

What happens in the case of parallel builds with make’s -j option? There's a way of fixing the order. From the make manual, section 4.2:

Occasionally, however, you have a situation where you want to impose a specific ordering on the rules to be invoked without forcing the target to be updated if one of those rules is executed. In that case, you want to define order-only prerequisites. Order-only prerequisites can be specified by placing a pipe symbol (|) in the prerequisites list: any prerequisites to the left of the pipe symbol are normal; any prerequisites to the right are order-only: targets : normal-prerequisites | order-only-prerequisites

The normal prerequisites section may of course be empty. Also, you may still declare multiple lines of prerequisites for the same target: they are appended appropriately. Note that if you declare the same file to be both a normal and an order-only prerequisite, the normal prerequisite takes precedence (since they are a strict superset of the behavior of an order-only prerequisite).

Hence the makefile becomes

.PHONY : clearscr fresh clean all

all :
    compile executable

clean :
    rm -f *.o $(EXEC)

fresh : | clean clearscr all


EDIT Dec 5

It is not a big deal to run more than one makefile instance since each command inside the task will be a sub-shell anyways. But you can have reusable methods using the call function.

log_success = (echo "\x1B[32m>> $1\x1B[39m")
log_error = (>&2 echo "\x1B[31m>> $1\x1B[39m" && exit 1)

  @[ "$(AWS_PROFILE)" ] || $(call log_error, "AWS_PROFILE not set!")
  command1  # this line will be a subshell
  command2  # this line will be another subshell
  @command3  # Use `@` to hide the command line
  $(call log_error, "It works, yey!")

  @[ "$(AWS_PROFILE)" ] || $(call log_error, "AWS_PROFILE not set!")
  $(call log_error, "Nuked!")

What's the fastest way to read a text file line-by-line?

If the file size is not big, then it is faster to read the entire file and split it afterwards

var filestreams = sr.ReadToEnd().Split(Environment.NewLine, 

What is the proper way to check if a string is empty in Perl?

  1. Due to the way that strings are stored in Perl, getting the length of a string is optimized.
    if (length $str) is a good way of checking that a string is non-empty.

  2. If you're in a situation where you haven't already guarded against undef, then the catch-all for "non-empty" that won't warn is if (defined $str and length $str).

Why can't Python parse this JSON data?

Justin Peel's answer is really helpful, but if you are using Python 3 reading JSON should be done like this:

with open('data.json', encoding='utf-8') as data_file:
    data = json.loads(

Note: use json.loads instead of json.load. In Python 3, json.loads takes a string parameter. json.load takes a file-like object parameter. returns a string object.

To be honest, I don't think it's a problem to load all json data into memory in most cases. I see this in JS, Java, Kotlin, cpp, rust almost every language I use. Consider memory issue like a joke to me :)

On the other hand, I don't think you can parse json without reading all of it.

changing permission for files and folder recursively using shell command in mac

IF they Give Path Directory Error!

In MAC Then Go to Folder Get Info and Open Storage and Permission change to privileges Read To Write

Show a popup/message box from a Windows batch file

Try :

Msg * "insert your message here" 

If you are using Windows XP's, this will open a message box.

Opening a new cmd window isn't quite what you were asking for, I gather. You could also use VBScript, and use this with your .bat file. You would open it from the bat file with this command:

cd C:\"location of vbscript"

What this does is change the directory will search for files from, then on the next line:

"insert name of your vbscript here".vbs

Then you create a new Notepad document, type in

<script type="text/vbscript">
    MsgBox "your text here"

You would then save this as a .vbs file (by putting ".vbs" at the end of the filename), save as "All Files" in the drop down box below the file name (so it doesn't save as .txt), then click Save!

How to declare 2D array in bash

A way to simulate arrays in bash (it can be adapted for any number of dimensions of an array):


## The following functions implement vectors (arrays) operations in bash:
## Definition of a vector <v>:
##      v_0 - variable that stores the number of elements of the vector
##      v_1..v_n, where n=v_0 - variables that store the values of the vector elements

VectorAddElementNext () {
# Vector Add Element Next
# Adds the string contained in variable $2 in the next element position (vector length + 1) in vector $1

    local elem_value
    local vector_length
    local elem_name

    eval elem_value=\"\$$2\"
    eval vector_length=\$$1\_0
    if [ -z "$vector_length" ]; then

    vector_length=$(( vector_length + 1 ))

    eval $elem_name=\"\$elem_value\"
    eval $1_0=$vector_length

VectorAddElementDVNext () {
# Vector Add Element Direct Value Next
# Adds the string $2 in the next element position (vector length + 1) in vector $1

    local elem_value
    local vector_length
    local elem_name

    eval elem_value="$2"
    eval vector_length=\$$1\_0
    if [ -z "$vector_length" ]; then

    vector_length=$(( vector_length + 1 ))

    eval $elem_name=\"\$elem_value\"
    eval $1_0=$vector_length

VectorAddElement () {
# Vector Add Element
# Adds the string contained in the variable $3 in the position contained in $2 (variable or direct value) in the vector $1

    local elem_value
    local elem_position
    local vector_length
    local elem_name

    eval elem_value=\"\$$3\"
    eval vector_length=\$$1\_0
    if [ -z "$vector_length" ]; then

    if [ $elem_position -ge $vector_length ]; then


    eval $elem_name=\"\$elem_value\"
    if [ ! $elem_position -eq 0 ]; then
        eval $1_0=$vector_length

VectorAddElementDV () {
# Vector Add Element
# Adds the string $3 in the position $2 (variable or direct value) in the vector $1

    local elem_value
    local elem_position
    local vector_length
    local elem_name

    eval elem_value="$3"
    eval vector_length=\$$1\_0
    if [ -z "$vector_length" ]; then

    if [ $elem_position -ge $vector_length ]; then


    eval $elem_name=\"\$elem_value\"
    if [ ! $elem_position -eq 0 ]; then
        eval $1_0=$vector_length

VectorPrint () {
# Vector Print
# Prints all the elements names and values of the vector $1 on sepparate lines

    local vector_length

    if [ "$vector_length" = "0" ]; then
        echo "Vector \"$1\" is empty!"
        echo "Vector \"$1\":"
        for ((i=1; i<=$vector_length; i++)); do
            eval echo \"[$i]: \\\"\$$1\_$i\\\"\"
            ###OR: eval printf \'\%s\\\n\' \"[\$i]: \\\"\$$1\_$i\\\"\"

VectorDestroy () {
# Vector Destroy
# Empties all the elements values of the vector $1

    local vector_length

    if [ ! "$vector_length" = "0" ]; then
        for ((i=1; i<=$vector_length; i++)); do
            unset $1_$i
        unset $1_0

### MAIN START ###

## Setting vector 'params' with all the parameters received by the script:
for ((i=1; i<=$#; i++)); do
    eval param="\${$i}"
    VectorAddElementNext params param

# Printing the vector 'params':
VectorPrint params

read temp

## Setting vector 'params2' with the elements of the vector 'params' in reversed order:
if [ -n "$params_0" ]; then
    for ((i=1; i<=$params_0; i++)); do
        VectorAddElement params2 count params_$i

# Printing the vector 'params2':
VectorPrint params2

read temp

## Getting the values of 'params2'`s elements and printing them:
if [ -n "$params2_0" ]; then
    echo "Printing the elements of the vector 'params2':"
    for ((i=1; i<=$params2_0; i++)); do
        eval current_elem_value=\"\$params2\_$i\"
        echo "params2_$i=\"$current_elem_value\""
    echo "Vector 'params2' is empty!"

read temp

## Creating a two dimensional array ('a'):
for ((i=1; i<=10; i++)); do
    VectorAddElement a 0 i
    for ((j=1; j<=8; j++)); do
        value=$(( 8 * ( i - 1 ) + j ))
        VectorAddElementDV a_$i $j $value

## Manually printing the two dimensional array ('a'):
echo "Printing the two-dimensional array 'a':"
if [ -n "$a_0" ]; then
    for ((i=1; i<=$a_0; i++)); do
        eval current_vector_lenght=\$a\_$i\_0
        if [ -n "$current_vector_lenght" ]; then
            for ((j=1; j<=$current_vector_lenght; j++)); do
                eval value=\"\$a\_$i\_$j\"
                printf "$value "
        printf "\n"

### MAIN END ###

How to get a property value based on the name

Expanding on Adam Rackis's answer - we can make the extension method generic simply like this:

public static TResult GetPropertyValue<TResult>(this object t, string propertyName)
    object val = t.GetType().GetProperties().Single(pi => pi.Name == propertyName).GetValue(t, null);
    return (TResult)val;

You can throw some error handling around that too if you like.

Generating (pseudo)random alpha-numeric strings

One line solution:

echo substr( str_shuffle( str_repeat( 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789', 10 ) ), 0, 7 );

You can change the substr parameter in order to set a different length for your string.

Restrict SQL Server Login access to only one database

For anyone else out there wondering how to do this, I have the following solution for SQL Server 2008 R2 and later:

USE master

This will address exactly the requirement outlined above..

get current date with 'yyyy-MM-dd' format in Angular 4

You can use DatePipe for formatting Date in Angular.

In ts if you want to format date then you can inject DatePipe as Service in constructor like this

import { DatePipe } from '@angular/common';

    templateUrl: './name.component.html',
    styleUrls: ['./name.component.scss'],
    providers: [DatePipe]

myDate = new Date();
constructor(private datePipe: DatePipe){
    this.myDate = this.datePipe.transform(this.myDate, 'yyyy-MM-dd');

And if you want to format in html file, 'Shortdate' will return date of type MM/DD/YY

{{myDate | date: 'shortDate' }}

As of Angular 6, this also works,

import {formatDate} from '@angular/common';

formatDate(new Date(), 'yyyy/MM/dd', 'en');

Find a value in DataTable

this question asked in 2009 but i want to share my codes:

    Public Function RowSearch(ByVal dttable As DataTable, ByVal searchcolumns As String()) As DataTable

    Dim x As Integer
    Dim y As Integer

    Dim bln As Boolean

    Dim dttable2 As New DataTable
    For x = 0 To dttable.Columns.Count - 1

    For x = 0 To dttable.Rows.Count - 1
        For y = 0 To searchcolumns.Length - 1
            If String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchcolumns(y)) = False Then
                If searchcolumns(y) = CStr(dttable.Rows(x)(y + 1) & "") & "" Then
                    bln = True
                    bln = False
                    Exit For
                End If
            End If
        If bln = True Then
        End If

    Return dttable2

End Function

Why would we call cin.clear() and cin.ignore() after reading input?

Why do we use:

1) cin.ignore

2) cin.clear



1) To ignore (extract and discard) values that we don't want on the stream

2) To clear the internal state of stream. After using cin.clear internal state is set again back to goodbit, which means that there are no 'errors'.

Long version:

If something is put on 'stream' (cin) then it must be taken from there. By 'taken' we mean 'used', 'removed', 'extracted' from stream. Stream has a flow. The data is flowing on cin like water on stream. You simply cannot stop the flow of water ;)

Look at the example:

string name; //line 1
cout << "Give me your name and surname:"<<endl;//line 2
cin >> name;//line 3
int age;//line 4
cout << "Give me your age:" <<endl;//line 5
cin >> age;//line 6

What happens if the user answers: "Arkadiusz Wlodarczyk" for first question?

Run the program to see for yourself.

You will see on console "Arkadiusz" but program won't ask you for 'age'. It will just finish immediately right after printing "Arkadiusz".

And "Wlodarczyk" is not shown. It seems like if it was gone (?)*

What happened? ;-)

Because there is a space between "Arkadiusz" and "Wlodarczyk".

"space" character between the name and surname is a sign for computer that there are two variables waiting to be extracted on 'input' stream.

The computer thinks that you are tying to send to input more than one variable. That "space" sign is a sign for him to interpret it that way.

So computer assigns "Arkadiusz" to 'name' (2) and because you put more than one string on stream (input) computer will try to assign value "Wlodarczyk" to variable 'age' (!). The user won't have a chance to put anything on the 'cin' in line 6 because that instruction was already executed(!). Why? Because there was still something left on stream. And as I said earlier stream is in a flow so everything must be removed from it as soon as possible. And the possibility came when computer saw instruction cin >> age;

Computer doesn't know that you created a variable that stores age of somebody (line 4). 'age' is merely a label. For computer 'age' could be as well called: 'afsfasgfsagasggas' and it would be the same. For him it's just a variable that he will try to assign "Wlodarczyk" to because you ordered/instructed computer to do so in line (6).

It's wrong to do so, but hey it's you who did it! It's your fault! Well, maybe user, but still...

All right all right. But how to fix it?!

Let's try to play with that example a bit before we fix it properly to learn a few more interesting things :-)

I prefer to make an approach where we understand things. Fixing something without knowledge how we did it doesn't give satisfaction, don't you think? :)

string name;
cout << "Give me your name and surname:"<<endl;
cin >> name;
int age;
cout << "Give me your age:" <<endl;
cin >> age;
cout << cin.rdstate(); //new line is here :-)

After invoking above code you will notice that the state of your stream (cin) is equal to 4 (line 7). Which means its internal state is no longer equal to goodbit. Something is messed up. It's pretty obvious, isn't it? You tried to assign string type value ("Wlodarczyk") to int type variable 'age'. Types doesn't match. It's time to inform that something is wrong. And computer does it by changing internal state of stream. It's like: "You f**** up man, fix me please. I inform you 'kindly' ;-)"

You simply cannot use 'cin' (stream) anymore. It's stuck. Like if you had put big wood logs on water stream. You must fix it before you can use it. Data (water) cannot be obtained from that stream(cin) anymore because log of wood (internal state) doesn't allow you to do so.

Oh so if there is an obstacle (wood logs) we can just remove it using tools that is made to do so?


internal state of cin set to 4 is like an alarm that is howling and making noise.

cin.clear clears the state back to normal (goodbit). It's like if you had come and silenced the alarm. You just put it off. You know something happened so you say: "It's OK to stop making noise, I know something is wrong already, shut up (clear)".

All right let's do so! Let's use cin.clear().

Invoke below code using "Arkadiusz Wlodarczyk" as first input:

string name;
cout << "Give me your name and surname:"<<endl;
cin >> name;
int age;
cout << "Give me your age:" <<endl;
cin >> age;
cout << cin.rdstate() << endl; 
cin.clear(); //new line is here :-)
cout << cin.rdstate()<< endl;  //new line is here :-)

We can surely see after executing above code that the state is equal to goodbit.

Great so the problem is solved?

Invoke below code using "Arkadiusz Wlodarczyk" as first input:

string name;
cout << "Give me your name and surname:"<<endl;
cin >> name;
int age;
cout << "Give me your age:" <<endl;
cin >> age;
cout << cin.rdstate() << endl;; 
cout << cin.rdstate() << endl; 
cin >> age;//new line is here :-)

Even tho the state is set to goodbit after line 9 the user is not asked for "age". The program stops.


Oh man... You've just put off alarm, what about the wood log inside a water?* Go back to text where we talked about "Wlodarczyk" how it supposedly was gone.

You need to remove "Wlodarczyk" that piece of wood from stream. Turning off alarms doesn't solve the problem at all. You've just silenced it and you think the problem is gone? ;)

So it's time for another tool:

cin.ignore can be compared to a special truck with ropes that comes and removes the wood logs that got the stream stuck. It clears the problem the user of your program created.

So could we use it even before making the alarm goes off?


string name;
cout << "Give me your name and surname:"<< endl;
cin >> name;
cin.ignore(10000, '\n'); //time to remove "Wlodarczyk" the wood log and make the stream flow
int age;
cout << "Give me your age:" << endl;
cin >> age;

The "Wlodarczyk" is gonna be removed before making the noise in line 7.

What is 10000 and '\n'?

It says remove 10000 characters (just in case) until '\n' is met (ENTER). BTW It can be done better using numeric_limits but it's not the topic of this answer.

So the main cause of problem is gone before noise was made...

Why do we need 'clear' then?

What if someone had asked for 'give me your age' question in line 6 for example: "twenty years old" instead of writing 20?

Types doesn't match again. Computer tries to assign string to int. And alarm starts. You don't have a chance to even react on situation like that. cin.ignore won't help you in case like that.

So we must use clear in case like that:

string name;
cout << "Give me your name and surname:"<< endl;
cin >> name;
cin.ignore(10000, '\n'); //time to remove "Wlodarczyk" the wood log and make the stream flow
int age;
cout << "Give me your age:" << endl;
cin >> age;
cin.ignore(10000, '\n'); //time to remove "Wlodarczyk" the wood log and make the stream flow

But should you clear the state 'just in case'?

Of course not.

If something goes wrong (cin >> age;) instruction is gonna inform you about it by returning false.

So we can use conditional statement to check if the user put wrong type on the stream

int age;
if (cin >> age) //it's gonna return false if types doesn't match
    cout << "You put integer";
    cout << "You bad boy! it was supposed to be int";

All right so we can fix our initial problem like for example that:

string name;
cout << "Give me your name and surname:"<< endl;
cin >> name;
cin.ignore(10000, '\n'); //time to remove "Wlodarczyk" the wood log and make the stream flow

int age;
cout << "Give me your age:" << endl;
if (cin >> age)
  cout << "Your age is equal to:" << endl;
 cin.ignore(10000, '\n'); //time to remove "Wlodarczyk" the wood log and make the stream flow
 cout << "Give me your age name as string I dare you";
 cin >> age;

Of course this can be improved by for example doing what you did in question using loop while.


You might be wondering. What about if I wanted to get name and surname in the same line from the user? Is it even possible using cin if cin interprets each value separated by "space" as different variable?

Sure, you can do it two ways:


string name, surname;
cout << "Give me your name and surname:"<< endl;
cin >> name;
cin >> surname;

cout << "Hello, " << name << " " << surname << endl;

2) or by using getline function.

getline(cin, nameOfStringVariable);

and that's how to do it:

string nameAndSurname;
cout << "Give me your name and surname:"<< endl;
getline(cin, nameAndSurname);

cout << "Hello, " << nameAndSurname << endl;

The second option might backfire you in case you use it after you use 'cin' before the getline.

Let's check it out:


int age;
cout << "Give me your age:" <<endl;
cin >> age;
cout << "Your age is" << age << endl;

string nameAndSurname;
cout << "Give me your name and surname:"<< endl;
getline(cin, nameAndSurname);

cout << "Hello, " << nameAndSurname << endl;

If you put "20" as age you won't be asked for nameAndSurname.

But if you do it that way:


string nameAndSurname;
cout << "Give me your name and surname:"<< endl;
getline(cin, nameAndSurname);

cout << "Hello, " << nameAndSurname << endl;
int age;
cout << "Give me your age:" <<endl;
cin >> age;
cout << "Your age is" << age << endll

everything is fine.


Every time you put something on input (stream) you leave at the end white character which is ENTER ('\n') You have to somehow enter values to console. So it must happen if the data comes from user.

b) cin characteristics is that it ignores whitespace, so when you are reading in information from cin, the newline character '\n' doesn't matter. It gets ignored.

a) getline function gets the entire line up to the newline character ('\n'), and when the newline char is the first thing the getline function gets '\n', and that's all to get. You extract newline character that was left on stream by user who put "20" on stream in line 3.

So in order to fix it is to always invoke cin.ignore(); each time you use cin to get any value if you are ever going to use getline() inside your program.

So the proper code would be:

int age;
cout << "Give me your age:" <<endl;
cin >> age;
cin.ignore(); // it ignores just enter without arguments being sent. it's same as cin.ignore(1, '\n') 
cout << "Your age is" << age << endl;

string nameAndSurname;
cout << "Give me your name and surname:"<< endl;
getline(cin, nameAndSurname);

cout << "Hello, " << nameAndSurname << endl;

I hope streams are more clear to you know.

Hah silence me please! :-)

How to declare a structure in a header that is to be used by multiple files in c?

if this structure is to be used by some other file func.c how to do it?

When a type is used in a file (i.e. func.c file), it must be visible. The very worst way to do it is copy paste it in each source file needed it.

The right way is putting it in an header file, and include this header file whenever needed.

shall we open a new header file and declare the structure there and include that header in the func.c?

This is the solution I like more, because it makes the code highly modular. I would code your struct as:


struct a
    int i;
    struct b
        int j;


I would put functions using this structure in the same header (the function that are "semantically" part of its "interface").

And usually, I could name the file after the structure name, and use that name again to choose the header guards defines.

If you need to declare a function using a pointer to the struct, you won't need the full struct definition. A simple forward declaration like:

struct a ;

Will be enough, and it decreases coupling.

or can we define the total structure in header file and include that in both source.c and func.c?

This is another way, easier somewhat, but less modular: Some code needing only your structure to work would still have to include all types.

In C++, this could lead to interesting complication, but this is out of topic (no C++ tag), so I won't elaborate.

then how to declare that structure as extern in both the files. ?

I fail to see the point, perhaps, but Greg Hewgill has a very good answer in his post How to declare a structure in a header that is to be used by multiple files in c?.

shall we typedef it then how?

  • If you are using C++, don't.
  • If you are using C, you should.

The reason being that C struct managing can be a pain: You have to declare the struct keyword everywhere it is used:

struct MyStruct ; /* Forward declaration */

struct MyStruct
   /* etc. */
} ;

void doSomething(struct MyStruct * p) /* parameter */
   struct MyStruct a ; /* variable */
   /* etc */

While a typedef will enable you to write it without the struct keyword.

struct MyStructTag ; /* Forward declaration */

typedef struct MyStructTag
   /* etc. */
} MyStruct ;

void doSomething(MyStruct * p) /* parameter */
   MyStruct a ; /* variable */
   /* etc */

It is important you still keep a name for the struct. Writing:

typedef struct
   /* etc. */
} MyStruct ;

will just create an anonymous struct with a typedef-ed name, and you won't be able to forward-declare it. So keep to the following format:

typedef struct MyStructTag
   /* etc. */
} MyStruct ;

Thus, you'll be able to use MyStruct everywhere you want to avoid adding the struct keyword, and still use MyStructTag when a typedef won't work (i.e. forward declaration)


Corrected wrong assumption about C99 struct declaration, as rightfully remarked by Jonathan Leffler.

Edit 2018-06-01:

Craig Barnes reminds us in his comment that you don't need to keep separate names for the struct "tag" name and its "typedef" name, like I did above for the sake of clarity.

Indeed, the code above could well be written as:

typedef struct MyStruct
   /* etc. */
} MyStruct ;

IIRC, this is actually what C++ does with its simpler struct declaration, behind the scenes, to keep it compatible with C:

// C++ explicit declaration by the user
struct MyStruct
   /* etc. */
} ;
// C++ standard then implicitly adds the following line
typedef MyStruct MyStruct;

Back to C, I've seen both usages (separate names and same names), and none has drawbacks I know of, so using the same name makes reading simpler if you don't use C separate "namespaces" for structs and other symbols.

Difference between links and depends_on in docker_compose.yml

The post needs an update after the links option is deprecated.

Basically, links is no longer needed because its main purpose, making container reachable by another by adding environment variable, is included implicitly with network. When containers are placed in the same network, they are reachable by each other using their container name and other alias as host.

For docker run, --link is also deprecated and should be replaced by a custom network.

docker network create mynet
docker run -d --net mynet --name container1 my_image
docker run -it --net mynet --name container1 another_image

depends_on expresses start order (and implicitly image pulling order), which was a good side effect of links.

javascript getting my textbox to display a variable

Even if this is already answered (1 year ago) you could also let the fields be calculated automatically.


        <td><input type="text" value="" ></td>
        <td><input type="text" class="class_name" placeholder="bla bla"/></td>
        <td><input type="text" value="" ></td>
        <td><input type="text" class="class_name" placeholder="bla bla."/></td>

The script

            function calculateSum(){
                var sum=0;
                    if(!isNaN(this.value) && this.value.length!=0){
                    else if(isNaN(this.value)) {
                        alert("Maybe an alert if they type , instead of .");

OnChange event using React JS for drop down

The change event is triggered on the <select> element, not the <option> element. However, that's not the only problem. The way you defined the change function won't cause a rerender of the component. It seems like you might not have fully grasped the concept of React yet, so maybe "Thinking in React" helps.

You have to store the selected value as state and update the state when the value changes. Updating the state will trigger a rerender of the component.

var MySelect = React.createClass({
     getInitialState: function() {
         return {
             value: 'select'
     change: function(event){
     render: function(){
               <select id="lang" onChange={this.change} value={this.state.value}>
                  <option value="select">Select</option>
                  <option value="Java">Java</option>
                  <option value="C++">C++</option>

React.render(<MySelect />, document.body);

Also note that <p> elements don't have a value attribute. React/JSX simply replicates the well-known HTML syntax, it doesn't introduce custom attributes (with the exception of key and ref). If you want the selected value to be the content of the <p> element then simply put inside of it, like you would do with any static content.

Learn more about event handling, state and form controls:

How to echo xml file in php

This worked for me:

echo(header('content-type: text/xml'));

How can I use a C++ library from node.js?

There newer ways to connect Node.js and C++. Please, loot at Nan.

EDIT The fastest and easiest way is nbind. If you want to write asynchronous add-on you can combine Asyncworker class from nan.

How can I implement a theme from bootswatch or wrapbootstrap in an MVC 5 project?

Bootswatch is a good alternative, but you can also find multiple types of free templates made for ASP.NET MVC that use MDBootstrap (a front-end framework built on top of Bootstrap) here:


Correct way to push into state array

Using Functional Components and React Hooks

const [array,setArray] = useState([]);

Push value at the end:

setArray(oldArray => [...oldArray,newValue] );

Push value at the begging:

setArray(oldArray => [newValue,...oldArrays] );

Updating the value of data attribute using jQuery

I want to change the width and height of a div. data attributes did not change it. Instead I use:

var size = $("#theme_photo_size").val().split("x");
$("#imageupload_img").attr("data-width", size[0]);
$("#imageupload_img").attr("data-height", size[1]);

be careful:

$("#imageupload_img").data("height", size[1]); //did not work

did not set it

$("#imageupload_img").attr("data-height", size[1]); // yes it worked!

this has set it.

Using C# to read/write Excel files (.xls/.xlsx)

You can use Excel Automation (it is basically a COM Base stuff) e.g:

Excel.Application xlApp ;
Excel.Workbook xlWorkBook ;
Excel.Worksheet xlWorkSheet ;

xlApp = new Excel.ApplicationClass();
xlWorkBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open("1.xls", 0, true, 5, "", "", true, Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlPlatform.xlWindows, "\t", false, false, 0, true, 1, 0);
xlWorkSheet = (Excel.Worksheet)xlWorkBook.Worksheets.get_Item(1);

Link to the full tutorial

How can I bind a background color in WPF/XAML?

The Background property expects a Brush object, not a string. Change the type of the property to Brush and initialize it thus:

Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red);

Excel Date to String conversion

Here is a VBA approach:

Sub change()
    toText Sheets(1).Range("A1:F20")
End Sub

Sub toText(target As Range)
Dim cell As Range
    For Each cell In target
        cell.Value = cell.Text
        cell.NumberFormat = "@"
    Next cell
End Sub

If you are looking for a solution without programming, the Question should be moved to SuperUser.

Get path to execution directory of Windows Forms application

string apppath = 
    (new System.IO.FileInfo

ZIP file content type for HTTP request

.zip    application/zip, application/octet-stream

Line Break in XML?

  <title>Song Tigle</title>
    <line>The is the very first line</line>
    <line>Number two and I'm still feeling fine</line>
    <line>Number three and a pattern begins</line>
    <line>Add lines like this and everyone wins!</line>

(Sung to the tune of Home on the Range)

If it was mine I'd wrap the choruses and verses in XML elements as well.

round a single column in pandas

For some reason the round() method doesn't work if you have float numbers with many decimal places, but this will.

decimals = 2    
df['column'] = df['column'].apply(lambda x: round(x, decimals))

How do I analyze a program's core dump file with GDB when it has command-line parameters?

objdump + gdb minimal runnable example


Now for the full educational test setup:


#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

int myfunc(int i) {
    *(int*)(NULL) = i; /* line 7 */
    return i - 1;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    /* Setup some memory. */
    char data_ptr[] = "string in data segment";
    char *mmap_ptr;
    char *text_ptr = "string in text segment";
    mmap_ptr = (char *)malloc(sizeof(data_ptr) + 1);
    strcpy(mmap_ptr, data_ptr);
    mmap_ptr[10] = 'm';
    mmap_ptr[11] = 'm';
    mmap_ptr[12] = 'a';
    mmap_ptr[13] = 'p';
    printf("text addr: %p\n", text_ptr);
    printf("data addr: %p\n", data_ptr);
    printf("mmap addr: %p\n", mmap_ptr);

    /* Call a function to prepare a stack trace. */
    return myfunc(argc);

Compile, and run to generate core:

gcc -ggdb3 -std=c99 -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -o main.out main.c
ulimit -c unlimited
rm -f core


text addr: 0x4007d4
data addr: 0x7ffec6739220
mmap addr: 0x1612010
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

GDB points us to the exact line where the segmentation fault happened, which is what most users want while debugging:

gdb -q -nh main.out core


Reading symbols from main.out...done.
[New LWP 27479]
Core was generated by `./main.out'.
Program terminated with signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
#0  0x0000000000400635 in myfunc (i=1) at main.c:7
7           *(int*)(NULL) = i;
(gdb) bt
#0  0x0000000000400635 in myfunc (i=1) at main.c:7
#1  0x000000000040072b in main (argc=1, argv=0x7ffec6739328) at main.c:28

which points us directly to the buggy line 7.

CLI arguments are stored in the core file and don't need to be passed again

To answer the specific CLI argument questions, we see that if we change the cli arguments e.g. with:

rm -f core
./main.out 1 2

then this does get reflected in the previous bactrace without any changes in our commands:

Reading symbols from main.out...done.
[New LWP 21838]
Core was generated by `./main.out 1 2'.
Program terminated with signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
#0  0x0000564583cf2759 in myfunc (i=3) at main.c:7
7           *(int*)(NULL) = i; /* line 7 */
(gdb) bt
#0  0x0000564583cf2759 in myfunc (i=3) at main.c:7
#1  0x0000564583cf2858 in main (argc=3, argv=0x7ffcca4effa8) at main.c:2

So note how now argc=3. Therefore this must mean that the core file stores that information. I'm guessing it just stores it as the arguments of main, just like it stores the arguments of any other functions.

This makes sense if you consider that the core dump must be storing the entire memory and register state of the program, and so it has all the information needed to determine the value of function arguments on the current stack.

Less obvious is how to inspect the environment variables: How to get environment variable from a core dump Environment variables are also present in memory so the objdump does contain that information, but I'm not sure how to list all of them in one go conveniently, one by one as follows did work on my tests though:

p __environ[0]

Binutils analysis

By using binutils tools like readelf and objdump, we can bulk dump information contained in the core file such as the memory state.

Most/all of it must also be visible through GDB, but those binutils tools offer a more bulk approach which is convenient for certain use cases, while GDB is more convenient for a more interactive exploration.


file core

tells us that the core file is actually an ELF file:

core: ELF 64-bit LSB core file x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), SVR4-style, from './main.out'

which is why we are able to inspect it more directly with usual binutils tools.

A quick look at the ELF standard shows that there is actually an ELF type dedicated to it:

Elf32_Ehd.e_type == ET_CORE

Further format information can be found at:

man 5 core


readelf -Wa core

gives some hints about the file structure. Memory appears to be contained in regular program headers:

Program Headers:
  Type           Offset   VirtAddr           PhysAddr           FileSiz  MemSiz   Flg Align
  NOTE           0x000468 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 0x000b9c 0x000000     0
  LOAD           0x002000 0x0000000000400000 0x0000000000000000 0x001000 0x001000 R E 0x1000
  LOAD           0x003000 0x0000000000600000 0x0000000000000000 0x001000 0x001000 R   0x1000
  LOAD           0x004000 0x0000000000601000 0x0000000000000000 0x001000 0x001000 RW  0x1000

and there is some more metadata present in a notes area, notably prstatus contains the PC:

Displaying notes found at file offset 0x00000468 with length 0x00000b9c:
  Owner                 Data size       Description
  CORE                 0x00000150       NT_PRSTATUS (prstatus structure)
  CORE                 0x00000088       NT_PRPSINFO (prpsinfo structure)
  CORE                 0x00000080       NT_SIGINFO (siginfo_t data)
  CORE                 0x00000130       NT_AUXV (auxiliary vector)
  CORE                 0x00000246       NT_FILE (mapped files)
    Page size: 4096
                 Start                 End         Page Offset
    0x0000000000400000  0x0000000000401000  0x0000000000000000
    0x0000000000600000  0x0000000000601000  0x0000000000000000
    0x0000000000601000  0x0000000000602000  0x0000000000000001
    0x00007f8d939ee000  0x00007f8d93bae000  0x0000000000000000
    0x00007f8d93bae000  0x00007f8d93dae000  0x00000000000001c0
    0x00007f8d93dae000  0x00007f8d93db2000  0x00000000000001c0
    0x00007f8d93db2000  0x00007f8d93db4000  0x00000000000001c4
    0x00007f8d93db8000  0x00007f8d93dde000  0x0000000000000000
    0x00007f8d93fdd000  0x00007f8d93fde000  0x0000000000000025
    0x00007f8d93fde000  0x00007f8d93fdf000  0x0000000000000026
  CORE                 0x00000200       NT_FPREGSET (floating point registers)
  LINUX                0x00000340       NT_X86_XSTATE (x86 XSAVE extended state)

objdump can easily dump all memory with:

objdump -s core

which contains:

Contents of section load1:

 4007d0 01000200 73747269 6e672069 6e207465  ....string in te
 4007e0 78742073 65676d65 6e740074 65787420  xt segment.text 

Contents of section load15:

 7ffec6739220 73747269 6e672069 6e206461 74612073  string in data s
 7ffec6739230 65676d65 6e740000 00a8677b 9c6778cd  egment....g{.gx.

Contents of section load4:

 1612010 73747269 6e672069 6e206d6d 61702073  string in mmap s
 1612020 65676d65 6e740000 11040000 00000000  egment..........

which matches exactly with the stdout value in our run.

This was tested on Ubuntu 16.04 amd64, GCC 6.4.0, and binutils 2.26.1.

Test class with a new() call in it with Mockito

You can use a factory to create the login context. Then you can mock the factory and return whatever you want for your test.

public class TestedClass {
  private final LoginContextFactory loginContextFactory;

  public TestedClass(final LoginContextFactory loginContextFactory) {
    this.loginContextFactory = loginContextFactory;

  public LoginContext login(String user, String password) {
    LoginContext lc = loginContextFactory.createLoginContext();

public interface LoginContextFactory {
  public LoginContext createLoginContext();

Get program path in VB.NET?

For a console application you can use System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location as long as the call is made within the code of the console app itself, if you call this from within another dll or plugin this will return the location of that DLL and not the executable.

Putting -moz-available and -webkit-fill-available in one width (css property)

CSS will skip over style declarations it doesn't understand. Mozilla-based browsers will not understand -webkit-prefixed declarations, and WebKit-based browsers will not understand -moz-prefixed declarations.

Because of this, we can simply declare width twice:

elem {
    width: 100%;
    width: -moz-available;          /* WebKit-based browsers will ignore this. */
    width: -webkit-fill-available;  /* Mozilla-based browsers will ignore this. */
    width: fill-available;

The width: 100% declared at the start will be used by browsers which ignore both the -moz and -webkit-prefixed declarations or do not support -moz-available or -webkit-fill-available.

How can I color a UIImage in Swift?

I have modified the extension found here: Github Gist, for Swift 3 which I have tested in the context of an extension for UIImage.

func tint(with color: UIColor) -> UIImage 
   guard let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext() else { return self }

   // flip the image
   context.scaleBy(x: 1.0, y: -1.0)
   context.translateBy(x: 0.0, y: -self.size.height)

   // multiply blend mode

   let rect = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: self.size.width, height: self.size.height)
   context.clip(to: rect, mask: self.cgImage!)

   // create UIImage
   guard let newImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext() else { return self }

   return newImage

How can I verify if a Windows Service is running

I guess something like this would work:

Add System.ServiceProcess to your project references (It's on the .NET tab).

using System.ServiceProcess;

ServiceController sc = new ServiceController(SERVICENAME);

switch (sc.Status)
    case ServiceControllerStatus.Running:
        return "Running";
    case ServiceControllerStatus.Stopped:
        return "Stopped";
    case ServiceControllerStatus.Paused:
        return "Paused";
    case ServiceControllerStatus.StopPending:
        return "Stopping";
    case ServiceControllerStatus.StartPending:
        return "Starting";
        return "Status Changing";

Edit: There is also a method sc.WaitforStatus() that takes a desired status and a timeout, never used it but it may suit your needs.

Edit: Once you get the status, to get the status again you will need to call sc.Refresh() first.

Reference: ServiceController object in .NET.

Check OS version in Swift?

Note: Available in iOS 8.0 and later. OS X v10.10 and later

var majorVersion: Int    { return NSProcessInfo.processInfo().operatingSystemVersion.majorVersion }
var minorVersion: Int    { return NSProcessInfo.processInfo().operatingSystemVersion.minorVersion }
var patchVersion: Int    { return NSProcessInfo.processInfo().operatingSystemVersion.patchVersion }
var myOSVersion:  String { return NSProcessInfo.processInfo().operatingSystemVersionString        }

Convert LocalDateTime to LocalDateTime in UTC

tldr: there is simply no way to do that; if you are trying to do that, you get LocalDateTime wrong.

The reason is that LocalDateTime does not record Time Zone after instances are created. You cannot convert a date time without time zone to another date time based on a specific time zone.

As a matter of fact, should never be called in production code unless your purpose is getting random results. When you construct a LocalDateTime instance like that, this instance contains date time ONLY based on current server's time zone, which means this piece of code will generate different result if it is running a server with a different time zone config.

LocalDateTime can simplify date calculating. If you want a real universally usable data time, use ZonedDateTime or OffsetDateTime:

Changing SVG image color with javascript

Built off the above but with dynamic creation and a vector image, not drawing.

function svgztruck() {
    tok = "{d path value}"
    return tok;

function buildsvg( eid ) {
    var zvg = "svg" + eid;
    var vvg = eval( zvg );
    var raw = vvg();

    var svg = document.getElementById( eid );
    svg.setAttributeNS(null,"d", raw );
    svg.setAttributeNS(null,"onlick", eid + ".style.fill=#FF0000");

You could call with:

<img src="" onerror="buildscript">

Now you can add colors by sub element and manipulate all elements of the dom directly. It is important to implement your viewbox and height width first on the svg html, not done in the example above.

There is no need to make your code 10 pages when it could be one... but who am I to argue. Better use PHP while your at it.

The inner element that svg builds on is a simple <svg lamencoding id=parenteid><path id=eid><svg> with nothing else.

use std::fill to populate vector with increasing numbers

Speaking of boost:

auto ivec = boost::copy_range<std::vector<int>>(boost::irange(5, 10));

Getting GET "?" variable in laravel

Take a look at the $_GET and $_REQUEST superglobals. Something like the following would work for your example:

$start = $_GET['start'];
$limit = $_GET['limit'];


According to this post in the laravel forums, you need to use Input::get(), e.g.,

$start = Input::get('start');
$limit = Input::get('limit');

See also:

Failed to instantiate module error in Angular js

For me the error occurred due to my browser using a cached version of the js file containing the module. Clearing the cache and reloading the page solved the problem.

Define an alias in fish shell

To properly load functions from ~/.config/fish/functions

You may set only ONE function inside file and name file the same as function name + add .fish extension.

This way changing file contents reload functions in opened terminals (note some delay may occur ~1-5s)

That way if you edit either by commandline

function name; function_content; end


funcsave name

you have user defined functions in console and custom made in the same order.

image processing to improve tesseract OCR accuracy

Adaptive thresholding is important if the lighting is uneven across the image. My preprocessing using GraphicsMagic is mentioned in this post:!topic/tesseract-ocr/jONGSChLRv4

GraphicsMagic also has the -lat feature for Linear time Adaptive Threshold which I will try soon.

Another method of thresholding using OpenCV is described here:

Clean out Eclipse workspace metadata

In my case eclipse is not showing parent class function on $this, so I perform below mention points and it starts works:-

I go to my /var/www/ folder and check for .metadata folder (Here check the .log file and it shows) Resource is out of sync with the file system: 1. Go to Eclipse --> Project --> Clean 2. Windows -- preferences --> General --> Workspace --> And set it to "Refresh Automatically"

After that boom - things gets start working :)

If you want to load variables from other files too then ado this :- Eclipse-->Windows-->Preferences-->Php-->Editor-->Content Assist --> and check "show variable from other files"

Then it will show element , variables and other functions also.

Can't concatenate 2 arrays in PHP

It is indeed a key conflict. When concatenating arrays, duplicate keys are not overwritten.

Instead you must use array_merge()

$array = array_merge(array('Item 1'), array('Item 2'));

Remove from the beginning of std::vector


std::vector<Rule>& topPriorityRules;

The correct way to remove the first element of the referenced vector is


which is exactly what you suggested.

Looks like i need to do iterator overloading.

There is no need to overload an iterator in order to erase first element of std::vector.

P.S. Vector (dynamic array) is probably a wrong choice of data structure if you intend to erase from the front.

How to lay out Views in RelativeLayout programmatically?


EditText edt = (EditText) findViewById(;
RelativeLayout.LayoutParams lp =
    new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams
        LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT
lp.setMargins(25, 0, 0, 0); // move 25 px to right (increase left margin)
edt.setLayoutParams(lp); // lp.setMargins(left, top, right, bottom);

How to detect pressing Enter on keyboard using jQuery?

You can do this using the jquery 'keydown' event handle

   $( "#start" ).on( "keydown", function(event) {
      if(event.which == 13) 

A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client

In ASP.NET, you can catch the exception and do something about it, such as displaying a friendly message or redirect to another page... Also there is a possibility that you can handle the validation by yourself...

Display friendly message:

protected override void OnError(EventArgs e)
    var ex = Server.GetLastError().GetBaseException();
    if (ex is System.Web.HttpRequestValidationException)
        Response.Write("Invalid characters."); //  Response.Write(HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(ex.Message));
        Response.StatusCode = 200;

Converting PHP result array to JSON

$result = mysql_query($query) or die("Data not found."); 
echo json_encode($rows);

Do I use <img>, <object>, or <embed> for SVG files?

In most circumstances, I recommend using the <object> tag to display SVG images. It feels a little unnatural, but it's the most reliable method if you want to provide dynamic effects.

For images without interaction, the <img> tag or a CSS background can be used.

Inline SVGs or iframes are possible options for some projects, but it's best to avoid <embed>

But if you want to play with SVG stuff like

  • Changing colors
  • Resize path
  • rotate svg

Go with the embedded one

        <path> </path>

How to order by with union in SQL?

Select id,name,age
   Select id,name,age
   From Student
   Where age < 15
   Select id,name,age
   From Student
   Where Name like "%a%"
) results
order by name

Compare dates in MySQL

You can try below query,

select * from players
    us_reg_date between '2000-07-05'
    DATE_ADD('2011-11-10',INTERVAL 1 DAY)

Check input value length

<input type='text' minlength=3 /><br />

if browser supports html5,

it will automatical be validate attributes(minlength) in tag

but Safari(iOS) doesn't working

What is the best way to remove a table row with jQuery?

Assuming you have a button/link inside of a data cell in your table, something like this would do the trick...

$(".delete").live('click', function(event) {

This will remove the parent of the parent of the button/link that is clicked. You need to use parent() because it is a jQuery object, not a normal DOM object, and you need to use parent() twice, because the button lives inside a data cell, which lives inside a row....which is what you want to remove. $(this) is the button clicked, so simply having something like this will remove only the button:


While this will remove the data cell:


If you want to simply click anywhere on the row to remove it something like this would work. You could easily modify this to prompt the user or work only on a double-click:

$(".delete").live('click', function(event) {

Hope that helps...I struggled on this a bit myself.

Is it possible to use JavaScript to change the meta-tags of the page?

Yes, it is.

E.g. to set the meta-description:

document.querySelector('meta[name="description"]').setAttribute("content", _desc);

How to get a context in a recycler view adapter

You can add global variable:

private Context context;

then assign the context from here:

public FeedAdapter.ViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup parent,int viewType) {
    // create a new view
    View v=LayoutInflater.from(parent.getContext()).inflate(R.layout.feedholder, parent, false);
    // set the view's size, margins, paddings and layout parameters
    ViewHolder vh = new ViewHolder(v);
    // set the Context here 
    context = parent.getContext();
    return vh;

Happy Codding :)

path.join vs path.resolve with __dirname

Yes there is a difference between the functions but the way you are using them in this case will result in the same outcome.

path.join returns a normalized path by merging two paths together. It can return an absolute path, but it doesn't necessarily always do so.

For instance:

path.join('app/libs/oauth', '/../ssl')

resolves to app/libs/ssl

path.resolve, on the other hand, will resolve to an absolute path.

For instance, when you run:

path.resolve('bar', '/foo');

The path returned will be /foo since that is the first absolute path that can be constructed.

However, if you run:

path.resolve('/bar/bae', '/foo', 'test');

The path returned will be /foo/test again because that is the first absolute path that can be formed from right to left.

If you don't provide a path that specifies the root directory then the paths given to the resolve function are appended to the current working directory. So if your working directory was /home/mark/project/:

path.resolve('test', 'directory', '../back');

resolves to


Using __dirname is the absolute path to the directory containing the source file. When you use path.resolve or path.join they will return the same result if you give the same path following __dirname. In such cases it's really just a matter of preference.

How do I scroll to an element within an overflowed Div?

After playing with it for a very long time, this is what I came up with:

    jQuery.fn.scrollTo = function (elem) {
        var b = $(elem);
        this.scrollTop(b.position().top + b.height() - this.height());

and I call it like this

$("#basketListGridHolder").scrollTo('tr[data-uid="' + basketID + '"]');

How do I get total physical memory size using PowerShell without WMI?

Below gives the total physical memory.

gwmi Win32_OperatingSystem | Measure-Object -Property TotalVisibleMemorySize -Sum | % {[Math]::Round($_.sum/1024/1024)}

How to remove the querystring and get only the url?

Because I deal with both relative and absolute URLs, I updated veritas's solution like the code below.
You can try yourself here:

function removeQueryStringFromUrl($url) {
    if (substr($url,0,4) == "http") {
        $urlPartsArray = parse_url($url);
        $outputUrl = $urlPartsArray['scheme'] . '://' . $urlPartsArray['host'] . ( isset($urlPartsArray['path']) ? $urlPartsArray['path'] : '' );
    } else {
        $URLexploded = explode("?", $url, 2);
        $outputUrl = $URLexploded[0];
    return $outputUrl;

IntelliJ how to zoom in / out

Double click Shift to open the quick actions. Then search for "Decrease Font Size" or "Increase Font Size" and hit Enter. To repeat the action you can doubleclick Shift and Enter

I prefer that way because it works even when you're using not your own Computer without opening settings. Also works without leaving fullscreen, which is useful if you are live coding.

How to change default language for SQL Server?

Please try below:

SET @Today = '12/5/2007';  

SELECT DATENAME(month, @Today) AS 'Month Name';  

SET LANGUAGE us_english;  
SELECT DATENAME(month, @Today) AS 'Month Name' ;  


How to VueJS router-link active style

Just add to @Bert's solution to make it more clear:

    const routes = [
  { path: '/foo', component: Foo },
  { path: '/bar', component: Bar }

const router = new VueRouter({
  linkExactActiveClass: "active" // active class for *exact* links.

As one can see, this line should be removed:

linkActiveClass: "active", // active class for non-exact links.

this way, ONLY the current link is hi-lighted. This should apply to most of the cases.


How to fix Error: listen EADDRINUSE while using nodejs?

Just a head's up, Skype will sometimes listen on port 80 and therefore cause this error if you try to listen on port 80 from Node.js or any other app.

You can turn off that behaviour in Skype by accessing the options and clicking Advanced -> Connection -> Use port 80 (Untick this)

Turn off Skype port 80 usage

P.S. After making that change, don't forget to restart Skype!

T-SQL to list all the user mappings with database roles/permissions for a Login

using fn_my_permissions

EXECUTE AS USER = 'userName';
SELECT * FROM fn_my_permissions(NULL, 'DATABASE') 

Hibernate: flush() and commit()

In the Hibernate Manual you can see this example

Session session = sessionFactory.openSession();
Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction();

for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
    Customer customer = new Customer(...);;
    if (i % 20 == 0) { // 20, same as the JDBC batch size
        // flush a batch of inserts and release memory:


Without the call to the flush method, your first-level cache would throw an OutOfMemoryException

Also you can look at this post about flushing

SQL Server Management Studio – tips for improving the TSQL coding process

If you drag from Object Explorer Columns node for a table it puts a CSV list of columns in the Query Window for you

Alter Table Add Column Syntax

Just remove COLUMN from ADD COLUMN

  ADD EmployeeID numeric NOT NULL IDENTITY (1, 1)


How do I measure request and response times at once using cURL?

curl -v --trace-time This must be done in verbose mode

Missing Push Notification Entitlement

I had the same problem and my solution was to add the push notification entitlement from Target -> Capabilities.

What SOAP client libraries exist for Python, and where is the documentation for them?

I believe soaplib has deprecated its SOAP client ('sender') in favor of suds. At this point soaplib is focused on being a web framework agnostic SOAP server ('receiver'). Currently soaplib is under active development and is usually discussed in the Python SOAP mailing list:

How to fix homebrew permissions?

In my case the /usr/local/Frameworks didn't even exist, so I did:

sudo mkdir /usr/local/Frameworks
sudo chown -R $(whoami) /usr/local/Frameworks

And then everything worked as expected.

In Python, how do I loop through the dictionary and change the value if it equals something?

You could create a dict comprehension of just the elements whose values are None, and then update back into the original:

tmp = dict((k,"") for k,v in mydict.iteritems() if v is None)

Update - did some performance tests

Well, after trying dicts of from 100 to 10,000 items, with varying percentage of None values, the performance of Alex's solution is across-the-board about twice as fast as this solution.

How to set auto increment primary key in PostgreSQL?

If you want to do this in pgadmin, it is much easier. It seems in postgressql, to add a auto increment to a column, we first need to create a auto increment sequence and add it to the required column. I did like this.

1) Firstly you need to make sure there is a primary key for your table. Also keep the data type of the primary key in bigint or smallint. (I used bigint, could not find a datatype called serial as mentioned in other answers elsewhere)

2)Then add a sequence by right clicking on sequence-> add new sequence. If there is no data in the table, leave the sequence as it is, don't make any changes. Just save it. If there is existing data, add the last or highest value in the primary key column to the Current value in Definitions tab as shown below. enter image description here

3)Finally, add the line nextval('your_sequence_name'::regclass) to the Default value in your primary key as shown below.

enter image description here Make sure the sequence name is correct here. This is all and auto increment should work.

Fling gesture detection on grid layout

The swipe gesture detector code above is very useful! You may however wish to make this solution density agnostic by using the following relative values (REL_SWIPE) rather than the absolute values (SWIPE_)

DisplayMetrics dm = getResources().getDisplayMetrics();

int REL_SWIPE_MIN_DISTANCE = (int)(SWIPE_MIN_DISTANCE * dm.densityDpi / 160.0f);
int REL_SWIPE_MAX_OFF_PATH = (int)(SWIPE_MAX_OFF_PATH * dm.densityDpi / 160.0f);

ERROR Error: StaticInjectorError(AppModule)[UserformService -> HttpClient]:

provide all custom services means written by you in component decorator section Example : providers: [serviceName]

note:if you are using service for exchanging data between components. declare providers: [serviceName] in module level

Open Bootstrap Modal from code-behind

Maybe this answer is so late, but it's useful.
to do it,we have 3 steps:
1- Create a modal structure in HTML.
2- Create a button to call a function in java script, to open modal and set display:none in CSS .
3- Call this button by function in code behind .
you can see these steps in below snippet :

HTML modal:

<div class="modal fade" id="myModal">
                <div class="modal-dialog">
                    <div class="modal-content">
                        <div class="modal-header">
                            <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close">
                                <span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span></button>
                            <h4 class="modal-title">
                                Registration done Successfully</h4>
                        <div class="modal-body">
                            <asp:Label ID="lblMessage" runat="server" />
                        <div class="modal-footer">
                            <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal">
                            <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary">
                                Save changes</button>
                    <!-- /.modal-content -->
                <!-- /.modal-dialog -->
            <!-- /.modal -->  

Hidden Button:

<button type="button" style="display: none;" id="btnShowPopup" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg"
                data-toggle="modal" data-target="#myModal">
                Launch demo modal

Script Code:

<script type="text/javascript">
        function ShowPopup() {

code behind:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "ShowPopup();", true);
    this.lblMessage.Text = "Your Registration is done successfully. Our team will contact you shotly";

this solution is one of any solutions that I used it .

How to check whether a str(variable) is empty or not?

test_str1 = "" 
test_str2 = "  "
# checking if string is empty 
print ("The zero length string without spaces is empty ? : ", end = "") 
if(len(test_str1) == 0): 
    print ("Yes") 
else : 
    print ("No") 
# prints No  
print ("The zero length string with just spaces is empty ? : ", end = "") 
if(len(test_str2) == 0): 
    print ("Yes") 
else : 
    print ("No") 

Making custom right-click context menus for my web-app

here is an example for right click context menu in javascript: Right Click Context Menu

Used raw javasScript Code for context menu functionality. Can you please check this, hope this will help you.

Live Code:

(function() {_x000D_
  "use strict";_x000D_
  /*********************************************** Context Menu Function Only ********************************/_x000D_
  function clickInsideElement( e, className ) {_x000D_
    var el = e.srcElement ||;_x000D_
    if ( el.classList.contains(className) ) {_x000D_
      return el;_x000D_
    } else {_x000D_
      while ( el = el.parentNode ) {_x000D_
        if ( el.classList && el.classList.contains(className) ) {_x000D_
          return el;_x000D_
    return false;_x000D_
  function getPosition(e) {_x000D_
    var posx = 0, posy = 0;_x000D_
    if (!e) var e = window.event;_x000D_
    if (e.pageX || e.pageY) {_x000D_
      posx = e.pageX;_x000D_
      posy = e.pageY;_x000D_
    } else if (e.clientX || e.clientY) {_x000D_
      posx = e.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft + document.documentElement.scrollLeft;_x000D_
      posy = e.clientY + document.body.scrollTop + document.documentElement.scrollTop;_x000D_
    return {_x000D_
      x: posx,_x000D_
      y: posy_x000D_
  // Your Menu Class Name_x000D_
  var taskItemClassName = "thumb";_x000D_
  var contextMenuClassName = "context-menu",contextMenuItemClassName = "context-menu__item",contextMenuLinkClassName = "context-menu__link", contextMenuActive = "context-menu--active";_x000D_
  var taskItemInContext, clickCoords, clickCoordsX, clickCoordsY, menu = document.querySelector("#context-menu"), menuItems = menu.querySelectorAll(".context-menu__item");_x000D_
  var menuState = 0, menuWidth, menuHeight, menuPosition, menuPositionX, menuPositionY, windowWidth, windowHeight;_x000D_
  function initMenuFunction() {_x000D_
   * Listens for contextmenu events._x000D_
  function contextListener() {_x000D_
    document.addEventListener( "contextmenu", function(e) {_x000D_
      taskItemInContext = clickInsideElement( e, taskItemClassName );_x000D_
      if ( taskItemInContext ) {_x000D_
      } else {_x000D_
        taskItemInContext = null;_x000D_
   * Listens for click events._x000D_
  function clickListener() {_x000D_
    document.addEventListener( "click", function(e) {_x000D_
      var clickeElIsLink = clickInsideElement( e, contextMenuLinkClassName );_x000D_
      if ( clickeElIsLink ) {_x000D_
        menuItemListener( clickeElIsLink );_x000D_
      } else {_x000D_
        var button = e.which || e.button;_x000D_
        if ( button === 1 ) {_x000D_
   * Listens for keyup events._x000D_
  function keyupListener() {_x000D_
    window.onkeyup = function(e) {_x000D_
      if ( e.keyCode === 27 ) {_x000D_
   * Window resize event listener_x000D_
  function resizeListener() {_x000D_
    window.onresize = function(e) {_x000D_
   * Turns the custom context menu on._x000D_
  function toggleMenuOn() {_x000D_
    if ( menuState !== 1 ) {_x000D_
      menuState = 1;_x000D_
      menu.classList.add( contextMenuActive );_x000D_
   * Turns the custom context menu off._x000D_
  function toggleMenuOff() {_x000D_
    if ( menuState !== 0 ) {_x000D_
      menuState = 0;_x000D_
      menu.classList.remove( contextMenuActive );_x000D_
  function positionMenu(e) {_x000D_
    clickCoords = getPosition(e);_x000D_
    clickCoordsX = clickCoords.x;_x000D_
    clickCoordsY = clickCoords.y;_x000D_
    menuWidth = menu.offsetWidth + 4;_x000D_
    menuHeight = menu.offsetHeight + 4;_x000D_
    windowWidth = window.innerWidth;_x000D_
    windowHeight = window.innerHeight;_x000D_
    if ( (windowWidth - clickCoordsX) < menuWidth ) {_x000D_ = (windowWidth - menuWidth)-0 + "px";_x000D_
    } else {_x000D_ = clickCoordsX-0 + "px";_x000D_
    // = clickCoordsY + "px";_x000D_
    if ( Math.abs(windowHeight - clickCoordsY) < menuHeight ) {_x000D_ = (windowHeight - menuHeight)-0 + "px";_x000D_
    } else {_x000D_ = clickCoordsY-0 + "px";_x000D_
  function menuItemListener( link ) {_x000D_
    var menuSelectedPhotoId = taskItemInContext.getAttribute("data-id");_x000D_
    console.log('Your Selected Photo: '+menuSelectedPhotoId)_x000D_
    var moveToAlbumSelectedId = link.getAttribute("data-action");_x000D_
    if(moveToAlbumSelectedId == 'remove'){_x000D_
      console.log('You Clicked the remove button')_x000D_
    }else if(moveToAlbumSelectedId && moveToAlbumSelectedId.length > 7){_x000D_
      console.log('Clicked Album Name: '+moveToAlbumSelectedId);_x000D_
/* For Body Padding and content */_x000D_
body { padding-top: 70px; }_x000D_
li a { text-decoration: none !important; }_x000D_
/* Thumbnail only */_x000D_
.thumb {_x000D_
  margin-bottom: 30px;_x000D_
.thumb:hover a, .thumb:active a, .thumb:focus a {_x000D_
  border: 1px solid purple;_x000D_
/************** For Context menu ***********/_x000D_
/* context menu */_x000D_
.context-menu {  display: none;  position: absolute;  z-index: 9999;  padding: 12px 0;  width: 200px;  background-color: #fff;  border: solid 1px #dfdfdf;  box-shadow: 1px 1px 2px #cfcfcf;  }_x000D_
.context-menu--active {  display: block;  }_x000D_
.context-menu__items { list-style: none;  margin: 0;  padding: 0;  }_x000D_
.context-menu__item { display: block;  margin-bottom: 4px;  }_x000D_
.context-menu__item:last-child {  margin-bottom: 0;  }_x000D_
.context-menu__link {  display: block;  padding: 4px 12px;  color: #0066aa;  text-decoration: none;  }_x000D_
.context-menu__link:hover {  color: #fff;  background-color: #0066aa;  }_x000D_
.context-menu__items ul {  position: absolute;  white-space: nowrap;  z-index: 1;  left: -99999em;}_x000D_
.context-menu__items > li:hover > ul {  left: auto;  padding-top: 5px  ;  min-width: 100%;  }_x000D_
.context-menu__items > li li ul {  border-left:1px solid #fff;}_x000D_
.context-menu__items > li li:hover > ul {  left: 100%;  top: -1px;  }_x000D_
.context-menu__item ul { background-color: #ffffff; padding: 7px 11px;  list-style-type: none;  text-decoration: none; margin-left: 40px; }_x000D_
.page-media .context-menu__items ul li { display: block; }_x000D_
/************** For Context menu ***********/
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>_x000D_
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>_x000D_
    <!-- Page Content -->_x000D_
    <div class="container">_x000D_
        <div class="row">_x000D_
            <div class="col-lg-12">_x000D_
                <h1 class="page-header">Thumbnail Gallery <small>(Right click to see the context menu)</small></h1>_x000D_
            <div class="col-lg-3 col-md-4 col-xs-6 thumb">_x000D_
                <a class="thumbnail" href="#">_x000D_
                    <img class="img-responsive" src="" alt="">_x000D_
            <div class="col-lg-3 col-md-4 col-xs-6 thumb">_x000D_
                <a class="thumbnail" href="#">_x000D_
                    <img class="img-responsive" src="" alt="">_x000D_
            <div class="col-lg-3 col-md-4 col-xs-6 thumb">_x000D_
                <a class="thumbnail" href="#">_x000D_
                    <img class="img-responsive" src="" alt="">_x000D_
            <div class="col-lg-3 col-md-4 col-xs-6 thumb">_x000D_
                <a class="thumbnail" href="#">_x000D_
                    <img class="img-responsive" src="" alt="">_x000D_
            <div class="col-lg-3 col-md-4 col-xs-6 thumb">_x000D_
                <a class="thumbnail" href="#">_x000D_
                    <img class="img-responsive" src="" alt="">_x000D_
            <div class="col-lg-3 col-md-4 col-xs-6 thumb">_x000D_
                <a class="thumbnail" href="#">_x000D_
                    <img class="img-responsive" src="" alt="">_x000D_
            <div class="col-lg-3 col-md-4 col-xs-6 thumb">_x000D_
                <a class="thumbnail" href="#">_x000D_
                    <img class="img-responsive" src="" alt="">_x000D_
            <div class="col-lg-3 col-md-4 col-xs-6 thumb">_x000D_
                <a class="thumbnail" href="#">_x000D_
                    <img class="img-responsive" src="" alt="">_x000D_
    <!-- /.container -->_x000D_
    <!-- / The Context Menu -->_x000D_
    <nav id="context-menu" class="context-menu">_x000D_
        <ul class="context-menu__items">_x000D_
            <li class="context-menu__item">_x000D_
                <a href="#" class="context-menu__link" data-action="Delete This Photo"><i class="fa fa-empire"></i> Delete This Photo</a>_x000D_
            <li class="context-menu__item">_x000D_
                <a href="#" class="context-menu__link" data-action="Photo Option 2"><i class="fa fa-envira"></i> Photo Option 2</a>_x000D_
            <li class="context-menu__item">_x000D_
                <a href="#" class="context-menu__link" data-action="Photo Option 3"><i class="fa fa-first-order"></i> Photo Option 3</a>_x000D_
            <li class="context-menu__item">_x000D_
                <a href="#" class="context-menu__link" data-action="Photo Option 4"><i class="fa fa-gitlab"></i> Photo Option 4</a>_x000D_
            <li class="context-menu__item">_x000D_
                <a href="#" class="context-menu__link" data-action="Photo Option 5"><i class="fa fa-ioxhost"></i> Photo Option 5</a>_x000D_
            <li class="context-menu__item">_x000D_
                <a href="#" class="context-menu__link"><i class="fa fa-arrow-right"></i> Add Photo to</a>_x000D_
                    <li><a href="#!" class="context-menu__link" data-action="album-one"><i class="fa fa-camera-retro"></i> Album One</a></li>_x000D_
                    <li><a href="#!" class="context-menu__link" data-action="album-two"><i class="fa fa-camera-retro"></i> Album Two</a></li>_x000D_
                    <li><a href="#!" class="context-menu__link" data-action="album-three"><i class="fa fa-camera-retro"></i> Album Three</a></li>_x000D_
                    <li><a href="#!" class="context-menu__link" data-action="album-four"><i class="fa fa-camera-retro"></i> Album Four</a></li>_x000D_
    <!-- End # Context Menu -->_x000D_

What's the best way to add a full screen background image in React Native

I tried several of these answers to no avail for android using react-native version = 0.19.0.

For some reason, the resizeMode inside my stylesheet did not work appropriately? However, when sytlesheet had

backgroundImage: {
flex: 1,
width: null,
height: null,

and, within the Image tag I specified the resizeMode:

<Image source={require('path/to/image.png')} style= {styles.backgroundImage} resizeMode={Image.resizeMode.sretch}>

It worked perfectly! As mentioned above, you can use Image.resizeMode.cover or contain as well.

Hope this helps!

How can I zoom an HTML element in Firefox and Opera?

For me this works well with IE10, Chrome, Firefox and Safari:

        zoom: 50%;
        -moz-transform: scale(0.5);
        -webkit-transform: scale(1.0);

This zooms all content in to 50%.

Add JavaScript object to JavaScript object

// Merge object2 into object1, recursively

$.extend( true, object1, object2 );

// Merge object2 into object1

$.extend( object1, object2 );

Installing R on Mac - Warning messages: Setting LC_CTYPE failed, using "C"

On my Mac r is installed in /usr/local/bin/r, add line below in .bash_profile solved the same problem:

alias r="LANG=en_US.UTF-8 LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 r"

Grep and Python

Concise and memory efficient:

#!/usr/bin/env python
# file:
import re, sys

map(sys.stdout.write,(l for l in sys.stdin if[1],l)))

It works like egrep (without too much error handling), e.g.:

cat input-file | "RE"

And here is the one-liner:

cat input-file | python -c "import re,sys;map(sys.stdout.write,(l for l in sys.stdin if[1],l)))" "RE"

fork and exec in bash

Use the ampersand just like you would from the shell.

function_to_fork() {

function_to_fork &
# ... execution continues in parent process ...

Regex Explanation ^.*$


literally just means select everything

"^"  // anchors to the beginning of the line
".*" // zero or more of any character
"$"  // anchors to end of line

Wpf DataGrid Add new row

Try this MSDN blog

Also, try the following example:


   <DataGrid AutoGenerateColumns="False" Name="DataGridTest" CanUserAddRows="True" ItemsSource="{Binding TestBinding}" Margin="0,50,0,0" >
            <DataGridTextColumn Header="Line" IsReadOnly="True" Binding="{Binding Path=Test1}" Width="50"></DataGridTextColumn>
            <DataGridTextColumn Header="Account" IsReadOnly="True"  Binding="{Binding Path=Test2}" Width="130"></DataGridTextColumn>
    <Button Content="Add new row" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="0,10,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="75" Click="Button_Click_1"/>


 /// <summary>
/// Interaction logic for MainWindow.xaml
/// </summary>
public partial class MainWindow : Window
    public MainWindow()

    private void Button_Click_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        var data = new Test { Test1 = "Test1", Test2 = "Test2" };


public class Test
    public string Test1 { get; set; }
    public string Test2 { get; set; }

How to trigger an event after using event.preventDefault()

The approach I use is this:

$('a').on('click', function(event){
    if (yourCondition === true) { //Put here the condition you want
        event.preventDefault(); // Here triggering stops
        // Here you can put code relevant when event stops;
    // Here your event works as expected and continue triggering
    // Here you can put code you want before triggering

Setting an image for a UIButton in code

You can put the image in either of the way:

UIButton *btnTwo = [UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeRoundedRect]; 
btnTwo.frame = CGRectMake(40, 140, 240, 30);
[btnTwo setTitle:@"vc2:v1" forState:UIControlStateNormal];
[btnTwo addTarget:self 

[btnTwo setImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"name.png"] forState:UIControlStateNormal];

//OR setting as background image

[btnTwo setBackgroundImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"name.png"] 

[self.view addSubview:btnTwo];

Using group by and having clause

1.Get supplier numbers and names for suppliers of parts supplied to at least two different projects.


I am not slear about your second question

MySql server startup error 'The server quit without updating PID file '

I hope this work for you.

After checking the error log, I found this:

120309 17:42:49 mysqld_safe Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /usr/local/mysql/data
120309 17:42:50 [Warning] Setting lower_case_table_names=2 because file system for /usr/local/mysql/data/ is case insensitive
120309 17:42:50 [Warning] You need to use --log-bin to make --binlog-format work.
120309 17:42:50 [Note] Plugin 'FEDERATED' is disabled.
120309 17:42:50 InnoDB: The InnoDB memory heap is disabled
120309 17:42:50 InnoDB: Mutexes and rw_locks use GCC atomic builtins
120309 17:42:50 InnoDB: Compressed tables use zlib 1.2.3
120309 17:42:50 InnoDB: Initializing buffer pool, size = 16.0M
120309 17:42:50 InnoDB: Completed initialization of buffer pool
120309 17:42:50  InnoDB: Operating system error number 13 in a file operation.
InnoDB: The error means mysqld does not have the access rights to
InnoDB: the directory.
InnoDB: File name /usr/local/mysql/data/ib_logfile0
InnoDB: File operation call: 'open'.
InnoDB: Cannot continue operation.
120309 17:42:50 mysqld_safe mysqld from pid file /usr/local/mysql/data/ ended

And to solve it, I gave ownership rights to the entire mysql folder:

cd /usr/local
sudo chown mysql mysql
sudo chown mysql mysql-5.5.21-osx10.6-x86_64
sudo chown _mysql mysql
sudo chown _mysql mysql-5.5.21-osx10.6-x86_64

Then (you can do it command-line too), I applied the permissions (once I gave that ownership to _mysql and mysql users) to all enclosed folders from within the "get info" menu of the folder at /usr/local/mysql-5.5.21-osx10.6-x86_64 . You don't need to tho that to the alias since it's only an alias.

The name of the folder depends of the installation version of mysql that you have.

Get difference between 2 dates in JavaScript?

This is the code to subtract one date from another. This example converts the dates to objects as the getTime() function won't work unless it's an Date object.

    var dat1 = document.getElementById('inputDate').value;
                var date1 = new Date(dat1)//converts string to date object
                var dat2 = document.getElementById('inputFinishDate').value;
                var date2 = new Date(dat2)

                var oneDay = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; // hours*minutes*seconds*milliseconds
                var diffDays = Math.abs((date1.getTime() - date2.getTime()) / (oneDay));

How do I pass parameters to a jar file at the time of execution?

java [ options ] -jar file.jar [ argument ... ]

if you need to pass the log4j properties file use the below option


java -Dlog4j.configurationFile=directory/file.xml -jar <JAR FILE> [arguments ...]

Can Rails Routing Helpers (i.e. mymodel_path(model)) be Used in Models?

Any logic having to do with what is displayed in the view should be delegated to a helper method, as methods in the model are strictly for handling data.

Here is what you could do:

# In the helper...

def link_to_thing(text, thing)
  (thing.url?) ? link_to(text, thing_path(thing)) : link_to(text, thing.url)

# In the view...

<%= link_to_thing("text", @thing) %>

Calculating the position of points in a circle

PHP Solution:

class point{
    private $x = 0;
    private $y = 0;
    public function setX($xpos){
        $this->x = $xpos;
    public function setY($ypos){
        $this->y = $ypos;
    public function getX(){
        return $this->x;
    public function getY(){
        return $this->y;
    public function printX(){
        echo $this->x;
    public function printY(){
        echo $this->y;
function drawCirclePoints($points, $radius, &$center){
    $pointarray = array();
    $slice = (2*pi())/$points;
        $angle = $slice*$i;
        $newx = (int)($center->getX() + ($radius * cos($angle)));
        $newy = (int)($center->getY() + ($radius * sin($angle)));
        $point = new point();
    return $pointarray;

How to know a Pod's own IP address from inside a container in the Pod?

kubectl get pods -o wide

Give you a list of pods with name, status, ip, node...

Uninstall Node.JS using Linux command line?

If you installed from source, you can issue the following command:

sudo make uninstall

If you followed the instructions on to install to your $HOME/local/node, then you have to type the following before the line above:

./configure --prefix=$HOME/local/node

Rails and PostgreSQL: Role postgres does not exist

After a bunch of installing and uninstalling of Postgres, here's what now seems to work consistently for me with Os X Mavericks, Rails 4 and Ruby 2.

  1. In the database.yml file, I change the default usernames to my computer's username which for me is just "admin".

  2. In the command line I run rake db:create:all

  3. Then I run rake db:migrate

  4. When I run the rails server and check the local host it says "Welcome aboard".

try/catch with InputMismatchException creates infinite loop

another option is to define Scanner input = new Scanner(; inside the try block, this will create a new object each time you need to re-enter the values.

pytest cannot import module while python can

I had placed all my tests in a tests folder and was getting the same error. I solved this by adding an in that folder like so:

|-- Pipfile
|-- Pipfile.lock
|-- api
|-- migrations
`-- tests
    |-- <------

How to disable gradle 'offline mode' in android studio?

@mikepenz has the right one.

You could just hit SHIFT+COMMAND+A (if you're using OSX and 1.4 android studio) and enter OFFLINE in the search box.

Then you'll see what mike have shown you.

Just deselect offline.

Unable to install boto3

There is another possible scenario that might get some people as well (if you have python and python3 on your system):

pip3 install boto3

Note the use of pip3 indicates the use of Python 3's pip installation vs just pip which indicates the use of Python 2's.

How to perform update operations on columns of type JSONB in Postgres 9.4

Matheus de Oliveira created handy functions for JSON CRUD operations in postgresql. They can be imported using the \i directive. Notice the jsonb fork of the functions if jsonb if your data type.

9.3 json

9.4 jsonb

Sort rows in data.table in decreasing order on string key `order(-x,v)` gives error on data.table 1.9.4 or earlier

You can only use - on the numeric entries, so you can use decreasing and negate the ones you want in increasing order:

      x y v
 [1,] c 1 7
 [2,] c 3 8
 [3,] c 6 9
 [4,] b 1 1
 [5,] b 3 2
 [6,] b 6 3
 [7,] a 1 4
 [8,] a 3 5
 [9,] a 6 6

PHP read and write JSON from file

You need to make the decode function return an array by passing in the true parameter.


Create HTTP post request and receive response using C# console application

HttpWebRequest request =(HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("some url");
request.Method = "POST";
request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
request.UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 7.1; Trident/5.0)";
request.Accept = "/";
request.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
request.Proxy.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
HttpWebResponse resp = request.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse;

Hope it helps

Release generating .pdb files, why?

PDB can be generated for Release as well as for Debug. This is set at (in VS2010 but in VS2005 must be similar):

Project ? Properties ? Build ? Advanced ? Debug Info

Just change it to None.

C++, how to declare a struct in a header file

C++, how to declare a struct in a header file:

Put this in a file called main.cpp:

#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include "student.h"

using namespace std;    //Watchout for clashes between std and other libraries

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    struct Student s1;
    s1.firstName = "fred"; s1.lastName = "flintstone";
    cout << s1.firstName << " " << s1.lastName << endl;
    return 0;

put this in a file named student.h

#ifndef STUDENT_H
#define STUDENT_H

struct Student {
    std::string lastName, firstName;


Compile it and run it, it should produce this output:

s1.firstName = "fred";


You should not place a using namespace std; directive in the C++ header file because you may cause silent name clashes between different libraries. To remedy this, use the fully qualified name: std::string foobarstring; instead of including the std namespace with string foobarstring;.

Form Submit Execute JavaScript Best Practice?

Attach an event handler to the submit event of the form. Make sure it cancels the default action.

Quirks Mode has a guide to event handlers, but you would probably be better off using a library to simplify the code and iron out the differences between browsers. All the major ones (such as YUI and jQuery) include event handling features, and there is a large collection of tiny event libraries.

Here is how you would do it in YUI 3:

<script src=""></script>
    YUI().use('event', function (Y) {'form').on('submit', function (e) {
            // Whatever else you want to do goes here

Make sure that the server will pick up the slack if the JavaScript fails for any reason.

Best Way to Refresh Adapter/ListView on Android

just write in your Custom ArrayAdaper this code:

public void swapItems(ArrayList<Item> arrayList) {

What is better, adjacency lists or adjacency matrices for graph problems in C++?

To add to keyser5053's answer about memory usage.

For any directed graph, an adjacency matrix (at 1 bit per edge) consumes n^2 * (1) bits of memory.

For a complete graph, an adjacency list (with 64 bit pointers) consumes n * (n * 64) bits of memory, excluding list overhead.

For an incomplete graph, an adjacency list consumes 0 bits of memory, excluding list overhead.

For an adjacency list, you can use the follow formula to determine the maximum number of edges (e) before an adjacency matrix is optimal for memory.

edges = n^2 / s to determine the maximum number of edges, where s is the pointer size of the platform.

If you're graph is dynamically updating, you can maintain this efficiency with an average edge count (per node) of n / s.

Some examples with 64 bit pointers and dynamic graph (A dynamic graph updates the solution of a problem efficiently after changes, rather than recomputing it from scratch each time after a change has been made.)

For a directed graph, where n is 300, the optimal number of edges per node using an adjacency list is:

= 300 / 64
= 4

If we plug this into keyser5053's formula, d = e / n^2 (where e is the total edge count), we can see we are below the break point (1 / s):

d = (4 * 300) / (300 * 300)
d < 1/64
aka 0.0133 < 0.0156

However, 64 bits for a pointer can be overkill. If you instead use 16bit integers as pointer offsets, we can fit up to 18 edges before breaking point.

= 300 / 16
= 18

d = ((18 * 300) / (300^2))
d < 1/16
aka 0.06 < 0.0625

Each of these examples ignore the overhead of the adjacency lists themselves (64*2 for a vector and 64 bit pointers).

Using NotNull Annotation in method argument

I do this to create my own validation annotation and validator: to put on methods/fields)

@Constraint(validatedBy = {CardTypeValidator.class})
@Target( { ElementType.ANNOTATION_TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD })
public @interface ValidCardType {
    String message() default "Incorrect card type, should be among: \"MasterCard\" | \"Visa\"";
    Class<?>[] groups() default {};
    Class<? extends Payload>[] payload() default {};

And, the validator to trigger the check:

public class CardTypeValidator implements ConstraintValidator<ValidCardType, String> {
    private static final String[] ALL_CARD_TYPES = {"MasterCard", "Visa"};

    public void initialize(ValidCardType status) {
    public boolean isValid(String value, ConstraintValidatorContext context) {
        return (Arrays.asList(ALL_CARD_TYPES).contains(value));

You can do something very similar to check @NotNull.

How can I extract substrings from a string in Perl?

You could use a regular expression such as the following:


So for example:

$s = "abc-456-hu5t10 (High priority) *";
$s =~ /([-a-z0-9]+)\s*\((.*?)\)\s*(\*)?/;
print "$1\n$2\n$3\n";


High priority

SqlException from Entity Framework - New transaction is not allowed because there are other threads running in the session

FYI: from a book and some lines adjusted because its stil valid:

Invoking SaveChanges() method begins a transaction which automatically rolls back all changes persisted to the database if an exception occurs before iteration completes; otherwise the transaction commits. You might be tempted to apply the method after each entity update or deletion rather than after iteration completes, especially when you're updating or deleting massive numbers of entities.

If you try to invoke SaveChanges() before all data has been processed, you incur a "New transaction is not allowed because there are other threads running in the session" exception. The exception occurs because SQL Server doesn't permit starting a new transaction on a connection that has a SqlDataReader open, even with Multiple Active Record Sets (MARS) enabled by the connection string (EF's default connection string enables MARS)

Sometimes its better to understand why things are happening ;-)

How can I disable the UITableView selection?

From UITableViewDataSource Protocol, inside method cellForRowAt add:

let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "YOUR_CELL_IDENTIFIER", for: indexPath)                
cell.selectionStyle = .none
return cell


You can goto Storyboard > Select Cell > Identity Inspector > Selection and select none from dropdown.

Count the number of items in my array list

Using Java 8 stream API:

 String[] keys = new String[0];

// A map for keys and their count
Map<String, Long> keyCountMap =
collect(Collectors.groupingBy(Function.identity(), Collectors.counting()));
int uniqueItemIdCount= keyCountMap.size();

Annotation @Transactional. How to rollback?

Just throw any RuntimeException from a method marked as @Transactional.

By default all RuntimeExceptions rollback transaction whereas checked exceptions don't. This is an EJB legacy. You can configure this by using rollbackFor() and noRollbackFor() annotation parameters:


This will rollback transaction after throwing any exception.

Difference between $(this) and

There are cross browser issues here.

A typical non-jQuery event handler would be something like this :

function doSomething(evt) {
    evt = evt || window.event;
    var target = || evt.srcElement;
    if (target.nodeType == 3) // defeat Safari bug
        target = target.parentNode;
    //do stuff here

jQuery normalises evt and makes the target available as this in event handlers, so a typical jQuery event handler would be something like this :

function doSomething(evt) {
    var $target = $(this);
    //do stuff here

A hybrid event handler which uses jQuery's normalised evt and a POJS target would be something like this :

function doSomething(evt) {
    var target = || evt.srcElement;
    if (target.nodeType == 3) // defeat Safari bug
        target = target.parentNode;
    //do stuff here

jQuery’s .bind() vs. .on()

Internally, .bind maps directly to .on in the current version of jQuery. (The same goes for .live.) So there is a tiny but practically insignificant performance hit if you use .bind instead.

However, .bind may be removed from future versions at any time. There is no reason to keep using .bind and every reason to prefer .on instead.

MySQL string replace

Yes, MySQL has a REPLACE() function:

mysql> SELECT REPLACE('', 'w', 'Ww');
    -> ''

Note that it's easier if you make that an alias when using SELECT

SELECT REPLACE(string_column, 'search', 'replace') as url....

Storing JSON in database vs. having a new column for each key

You are trying to fit a non-relational model into a relational database, I think you would be better served using a NoSQL database such as MongoDB. There is no predefined schema which fits in with your requirement of having no limitation to the number of fields (see the typical MongoDB collection example). Check out the MongoDB documentation to get an idea of how you'd query your documents, e.g.

      name: 'sann'

Download image with JavaScript

The problem is that jQuery doesn't trigger the native click event for <a> elements so that navigation doesn't happen (the normal behavior of an <a>), so you need to do that manually. For almost all other scenarios, the native DOM event is triggered (at least attempted to - it's in a try/catch).

To trigger it manually, try:

var a = $("<a>")
    .attr("href", "")
    .attr("download", "img.png")




Relevant line in current jQuery source:

if ( (!special._default || special._default.apply( eventPath.pop(), data ) === false) &&
        jQuery.acceptData( elem ) ) {

Regular expression for number with length of 4, 5 or 6

Be aware that, as written, Peter's solution will "accept" 0000. If you want to validate numbers between 1000 and 999999, then that is another problem :-)


for example will block inserting 0 at the beginning of the string.

If you want to accept 0 padding, but only up to a lengh of 6, so that 001000 is valid, then it becomes more complex. If we use look-ahead then we can write something like


This first checks if the string is long 4-6 (?=[0-9]{4,6}$), then skips the 0s 0*and search for a non-zero [1-9] followed by at least 3 digits [0-9]{3,}.

What exactly does stringstream do?

From C++ Primer:

The istringstream type reads a string, ostringstream writes a string, and stringstream reads and writes the string.

I come across some cases where it is both convenient and concise to use stringstream.

case 1

It is from one of the solutions for this leetcode problem. It demonstrates a very suitable case where the use of stringstream is efficient and concise.

Suppose a and b are complex numbers expressed in string format, we want to get the result of multiplication of a and b also in string format. The code is as follows:

string a = "1+2i", b = "1+3i";
istringstream sa(a), sb(b);
ostringstream out;

int ra, ia, rb, ib;
char buff;
// only read integer values to get the real and imaginary part of 
// of the original complex number
sa >> ra >> buff >> ia >> buff;
sb >> rb >> buff >> ib >> buff;

out << ra*rb-ia*ib << '+' << ra*ib+ia*rb << 'i';

// final result in string format
string result = out.str() 

case 2

It is also from a leetcode problem that requires you to simplify the given path string, one of the solutions using stringstream is the most elegant that I have seen:

string simplifyPath(string path) {
    string res, tmp;
    vector<string> stk;
    stringstream ss(path);
    while(getline(ss,tmp,'/')) {
        if (tmp == "" or tmp == ".") continue;
        if (tmp == ".." and !stk.empty()) stk.pop_back();
        else if (tmp != "..") stk.push_back(tmp);
    for(auto str : stk) res += "/"+str;
    return res.empty() ? "/" : res; 

Without the use of stringstream, it would be difficult to write such concise code.

How to run Ruby code from terminal?

If Ruby is installed, then

ruby yourfile.rb

where yourfile.rb is the file containing the ruby code.



to start the interactive Ruby environment, where you can type lines of code and see the results immediately.

How to install MySQLdb (Python data access library to MySQL) on Mac OS X?

Install mysql and python via Macports The porters have done all the difficult work.

sudo port install py26-mysql 
sudo port install mysql5-server

should install what you need. (see Stack overflow for comments re mysql server)

If you only need to connect to mysql and not run a server then the first line is sufficient.

Macports now (early 2013) will provide binary downloads for common combinations of OS a executable architecture, for others (and if you request it) it will build from source.

In general macports (or fink) help when there are complex libraries etc that need to be installed.

Python only code and if simple C dependencies can be set up via setuptools etc, but it begins to get complex if you mix the two.

jQuery val is undefined?

I just ran across this myself yesterday on a project I was working on. I'm my specific case, it was not exactly what the input was named, but how the ID was named.

<input id="user_info[1][last_name]" ..... />
var last_name = $("#user_info[1][last_name]").val() // returned undefined

Removing the brackets solved the issue:

<input id="user_info1_last_name" ..... />
var last_name = $("#user_info1_last_name").val() // returned "MyLastNameValue"

Anyway, probably a no brainer for some people, but in case this helps anyone else... there you go!

:-) - Drew

Python requests - print entire http request (raw)?

Here is a code, which makes the same, but with response headers:

import socket
def patch_requests():
    old_readline = socket._fileobject.readline
    if not hasattr(old_readline, 'patched'):
        def new_readline(self, size=-1):
            res = old_readline(self, size)
            print res,
            return res
        new_readline.patched = True
        socket._fileobject.readline = new_readline

I spent a lot of time searching for this, so I'm leaving it here, if someone needs.

Query to list all stored procedures

If you are using SQL Server 2005 the following will work:

select *
  from sys.procedures
 where is_ms_shipped = 0

Launching Spring application Address already in use

image of Spring Tool Suite and stop application button

In my case looking in the servers window only showed a tomcat server that I had never used for this project. My SpringBoot project used an embedded tomcat server and it did not stop when my application finished. This button which I indicate with a red arrow will stop the application and the Tomcat server so next time I run the application I will not get the error that an Instance of Tomcat is already running on port 8080.

actual error messages:

Verify the connector's configuration, identify and stop any process that's listening on port 8080, or configure this application to listen on another port.

Caused by: Address already in use Caused by: org.apache.catalina.LifecycleException: service.getName(): "Tomcat"; Protocol handler start failed

I will now be looking into a way to shut down all services on completion of my SpringBoot Consuming Rest application in this tutorial


querySelector and querySelectorAll vs getElementsByClassName and getElementById in JavaScript

querySelector and querySelectorAll are a relatively new APIs, whereas getElementById and getElementsByClassName have been with us for a lot longer. That means that what you use will mostly depend on which browsers you need to support.

As for the :, it has a special meaning so you have to escape it if you have to use it as a part of a ID/class name.

How to ignore a property in class if null, using

To expound slightly on GlennG's very helpful answer (translating the syntax from C# to VB.Net is not always "obvious") you can also decorate individual class properties to manage how null values are handled. If you do this don't use the global JsonSerializerSettings from GlennG's suggestion, otherwise it will override the individual decorations. This comes in handy if you want a null item to appear in the JSON so the consumer doesn't have to do any special handling. If, for example, the consumer needs to know an array of optional items is normally available, but is currently empty... The decoration in the property declaration looks like this:

<JsonPropertyAttribute("MyProperty", DefaultValueHandling:=NullValueHandling.Include)> Public Property MyProperty As New List(of String)

For those properties you don't want to have appear at all in the JSON change :=NullValueHandling.Include to :=NullValueHandling.Ignore. By the way - I've found that you can decorate a property for both XML and JSON serialization just fine (just put them right next to each other). This gives me the option to call the XML serializer in dotnet or the NewtonSoft serializer at will - both work side-by-side and my customers have the option to work with XML or JSON. This is slick as snot on a doorknob since I have customers that require both!

Failed to enable constraints. One or more rows contain values violating non-null, unique, or foreign-key constraints

The problem is with the Data Access designer. In Visual Studio, When we pull a View from "Server Explorer" to the Designer window, it is adding either a Primary key on a column randomly or marking something to a NOT NULL though it is actually set to null. Though the actual View creation in the SQL db server, doesn't have any primary key defined or the NOT NULL defined, the VS designer is adding this Key/constraint.

You can see this in the designer - it is shown with a key icon on left of the column name.

Solution: Right click on the key icon and select 'Delete Key'. This should solve the problem. You can also right click on a column and select "Properties" to see the list of properties of a column in the VS Data access designer and change the values appropriately.

Can anyone explain IEnumerable and IEnumerator to me?

Implementing IEnumerable enables you to get an IEnumerator for a list.

IEnumerator allows foreach style sequential access to the items in the list, using the yield keyword.

Before foreach implementation (in Java 1.4, for example), the way to iterate a list was to get an enumerator from the list, then ask it for the "next" item in the list, for as long as the value returned as the next item is not null. Foreach simply does that implicitly as a language feature, in the same way that lock() implements the Monitor class behind the scenes.

I expect foreach works on lists because they implement IEnumerable.

Check if a String contains numbers Java

Below code snippet will tell whether the String contains digit or not


For example

String str = "abhinav123";

str.matches(".*\\d.*") or str.matches(.*[0-9].*)  will return true 

str = "abhinav";

str.matches(".*\\d.*") or str.matches(.*[0-9].*)  will return false

Easy way to convert a unicode list to a list containing python strings?

We can use map function

print map(str, EmployeeList)

Running PowerShell as another user, and launching a script

In windows server 2012 or 2016 you can search for Windows PowerShell and then "Pin to Start". After this you will see "Run as different user" option on a right click on the start page tiles.

How to import/include a CSS file using PHP code and not HTML code?

I don't know why you would need this but to do this, you could edit your css file:-

<style type="text/css">

You have just added here and saved it as main.php. You can continue with main.css but it is better as .php since it does not remain a css file after you do that edit

Then edit your HTML file like this. NOTE: Make the include statement inside the tag

 <?php inculde('css/main.css');>

Call a stored procedure with another in Oracle

Your stored procedures work as coded. The problem is with the last line, it is unable to invoke either of your stored procedures.

Three choices in SQL*Plus are: call, exec, and an anoymous PL/SQL block.

call appears to be a SQL keyword, and is documented in the SQL Reference. The syntax diagram indicates that parentesis are required, even when no arguments are passed to the call routine.

CALL test_sp_1();

An anonymous PL/SQL block is PL/SQL that is not inside a named procedure, function, trigger, etc. It can be used to call your procedure.


Exec is a SQL*Plus command that is a shortcut for the above anonymous block. EXEC <procedure_name> will be passed to the DB server as BEGIN <procedure_name>; END;

Full example:

  2  AS 
  3  BEGIN 
  4      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Test works'); 
  5  END;
  6  /

Procedure created.

  2  AS
  3  BEGIN
  4      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Testing'); 
  5      test_sp; 
  6  END;
  7  /

Procedure created.

SQL> CALL test_sp_1();
Test works

Call completed.

SQL> exec test_sp_1
Test works

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> begin
  2      test_sp_1;
  3  end;
  4  /
Test works

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine Mac OSX Mavericks

Unrecognized option: - Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine. Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.

I was getting this Error due to incorrect syntax using in the terminal. I was using java - version. But its actually is java -version. there is no space between - and version. you can also cross check by using java -help.

i hope this will help.

Get a pixel from HTML Canvas?

You can use i << 2.

const data = context.getImageData(x, y, width, height).data;
const pixels = [];

for (let i = 0, dx = 0; dx < data.length; i++, dx = i << 2) {
        r: data[dx  ],
        g: data[dx+1],
        b: data[dx+2],
        a: data[dx+3]

File to byte[] in Java

It depends on what best means for you. Productivity wise, don't reinvent the wheel and use Apache Commons. Which is here FileUtils.readFileToByteArray(File input).

Send POST request with JSON data using Volley

final String URL = "/volley/resource/12";
// Post params to be sent to the server
HashMap<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
params.put("token", "AbCdEfGh123456");

JsonObjectRequest req = new JsonObjectRequest(URL, new JSONObject(params),
       new Response.Listener<JSONObject>() {
           public void onResponse(JSONObject response) {
               try {
                   VolleyLog.v("Response:%n %s", response.toString(4));
               } catch (JSONException e) {
       }, new Response.ErrorListener() {
           public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) {
               VolleyLog.e("Error: ", error.getMessage());

// add the request object to the queue to be executed


using CASE in the WHERE clause

You can transform logical implication A => B to NOT A or B. This is one of the most basic laws of logic. In your case it is something like this:

FROM logs 
WHERE pw='correct' AND (id>=800 OR success=1)  
AND YEAR(timestamp)=2011

I also transformed NOT id<800 to id>=800, which is also pretty basic.

How to check the first character in a string in Bash or UNIX shell?

$ foo="/some/directory/file"
$ [ ${foo:0:1} == "/" ] && echo 1 || echo 0
$ foo="[email protected]:/some/directory/file"
$ [ ${foo:0:1} == "/" ] && echo 1 || echo 0

How does facebook, gmail send the real time notification?

The way Facebook does this is pretty interesting.

A common method of doing such notifications is to poll a script on the server (using AJAX) on a given interval (perhaps every few seconds), to check if something has happened. However, this can be pretty network intensive, and you often make pointless requests, because nothing has happened.

The way Facebook does it is using the comet approach, rather than polling on an interval, as soon as one poll completes, it issues another one. However, each request to the script on the server has an extremely long timeout, and the server only responds to the request once something has happened. You can see this happening if you bring up Firebug's Console tab while on Facebook, with requests to a script possibly taking minutes. It is quite ingenious really, since this method cuts down immediately on both the number of requests, and how often you have to send them. You effectively now have an event framework that allows the server to 'fire' events.

Behind this, in terms of the actual content returned from those polls, it's a JSON response, with what appears to be a list of events, and info about them. It's minified though, so is a bit hard to read.

In terms of the actual technology, AJAX is the way to go here, because you can control request timeouts, and many other things. I'd recommend (Stack overflow cliche here) using jQuery to do the AJAX, it'll take a lot of the cross-compability problems away. In terms of PHP, you could simply poll an event log database table in your PHP script, and only return to the client when something happens? There are, I expect, many ways of implementing this.


Server Side:

There appear to be a few implementations of comet libraries in PHP, but to be honest, it really is very simple, something perhaps like the following pseudocode:

while(!has_event_happened()) {

echo json_encode(get_events());
  • The has_event_happened function would just check if anything had happened in an events table or something, and then the get_events function would return a list of the new rows in the table? Depends on the context of the problem really.

  • Don't forget to change your PHP max execution time, otherwise it will timeout early!

Client Side:

Take a look at the jQuery plugin for doing Comet interaction:

That said, the plugin seems to add a fair bit of complexity, it really is very simple on the client, perhaps (with jQuery) something like:

function doPoll() {
   $.get("events.php", {}, function(result) {
      $.each(, function(event) { //iterate over the events
          //do something with your event
      //this effectively causes the poll to run again as
      //soon as the response comes back
   }, 'json'); 

$(document).ready(function() {
       timeout: 1000*60//set a global AJAX timeout of a minute
    doPoll(); // do the first poll

The whole thing depends a lot on how your existing architecture is put together.

ASP.NET Forms Authentication failed for the request. Reason: The ticket supplied has expired

I was getting this same error, in our case it was caused by a load balancer. We hade to make sure that the persistance was set to Source IP. Otherwise the login form was opened by one server, and processed by the other, which would fail to set the authentication cookie correctly. Maybe this helps someone else

Add leading zeroes to number in Java?

Another option is to use DecimalFormat to format your numeric String. Here is one other way to do the job without having to use String.format if you are stuck in the pre 1.5 world:

static String intToString(int num, int digits) {
    assert digits > 0 : "Invalid number of digits";

    // create variable length array of zeros
    char[] zeros = new char[digits];
    Arrays.fill(zeros, '0');
    // format number as String
    DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat(String.valueOf(zeros));

    return df.format(num);

"replace" function examples

Be aware that the third parameter (value) in the examples given above: the value is a constant (e.g. 'Z' or c(20,30)).

Defining the third parameter using values from the data frame itself can lead to confusion.

E.g. with a simple data frame such as this (using dplyr::data_frame):

tmp <- data_frame(a=1:10, b=sample(LETTERS[24:26], 10, replace=T))

This will create somthing like this:

       a     b
   (int) (chr)
1      1     X
2      2     Y
3      3     Y
4      4     X
5      5     Z


Now suppose you want wanted to do, was to multiply the values in column 'a' by 2, but only where column 'b' is "X". My immediate thought would be something like this:

with(tmp, replace(a, b=="X", a*2))

That will not provide the desired outcome, however. The a*2 will defined as a fixed vector rather than a reference to the 'a' column. The vector 'a*2' will thus be

[1]  2  4  6  8 10 12 14 16 18 20

at the start of the 'replace' operation. Thus, the first row where 'b' equals "X", the value in 'a' will be placed by 2. The second time, it will be replaced by 4, etc ... it will not be replaced by two-times-the-value-of-a in that particular row.

How to not wrap contents of a div?

If your div has a fixed-width it shouldn't expand, because you've fixed its width. However, modern browsers support a min-width CSS property.

You can emulate the min-width property in old IE browsers by using CSS expressions or by using auto width and having a spacer object in the container. This solution isn't elegant but may do the trick:

<div id="container" style="float: left">
  <div id="spacer" style="height: 1px; width: 300px"></div>
  <button>Button 1 text</button>
  <button>Button 2 text</button>

How can you run a command in bash over and over until success?

while [ -n $(passwd) ]; do
        echo "Try again";

Detect if checkbox is checked or unchecked in Angular.js ng-change event

The state of the checkbox will be reflected on whatever model you have it bound to, in this case, $scope.answers[item.questID]

How to compare types

If your instance is a Type:

Type typeFiled;
if (typeField == typeof(string))

but if your instance is an object and not a Type use the as operator:

object value;
string text = value as string;
if (text != null)
    // value is a string and you can do your work here

this has the advantage to convert value only once into the specified type.

Creating an object: with or without `new`

Both do different things.

The first creates an object with automatic storage duration. It is created, used, and then goes out of scope when the current block ({ ... }) ends. It's the simplest way to create an object, and is just the same as when you write int x = 0;

The second creates an object with dynamic storage duration and allows two things:

  • Fine control over the lifetime of the object, since it does not go out of scope automatically; you must destroy it explicitly using the keyword delete;

  • Creating arrays with a size known only at runtime, since the object creation occurs at runtime. (I won't go into the specifics of allocating dynamic arrays here.)

Neither is preferred; it depends on what you're doing as to which is most appropriate.

Use the former unless you need to use the latter.

Your C++ book should cover this pretty well. If you don't have one, go no further until you have bought and read, several times, one of these.

Good luck.

Your original code is broken, as it deletes a char array that it did not new. In fact, nothing newd the C-style string; it came from a string literal. deleteing that is an error (albeit one that will not generate a compilation error, but instead unpredictable behaviour at runtime).

Usually an object should not have the responsibility of deleteing anything that it didn't itself new. This behaviour should be well-documented. In this case, the rule is being completely broken.

Convert a 1D array to a 2D array in numpy

You have two options:

  • If you no longer want the original shape, the easiest is just to assign a new shape to the array

    a.shape = (a.size//ncols, ncols)

    You can switch the a.size//ncols by -1 to compute the proper shape automatically. Make sure that a.shape[0]*a.shape[1]=a.size, else you'll run into some problem.

  • You can get a new array with the np.reshape function, that works mostly like the version presented above

    new = np.reshape(a, (-1, ncols))

    When it's possible, new will be just a view of the initial array a, meaning that the data are shared. In some cases, though, new array will be acopy instead. Note that np.reshape also accepts an optional keyword order that lets you switch from row-major C order to column-major Fortran order. np.reshape is the function version of the a.reshape method.

If you can't respect the requirement a.shape[0]*a.shape[1]=a.size, you're stuck with having to create a new array. You can use the np.resize function and mixing it with np.reshape, such as

>>> a =np.arange(9)
>>> np.resize(a, 10).reshape(5,2)

Test if element is present using Selenium WebDriver?

public static WebElement FindElement(WebDriver driver, By by, int timeoutInSeconds)
    WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, timeoutInSeconds);
    wait.until( ExpectedConditions.presenceOfElementLocated(by) ); //throws a timeout exception if element not present after waiting <timeoutInSeconds> seconds
    return driver.findElement(by);

ReCaptcha API v2 Styling

With the integration of the invisible reCAPTCHA you can do the following:

To enable the Invisible reCAPTCHA, rather than put the parameters in a div, you can add them directly to an html button.

a. data-callback=””. This works just like the checkbox captcha, but is required for invisible.

b. data-badge: This allows you to reposition the reCAPTCHA badge (i.e. logo and ‘protected by reCAPTCHA’ text) . Valid options as ‘bottomright’ (the default), ‘bottomleft’ or ‘inline’ which will put the badge directly above the button. If you make the badge inline, you can control the CSS of the badge directly.

ReferenceError: $ is not defined

You can install it by bower:

Node.js npm install underscore
Meteor.js meteor add underscore
Require.js require(["underscore"], ...
Bower bower install underscore
Component component install jashkenas/underscore

Here's the link to the oficial page

How to fix IndexError: invalid index to scalar variable

Basically, 1 is not a valid index of y. If the visitor is comming from his own code he should check if his y contains the index which he tries to access (in this case the index is 1).

Merging Cells in Excel using C#

using Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel;
// Your code...
yourWorksheet.Range[yourWorksheet.Cells[rowBegin,colBegin], yourWorksheet.Cells[yourWorksheet.rowEnd, colEnd]].Merge();

Row and Col start at 1.

How to center a View inside of an Android Layout?

You can apply a centering to any View, including a Layout, by using the XML attribute android:layout_gravity". You probably want to give it the value "center".

You can find a reference of possible values for this option here:

Jquery click not working with ipad

I know this was asked a long time ago but I found an answer while searching for this exact question.

There are two solutions.

You can either set an empty onlick attribute on the html element:

<div class="clickElement" onclick=""></div>

Or you can add it in css by setting the pointer cursor:

.clickElement { cursor:pointer }

The problem is that on ipad, the first click on a non-anchor element registers as a hover. This is not really a bug, because it helps with sites that have hover-menus that haven't been tablet/mobile optimised. Setting the cursor or adding an empty onclick attribute tells the browser that the element is indeed a clickable area.


In c# is there a method to find the max of 3 numbers?

You could try this code:

private float GetBrightestColor(float r, float g, float b) { 
    if (r > g && r > b) {
        return r;
    } else if (g > r && g > b) { 
        return g;
    } else if (b > r && b > g) { 
        return b;

File size exceeds configured limit (2560000), code insight features not available

Edit config file for IDEA: IDEA_HOME/bin/

# Maximum file size (kilobytes) IDE should provide code assistance for.

# Maximum file size (kilobytes) IDE is able to open.

Save and restart IDEA

Force IE compatibility mode off using tags

If you have access to the server, the most reliable way of doing this is to do it on the server itself, in IIS. Go in to IIS HTTP Response Headers. Add Name: X-UA-Compatible
Value: IE=edge This will override your browser and your code.

C# Equivalent of SQL Server DataTypes

public static string FromSqlType(string sqlTypeString)
    if (! Enum.TryParse(sqlTypeString, out Enums.SQLType typeCode))
        throw new Exception("sql type not found");
    switch (typeCode)
        case Enums.SQLType.varbinary:
        case Enums.SQLType.binary:
        case Enums.SQLType.filestream:
        case Enums.SQLType.image:
        case Enums.SQLType.rowversion:
        case Enums.SQLType.timestamp://?
            return "byte[]";
        case Enums.SQLType.tinyint:
            return "byte";
        case Enums.SQLType.varchar:
        case Enums.SQLType.nvarchar:
        case Enums.SQLType.nchar:
        case Enums.SQLType.text:
        case Enums.SQLType.ntext:
        case Enums.SQLType.xml:
            return "string";
        case Enums.SQLType.@char:
            return "char";
        case Enums.SQLType.bigint:
            return "long";
        case Enums.SQLType.bit:
            return "bool";
        case Enums.SQLType.smalldatetime:
        case Enums.SQLType.datetime:
        case Enums.SQLType.datetime2:
            return "DateTime";
        case Enums.SQLType.datetimeoffset:
            return "DateTimeOffset";
        case Enums.SQLType.@decimal:
        case Enums.SQLType.numeric:
        case Enums.SQLType.smallmoney:
            return "decimal";
        case Enums.SQLType.@float:
            return "double";
        case Enums.SQLType.@int:
            return "int";
        case Enums.SQLType.real:
            return "Single";
        case Enums.SQLType.smallint:
            return "short";
        case Enums.SQLType.uniqueidentifier:
            return "Guid";
        case Enums.SQLType.sql_variant:
            return "object";
        case Enums.SQLType.time:
            return "TimeSpan";
            throw new Exception("none equal type");

public enum SQLType

How to stop a goroutine

I know this answer has already been accepted, but I thought I'd throw my 2cents in. I like to use the tomb package. It's basically a suped up quit channel, but it does nice things like pass back any errors as well. The routine under control still has the responsibility of checking for remote kill signals. Afaik it's not possible to get an "id" of a goroutine and kill it if it's misbehaving (ie: stuck in an infinite loop).

Here's a simple example which I tested:

package main

import (

type Proc struct {
  Tomb tomb.Tomb

func (proc *Proc) Exec() {
  defer proc.Tomb.Done() // Must call only once
  for {
    select {
    case <-proc.Tomb.Dying():
      time.Sleep(300 * time.Millisecond)
      fmt.Println("Loop the loop")

func main() {
  proc := &Proc{}
  go proc.Exec()
  time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
  proc.Tomb.Kill(fmt.Errorf("Death from above"))
  err := proc.Tomb.Wait() // Will return the error that killed the proc

The output should look like:

# Loop the loop
# Loop the loop
# Loop the loop
# Loop the loop
# Death from above

Solving "The ObjectContext instance has been disposed and can no longer be used for operations that require a connection" InvalidOperationException

By default Entity Framework uses lazy-loading for navigation properties. That's why these properties should be marked as virtual - EF creates proxy class for your entity and overrides navigation properties to allow lazy-loading. E.g. if you have this entity:

public class MemberLoan
   public string LoandProviderCode { get; set; }
   public virtual Membership Membership { get; set; }

Entity Framework will return proxy inherited from this entity and provide DbContext instance to this proxy in order to allow lazy loading of membership later:

public class MemberLoanProxy : MemberLoan
    private CosisEntities db;
    private int membershipId;
    private Membership membership;

    public override Membership Membership 
          if (membership == null)
              membership = db.Memberships.Find(membershipId);
          return membership;
       set { membership = value; }

So, entity has instance of DbContext which was used for loading entity. That's your problem. You have using block around CosisEntities usage. Which disposes context before entities are returned. When some code later tries to use lazy-loaded navigation property, it fails, because context is disposed at that moment.

To fix this behavior you can use eager loading of navigation properties which you will need later:

IQueryable<MemberLoan> query = db.MemberLoans.Include(m => m.Membership);

That will pre-load all memberships and lazy-loading will not be used. For details see Loading Related Entities article on MSDN.

Android: remove notification from notification bar

Use the NotificationManager to cancel your notification. You only need to provide your notification id


also check this link See Developer Link

How to check if a registry value exists using C#?

  RegistryKey rkSubKey = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(" Your Registry Key Location", false);
        if (rkSubKey == null)
           // It doesn't exist
           // It exists and do something if you want to

Python Sets vs Lists

I was interested in the results when checking, with CPython, if a value is one of a small number of literals. set wins in Python 3 vs tuple, list and or:

from timeit import timeit

def in_test1():
  for i in range(1000):
    if i in (314, 628):

def in_test2():
  for i in range(1000):
    if i in [314, 628]:

def in_test3():
  for i in range(1000):
    if i in {314, 628}:

def in_test4():
  for i in range(1000):
    if i == 314 or i == 628:

print(timeit("in_test1()", setup="from __main__ import in_test1", number=100000))
print(timeit("in_test2()", setup="from __main__ import in_test2", number=100000))
print(timeit("in_test3()", setup="from __main__ import in_test3", number=100000))
print(timeit("in_test4()", setup="from __main__ import in_test4", number=100000))



For 3 to 5 literals, set still wins by a wide margin, and or becomes the slowest.

In Python 2, set is always the slowest. or is the fastest for 2 to 3 literals, and tuple and list are faster with 4 or more literals. I couldn't distinguish the speed of tuple vs list.

When the values to test were cached in a global variable out of the function, rather than creating the literal within the loop, set won every time, even in Python 2.

These results apply to 64-bit CPython on a Core i7.

Simple line plots using seaborn

Since seaborn also uses matplotlib to do its plotting you can easily combine the two. If you only want to adopt the styling of seaborn the set_style function should get you started:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns



enter image description here

How to export the Html Tables data into PDF using Jspdf

Unfortunately it is not possible to do it.

jsPDF does not support exporting images and tables in fromHTML method. in jsPDF v0.9.0 rc2

Bulk Record Update with SQL

Your way is correct, and here is another way you can do it:

update      Table1
set         Description = t2.Description
from        Table1 t1
inner join  Table2 t2
on          t1.DescriptionID = t2.ID

The nested select is the long way of just doing a join.

In Tensorflow, get the names of all the Tensors in a graph

Since the OP asked for the list of the tensors instead of the list of operations/nodes, the code should be slightly different:

graph = tf.get_default_graph()    
tensors_per_node = [node.values() for node in graph.get_operations()]
tensor_names = [ for tensors in tensors_per_node for tensor in tensors]

What is the "Illegal Instruction: 4" error and why does "-mmacosx-version-min=10.x" fix it?

I recently got this error. I had compiled the binary with -O3. Google told me that this means "illegal opcode", which seemed fishy to me. I then turned off all optimizations and reran. Now the error transformed to a segfault. Hence by setting -g and running valgrind I tracked the source down and fixed it. Reenabling all optimizations showed no further appearances of illegal instruction 4.

Apparently, optimizing wrong code can yield weird results.

How to select the rows with maximum values in each group with dplyr?

More generally, I think you might want to get "top" of the rows that are sorted within a given group.

For the case of where a single value is max'd out, you have essentially sorted by only one column. However, it's often useful to hierarchically sort by multiple columns (for example: a date column and a time-of-day column).

# Answering the question of getting row with max "value".
df %>% 
  # Within each grouping of A and B values.
  group_by( A, B) %>% 
  # Sort rows in descending order by "value" column.
  arrange( desc(value) ) %>% 
  # Pick the top 1 value
  slice(1) %>% 
  # Remember to ungroup in case you want to do further work without grouping.

# Answering an extension of the question of 
# getting row with the max value of the lowest "C".
df %>% 
  # Within each grouping of A and B values.
  group_by( A, B) %>% 
  # Sort rows in ascending order by C, and then within that by 
  # descending order by "value" column.
  arrange( C, desc(value) ) %>% 
  # Pick the one top row based on the sort
  slice(1) %>% 
  # Remember to ungroup in case you want to do further work without grouping.

Change drawable color programmatically

Use this: For java

view.getBackground().setColorFilter(Color.parseColor("#343434"), PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_OVER)

for Kotlin


you can use PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_ATOP, if your background has rounded corners etc.