[javascript] Javascript array value is undefined ... how do I test for that

I am trying to test to see whether a Javascript variable is undefined.

You will see that I am not expecting the value of predQuery[preId] to be 'undefined' if I don't first get an alert saying "its unbelievable". But I often do, so I am guessing that my statement


is not matching the undefined elements properly.

if((predQuery.length < preId) || (predQuery[preId]=="") || (predQuery[preId]=='undefined')){
   alert("its unbelievable");
   queryPreds[variables] = preId;
   queryObjs[variables] = objId;
   predQuery[preId] = variables;
else {
   var predIndex = predQuery[preId];
   queryPreds[predIndex] = preId;
   queryObjs[predIndex] = objId;

I can add more code if needed.

This question is related to javascript arrays undefined

The answer is

try: typeof(predQuery[preId])=='undefined'
or more generally: typeof(yourArray[yourIndex])=='undefined'
You're comparing "undefined" to undefined, which returns false =)

This code works very well

function isUndefined(array, index) {
    return ((String(array[index]) == "undefined") ? "Yes" : "No");

You are checking it the array index contains a string "undefined", you should either use the typeof operator:

typeof predQuery[preId] == 'undefined'

Or use the undefined global property:

predQuery[preId] === undefined

The first way is safer, because the undefined global property is writable, and it can be changed to any other value.


You're testing against the string 'undefined'; you've confused this test with the typeof test which would return a string. You probably mean to be testing against the special value undefined:


Note the strict-equality operator to avoid the generally-unwanted match null==undefined.

However there are two ways you can get an undefined value: either preId isn't a member of predQuery, or it is a member but has a value set to the special undefined value. Often, you only want to check whether it's present or not; in that case the in operator is more appropriate:

!(preId in predQuery)

There are more (many) ways to Rome:

//=>considering predQuery[preId] is undefined:
predQuery[preId] === undefined; //=> true
undefined === predQuery[preId] //=> true
predQuery[preId] || 'it\'s unbelievable!' //=> it's unbelievable
var isdef = predQuery[preId] ? predQuery[preId] : null //=> isdef = null


Check for

if (predQuery[preId] === undefined)

Use the strict equal to operator. See comparison operators

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