[python] AttributeError: Module Pip has no attribute 'main'

I am trying to build the python api for an open source project called Zulip and I keep running into the same issue as indicated by the screenshot below.

I am running python3 and my pip version is 10.0.0. The file in question is setup.py and the code that is messing up is when the pip.main() attribute is accessed to install a package.

Now, I know this build should succeed because its an open source project, but I have been trying for hours to fix the dependency issue regarding pip.main().

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

enter image description here

This question is related to python pip

The answer is

Try this command.

python -m pip install --user pip==9.0.1

To verify whether is your pip installation problem, try using easy_install to install an earlier version of pip:

easy_install pip==9.0.1

If this succeed, pip should be working now. Then you can go ahead to install any other version of pip you want with:

pip install pip==10....

Or you can just stay with version 9.0.1, as your project requires version >= 9.0.

Try building your project again.

This helps me, https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/installing/

curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py -o get-pip.py
python get-pip.py

If you are using python3 and not set it default. do this,

python3 get-pip.py

It works for me.

My solution is to check the version number of pip and use the import the correct main function correctly

    import pip

    if int(pip.__version__.split('.')[0])>9:
        from pip._internal import main
        from pip import main
    def install(package):
        main(['install', package])

For me this issue occured when I was running python while within my site-packages folder. If I ran it anywhere else, it was no longer an issue.

First run

import pip

If the result is '10.0.0', then it means that you installed pip successfully
since pip 10.0.0 doesn't support pip.main() any more, you may find this helpful
Use something like import subprocess subprocess.check_call(["python", '-m', 'pip', 'install', 'pkg']) # install pkg subprocess.check_call(["python", '-m', 'pip', 'install',"--upgrade", 'pkg']) # upgrade pkg

Edit: pip 10.0.1 still doesn't support main
You can choose to DOWNGRADE your pip version via following command:
python -m pip install --upgrade pip==9.0.3

python3 -m pip install --user --upgrade pip==9.0.3

pip issue: rollback

I faced the same error while using pip on anaconda3 4.4.0 (python 3.6) on windows.

I fixed the problem by the following command:

easy_install pip==18.*  ### installing the latest version pip

Or if lower version pip required, mention the same in the command.

Or you can try installing the lower version and then upgrading the same to latest version as follow:

easy_install pip==9.0.1

easy_install --upgrade pip

It works well:

 py -m pip install --user --upgrade pip==9.0.3

Edit file: C:\Users\kpate\hw6\python-zulip-api\zulip_bots\setup.py in line 108


rcode = pip.main(['install', '-r', req_path, '--quiet'])


rcode = getattr(pip, '_main', pip.main)(['install', '-r', req_path, '--quiet'])ยด

Step 1 curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py -o get-pip.py Step2 python get-pip.py

I fixed this problem upgrading to latest version

sudo pip install --upgrade pip

My version: pip 18.1 from /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/pip (python 2.7)

Pip 10.0.* doesn't support main.

You have to downgrade to pip 9.0.3.

It appears that pip did a refactor and moved main to internal. There is a comprehensive discussion about it here: https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/5240

A workaround for me was to change

import pip


from pip._internal import main

I recommend reading through the discussion, I'm not sure this is the best approach, but it worked for my purposes.

If python -m pip install --upgrade pip==9.0.3 doesn't work, and you're using Windows,

  1. Navigate to this directory and move the pip folders elsewhere.

enter image description here

  1. Close your IDE if you have it open.

  2. Press 'Repair' on Python 3.

enter image description here

  1. Your IDE should cease to detect pip packages and prompt you to install them. Install and keep the last stable pip version by blocking automatic updates. enter image description here

Not sure about Windows. But for mac users, use this:

pip install --upgrade pip==9.0.3