[git] Git: Could not resolve host github.com error while cloning remote repository in git

What I did: I have created a remote repository on Github and I am trying to clone the remote repository on my local machine. While cloning I am providing the clone URL & target folder.

But every time I try to clone, I am getting this error:

Error: "fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/hyperion057/spring-repo.git/': Could not resolve host: github.com"

What do I need to do to connect to GitHub ?

This question is related to git github

The answer is

I've had the same issue after running out of disk space. Closing and reopening terminal fixed it one time. Restarting my Mac the next.

Some easy things to try before jumping to random commands:

  • restart terminal tab
  • restart terminal app
  • If disk is full (or close to it) free up some disk space then restart terminal app
  • restart machine/OS

Based on other solutions, what worked for me :

1. writing this in terminal :

git config --global --unset http.proxy
git config --global --unset https.proxy

2. restart - router restart - mac

You can first try -2- , If that not working, then try -1- and -2-

If all the above answers failed to solve your problem, try rebooting the router.

Worked for me.

If you have a VPN needed to connect to your enterprise account and do a "git pull" this error will occur, just switch on your VPN and it will work.

When you tried above solutions and nothing helps, you may need to checkout your local network settings and try to add and your local router ip to the DNS filed.

Spent a couple hours trying to fix this.

Re-connecting my wifi did the trick.

i have same issue and solve it by using this command

$git config --global http.proxy http://enter_your_proxy:enter_port

Different from all these solutions, in my case, I solved the issue when I restarted my terminal (or open another window).

It works for me

git config --global --unset http.proxy


git config --global --unset https.proxy

You can try these two commands,it helped me.

git config --global --unset http.proxy 
git config --global --unset https.proxy

I had this very similar error as following.

C:\wamp\www\myrepository [master]> git push
fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/myaccount/myrepository.git/': Couldn't resolve host 'github.com'

Actually, the prompt message has told us where's wrong.


When I check my github, I found my github repository's HTTPS url is


I don't know how this happened. The wrong url has been set up by installed Git Shell automatically.

Once I remove the '/' at the end, I can push successfully.

All, I want to let you all know that I was having this same issue. I solve it by resetting my remote URL git remote set-url origin https://new.url.here I found how to do this from this answer but I had to change hit to https: Change the URI (URL) for a remote Git repository

Edge case here but I tried (almost) all of the above answers above on VirtualBox and nothing was doing it but then closing not only the VirtualBoxVM but good ole VirtualBox itself and restarting the program itself did the trick without 0 complaint.

Hope that can help ~0.1% of queriers : )

the simple solution to removing extra "/" from git clone remote is putting the url in parentheses. git clone " "

Today I face with the same issue, this is also providing another possibility. I did all suggestions above but still seeing the issue. I have no way but restart my mac.... Problem solved....

In my case I open a new terminal and problem solved. I don't know exactly what caused the problem in the first place though.

This solve the issue

git config --global --unset http.proxy

or https

git config --global --unset https.proxy

It worked for me when I used "service apache2 stop"

One reason for this issue could be wrong/empty /etc/resolv.conf file.

The way I resolved this issue in my centos 7 minimal is as follows: my /etc/resolv.conf was empty and I added the following lines:


where is my gateway, in your case it can be different.

another possibility, I ran into this problem myself. But it was after I had installed a VPN (which was unrelated and running)

turning off the VPN, fixed the issue.

for the record, I was running "Viscosity" VPN on my MacBookPro

I got a similar error, and it's caused by incorrect proxy setting. This command saved me:

git config --global --unset http.proxy

https version:

git config --global --unset https.proxy

Just in case future generations stuck in this too: For me what worked (on mac OSX) was to set my DNS with opendns , I get this numbers here: https://www.opendns.com. For some reason, my dns configuration reseted to the default numbers (my local ip I guess), and I was not able to connect to neither github, brew or rubygems. Sorry for the misspelling.

Maybe it help someone somewhere, in my case (which was a private repo of git), host was suspended, so the issue was with my GitHub server and the administrator resolved it.

I guess my case was very rare, but GitHub was out down. Check their webpage to see if it loads properly.


Restarting terminal in Mac worked.

As a suggestion for Ubuntu servers, you can write down essid and password of router in your /etc/network/interfaces file:

iface [en0 || your wireless driver no necessarily en0] inet static
    address / (something for your static ip between 1-255)
    gateway / (this is the ip of your router)
    dns-nameservers / (you can use whatever you want)
    wpa-ssid qwertyuio / (this is router id)
    wpa-psk qwertyuio / (this is router password for wireless connection)

When I got this error while pulling a repository to my server, I wrote wpa-ssid and wpa-psk and restarted. Then it worked.

EDIT: I faced the same issue again and this time it was because of the inconsistency in router signal levels. My connection was not strong, that was the problem. However, the solution above is a real solution for static ip

Would like to note, when I did Brian's solution:

git config --global --unset http.proxy

make sure to quit and restart terminal. Mine didn't resolve until I did that.

Thanks so much, issue was killing me!

Maybe it is because of your internet access, You can try:

ping google.com

If you get this error again, there was problem in your network configuration. is the current IP of github.com which can be set in your local DNS (/etc/hosts in Linux and C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts)

In my case, on a Windows box, my TCP/IP stack seems to have needed to be reset. Resetting the TCP/IP stack of the client PC caused git to start behaving properly again. Run this command in Administrator mode at a command prompt and retry the git command:

netsh int ip reset

Manually disabling and re-enabling the network adapter via the Control Panel produces a similar result.

I suspect DNS resolution problems inside the TCP stack on my Windows box.