Programs & Examples On #Bayeux

Bayeux is a protocol for transporting asynchronous messages (primarily over HTTP), with low latency between a web server and a web client. The messages are routed via named channels and can be delivered: - server to client - client to server - client to client (via the server) See

How to get CSS to select ID that begins with a string (not in Javascript)?

I noticed that there is another CSS selector that does the same thing . The syntax is as follows :


This will select all elements ID which begins with the word enclosed in double quotes.

A transport-level error has occurred when receiving results from the server

For me the solution was totally different.

In my case I had an objectsource which required a datetimestamp parameter. Even though that ODS parameter ConvertEmptyStringToNull was true 1/1/0001 was being passed to SelectMethod. That in turn caused a sql datetime overflow exception when that datetime was passed to the sql server.

Added an additional check for datetime.year != 0001 and that solved it for me.

Weird that it would throw a transport level error and not a datetime overflow error. Anyways..

Get selected option text with JavaScript


<select id="box1" onChange="myNewFunction(this);">


function myNewFunction(element) {
    var text = element.options[element.selectedIndex].text;
    // ...


List All Google Map Marker Images

var pinIcon = new google.maps.MarkerImage(
    null, /* size is determined at runtime */
    null, /* origin is 0,0 */
    null, /* anchor is bottom center of the scaled image */
    new google.maps.Size(12, 18)

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token with JSON.parse

JSON.parse() deals with strings, but your products are objects. You need to convert them into strings.

Also, make sure that your json format is correct, and there can be no format errors, otherwise there will be exceptions. You can use some online sites to verify JSON Formatter

How to change the playing speed of videos in HTML5?

You can use this code:

var vid = document.getElementById("video1");

function slowPlaySpeed() { 
    vid.playbackRate = 0.5;

function normalPlaySpeed() { 
    vid.playbackRate = 1;

function fastPlaySpeed() { 
    vid.playbackRate = 2;

Right query to get the current number of connections in a PostgreSQL DB

The following query is very helpful

select  * from
(select count(*) used from pg_stat_activity) q1,
(select setting::int res_for_super from pg_settings where name=$$superuser_reserved_connections$$) q2,
(select setting::int max_conn from pg_settings where name=$$max_connections$$) q3;

List of all unique characters in a string?

The simplest solution is probably:

In [10]: ''.join(set('aaabcabccd'))
Out[10]: 'acbd'

Note that this doesn't guarantee the order in which the letters appear in the output, even though the example might suggest otherwise.

You refer to the output as a "list". If a list is what you really want, replace ''.join with list:

In [1]: list(set('aaabcabccd'))
Out[1]: ['a', 'c', 'b', 'd']

As far as performance goes, worrying about it at this stage sounds like premature optimization.

How to convert an array of strings to an array of floats in numpy?

You can use this as well

import numpy as np
x=np.array(['1.1', '2.2', '3.3'])

(grep) Regex to match non-ASCII characters?

This will match a single non-ASCII character:


This is a valid PCRE (Perl-Compatible Regular Expression).

You can also use the POSIX shorthands:

  • [[:ascii:]] - matches a single ASCII char
  • [^[:ascii:]] - matches a single non-ASCII char

[^[:print:]] will probably suffice for you.**

Change Button color onClick


function setColor(e) {
  var target =,
      count = +target.dataset.count; = count === 1 ? "#7FFF00" : '#FFFFFF';
   target.dataset.count = count === 1 ? 0 : 1;

   () : ? - this is conditional (ternary) operator - equals 

   if (count === 1) { = "#7FFF00";
      target.dataset.count = 0;
   } else { = "#FFFFFF";
      target.dataset.count = 1;
   target.dataset - return all "data attributes" for current element, 
   in the form of object, 
   and you don't need use global variable in order to save the state 0 or 1



function setColor(e) {
   var target =,
       status ='active'); ? 'inactive' : 'active'); ? 'active' : 'inactive'); 

.active {
  background-color: #7FFF00;  

.inactive {
  background-color: #FFFFFF;


([conditional (ternary) operator])



How do I use PHP namespaces with autoload?

Class1 is not in the global scope.

See below for a working example:


function __autoload($class)
    $parts = explode('\\', $class);
    require end($parts) . '.php';

use Person\Barnes\David as MyPerson;

$class = new MyPerson\Class1();

Edit (2009-12-14):

Just to clarify, my usage of "use ... as" was to simplify the example.

The alternative was the following:

$class = new Person\Barnes\David\Class1();


use Person\Barnes\David\Class1;

// ...

$class = new Class1();

Creating temporary files in bash

You might want to look at mktemp

The mktemp utility takes the given filename template and overwrites a portion of it to create a unique filename. The template may be any filename with some number of 'Xs' appended to it, for example /tmp/tfile.XXXXXXXXXX. The trailing 'Xs' are replaced with a combination of the current process number and random letters.

For more details: man mktemp

If "0" then leave the cell blank

Your question is missing most of the necessary information, so I'm going to make some assumptions:

  1. Column H is your total summation
  2. You're putting this formula into H16
  3. Column G is additions to your summation
  4. Column F is deductions from your summation
  5. You want to leave the summation cell blank if there isn't a debit or credit entered

The answer would be:


COUNTBLANK tells you how many cells are unfilled or set to "".
IF lets you conditionally do one of two things based on whether the first statement is true or false. The second comma separated argument is what to do if it's true, the third comma separated argument is what to do if it's false.
<> means "not equal to".

The equation says that if the number of blank cells in the range F16:G16 (your credit and debit cells) is not 2, which means both aren't blank, then calculate the equation you provided in your question. Otherwise set the cell to blank("").
When you copy this equation to new cells in column H other than H16, it will update the row references so the proper rows for the credit and debit amounts are looked at.

CAVEAT: This equation is useful if you are just adding entries for credits and debits to the end of a list and want the running total to update automatically. You'd fill this equation down to some arbitrary long length well past the end of actual data. You wouldn't see the running total past the end of the credit/debit entries then, it would just be blank until you filled in a new credit/debit entry. If you left a blank row in your credit debit entries though, the reference to the previous total, H15, would report blank, which is treated like a 0 in this case.

Is it possible to get all arguments of a function as single object inside that function?

The arguments object is where the functions arguments are stored.

The arguments object acts and looks like an array, it basically is, it just doesn't have the methods that arrays do, for example:

Array.forEach(callback[, thisArg]);[, thisArg])

Array.filter(callback[, thisArg]);

Array.slice(begin[, end])

Array.indexOf(searchElement[, fromIndex])

I think the best way to convert a arguments object to a real Array is like so:

argumentsArray = [].slice.apply(arguments);

That will make it an array;


function ArgumentsToArray(args) {
    return [].slice.apply(args);

(function() {
   args = ArgumentsToArray(arguments);

   args.forEach(function(value) {
      console.log('value ===', value);

})('name', 1, {}, 'two', 3)


> value === name
> value === 1
> value === Object {}
> value === two
> value === 3

How to store command results in a shell variable?

The syntax to store the command output into a variable is var=$(command).

So you can directly do:

result=$(ls -l | grep -c "rahul.*patle")

And the variable $result will contain the number of matches.

Increase Tomcat memory settings

try setting this

CATALINA_OPTS="-Djava.awt.headless=true -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 
-server -Xms1536m -Xmx1536m
-XX:NewSize=256m -XX:MaxNewSize=256m -XX:PermSize=256m 
-XX:MaxPermSize=256m -XX:+DisableExplicitGC"

in {$tomcat-folder}\bin\ (create it if necessary).

See for more details.

Hiding the scroll bar on an HTML page

If you're looking for a solution to hide a scrollbar for mobile devices, follow Peter's answer!

Here's a jsfiddle, which uses the solution below to hide a horizontal scrollbar.

    overflow-x: scroll;
.scroll-wrapper::-webkit-scrollbar { 
    display: none; 

It was tested on a Samsung tablet with Android 4.0.4 (Ice Cream Sandwich, both in the native browser and Chrome) and on an iPad with iOS 6 (both in Safari and Chrome).

Python: finding an element in a list

The best way is probably to use the list method .index.

For the objects in the list, you can do something like:

def __eq__(self, other):
    return self.Value == other.Value

with any special processing you need.

You can also use a for/in statement with enumerate(arr)

Example of finding the index of an item that has value > 100.

for index, item in enumerate(arr):
    if item > 100:
        return index, item


undefined reference to 'std::cout'

Assuming code.cpp is the source code, the following will not throw errors:

make code

Here the first command compiles the code and creates an executable with the same name, and the second command runs it. There is no need to specify g++ keyword in this case.

Read each line of txt file to new array element

$file = __DIR__."/file1.txt";
$f = fopen($file, "r");
$array1 = array();

while ( $line = fgets($f, 1000) )
    $nl = mb_strtolower($line,'UTF-8');
    $array1[] = $nl;


jQuery location href

You can use just JavaScript:

window.location = '';

Skipping Iterations in Python

Something like this?

for i in xrange( someBigNumber ):
    except SomeException, e:

SQL Server "AFTER INSERT" trigger doesn't see the just-inserted row

UPDATE: DELETE from a trigger works on both MSSql 7 and MSSql 2008.

I'm no relational guru, nor a SQL standards wonk. However - contrary to the accepted answer - MSSQL deals just fine with both recursive and nested trigger evaluation. I don't know about other RDBMSs.

The relevant options are 'recursive triggers' and 'nested triggers'. Nested triggers are limited to 32 levels, and default to 1. Recursive triggers are off by default, and there's no talk of a limit - but frankly, I've never turned them on, so I don't know what happens with the inevitable stack overflow. I suspect MSSQL would just kill your spid (or there is a recursive limit).

Of course, that just shows that the accepted answer has the wrong reason, not that it's incorrect. However, prior to INSTEAD OF triggers, I recall writing ON INSERT triggers that would merrily UPDATE the just inserted rows. This all worked fine, and as expected.

A quick test of DELETEing the just inserted row also works:

 CREATE TABLE Test ( Id int IDENTITY(1,1), Column1 varchar(10) )


 --SCOPE_IDENTITY() should be the same, but doesn't exist in SQL 7
 PRINT @@IDENTITY --Will print 1. Run it again, and it'll print 2, 3, etc.

 SELECT * FROM Test --No rows

You have something else going on here.

How to add element in Python to the end of list using list.insert?

You'll have to pass the new ordinal position to insert using len in this case:

In [62]:

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

How do you find the row count for all your tables in Postgres

If you're in the psql shell, using \gexec allows you to execute the syntax described in syed's answer and Aur's answer without manual edits in an external text editor.

with x (y) as (
        'select count(*), '''||
        ''' as "tablename" from '||
        tablename||' '
    from pg_tables
    where schemaname='public'
    string_agg(y,' union all '||chr(10)) || ' order by tablename'
from x \gexec

Note, string_agg() is used both to delimit union all between statements and to smush the separated datarows into a single unit to be passed into the buffer.


Sends the current query buffer to the server, then treats each column of each row of the query's output (if any) as a SQL statement to be executed.

How to center a window on the screen in Tkinter?

This answer is better for understanding beginner

import tkinter as tk

win = tk.Tk()  # Creating instance of Tk class
win.title("Centering windows")
win.resizable(False, False)  # This code helps to disable windows from resizing

window_height = 500
window_width = 900

screen_width = win.winfo_screenwidth()
screen_height = win.winfo_screenheight()

x_cordinate = int((screen_width/2) - (window_width/2))
y_cordinate = int((screen_height/2) - (window_height/2))

win.geometry("{}x{}+{}+{}".format(window_width, window_height, x_cordinate, y_cordinate))


How do I close a single buffer (out of many) in Vim?

Close buffer without closing the window

If you want to close a buffer without destroying your window layout (current layout based on splits), you can use a Plugin like bbye. Based on this, you can just use

:Bdelete (instead of :bdelete)
:Bwipeout (instead of :bwipeout)

Or just create a mapping in your .vimrc for easier access like

:nnoremap <Leader>q :Bdelete<CR>

Advantage over vim's :bdelete and :bwipeout

From the plugin's documentation:

  • Close and remove the buffer.
  • Show another file in that window.
  • Show an empty file if you've got no other files open.
  • Do not leave useless [no file] buffers if you decide to edit another file in that window.
  • Work even if a file's open in multiple windows.
  • Work a-okay with various buffer explorers and tabbars.

:bdelete vs :bwipeout

From the plugin's documentation:

Vim has two commands for closing a buffer: :bdelete and :bwipeout. The former removes the file from the buffer list, clears its options, variables and mappings. However, it remains in the jumplist, so Ctrl-o takes you back and reopens the file. If that's not what you want, use :bwipeout or Bbye's equivalent :Bwipeout where you would've used :bdelete.

jQuery multiselect drop down menu

  • Download jquery.multiselect

  • Include the jquery.multiselect.js and jquery.multiselect.css files

    <script src="jquery-ui-multiselect-widget-master/src/jquery.multiselect.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="jquery-ui-multiselect-widget-master/jquery.multiselect.css" />

  • Populate your select input

  • Add the multiselect

    $('#' + Field).multiselect({ checkAllText: "Your text for CheckAll", uncheckAllText: "Your text for UncheckCheckAll", noneSelectedText: "Your text for NoOptionHasBeenSelected", selectedText: "You selected # of #" //The multiselect knows to display the second # as the total });

  • You may change the style

    ui-multiselect { //The button background:#fff !important; //background-color wouldn't work here text-align: right !important; } ui-multiselect-header { //The CheckAll/ UncheckAll line) background: lightgray !important; text-align: right !important; } ui-multiselect-menu { //The options text-align: right !important; }

  • If you want to repopulate the select, you must refresh it:

    $('#' + Field).multiselect('refresh');

  • To get the selected values (comma separated):

    var SelectedOptions = $('#' + Field).multiselect("getChecked").map(function () { return this.value; }).get();

  • To clear all selected values:

    $('#' + Field).multiselect("uncheckAll");

Generating UML from C++ code?

If its just diagrams that you want, doxygen does a pretty good job.

Fixing broken UTF-8 encoding

The way is to convert to binary and then to correct encoding

How to use Jquery how to change the aria-expanded="false" part of a dom element (Bootstrap)?

You can use .attr() as a part of however you plan to toggle it:


recursively use scp but excluding some folders

If you use a pem file to authenticate u can use the following command (which will exclude files with something extension):

rsync -Lavz -e "ssh -i <full-path-to-pem> -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null" --exclude "*.something" --progress <path inside local host> <user>@<host>:<path inside remote host>

The -L means follow links (copy files not links). Use full path to your pem file and not relative.

Using sshfs is not recommended since it works slowly. Also, the combination of find and scp that was presented above is also a bad idea since it will open a ssh session per file which is too expensive.

form confirm before submit

var r = confirm('Want to delete ?'); 

if (r == true) { 

How to amend older Git commit?

I've used another way for a few times. In fact, it is a manual git rebase -i and it is useful when you want to rearrange several commits including squashing or splitting some of them. The main advantage is that you don't have to decide about every commit's destiny at a single moment. You'll also have all Git features available during the process unlike during a rebase. For example, you can display the log of both original and rewritten history at any time, or even do another rebase!

I'll refer to the commits in the following way, so it's readable easily:

C # good commit after a bad one
B # bad commit
A # good commit before a bad one

Your history in the beginning looks like this:

x - A - B - C
|           |
|           master

We'll recreate it to this way:

x - A - B*- C'
|           |
|           master


git checkout B       # get working-tree to the state of commit B
git reset --soft A   # tell Git that we are working before commit B
git checkout -b rewrite-history   # switch to a new branch for alternative history

Improve your old commit using git add (git add -i, git stash etc.) now. You can even split your old commit into two or more.

git commit           # recreate commit B (result = B*)
git cherry-pick C    # copy C to our new branch (result = C')

Intermediate result:

x - A - B - C 
|    \      |
|     \     master
|      \
|       B*- C'
|           |
|           rewrite-history

Let's finish:

git checkout master
git reset --hard rewrite-history  # make this branch master

Or using just one command:

git branch -f master  # make this place the new tip of the master branch

That's it, you can push your progress now.

The last task is to delete the temporary branch:

git branch -d rewrite-history

Stop setInterval

You have to assign the returned value of the setInterval function to a variable

var interval;
    interval = setInterval(updateDiv,3000);

and then use clearInterval(interval) to clear it again.

Openstreetmap: embedding map in webpage (like Google Maps)

There is simple way to do it if you fear Javascript...I'm still learning. Open Street makes a simple Wordpress plugin you can customize. Add OSM Widget plugin.

This will be a filler until I figure out my Python Java concotion using coverter TIGER line files from the Census Bureau.

Is there a query language for JSON?

Check out (note: I'm the author)

It's a zero-dependency Javascript implementation of the Cypher graph database query language along with a graph database. It runs in the browser (tested with Firefox, Chrome, IE).

With relevance to the question. It can be used to query JSON endpoints:

load json from "http://url/endpoint" as l return l limit 10

Here's an example of querying a complex JSON document and performing analysis on it:

Cypher.js JSON query example

Removing all unused references from a project in Visual Studio projects

With Visual Studio versions 2017 and 2015, you can do this with the Code Map feature, but this feature is only available in the Enterprise Edition, not the Community or Professional versions.

Right-click on the project node in the solution explorer and select 'Show on Code Map.' This will display your .dll as a single node in a blank graph. Right-click on that node in the Code Map and select "Show Assemblies This References." This will add an additional node called "Externals" which can be expanded to show only the assemblies that are actually referenced.

enter image description here

How to add an item to an ArrayList in Kotlin?

For people just migrating from java, In Kotlin List is by default immutable and mutable version of Lists is called MutableList.

Hence if you have something like :

val list: List<String> = ArrayList()

In this case you will not get an add() method as list is immutable. Hence you will have to declare a MutableList as shown below :

val list: MutableList<String> = ArrayList()

Now you will see an add() method and you can add elements to any list.

Entity Framework change connection at runtime

Add multiple connection strings in your web.config or app.config.

Then you can get them as a string like :


Then use the string to set :


It is better explained here :

Read connection string from web.config

HashMap with multiple values under the same key

Try LinkedHashMap, sample:

Map<String,String> map = new LinkedHashMap<String,String>();    


keys: 1,1,2,3

values: linked,hash, map, java

Convert object of any type to JObject with Json.NET

If you have an object and wish to become JObject you can use:

JObject o = (JObject)JToken.FromObject(miObjetoEspecial);

like this :

Pocion pocionDeVida = new Pocion{
tipo = "vida",
duracion = 32,

JObject o = (JObject)JToken.FromObject(pocionDeVida);
// {"tipo": "vida", "duracion": 32,}

Bootstrap date and time picker

If you are still interested in a javascript api to select both date and time data, have a look at these projects which are forks of bootstrap datepicker:

The first fork is a big refactor on the parsing/formatting codebase and besides providing all views to select date/time using mouse/touch, it also has a mask option (by default) which lets the user to quickly type the date/time based on a pre-specified format.

How to read the last row with SQL Server


What version of javac built my jar?

The code posted by Owen can tell you the information mentioned by a number of the other answers here:

public void simpleExample ()
    FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream ("mytest.class");
    parseJavaClassFile ( fis );
protected void parseJavaClassFile ( InputStream classByteStream ) throws Exception
    DataInputStream dataInputStream = new DataInputStream ( classByteStream );
    magicNumber = dataInputStream.readInt();
    if ( magicNumber == 0xCAFEBABE )
        int minorVer = dataInputStream.readUnsignedShort();
        int majorVer = dataInputStream.readUnsignedShort();
        // do something here with major & minor numbers

See also this and this site. I ended up modifying the Mind Products code quickly to check what each of my dependencies was compiled for.

Click toggle with jQuery

This is easily done by flipping the current 'checked' state of the checkbox upon each click. Examples:

 $(".offer").on("click", function () { 
       var $checkbox = $(this).find(':checkbox');
       $checkbox.attr('checked', !$checkbox.attr('checked'));


 $(".offer").on("click", function () { 
       var $checkbox = $(this).find(':checkbox');
       $checkbox.attr('checked', !$':checked'));

or, by directly manipulating the DOM 'checked' property (i.e. not using attr() to fetch the current state of the clicked checkbox):

 $(".offer").on("click", function () { 
       var $checkbox = $(this).find(':checkbox');
       $checkbox.attr('checked', !$checkbox[0].checked);

...and so on.

Note: since jQuery 1.6, checkboxes should be set using prop not attr:

 $(".offer").on("click", function () { 
       var $checkbox = $(this).find(':checkbox');
       $checkbox.prop('checked', !$checkbox[0].checked);

How to extract a single value from JSON response?

Extract single value from JSON response Python

Try this

import json
import sys

#load the data into an element
data={"test1" : "1", "test2" : "2", "test3" : "3"}

#dumps the json object into an element
json_str = json.dumps(data)

#load the json to a string
resp = json.loads(json_str)

#print the resp
print (resp)

#extract an element in the response
print (resp['test1'])

Why aren't Xcode breakpoints functioning?

First of all, I agree 100% with the earlier folks that said turn OFF Load Symbols Lazily.

I have two more things to add.

(My first suggestion sounds obvious, but the first time someone suggested it to me, my reaction went along these lines: "come on, please, you really think I wouldn't know better...... oh.")

  1. Make sure you haven't accidentally set "Active Build Configuration" to "Release."

  2. Under "Targets" in the graphical tree display of your project, right click on your Target and do "Get Info." Look for a property named "Generate Debug Symbols" (or similar) and make sure this is CHECKED (aka ON). Also, you might try finding (also in Target >> Get Info) a property called "Debug Information Format" and setting it to "Dwarf with dsym file."

There are a number of other properties under Target >> Get Info that might affect you. Look for things like optimizing or compressing code and turn that stuff OFF (I assume you are working in a debug mode, so that this is not bad advice). Also, look for things like stripping symbols and make sure that is also OFF. For example, "Strip Linked Product" should be set to "No" for the Debug target.

svn over HTTP proxy

If you're using the standard SVN installation the svn:// connection will work on tcpip port 3690 and so it's basically impossible to connect unless you change your network configuration (you said only Http traffic is allowed) or you install the http module and Apache on the server hosting your SVN server.

How to scroll UITableView to specific position

It is worth noting that if you use the setContentOffset approach, it may cause your table view/collection view to jump a little. I would honestly try to go about this another way. A recommendation is to use the scroll view delegate methods you are given for free.

Convert Map to JSON using Jackson

You can convert Map to JSON using Jackson as follows:

Map<String,String> payload = new HashMap<>();

String json = new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(payload);

How do I run a VBScript in 32-bit mode on a 64-bit machine?


To start a 32-bit command prompt, follow these steps:

* Click Start, click Run, type %windir%\SysWoW64\cmd.exe, and then click OK.

Then type

cscript vbscriptfile.vbs

Removing credits link

Both of the following code will work fine for removing from the chart:-

credits: false



Get remote registry value

You can try using .net:

$Reg = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey('LocalMachine', $computer1)
$RegKey= $Reg.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\\Veritas\\NetBackup\\CurrentVersion")
$NetbackupVersion1 = $RegKey.GetValue("PackageVersion")

Returning boolean if set is empty

If c is a set then you can check whether it's empty by doing: return not c.

If c is empty then not c will be True.

Otherwise, if c contains any elements not c will be False.

What is the use of the square brackets [] in sql statements?

The brackets can be used when column names are reserved words.

If you are programatically generating the SQL statement from a collection of column names you don't control, then you can avoid problems by always using the brackets.

AngularJS - Binding radio buttons to models with boolean values

The correct approach in Angularjs is to use ng-value for non-string values of models.

Modify your code like this:

<label data-ng-repeat="choice in question.choices">
  <input type="radio" name="response" data-ng-model="choice.isUserAnswer" data-ng-value="true" />

Ref: Straight from the horse's mouth

How to Detect if I'm Compiling Code with a particular Visual Studio version?

This is a little old but should get you started:

// Automated platform detection

// _WIN32 is used by
// Visual C++
#ifdef _WIN32
#define __NT__

// Define __MAC__ platform indicator
#ifdef macintosh
#define __MAC__

// Define __OSX__ platform indicator
#ifdef __APPLE__
#define __OSX__

// Define __WIN16__ platform indicator 
#ifdef _Windows_
#ifndef __NT__
#define __WIN16__

// Define Windows CE platform indicator
#define __WINCE__

#if (_WIN32_WCE == 300) // for Pocket PC
#define __POCKETPC__
#define __WINCE__
//#if (_WIN32_WCE == 211) // for Palm-size PC 2.11 (Wyvern)
//#if (_WIN32_WCE == 201) // for Palm-size PC 2.01 (Gryphon)  
//#ifdef WIN32_PLATFORM_HPC2000 // for H/PC 2000 (Galileo)

Eclipse error: "Editor does not contain a main type"

Did you import the packages for the file reading stuff.


also here

cfiltering(numberOfUsers, numberOfMovies);

Are you trying to create an object or calling a method?

also another thing:


you are assigning a value to a member of an instance as if it was a static variable also remove the Th in

private int user_movie_matrix[][];Th

Hope this helps.

Python check if website exists

It's better to check that status code is < 400, like it was done here. Here is what do status codes mean (taken from wikipedia):

  • 1xx - informational
  • 2xx - success
  • 3xx - redirection
  • 4xx - client error
  • 5xx - server error

If you want to check if page exists and don't want to download the whole page, you should use Head Request:

import httplib2
h = httplib2.Http()
resp = h.request("", 'HEAD')
assert int(resp[0]['status']) < 400

taken from this answer.

If you want to download the whole page, just make a normal request and check the status code. Example using requests:

import requests

response = requests.get('')
assert response.status_code < 400

See also similar topics:

Hope that helps.

Declaring abstract method in TypeScript

The name property is marked as protected. This was added in TypeScript 1.3 and is now firmly established.

The makeSound method is marked as abstract, as is the class. You cannot directly instantiate an Animal now, because it is abstract. This is part of TypeScript 1.6, which is now officially live.

abstract class Animal {
    constructor(protected name: string) { }

    abstract makeSound(input : string) : string;

    move(meters) {
        alert( + " moved " + meters + "m.");

class Snake extends Animal {
    constructor(name: string) { super(name); }

    makeSound(input : string) : string {
        return "sssss"+input;

    move() {

The old way of mimicking an abstract method was to throw an error if anyone used it. You shouldn't need to do this any more once TypeScript 1.6 lands in your project:

class Animal {
    constructor(public name) { }
    makeSound(input : string) : string {
        throw new Error('This method is abstract');
    move(meters) {
        alert( + " moved " + meters + "m.");

class Snake extends Animal {
    constructor(name) { super(name); }
    makeSound(input : string) : string {
        return "sssss"+input;
    move() {

How to call two methods on button's onclick method in HTML or JavaScript?

As stated by Harry Joy, you can do it on the onclick attr like so:

<input type="button" onclick="func1();func2();" value="Call2Functions" />

Or, in your JS like so:

document.getElementById( 'Call2Functions' ).onclick = function()

Or, if you are assigning an onclick programmatically, and aren't sure if a previous onclick existed (and don't want to overwrite it):

var Call2FunctionsEle = document.getElementById( 'Call2Functions' ),
    func1 = Call2FunctionsEle.onclick;

Call2FunctionsEle.onclick = function()
    if( typeof func1 === 'function' )

If you need the functions run in scope of the element which was clicked, a simple use of apply could be made:

document.getElementById( 'Call2Functions' ).onclick = function()
    func1.apply( this, arguments );
    func2.apply( this, arguments );

Xcode : Adding a project as a build dependency

To add it as a dependency do the following:

  • Highlight the added project in your file explorer within xcode. In the directory browser window to the right it should show a file with a .a extension. There is a checkbox under the target column (target icon), check it.
  • Right-Click on your Target (under the targets item in the file explorer) and choose Get Info
  • On the general tab is a Direct Dependencies section. Hit the plus button
  • Choose the project and click Add Target

Why is my CSS bundling not working with a bin deployed MVC4 app?

The CSS and Script bundling should work regardless if .NET is running 4.0 or 4.5. I am running .NET 4.0 and it works fine for me. However in order to get the minification and bundling behavior to work your web.config must be set to not be running in debug mode.

<compilation debug="false" targetFramework="4.0">

Take this bundle for jQuery UI example in the _Layout.cshtml file.


If I run with debug="true" I get the following HTML.

<link href="/Content/themes/base/jquery.ui.core.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<link href="/Content/themes/base/jquery.ui.resizable.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<link href="/Content/themes/base/jquery.ui.selectable.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<link href="/Content/themes/base/jquery.ui.accordion.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<link href="/Content/themes/base/jquery.ui.autocomplete.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<link href="/Content/themes/base/jquery.ui.button.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<link href="/Content/themes/base/jquery.ui.dialog.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<link href="/Content/themes/base/jquery.ui.slider.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<link href="/Content/themes/base/jquery.ui.tabs.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<link href="/Content/themes/base/jquery.ui.datepicker.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<link href="/Content/themes/base/jquery.ui.progressbar.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<link href="/Content/themes/base/jquery.ui.theme.css" rel="stylesheet"/>

But if I run with debug="false". I'll get this instead.

<link href="/Content/themes/base/css?v=myqT7npwmF2ABsuSaHqt8SCvK8UFWpRv7T4M8r3kiK01" rel="stylesheet"/>

This is a feature so you can easily debug problems with your Script and CSS files. I'm using the MVC4 RTM.

If you think it might be an MVC dependency problem, I'd recommend going into Nuget and removing all of your MVC related packages, and then search for the Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc package and install it. I'm using the most recent version and it's coming up as v.4.0.20710.0. That should grab all the dependencies you need.

Also if you used to be using MVC3 and are now trying to use MVC4 you'll want to go into your web.config(s) and update their references to point to the 4.0 version of MVC. If you're not sure, you can always create a fresh MVC4 app and copy the web.config from there. Don't forget the web.config in your Views/Areas folders if you do.

UPDATE: I've found that what you need to have is the Nuget package Microsoft.AspNet.Web.Optimization installed in your project. It's included by default in an MVC4 RTM app regardless if you specify the target framework as 4.5 or 4.0. This is the namespace that the bundling classes are included in, and doesn't appear to be dependent on the framework. I've deployed to a server that does not have 4.5 installed and it still works as expected for me. Just make sure the DLL gets deployed with the rest of your app.

How to swap two variables in JavaScript

Till ES5, to swap two numbers, you have to create a temp variable and then swap it. But in ES6, its very easy to swap two numbers using array destructuring. See example.

let x,y;
console.log(x,y);      // return 2,3

console.log(x,y);      // return 3,2

Manage toolbar's navigation and back button from fragment in android

The easiest solution I found was to simply put that in your fragment :

androidx.appcompat.widget.Toolbar toolbar = getActivity().findViewById(;
    toolbar.setNavigationOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View v) {
            NavController navController = Navigation.findNavController(getActivity(),;

Personnaly I wanted to go to another page but of course you can replace the 2 lines in the onClick method by the action you want to perform.

A good Sorted List for Java

Depending on how you're using the list, it may be worth it to use a TreeSet and then use the toArray() method at the end. I had a case where I needed a sorted list, and I found that the TreeSet + toArray() was much faster than adding to an array and merge sorting at the end.

How to parse JSON data with jQuery / JavaScript?

var jsonP = "person" : [ { "id" : "1", "name" : "test1" },
  { "id" : "2", "name" : "test2" },
  { "id" : "3", "name" : "test3" },
  { "id" : "4", "name" : "test4" },
  { "id" : "5", "name" : "test5" } ];

var cand = document.getElementById("cand");
var json_arr = [];
    json_arr.push(key+' . '  + '<br>');
    cand.innerHTML = json_arr;

<div id="cand">

Mvn install or Mvn package

It depends on what you're trying to achieve after changing the Java file. Until you want to test the maven process, you never need to do anything. Eclipse/MyEclipse will build what is necessary and put the output in the appropriate place within your project. You can also run or deploy it (if it's a web project, for example), without your needing to explicitly do anything with maven. In the end, to install your project in the maven repository, you will need to do a maven install. You may also have other maven goals that you wish to execute, which MyEclipse won't do automatically.

As I say, it depends on what you want to do.

Understanding REST: Verbs, error codes, and authentication

I noticed this question a couple of days late, but I feel that I can add some insight. I hope this can be helpful towards your RESTful venture.

Point 1: Am I understanding it right?

You understood right. That is a correct representation of a RESTful architecture. You may find the following matrix from Wikipedia very helpful in defining your nouns and verbs:

When dealing with a Collection URI like:

  • GET: List the members of the collection, complete with their member URIs for further navigation. For example, list all the cars for sale.

  • PUT: Meaning defined as "replace the entire collection with another collection".

  • POST: Create a new entry in the collection where the ID is assigned automatically by the collection. The ID created is usually included as part of the data returned by this operation.

  • DELETE: Meaning defined as "delete the entire collection".

When dealing with a Member URI like:

  • GET: Retrieve a representation of the addressed member of the collection expressed in an appropriate MIME type.

  • PUT: Update the addressed member of the collection or create it with the specified ID.

  • POST: Treats the addressed member as a collection in its own right and creates a new subordinate of it.

  • DELETE: Delete the addressed member of the collection.

Point 2: I need more verbs

In general, when you think you need more verbs, it may actually mean that your resources need to be re-identified. Remember that in REST you are always acting on a resource, or on a collection of resources. What you choose as the resource is quite important for your API definition.

Activate/Deactivate Login: If you are creating a new session, then you may want to consider "the session" as the resource. To create a new session, use POST to with the credentials in the body. To expire it use PUT or a DELETE (maybe depending on whether you intend to keep a session history) to

Change Password: This time the resource is "the user". You would need a PUT to with the old and new passwords in the body. You are acting on "the user" resource, and a change password is simply an update request. It's quite similar to the UPDATE statement in a relational database.

My instinct would be to do a GET call to a URL like /api/users/1/activate_login

This goes against a very core REST principle: The correct usage of HTTP verbs. Any GET request should never leave any side effect.

For example, a GET request should never create a session on the database, return a cookie with a new Session ID, or leave any residue on the server. The GET verb is like the SELECT statement in a database engine. Remember that the response to any request with the GET verb should be cache-able when requested with the same parameters, just like when you request a static web page.

Point 3: How to return error messages and codes

Consider the 4xx or 5xx HTTP status codes as error categories. You can elaborate the error in the body.

Failed to Connect to Database: / Incorrect Database Login: In general you should use a 500 error for these types of errors. This is a server-side error. The client did nothing wrong. 500 errors are normally considered "retryable". i.e. the client can retry the same exact request, and expect it to succeed once the server's troubles are resolved. Specify the details in the body, so that the client will be able to provide some context to us humans.

The other category of errors would be the 4xx family, which in general indicate that the client did something wrong. In particular, this category of errors normally indicate to the client that there is no need to retry the request as it is, because it will continue to fail permanently. i.e. the client needs to change something before retrying this request. For example, "Resource not found" (HTTP 404) or "Malformed Request" (HTTP 400) errors would fall in this category.

Point 4: How to do authentication

As pointed out in point 1, instead of authenticating a user, you may want to think about creating a session. You will be returned a new "Session ID", along with the appropriate HTTP status code (200: Access Granted or 403: Access Denied).

You will then be asking your RESTful server: "Can you GET me the resource for this Session ID?".

There is no authenticated mode - REST is stateless: You create a session, you ask the server to give you resources using this Session ID as a parameter, and on logout you drop or expire the session.

Can I scale a div's height proportionally to its width using CSS?

You can use View Width for the "width" and again half of the View Width for the "height". In this way you're guaranteed the correct ratio regardless of the viewport size.

<div class="ss"></div>

    width: 30vw;
    height: 15vw;


Where in an Eclipse workspace is the list of projects stored?

In Eclipse 3.3:

It's installed under your Eclipse workspace. Something like:


within your workspace folder.

Under that folder is one folder per project. There's a file in there called .location, but it's binary.

So it looks like you can't do what you want, without interacting w/ Eclipse programmatically.

How do I disable a Button in Flutter?

For disabling any Button in flutter such as FlatButton, RaisedButton, MaterialButton, IconButton etc all you need to do is to set the onPressed and onLongPress properties to null. Below is some simple examples for some of the buttons:

FlatButton (Enabled)

  onPressed: (){}, 
  onLongPress: null, // Set one as NOT null is enough to enable the button
  disabledTextColor: Colors.white,
  child: Text('Flat Button'),

enter image description here enter image description here

FlatButton (Disabled)

  onPressed: null,
  onLongPress: null,
  disabledTextColor: Colors.white,
  child: Text('Flat Button'),

enter image description here

RaisedButton (Enabled)

  onPressed: (){},
  onLongPress: null, // Set one as NOT null is enough to enable the button
  // For when the button is enabled
  color: Colors.lightBlueAccent,
  elevation: 8.0,

  // For when the button is disabled
  disabledTextColor: Colors.white,
  disabledElevation: 0.0,

  child: Text('Raised Button'),

enter image description here

RaisedButton (Disabled)

  onPressed: null,
  onLongPress: null,
  // For when the button is enabled
  color: Colors.lightBlueAccent,
  elevation: 8.0,

  // For when the button is disabled
  disabledTextColor: Colors.white,
  disabledElevation: 0.0,

  child: Text('Raised Button'),

enter image description here

IconButton (Enabled)

  onPressed: () {},
  icon: Icon(Icons.card_giftcard_rounded),
  color: Colors.lightBlueAccent,

enter image description here enter image description here

IconButton (Disabled)

  onPressed: null,
  icon: Icon(Icons.card_giftcard_rounded),
  color: Colors.lightBlueAccent,

enter image description here

Note: Some of buttons such as IconButton have only the onPressed property.

Turn off axes in subplots

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 2)

To turn off axes for all subplots, do either:

[axi.set_axis_off() for axi in ax.ravel()]


map(lambda axi: axi.set_axis_off(), ax.ravel())

How to validate a url in Python? (Malformed or not)


As pointed out by @Kwame , the below code does validate the url even if the .com or .co etc are not present.

also pointed out by @Blaise, URLs like is a valid URL and you need to do a DNS check for checking if it resolves or not, separately.

This is simple and works:

So min_attr contains the basic set of strings that needs to be present to define the validity of a URL, i.e http:// part and part.

urlparse.scheme stores http:// and

urlparse.netloc store the domain name

from urlparse import urlparse
def url_check(url):

    min_attr = ('scheme' , 'netloc')
        result = urlparse(url)
        if all([result.scheme, result.netloc]):
            return True
            return False
        return False

all() returns true if all the variables inside it return true. So if result.scheme and result.netloc is present i.e. has some value then the URL is valid and hence returns True.

Clicking URLs opens default browser

If you're using a WebView you'll have to intercept the clicks yourself if you don't want the default Android behaviour.

You can monitor events in a WebView using a WebViewClient. The method you want is shouldOverrideUrlLoading(). This allows you to perform your own action when a particular URL is selected.

You set the WebViewClient of your WebView using the setWebViewClient() method.

If you look at the WebView sample in the SDK there's an example which does just what you want. It's as simple as:

private class HelloWebViewClient extends WebViewClient {
    public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView view, String url) {
        return true;

How to test android apps in a real device with Android Studio?

I have a Nexus 4 and own a Thinkpad L430 Windows 8.1

My errors: "Waiting for device. USB device not found"

I went to: Device Manager > View > Drop to "Acer Device" > Right click on Acer Composite ADB Interface > Update it

Afterward, Reboot/Restart your computer. Once it turned on Plug Your USB Device onto the computer.

Go to: Setting > Enable "Developer options" > Check the "USB debugging" option > Check "Allow mock locations" > Check "Verify apps over USB".

Swipe down from the drop down menu of your phone where it Shows the USB Connection Icon. Tap on USB Computer Connection > Select the Check box "Camera (PTP)"

Run your Android Studio App and it should work

PostgreSQL: Show tables in PostgreSQL

This SQL Query works with most of the versions of PostgreSQL and fairly simple .

select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema='public' ;

LINQ to Entities how to update a record

In most cases @tster's answer will suffice. However, I had a scenario where I wanted to update a row without first retrieving it.

My situation is this: I've got a table where I want to "lock" a row so that only a single user at a time will be able to edit it in my app. I'm achieving this by saying

update items set status = 'in use', lastuser = @lastuser, lastupdate = @updatetime where ID = @rowtolock and @status = 'free'

The reason being, if I were to simply retrieve the row by ID, change the properties and then save, I could end up with two people accessing the same row simultaneously. This way, I simply send and update claiming this row as mine, then I try to retrieve the row which has the same properties I just updated with. If that row exists, great. If, for some reason it doesn't (someone else's "lock" command got there first), I simply return FALSE from my method.

I do this by using context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand which accepts a string command and an array of parameters.

Just wanted to add this answer to point out that there will be scenarios in which retrieving a row, updating it, and saving it back to the DB won't suffice and that there are ways of running a straight update statement when necessary.

How to get the file ID so I can perform a download of a file from Google Drive API on Android?

One way is to associating unique properties with your file while creation.

properties = "{ \
    key='somekey' and \

then create a query.

query = "title = " + "\'" + title + "\'" + \
        AND + "mimeType = " + "\'" + mimeType + "\'" + \
        AND + "trashed = false" + \
        AND + "properties has " + properties

All the file properties(title, etc) already known to you can go here + properties.

Copying data from one SQLite database to another

You'll have to attach Database X with Database Y using the ATTACH command, then run the appropriate Insert Into commands for the tables you want to transfer.


Or, if the columns are not matched up in order:

INSERT INTO X.TABLE(fieldname1, fieldname2) SELECT fieldname1, fieldname2 FROM Y.TABLE;

Use mysql_fetch_array() with foreach() instead of while()

To use foreach would require you have an array that contains every row from the query result. Some DB libraries for PHP provide a fetch_all function that provides an appropriate array but I could not find one for mysql (however the mysqli extension does) . You could of course write your own, like so

function mysql_fetch_all($result) {
   $rows = array();
   while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
     $rows[] = $row;
   return $rows;

However I must echo the "why?" Using this function you are creating two loops instead of one, and requring the entire result set be loaded in to memory. For sufficiently large result sets, this could become a serious performance drag. And for what?

foreach (mysql_fetch_all($result) as $row)


while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))

while is just as concise and IMO more readable.

EDIT There is another option, but it is pretty absurd. You could use the Iterator Interface

class MysqlResult implements Iterator {
  private $rownum = 0;
  private $numrows = 0;
  private $result;

  public function __construct($result) {
    $this->result = $result;
    $this->numrows = mysql_num_rows($result);

  public function rewind() {
    $this->rownum = 0;

  public function current() {
    mysql_data_seek($this->result, $this->rownum);
    return mysql_fetch_array($this->result);

  public function key() {
    return $this->rownum;

  public function next() {

  public function valid() {
    return $this->rownum < $this->numrows ? true : false;

$rows = new MysqlResult(mysql_query($query_select));

foreach ($rows as $row) {

In this case, the MysqlResult instance fetches rows only on request just like with while, but wraps it in a nice foreach-able package. While you've saved yourself a loop, you've added the overhead of class instantiation and a boat load of function calls, not to mention a good deal of added code complexity.

But you asked if it could be done without using while (or for I imagine). Well it can be done, just like that. Whether it should be done is up to you.

Get filename and path from URI from mediastore

Since the above answers didn't work for me, here is the solution that worked for me:

For both >19 and <=19 API Levels.

This method covers all the cases to get filePath from uri

 * Get a file path from a Uri. This will get the the path for Storage Access
 * Framework Documents, as well as the _data field for the MediaStore and
 * other file-based ContentProviders.
 * @param context The activity.
 * @param uri The Uri to query.
 * @author paulburke
public static String getPath(final Context context, final Uri uri) {

    // DocumentProvider
    if ( Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT && DocumentsContract.isDocumentUri(context, uri)) {
        // ExternalStorageProvider
        if (isExternalStorageDocument(uri)) {
            final String docId = DocumentsContract.getDocumentId(uri);
            final String[] split = docId.split(":");
            final String type = split[0];

            if ("primary".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) {
                return Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/" + split[1];
                Toast.makeText(context, "Could not get file path. Please try again", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
        // DownloadsProvider
        else if (isDownloadsDocument(uri)) {

            final String id = DocumentsContract.getDocumentId(uri);
            final Uri contentUri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(
                    Uri.parse("content://downloads/public_downloads"), Long.valueOf(id));

            return getDataColumn(context, contentUri, null, null);
        // MediaProvider
        else if (isMediaDocument(uri)) {
            final String docId = DocumentsContract.getDocumentId(uri);
            final String[] split = docId.split(":");
            final String type = split[0];

            Uri contentUri = null;
            if ("image".equals(type)) {
                contentUri = MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI;
            } else if ("video".equals(type)) {
                contentUri = MediaStore.Video.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI;
            } else if ("audio".equals(type)) {
                contentUri = MediaStore.Audio.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI;
            } else {
                contentUri = MediaStore.Files.getContentUri("external");

            final String selection = "_id=?";
            final String[] selectionArgs = new String[] {

            return getDataColumn(context, contentUri, selection, selectionArgs);
    // MediaStore (and general)
    else if ("content".equalsIgnoreCase(uri.getScheme())) {
        return getDataColumn(context, uri, null, null);
    // File
    else if ("file".equalsIgnoreCase(uri.getScheme())) {
        return uri.getPath();

    return null;

How to force deletion of a python object?

In general, to make sure something happens no matter what, you use

from exceptions import NameError

    f = open(x)
except ErrorType as e:
    pass # handle the error
    except NameError: pass

finally blocks will be run whether or not there is an error in the try block, and whether or not there is an error in any error handling that takes place in except blocks. If you don't handle an exception that is raised, it will still be raised after the finally block is excecuted.

The general way to make sure a file is closed is to use a "context manager".

with open(x) as f:
    # do stuff

This will automatically close f.

For your question #2, bar gets closed on immediately when it's reference count reaches zero, so on del foo if there are no other references.

Objects are NOT created by __init__, they're created by __new__.

When you do foo = Foo() two things are actually happening, first a new object is being created, __new__, then it is being initialized, __init__. So there is no way you could possibly call del foo before both those steps have taken place. However, if there is an error in __init__, __del__ will still be called because the object was actually already created in __new__.

Edit: Corrected when deletion happens if a reference count decreases to zero.

MySQL Error: : 'Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost'

In my experience, if you run without sudo it will not work. So make sure your command is;

sudo mysql -uroot -p

Changing route doesn't scroll to top in the new page

Setting autoScroll to true did not the trick for me, so I did choose another solution. I built a service that hooks in every time the route changes and that uses the built-in $anchorScroll service to scroll to top. Works for me :-).


 (function() {
    "use strict";

        .factory("pageSwitch", pageSwitch);

    pageSwitch.$inject = ["$rootScope", "$anchorScroll"];

    function pageSwitch($rootScope, $anchorScroll) {
        var registerListener = _.once(function() {
            $rootScope.$on("$locationChangeSuccess", scrollToTop);

        return {
            registerListener: registerListener

        function scrollToTop() {


angular.module("mymodule").run(["pageSwitch", function (pageSwitch) {

Sort a two dimensional array based on one column

class ArrayComparator implements Comparator<Comparable[]> {
    private final int columnToSort;
    private final boolean ascending;

    public ArrayComparator(int columnToSort, boolean ascending) {
        this.columnToSort = columnToSort;
        this.ascending = ascending;

    public int compare(Comparable[] c1, Comparable[] c2) {
        int cmp = c1[columnToSort].compareTo(c2[columnToSort]);
        return ascending ? cmp : -cmp;

This way you can handle any type of data in those arrays (as long as they're Comparable) and you can sort any column in ascending or descending order.

String[][] data = getData();
Arrays.sort(data, new ArrayComparator(0, true));

PS: make sure you check for ArrayIndexOutOfBounds and others.

EDIT: The above solution would only be helpful if you are able to actually store a java.util.Date in the first column or if your date format allows you to use plain String comparison for those values. Otherwise, you need to convert that String to a Date, and you can achieve that using a callback interface (as a general solution). Here's an enhanced version:

class ArrayComparator implements Comparator<Object[]> {
    private static Converter DEFAULT_CONVERTER = new Converter() {
        public Comparable convert(Object o) {
            // simply assume the object is Comparable
            return (Comparable) o;
    private final int columnToSort;
    private final boolean ascending;
    private final Converter converter;

    public ArrayComparator(int columnToSort, boolean ascending) {
        this(columnToSort, ascending, DEFAULT_CONVERTER);

    public ArrayComparator(int columnToSort, boolean ascending, Converter converter) {
        this.columnToSort = columnToSort;
        this.ascending = ascending;
        this.converter = converter;

    public int compare(Object[] o1, Object[] o2) {
        Comparable c1 = converter.convert(o1[columnToSort]);
        Comparable c2 = converter.convert(o2[columnToSort]);
        int cmp = c1.compareTo(c2);
        return ascending ? cmp : -cmp;


interface Converter {
    Comparable convert(Object o);

class DateConverter implements Converter {
    private static final DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy.MM.dd hh:mm");

    public Comparable convert(Object o) {
        try {
            return df.parse(o.toString());
        } catch (ParseException e) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);

And at this point, you can sort on your first column with:

Arrays.sort(data, new ArrayComparator(0, true, new DateConverter());

I skipped the checks for nulls and other error handling issues.

I agree this is starting to look like a framework already. :)

Last (hopefully) edit: I only now realize that your date format allows you to use plain String comparison. If that is the case, you don't need the "enhanced version".

How to autowire RestTemplate using annotations

You can add the method below to your class for providing a default implementation of RestTemplate:

public RestTemplate restTemplate() {
    return new RestTemplate();

Reduce git repository size

This should not affect everyone, but one of the semi-hidden reasons of the repository size being large could be Git submodules.

You might have added one or more submodules, but stopped using it at some time, and some files remained in .git/modules directory. To make redundant submodule files gone away, see this question.

However, just like the main repository, the other way is to navigate to the submodule directory in .git/modules, and do a, for example, git gc --aggressive --prune.

These should have a good impact in the repository size, but as long as you use Git submodules, e.g. especially with large libraries, your repository size should not change drastically.

Get the value of a dropdown in jQuery

Try this:

var text = $('#YourDropdownId').find('option:selected').text();

MySQL Job failed to start

The given solution requires enough free HDD, the actual problem was the HDD memory shortage. So If you don't have an alternative server or free disk space, you need some other alternative.

I faced this error with my production server (Linode VPS) when I was running a bulk download into MySQL. Its not a proper solution but VERY QUICK FIX, which we often need in production to bring things UP FAST.

  1. Resize our VPS Server to higher Hard Disk size
  2. Start MySQL, it works.
  3. Login to your MySQL instance and make appropriate adjustments that caused this error (e.g. remove some records, table, or take DB backup to your local machine that are not required at production, etc. After all you know, what caused this issue.)
  4. Downgrade your VPS Server to previous package you was already using

Eclipse - no Java (JRE) / (JDK) ... no virtual machine

if after adding the C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_92\bin in PATH variable in environment variables the eclipse gave the same error

check eclipse configuration settings file that found in eclipse folder, you must see the same jdk path you have in C:\program Files

enter image description here

I hope it help.

C++ compiling on Windows and Linux: ifdef switch

It depends on the used compiler.

For example, Windows' definition can be WIN32 or _WIN32.

And Linux' definition can be UNIX or __unix__ or LINUX or __linux__.

Cannot ping AWS EC2 instance

  1. Go to EC2 Dashboard and click "Running Instances" on "Security Groups", select the group of your instance which you need to add security.
  2. click on the "Inbound" tab
  3. Click "Edit" Button (It will open an popup window)
  4. click "Add Rule"
  5. Select the "Custom ICMP rule - IPv4" as Type
  6. Select "Echo Request" and "Echo Response" as the Protocol (Port Range by default show as "N/A)
  7. Enter the "" as Source
  8. Click "Save"

Why do I get an UnsupportedOperationException when trying to remove an element from a List?

Just read the JavaDoc for the asList method:

Returns a {@code List} of the objects in the specified array. The size of the {@code List} cannot be modified, i.e. adding and removing are unsupported, but the elements can be set. Setting an element modifies the underlying array.

This is from Java 6 but it looks like it is the same for the android java.


The type of the resulting list is Arrays.ArrayList, which is a private class inside Arrays.class. Practically speaking, it is nothing but a List-view on the array that you've passed with Arrays.asList. With a consequence: if you change the array, the list is changed too. And because an array is not resizeable, remove and add operation must be unsupported.

HTML.ActionLink vs Url.Action in ASP.NET Razor

@HTML.ActionLink generates a HTML anchor tag. While @Url.Action generates a URL for you. You can easily understand it by;

// 1. <a href="/ControllerName/ActionMethod">Item Definition</a>
@HTML.ActionLink("Item Definition", "ActionMethod", "ControllerName")

// 2. /ControllerName/ActionMethod
@Url.Action("ActionMethod", "ControllerName")

// 3. <a href="/ControllerName/ActionMethod">Item Definition</a>
<a href="@Url.Action("ActionMethod", "ControllerName")"> Item Definition</a>

Both of these approaches are different and it totally depends upon your need.

Android Material and appcompat Manifest merger failed

As of Android P, the support libraries have been moved to AndroidX

Please do a refactor for your libs from this page.

iframe refuses to display

The reason for the error is that the host server for has provided some HTTP headers to protect the document. One of which is that the frame ancestors must be from the same domain as the original content. It seems you are attempting to put the iframe at a domain location that is not the same as the content of the iframe - thus violating the Content Security Policy that the host has set.

Check out this link on Content Security Policy for more details.

MS Access - execute a saved query by name in VBA

You can do it the following way:

DoCmd.OpenQuery "yourQueryName", acViewNormal, acEdit



There is already an object named in the database

Make sure your solutions startup project has the correct connectionstring in the config file. Or set the -StartUpProjectName parameter when executing the update-database command. The -StartUpProjectName parameter specifies the configuration file to use for named connection strings. If omitted, the specified project’s configuration file is used.

Here is a link for ef-migration command references

Location of WSDL.exe

If you have Windows 10 and VS2019, and the .NET Framework 4.8, below you can see the Location of WSDL.exe

Path in your pc C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v10.0A\bin\NETFX 4.8 Tools

How to make circular background using css?

If you want to do it with only 1 element, you can use the ::before and ::after pseudo elements for the same div instead of a wrapper.

Sublime Text 2 keyboard shortcut to open file in specified browser (e.g. Chrome)

You can install SideBarEnhancements plugin, which among other things will give you ability to open file in browser just by clicking F12.

To open exactly in Chrome, you will need to fix up “Side Bar.sublime-settings” file and set "default_browser" to be "chrome".

I also recommend to learn this video tutorial on Sublime Text 2.

How can I confirm a database is Oracle & what version it is using SQL?

You can either use

SELECT * FROM v$version;


EXEC dbms_output.put_line( dbms_db_version.version );

if you don't want to parse the output of v$version.

Implement Validation for WPF TextBoxes

When I needed to do this, I followed Microsoft's example using Binding.ValidationRules and it worked first time.

See their article, How to: Implement Binding Validation:

Find out whether radio button is checked with JQuery?

Working with all types of Radio Buttons and Browsers

if($('#radio_button_id')[0].checked) {
   alert("radiobutton checked")
   alert("not checked");

Working Jsfiddle Here

Angular2 - Focusing a textbox on component load

Also, it can be done dynamically like so...

<input [id]="" [type]="input.type" [autofocus]="input.autofocus" />

Where input is

const input = {
  id: "my-input",
  type: "text",
  autofocus: true

Python: Remove division decimal

You can call int() on the end result:

>>> int(2.0)

How to trim a string to N chars in Javascript?

Copying Will's comment into an answer, because I found it useful:

var string = "this is a string";
var length = 20;
var trimmedString = string.length > length ? 
                    string.substring(0, length - 3) + "..." : 

Thanks Will.

And a jsfiddle for anyone who cares :)

How to randomize (or permute) a dataframe rowwise and columnwise?

Of course you can sample each row:

sapply (1:4, function (row) df1[row,]<<-sample(df1[row,]))

will shuffle the rows itself, so the number of 1's in each row doesn't change. Small changes and it also works great with columns, but this is a exercise for the reader :-P

Python list iterator behavior and next(iterator)

What you see is the interpreter echoing back the return value of next() in addition to i being printed each iteration:

>>> a = iter(list(range(10)))
>>> for i in a:
...    print(i)
...    next(a)

So 0 is the output of print(i), 1 the return value from next(), echoed by the interactive interpreter, etc. There are just 5 iterations, each iteration resulting in 2 lines being written to the terminal.

If you assign the output of next() things work as expected:

>>> a = iter(list(range(10)))
>>> for i in a:
...    print(i)
...    _ = next(a)

or print extra information to differentiate the print() output from the interactive interpreter echo:

>>> a = iter(list(range(10)))
>>> for i in a:
...    print('Printing: {}'.format(i))
...    next(a)
Printing: 0
Printing: 2
Printing: 4
Printing: 6
Printing: 8

In other words, next() is working as expected, but because it returns the next value from the iterator, echoed by the interactive interpreter, you are led to believe that the loop has its own iterator copy somehow.

Installing Android Studio, does not point to a valid JVM installation error

Updated android studio to 1.2.1. Even though I was getting the same error. Nothing worked, finally replaced JAVA_HOME with JDK_HOME and it did the magic.

How to change color in markdown cells ipython/jupyter notebook?

Similarly to Jakob's answer, you can use HTML tags. Just a note that the color attribute of font (<font color=...>) is deprecated in HTML5. The following syntax would be HTML5-compliant:

This <span style="color:red">word</span> is not black.

Same caution that Jakob made probably still applies:

Be aware that this will not survive a conversion of the notebook to latex.

How to convert ‘false’ to 0 and ‘true’ to 1 in Python

Any of the following will work:

s = "true"

(s == 'true').real

(s == 'false').real

(s == 'true').conjugate()    

(s == '').conjugate()

(s == 'true').__int__()

(s == 'opal').__int__()    

def as_int(s):
    return (s == 'true').__int__()

>>>> as_int('false')
>>>> as_int('true')

.NET HashTable Vs Dictionary - Can the Dictionary be as fast?

Both are effectively the same class (you can look at the disassembly). HashTable was created first before .Net had generics. Dictionary, however is a generic class and gives you strong typing benefits. I would never use HashTable since Dictionary costs you nothing to use.


Since you want to pivot multiple columns of data, I would first suggest unpivoting the result, score and grade columns so you don't have multiple columns but you will have multiple rows.

Depending on your version of SQL Server you can use the UNPIVOT function or CROSS APPLY. The syntax to unpivot the data will be similar to:

select ratio, col, value
cross apply
  select 'result', cast(result as varchar(10)) union all
  select 'score', cast(score as varchar(10)) union all
  select 'grade', grade
) c(col, value)

See SQL Fiddle with Demo. Once the data has been unpivoted, then you can apply the PIVOT function:

select ratio = col,
  [current ratio], [gearing ratio], [performance ratio], total
  select ratio, col, value
  cross apply
    select 'result', cast(result as varchar(10)) union all
    select 'score', cast(score as varchar(10)) union all
    select 'grade', grade
  ) c(col, value)
) d
  for ratio in ([current ratio], [gearing ratio], [performance ratio], total)
) piv;

See SQL Fiddle with Demo. This will give you the result:

|  grade |          Good |          Good |      Satisfactory |      Good |
| result |       1.29400 |       0.33840 |           0.04270 |    (null) |
|  score |      60.00000 |      70.00000 |          50.00000 | 180.00000 |

How to Pass data from child to parent component Angular

Register the EventEmitter in your child component as the @Output:

@Output() onDatePicked = new EventEmitter<any>();

Emit value on click:

public pickDate(date: any): void {

Listen for the events in your parent component's template:

    <calendar (onDatePicked)="doSomething($event)"></calendar>

and in the parent component:

public doSomething(date: any):void {
    console.log('Picked date: ', date);

It's also well explained in the official docs: Component interaction.

What are these attributes: `aria-labelledby` and `aria-hidden`

aria-hidden="true" will hide decorative items like glyphicon icons from screen readers, which doesn't have meaningful pronunciation so as not to cause confusions. It's a nice thing do as matter of good practice.

Is there any way of configuring Eclipse IDE proxy settings via an autoproxy configuration script?

Well there's the Network Connections preference page; you can add proxies there. I don't know much about it; I don't know if the Maven integration plugins will use the proxies defined there.

You can find it at Window...Preferences, then General...Network Connections.

How can I represent an 'Enum' in Python?

Python 2.7 and find_name()

Here is an easy-to-read implementation of the chosen idea with some helper methods, which perhaps are more Pythonic and cleaner to use than "reverse_mapping". Requires Python >= 2.7.

To address some comments below, Enums are quite useful to prevent spelling mistakes in code, e.g. for state machines, error classifiers, etc.

def Enum(*sequential, **named):
  """Generate a new enum type. Usage example:

  ErrorClass = Enum('STOP','GO')
  print ErrorClass.find_name(ErrorClass.STOP)
    = "STOP"
  print ErrorClass.find_val("STOP")
    = 0
  ErrorClass.FOO     # Raises AttributeError
  enums = { v:k for k,v in enumerate(sequential) } if not named else named

  def find_name(cls, val):
    result = [ k for k,v in cls.__dict__.iteritems() if v == val ]
    if not len(result):
        raise ValueError("Value %s not found in Enum" % val)
    return result[0]

  def find_val(cls, n):
    return getattr(cls, n)

  enums['find_val'] = find_val
  enums['find_name'] = find_name
  return type('Enum', (), enums)

How to disable an input box using angular.js

You need to use ng-disabled directive

<input data-ng-model="userInf.username" 
       class="span12 editEmail" 
       placeholder="[email protected]" 
       ng-disabled="<expression to disable>" />

Make Font Awesome icons in a circle?

You can also do this. I wanted to add a circle around my icomoon icons. Here is the code.

span {
font-size: 54px;
border-radius: 50%;
border: 10px solid rgb(205, 209, 215);
padding: 30px;

Step out of current function with GDB

You can use the finish command.

finish: Continue running until just after function in the selected stack frame returns. Print the returned value (if any). This command can be abbreviated as fin.

(See 5.2 Continuing and Stepping.)

Developing for Android in Eclipse: not regenerating

In my case, R files were not being generated because I had XML files in my res/ folder with the same name (for example, res/layout/filename.xml and res/values/filename.xml).

After I changed one of the filenames, my R files were generated again by the Build Automatically option.

Can I embed a .png image into an html page?

use mod_rewrite to redirect the call to file.html to image.png without the url changing for the user

Have you tried just renaming the image.png file to file.html? I think most browser take mime header over file extension :)

WCF Service Returning "Method Not Allowed"

you need to add in web.config

<endpoint address="customBinding" binding="customBinding" bindingConfiguration="basicConfig" contract="WcfRest.IService1"/>  

        <binding name="basicConfig">  
            <httpTransport transferMode="Streamed" maxReceivedMessageSize="67108864"/>  

Replace a string in shell script using a variable

To let your shell expand the variable, you need to use double-quotes like

sed -i "s#12345678#$replace#g" file.txt

This will break if $replace contain special sed characters (#, \). But you can preprocess $replace to quote them:

replace_quoted=$(printf '%s' "$replace" | sed 's/[#\]/\\\0/g')
sed -i "s#12345678#$replace_quoted#g" file.txt

Pure JavaScript equivalent of jQuery's $.ready() - how to call a function when the page/DOM is ready for it


function ready(fn){var d=document;(d.readyState=='loading')?d.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded',fn):fn();}

Use like

    //some code

For self invoking code

(function(fn){var d=document;(d.readyState=='loading')?d.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded',fn):fn();})(function(){

    //Some Code here
    //DOM is avaliable
    //var h1s = document.querySelector("h1");


Support: IE9+

Illegal character in path at index 16

I ran into the same thing with the Bing Map API. URLEncoder just made things worse, but a replaceAll(" ","%20"); did the trick.

How to pip install a package with min and max version range?

You can do:

$ pip install "package>=0.2,<0.3"

And pip will look for the best match, assuming the version is at least 0.2, and less than 0.3.

This also applies to pip requirements files. See the full details on version specifiers in PEP 440.

Android Studio - debug keystore

On Mac, you will find it here: /Users/$username/.android

NameError: name 'self' is not defined

If you have arrived here via google, please make sure to check that you have given self as the first parameter to a class function. Especially if you try to reference values for that object instance inside the class function.

def foo():

>NameError: name 'self' is not defined

def foo(self):

What's the best way to select the minimum value from several columns?

There are likely to be many ways to accomplish this. My suggestion is to use Case/When to do it. With 3 columns, it's not too bad.

Select Id,
       Case When Col1 < Col2 And Col1 < Col3 Then Col1
            When Col2 < Col1 And Col2 < Col3 Then Col2 
            Else Col3
            End As TheMin
From   YourTableNameHere

How to create a backup of a single table in a postgres database?

I was trying to run pg_dump from within psql command prompt and I was not able to trace output file anywhere on my ubuntu 20.04 box. I tried finding by find / -name "myfilename.sql".

Instead When I tried pg_dump from /home/ubuntu, I found my output file in /home/ubuntu

Simple 3x3 matrix inverse code (C++)

//Function for inverse of the input square matrix 'J' of dimension 'dim':

vector<vector<double > > inverseVec33(vector<vector<double > > J, int dim)
//Matrix of Minors
 vector<vector<double > > invJ(dim,vector<double > (dim));
for(int i=0; i<dim; i++)
    for(int j=0; j<dim; j++)
        invJ[i][j] = (J[(i+1)%dim][(j+1)%dim]*J[(i+2)%dim][(j+2)%dim] -

//determinant of the matrix:
double detJ = 0.0;
for(int j=0; j<dim; j++)
{ detJ += J[0][j]*invJ[0][j];}

//Inverse of the given matrix.
 vector<vector<double > > invJT(dim,vector<double > (dim));
 for(int i=0; i<dim; i++)
    for(int j=0; j<dim; j++)
        invJT[i][j] = invJ[j][i]/detJ;

return invJT;

void main()
    //given matrix:
vector<vector<double > > Jac(3,vector<double > (3));
Jac[0][0] = 1; Jac[0][1] = 2;  Jac[0][2] = 6;
Jac[1][0] = -3; Jac[1][1] = 4;  Jac[1][2] = 3;
Jac[2][0] = 5; Jac[2][1] = 1;  Jac[2][2] = -4;`

//Inverse of the matrix Jac:
vector<vector<double > > JacI(3,vector<double > (3));
    //call function and store inverse of J as JacI:
JacI = inverseVec33(Jac,3);

PHP Curl UTF-8 Charset

You Can use this header

   header('Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8');

and after decoding the string

 $page = utf8_decode(curl_exec($ch));

It worked for me

Selecting Multiple Values from a Dropdown List in Google Spreadsheet

I have found a great work-around for this. It really only works practically if you want to be able to select up to 4 or so options from your drop down list but here it is:

For each "item" create as many rows as drop-down items you'd like to be able to select. So if you want to be able to select up to 3 characteristics from a given drop down list for each person on your list, create a total of 3 rows for each person. Then merge A:1-A:3, B:1-B:3, C:1-C:3 etc until you reach the column that you'd like your drop-down list to be. Don't merge those cells, instead place the your Data Validation drop-down in each of those cells.

enter image description here

Hope this is clear!!

How to select a record and update it, with a single queryset in Django?

1st method

MyTable.objects.filter(pk=some_value).update(field1='some value')

2nd Method

q = MyModel.objects.get(pk=some_value)
q.field1 = 'some value'

3rd method

By using get_object_or_404

q = get_object_or_404(MyModel,pk=some_value)
q.field1 = 'some value'

4th Method

if you required if pk=some_value exist then update it other wise create new one by using update_or_create.

MyModel.objects.update_or_create(pk=some_value,defaults={'field1':'some value'})

Git Ignores and Maven targets

It is possible to use patterns in a .gitignore file. See the gitignore man page. The pattern */target/* should ignore any directory named target and anything under it. Or you may try */target/** to ignore everything under target.

Get the time difference between two datetimes


        this.start = dailyattendance.InTime.split(":");
        this.end = dailyattendance.OutTime.split(":");
        var time1 = ((parseInt(this.start[0]) * 60) + parseInt(this.start[1]))
        var time2 = ((parseInt(this.end[0]) * 60) + parseInt(this.end[1]));
        var time3 = ((time2 - time1) / 60);
        var timeHr = parseInt(""+time3);
        var  timeMin = ((time2 - time1) % 60);

Error:Execution failed for task ':app:compileDebugKotlin'. > Compilation error. See log for more details

In my case, updating to last version and rebuild the project in online mode of Gradle was solved the problem.

Class name does not name a type in C++

error 'Class' does not name a type

Just in case someone does the same idiotic thing I did ... I was creating a small test program from scratch and I typed Class instead of class (with a small C). I didn't take any notice of the quotes in the error message and spent a little too long not understanding my problem.

My search for a solution brought me here so I guess the same could happen to someone else.

Import file size limit in PHPMyAdmin

do the following things

  • increase upload_max_file_size in php.ini
  • gzip your sql file

and then import the file

Call An Asynchronous Javascript Function Synchronously

There is one nice workaround at

It uses generators which are new to javascript. So it's currently not implemented by most browsers. I tested it in firefox, and for me it is nice way to wrap asynchronous function.

Here is example code from project GitHub

var { Deferred } = task;

spawn(function() {
    out.innerHTML = "reading...\n";
    try {
        var d = yield read("read.html");
    } catch (e) {
        e.stack.split(/\n/).forEach(function(line) { console.log(line) });
        out.innerHTML = "error: " + e;


function read(url, method) {
    method = method || "GET";
    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    var deferred = new Deferred();
    xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
        if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
            if (xhr.status >= 400) {
                var e = new Error(xhr.statusText);
                e.status = xhr.status;
            } else {
                    responseText: xhr.responseText
    };, url, true);
    return deferred.promise;

how to get param in method post spring mvc?

When I want to get all the POST params I am using the code below,

@RequestMapping(value = "/", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public ViewForResponseClass update(@RequestBody AClass anObject) {
    // Source..

I am using the @RequestBody annotation for post/put/delete http requests instead of the @RequestParam which reads the GET parameters.

Selecting only first-level elements in jquery

.add_to_cart >>> .form-item:eq(1)

the second .form-item at tree level child from the .add_to_cart

"FATAL: Module not found error" using modprobe

Insert this in your Makefile

 $(MAKE) -C $(KDIR) M=$(PWD) modules_install                      

 it will install the module in the directory /lib/modules/<var>/extra/
 After make , insert module with modprobe module_name (without .ko extension)


After your normal make, you copy module module_name.ko into   directory  /lib/modules/<var>/extra/

then do modprobe module_name (without .ko extension)

Drawing Isometric game worlds

Update: Corrected map rendering algorithm, added more illustrations, changed formating.

Perhaps the advantage for the "zig-zag" technique for mapping the tiles to the screen can be said that the tile's x and y coordinates are on the vertical and horizontal axes.

"Drawing in a diamond" approach:

By drawing an isometric map using "drawing in a diamond", which I believe refers to just rendering the map by using a nested for-loop over the two-dimensional array, such as this example:

tile_map[][] = [[...],...]

for (cellY = 0; cellY < tile_map.size; cellY++):
    for (cellX = 0; cellX < tile_map[cellY].size cellX++):
            screenX = (cellX * tile_width  / 2) + (cellY * tile_width  / 2)
            screenY = (cellY * tile_height / 2) - (cellX * tile_height / 2)


The advantage to the approach is that it is a simple nested for-loop with fairly straight forward logic that works consistently throughout all tiles.


One downside to that approach is that the x and y coordinates of the tiles on the map will increase in diagonal lines, which might make it more difficult to visually map the location on the screen to the map represented as an array:

Image of tile map

However, there is going to be a pitfall to implementing the above example code -- the rendering order will cause tiles that are supposed to be behind certain tiles to be drawn on top of the tiles in front:

Resulting image from incorrect rendering order

In order to amend this problem, the inner for-loop's order must be reversed -- starting from the highest value, and rendering toward the lower value:

tile_map[][] = [[...],...]

for (i = 0; i < tile_map.size; i++):
    for (j = tile_map[i].size; j >= 0; j--):  // Changed loop condition here.
            x = (j * tile_width / 2) + (i * tile_width / 2)
            y = (i * tile_height / 2) - (j * tile_height / 2)

With the above fix, the rendering of the map should be corrected:

Resulting image from correct rendering order

"Zig-zag" approach:


Perhaps the advantage of the "zig-zag" approach is that the rendered map may appear to be a little more vertically compact than the "diamond" approach:

Zig-zag approach to rendering seems compact


From trying to implement the zig-zag technique, the disadvantage may be that it is a little bit harder to write the rendering code because it cannot be written as simple as a nested for-loop over each element in an array:

tile_map[][] = [[...],...]

for (i = 0; i < tile_map.size; i++):
    if i is odd:
        offset_x = tile_width / 2
        offset_x = 0

    for (j = 0; j < tile_map[i].size; j++):
            x = (j * tile_width) + offset_x,
            y = i * tile_height / 2

Also, it may be a little bit difficult to try to figure out the coordinate of a tile due to the staggered nature of the rendering order:

Coordinates on a zig-zag order rendering

Note: The illustrations included in this answer were created with a Java implementation of the tile rendering code presented, with the following int array as the map:

tileMap = new int[][] {
    {0, 1, 2, 3},
    {3, 2, 1, 0},
    {0, 0, 1, 1},
    {2, 2, 3, 3}

The tile images are:

  • tileImage[0] -> A box with a box inside.
  • tileImage[1] -> A black box.
  • tileImage[2] -> A white box.
  • tileImage[3] -> A box with a tall gray object in it.

A Note on Tile Widths and Heights

The variables tile_width and tile_height which are used in the above code examples refer to the width and height of the ground tile in the image representing the tile:

Image showing the tile width and height

Using the dimensions of the image will work, as long as the image dimensions and the tile dimensions match. Otherwise, the tile map could be rendered with gaps between the tiles.

How to delete from multiple tables in MySQL?

I found this article which showing you how to delete data from multiple tables by using MySQL DELETE JOIN statement with good explanation.

enter image description here

Press Keyboard keys using a batch file

Wow! Mean this that you must learn a different programming language just to send two keys to the keyboard? There are simpler ways for you to achieve the same thing. :-)

The Batch file below is an example that start another program (cmd.exe in this case), send a command to it and then send an Up Arrow key, that cause to recover the last executed command. The Batch file is simple enough to be understand with no problems, so you may modify it to fit your needs.

@if (@CodeSection == @Batch) @then

@echo off

rem Use %SendKeys% to send keys to the keyboard buffer
set SendKeys=CScript //nologo //E:JScript "%~F0"

rem Start the other program in the same Window
start "" /B cmd

%SendKeys% "echo off{ENTER}"

set /P "=Wait and send a command: " < NUL
ping -n 5 -w 1 > NUL
%SendKeys% "echo Hello, world!{ENTER}"

set /P "=Wait and send an Up Arrow key: [" < NUL
ping -n 5 -w 1 > NUL
%SendKeys% "{UP}"

set /P "=] Wait and send an Enter key:" < NUL
ping -n 5 -w 1 > NUL
%SendKeys% "{ENTER}"

%SendKeys% "exit{ENTER}"

goto :EOF


// JScript section

var WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell");

For a list of key names for SendKeys, see:

For example:


For a further explanation of this solution, see: GnuWin32 openssl s_client conn to WebSphere MQ server not closing at EOF, hangs

What is the difference between Sublime text and Github's Atom

  1. How is Atom different from Sublime?
    • Atom is an open source text editor/IDE, built on JavaScript/HTML/CSS.
    • Sublime Text is a commercial product, built on C/C++ and Python.
    • Comparable to Atom is Adobe Brackets, another open source text editor/IDE built on JavaScript/HTML/CSS. Be minded that this makes Brackets more oriented towards Web development, specially in the front end.
    • Advantages of open source projects are faster rate of development and, of course, price.
  2. Does it include IDE features like build tools, function definition jumps, documentations, etc.?
    • The short answer is yes, yes, and yes. The app is completely modular. Open source will give people the freedom to fill the gaps on several of these features.
  3. Has anyone using Sublime got a Beta invitation to point out the differences?
    • Advantages of Atom is entry-level hackability, since it's built on the same code that powers Web sites.
    • Advantages of Sublime Text is performance, as it doesn't need to run on top of Node.js, and it's a more mature product, about to reach a stable version 3.
    • There are a long list of minor differences that can be included in the comments (I wish this markdown could be able to draw a table for comparisons, but that's another issue).
    • Because of Atom's rapid turnout, I am afraid some of differences I list here will become outdated over time. Per example, at the time of this writing, Atom is only available on the Macintosh while Sublime Text is already multiplatform.
  4. Can I use the themes, schemes and packages from Sublime as is, like Sublime could do with text mate.
    • The short answer is no, but because of Atom's hackability, it will be easy to retool packages from other editors to Atom.

How can I get the size of an std::vector as an int?

In the first two cases, you simply forgot to actually call the member function (!, it's not a value) std::vector<int>::size like this:

#include <vector>

int main () {
    std::vector<int> v;
    auto size = v.size();

Your third call

int size = v.size();

triggers a warning, as not every return value of that function (usually a 64 bit unsigned int) can be represented as a 32 bit signed int.

int size = static_cast<int>(v.size());

would always compile cleanly and also explicitly states that your conversion from std::vector::size_type to int was intended.

Note that if the size of the vector is greater than the biggest number an int can represent, size will contain an implementation defined (de facto garbage) value.

Best way to combine two or more byte arrays in C#

The memorystream class does this job pretty nicely for me. I couldn't get the buffer class to run as fast as memorystream.

using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())

SQL Server: Examples of PIVOTing String data

Remember that the MAX aggregate function will work on text as well as numbers. This query will only require the table to be scanned once.

SELECT Action,
       MAX( CASE data WHEN 'View' THEN data ELSE '' END ) ViewCol, 
       MAX( CASE data WHEN 'Edit' THEN data ELSE '' END ) EditCol
 GROUP BY Action

Get element type with jQuery

also you can use:


Watch multiple $scope attributes

A slightly safer solution to combine values might be to use the following as your $watch function:

function() { return angular.toJson([item1, item2]) }


  function() {
    return angular.toJson([item1, item2]);
  function() {
    // Stuff to do after either value changes

How to fix java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: Unsupported major.minor version

I got the same problem with a project written in 1.7 and tried to execute in 1.6.

My solution in Eclipse:

  • Right click on your Project Properties -> Java Build Path -> Libraries

  • Select your JRE System Library and click Edit on the right, and choose the target JRE.

  • Now go to Java Compiler on the left, and change the Compiler compliance level to your target.

That worked for me.

How to process SIGTERM signal gracefully?

The simplest solution I have found, taking inspiration by responses above is

class SignalHandler:

    def __init__(self):

        # register signal handlers
        signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.exit_gracefully)
        signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.exit_gracefully)

        self.logger = Logger(level=ERROR)

    def exit_gracefully(self, signum, frame):'captured signal %d' % signum)

        ###### do your resources clean up here! ####


Entity Framework - Code First - Can't Store List<String>

Just to simplify -

Entity framework doesn't support primitives. You either create a class to wrap it or add another property to format the list as a string:

public ICollection<string> List { get; set; }
public string ListString
    get { return string.Join(",", List); }
    set { List = value.Split(',').ToList(); }

What IDE to use for Python?


Spreadsheet version

spreadsheet screenshot

Alternatively, in plain text: (also available as a a screenshot)

                         Bracket Matching -.  .- Line Numbering
                          Smart Indent -.  |  |  .- UML Editing / Viewing
         Source Control Integration -.  |  |  |  |  .- Code Folding
                    Error Markup -.  |  |  |  |  |  |  .- Code Templates
  Integrated Python Debugging -.  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  .- Unit Testing
    Multi-Language Support -.  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  .- GUI Designer (Qt, Eric, etc)
   Auto Code Completion -.  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  .- Integrated DB Support
     Commercial/Free -.  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  .- Refactoring
   Cross Platform -.  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |     
Atom              |Y |F |Y |Y*|Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |Y |  |  |  |  |*many plugins
Editra            |Y |F |Y |Y |  |  |Y |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |  |  |  |  |  |
Emacs             |Y |F |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |  |  |  |
Eric Ide          |Y |F |Y |  |Y |Y |  |Y |  |Y |  |Y |  |Y |  |  |  |
Geany             |Y |F |Y*|Y |  |  |  |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |  |  |  |  |  |*very limited
Gedit             |Y |F |Y¹|Y |  |  |  |Y |Y |Y |  |  |Y²|  |  |  |  |¹with plugin; ²sort of
Idle              |Y |F |Y |  |Y |  |  |Y |Y |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
IntelliJ          |Y |CF|Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |
JEdit             |Y |F |  |Y |  |  |  |  |Y |Y |  |Y |  |  |  |  |  |
KDevelop          |Y |F |Y*|Y |  |  |Y |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |  |  |  |  |  |*no type inference
Komodo            |Y |CF|Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |  |
NetBeans*         |Y |F |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |  |  |Y |*pre-v7.0
Notepad++         |W |F |Y |Y |  |Y*|Y*|Y*|Y |Y |  |Y |Y*|  |  |  |  |*with plugin
Pfaide            |W |C |Y |Y |  |  |  |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |Y |  |  |  |  |
PIDA              |LW|F |Y |Y |  |  |  |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |  |  |  |  |  |VIM based
PTVS              |W |F |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |  |  |Y*|  |Y |*WPF bsed
PyCharm           |Y |CF|Y |Y*|Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |*JavaScript
PyDev (Eclipse)   |Y |F |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |  |  |  |
PyScripter        |W |F |Y |  |Y |Y |  |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |Y |Y |  |  |  |
PythonWin         |W |F |Y |  |Y |  |  |Y |Y |  |  |Y |  |  |  |  |  |
SciTE             |Y |F¹|  |Y |  |Y |  |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |Y |  |  |  |  |¹Mac version is
ScriptDev         |W |C |Y |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |Y |  |  |  |  |    commercial
Spyder            |Y |F |Y |  |Y |Y |  |Y |Y |Y |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Sublime Text      |Y |CF|Y |Y |  |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |Y |Y*|  |  |  |extensible w/Python,
TextMate          |M |F |  |Y |  |  |Y |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |Y |  |  |  |  |    *PythonTestRunner
UliPad            |Y |F |Y |Y |Y |  |  |Y |Y |  |  |  |Y |Y |  |  |  |
Vim               |Y |F |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |Y |Y |  |  |  |
Visual Studio     |W |CF|Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |? |Y |? |? |Y |? |Y |
Visual Studio Code|Y |F |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |? |Y |? |? |? |? |Y |uses plugins
WingIde           |Y |C |Y |Y*|Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |Y |Y |  |  |  |*support for C
Zeus              |W |C |  |  |  |  |Y |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |Y |  |  |  |  |
   Cross Platform -'  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |     
     Commercial/Free -'  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  '- Refactoring
   Auto Code Completion -'  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  '- Integrated DB Support
    Multi-Language Support -'  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  '- GUI Designer (Qt, Eric, etc)
  Integrated Python Debugging -'  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  '- Unit Testing
                    Error Markup -'  |  |  |  |  |  |  '- Code Templates
         Source Control Integration -'  |  |  |  |  '- Code Folding
                          Smart Indent -'  |  |  '- UML Editing / Viewing
                         Bracket Matching -'  '- Line Numbering

Acronyms used:

 L  - Linux
 W  - Windows
 M  - Mac
 C  - Commercial
 F  - Free
 CF - Commercial with Free limited edition
 ?  - To be confirmed

I don't mention basics like syntax highlighting as I expect these by default.

This is a just dry list reflecting your feedback and comments, I am not advocating any of these tools. I will keep updating this list as you keep posting your answers.

PS. Can you help me to add features of the above editors to the list (like auto-complete, debugging, etc.)?

We have a comprehensive wiki page for this question

Submit edits to the spreadsheet

Regular expressions in C: examples?

It's probably not what you want, but a tool like re2c can compile POSIX(-ish) regular expressions to ANSI C. It's written as a replacement for lex, but this approach allows you to sacrifice flexibility and legibility for the last bit of speed, if you really need it.

PostgreSQL Autoincrement

Whilst it looks like sequences are the equivalent to MySQL auto_increment, there are some subtle but important differences:

1. Failed Queries Increment The Sequence/Serial

The serial column gets incremented on failed queries. This leads to fragmentation from failed queries, not just row deletions. For example, run the following queries on your PostgreSQL database:

  uid serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
  col_b integer NOT NULL,
  CHECK (col_b>=0)

INSERT INTO table1 (col_b) VALUES(1);
INSERT INTO table1 (col_b) VALUES(-1);
INSERT INTO table1 (col_b) VALUES(2);

SELECT * FROM table1;

You should get the following output:

 uid | col_b 
   1 |     1
   3 |     2
(2 rows)

Notice how uid goes from 1 to 3 instead of 1 to 2.

This still occurs if you were to manually create your own sequence with:

    col_a smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('table1_seq'),
    col_b integer NOT NULL,
    CHECK (col_b>=0)
ALTER SEQUENCE table1_seq OWNED BY table1.col_a;

If you wish to test how MySQL is different, run the following on a MySQL database:

  col_b int unsigned NOT NULL

INSERT INTO table1 (col_b) VALUES(1);
INSERT INTO table1 (col_b) VALUES(-1);
INSERT INTO table1 (col_b) VALUES(2);

You should get the following with no fragementation:

| uid | col_b |
|   1 |     1 |
|   2 |     2 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

2. Manually Setting the Serial Column Value Can Cause Future Queries to Fail.

This was pointed out by @trev in a previous answer.

To simulate this manually set the uid to 4 which will "clash" later.

INSERT INTO table1 (uid, col_b) VALUES(5, 5);

Table data:

 uid | col_b 
   1 |     1
   3 |     2
   5 |     5
(3 rows)

Run another insert:

INSERT INTO table1 (col_b) VALUES(6);

Table data:

 uid | col_b 
   1 |     1
   3 |     2
   5 |     5
   4 |     6

Now if you run another insert:

INSERT INTO table1 (col_b) VALUES(7);

It will fail with the following error message:

ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "table1_pkey" DETAIL: Key (uid)=(5) already exists.

In contrast, MySQL will handle this gracefully as shown below:

INSERT INTO table1 (uid, col_b) VALUES(4, 4);

Now insert another row without setting uid

INSERT INTO table1 (col_b) VALUES(3);

The query doesn't fail, uid just jumps to 5:

| uid | col_b |
|   1 |     1 |
|   2 |     2 |
|   4 |     4 |
|   5 |     3 |

Testing was performed on MySQL 5.6.33, for Linux (x86_64) and PostgreSQL 9.4.9

OR, AND Operator

There is a distinction between the conditional operators && and || and the boolean operators & and |. Mainly it is a difference of precendence (which operators get evaluated first) and also the && and || are 'escaping'. This means that is a sequence such as...

cond1 && cond2 && cond3

If cond1 is false, neither cond2 or cond3 are evaluated as the code rightly assumes that no matter what their value, the expression cannot be true. Likewise...

cond1 || cond2 || cond3

If cond1 is true, neither cond2 or cond3 are evaluated as the expression must be true no matter what their value is.

The bitwise counterparts, & and | are not escaping.

Hope that helps.

how can I debug a jar at runtime?

Even though it is a runnable jar, you can still run it from a console -- open a terminal window, navigate to the directory containing the jar, and enter "java -jar yourJar.jar". It will run in that terminal window, and sysout and syserr output will appear there, including stack traces from uncaught exceptions. Be sure to have your debug set to true when you compile. And good luck.

Just thought of something else -- if you're on Win7, it often has permission problems with user applications writing files to specific directories. Make sure the directory to which you are writing your output file is one for which you have permissions.

In a future project, if it's big enough, you can use one of the standard logging facilities for 'debug' output; then it will be easy(ier) to redirect it to a file instead of depending on having a console. But for a smaller job like this, this should be fine.

Cloning a private Github repo

I needed a non-interactive method for cloning a private repo.

Inspired by this issue:

Step 1.

Create a personal access token in the github developer settings:

Step 2.

git clone https://$token:[email protected]/$username/$repo.git

Check if cookie exists else set cookie to Expire in 10 days

You need to read and write document.cookie

if (document.cookie.indexOf("visited=") >= 0) {
  // They've been here before.
  alert("hello again");
else {
  // set a new cookie
  expiry = new Date();
  expiry.setTime(expiry.getTime()+(10*60*1000)); // Ten minutes

  // Date()'s toGMTSting() method will format the date correctly for a cookie
  document.cookie = "visited=yes; expires=" + expiry.toGMTString();
  alert("this is your first time");

Why do I keep getting 'SVN: Working Copy XXXX locked; try performing 'cleanup'?

Solution: Step1: Have to remove “lock” file which present under “.svn” hidden file. Step2: In case if there is no “lock” file then you would see “we.db” you have to open this database and need to delete content alone from the following tables – lock – wc_lock Step3: Clean your project Step4: Try to commit now. Step5: Done.

How to show first commit by 'git log'?

I found that:

git log --reverse

shows commits from start.

Return Max Value of range that is determined by an Index & Match lookup

You don't need an index match formula. You can use this array formula. You have to press CTL + SHIFT + ENTER after you enter the formula.



enter image description here

Get CPU Usage from Windows Command Prompt

C:\> wmic cpu get loadpercentage


C:\> @for /f "skip=1" %p in ('wmic cpu get loadpercentage') do @echo %p%

What's the C# equivalent to the With statement in VB?

Aside from object initializers (usable only in constructor calls), the best you can get is:

var it = Stuff.Elements.Foo;
it.Name = "Bob Dylan";
it.Age = 68;

Get index of current item in a PowerShell loop

0..($letters.count-1) | foreach { "Value: {0}, Index: {1}" -f $letters[$_],$_}

Run ssh and immediately execute command

You can use the LocalCommand command-line option if the PermitLocalCommand option is enabled:

ssh username@hostname -o LocalCommand="tmux list-sessions"

For more details about the available options, see the ssh_config man page.

What is the difference between char s[] and char *s?

char s[] = "hello";

declares s to be an array of char which is long enough to hold the initializer (5 + 1 chars) and initializes the array by copying the members of the given string literal into the array.

char *s = "hello";

declares s to be a pointer to one or more (in this case more) chars and points it directly at a fixed (read-only) location containing the literal "hello".

How to check if a python module exists without importing it

After use yarbelk's response, I've made this for don't have to import ìmp.

    # Make things with supposed existing module
except ImportError:

Useful in Django's settings.pyfor example.

How to resolve "git pull,fatal: unable to access '\': Empty reply from server"

For Ubuntu-like distro with your own git compiled: you might be missing libcurl4-openssl-dev. apt install libcurl4-openssl-dev then reconfigure, then make install

How can I see the size of files and directories in linux?

To get the total size of directory or the total size of file use,

du -csh <directory or filename*> | grep total

MySQL: Quick breakdown of the types of joins

Full Outer join don't exist in mysql , you might need to use a combination of left and right join.

jquery save json data object in cookie

With serialize the data as JSON and Base64, dependency jquery.cookie.js :

var putCookieObj = function(key, value) {
    $.cookie(key, btoa(JSON.stringify(value)));

var getCookieObj = function (key) {
    var cookie = $.cookie(key);
    if (typeof cookie === "undefined") return null;
    return JSON.parse(atob(cookie));


How to get the previous url using PHP

$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] will give you incomplete url.

If you want, $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] will give you only.

Get current url in Angular


So final correct solution is :

import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { Location } from '@angular/common';
import { Router } from '@angular/router'; 

/* 'router' it must be in small case */

      selector: 'app-other',
      templateUrl: './other.component.html',
      styleUrls: ['./other.component.css']

    export class OtherComponent implements OnInit {

        public href: string = "";
        url: string = "asdf";

        constructor(private router : Router) {} // make variable private so that it would be accessible through out the component

        ngOnInit() {
            this.href = this.router.url;

How do I read an image file using Python?

The word "read" is vague, but here is an example which reads a jpeg file using the Image class, and prints information about it.

from PIL import Image
jpgfile ="picture.jpg")

print(jpgfile.bits, jpgfile.size, jpgfile.format)

How do I apply a CSS class to Html.ActionLink in ASP.NET MVC?

This works for MVC 5

@Html.ActionLink("LinkText", "ActionName", new { id = }, new { @class = "btn btn-success" })

React navigation goBack() and update parent state

First screen

    console.log('Selected data',data)


Second screen

// use this method to call FirstScreen method 
execBack(param) {

How to force garbage collector to run?

You do not want to force the garbage collector to run.

However, if you ever did (as a purely academic exercise, of course):


Speed up rsync with Simultaneous/Concurrent File Transfers?

There are a number of alternative tools and approaches for doing this listed arround the web. For example:

  • The NCSA Blog has a description of using xargs and find to parallelize rsync without having to install any new software for most *nix systems.

  • And parsync provides a feature rich Perl wrapper for parallel rsync.

Best Practices: working with long, multiline strings in PHP?

I like this method a little more for Javascript but it seems worth including here because it has not been mentioned yet.

$var = "pizza";

$text = implode(" ", [
  "I love me some",
  "really large",

// "I love me some really large pizza pies."

For smaller things, I find it is often easier to work with array structures compared to concatenated strings.

Related: implode vs concat performance

Can't find file executable in your configured search path for gnc gcc compiler

I had also found this error but I have solved this problem by easy steps. If you want to solve this problem follow these steps:

Step 1: First start code block

Step 2: Go to menu bar and click on the Setting menu

Step 3: After that click on the Compiler option

Step 4: Now, a pop up window will be opened. In this window, select "GNU GCC COMPILER"

Step 5: Now go to the toolchain executables tab and select the compiler installation directory like (C:\Program Files (x86)\CodeBlocks\MinGW\bin)

Step 6: Click on the Ok.

enter image description here

Now you can remove this error by follow these steps. Sometimes you don't need to select bin folder. You need to select only (C:\Program Files (x86)\CodeBlocks\MinGW) this path but some system doesn't work this path. That's why you have to select path from C:/ to bin folder.

Thank you.

Don't change link color when a link is clicked

You need to use an explicit color value (e.g. #000 or blue) for the color-property. none is invalid here. The initial value is browser-specific and cannot be restored using CSS. Keep in mind that there are some other pseudo-classes than :active, too.

Close/kill the session when the browser or tab is closed

Please refer the below steps:

  1. First create a page SessionClear.aspx and write the code to clear session
  2. Then add following JavaScript code in your page or Master Page:

    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
        var isClose = false;
        //this code will handle the F5 or Ctrl+F5 key
        //need to handle more cases like ctrl+R whose codes are not listed here
        document.onkeydown = checkKeycode
        function checkKeycode(e) {
        var keycode;
        if (window.event)
        keycode = window.event.keyCode;
        else if (e)
        keycode = e.which;
        if(keycode == 116)
        isClose = true;
        function somefunction()
        isClose = true;
            function bodyUnload() {
                  var request = GetRequest();
        "GET", "SessionClear.aspx", true);
            function GetRequest() {
                var request = null;
                if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
                    //incase of IE7,FF, Opera and Safari browser
                    request = new XMLHttpRequest();
                else {
                    //for old browser like IE 6.x and IE 5.x
                    request = new ActiveXObject('MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0');
                return request;
  3. Add the following code in the body tag of master page.

    <body onbeforeunload="bodyUnload();" onmousedown="somefunction()">

INSTALL_FAILED_USER_RESTRICTED : android studio using redmi 4 device

The device is temporarily restricted error appears in MIUI 8.5. To resolve the error you need to make WIFI off and make mobile data on and then enable the option “Install via USB” under "Developer Options" in "Settings". it will work for you.