[vim] Vim: faster way to select blocks of text in visual mode

I have been using vim for quite some time and am aware that selecting blocks of text in visual mode is as simple as SHIFT+V and moving the arrow key up or down line-by-line until I reach the end of the block of text that I want selected.

My question is - is there a faster way in visual mode to select a block of text for example by SHIFT+V followed by specifying the line number in which I want the selection to stop? (via :35 for example, where 35 is the line number I want to select up to - this obviously does not work so my question is to find how if something similar to this can be done...)

This question is related to vim

The answer is

I use this with fold in indent mode :

v open Visual mode anywhere on the block

zaza toogle it twice


will select the whole block.

Play with also:

v}, vp, vs, etc.

See help:

:help text-objects

which lists the different ways to select letters, words, sentences, paragraphs, blocks, and so on.

For selecting number of lines:

shift+v 9j - select 10 lines

Vim is a language. To really understand Vim, you have to know the language. Many commands are verbs, and vim also has objects and prepositions.


This means "select the current line up to and including line 100."

Text objects are where a lot of the power is at. They introduce more objects with prepositions.


This means "select around the current paragraph", that is select the current paragraph and the blank line following it.


This means "select around the current paragraph and the next paragraph."


This means "go to the end of the current paragraph and then visually select it and the preceding paragraph."

Understanding Vim as a language will help you to get the best mileage out of it.

After you have selecting down, then you can combine with other commands:


With the above command, you can select around a paragraph and delete it. Change the d to a y to copy or to a c to change or to a p to paste over.

Once you get the hang of how all these commands work together, then you will eventually not need to visually select anything. Instead of visually selecting and then deleting a paragraph, you can just delete the paragraph with the dap command.

G                       Goto line [count], default last line, on the first
                        non-blank character linewise.  If 'startofline' not
                        set, keep the same column.
                        G is a one of jump-motions.

V35G achieves what you want

} means move cursor to next paragraph. so, use v} to select entire paragraph.

v 35 j

text added for 30 character minimum

You can press vi} to select the block surrounded with {} brackets where your cursor is currently located.

It doesn't really matter where you are inside that block (just make sure you are in the outermost one). Also you can change { to anything that has a pair like ) or ].

simple just press Shift v line number gg

example: your current line to line 41 Just press Shift v 41 gg

Shift+V n j or Shift+V n k

This selects the current line and the next/previous n lines. I find it very useful.

You can always just use antecedent numbers to repeat actions:

  • In visual mode, type 35 and the cursor will move down 35 times, selecting the next 35 lines
  • In normal mode:
    • delete 35 lines 35dd
    • paste 35 times 35p
    • undo 35 changes 35u
    • etc.

v35G will select everything from the cursor up to line 35.

v puts you in select mode, 35 specifies the line number that you want to G go to.

You could also use v} which will select everything up to the beginning of the next paragraph.

For selecting all in visual: Type Esc to be sure yor are in normal mode


type ENTER to go to the beginning of file


It could come in handy to know:

In order to select the same ammount of lines for example use 1v You should have done some modification to be able to use 1v, blockwise or linewise.

Today I saw this amazing tip from here:

 :5mark < | 10mark > | normal gvV
 :5mark < | 10mark > | normal gv

You can also reset the visual block boundaries doing so:

m< .......... sets the visual mode start point
m> .......... sets the visual mode end point