[vim] How do I set the default font size in Vim?

The other answers are what you asked about, but in case it’s useful to anyone else, here’s how to set the font conditionally from the screen DPI (Windows only):

set guifont=default
if has('windows')
    "get dpi, strip out utf-16 garbage and new lines
    "system() converts 0x00 to 0x01 for 'platform independence'
    "should return something like 'PixelsPerXLogicalInch=192'
    "get the part from the = to the end of the line (eg '=192') and strip
    "the first character
    "and convert to a number
    let dpi = str2nr(strpart(matchstr(substitute(
        \system('wmic desktopmonitor get PixelsPerXLogicalInch /value'),
        \'\%x01\|\%x0a\|\%x0a\|\%xff\|\%xfe', '', 'g'),
        \'=.*$'), 1))
    if dpi > 100
        set guifont=high_dpi_font