[git] Reduce git repository size

I tried looking for a good tutorial on reducing repo size, but found none. How do I reduce my repo size...it's about 10 MB, but the thing is Heroku only allows 50 MB and I'm no where near finished developing my app.

I added the usual suspects (log, vendor, doc etc) to .gitignore already. Although I only added .gitignore recently.

Any suggestions?

This question is related to git git-clean

The answer is

git gc --aggressive is one way to force the prune process to take place (to be sure: git gc --aggressive --prune=now). You have other commands to clean the repo too. Don't forget though, sometimes git gc alone can increase the size of the repo!

It can be also used after a filter-branch, to mark some directories to be removed from the history (with a further gain of space); see here. But that means nobody is pulling from your public repo. filter-branch can keep backup refs in .git/refs/original, so that directory can be cleaned too.

Finally, as mentioned in this comment and this question; cleaning the reflog can help:

git reflog expire --all --expire=now
git gc --prune=now --aggressive

An even more complete, and possibly dangerous, solution is to remove unused objects from a git repository

Update Feb. 2021, eleven years later: the new git maintenance command (man page) should supersede git gc, and can be scheduled.

Thanks for your replies. Here's what I did:

git gc
git gc --aggressive
git prune

That seemed to have done the trick. I started with around 10.5MB and now it's little more than 980KBs.

This should not affect everyone, but one of the semi-hidden reasons of the repository size being large could be Git submodules.

You might have added one or more submodules, but stopped using it at some time, and some files remained in .git/modules directory. To make redundant submodule files gone away, see this question.

However, just like the main repository, the other way is to navigate to the submodule directory in .git/modules, and do a, for example, git gc --aggressive --prune.

These should have a good impact in the repository size, but as long as you use Git submodules, e.g. especially with large libraries, your repository size should not change drastically.

In my case, I pushed several big (> 100Mb) files and then proceeded to remove them. But they were still in the history of my repo, so I had to remove them from it as well.

What did the trick was:

bfg -b 100M  # To remove all blobs from history, whose size is superior to 100Mb
git reflog expire --expire=now --all
git gc --prune=now --aggressive

Then, you need to push force on your branch:

git push origin <your_branch_name> --force

Note: bfg is a tool that can be installed on Linux and macOS using brew:

brew install bfg