[sublimetext2] Sublime Text 2 keyboard shortcut to open file in specified browser (e.g. Chrome)

Here is another solution if you want to include different browsers in on file. If you and Mac user, from sublime menu go to, Tools > New Plugin. Delete the generated code and past the following:

import sublime, sublime_plugin
import webbrowser

class OpenBrowserCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
   def run(self,edit,keyPressed):
      url = self.view.file_name()
      if keyPressed == "1":
         navegator = webbrowser.get("open -a /Applications/Firefox.app %s")
      if keyPressed == "2":
         navegator = webbrowser.get("open -a /Applications/Google\ Chrome.app %s")
      if keyPressed == "3":
         navegator = webbrowser.get("open -a /Applications/Safari.app %s")

Save. Then open up User Keybindings. (Tools > Command Palette > "User Key bindings"), and add this somewhere to the list:

{ "keys": ["alt+1"], "command": "open_browser", "args": {"keyPressed": "1"}},
{ "keys": ["alt+2"], "command": "open_browser", "args": {"keyPressed": "2"}},
{ "keys": ["alt+3"], "command": "open_browser", "args": {"keyPressed": "3"}}

Now open any html file in Sublime and use one of the keybindings, which it would open that file in your favourite browser.